#steven appleby
Dragman by Steven Appleby
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August Crimp can fly, but only when he wears women's clothes. Soaring above a gorgeous, lush vista of London, he is Dragman, catching falling persons, lost souls, and the odd stranded cat. After he's rejected by the superhero establishment, where masked men chase endorsement deals rather than criminals, August quietly packs up his dress and cosmetics and retreats to normalcy -- a wife and son who know nothing of his exploits or inclinations. When a technological innovation allows people to sell their souls, they do so in droves, turning empty, cruel, and hopeless, driven to throw themselves off planes. August is terrified of being outed, but feels compelled to bring back Dragman when Cherry, his young neighbor, begs him to save her parents. Can Dragman take down the forces behind this dreadful new black market? Can August embrace Dragman and step out of the shadows?
Mod opinion: I haven't heard of this graphic novel before, but it does sound interesting!
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downthetubes · 8 months
Comics Up Close returns next month, at Sheffield Hallam University
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Sheffield Hallam University and The University of Manchester, the organisations behind Comics Up Close, have revealed the schedule for “Origin Stories”, taking place next month
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Sheffield Hallam University and The University of Manchester, the organisations behind Comics Up Close, have revealed the schedule for this year’s event, “Origin Stories”,  taking place at Sheffield Hallam University on Wednesday 21st February 2024. Tickets available via Eventbrite. Comics Up Close 2024 speakers include Steven Appleby, Karrie Fransman…
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yexuscomic · 1 year
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bell-of-indecision · 1 year
Harold Ramis Filmography Part Three
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Steven Buchner (Baby Boom, 1987)
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Alan Appleby (Stealing Home, 1988)
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[Part One] | [Part Two] | [Part Four] | [Part Five]
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ramisxbogart88 · 6 months
morning ramgart fans
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Hi ramgart fans Last night I thought up a new OTP Nick Coster x Alan “The Horse” Appleby (Nicklan)
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lyssaturner · 1 year
Here's a moodboard of Paige and Henry's kids. One is my oc hehe
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arconinternet · 20 days
Captain Star (Videos, 1997-1998)
The animated adventures of a legendary starship crew, put out to pasture in all but name at the ragged edge of the universe. You can watch it here, or via an unofficial playlist of its official YouTube uploads here.
Based on comics by genderqueer artist Steven Appleby (Twitter/X, website (requires Ruffle).
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docgold13 · 2 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
(More) Goon of Gotham
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The Plant Monster
A hulking behemoth made up of floral matter, the plant monsters were creatures created by Poison Ivy to both do her bidding as an eco-terrorist as well as facilitate her ruse as reformed and little more than an innocent housewife.  Ivy created the monsters genetic material from her former psychiatrist, Dr. Steven Carlyle, mixing it with her botanical science to create an animated plant golem obedient to her will.
Possessing a shortened lifespan, the plant monster appears as a young child in its nascent phase, quickly growing into it more mature form where it appears an exact replica of Dr. Carlyle.  In its final phase, the creature expands into an enormous brute possessing incredible strength and durability.  It can last in this final stage for only a short while before the creature wilts and dies off.  
Ivy grew a number of these creatures.  The saplings pretending to be Carlyle’s two young sons from a previous marriage whom Ivy cared for.  The mature version of the creature posed as Carlyle himself (the real Dr. Carlyle was kept in suspended stasis in a pod-like plant in home’s back yard).  While the lumbering final version of the creature did Ivy’s bidding, destroying polluting industrial facilities and attacking individuals Ivy deemed as responsible for ecological offenses.  
Batman and Robin were initially fooled by these creatures.  The crimes bore all the hallmarks of Poison Ivy.  And yet the Dynamic Duo believed the Carlyle duplicate to be the real thing, thus offering Ivy a rock solid alibi.  It was only after Robin recalled that Dr. Carlyle had two daughters from his past marriage rather than two sons that Batman was able to deduce Ivy must have somehow created her family.  
Utilizing a specialized pesticide spray, Batman and Robin were able to destroy the various Plant Creatures and rescued Dr. Carlyle.  Poison Ivy fled, leaving behind a plant golem in her own form whom the Dynamic Due attempted to apprehend before it too deteriorated into a floral soup. 
Although she had gotten away, Poison Ivy was hugely saddened by the loss of her created family and the peace and tranquility it had offered her.  Having perfected her ability to create floral golems, however, it would not be long before she would return with new sinister schemes to forward her agenda.  
Actors Peter Strauss and Jim Cummings voiced Dr. Carlyle and the Plant Monster respectively.  The creature appeared in the first episode of the second season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘House and Garden.'    
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The android known as Cynthia was a ‘synthoid,’ a sophisticated automaton specifically designed to pass as human.  She was customer-designed and ordered by high school student Howard Groote who wanted to use her as a means of earning the attention of the popular girls in his class.  Cynthia was crafted to be a stunningly beautiful young woman, entirely devoted to Howard.  
The plan initially worked and when Howard’s classmates saw that he had such a desirable and dedicated girlfriend it caused many of them to reconsider their attitudes toward him.  Unfortunately, Cynthia’s programming proved quite rigid and she became fiercely jealous toward the girls who paid Howard attention.   
Synthoid’s possessed greatly enhanced strength and durability and Cynthia’s jealous rampage caused a great deal of destruction and put many people at risk.  Batman (Terry McGinnis) interceded and was able to protect those who were in harm.  In the end, Cynthia’s rage toward Howard became so extreme that it caused her central processors to overload and she exploded.   
Actress Shiri Appleby provided the voice for Cythia, with the tragic and possessive sainthood featuring in the thirteenth episode of the second season of Batman Beyond, ‘Terry's Friend Dates a Robot.’  
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Farmer Brown & Emmylou
Doctor Enoch Brown was a microbiologist and agriculturalist who had developed a way to cause mutagenic growth in animals, which he tried to market as a means to end world hunger.  He presented a ginormous sheep at an agricultural expo which became irritated and ran amuck, resulting in a great deal of property damage.  Brown was arrested and fined a huge fee; furthermore he was court ordered to desist all mutagenic experimentations on livestock.  
An enraged Brown disappeared for several years and eventually reemerged with a plan to gain vengeance and make himself rich.  Aided by his daughter, Emmylou, Farmer Brown created numerous monstrous beasts, including giant cows, pterodactyl-like mutant chickens and enormous mantis-like insects.  He set these animals loose on the streets of Gotham, causing a great deal of chaos.  He then threatened to send even more such monstrosities if the city did not agree to pay him an exorbitant ransom.     
When the Gotham Police Department failed to send the ransom, Brown and his daughter planned on sending a rocket that would deposit hundreds of mutated locusts into the heart of downtown. Gotham  Fortunately the plot was thwarted by the efforts of Batman, Batgirl and Robin.  Farmer Brown and Emmylou were arrested and the animals they had created were sent to a specialized nature reserve.
Actor Peter Breck provided Brown’s drawl with actress Dina Sherman voicing his daughter, Emmylou.  The villainous pair appeared in the second episode of the second season of The New Batman Adventures, ‘Critters.’   
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By all outward appearances, Carter Wilson seemed a model student at Hamilton High School.  He had excellent grades, was a star athlete, class president and was quite popular among his peers.  All of his scholastic success, however, was fueled by a cold and overbearing mother that demanded that he be nothing but the best.  
Young Carter cracked under the pressure.  At night he would don a frightening costume and began running with the Jokerz Street Gang.  As a part of the gang, Carter took on the alias of ‘Terminal.’  With his intellect, it was not long before Terminal was leading a gang of his own, a group of Joker goons willing to obey his every whim.   
Carter learned that his classmate, Maxine Gibson, had outperformed him on a standardized test and was likely to beat him out for class valedictorian. Desperate to ensure this would not happen, he used his role as Terminal to put a stop to it.  After failed attempts to alter school records, Terminal planned for his gang to attack Maxine and make it so she could not continue on at school by any means necessary.  
The plot was thwarted by Batman (Terry McGinnis) and Terminal was ultimately unmasked as Carter.  The once promising young man was arrested and sent away for psychiatric care.  Although Batman had succeeded in foiling Terminal’s plan and saving Maxine, the whole ordeal resulted in Maxine being able to successfully surmise Terry’s alter ego as the new Batman.  Fortunately, Max would come to use this information to help the Tomorrow Night and Max would go on to become one of Batman’s most valuable allies.  
Actor Michael Rosenbaum provided the voice for Terminal, with the villain appearing in the eighteenth episode of the first season of Batman Beyond, ‘Hidden Agenda.’ 
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Deputy Commissioner Gil Mason
Dashing Gil Mason was a rising star within the Gotham City Police Department, promoted to deputy commissioner serving under Jim Gordon.  And yet Mason’s success was due to his secretly being an agent of the villainous mob boss known as Harvey ‘Two-Face’ Dent.  Two Face fed Mason information about rival gangs, taking out his competition while augmenting Mason’s reputation in the police department.  
Mason then planted evidence implicating Commissioner Gordon as corrupt and in the pocket of the mobster Rupert Thorne.  Gordon ended up arrested while Mason was named the new commissioner.  
Aided by Barbara Gordon, Batman was able to exonerate Jim Gordon and out Mason as Two-Face’s mole.  Jim Gordon was freed and returned to his post as commissioner whereas Gil Mason perished in a boat explosion while trying to escape.   
Actor Tim Matheson provided the voice for Gil Mason with the corrupt cop first appearing in the first episode of the second season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Shadow of The Bat Part One.’
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A brutal vigilante whop sought out to avenge neglected, mistreated children, Payback terrorized Gotham with little regard to the collateral damage and harm to innocent bystanders his campaign incurred.  Batman set out to take the vigilante and his investigation uncovered that all of the targets had a connection to the Gotham Youth Counseling Center.  
Using Bruce Wayne as bait, Batman was able to draw Payback out and eventually defeated the villain. Payback’s identity was revealed to be young Kenny Stanton, the son of the counseling center’s chief resident.  Kenny had used a bionic suit to appear to be an adult, lashing out toward negligent parents in that he also felt neglected by his own father.  
Actor Adam Wylie provided the voice for Kenny (with Bill Fagerbakke provided the voice of Payback).  The troubled villain appeared in the twenty-fourth episode of the second season of Batman Beyond, ‘Payback.’  
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Baron Waclaw Josek
A smooth talking confidence man, Waclaw Josek presented himself as ‘The Baron,’ posing as a nobleman from somewhere in Eastern Europe.  Fool by his erroneous credentials, relief aid organizations such as the Gotham Foreign-Aid Society would invite him to hold talks over high-priced dinner engagements.  
Batman was aware Josek possessed multiple felony convictions in Europe and that he was a known associate of Josiah Wormwood.  Wormwood had recently stolen a cache of bearer bonds and was planning on selling them to a foreign agent.  Batman intimidated Josek into leaving town and then used his mastery of disguise to pose as Josek as part of plan to coerce Wormwood into giving up the bearer bonds as well as the name of the agent he was contracted to sell them to.   
Actor John Rhys-Davies provided the voice for both Waclaw Josek as well as Bataman whilst impersonating Josek.  The cad appeared in the thirty-first episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy.’
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Patrick was born with an unusual appearance. He looked like a rat, which prompted unfriendly kids to call him Ratboy. Tired of being teased, Patrick moved to the sewers, looking for seclusion. There he encountered  a horde of giant man-eating rats.  Strangely, Patrick was taken in by these rats and they would do his bidding.  
Patrick abducted Dana Tan desiring a girlfriend to keep him company. Batman descended into the sewers to rescue Dana and ended up having to battle Patrick and his killer rats.  The fight resulted in an explosion that claimed Patrick’s life although fortunately Batman and Dana were able to escape unharmed.  
Actor Taran Noah Smith provided the voice for Ratboy with the tragic villain featuring in the ninths episode of the second season of Batman Beyond, ‘Rats.’  
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The Jazzman
James ‘Jimmy’ Peake was a violent mobster who came to Gotham to try to make a name for himself.  With his proclivity to pepper his speech with all manner of musical terms, Peake came to be known as ‘The Jazzman.’
Following a series of brazen and violent capers, Commissioner James Gordon made a point of taking down and arresting Peake.  A sting was sat up but things went awry and a gunfight broke out.  The Batman arrived in time to capture Peake, but in the ensuing chaos an errant bullet had struck Commissioner Gordon.  
Gordon was rushed to emergency surgery whilst Peake was transported to a holding cell as Stonegate Penitentiary.  Peake was certain that Gordon's death would cement him as a major player in the Gotham criminal underworld.  He somehow managed to escape Stonegate and made his way top the hospital to finish Gordon off.
Fortunately, Batman was able to intercept Peake and the cad was returned to jail.  Gordon pulled through and was back on duty after a short recovery.  Peake meanwhile was given a life sentence and spent the remainder of his days incarcerated at Stonegate.  
Actor Brian George provided the voice for Jimmy The Jazzman Peake, with the crook appearing in the thirty-fourth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘I Am The Night.'   
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Pierce Chapman
A Gotham socialite and gadfly, Pierce Chapman was close friends with Veronica Vreeland and tended to ride her coattails into the upper crust of high society.  When Veronica fretted over ways of being the talk of the town, Pierce recalled the time a party he had attended had been robbed by The Joker.  The whole affair was ever so exciting and he and Veronica cooked up a scheme to get the recently paroled Penguin to come to their next shindig.  
The Penguin had always wanted to be embraced by high society and he was gleefully excited by Veronica’s interest in him.  Veronica’s friend, Bruce Wayne, warned her that she was playing a dangerous game and that treating The Penguin in this fashion was cruel and reckless.  Yet Pierce disregarded Bruce’s boring advice, noting that the Penguin was ‘not of our kind’ and thus undeserving of such concern.  
Naturally this whole scheme backfired and when The Penguin found out that he was merely being used.  He kidnapped Veronica and demanded that Piece deliver the ransom.  The Penguin had planned to kill both Veronica and Pierce, but the two were saved by the timely arrival of Batman.     
Whether or not Pierce came to learn his lesson remains unknown.  He and Veronica appeared to drift apart and he was not seen at any of her subsequent events and parties.  
Actor Sam McMurray provided the voice for Pierce Chapman, with the snobbish goon appearing in the forty-seventh episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Birds of A Feather.’
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dateamonster · 7 months
i just read “my favorite things is monsters” based on your reccomendation—- any other horror graphic novels you recommend?
ohh i hope you liked it! i still need to reread..
i talked about this a little when i had just finished it but i rly like ultrasound by conor stechschulte. another very dark story that makes full use of the medium. some really great art that contributes beautifully to the frightening, disorienting vibe of the story.
and while im far from up to date on the series, ice cream man by w maxwell prince is always very good and very scary. kind of creepshow esque with its episodic-anthology-like format which i always find fun.
anything junji ito tends to be a banger but in terms of like longform stories rather than single chapter oneshots, tombs and hellstar remina are both favs of mine. plus you know. tomie and uzumaki obviously but i figure u know that. dissolving classroom is also fun imo if not particularly.. coherent.
umm what else.. infidel is a compelling and fucking stomach turning take on haunted house horror. theres also definitely more that i just cant remember the titles of rn.....
oh and while not horror, dragman by steven appleby is a really interesting speculative graphic novel i read recently that i promise is good i know how this looks from the summary but really its good its good
and ya know always read with caution pls!
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Thank you for tagging me @christine-ye
(RULES: answer and tag 9 people who you want to get to know or just catch up with!)
Favorite color: Gold. Blue is also good.
Last song I listened to: Not sure. I think the “Top Gun” Soundtrack.
Currently reading: Nothing. But I recently read “Dragman” by Steven Appleby, good book.
Currently watching: Kamen Rider Amazon, but the last days I got side-tracked by rewatching YGOTAS.
Currently craving: nothing really.
Coffee or tea: Coffee.
Current AU: I want to draw a short Comic with the CCA characters as dinosaurs. Call that “In a land beyond the time”.
I cant think of 9 people, so here are only 3. Sorry:
@jounouchis @m1ontee @asanjou
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spenglercore · 7 months
My Tags And What They Mean
Here's a list of tags I use to attempt to keep shit straight on this blog. I like to call my AUs 'isotopes' because I think I'm clever. This list is subject to change at the whim of an AuDHD Millenial with nothing better to do than have Thoughts.
When protons collide/WPC: Catchall for stuff pertaining to my main fic, including things that inspire me and writing snippets and WIPs.
Spenglerisims: Egon headcanons.
The square pair: Egon/OC trash.
Carbon dating isotope: College AU that takes place during the 70s, in which Egon and my OC meet while getting their nuclear engineering degrees.
Rocket Car Isotope: Any and everything pertaining to Egon's parents' story arc from how they met as kids to grandbaby shenanigans, and other things that remind me of them.
None braincells left beef: Stuff specific to Piotr Spengler, my OC and Egon's dad.
Alkali metals isotope: I accidentally five whole siblings for Egon. I may come up with some unique tags for each of them in the future though.
Covalent bonding isotope: World of Warcraft AU because I have no self control, in which Egon is a Worgen druid and my OC an Orc hunter. Sort of a take on the whole 'enemies to lovers' trope as he and my OC are members of opposing factions.
Oral phlebotomy isotope: Not quite a garden-variety vampire AU. Much neck biting and running about.
Seeing Stars: Anything pertaining to Russell Ziskey and my story idea for him and my OC Ingrid, and their wildass sentient mop of a child, Zane.
Scrungly Loser Boy: Posts about Russell Ziskey, from headcanons to posts that give me Ziskey Vibes.
Never Too Late: Anything pertaining to Don Durkett and my story idea for him and my OC Katya, and their absolutely unexpected twin gremlins, Maksym and Sasha.
Posts About Don Durkett: What it says on the tin, from headcanons to posts that give me Don Vibes.
The Stanford Group/TSG: Modern mob au for Don and Katya. Don is a mob boss one step under THE boss. Katya gets hired to work for him due to her chemistry skills.
Cloak And Dagger: Rogue and mage au for Don and Katya.
Sports (Illustrated): General tag for anything pertaining to Alan Appleby and my story idea for him and my OC Sophia, and their two kids Edward and Andrea.
The Gilded Loser: Posts about Alan Appleby, from headcanons to posts that give me Appleby Vibes.
In Between Leagues: Modern college AU for Stealing Home.
Business Casual: General tag pertaining to Steven Buchner and my story idea for him and my OC Tracey, and their daughter Veronica.
Poetic Justice: General tag pertaining to Officer (Oscar) Friendly and my story idea for him and my oc, Penelope, and their six kids.
Friendly Felons: Tag specifically for Oscar and Penelope's six little criminals: Benjamin, Casey, Melanie, Crystal, Shaun and Josephine.
Smoke and Mirrors: General tag pertaining to Harold's char from the PTA Meeting skit, whom I named Sterling Silver and my story idea for him and my oc Judy, and their six kids.
General Haroldry: What it says on the tin. Any and everything about Harold Ramis because I have no shame.
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purpleplaid17 · 2 months
Jess Watches // Wed 10 July // Day 286 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Sunny (with B) 1x01 He's in Refrigerators
Living in Kyoto, Japan, Suzie's life is turned upside down after her husband and son disappear in a mysterious plane crash; as consolation, she receives Sunny, a domestic robot made by her husband's electronics company.
I'm Mixxy, fumbling, trying to flirt with Rashida Jones. Sorry about your possibly dead husband. I have an ex-girlfriend whose strap game was 🥵🔥. Please don't leave. Was it something I said?
Land of Women (with mm) 1x04 Chapter 4
Hank and Kevin close in on Gala's whereabouts just as she makes a troubling discovery about the extent of Fred's misdeeds.
Fred is a p.o.s. Boohoo. Ignore him and concentrate on making new friends at the co-op. They'll warm up to her... eventually.
Abbott Elementary (with mum) 3x08 Panel
Ava and Gregory are invited to speak on a panel about public schools, while the other teachers must complete CPR training; Janine faces challenges securing district approval for her librarian extension program.
The basketball game cold open could've been the entire episode for me. Barb was just finding her rhythm.🏀
My Lady Jane (with L) 1x01 Who'll Be the Next in Line?
Lady Jane Grey has been betrothed against her will to her cousin, the king is coughing up blood and her best friend has flown the coop, literally.
Shiri Appleby's daughter and Andi Peters son star in the gayest, not actually gay??, first episode of a delightful, hilariously narrated, historical rewrite. (Jamie Babbit directed half the eps so that where the gay vibes were coming from 🤔)
The Legend of Korra (rw with L) 2x08 Beginnings Part 2
Korra delves deeper into the Avatar's past and realizes what she must do in order to restore balance between the physical and spirit worlds.
Steven Yeun was Wan? I should've turned the volume up bc I did not catch that smh 🤦‍♀️. The animation during the battle with Vaatu was breathtakingly beautiful, stunningly spectacular.
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downthetubes · 11 months
Origin Stories: Call for Papers for Comics Up Close event in February 2024
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Sheffield Hallam and Manchester University, the organisations behind Comics Up Close, have just issued a Call for Papers for their next conference taking place in February 2024, deadline fast approaching
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Sheffield Hallam and Manchester University, the organisations behind Comics Up Close, have just issued their Call for Papers for their next academic conference taking place in February 2024. The deadline for proposals is 19th November. Comics Up Close launched last February, its inaugural event taking place at Manchester Museum, a project created by…
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sporadiceagleheart · 2 months
Monday edit for missing kids and kids died from murder Kim Rae Doss, Tracy Anne King, Gina Dawn Brooks, Mikelle Diane Biggs, Joan Gay Croft, Teekah Latres Lewis, Moira McCall Anderson, Rachel Marie Anderson, Monica Arellano, Amber Nicole Crum, Victor Arellano, Anastacia Marie Argentova-Stevens, Allyson Kathleen Dalton, Athena Sheetz, Thanit Sheetz-Marti, Emily Maria Izykowski, Haleigh Breann Culwell, Bianca Elaine Lebron, Russell "Russie" John Mort, Alexis S. Patterson, Beverly Rose Potts, Jenna Ray Robbins, Rachael Marie Runyan, Eliška “Elsie” Paroubek, Harmony Renee Montgomery, Reachelle Marie Smith, Danyel Lou Sparpana, Brandi Jondell Summers& TIFFANI WISE, Omar Vargas, Darko Stančević, Linda Jane Stillwell, Kimberly Alizee Torres Rodriguez, Vivian Aileen Trout, Rebecca Elizabeth West, Sophia Anabel Larranaga, Fabricio Herman Barajas, Serina "Seri" Victoria Clark, Tammy Alexandra Flores, Diego Flores, Acacia Nicole Duvall,Jon "JP" Pierre Duvall, Sarah Arielle Skiba, Lisa Mae Zaharias,Christopher Zaharias, Azaria Chantel Loren Chamberlain, Tricia J. Kellett, Amy Burney, Diana Belinda Alvarez, Trudy Leann Appleby, Isabella Balajonda-Annibal, Lysbet Balmontez-Fernandez, Jersey Arnett, Carol May Big Tobacco, Karen Lynn Tompkins, Ricky Jean "Jeannie" Bryant, Lorie Lynn Lewis, Ann Marie Burr, Mary Louise Day, Patricia Louise "Patti Lou" Zentner, Athena Strand, Amber Hagerman, Christine Jessop, Debbie Randall, Jessica Gutierrez, Michaela Joy Garecht, Joan D’Alessandro, Cherish Perrywinkle, Audrii Cunningham, April Tinsley, Asifa Bano, JonBenét Ramsey, Elizabeth Shelley, Sharon Lee Gallegos, Sarah H. Foxwell, Opal Jo Dace Jennings,
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izabesworld · 1 year
Misrepresentation in Peaky Blinders
I’m making this a whole other post as I didn’t want to give the person who wrote the anonymous ask the time of day... To put it simply. This is just a quick reminder that while I want to help people who genuinely want to learn, learn, I won’t reply to an anonymous ask that is rude to those who want to learn and I won’t publicise abusive language toward them. 
Peaky Blinders has both good and bad representation of the Romani community. In the series, they did good by: mentioning Appleby Horse Fair, showing a traditional funeral (Polly), using Romani names (Aberama Gold, Bonny Gold, Esme Shelby, Esmeralda Gold, Polly-Anna Gray), they used Romani religious idols (Black Madonna) and even used traditional vardos.
However, not all was good in Peaky Blinders and I feel it’s right to also highlight that in conversation. Not one Romani actor was used for the Shelby family (while I do believe all of the actors were phenomenal, it would’ve been nice to see Romani actors shown in a Romani show). They used a total of 7 Romani words, the rest being spoken in Romanian rather than Angloromani. 
We, as a community, cannot blame fan-fiction writers for getting these things wrong when there’s so little information for Romani culture out there. We cannot blame people for thinking the “traditions” shown in Peaky Blinders are real Romani traditions. You’d think well produced writers like Steven King would take the time to learn these things before making a national programme.
More so, we cannot go on the pages of people wanting to help these writers get it right, telling them that the people trying to learn do not want to learn. 
Day in day out I get DM’s from people asking me to: read through their work, tell them about significant cultural practices, tell them names of clothing articles and tell them the names of traditional dishes. People want to learn, and they want to get it right - not only for the Rom who may read their piece but also so what they write can be educated and refreshing.
I will not support the slating of these people on my page.
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threecatjamboree · 1 year
i was tagged by no one but i wanted to feel included so i'm doing it anyway! spelling out my url with songs. it's a long one buckle up
Time = Fate by KGLW HUNTING FOR YOUR DREAM by GALNERYUS Runner by Djo Everything is Embarrassing by Sky Ferreira Eat Your Young by Hozier Coming Home by Gabrielle Aplin Arson by J-Hope Think Out Loud by The Murlocs John My Beloved by Sufjan Stevens Afterthought by Joji Mother of Pearl by Stevie Appleby Blood Bank by Bon Iver Oats We Sow by Gregory and the Hawk Rehab by Amy Winehouse Each to Each by Penny and Sparrow Eavesdrop by The Civil Wars
i am tagging @trainerspagh @armed-koala @footrace-to-space @thelastlightningbug and also anyone who also wants to feel included
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