#stevexreader slow burn
Quiet Life: Quarantine Edition
Pairing: Steve/Reader (Platonic, eventual Romantic)
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AN: This is unedited. Like entirely unedited. It’s quarantine, I don’t wanna, it’s just fanfiction and supposed to be fun so. No edit. Just write. 
Please remember to practice physical distancing and imagine you have a Steve to quarantine with. It’s tough now, I know, but we’re getting through it. 
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(I know it’s a weird gif choice, roll with it?) 
You sat in the car as Steve took another bag of groceries up the steps of another neighbor’s apartment. He knocked loudly before dashing down again. The entire truck of your car was filled with various bags of groceries. Steve waited on the curb until a little elderly lady shuffled to the door. He lifted a hand as she waved at him, her husband eventually joining her with the glass door staying firmly shut. Steve backed away and rejoined you in the car.
“Who’s next?” you asked as he consulted his list.
 “The Flynn’s are on this street and we have Ms. Mary’s prescriptions. She’s not supposed to run out until next week, but I’d rather get them over sooner rather than later,” he answered crossing the last house off the list. A Facebook group had been started for the neighborhood with needs and true to Captain America fashion, Steve had practically jumped into action. Spreadsheets had been consolidated and printed. Prescriptions were called in from home and permissions given for pickup.
 You were fairly sure Steve couldn’t contract the virus, but it wasn’t clear if he could pass it on. Either way, you stayed in the car and he went out into the world. You were lucky enough to be able to work from home, but others weren’t near as fortunate. Beyond that, you were both lucky enough to be able to go shopping, others like the Flynns simply couldn’t risk it.
 Pulling up to the next house on the list, Steve jumped out again to deliver the next bag of groceries and necessities. The same process repeated almost all the way down the street until the sun had set and the street lamps on.
 “Did you know Mr. Thomas actually served during the war?” Steve asked as you turned the car back towards home.
 “Nuh uh, do ya know where?” You asked pulling into your space in front of your apartment. Steve grabbed the remaining groceries as you unlocked the door.
 “Italy, I think. We never crossed paths,” he answered, setting down the bags on the counter. Neither of you wanted to go through quarantine by yourselves and with no family in the city, it was pretty easy to get Steve to move in for the time being. He went back to his apartment every few days or so, but for the most part, he crashed on your couch. It was better for both your mental health.
 That and Steve had a winning streak going on Mario Kart he was determined to keep. It wasn’t ideal or even recommended to be quarantined with someone, but neither of you were perfect and it’d be fine. Both of you dropped onto the couch resigning yourselves to the fact that it was going to be nearly a week before you went out on another grocery run for the neighbors. They all had your phone number for emergencies but this whole physical distancing was getting difficult.
 Steve nudged your leg with his knee making you side-eye him.
 “Want to lose at Mario again?”
@until-theend-oftheline​ @blacktithe7​ @kill-the-stereo​ @lavieenlex @justballoonfishthings​ @lostinwonderland314​ @what-if-i-am-weird​ @gh0stgurl​ @ayee-style​ @angryteapot​ @marianafrizas​ @katielu-blog @giggleberts​ @moonstar86​ @emnebula18​ @myfandomsmakemehappy  @crist1216​  @bedoflavender​ @marvelouspottering​
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Steve Freaking Harrington.
AN: ALRIGHT WELL I SAID I WAS WRITING A STEVE FIC AND I REALLY FUCKIN DID. It’s a slow burn so if you just want the smut part you’ll have to scroll for quite a while. I got a little carried away. I’m gunna call it “Part One” for now until I know what or where I'm going with it but I really hope you all enjoy it. Please let me know if there is anything I didn’t tag, or if you have any feedback. 
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Word count: 7705
Warnings: blood, talk of self harm, mentions of past self harm scars, fem reader, Dom Steve if you squint, unprotected sex (please always use protection), p in v, m oral receiving, fingering, m an f orgasm
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It was another long and boring day at Family Video. One of those days where I often just stood at the counter shifting my weight from foot to foot staring at the clock and trying to ignore whatever shitty move was playing on the tv behind me. Robin scribbled doodles on a scrap piece of paper and Steve hung around on the other side of the counter, leaning on his elbows with his head in his hands. "This is brutal" Steve said sighing.
"At least you don't have to go to school tomorrow" Robin muttered, still doodling.
I smiled a little. It became so familiar to listen to them bicker back and fourth. They were like an old married couple. "Ahh yes the young child complains about getting her education while not having to pay rent" I said side eyeing her.
"Okay I'm eighteen, which means legally I'm an adult so" she said raising her eyebrows. Steve and I shared a look before laughing.
"Just because you're eighteen doesn't mean you're not a kid, believe me" I thought back when I thought everything would change when I turned eighteen. It's a big deal for no real reason other than legally being an adult. You still can't drink, you're still in high school, and for most people, still living under their parents roof with everything paid for. But in the end you still were a kid who was clueless about the world. I wouldn't go as far to say that about Robin considering how mature she really was despite being as goofy as she is.
"Were you the one who got stuck in a Russian lab, or dungeon? Basement maybe? I'm not even sure what is was, but was that you? No it wasn't" she said crumpling up her doodle filled paper and throwing it at my head.
"Hey!" I sad rubbing my forehead where the crinkled ball had poked me before landing on the floor. "Listen I was probably laying in bed states away blissfully unaware, so no, I can't relate to that" I grabbed the paper ball and threw it into the trash, glancing at the clock again groaning I made my way over to the shelves and started spacing everything way too neatly just to pass time.
About an hour later I was now sitting on the floor still spacing each movie apart but now on the opposite side of the store when Robin came out of the back room loudly swinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Well see ya later losers, have fun closing up" And with a wink she was out the door. I gave her a quick wave and continued my spacing.
"(Y/N)?" Steve called.
"Over here!" I said peaking around one of the shelves.
"Why are you on the floor?" He said standing next to me.
"Because why would I stand up to do the bottom shelf?" I said back. Looking up at him. He was so beautiful. And he knew it, which made him more unbearable because he knew what to do, and when to do it, and who to do it too, so he could get the right reaction out of them. We became friends quite quickly when I started working at Family Video mainly from how much time we spent alone in the empty store, but also because Robin forced him to train me when I started so she wouldn't have to. I definitely don't blame her for that because training the newbie is always kind of boring. Although I had to thank her for that because if it wasn't for her distaste in training I don't know if I would have ever gotten as close to Steve as I have if he wasn't the one spending all that extra time training me.
After a few short months of getting to know Steve and opening up to him. I told him about how my home life wasn't exactly ideal and offered to let me stay in one of his spare bedrooms. His house was massive and his parent's rarely home, not that they minded me. They really liked me actually. I tried to deny Steves offer until one fairly rough night at home got just a little too much. So at two am he drove to my house, helped me pack up my belongings and took me 'home'. I refused to stay there without paying rent, and although Steve was very against it I kept sending the money to his parents so he couldn't stop me. All he had to do was give me that 'Steve Harrington' look and I would have caved and not payed him or his parents a single penny.
I always felt like he could see right through me. Like every time those brown eyes made their way to mine that he was reading every thought that entered my mind and could tell how I was feeling. Maybe it was just because he was supposedly good with women, or maybe he just started to figure out how to be good with me? It was a thought I had often of him and I together, not always rated G and I would never admit it to Robin let alone him. Robin picked up on my crush rather quickly and would teased me about it often but it was our little secret and Steve really hated that we had a secret. He hated not being apart of it especially with two of his closet friends but I just couldn't tell him.
I wasn't really part of his crowd, even with all the fourteen year olds, and I never wanted to push my luck and force myself onto them or into their group. I knew they were all super close and that Steve cared for each of them as if they were his own children. It was cute seeing him take on this paternal instinct around them, like it was so natural and he had been doing it his whole life. Maybe it was because his parents weren't really around and he kind of had to parent himself.
His parents being MIA would definitely explain his old reputation I heard so much about from Robin. "King Steve" they would call him, and apparently he was a bit of a dick, but that changed, and he never went back to being that person. I'm glad I got to know him as the Steve he is now otherwise I'm not so sure we would get along, but together were just a couple of goofs who "Share one brain cell" between the two of us as Robin often tells us.
"Hellooooo" Steve said waving a hand in front of my face snapping me from my thoughts.
"W-what? What's up?" I said trying to act casual.
"You were day dreaming about me again weren't you" He said teasing.
"Again? Bold of you to assume I've day dreamed about you at all, let alone multiple times Harrington" I teased back. Finally standing up from floor, pulling my shorts back down my thighs from bunching I wiggled slightly and sighed. Steve eyed me suspiciously.
"Can you come help me move that big table in the back? A new shipment of snacks and shit should be here in the morning so Keith want's space for it" He said shoving his hands deep into his jeans. Which I didn't even think was possible, considering how wonderfully tight they were.
"Yes sir!" I said giving him a salute and making my way to the back. "I hate this table" I said standing at one end of it, my hands cuffed around the metal edge ready to lift. "Why?" Steve questioned going to the other end. "It's just a table" he said and laughed as he lifted his end. Nodding his head to tell me I was good to lift my end. As I lifted it pain seared through my palm and I gritted my teeth as we slowly shimmied to get the table to the other side of the room. Dropping my end of the table abruptly I grabbed my hand quickly noticing blood dripping from it. I hopped up and down muttering profanities until Steve asked me what was wrong.
"Fucking stupid table, I told you I didn't like, and it fucking cut me!" I said holding up my hand while still holding it with my other hand attempting to keep the bleeding at bay not knowing how bad the cut actually was.
"Jesus Christ (Y/N) you're bleeding everywhere!" Steve said rushing to the bathroom to retrieve the first aid kid. "No shit Sherlock" I said following him.
"Sit on the toilet" He ordered, closing the lit and gesturing to it with a nod of his head while he kneeled in front of me rummaging through the tiny red box.  I tapped my feet frantically up and down while I waited for Steve. "Okay so, we have to clean it, and that's going to hurt a lot even if it isn't as deep of a cut as it looks" he said glancing up at me. I guess he could see the concern on my face and rubbed my knee briefly. "It'll be over before you know it"
I groaned leaning back into the toilet, a few whimpers escaping my mouth as the pain continued. I watched Steve as he carefully set everything up, and even washed his hands before returning to the floor in front of me. Tipping the bottle of rubbing alcohol onto one of the pieces of gauze he steadied himself between my legs and held out his hand. I hesitated clutching my hand a little closer to my chest fearing how bad the alcohol was going to make it sting. Steves eyes softened and his mouth turned up into a small smile. "We gotta get it clean" He said softly. I slowly sat up straight and cautiously gave him my hand finally letting go of it with my other hand. He held it gently in his as he rested it on top of my thigh. "Do you want me to count to three or something?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"No- Wait! Yes, please. Please count" I said.
"Okay" Steve said taking a deep breath. "One-"
He never made it to three before patting the wet gauze onto my hand and I yelped out but he held my hand in place. "You fucker!" I spat. Tears threatening to spill over.
"Oh you're fine" He said giving my hand a final swipe. "Look it's not even that bad! Just a little cut" Cutting a smaller piece of fresh gauze he placed it onto my palm and used medical tape to keep it in place. I watched as his fingers worked delicately around my hands, cleaning off the excess blood. I could feel my heart beat in my ears, and my skin get hot.
"You're looking a little pale there. You alright?" Steve asked. Resting his hands on my knees.
"I think I might pass out" I said weakly, feeling the tips of my fingers go numb and the room spin slightly.
"Not on my watch, come here" He said as he lifted me off the toilet and onto the floor, positioning my arms and legs so I was sat with my head between my legs. "Alright I need you to take some slow deep breaths okay? In through your nose and out through your mouth"
I did as he said and only lifted my head when the heart beat in my ears faded and the room stopped spinning. Taking a final deep breath I leaned back resting my head against the bathroom wall.
"There's that colour coming back to that pretty face" Steve said rubbing my cheek lightly with his thumb. I hummed, closing my eyes and leaning into his warm palm. Realizing what I was doing I cleared my throat and moved away from his hand. "Thank you for uh" I said raising my hand. "Fixing me" I let out an awkward laugh.
"It was my pleasure" He said smiling and standing up. For a moment I thought his cheeks might have been a slight pink but maybe I was just seeing things. I did almost just pass out so I don't know if I fully trust my own brain right now. "Take a minute to take breather, I'll clean up the blood while you do that"
I got up slowly after a few minutes of extra sitting just to make sure I wasn't going to topple over and fall unconscious and hitting my head off of something and then bleeding out in the Family Video bathroom. definitely not how I want to die. Eventually I made my way back out into the store and to the counter where Steve was counting the till whispering the numbers slightly as he flipped through the money.
Scribbling, he ran a hand through his hair before noticing me. "Hey, I grabbed a few accident report papers for you to fill out" He said pointing to them on the counter next to him.
A small laugh bubbled in my chest as I reached for them, folding them into a square and shoving them into my bag knowing I would never actually fill them out.  As if reading my thoughts like I always thought he was, he said. "I already filled one out, so don't lie and tell me you're going to fill it out and then never do it"
A blush rose to my cheeks. I don't know how he knew me so well. Maybe I was just really predictable. "Alright, double check this for me and then we are good to go" He said holding his pen out towards me. I grabbed it and stood on my tippy toes, leaning against the counter as I tapped the numbers into the calculator. "Still can't do the math in your head?" Steve whispered, not wanting to disrupt my counting. "Shut it Harrington" I mumbled giving a final check and my signature to the paper. Throwing the pen down onto the counter I raised my good hand for a high five which Steve reciprocated with a dramatic wave of his hand before slapping it against mine and giving it a light squeeze.
After locking the door behind us I followed slowly behind Steve to his car, waiting at the passenger door for him to unlock it before sliding into the seat. I tucked my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on them and wrapped my arms around them tightly. It was hard being around Steve all the time and I knew that living with him was going to be even harder, but I had only been there for a few weeks. Sitting in my room with my door always open out of habit, he would walk by fresh out of the shower, a towel hung low on his waist, his happy trail sparkling with drops of water still stuck to it. He never caught me staring in those moments thankfully, but it didn't stop me from wanting to kick down his door and kiss him.
"You okay?" Steve said breaking the silence.
"Yeah, just in my own head" Which wasn't a lie, I just couldn't tell him what exactly was going through my mind.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours" He asked turning down his street.
"It's nothing you need to worry about" I said forcing a smile. When he pulled up into the drive way I got out quickly, almost too quickly as I heard Steve hiss from behind me when I opened the car door before it was fully stopped.
I silently cursed at myself when I got to the front door realizing it was locked and that once again I had to wait for Steve. We still hadn't gone out to get a new copy of the house key for me, so I had to rely on him for another fucking thing.
"Please don't do that again, I could have ran over your foot or something, and I do not think I could deal with that complaining" He said walking in front of me, my shoulder slightly brushing his arm in the process, causing goosebumps to raise on my skin. He unlocked the door and opened it, gesturing with his arm for me to enter first which I did quickly. I sped up the stairs, the sound of my converse slapping against the hardwood as I went. Reaching my room I belly flopped collapsing onto my bed, breathing in the familiar scent of Steves laundry detergent on my blankets. I kicked off my shoes still laying on my stomach and heard them hit the floor with a thud. What the hell was I going to do? This crush is getting worse by the minute and I think I might actually explode. I felt like a bottle of unopened coke that had been shaken so severely that it might just burst without the seal of its plastic lid ever breaking.
I was growing annoyed with myself and obviously Steve. Because why did he have to be so fucking nice to me? No one was this nice to me, not even my parents. The people around town, knew me as that 'drunk dudes daughter' and even though I don't go to school with them, those preppy teenagers bullied me as if they had known me for years. As if I didn't have enough of my own thoughts to bully me. I pulled one of my sleeves up looking at the thin white raised scars along my wrist and forearm. Tracing them with my fingers I sighed and pulled my sleeve back down over them. It was a habit I finally recovered from, but still sometimes I found myself yearning for that familiar release.  No one in I knew Hawkins knew about it. The weather had still been cold enough when I first moved here that I could always wear sweaters and long sleeves without it being questioned. I dreaded the warm weather that had started to creep in weeks ago and I forced myself into a pair of shorts today before going to work. But it was always chilly inside the store so again the sleeves weren't questioned.
A soft knock from behind me is what broke me out of my thoughts. Rolling my head to the side and out of the corner of my eye Steve stood leaning against the doorframe of my room not daring to enter it without permission like a vampire. "Hi" I said quietly. "Come in" I rolled over and sat up crossing my legs.
Steve came in and sat in the chair at my desk. "What's going on with you?" He said looking at me.
"What do you mean?" I said pretending to be confused.
"I don't know you've been weird all day, and the getting out of the car before it was stopped?" He shrugged leaning back. "It's not like you, you usually talk to me" his eyes were soft and a worried expression slowly formed in his face.
Without telling him exact details, I took a deep breath and said. "I have a crush..." My cheeks felt hot and I avoided eye contact by picking at a loose thread in one of my socks.
"You have a crush" Steve repeated. I nodded. "It's been consuming every waking moment of my brain, and I don't know how much longer I can cope with it, I want to like" I stopped furrowing my brows thinking of the words. "-Like peel my skin off"
Steve stifled a laugh as I finally looked up at him. "Don't laugh it's not funny!"
He held his hands up in defence trying his best to suppress his laughing. "Okay I'm sorry, it's not funny. Does he have a girlfriend or something?" He questioned.
"Or she, don't be so quick to assume Harrington" I said smirking. "I mean have you seen women?"
"I have actually yeah" he laughed. "Okay so why can't you confront this 'crush'" he said using air quotes around the word crush.
"Because it's just one of those things, it would ruin everything, especially if he didn't like me back" I said the last part more quietly than intended. "I'm just waiting for it to fade, but its hard, and there's only so many cold showers I can take"
Steve choked, coughing into his fist. He shifted, seeming a little uneasy. "So why don't you... You know..." he trailed off.
"The word is masturbate Steve" I said laughing.
"Yeah I know" he said annoyed. "Its just hard to imagine you doing that"
"I don't think it's that hard" I stated leaning my back against my wooden headboard.
He stood up abruptly. "Alright I'm leaving, I'm tired" he said walking towards the door.
"Can't handle the thought Harrington?" I said teasing, getting up to rummage around for some comfy clothes.
"I really can't" He said giving me slow side smile as he walked down the hall to his bedroom and shut the door.
I stood up frozen, an old pink tank top held tightly in my hands wincing a little at my bandaged palm. What the hell was that? I glanced towards my door where he no longer stood with my mouth open in confusion. Shaking my head I walked into our shared bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I could feel the summer heat invading the house already and frowned. Lastly I cleaned my hand taking off the bandage giving it time to breathe and finally made my way into bed.
I woke up to heat. So much heat. Sitting up in my bed I felt the back of my tank top cling to me and the skin of my thighs that had been touching were slick with sweat. Why was it so fucking hot? Stumbling out of bed even my bare feat stuck to the floor as I made my way down stairs. Steve stood in the middle of the kitchen, tools splayed out all over the counters, a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face and onto his shoulder, his naked chest slightly shiny as the sweat clung to his chair. A pair of old basketball shorts hanging just a little lower on his hips than they should be. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before noticing me standing in front of him.
"AC is broken" He said frowning.
"Fuck me" I said running my hands through my hair. Only now realizing I was stood in front of him in a very short and tight tank top and a pair of pink pajama shorts. His eyes glanced down and back up quickly before clearing his throat and continuing his search for whatever specific tool he was looking for. "What are you even doing? Do you know how to fix it?" I questioned.
"No I don't have a fucking clue how to fix it (Y/N)" He said clearly annoyed, while planting his palms flat onto the counter with a light smack to look up at me.
"Sorry" I said shrinking into my shoulders a little. I didn't mean to upset him.
"No, no" He wiped his forehead again. "I'm sorry, I'm just hot and frustrated, I didn't mean to snap"
"It's okay" I said giving him a sly smile. "it was kind of hot?" I admitted.
"Hot? What being rude?"
"Yeah a little" I said biting my lip to stifle a laugh. "I mean I'm sure you've been mean, like sexually to girls in bed right?"
He scratched the back of his head. "Well I mean yeah" His cheeks turning a little more pink than they already were.
"So then there you go" I said clapping my hands together. I walked towards to fridge opening the freezer grabbing a red popsicle from the box at the back.
"Breakfast?" He smirked. I saluted him with the popsicle in hand. "I'm getting in the pool" I stated, walking past him and out the back door sitting down on the ledge of the pool sticking my feet in. Ripping the plastic off of the popsicle I popped the end of it into my mouth swirling it around. The water was cold and I shivered as it touched my skin but it felt so good. I moaned a little, leaning back onto my hand letting my head fall back. The sun wasn't high enough in the sky yet to burn me just yet, and I watched as it sprinkled through the leaves of the trees. A slight breeze came and went every so often and it really helped along with my nearly melted popscile. It was better than the stale hot air from inside the house. Sliding the last bit of it off of the wooden stick I gave my hands a quick rinse with the pool water.
I heard some loud banging and then the back door open aggressively and Steve stomped out, clearly still frustrated. Sitting down next to me he sighed, the cold water very obviously instantly calming him.
"I called my parents, they said someone will come to fix the AC tomorrow" He said quietly.
"Okay" I said softly while swinging my feet back and fourth in the water, listening to the rippling noises. I leaned back so my back was now flat against the concrete and rolled my tank top until it sat right under my boobs. If I was going to be out here I might as well try to work on my tan. I traced patterns lazily along my stomach and felt myself relaxing into my own touch.  
The phone ran from inside of the house and I squinted, only opening one eye to look over at Steve who sighed before getting up to go answer it. Leaning back up onto my elbows I decided to finally just get into the water. Getting up and walking to the shallow end and walked down the few steps until I was waist deep, my hands swaying around me in the water. I would have put on a swim suit but I had no intention of going back into that hell hot house unless absolutely necessary. Taking a deep breath I dipped my head under the water standing back up gasping lightly at the cold temperature against my chest. It was almost euphoric how good the water felt.
Steve emerged again from the house and resumed his position at the edge of the pool. "The children want to come and use the pool, and because I can't say no to those little shit heads, they'll be here in fifteen"
I laughed lightly while continuing to swirl the water around me with my hands. "You and those tiny children"
"You can't call them tiny, most of them are taller than you" Steve said kicking water towards me. "You're literally in the shallow end of a pool and it's almost at your boobs"
I rolled my eyes and attempted to splash him back but the water didn't reach him as much as I wanted to. "Will you ever let me live it down that I'm short?"
"Never" he said smiling. I watched his eyes glance down clearly at my chest and then back up, craning his neck pretending to look at the sky.
Blushing I looked down, realizing the tank top I was wearing was almost see through. Panicking I covered my chest crossing my arms and hooking my hands into my armpits for maximum protection. Before I could speak, I heard the loud voices of the young gang approaching the backyard. "Shit" I mumbled and sunk down into the water so it would cover my exposed chest.
"Steve I need you to get me a different shirt" I said quietly.
"Oh why?" He said jokingly. "Don't want a bunch of teenagers seeing your nipples?" He glanced down again quickly.
"Stop flirting and go get me a different shirt please" I begged through gritted teeth.
The kids stumbled into the backyard yelling, laughing, and pushing each other. "(Y/N)!" Max yelled running over to the edge of the pool closet to me. "I was really hoping I wasn't going to be the only girl out here, because if I spend one more minute with them, my brain might actually start losing IQ points"
I let out a small laugh, still keeping my shoulders below the water. The boys instantly jumped into the pool, and began beating each other with pool noodles they brought along with them. Max sat at the edge of the pool, sunglasses on and a book in her hands with a small towel hung over her freckled shoulders, probably preventing herself from getting sun burnt.
Eventually Steve finally returned, one of his t-shirts in hand, and a bunch of towels tucked under his arm. I swam back over to the edge of the pool and held my hand out so he could pass it to me, and he almost did, but instead hesitated and stepped back with a smirk on his face. He walked back a bit and placed it on one of the lounge chairs. "Shirts here if you still need it" He said pointing down to it.
"Steve can you bring it to me please?"
"Nah I think you can come and get it"
I groaned. "Steve can you please just bring it to me, I don't have time for your stupid mind games right now"
That caused a few chuckles out of the boys and I smiled.
"What's the problem?" Max asked. "Why won't he give you the shirt?"
"Because he's annoying" I said matter of factly.
"Why don't you just go and get it?" Dustin asked.
"Because she doesn't want everyone to see her boobs" Steve said laughing slightly.
The boys all groaned and I even heard one of them mutter "Gross" turning their attention back to each other, and although I wanted to laugh at them for being so immature I held my glare at Steve.
What game is he trying to play right now? I stared at him mouth agape not knowing what to do, or what was going on in that big head of his. And then he slowly licked his lips, his tongue darting out briefly and then I knew. He was coming onto me. But why? And why now? Was this is normal friendly flirting that he does with me and Robin all the time, or was this actual flirting, because if he is actually flirting right now, the heat that is barreling down onto my back from the sun is not helping the rising temperature growing throughout my body.
So mustering all the courage I had, I walked slowly over to the steps dunking my head under the water again one last time before beginning to walk up and out of the pool while smoothing my hair back out of my face. I walked towards Steve, and squeezed the water out of the side of my tank top knowing he was watching my every move. I stood in front of him, looking up at him through my wet lashes and reached for the bottom of my top before lifting it over my head leaving me completely bare chested in front of him. His breath hitched and I watched him swallow hard, his Adams apple bobbing as he did so. Reaching down for the shirt, still not breaking eye contact I pulled it over my head.  
"Don't forget to blink there big boy" I said patting his chest and walking past him back into the house.
Once I was about halfway up the stairs I let out a breath I was apparently holding. "Holy shit" I whispered. I shook my head and headed to the bathroom to wash the chlorine off of my skin, and to maybe cool down a little extra, away from everyone. Stripping myself of my wet clothes I turned the shower on, making the water just barely warm enough to not overheat me while in there.
I stood there for a moment, just letting the water fall over me trying to compose my thoughts but the sound of the bathroom door opening distracted me. Leaning around the shower curtain I saw Steve who was shutting the door behind him and locking it before turning to face me. "Uh I'm in the shower?" I stated but it came out more like a question. "Yeah I can see that" He laughed and began to start taking off his shorts.
I quickly avoided any sort of eye contact with him and leaned back into the shower, my hands covering my face. "Steve what the hell, what are you doing?" Eyes still covered I heard the shower curtain move again and felt Steve brush against me.
"I'm showering" He said as if he's done this a million times before, and maybe he had, but not with me.
I stood there, awkwardly silent, unsure of what to say, or what to do next. Steves hands came up, and he placed them gently over mine encouraging me to take them off of my face and I let him but still kept my eyes closed. His thumb rubbed gently over one of my scars and I flinched slightly at the thought of him knowing. He brought my wrist up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to it. "I'm not going to bite (Y/L/N)" he said softly still holding my hands.
Slowly I opened one eye, peaking out of it slightly to look up at him. "I mean I only bite if you're into that" A small smirk forming at the sides of his mouth.
Instinctively I rolled my eyes and laughed finally looking up at him. He kept his eyes on my face, never once looking down at my naked frame, as if he didn't just see my boobs ten minutes prior to disrupting my shower. "Shouldn't you be watching the kids?"
"They basically left as soon as you did, talking about that board game they play with Eddie Munson"
I nodded slowly and bit my bottom lip.
"That was a bold move back there" he said moving a piece of wet hair that clung to my face, his hand lingering ever so slightly on my cheek.
"I agree" I said turning my head. I didn't know where to look, and looking at him this close to me, would only make things worse, so instead I settled on a tiny crack in the tile just to the left behind him. "Um Steve?" I said quietly, hesitantly glancing at him.
"Why are you in the shower with me?" I watched him this time as he was the one to avoid my gaze. His cheeks turning pink, he scratched the back of his head.
"I honestly wasn't thinking straight, I just- I just started walking, and then I couldn't stop seeing you standing in front of me topless in the back of my mind, and so here I am..." He said trailing off. "I think because you finally noticed"
"Noticed what?"
"That I was hitting on you"
"Well yeah it was kind of hard to miss, you've never done that before"
He chuckled, his head leaning back slightly. "I've been hitting on you since the day I met you (Y/N)"
My mouth opened slightly in shock and I stared at him for a moment. "Wait a minute" I said taking a small step back to get a better look at him. "You waited until you were inches away from me, NAKED" I said emphasizing the word naked. "To tell me you've been hitting on me"
"I'll admit it wasn't the best decision I've made, but I had to act quick, I didn't want to go a second more without you knowing, especially with this crush you keep talking about" He sounded almost jealous and now it was my turn to laugh.
"S-Steve" I said in-between laughs. "It's you. You're the one I have a crush on"
We both stared at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. I clutched my sides in pain from laughing and Steve held onto one of my shoulders.
"How long has Robin been coaching you?" I asked, still giggling.
"Oh everyday, every fucking day"
"She's been helping me!" I said laughing a little harder again. "Well we can never say she's a bad friend because she didn't tell either of us that we were crushing on each other this whole time"
"I think she might actually be the best after this" He said looking back at me. Finally looking into his eyes I still felt like he could see right through me.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked quietly.
I nodded my head a little too eagerly but he smiled, holding both sides of my face in his hands and kissed me gently on the lips. They were slow, sweet kisses, like we wanted to savour every moment, every feeling, every taste. He lowered his hands to my waist pulling me closer to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck sinking into the kiss. Breaking the kiss slowly he smiled, "You taste like cherry"
He began to place light kisses along my jaw and down my neck. I tilted my head back slightly to give him more room. Kissing both of my collar bones he stopped looking at me. "You can touch me Steve" I said blushing. He continued kissing my chest, going lower and lower until his tongue quickly grazed my nipple. One hand holding the other boob squeezing lightly, his thumb brushing over my nipple, while he kissed, licked, and sucked onto the other one before returning his mouth to mine.
I felt his hard erection brush against my leg, and I looked down reaching for it and wrapped my hand around it. He groaned into my mouth as I began to jerk him slowly. "We don't have to keep going" He said breathlessly. "I don't want to rush you- Fuuuck you're good at this" his head tilted back and the water ran down his muscular chest. Please with myself I smiled and pepper kisses all over his torso. "I don't want to stop" I said mumbling between kisses against his chest. "I've been thinking about this for far too long to stop now Harrington" I said shifting so I was now knelt in front of him. He didn't notice until I wrapped my mouth around him. A hearty gasp leaving his lips as his head fell forward, his hands instantly going into my hair. I bobbed my head back and fourth swirling my tongue around the tip every so often causing the grip he had in my hair to tighten. "You thought about this?"
"Mhmm" I said still wrapped around him.
"Get up" He ordered tapping me on the shoulder. I pulled back from him, drool rolling down my chin. He pulled me back up kissing me until my back hit the wall of the other side of the shower. "Leg up" He said grabbing my thigh, instructing me to put my foot on the edge of the tub. He turned around, reaching up and pulled down the detachable shower head, changing the setting to something a little stronger. A setting I had used many times before. He stood close to me, as close as he could without ripping the shower head off of the wall, and slowly raised the water up and against my leg until the water rippled against my clit. I jerked back, my ass hitting off the wall and I leaned forward holding onto his bicep. "Holy fuck St-Steve" I said leaning my head against his chest. "If I cum like this, it'll be too much to have sex" I said quickly, finally feeling my orgasm slowly grow.
"No sex, I just want to make you cum" he said shifting beginning to shake the shower head side to side so the water rolled back and forth lightly against my clit.
"No, I want you to fuuuuu-uck. Fuck! Please fuck me Steve" I whimpered my legs beginning to shake. Putting the shower head back in it's place he turned back to me "Don't have to tell me twice"
I clenched my thighs together tightly catching my breath in the brief moment of relief until he slid his hand in between my legs rubbing my clit a few times more. I whined, my mouth falling slack when he added a finger into me curling it upwards. "Please" I begged. "Please, I need you to fuck me, please" He continued to curl his finger into me harshly before abruptly removing it, sticking the finger into his mouth, cleaning myself off of him with his tongue. I reached a hand towards him and whispered "Please" one more time while batting my eyelashes. "I could get used to you begging" He hummed, while bringing me into him, turning me around and trailing kisses down the back of my neck and to my shoulder.
"Steveeee" I breathed and pushed my ass into his dick. He smacked it lightly and I squealed, laughing a little.
"You poor sweet thing" he said opening my legs and positioning himself behind me. I bent over as best as I could and held onto the wall. Swiping the tip of his dick against me, my eyes rolled back and I moaned loudly. "So desperate" his chuckled halted as he slowly inched his tip into me. A small cry left my mouth.
"You okay?" He breathed.
"Never been better" I huffed. "Keep going" I instructed. "I'm okay, it feels good" I reassured him, reaching behind me to pat his hand that held onto my hip.
He nodded furrowing his brows as he slipped the rest of him into me. My knees locking together, pleasure filling my stomach.
"Fucking hell (Y/N)"
My name sounded like honey coming out of his mouth like that. Slowly he began thrusting into me, picking up speed only after reaching down between my legs rubbing light circles. "You feel so good pretty girl" He cooed into my neck, just below my ear. I continued to whine and moan, writhing against him, pushing my ass back into each thrust. He smacked my ass again, my orgasm building more. "Keep fucking yourself on me like that"
And I did. I rocked back and forth attempting to keep my balance as sturdy as I could with the floor being slick with water and the edge of my orgasm trying to burst. I slowed down, unable to keep fucking myself on him with the fast heavy circles he made on my clit. My stomach began to tighten and my breath quickened. "I'm going to cum, don't stop, please don't stop, oh my god, just like that, yes, fuck" I leaned up slightly and he pulled me into him, my arched back against his chest as he continued rubbing. "Cum for me, cum on my cock"
My legs began to tremble and head rolled back as I loudly rode out my orgasm with the most ungodly moans and whimpers. He started to fuck me again holding almost all of my weight. "Cum in my mouth" I slurred, still in the euphoria of my orgasm. Pulling away from him I got back onto my knees in front of him opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out. "Fuck you're so goddamn pretty" He said leaning down to kiss me briefly, jerking himself. The tip of his cock rested on the flat of my tongue as his cum shot out into my mouth. A loud groan leaving his lips in the process. Giving the tip a gently lick up the back I brought his cum to the back of my mouth and swallowed and smiled back up at him.
"Come here beautiful" he said reaching his hands out to me so he could help me stand. I wobbled slightly. Wiping whatever cum was left off of my face with his thumb he kissed me. Slow and gently, just like the first one. "Lets get washed up, and then go watch a movie or something yeah?"
I smiled lazily blinking slowly. "God you're already so fucked out of your mind for me" he laughed.
"What can I say, you did a good job"
He kissed me on the nose before reaching over to grab a loofa and lather it with soap.
We gave ourselves a proper shower, stealing kisses from one another often. When we got out, Steve instructed I stayed in my room until he told me I could come out. I got dressed in a baggy shirt, and some boy short underwear keeping minimal clothing on as the house was still very hot. I heard lots of groaning and shuffling outside of my door. "Are you okay?" I yelled.
"I'm fine!" He huffed.
Another ten minutes later, I was almost falling asleep at my desk when Steve knocked and opened the door. "You can come downstairs now" A large smile spread across his face.
Following him down the stair and into the living room, he stopped motioning his hands towards the floor while saying "Ta-da!"
he had set it all up for a movie night. His mattress laying in the middle, with every pillow in the house, and a couple of thin blankets. Two fans blew cool air towards the bed, and my small stuffed fox and childhood blanket were tucked into one side of the 'bed'.  Different snacks were placed onto the coffee table and a few different movies were stacked on top of each other on the floor in front of the TV.  Smiling I hopped down onto the bed, cuddling my fox and blanket to my chest, sighing softly into the pillows. Steve came and joined me under the blankets pulling me into him. "I couldn't leave your little buddies all alone in your bed" He said poking the small fox on the head and I stifled a giggle. He kissed the top of my forehead and attempted to pull me closer to him.
It didn't take long for both of us to fall asleep. The sounds of the oscillating fans humming lulled us to sleep quickly before we could even discuss which movie we wanted to watch.
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wildmoonflower · 4 years
Run For Your Love
Summary: Who would have thought that a morning run can bring You something else than just a strong urge to die or kill Your friends? You didn't expect to meet the love of Your life, that’s for sure.
A/N: This is my short addition for @kitkatd7 challenge with prompt 'Please don't make me.' Congratulation on the beautiful milestone and thank You for extending the dead-line. :) Hope You all enjoy the reading. Pairing: StevexReader Warning: none, maybe some light swearing Word count: 2749
  First golden rays of sun lit up the pink sky, foretelling a sunny beautiful day. Warm breeze ruffled the leaves on the trees, their pure green colour clear indication of late spring. Despite the early hour, the park in New York already bustled with life and sounds. Pet owners chatting while their furry friends run around, more than often disturbing the peace of readers, spread on the blankets or the concentration of artist, trying to catch the beauty of the morning on the canvas and papers. Stony paths were busy with life too as runners were having their morning run, loners and couples alike. 
  One particular pair of runners stood out more than others. With the speed higher than some sleepy eyes could notice and movements more fluid and swift than humanly possible, it was given that two super-soldiers stood out like a sore thumb. There was a time when Bucky hated when Steve forced him to go run with him out in the open, not in the closed space of the gym with the special treadmills Tony created for their super-human speed. 
"You have to get used to normal society, Buck," Steve gave him a pity smile,"show them your calm, domestic side, not only the new Avenger." Bucky understood, he really did, but it didn't mean he had to like it, nor enjoy it. So he forced himself out of the bed every morning for his sake and honestly, it was worth it seeing Steve's relieved face mixed with pride. 
After running at almost full speed for an hour, finally both super-soldiers were slightly out of breath, finding their spot under the tree that casted a huge shadow, giving the shelter from the sun to several more people, including a young girl reading a medical book, an elderly man in great shape who was currently in a weird yoga pose that looked as if he broke his back and two young men who clearly finished their run too, their breath quick and short, faces red and sweaty. They were waiting for somebody, Bucky could easily tell from their bodies slightly turned to side so they could see the paved path, his sensitive ears catching something like 'slow, angry, won't go with us ever again'. 
"Buck? You listening?" Flinching, Bucky looked up to Steve. He knew Bucky still hasn't lost his habit of scanning the area and people around, looking for any indication of danger, escape routes and possible weapons. But this time, Steve couldn't bring himself to say anything as he always did the same, his super senses and brain analyzing and planning, a habit he rarely tried to stop. "Sam said he can go run with us tomorrow when he comes back from the mission." "He tries too hard to keep up." Bucky grumbled but in the end, he was glad. Tower tended to be quite intense when Tony and Buck were in the same room and without Sam's constant shouting and attempts to distract Bucky, his tension grew. 
"You say that but who was running backwards right next to him last time, nice and slow just to piss him off?" Steve jabbed at Bucky, laughing at his friend who doubled over and proceeded to almost slip up, sending both into another fit of laughter, succesfully ending their run as both men slid down in the shadow of a big oak tree, revelling in the comfortable buzz of life around them. Not that either of them needed the rest. It was Sam's idea, his way of lifting spirit after a bad day, night or a bad mission. Bucky had to chuckle just how much Sam-like it was, surrounding himself with life and hustle of humans. 
Their peaceful silence was short-lived when huffing puffing woman suddenly stopped next to the spot where they sat, collapsing right in front of them. Before any of them could even overcome the shock, hard breathing woman raised her fist and smacked Steve in his shin, the anger and frustration clear in her voice. "Thank you for waiting for me, you two pricks!" Unknown girl hid her face in the crook of her elbow, breathy voice muted: "You promised you won't leave me behind if I will go on a run with you. And you disappeared. After. Five. Minutes!" Each of her last words were ended with a smack in Steve's shin, who was now forcing back the smile while Bucky was already trembling, his left hand pressing against his ribs. 
"Uhmm, Ma'am?" Steve cleared his throat as it constricted at the sight of her eyes shooting open, burying in his soul. In his head, tens of colour combination swirled around, trying to copy the beautiful colour he was seeing but Steve knew- he knew that no matter how much practice he has in drawing, neither him nor any artist would ever be able to catch the true beauty of mysterious woman's eyes.  Little, barely noticeable crow's feet in the corner of her eyes from laughing and at looking at the sun, much more prominent spark, a sign of keen mind and undeniably, Steve's breath did hitched a little at their warmth. Simply, everything about her eyes pulled Steve in, even a small mole on her right eyelid tempted Steve to kiss it. "Oh my God." Woman whispered, still lying down on the soft grass, "oh my God, you are not my two idiots!"
´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ The moment Y'N's alarm rang in the morning, at the time when the bed just looked and felt the best, she just knew this day will test her very being. First test was Martin and Jake knocking on her doors, dressed for their run, brimming with energy that Y/N usually felt maybe two hours after waking up. Instead of normal breakfast of toast with bacon and eggs, a small bowl of hummus and banana has been thrusted in sleepy hands as Jake run to the closet, trying to find the good work-out outfit, horrified of obvious lack of presentable clothes, finding only clothes for work and clothes for sleeping while Martin ushered Y/N to bathroom, instructing her to do the morning hygiene.
Y/N still couldn't wrap her brain why did she accept their offer to morning run. She always hated running, her whole life she avoided running, of course, except the P.E. classes. She was what people called a person with two left feet. Clumsy. Inept. Running was dangerous, running was...personal Hell. So why did she suddenly accepted Martin's offer? She didn't know. It was probably the sad expression of her favourite neighbor when she refused at first, maybe the pleading eyes of his boyfriend. 
With the reasons still unknown, an hour later she found herself on her knees, panting like a dog, sweating and even without a mirror, Y/N knew her face resembled a tomato juice. Kneeling in front of two men she didn't know like an idiot, after smacking their legs, like an idiot, while her real two idiot friends were in her peripherals, slapping their knees like retarded seals.
"I-I am sorve!" Y/N's face couldn't be more red as she bit her tongue. At that point, dark haired man looked like he suffered a stroke, one hand pressing deeply in his side while other arm, oddly shining in the morning sun covered his face, whole body shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. It was the other guy that officially took Y/N's last breath away as she locked eyes with most gorgeous blue she has ever seen, softest blue that seemed to burn a hole inside of her now shame-ridden soul. Handsome young face almost couldn't belong to these eyes, to these old, sad, wise eyes. 
Lost in the sea of blue, Y/N didn't notice Martin and Jake approach, her focus snapping when latter crouched beside her, still wiping the tears from his eyes. "Are you okay, Y/N?" Jake handed Y/N a water bottle, turning to Steve when she just opened her mouth just to close it again, like a fish out of the water, staring at Steve and then finally looking down, shaking her head. "We're sorry, man. We underestimated her dislike for running, didn't thought it would break her." "It's okay," Steve shook the outstretched hands one by one, holding Y/N's unconsciously little longer,"I'm Steve. Nice to meet you."
"I'm James." Bucky, finally catching his breath nodded his head and looked at Y/N, eyebrow raised:"Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you the girl that girl who was pushed into the duck pond last week, by some big dog playing fetch?" Round of laughter passed as Y/N nodded her head and sighed.  "Week before that I slipped on a puddle and took down a running lady."
While Y/N's face was slowly gaining it's normal colour, she watched Steve in the corner of her eye. Now that they were standing, she could see that man was standing tall, unlike his friend who was, despite being almost same height, slightly hunched over, as if trying to be less noticeable or appear less threatening. "Y/N?" Y/N flinched as a hand appeared in front of her face, snapping her out of her bubble. "I have to go back, this took longer than I thought. Are you staying with Jake for another lap or what?" Martin asked, puffing out air at Y/N's horrified expression.
"Please don't make me." Slight tremble in her voice expressed the horror of that thought, ignoring the fake offended gasp of her friend. She could swear she saw a bling of disappointment in Steve's eyes.
"Same goes for us, Stevie." Bucky patted Steve on the back, his eyes shifting between his best friend and Y/N, who were both trying very hard to steal a glance at each other while failing miserably. "I quess we will be seeing you tomorrow?" Satisfied with hums of agreement, Bucky thrown his arm around Steve's shoulder, clicking his tongue. "Punk, You've got it bad!" "....Yeah."
´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ "You've got to talk to him more." "Maybe invite him to that nice new coffee shop that opened nearby!" "Or just smile at him, dude looked smitten already." "Or pretend to trip and fall in his big, muscular arms like a damsel." "With the way she looked at Steve yesterday, she will not have to pretend to trip, her knees will give out by themselves!"
These were the words Jake and Martin barged in Y/N's flat with, once again with much more energy than should be be allowed in the morning. Not giving her a chance to think of reply, she was already in her running clothes, shirt a size smaller and not even hers, hugging her curves more.
"In what universe do you guys think I could possibly flirt or make a move on a hot guy?" Y/N pushed out of herself, trying her hardest to keep her breathing slow. 'Inhale with nose, hold, exhale with mouth.' That was her mantra as she ran, her friends jogging beside her with ease. Temperature was lower than yesterday, something Y/N really appreciated as cool breeze stroke her skin. Not that it helped that much when she remembered the way she acted yesterday, heat striking her face as she recalled the number of times Steve caught her staring at him. Deep in her thoughts, she didn't notice the conniving smiles Jake and Martin exchanged. 
Three slips and lots of internal cursing later, a huge oak tree appeared in the distance, the sight causing Y/N's stomach to churn with both excitement and jitters, the butterflies multiplying as she spotted two familiar figures standing next to the tree while third man was sat down, obviously trying to catch his breath, raising a middle finger at Bucky in an instance. Closer they got, the more could Y/N see, realising she knew the third person, a warning sign deep in her head started to flash. A thought bounced in her head, evading her grasp, missing that one piece that would complete the puzzle. Before she could finish the thought, they were few meters away from Steve, Bucky and Sam. 
"Y/N?" Sam asked, carefully standing up, his eyes full of surprise. "You know each other?" Bucky asked incredulously while Steve's attention was jumping around from Sam to Y/N. "Yeah," Y/N nodded weakly,"umm, Jake, Martin, this is Sam. Sam helped my brother when he came back from Iraq TOD." "That's right, man was lucky to have his sister with him all the time." Sam smiled at Y/N, noticing a slight furrow on Steve's face and Bucky's smirk, putting two and two together. "What did you two do to make her get up from bad at this hour. If I remember correctly, Y/N here is not a morning person." "We have our ways." Jake said with angelic smile, jabbing Martin in the side as he muttered:"Even more reasons."
Weekend has many advantages. One of the main is one do not have to hurry. Being a regular weekdays 9-5 workers, Jake, Martin and Y/N made a habit of having a coffee at nearby coffee shop. For Steve, Bucky and Sam, work depended on the bad guys. They never knew when their phones will ring with an order. They just took any free moment to enjoy life. Running, having a chat Buck, train at the Tower with other Avengers, help cook or order a lunch and dinner and end the day with a movie in the main living room.
That is how Steve's free days usually went. At the end of it, he felt as relaxed as he could, trying his hardest to push the mantle of Captain away just for a day but at times, the tightness in his body let out at the evening at best. So now, at the time when the sun just showed up, he was surprised to find himself completely relaxed, sitting beneath the tree's shade, conversing and laughing with his friends and three people he met just yesterday. 
His body was relaxed but his mind was buzzing as every nerve in his body was reacting to a woman sitting beside him. Soft breeze ruffled through her hair now and then, his sensitive nose picking the fresh smell of mint shampoo and her natural scent that came out after her body calmed down from the run. He couldn't help but admire the way Y/N talked, quiet at most times but peep in with quirky comments. Steve knew this feeling. It was more than just interest. Just like with Peggy, he couldn't think straight when she looked at him with her Y/E/C eyes, words coming out of his mouth either too polite or chopped in weird sentences. 
He wanted to know more. About her. Y/N Y/L/N. He wanted to know more about her likes and dislikes, about her brother she so lovingly talked about, about her relationship with her two neighbors she called 'her idiots' in most loving way. Steve wanted to know what songs she sings when she has a good mood. He wanted to know it all. The good and the bad. 
"Wow. It's late again." Martin checked his phone, throwing a side-eye at his boyfriend. "Do you guys have any plans for later?" He turned to Steve,"You free around 12? How about you, Y/N? You know, after shower." Martin baraged his questions at them while Jake, Bucky and Sam stood up, smirking at the panic and confusion of their friends. 
"I'm free?" Y/N looked at Steve, her heart hammering as she noticed him looking at her with a smile. "Yeah, me too." Their attention snapped back at the beaming man clapping his hand together.
"Great! Good. There is a reservation under my name Whitaker. You two enjoy the lunch! See you guys tomorrow!" A round of 'byes' filled the air as everyone run in different direction, leaving Y/N and Steve stumped in shock, still sitting on the grass.
Y/N jumped on the spot as Steve crackled up, pressing both hands on his ribs. Now he understood why Bucky had that gleeful smirk when he returned from his evening walk. 
"I should have known something was off." Steve sighed and looked at Y/N, whose face returned to pink shade. "Can I invite you to a lunch totally planned by our friends?" He was worried, this is not how he would invite a girl out. So when Y/N smiled and took his hand, Steve felt the nervousness and excitement shot right up. He will have a chance to know all the good and bad. "You totally can."
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st-fandom-imagines · 5 years
Movie Babe
I always write the best imagines, intoxicated lmao wrote this last night, I hope you like it!! tag list- @tiger-hugger, @hannahmontanabutgayer, @macricrisis let me know if you guys want to be added to my tag list! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Request- @im-a-rocketman asked: hello again! Can I also request a SteveXReader where the reader stops by the video store every day because she loves movies and, in order to try and impress her, Steve starts to memorize all these random facts about movies she rents. And eventually Steve works up the nerve to ask her out and they go to the premier of back to the future 2 since back to the future’s the movie she rents the most? Thank you!!
note- @im-a-rocketman and I both talked about this request, as she realized that BTTF 2 came out 4 years after the first one, so instead Steve and the reader will go see Teen Wolf that came out August 23rd 1985! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ As I walked around Family Video for the tenth time this week, I could help but look for something new, I was so tired of all the movies I would watch over and over again. I’m a bit of a movie buff, they take you away from reality, even if it’s just for a little bit, I tend to lean towards chick flicks but I have a sci-fi and horror side too. I started coming in here after the mall burnt down, the movie theater going with it and the new one not opening for another week, they were reopening the Hawk theater. I was excited to see new movies, my love for film, growing every day. I grabbed Sixteen Candles, yet again, for the hundredth time and began to walk towards the counter, my eyes softening and my heart skipping a beat as I saw Steve Harrington behind the counter, the boy who was never anything but nice and sweet to me, he was giving a girl about our age, her bag with a small smile on his face. I hoped that maybe he would sweep me off my feet like Jake did for Sam in Sixteen Candles, but those things didn’t happen in real life, the popular boys never noticed the girls that hid in plain sight…right? *Steve’s Point Of View* I sighed, sending another customer away, another girl that wasn’t the one I had my eye on. The girl that I had come to know as movie babe, well at least that is what Robin called her. I knew her regular movies, I knew she had a thing for Michael J. Fox since she has rented For Love Or Money more times that I could count. I knew that she loves when I talk to her about random little movie facts that I had learned just to impress her, and most of all, I knew she thought that I didn’t know anything about her. My eyes locked with hers as I heard someone begin to approach me at the counter. She smiled at me shyly before putting her one movie on the counter. “Sixteen Candles? Again?” I laughed making her blush as she handed me her membership card, the card that I wish had her name attached to it. “Did you know that John Hughes was inspired by Molly Ringwald before he even met her? He had seen her headshot, he wrote the movie in a weekend, all around her.” I smiled making her nod silently, a fact about the movie that made me think of her, about how she inspired me, more than any girl ever had. “Do you memorize everyone’s movie preferences?” She smirked making my knees go weak, my heart pounding, feeling like the movie tickets in my jeans were burning a hole in my leg. When I saw that Teen Wolf starring Michael J. Fox was the first movie that was going to be playing in the new theater, I had to get two tickets, even if she didn’t like me, I knew she wouldn’t turn down the thought of being one of the first people in Hawkins to see it. Maybe she would grow to like me, a guy can hope. “No, just yours…that wasn’t meant to sound creepy…oh god…uh, we have Back To The Future coming in soon, have you seen that yet?” I smiled, trying to change the subject as she giggled at my babbling. “Yeah, I saw in on the forth of July, I think I saw you there, with that girl Robin?” She asked making my eyes go wide at the thought of that night. “Yeah, you were covered in blood, which I thought was strange and you were in the front row, hushing the man behind you.” She continued making us both laugh at the detail that she remembered, which she was 100% right about. “Yeah, I tend to be bleeding a lot, and Robin and I are really good friends…it���s a good movie, I hope they make a second one.” I trailed off, putting her movie in a bag, signally that our transaction was almost complete. “Just friends?” She questioned with a small sound of hope in her voice, as if she has been running that question in her head for weeks. “Yeah, we don’t like each other like that, I like someone, and so does she.” I explained making her look at the bag I was handing her, before she took it out of my hand, our hands brushing slightly, making us both blush. Fuck, what is it about her that makes me so nervous? The store was dead, and it was now or never, I had to ask, the movie was in a week and I certainly didn’t want anyone else asking her. “Well, I guess I will see you around, Steve.” She went to turn away but I stopped her, rushing around the booth and standing in front of her. My heart racing at the sound of her saying my name, shit, I’m in deep. “Before you go, hum, this is going to sound weird, just bare with me?” I hoped and she nodded, silently, wanting me to continue. “I know your movie choices, I have seen all of those movies to try to understand you and if I have learned anything from any of them, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, For Love Or Money, St.Elmo’s Fire, you think you are the girl that goes unnoticed, hoping that someone will notice you, and I…I did. I bought these tickets, for us, and I hope you will go with me and I hope that you don’t think I’m some stalker, I just really like you and I want to get to know you, as more than just the movie babe.” I ranted as I handed her the tickets, not even caring if I made a complete fool of myself. She looked at the tickets in her hand before looking back up at me with a shocked expression. “Teen Wolf tickets?!” She gasped making me look at her with wide eyes, this wasn’t the answer I was expecting. “Yeah…do you want to go…with me?” I tried, hoping I got that point across and she just nodded, smiling wide at me. “Yes, I would love to go with you, I just can’t believe it! These are sold out, and you bought them with me in mind?!” She hugged me tightly, taking me by surprise but smiling and hugging her back. It was a warm hug, a tight hug, I could feel her heartbeat against mine. She pulled away after a few seconds, noticing that my hands were on her waist, blushing now more than ever. “Great, I’ll pick you up at seven?” I couldn’t believe this was all falling into place. “Sounds good, if the date goes well I’ll tell you my name, until then, just call me movie babe.” She smirked handing me back the tickets before walking towards the door, leaving me speechless, god she is amazing. “Why did the movie babe just say hi to me?” Robin asked as she walked into work, ready to start her shift, her question only making me smile, I can’t believe I have a date with the coolest girl in Hawkins. *Your Point Of View* Steve was a true gentleman all night, opened the car door for me, bought a popcorn to split, lent me his jacket when I got cold in the theater and most of all, he didn’t talk through the movie, a very important trait to have. As we walked out of the theater, the warm August air hitting us, I handed Steve back his jacket as we walked towards his car. This was all so weird, it was like it was right out of one of the movies I adore and I think Steve planned it out to be that way. “So?” Steve smiled as my heels clicked on the sidewalk, making me look down at the ground, completely in awe of this whole situation. “Really good movie, even better date.” I stated, taking his hand in mine and interlocking our fingers, taking him by surprise. “My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” I confessed making him smile widely as we got closer to his car. “So (Y/N), can I take you on a second date?” He hoped making my heart warm at the thought. “Depends…”I began as we finally got to his car. I leaned on the drivers door so he couldn’t open it, him standing in front of me, hands in pockets with raised eyebrows. “Do you kiss on the first date?” I whispered as I got closer to him, making him swallow, hard. He had taken so many risks by confessing his feelings, it’s only right that it’s my turn. I was expecting him to babble at my forwardness but instead he just nodded, stuck by my words. “Then kiss me Harrington, if you want that second date.” I smiled just before He inter locked our lip, it was sweet, slow, a good first kiss. A first kiss right out of one of my movies, this whole night was a fairytale and I can only hope that this fairytale has a happy ending.
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Quiet Life Chapter 7
AN: lololol guess who’s not deaddddd
this was written ages ago but i’m just now getting around to posting it and i’m about to edit the next one which is already written so yeah. guess who’s back bitchesss 
thanks to @until-theend-oftheline for editing forever ago <3 luv ya
Quiet Life Masterlist
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It had taken almost a full month to convince both Steve and Bucky to go clothes shopping. Steve had a habit of only buying shirts two sizes too small and Bucky still dressed like he was in a Romanian winter. It took everything from bargaining to threats of bodily harm to get them in the car. Not that your threats could do any harm, it was like a kitten hissing at a lion. Finally, you managed to wrangle both the super soldiers to the mall, but cooperation wasn’t your only problem. As it turned out Steve was much harder to shop for than you anticipated.
“Goddammit, Steve, everything that fits in the shoulders doesn’t fit in the waist,” you groaned as he came out in another shirt that didn’t fit properly. Bucky had been easy. You had found a few pairs of jeans he liked along with some slacks that looked nice but still allowed him to move easily. He had also picked up a few shirts ranging from soft tees to the bulkier Henleys he preferred. He had taken to the t-shirts better than you had anticipated. You suspected it had something to do with the texture. Steve, on the other hand, did fine with pants but shirts were proving to be difficult.
 “Your shoulder to waist ratio isn’t natural,” you muttered sitting on the floor outside the men’s dressing room.
 “Nothing about him is natural,” Bucky answered. For 20 minutes he tried on shirts, none of them fit properly. You had given up waiting on Steve instead choosing to wander around the store. You came back a few minutes later with Steve holding a folded pile of shirts. 
“What the fuck is that?” Bucky asked from his spot on the floor. He had replaced you sitting outside the men’s dressing room. He was fiddling with his phone playing some kind of game, probably Tetris. That had quickly become one of his favorites.  It had been an impulse decision to grab the motorized scooter. Technically, your friends were 100 years old. If anyone was entitled to a little help, it was them. Bucky looked at you confused and Steve was much more used to your antics he didn’t question you anymore. 
“It’s for old people,” you explained, “or I guess it could be for injured people, but mostly old people and you guys count.” You climbed off the scooter and offered it to the boys. 
“You can’t be serious,” Steve began, but Bucky came up anyway despite Steve rolling his eyes. At least someone would have some fun with you. 
Out of the two, Bucky tended to be the more curious. You introduced him to the Science channel and it was like watching a kid on Christmas morning. Both you and Steve had fallen asleep with Bucky mesmerized by How It’s Made. It had gotten to the point where he had taken apart your toaster 3 times. You didn’t mind as long as it still worked when he put it back together and it didn’t electrocute you in the process. 
Bucky climbed into the seat and fiddled with the controls until he got the hang of maneuvering around. 
“This is fun,” he spun around and turned the scooter to face Steve. “Want a ride?” he asked and Steve just rolled his eyes at Bucky. You circled around and climbed on the back of the scooter. 
“To the checkout!” You ordered as Bucky surged ahead leaving Steve to follow behind. Checking out didn’t take long. The sales girl had been in a bit of a tizzy from Steve. Both you and Bucky stood back and let him handle the process. Bucky sat quietly on the scooter away from the counter, almost hiding. He still didn’t like being in public despite you and Steve slowly getting him to come out with you both on occasion. It was slow, but it was progress. 
Steve was calm and collected while the girl struggled to keep herself together. Steve handled his fame gracefully, an aspect you admired in him every time you found yourself out in public with him. Sure, sometimes it was annoying, but it could also be endearing. Your favorite interactions were always when kids recognized him. He never brushed kids away or treated them like pests. Steve knew they were looking up to him, he was their hero and he didn’t want to let them down. He never cared what the politicians said, but the kids, they were the future heroes.  
The Steve handled the bags while you and Bucky followed along on the scooter. You were encouraging Bucky to catch up to Steve’s whose walk was annoyingly fast. 
“Can you two act like the adults you are?” Steve asked. He should’ve known better, but he tried anyway. 
“Steve, really?” you asked grinning at him. All you received was an eye roll, but it was worth it. 
“I knew it, I knew you were an old man,” a voice called from behind you all. 
Both you and Steve turned around, but only Steve recognized the voice. He cracked an amused grin. Bucky didn’t even bother. 
“No one cares, bird brain,” Bucky responded grumpily. You hopped off the slow-moving scooter as Bucky brought it to a stop. He spun it around looking no less grumpy than he sounded. It was hard to see but there was still a small amount of playfulness in his eyes.  It was similar to the looks he gave you when you threw popcorn at his head when he wouldn’t stop talking during a movie. 
“Can I get a picture?” the man asked with a grin. 
“Sam…” Steve started employing the Dad voice and usual stance. 
“Oh, so you’re Sam!” You reached your hand out for him to shake. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Falcon right?”
“And I’ve heard absolutely nothing about you,” Sam returned. You thought he he might attempt to flirt, from stories he seemed the type. But you caught Steve giving him a hard look. It probably should've bothered you, but for some reason it didn’t. There was a silent conversation between the two that ended with Sam giving Steve a small nod. 
“She’s where she’s safe,” Steve answered. 
“Well, you should bring her around, if she can handle us. If she can keep up with you two, she can keep up with the rest of us,” Sam proposed. Meeting Bucky was one thing, but you weren’t sure if you were ready for the rest of the Avengers. It was overwhelming to even think about. Of course, eventually, you wanted to meet everyone. You just weren’t quite ready. 
“We’ll work up to that,” Steve said, picking up on your hesitation. Sam nodded and you relaxed a bit unconsciously moving closer to Steve. 
“Whenever the party is, I wanna be there,” Sam gave you a warm smile. “And I’ll be sure to pick up you a walker, grandpa” 
@until-theend-oftheline @blacktithe7 @kill-the-stereo @lavieenlex @justballoonfishthings @lostinwonderland314 @what-if-i-am-weird@gh0stgurl @ayee-style @angryteapot @marianafrizas @katielu-blog
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Quiet Life Chapter 2
Pairing: Steve/Reader (Platonic, eventual Romantic) 
Word Count: 1,786 
Warnings: Hurt!Steve, mentions of blood and wounds
AN: Thanks to @until-theend-oftheline and @blacktithe7 for betaing for me
If you’d like to be tagged at yourself to my tag list 
Catch up on Quiet Life
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(Gif found on Google) 
Chinese takeout in hand, you walked down the street to Steve’s apartment. You knew how much food the restaurant gave you, and you knew you couldn’t eat it all by yourself. Naturally that didn’t stop you from making the same order every week.
“Steve, you home?” You knocked on his door and heard movement inside. There was roughly a 50/50 chance you actually knocked. Sometimes you used your key and let yourself in. There wasn’t a rhyme or reason to it. “Okay now I know you’re home.” You weren’t always sure if he was home or off on a mission, but 9 times out of 10 if he wasn’t on a mission, he was normally with you. Eventually, the deadbolt clicked, and the door cracked open. You could barely see him in the dark entrance, and just the side of his face peeked out of the door. It wasn’t like Steve at all to hide. It wasn’t even like him to properly answer the door. He normally yelled or texted you to let yourself in. Curiously, you tried to peek around the cracked door. He was being weird, and you didn’t like it.
“I’ve got food,” you said simply, holding up the take out bag. When he didn’t come out or open the door, anxiety started building. This wasn’t the Steve you knew well enough to barge in on. This Steve was guarded. Guarded was the last thing you wanted him to be with you. Then you really started looking at him. You couldn’t figure out why he was hiding from you other than some superhero thing that he didn’t want you to see. Your imagination ran wild. Maybe he was hiding an assassin or he could be bleeding out with all of his bones shattered. Slowly, you saw the bruises on his face along with the cuts.
“Oh my god, Steve!” You pulled at the door. He didn’t fight you as you opened the door and slipped in.
“I’m fine, it looks a lot worse than it is,” he tried to explain before you could get a good look at him. You reached to the wall and flipped on the light. He was still in his uniform, which you had never seen him in. Of course you had seen pictures, but he was always careful to change before you saw him. He always wanted to keep his lives separate. You had never met Captain America, only Steve. His shield was propped up against the wall with his helmet next to it. His hair stuck up in a million different ways with dried blood flecked through the blond. His lip was split and his forehead scraped up in at least three different places along with different bruises.
“I promise I’ll be fine,” he tried to brush off your concerns but you weren’t having it. You grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him to the bathroom, dropping the food on the kitchen counter on the way.
“Where’s your first aid kit?” you demanded as you set him down on the closed toilet. You gently held his chin still,trying to see what had happened to him. He was more amused than anything else. He indulged your need to protect him or at least try.
“I don’t have one. I’ll be back to normal in the morning. Super soldier remember?” He pulled away from your grasp, amusement dancing in his eyes despite his tire look. You started walking out of the bathroom.
“Fine, I’ll go get mine. Either way you’re getting patched up,” you called loudly as you marched out of the apartment with determination. Your apartment was just across the street and down a few houses. Close enough to be a nuisance, but far enough for running to be effective if you (or Steve) needed to escape from water balloons (that was mostly Steve doing the running). You came back five minutes later with your first aid kit in hand. He had changed from his uniform into a t-shirt and sweatpants.
“Couch,” you ordered, pulling him by the elbow. As he sat down, you pulled the coffee table close and situated yourself between his legs.
“Did you get into a fight with a chainsaw?” you asked, opening the little box on your lap. He smiled a bit as you sat down with a cloth and a bowl of warm water.
“If you sit still and be good I’ll find you a lollipop,” you told him, gently pressing the damp cloth to his forehead. Logically you knew you didn’t need to do this. You didn’t need to carefully clean or put medicine on his wounds or put bandaids on him. But you couldn’t ignore it. About halfway through your nursing job, you ran out of normal bandaids. He looked at you like you were crazy.
“Why do you even have those?” he asked in equal parts awe and confusion as you pulled out the Hello Kitty bandages. He leaned back just a bit trying to subtly avoid the onslaught of pink. You shrugged, not really thinking about the type of band aids.
“Remember when my niece was in town? She fell and scraped her knee so Caleb - you remember my brother-in-law Caleb? You made fun of his hair. Anyway, he went to the store and picked up band aids, which happen to be Hello Kitty. Band aids are expensive, and I’m not going to throw away perfectly good band aids,” you rambled as you plastered his face with the bandaids. With an eye roll, he let you continue sticking kittens on his cuts. Your hand lingered on his cheek, and he leaned into your touch.
“Hey, you’re okay,” you comforted quietly. You weren’t always 100% positive how to comfort him. You didn’t know how to help other than just being present for him. He’s eyes slowly closed as you sat with him. “Come here,” you muttered pulling him into a hug. He stiffened a bit as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders but slowly sunk into your hold. You could practically feel the weight you knew he was holding. You couldn’t carry it for him, but you could hold him up. Keep him steady.
You weren’t sure how long you sat together like that. Long enough for your legs to fall asleep and your shoulders to be sore from reaching up. You wouldn’t pull away. You’d let him fall asleep like this if he wanted, you’d stay like this forever if he needed it. Finally, Steve pulled away, the bruising on his face already clearing up along with some of the smaller cuts. You had never seen his healing powers in action. Curiously, you ran your thumb over where one of the bruises was fading right before your eyes. They called him a miracle of modern medicine. You called him your best friend with a tolerance for pain.
“Would you stop healing so fast? You’re wasting my bandaids,” you asked, and he broke into a smile. It was like the sun breaking out of the clouds after a storm.
“I tried to tell you. There’s a reason I don’t keep a kit,” he joked, and you rolled your eyes. He could go from beat half to hell to joking in the blink of an eye. You knew it was a coping mechanism and that he was still hurting. Not just the pains that come with bumps and bruises, but the hurt that cut to his heart.
Steve dozed off on the couch after you practically force fed him some food. He claimed he wasn’t hungry, but the three empty Chinese food containers said otherwise. The TV had turned from the movie Steve had picked to reruns of Law and Order. You weren’t interested, but Steve had fallen asleep on the remote. The sun had gone down hours ago, and you were ready to crawl into your own bed. It wasn’t easy, but you got out from under Steve’s legs. You draped the blanket across him. You almost woke him. But then again, he wouldn’t be sore for long if he fell asleep at weird angles where you could be sore from sleeping too hard.
The next morning you were over at Steve’s banging on his door again. You could’ve used the key you had, but you had done that once. Steve wasn’t prepared for you to come through the door. You nearly got your head punched off by a super soldier in a towel which was not an experience you were looking to repeat.
He answered the door still in the sweatpants and shirt he had on the night before. He still looked tired, but his face had healed up. He hadn’t taken a shower or anything yet. You could tell because his hair still had dried blood, and the band aids still dotted his face.
“Don’t you have work?” he asked letting you in.
“Don’t you have to shower?” you retorted playfully, and you resisted the urge to poke your tongue out at him. “But seriously, I’m on my way now. I just needed to check on you.” You knew your worry for him wasn’t entirely useful, but logic didn’t stop you from worrying. With a soft smile, Steve leaned against the hallway wall, his eyes dropping from yours. The way he looked at you made you wonder how long it had been since anyone had taken the time to care about Steve and not Cap. You loved his smiles, even the small ones. You wished he’d do it more often, but his life didn’t give him many reasons. You wanted to be the cause of his smiles, even if it was just over kitten bandaids and bad takeout.
“I’m fine, and you have websites to fix,” he assured you, and you responded with a groan, your head falling back against the door.
“Don’t even remind me. Do you know how long it took me to get the bugs out of the search function? Do you know how long it took Myles to break it again?” you ranted as you reached for the doorknob. “Sometimes I think I’d rather have your job and just get punched in the face,” you continued as you opened the door and started outside.
“Rest and feel better!” you finished still walking and talking, the door closing behind you.  
You were the embodiment of chaos, but a peace within chaos. When you were there, you were loud, but you brought calm. When you were there it was intense, and when you left there was a void. You shouldn’t make sense, but you did. The hows, the whys, they didn’t matter. All that mattered was what you did with it.
@until-theend-oftheline @blacktithe7 @kill-the-stereo @lavieenlex @justballoonfishthings
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Quiet Life 4
Pairing: Steve/Reader (Platonic, eventual Romantic)
Word count: 1760
Warnings: n/a
AN: Thanks to @until-theend-oftheline for betaing for me <3 
If you’d like to be tagged at yourself to my tag list
Catch up on Quiet Life
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There was a routine for when you got home; professional clothes off, sweatpants and t-shirt on, chips in your hands, and ass on the couch. It was a good routine until you soon realized your phone was dying. You groaned pulling yourself up from the couch and to the bedroom except your cord wasn’t there.
“What the hell,” you muttered nearly tearing your bedroom apart looking for your charger. Standing in the mess of dirty clothes, pillows, and blankets all scattered around the room, you realized exactly where your charger was. It was still stuck in Steve’s living room wall.
Trying to clean up after yourself a bit, you threw your blankets back on the bed and found some shoes. You grabbed your keys headed for the door.
“Steve? You home?” You called into the dark apartment after letting yourself in. While you were changing you thought you heard his bike ride past your apartment to his. You heard him further back in the apartment and you went ahead in.
“Left my phone charger here yesterday,” you explained going into the living room area. You froze when you saw someone who wasn’t Steve asleep on the couch. Long shaggy hair, metal arm, either this was Bucky or there was more than one man out there with a shiny high tech arm. A hand grabbed your arm from behind and pulled you into the kitchen. You nearly swore loudly but a hand clamped over your mouth. Eyes wide with fear, you were spun to see it was just Steve.
“Jerk,” you hissed pouting that he pulled you around and covered your mouth. He gave you his Dad Look™ but didn’t respond otherwise. You froze as you heard Bucky moving on the couch. Steve had told you a few stories about him, but you had never asked to meet him or really pry into that part of his life. Sure, you were curious about his past, but it wasn’t worth digging up things Steve didn’t want to talk about. He deserved someone not dredging up his complicated history. This was his home and he needed a place to escape. The last thing you wanted was to turn his last haven into another battleground.
He looked tired, like he had gone too many miles on half a tank of gas. His mind was a million miles away, or in the other room on the couch. Steve’s kitchen had a small island in the middle which he walked around and leaned against the counter. Two bar stools were tucked close to the island where you had spent many evenings debating anything and everything with Steve.
“Do I get to meet him later?” You asked your voice barely above a whisper. “Or I could just leave, it’s fine, I just need my charger that’s in there with Sleeping Beauty.” That brought Steve back to you with a little smile, his head dropping a bit.
“I’m not sure that’s the best idea,” he confessed.
“What’s not the best idea?” a voice behind you asked and you spun around. Bucky was standing in the kitchen doorway leaning against the door jamb.
“You’re not a good idea,” Steve answered, his demeanor instantly changed. You had gotten used to Steve looking young but carrying the weight of history. It was like that weight had evaporated as you watched him as he joked with Bucky, .
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you waved not sure if you should try to shake his hand or exactly what you should do. You felt like you were intruding on a private moment. You weren’t sure if there was something between him and Steve, but there was an energy that wasn’t quite right.
“Bucky,” he gave himself a simple introduction and an awkward silence hung in the air. “Steve’s mentioned you before. I didn’t think you actually existed,” he confessed. You turned and glared at Steve who held up his hands innocently.
“I didn’t do anything, he’s the one that didn’t believe me,” he tried to shift the blame to Bucky who scoffed.
“What, am I supposed to just believe you that you not only had a friend but a girl?” he retorted. You stood back and watched them bounce back and forth like a tennis match until Steve couldn’t think of a response.  
“Okay, well this was fun, but all I need is my charger and I’ll get out of your hair,” you wanted to get passed Bucky who was standing in the door, but you weren’t exactly sure how. He wasn’t exactly blocking the entire door, but pushing past him seemed just wrong. You didn’t want to invade his space at all. Steve hadn’t told you any details, but you knew enough to know that the former soldier had been through hell and back. You weren’t afraid of him, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you and even if he tried, Steve would protect you. Still, you didn’t want to make him nervous or be rude.
Steve and Bucky seemed to be having a silent conversation that you weren’t included in. With small facial expressions they spoke without words in the way only life long friends could do. Eventually Steve sighed, whatever the unspoken exchange was Bucky seemed to have won.
“Might as well stay. You’ve already met and you’ll get a kick out of Bucky trying fajitas for the first time,” Steve answered with a small but warm smile. Almost instantly any awkwardness evaporated.
“Really? Never?” You asked turning to Bucky. He shrugged incredulously.
“We didn’t have that when we were kids. We had watered down soup and stale bread,” He defended coming into the kitchen.
“Okay, well have we tried sushi yet?” you asked emphatically. Bucky pulled out one of the stools and sat down.
‘No, and according to Steve, Thai is also on that list,” he answered and if your jaw could’ve literally hit the floor it would have.
“Steve Rogers, you’re a terrible friend!” you admonished coming up to the bar next to Bucky and leaning against it.
“There’s this little Asian fusion place down the street. It’s the best.” Bucky’s face twisted a bit from either disgust, confusion, or both.
“Fused with what?” he asked and you shrugged.
“No idea, but it’s awesome.” You were loosening up slowly. Bucky seemed to be easy enough to get along with, you weren’t sure how relaxed he actually was or what you weren’t seeing. It had taken Steve a while to truly open up to you. With Bucky you expected it’d take even longer. A friend of Steve’s was a friend of yours. You trusted his judgement enough to know that he wouldn’t make a poor choice in his closest friend.
Steve had cooked enough for a small army but apparently Bucky was an army in and of himself. They had spent the evening sharing stories from their youth, or more accurately Bucky was retelling stories you already knew but in a different light.
“So I’m trying to hold my own against three guys and Steve’s over trying, and failing I might add, to hold against two. Why he thought the two of us could fight at least seven of them, I don’t know. But as I’m pinned against the wall getting the shit beat out of me, I’m just planning on how I could beat his ass myself - assuming he actually made it out alive,” You were laughing so hard at Bucky’s story, you ended up bent over the counter with your cheek pressed against the surface. By the time you looked up you saw Bucky watching you with a light in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. You were one of the first people since he had come out of the shadows to almost instantly accept him. A friendship without fear or judgement.
“I can’t… Steve!” you exclaimed looking up at your friend. You watched him struggle trying to come up with an answer only making you laugh harder.
“I knew you meeting him would be a bad idea,” he muttered but there wasn’t any malice in his words. He was pouting that you took Bucky’s side and you knew it. It was satisfying to have someone to team up against Steve with. You tossed a small bit of bell pepper from your plate at his face. He was about to respond either with words or a projectile of his own when your phone started buzzing.
“Hello?” you answered, smile playing on your lips. It was work, when the National Park Service website went down you were the one they called to fix it. It had taken two years of pestering but you had finally managed to get them to hire extra technicians to be on call so they didn’t have to call you at 2am. That didn’t stop them from calling you for some of the harder fixes, you were after all the one that built the website.
“Okay, okay, Alex calm down. Let me go get to my home computer, and I’ll take a look at the system. Give me 5 minutes and I’ll call you back. No, no, Alex you’re not in trouble these things happen. I’ll call you back,” you hung up and stood up from the stool.
“Superheroes aren’t the only ones with crises. Duty calls,” you teased with a jab at Steve. “Bucky, it was nice to meet you, hope to see more of you. I need more stories to hold over Steve.” Bucky smiled and nodded as you headed for the door.
“I think that can be arranged,” he answered. His smile had a bit more warmth to it that it did when you first met. Even if you hadn’t become best friends overnight, you still established a strong foundation. You really wanted to be friends with him and hopefully you would be in time.
You knew Bucky hadn’t really opened up to you. He had shown you the surface, not telling you anything you didn’t really already know. Bucky and Steve were similar in so many ways, they needed a sanctuary. Somewhere where there weren’t expectations, someone who didn’t want them to fill a certain box or requirement. He just wanted to be Bucky. If you could give him just a moment of serenity, it’d be worth the patience. Until then you would take what he offered. He was Steve’s friend and that’s the side of him he gave. Nothing more, nothing deeper and that was okay. Superficial was fine, trust would come with time and time was something you could give.
@until-theend-oftheline @blacktithe7 @kill-the-stereo @lavieenlex @justballoonfishthings @lostinwonderland314 @what-if-i-am-weird @gh0stgurl @ayee-style 
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Quiet Life Chapter 5
Pairing: Steve/Reader (Platonic, eventual Romantic)
Word count: 1328
Warnings: Asshole date
AN: Thanks to @until-theend-oftheline for being annoying
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The restaurant was as good as you thought it would be. You had been wanting to try this place for a while and still you couldn’t wait to get out of there. You had been on bad dates before. This one, however, took bad dates to a different level. Technically, Elijah was a coworker, he worked for the Public Affairs division of the Park Services where you headed the IT department. Of course, that didn’t stop him from lecturing you on the coding of park’s websites - despite the fact you had designed and maintain them. For a while you were able to indulge him but anger was quickly starting to bubble up in you. It had started when he ordered for you. From there it had gone downhill when he berated the waitress for forgetting lemon for his water and blaming her for an honest mistake. He then proceeded to explain your sites to you for 15 minutes before you excused yourself to the bathroom.
Save me. You texted Steve. He answered almost immediately.
Aren’t you on a date?
Yeah, but I don’t want to be. Call me with some kind of emergency You watched his text bubbles appear and disappear as you walked back to the table.
“Oh good, you’re back. I feel like you could really benefit from reading up on JavaScript, have you heard of that?” he asked. You were fed up and were about to tear into him when your phone started ringing. It was Steve, hopefully, with a fake emergency.
“Just let it go to voicemail,” Elijah suggested, but it sounded more like an order. Glaring at him, you answered the phone anyway.
“He wouldn’t call unless something was wrong,” you snapped sliding the phone open.
“Hey,” you answered.
“Hi, I have an emergency,” Steve answered with complete seriousness.
“Are you okay?” You asked trying to fake concern. It was hard not to start laughing at the absurdity of Steve calling for fake help.
“I’m fine but I need you to come home,” he answered still serious. You turned to the side a bit, trying to hide the smile that refused to be controlled.
“Of course, I’m on my way,” you hung up quickly. “I’m sorry, that was my friend. He cut his hand pretty bad and needs stitches,” you explained coming up with a story on the spot. It didn’t really matter, you were just ready to leave.
“Oh come on, isn’t there someone else who can take him to the ER? Besides, it’s not right for a girl like you to have guy friends.” You wanted to not make a scene, you just wanted to get out of the restaurant, but the anger in you snapped.
“No, because he called me. If someone calls me and asks for help, I’m going to help them no matter what’s going on. If my friend calls me bleeding, I’m not going to sit here and listen to you lecture me about websites I built from scratch and tell him ‘oh sorry I’m learning about coding from someone who clearly knows more than me despite my degree, call an uber,” your voice got progressively louder. You pulled your purse and jacket off the back of your chair and left the restaurant before he could respond.
You pulled your jacket tighter around you as you walked to your car. Before you had even turned on the car, you had a text from Elijah.
You didn’t have to run out so fast. I’m willing to give you a second chance... you didn’t open your phone to read the rest.
“Asshole,” you muttered tossing your phone into the passenger seat. He wasn’t worth your time or your anger but that didn’t stop you from muttering to yourself as you drove home.
You parked outside of Steve’s apartment and sat in the car fuming. The longer you thought about it the angrier you got. You had already worked too hard to prove yourself as not only the youngest IT director but also the first women in that position. Sure, it had been a rough road and you had to work your ass off but that didn’t stop the frustration.
“Shit,” you gasped as a knock at your window made you jump out of your skin.  Steve stood next to your car and you rolled down the window. Your anger had diffused from fury to exhaustion and your temper had calmed to where you just felt drained.
“How much for an hour,” you joked but your voice fell flat. Steve didn’t say anything, instead just reaching into the car and opening the door. You climbed out of the car and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders leading you into his apartment. As soon as you were inside, you kicked off your heels and dropped down on the couch.
“Do you think my parents can just do an arranged marriage and I wouldn’t have to do the whole dating thing?” you asked. You pulled yourself up leaning against the couch arm and Steve sat down.
“Doubtful, we weren’t even doing those in the 30s so I’m not sure how well that would go over now,” Steve answered. “I could arrange it for you, sell you off to the highest bidder, I’m sure Natasha knows some people.”
You chucked one of the pillows from behind you and he let it hit him.
“You’re the worst,” you accused but he had managed to get you to smile. He didn’t pry into what happened or why you called for help, but you wanted to tell him.
“He lectured me about my websites,” you answered his unasked question. “I’ve already dealt with the ‘a woman can’t run the tech department correctly’ speeches. Last thing I need is a date to turn into that. And it’s not like I didn’t tell him what I did, I started off with “yeah I know that site, I built it,” you scoffed. Steve didn’t answer for a while as he fiddled with the edge of the pillow.
“Did I ever tell you about Peggy?” He finally asked. You looked at him confused. He didn’t generally jump subjects as dramatically especially when you weren’t feeling great.
“Not directly, but I’ve heard a bit about her,” you answered quietly. You had been to the museum and everything, seen the official version of their history, but Steve never talked about her.
“You remind me a lot of her back during the war. She refused to let anyone tell her how to do her job. She knew what she needed to do and did it, despite everyone telling her it wasn’t her place, woman in the army. She didn’t take bullshit from anyone.” Steve wasn’t looking at you anymore, he was lost in time and in memories. You tried not to think about it too much, how often he must feel out of place in the world. He had prepared himself to die just to find that it was the world he knew that had died instead.
“I wish I could’ve known her,” you responded. He pulled himself out of his reverie with a laugh.
“That would be awful. You’re bad enough with Bucky. The last thing I’d need is you teaming up with Peggy.” His entire demeanor lightened and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What are you trying to say, Steve Rogers? That I’m a bad influence on your friend?” You teased and he laughed again.
“I’m not sure who’s influencing who, but if you, Bucky, and Peggy were all in a room at the same time the war would’ve been over. You’d have the Nazi’s surrendering in approximatly 20 minutes.” He stood and went to the kitchen coming back with a couple beers. He popped both the tops and handed one to you.
“To bad dates and kickass women,” he proposed tilting the bottle to you. Reaching out, you clinked it with him.
“Bad dates and kicking ass,” you repeated.
@until-theend-oftheline @blacktithe7 @kill-the-stereo @lavieenlex @justballoonfishthings @lostinwonderland314 @what-if-i-am-weird @gh0stgurl @ayee-style @angryteapot @marianafrizas @katielu-blog
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Quiet Life Chapter 3
Pairing: Steve/Reader (Platonic, eventual Romantic)
Word count: 1380
Warnings: Attempted mugging, Threats to safety
AN: Thanks to @until-theend-oftheline and @blacktithe7 for my beta If you’d like to be tagged at yourself to my tag list
Catch up on Quiet Life
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“Come on, Steve have some fun!” you nearly shout as you climb into the shopping cart. Steve rolled his eyes as you settled into the main basket.
“To the toy section!” you ordered.
“No, why do we need the toy section? I just need some milk,” Steve responded sounding a bit like an exasperated parent, and you pouted, your bottom lip poking out. Steve sighed dramatically and turned the cart to the kid’s section. As soon as you were close, you clambered out of the cart.
“Steve, look!” you grabbed a toy off the shelf. “We gotta get it.” You were holding a plastic version of his shield.
“I’m going to trade you in for a different friend,” he commented as you started tearing into the packaging.
“You wouldn’t dare. Who else would come with you to Walmart at 2am?” you retorted. “Besides, it has a matching hat.” You grinned, pulling the little cap from the box. You pulled it onto your head and held up the shield.
“It’s not a hat,” he corrected his voice a mix of indulgent and playful annoyance, but you ignored him.
“Look I’m you!” If Steve rolled his eyes any harder they would’ve popped out of his head. Shield in hand, you clambered back into the cart.
“Except my gear actually keeps me safe, that just makes you look like a child,” he retorted. The two of you looked at each other for a few long seconds. You held your ground in the battle of the wills. It took every ounce of your willpower not to crumble under the intense Dad Look™. If he broke into lecture mode, you were finished. It was less a contest of who was more stubborn but who was more tired.
“Well? Didn’t you say you needed groceries?” you quipped. You could see Steve fighting the urge to sass back. He started pushing you and the cart out of the aisle, some battles just weren’t worth fighting.
He wasn’t sure where you got the foam sword from, but he regretted ever texting you to go shopping and would never do it again. Still you looked like you were at least having fun. With all the seriousness he was forced to deal with on a daily basis, your childlike antics were a breath of fresh air. You had built a wall out of the groceries he had picked up. Milk and cereal, among other things, were stacked along the middle of the cart so you were seperated from Steve.
“Are you drunk or are you five?” he asked, his voice mixed with indulgence and a tiny bit of fake annoyance.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you defended, but he was had a point. You’d never admit it, but he was right. You were a being a brat, but you didn’t even care.
“You love me,” you answered, another eye roll from Steve. Checking out was a bit of an adventure. Steve was fine with technology, but he still had issues with self checkouts. He managed not to punch it or pick it up and drop kicking it. It took the on duty worker coming over three times to help out, and by the third he was just as flabbergasted as the both of you. It kept informing you that there were “unexpected items in the bagging area” when there was absolutely nothing there. Steve had even taken off the bags meant to be there and gave the machine a 5 foot radius and it still beeped angrily at him.
“Only you could mess up this hard, old man,” you teased as you climbed out of the cart. You shooed him away and finished out the rest of the items. Steve had gotten adult groceries: milk, bread, cheese, peanut butter and things like that. You, on the other hand were less responsible. Oreos, gummy bears, and chocolate were in your bag as you both walked home.
“Okay, but I nearly got run over by that motorcade last week, and I’m still not over it,” you joked was you walked.
“Don’t look behind us, but we’re being followed,” Steve muttered just loud enough for you to hear. Your heart immediately started pounding as adrenaline rushed into your system. Somewhere in the back of your mind you knew you were safe with freakin’ Captain America by your side, but that didn’t stop your body from recognizing danger.
Time slowed down. You  felt every second stop and greet you like it needed to be best friends. Blood rushed in your ears like a deafening roar.
Steve moved faster than you had ever seen. The mugger reached to grab you from behind but Steve intercepted him. He pushed the mugger away from you. The force of Steve moving knocked you to the ground. The sidewalk scraped your knees but you didn’t feel any pain. You looked up to see Steve pinning the mugger to the wall. Your heart was still racing as you looked up to Steve who dropped the assailant to the ground. He scrambled away before getting up and running full speed down the road. You weren’t scared, but you couldn’t catch your breath.
“You good?” Steve asked, taking your hands and helping you to your feet.
“I think so?” You looked down at your knees all scraped up. “Ow,” you commented but your brain hadn’t quite caught up to what had happened. With a shaky breath, it started to sink in that you could’ve died. It could’ve gone so much worse. This was the first time you had ever seen his in his element. He had worked so hard to keep you from that from you, he seemed almost shy now. Steve watched you closely to see how you’d react. You didn’t want to show him the fear that was coursing through you. You dusted the dirt from your knees trying to control your shaking hands.
“My hero,” you muttered offering a timid smile as Steve gathered up all the bags.
“Just another day at the office,” he quipped but the playful, lighthearted nature wasn’t there. Somehow it had never fully clicked just how powerful Steve really was. Of course you knew, you had seen videos and news reports of him tossing around cars like they were cardboard boxes, but you had never seen him in action. You suddenly understood why he kept his life so separated. In the wrong hands, his power would be terrifying. You got why he wanted you to know Steve and not the superhero facade. At the end of it all, it was Steve who protected you, not a guy in tights.
You didn’t sleep that night. Tossing and turning, you kicked off your blankets and pulled them back, flipped your pillows, threw them off the bed and then retrieved them again. Nothing could calm you down. You were too amped up to lay in bed. Instead of laying in bed, you moved to the couch. You sat in silence and watched the sun rise through the windows. Just as the sky lightened, you wandered from the apartment. After 20 minutes of sitting on your steps, Steve jogged by but stopped as soon as he noticed you.
“You’re up early,” he commented, looking you over, “or did you just not sleep.” You offered a small nod.
“I dunno. It kinda sunk in, and I dunno why but I got scared. I wasn’t even scared when it happened, but…” you trailed off. The numbness was still there, you felt desensitized to the entire thing, but you knew how it could’ve gone wrong. You could’ve ended up dead on the sidewalk if Steve hadn’t been there. That knowledge was scary in itself before you started thinking about all the different threats in the world. Steve sat down on the steps next to you. He didn’t talk for the longest time.
“The world is dangerous and it’s not just HYDRA or aliens. But it doesn’t matter what the danger is, I’ll always keep you safe,” he promised. You nodded taking in what he said. Leaning over, you rested your head on his shoulder. You found yourself calming just with Steve by your side. It had nothing to do with his abilities, everything to do with his heart.
@until-theend-oftheline @blacktithe7 @kill-the-stereo @lavieenlex @justballoonfishthings @lostinwonderland314 @what-if-i-am-weird @gh0stgurl ​
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Quiet Life Chapter 1
Pairing: Steve/Reader (Platonic, eventual Romantic) 
Word Count: 1,416
Warnings: None
AN: Let’s hear it for the first chapter of a full Marvel fic! And my first slow burn! This is for @until-theend-oftheline  ‘s Seasons of Love - Heat of Summer challenge! Hope you enjoy, be sure to let me know if you do! 
Prompt: “I told you I’d save you a seat in hell,”
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There’s nothing like summer in the city. D.C. was busy in the summer and the heat oppressive. You wanted to have words with the people who decided a swamp was a good place for a city. But even in the middle of the city, your neighborhood was quiet. Kids played outside on their own. A little park was close by, but you could still see the Washington Monument from your window. Steve lived around the corner from you and you had taken over his apartment, it was one of the only on your block that still had air conditioning. An overnight storm had dropped limbs on power lines and knocked out half the street. Steve had left for a mission and as soon as the temperatures started rising in your apartment, you used your spare key to get into his. You wandered through his apartment searching through his refrigerator.
When was the last time you went grocery shopping? You have no food you texted before ordering a pizza. You weren’t exactly sure how you became so close to Steve Rogers. You moved into your apartment on the same weekend. He had offered to help you move in your furniture that your asshole ex had left for you to manage. He helped, you gave pizza and a beer and at the end of the day, you had a best friend.
Why are you at my apartment and the last time we went grocery shopping all the groceries ended up in your fridge, Steve answered. You rolled your eyes and leaned against the refrigerator. Unfortunately, he wasn’t lying. You wanted to deny it, but that was an argument you were bound to lose. Slowly you slid down until you were on the floor, the cool tile against your bare legs.
Power’s out at my place. You still have air. I’m melting. I have a front-row seat for hellfire. I’ll save you a seat. You responded. He never told you where he was or why; missions were secret. Not only were you not involved with SHIELD, but Steve was also protective. Overprotective some would say, but you didn’t mind. He was great at crowded bars if anyone knew how to split a crowd down the middle it was Captain America. He was also excellent intimidation when creeps got a bit too close and wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Other than Steve, your life was quiet. You brought quiet to his life. He didn’t have to talk business with you and you didn’t want to know. Your friendship kept him grounded, a fact he thanked you for often.
You groaned at the doorbell. The pizza was here but you didn’t want to get up off the floor to get it. Practically crawling to the door, you eventually answered. The delivery boy’s face fell as soon as he saw you.
“Sorry, isn’t this Captain America’s place?” He asked as you handed him his tip.
“Nope,” you answered swinging the door shut. Steve’s apartment was an urban legend among pizza delivery drivers. You always answered the door and they always asked. Eventually, they’d get the message, but until then you were in charge of dispelling rumors. He’d never ask you to do it, but if it gave him some peace you were more than happy to burst bubbles. You flopped down on the couch, slice of pizza in hand, and turned on the TV. Contrary to what most people assumed, Steve not only had a grasp of the technology world, but he was on par with anyone else in the world. One of the best decision you had made was introducing him to video games. That boy could kick ass in Mario Kart.
You scrolled through the TV guide looking for something to watch when the TV suddenly went black. The lights turned off and air conditioning slowly wound down until the air was still.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you groaned, one of your legs falling off the couch, your bare feet brushing against the carpet. Your skin already felt sticky and hot from the humidity. You’d have to get creative if you were going to survive.
5 hours later
The lights were still out when Steve came in. He didn’t hear anything when he dropped his bag by the door.
“Y/N?” he called out and followed the groan to the kitchen. You were spread out on the tile in just shorts and a sports bra.
“I told you I’d save you a seat in hell,” you told him from where he was looking down at you.
“So the tiles are cooler than the carpet…” he started and you nodded along, “but why my tile instead of yours?” he asked fighting a smirk that would only get him berated. He knew exactly how to tease without starting something he wasn’t ready to finish. Both of you played tug-of-war with that line and with this battle super strength wasn’t an advantage.  
“Cause my tile is down the street and your tile was right here,” you responded. You took in the slightly discolored splotches on his face. He had taken hits that probably would’ve broken your face in a million pieces. But Steve wasn’t even going to bruise. Once you had asked him how hickeys worked, but he refused to answer.
With a quiet groan, Steve laid down on the floor next to you. Several minutes went by as you suffered.
“You need to eat the rest of the pizza in there. It’ll go bad sitting out too long,” you commented. He didn’t answer for a few seconds.
“You couldn’t have told me that before I got down here?” He complained. He pulled himself up from the floor and found the pizza box half open on the counter. Slice in hand, he sat down next to you. Sometimes it was weird to think about your life. How you managed to end up lying on Captain America’s floor with him sitting against the fridge munching on pizza. You also weren’t sure at what point you accepted this as your life and didn’t question it.
You fell asleep on his floor. How you managed to do that, you weren’t entirely sure, but you woke up on his couch. You put your foot down after the third time that you fell asleep at his place. You found Steve scrunched up on the couch after having carried you to his bed. It was fine the first couple times but after that, you couldn’t do it. It was his apartment, you’d be fine on the couch and both of you would be comfortable instead of just one.
You threw your legs over the side of the couch and stood up. The power was still out, but Steve had opened up a window. A breeze came through the apartment as you wandered to Steve’s bedroom. He was sitting up in bed, his laptop was open but mostly ignored.
“What’s your plan when that dies? Is the porn really worth it?” you teased. He rolled his eyes as you climbed onto the bed lying across the foot.
“I gotta stay on top of the Cap fan message boards, you know?” he threw back. You rolled your eyes at his quips. You sat together in silence just the sounds of the city in from the open window. Glancing over you watched Steve’s face. His mind was a million miles away. Sometimes you worried about him when he came back from missions. He always seemed a bit heavier than the Steve you were used to and it made sense. You didn’t know the details of his missions, but you knew the nature of them. It took a toll on him, he was a man with a good heart who couldn’t always save everyone.
A loud click made you look up as the power came back on. The air blasted on and the lights turned on.
“Thank god,” you groaned rolling over and pressing your face into the blanket, the cool air on your back.
“You going home or staying?” he asked. You crawled over to the side of the bed he wasn’t using.
“Nope,” you didn’t want to leave him without really knowing what headspace he was in. You didn’t need to know, but you didn’t want him to be alone. “Either we’re going to sleep or we’re watching Netflix,” you reached over him and grabbed the TV remote. “Did you ever finish Stranger Things?”
@until-theend-oftheline @blacktithe7
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