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fsacre · 5 days ago
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Illustration pour un manuel de 6ème. (BELIN Education).
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0039pf-third-blog-hooray · 4 months ago
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“the word rum and the word death mean the same for you” 🥃☠️
doctor livesey and jim hawkins from soviet 1988 cartoon “treasure island”
i watched the cartoon two days ago and spontaneously wanted to draw a portrait of livesey yesterday. and then jim hawkins today!
also after that film i have already started reading the book, have read 1/5, and will continue after work now. i’m glad that there is already something to draw, sooo there will be treasure island sketches for sure 🙂‍↕️
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grickle14 · 10 months ago
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drilpencils · 2 years ago
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(cartoon by james stevenson, caption by dril)
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llama-from-spain · 4 months ago
The "Inside You There Are Two Wolves" meme, but it's just any version of Jekyll and Hyde.
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guardianjameslight · 28 days ago
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Literally nothing signals that you idiot, you clearly didn't pay attention to HIS previous work. And people actually love HIS work, so yeah, HE's way more talented than you'll ever be, not like it's an accomplishment.
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archinform · 6 months ago
George W. Maher, architect - part 2
My previous post focused on Maher-designed houses on Hutchinson St., now a Chicago historic district. For this post, I spent part of a day photographing some of Maher's other residential work in Chicago.
Stevenson-Colvin House
Address: 5940 N. Sheridan Rd.
Year Built: 1909
Architect: George W. Maher
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The Stevenson-Colvin House
The Harry M. Stevenson house at 4950 N. Sheridan Road dates to 1909 and is a rare survivor of the large homes that lined the street in the first decades of the 20th century. The house, referred to today as the Colvin house for its second owner, features a distinctive Maher dormer, second floor windows recessed behind columns, and a motif of tulips and triangles. It has been restored in recent years and now functions as an events venue.
Classic Chicago Magazine
I took the following photos of the Colvin House during a past Open House Chicago weekend, sponsored by the Chicago Architecture Center:
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Unfortunately, the interior has been remodeled, removing virtually all of Maher's original design. The chandelier, however, and the stair rail, are original. The house is now an events venue.
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Residence of Edwin M. Colvin, Esq., Chicago. The Architectural Record, 1916 Feb., v. 39, p. 175. ill, plans.
J.H. Hoekscher House
4506 N. Sheridan Rd., 1902
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4506 N. Sheridan shortly after completion in 1902 (Inland Architect)
Interior photos available here
King / Nash House, 1901-1902
3234 W Washington Blvd., Chicago
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This house is an amalgamation of the Sullivanesque, Colonial Revival, and Prairie styles. It was originally commissioned by wealthy businessman Patrick J. King, but its most well-known occupant was the influential Irish-Catholic politician Patrick A. Nash, who lived here from 1925 to 1943, when Washington Boulevard was one of the city's most-fashionable addresses.
Chicago Landmarks
Davey Pate / Charles Comiskey House, 1901
5131 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago
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Maher designed this house for Chicago lumberman Davey Pate. The house was later owned by Charles Comiskey, long-time owner of the Chicago White Sox baseball team.
Magerstadt House, 1906-1908
4930 South Greenwood Avenue, Chicago
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Completed the same year that Maher was devising a master plan for the Northwestern University campus, the Magerstadt House sits sideways on its deep, narrow lot, with the front door facing what is now the driveway. Visible from the street is a rectangular side porch whose pillars sport carved poppies.
Chicago Magazine
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Elevation and plans above and photos below, HABS survey documents
This house is probably one of the finest works of George W. Maher, a contemporary of Frank Lloyd Wright, and one of the Prairie School. It shows a relationship to Wright's work of the time in its cubist massing, ribbons of windows, simple, low-pitched roof, and deep, unbroken eaves. The influence of Art Nouveau is also evident, as is seen in the extensive use of the poppy motif in the ornament and interior finish.
Library of Congress
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This photo and other interior views on Redfin
Link: Magerstadt House HABS Report
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ragazzoarcano · 14 days ago
“Penso che si capisca di avere accanto la persona giusta quando ci si può chiedere scusa senza parole.”
— B. Stevenson
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boeingboingboing · 1 year ago
I love to think Siddeley and Stephenson/Stevenson are besties for one another and they fit all best friend criterias. Who knows, they could get chaotic together too haha. They match each other's vibes fr
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bevanne46 · 6 months ago
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The Hartsfield African American Slave Quilts’ Last Caretaker
An 1850s Checkerboard quilt made by young girl when she was 13 years old, plus 11 other quilts made by her and her descendants, has been preserved and protected by one family through many generations. The quilts are part of the Hartsfield African American Slave Quilts Collection and are currently in the care of Seattle resident Jim Tharpe, who calls himself their last caretaker. These extremely rare quilts have been exhibited many times, most recently at the Columbia Gorge Museum in Stevenson.
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postcard-from-the-past · 8 months ago
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Scottish writer and poet Robert Louis Stevenson grave on Mount Vaea, Samoa
British vintage postcard
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viecome · 9 months ago
Historias de la Literatura: Robert L. Stevenson
Robert L. Stevenson, autor entre muchas grandes obras de “El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde”, tuvo varios nombres a lo largo de su vida. Si bien todos lo conocemos como Robert Louis Stevenson, este no fue su nombre de nacimiento.Nacido en Edimburgo en 1850, fue registrado como Robert LEWIS Stevenson, nombre con el que vivió sus primeros 18 años, antes de cambiarlo por Louis. Lo curioso…
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ftwkcomic · 1 year ago
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Stevenson the Demon #1 2024
I helped Frostbite escape the depths of hell, and in return he saved my life and brought me to his realm. My soul is in debt to him and his cause. Portfolio: https://ftwkcomicbooks.myportfolio.com Discord: https://discord.gg/TQUA26Naj8
Socials and comms info https://ftwkcomic.carrd.co/
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nifrequerne · 2 years ago
if you liked nimona the movie i recommend reading the comic so you can be overwhelmed with the amount of things and characters that were cut out
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c-etait-ailleurs · 1 year ago
Jekyll ne souhaite réfréner aucun de ses goûts. Il souhaite seulement les assouvir en secret.
Le sujet ici abordé, dans son aspect le plus fondamental, n'est autre que le conflit entre le ça et le surmoi, le choix entre faire le mal ou s'en abstenir... ou, pour reprendre les termes de Stevenson, entre la répression et l'assouvissement. Ce con­flit éternel est la pierre de touche de la religion chrétienne, mais si l'on souhaite l'interpréter en termes mythiques, la dualité Jekyll/Hyde en suggère une autre : celle [...] entre l'Apollinien (la créature d'intellect, de sens moral et de noblesse, la "fleur même des convenances") et le Dionysiaque (le dieu des réjouissances et de l'assouvissement des pulsions ; le côté fêtard de la nature humaine). Et si l'on souhaite aller encore plus loin, on aboutit à une scission entre le corps et l'esprit... ce qui est exactement l'impression que Jekyll souhaite donner à ses proches : c'est en apparence un pur esprit, un être détaché des contingences matérielles. Il est difficile de l'imaginer lisant un journal assis sur un trône.
Stephen King, Anatomie de l'horreur, LdP 2020 p. 171-172
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cerebus1963 · 2 years ago
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Treasure Island / Schatzinsel - Neue Abenteuer
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