#steve woznik
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thasallweare · 1 year ago
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The Apple II is an early personal computer that was created by Apple Inc. It was one of the first successful mass-produced microcomputer products, and it played a significant role in the early development of the personal computer industry. It has an 8-bit microprocessor.
Manufacturer: Apple
Date introduced: June 1977
Developer: Steve Wozniak (lead designer)
Memory: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 36, 48, or 64 KiB
Year: 1977 si.edu
CPU: MOS Technology 6502; @ 1.023 MHz
Discontinued: May 1979; 44 years ago
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implexis · 3 years ago
Jan 21  Air France and British Airways begin commercial flights with the supersonic Concorde aircraft.
Feb 26  Spain's mandate over Western Sahara ends. It hands administrative power there to Morocco. An independence movement in Western Sahara is ignored despite a decision by the International Court of Justice upholding the right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination. The independence movement in Western Sahara is leftist and supported by an anti-Western bloc: Algeria, Chad, Libya, Mauritania. Spain and Morocco are allied with the US, and the US is supporting King Hassan II of Morocco.
Mar 9  At Cavalese in Italy a steel cable breaks, sending 42 people in cable cars plunging 200 meters (700 feet) to their death.
Mar 15  Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is upset that Cuba's Fidel Castro has the nerve to send troops to Angola to help the government there against insurgents supported covertly by the Ford administration and South Africa's apartheid regime. In the Oval Office he complains about the Cubans to the president and calls Castro a "pip-squeek."
Mar 20  In the US, Patty Hearst is found guilty of armed robbery.
Mar 24 Kissinger meets with a national security team and expresses his fear of falling dominos "If the Cubans destroy Rhodesia then Namibia is next and then there is South Africa." He adds that o permit the "Cubans as the shock troops of the revolution" in Africa is unacceptable and could cause racial tensions in the "Caribbean with the Cubans appealing to disaffected minorities and could then spillover into South America and even into our own country." Kissenger expresses fear of an appearance of US weakness and discussing military options against Cuba. He says, "There should be no halfway measures. We get no reward for using military power in moderation."
Mar 24  In Argentina, the military overthrows Isabella Peron, whose authoritarian rule was considered unpopular and ineffectual. Anti-Communist death squad activities during Isabella's regime, supported by her leading minister, José Lopez Rega, will continue under the new junta's leader, General Jorge Videla.
Mar 31  Karen Ann Quinlan has been kept alive by a ventilator for several months without improvement. Her parents have requested that the hospital allow her to die. The hospital has refused. The New Jersey Supreme Court sides with the parents.
Apr 1  Steve Jobs and Steve Woznik form Apple Computer Company. Big innovations are coming from small startup companies rather than IBM, Xerox and others. Big companies have their own bureaucracies and in-the-box thinking. The bigger companies will be advancing their technical capabilities by buying up young start-up companies.
Apr 4  In Cambodia, now called Democratic Kampuchea, the Khmer Rouge regime deposes Prince Norodom Sihanouk as head of state and places him under house arrest. Five of his 14 children are to die as victims of Khmer Rouge rule. The Khmer Rouge is attempting to create a classless society by forcing the urban population into agricultural communes. It is executing intellectuals, seeing them as a threat to their new order.
Apr 16  In India, to curb population growth, the minimum age for marriage is raised to 21 years for men and 18 years for women.
Jun 1  Britain and Iceland end their Cod War with a compromise, an agreement allowing a maximum of 24 British fishing boats within 200 miles of Iceland.
Jun 16  In South Africa's black township of Soweto, students protest against a government decree that Afrikaans be the language of instruction in schools. Police move against the demonstrators. The police shoot and kill a twelve-year-old student, Hector Pieterson, who is to be memorialized.
Jun 27  Palestinians hijack an Air France plane in Greece and land it in Entebbe, Uganda. More than 100 of the 246 passengers are Israelis.
Jul 2   Idi Amin of Uganda asks U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim to appeal to Israel and four other countries to comply with the demands of the hijackers for the release of 53 prisoners from jails.
Jul 4   Israeli commandos free 103 hostages being held by Palestinian hijackers of an Air France plane at Uganda's Entebbe Airport. Several Ugandan soldiers are killed. The Israeli commander, Colonel Yoni Netanyahu, is killed.
Jul 6  The US Naval Academy inducts its first class with women.
Jul 12   A newly unified Vietnam moves to normalize relations with its Southeast Asia neighbors. It establishes diplomatic ties with the Philippines and has plans to meet a delegation from Thailand.
Jul 15  Democrats have nominated Jimmy Carter as their candidate for US President. In his acceptance speech, Carter declares his intention to lead the Democrats "back to victory and our nation back to greatness."
Jul 17  East Timor is declared the 27th province of Indonesia, while the people there prefer independence.
Jul 20  The US completes the withdrawal of air force bases from Thailand, paving the way for normalization of relations between Thailand and Vietnam.
Aug 1  The Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago becomes a republic, replacing Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom as head of state with an elected president.
Aug 4   The first recognized outbreak of Legionnaires' disease kills 29 at the American Legion convention in Philadelphia. The disease is a mystery.
Aug 6  Thailand and Vietnam re-establish diplomatic relations.
Aug 11  In the US, the Republican Party platform subcommittee votes not to endorse the equal rights amendment for women. First Lady Betty Ford is appalled.
Aug 16  At the Republican National Convention, those backing the nomination of Ronald Reagan for president, especially members of the Texas delegation, are faulting the Ford Administration for détente with the Soviet Union, are critical of Ford for having signed the Helsinki Accords, and fault Ford for the fall of Saigon.
Aug 18  North Koreans shoot and kill two US soldiers in Korea's Demilitarized Zone. The two soldiers were chopping down part of a tree that was restricting their view.
Aug 19  President Ford wins the Republic Party's nomination for president.
Sep 9  Chairman Mao Zedong, 82, dies.
Sep 24  Patricia Hearst is sentenced to 7 years in prison for her role in a 1974 bank robbery.
Oct 6  The period of mourning the death of Chairman Mao is at an end. The politburo of China's Communist Party moves against Mao's wife, Jiang Qing, and other leaders of the Cultural Revolution, the so-called Gang of Four. They are arrested and accused of conspiring to seize state power.
Oct 6  Thailand's middle class is annoyed by leftist politics, and rightists have been associating student activists with communism. Students demonstrate against the return from exile by the former dictator, Thanom, who had been driven from power in 1973. The military assaults the demonstration. More than 1,700 are arrested and 30 or more students are killed and many others injured.
Oct 16  Thailand's military junta has begun a nationwide roundup of leftist writers, professors and students. Some are running to join the Communist Party's insurgent forces operating from bases in Laos.
Nov 2  Jimmy Carter defeats incumbent Gerald Ford, becoming the first candidate from the Deep South to win the presidency since the Civil War.
Dec 1  Angola, independent since November 11, 1975, joins the United Nations.
Dec 15  Samoa, independent since 1962, joins the United Nations.
to 1975 | to 1977
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gearcoupon · 3 years ago
Wozniak and his bunches: How time went with criticism of Apple and how his attitudes changed
Wozniak and his bunches: How time went with criticism of Apple and how his attitudes changed
Just as Steve Jobs is inextricably linked to Apple, so is the second co-founder, Steve Woznik. However, this currently 71-year-old computer engineer and philanthropist is known for his numerous criticisms of Apple's current products, including Apple's key product, the iPhones. Steve Wozniak left Apple in 1985, the same year that Steve Jobs had to leave. He cited work on a new project as a reason

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koinmedya · 7 years ago
Apple'nin Kurucularından Steve Woznik ; Bitcoinlerin Tamamını Sattım.
Apple’nin Kurucularından Steve Woznik ; Bitcoinlerin Tamamını Sattım.
Apple kurucusu Steve Wozniak, tĂŒm bitkoin’leri sattığını söyledi. Teknoloji ikonu Ä°sveç’teki Ä°skandinav Ticaret Forumunda “Rakamları sadece izleyen insanlardan biri olmak istemiyorum” dedi.
Teknoloji ikonu, geçen hafta Stockholm’teki Nordic Business Forum’daki verdiği demeïżœïżœte, fiyatınınçok manipĂŒlatif olduğunu ve bundan haƟlanmadığını belirtti.
Wozniak, bitkoini 700 $ aldığını belirtti. Geçen

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ba1b2kbm · 8 years ago
Brain Dump: Compositing & VFX
This is a post to thoroughly explain the things I already know about compositing and VFX, as well as question myself on what else I need to figure out. It will serve as the basis for both which my presentation will come from as well as my 500 word report for submission. 
the google definition of this word is; combine (two or more images) to make a single picture (photographic compositing by computer)
compositing is the art of creating one final product from many different pieces added together - live action, animation, visual effects, etc.
it can appear in places that you wouldn’t guess - a very good example of this is the weather on the news; the weather reporter will stand in front of a green screen, which in turn will be placed into software that completely changes the green screen into a map of the weather.
the first example of VFX is the silent short film “the execution of mary stuart” (VFX lecture), alfred clark (1895)
further down the moviemaking line, movie effects spanned into two different threads; special effects and visual effects, the latter of which grants itself to post-production and CGI visual effects, the former being achieved on movie sets
moana has the most visual effects used in any disney film thus far, and uses the software “hyperion” to create lighting effects, which uses “path tracing” to account different light sources and bounce realistically between objects within the scene using their textues
lecture by Andrew Schlussel of MPC (moving pictures company, soho, london) for “the jungle book” discussing the “skills of virtual cinematography, photocell VFX and animation” (weds 22nd march) to create the animals they began with skeleton, layered muscle, and skin, and used blue screen compositing to impose mowgli into the cg environment
early cave paintings depict the qualities of movement as well as man’s representation of the living world
in the 1800s came the establishment of the motion picture industry, and the first ever special effect or illusion was produced by Alfred Clark in 1895 for The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots
French magician George Melies released many films from Indian Rubber Head (1901) and The Dancing Midget (1902)
The Great Train Robbery (1903) directed by Edwin S. Porter is a milestone in filmmaking, using composite editing and one of the earliest examples of “cross cutting” (two scenes occurring simultaneously but in different locations)
from Melies’ accidental discovery of stop motion with a jammed camera, Willis O’Brian pioneered stop motion special effects in his movie The Lost World (1925) by combining both live-action and stop motion animation in the same scene
in the 1950â€Čs, post second world war, film focus reigned in on outer space. some of the most well known movies from this time are Destination Moon (1950), War of the Worlds (1953) and Forbidden Planet (1956). it was during this time that the blue screen technique as invented, enabling what we call nowadays as green/blue screen compositing.
in 1953, Jason and the Argonauts came out with the skeleton battle sequence developed by Ray Harryhausen, which still inspires filmmakers to this day
the University of Utah opened the first CG department in 1966, and 2D morphing techniques were first developed in 1967 at the University of Toronto as well as environmental reflection
James Blinn created the first feature film appearance of 3D CG in Mapping (1976) and Bump Mapping (1978)
pioneers such as James Blinn and David Em continued to push computer graphics in the 1970s. Ed Catmull developed texture mapping in 1974, which was refined later by James Blinn in 1976.
Bill Gates founded Microsoft, and Steve Woznik and Steve Jobs built the first Apple Computer. 
George Lucas formed ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) to cover the mass amount of special effects in his new film Star Wars (1977), which won an oscar.
Where the Wild Things Are (1982-3) pioneered the 35mm film test, digitally composited 3D CG backgrounds with traditionally animated (digitally inked and painted) characters, led by Chris Wedge (now vice-pres. of Blue Sky/VIFX)
John Lasseter left Disney and joined Lucasfilm Computer Graphics Division, working on the CG Endor moon sequence for Return of the Jedi (1983)
The Black Cauldron (1985) became the first animated feature film to contain a 3D element
Lucasfilm Computer Graphics Division produced the 3D animation required to bring to life a knight made of stained glass for the film Young Sherlock Holmes (1985) and was the first to composite CG with a live-action background
Steve Jobs purchased Lucasfilm Computer Graphics Division in 1986 for $10 million, and Pixar was created by John Lasseter, Ed Catmull and Ralph Guggenheim. They went on to produce the famous “Renderman” software.
Howard the Duck (1986) was the first film to use digital wire removal and the first work carried out by the new ILM computer graphics department.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) which contained the first use of 3D scanning by Cyberware on a film.
By the end of the 80’s things were beginning to steam ahead. ILM won another Academy Award for Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and completed the first digital morph for Willow (1988)
The following year ILM produced ‘the Donovan’s destruction’ sequence for the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989). The shot involved scanning multiple film elements into the computer, digitally compositing them together and then scanning back out to film. Also in that year, ILM produced the ‘water pseudopod’ creature for “The Abyss” (1989) (Oscar winner). The software used included Alias/2 and Photoshop. Dennis Muren, Mark A.Z. Dippe and John Knoll were some of the brains behind the success of the project.
One of the newer CG companies to appear towards the end of the 80’s was Rhythm & Hues. They produced over 30 shots of photorealistic airplanes, bombs and smoke all in daylight for a film Flight of the Intruder (1990). 
Disney produced the first completely digital film in the shape of The Rescuers Down Under (1990)
Pixar used their new Photorealistic Render software, Renderman, to produce the famous “Shutterbug” image. Autodesk released 3D Studio v1, their own 3D modeling and animation software.
James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgement Day (Oscar winner) brought to life by the artists at ILM began to change the way Hollywood perceived computer graphics. It was the first major digital character to be used in a film since the stained glass knight in Young Sherlock Holmes.
Another major contribution that year came from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast; the ‘ballroom’ sequence contained a complete 3D rendered background.
Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park (1993) (Oscar winner). ILM employed a huge range of tools to create CG dinosaurs and various other special effects needed for the film. These included Alias PowerAnimator, Softimage 3D, Matador and Lightwave (for simple animatics). 1993 also saw the rise of Digital Domain formed by James Cameron, Stan Winston and Scott Ross.
Alias/Wavefront’s Dynamation particle system was again used in 1997 by ILM in the creation of a CG cape for Spawn together with realistic goo, drool and saliva. 
‘Jar Jar Binks’ from Star Wars Episode 1 (ILM) (1999) was the first photorealistic all digital main character in a feature film. People are still fascinated by the concept of entirely digital photorealistic humans.
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macmontag · 13 years ago
MM 003 - Happy Birthday Woz!
Sorry an alle MacMontag-Hörer, die uns in der letzten Woche vermisst haben! Auch dieses Mal ist es kein "gewöhnlicher" MacMontag, den Frank ist im Urlaub. Also spiele ich den Allein-Unterhalter - gar nicht mein Ding ;) 
Wie ihr aus der Überschrift schon entnehmen könnt, widme ich die Folge ïŁżÂ Steve Wozniak, der am 11. August 2012 62 Jahre alt wird. Mehr dazu im Podcast!
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  Hier die im MM 003 genannten Links:
10 Fakten zu iWoz (mein Beitrag bei Macnotes).
Steve Wozniak Interview bei Macnotes: (gibt es doch nur Deutsch).
Die iWoz-Autobiografie bei Amazon.
Woz signiert Dinge, z.B. seine Autobiografie.
Alle Infos zum Mini-Mini-Mini-Gewinnspiel (ich verlose einmal meine Lieblings-Frage-Antwort-App iTrivia: All about Apple) findet ihr bei facebook!
Wenn ihr noch weitere Infos ĂŒber iWoz habt, ihn vielleicht selbst getroffen habt und eine nette Story dazu zum Besten gegeben habt, verlinkt doch bitte eure BeitrĂ€ge! 
Am 11. August veröffentliche ich hier meinen neuen Beitrag ĂŒber Woz auf MacMontag.de, also stay tuned!
Diese Podcast-Folge ist kurz, aber ich rede schnell ;) Wer es mit halber Geschwindigkeit abspielt hat also mehr davon.... (Ne, lasst mal, nur ein Witz).  
Am 13. August senden wir wieder live, wer Interesse hat dabei zu sein (TEST!) meldet sich einfach: [email protected] oder unten in den Kommentaren. Ein gutes Dutzend wollen wir fĂŒr den Test mal einladen. Uhrzeit steht noch nicht fest, aber es wird FRÜH!
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