#steve harrington agnst
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aliea82 · 2 years ago
Okay, so umm, this happened.
What if...
Steve’s sacrifice.
Warning, Character death.
Eddie hesitated, his hands gripping the hilt of the sword, a god damn freaking sword, that was sharp as hell and was already covered in blood and gore.
Before him stood Steve, held by Vecna, vines twisting around them both, holding Steve in place making him a human shield as Vecna fought with El, their psychic battle causing extreme winds that whipped at Eddie’s hair.
Steve was looking at Eddie, his face covered in blood and dirt, but his eyes clear and determined.
Eddie had fought to get before them both, his clothes shredded at his arms and across his chest, deep wounds bleeding sluggishly, but he was still on his feet and now as he held Steve’s eyes he hesitated.
“Do it.” Steve’s voice rang clear through the harsh winds and violent thunder.
Breathing hard, Eddie lifted the sword, his hands steady, sure, a contrast to his racing heart and turbulent mind that was searching, begging for another way.
But he was the closest.
He had the only opportunity as the others fought for their lives against monsters that shouldn’t exist.
He knew what he had to do, what Steve would do, to protect the kids, to save them all, and as he lifted the sword up, the tip forward he screamed.
Running forward, his eyes never left Steve’s, even as the blade plunged straight into him, and also into Vecna.
The world stilled, his hands still gripped the hilt, but his face was now just centimetres away from Steve’s, his breathing still harsh, the sound of it loud in the sudden silence.
Steve was blinking rapidly, his breathing stuttered, almost gasping, and then blood started to fall from his mouth, and Eddies actions hit full force.
“No.” The vines dropped from around Steve and Vecna, but the two of them were joined by the sword, the sword that was all the way through Steve.
Suddenly, Vecna went flying back, and Steve fell forward into Eddie, who wrapped his arms around him as the two of them fell to their knees, Steve’s head falling to Eddie’s shoulder.
“No, no, Steve, baby...” Eddie pulled at Steve’s head, making him look at him. “I...please, baby.”
Steve blinked at him, then smiled, all bloody lips, as he tried to breathe.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Eddie felt tears streaming down his face as he just looked at the boy he loved.
A hand came up, cupping his face a moment before it dropped, and Steve’s eyes went dark, his body collapsing against Eddie once again.
Wrapping his arms around Steve, Eddie screamed into the others’ hair as he felt the life leave Steve’s body.
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heart-eye-harrington · 5 years ago
the last midnight ~ chapter three
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(gif by @harringtown​, thank you for letting me steal it <3) 
Summary: Every aspect of Prince Steve’s life is mapped out with one objective in mind: become king when the time comes. The day of the ball has arrived, and everyone from the castle and village are making preparations. You and Steve find help from very different places. 
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: brief mentions of grief
Author’s Note: Hi! I hope you’re doing well! I’m very excited for this chapter and for the rest of the series as a whole! Thank you for your continued support!  ♡
read the last part here
The day of the ball had arrived, and the castle’s inhabitants were in a fussing frenzy. The servant’s usual buzzing seemed to be amplified to rumbling thunder. Their words roll in through the open door of Steve’s bed chamber and begin bombarding his ears. Things such as the astronomical size of the guest list, the work being done in the ballroom, and the preparations on the royal family’s outfits only amplify the booming cacophony of dread. 
Steve does his best to ignore how it goes straight to his pounding heart, hastily throwing on his lounging clothes and combing his fingers through his hair, enjoying the time he has to not be a perfect polished prince. He knows the stylists will come around later in the day to mold him in that image, but for now, he can get away with wild hair and loose flowy blouses. 
He looks at himself in the mirror and for a moment, things are okay. He’s just a boy. He’s not a future king, no royal title attached to his name. The weight of the world is lifted from his shoulders, because why should it be there? He’s just a boy.  
The anxious cloud slowly rolls in once again, the muffled conversation between guards stationed outside his door dashing the mirage. 
“Hard to imagine the prince will choose a bride tonight. Part of me feels bad for the boy. Sure, a princess may grow to like him, but never love. How could they, when their love life is a bargaining chip? He may never know real love.” 
Their words were the lightning strike. A menacing storm had been gradually collecting discomfort provoked by talks of this evening, but life could continue despite it. This was the danger that could not be ignored. The pounding heartbeat in Steve’s ears fizzled away, only leaving him with the realization he’d been pushing down for years.
Love was never in the cards for him. It never fit into his parents’ plan. Kings don’t need love, they need power. The only time they need a person beside them is to strengthen that power. To his parents, a queen was nothing more than another piece in the puzzle. They would make the kingdom look more secure, gain allies and resources, and produce an heir, and the vicious cycle continues. 
          “He may never know real love”
It bounces around his head before eventually sinking to his heart, dragging it down to his stomach. His huge room seems to shrink around him, his feet dragging him out into the corridor before the walls suffocate him. Steve only gets a moment of relief before he meets the guard’s worried eyes emphasized with raised eyebrows. The act of being seen, not merely looked at, is so alarmingly out of place he feels the bile in his stomach turn. He needs to go, and there’s only one place where he feels safe in the castle.
The familiar sounds of clinking metal and hearty laughter lets him know the room’s usual inhabitants are inside.  Peaking through the cracked door he sees Robin and her father, both in full practice uniforms, chasing one another around with blunt practice swords at the ready. The sounds of padded running echos throughout the large gymnasium. 
The sight before Steve is a break in the downpour, a ray of light through the dark clouds. They were what made this room safe, for in these walls he was just a boy with a friend, a teacher, and a sword. Part of him doesn’t want to disturb them, but any chance of that is dashed when Robin spots the gleam in his eyes through the cracked door. 
“Father, I think we may have an intruder” her tone airy and playful. The captain quickly catches on, joining in on her fun. “Oh, well, we can’t have that, now can we? They’ll have to fight there way out of this” 
In one fell swoop, he pulls open the door to reveal a giddy Steve and throws him his sword. Steve’s surprised he reflexes are quick enough to catch it before it hits the marble floor. The celebration doesn’t linger, Robin already taking her stance for their battle. Once Steve folds an arm behind his back and extends his sword, mirroring Robin, the fight is on. Robin’s father ducks out fo the room with a sweet goodbye, knowing they don’t need supervision and that this would not be ending soon. 
The teens go back and forth, lunging and dodging with expert timing, only fitting for the hours they’ve spent in these walls. As relentless as the fight is, Steve can’t keep his mind from wandering. Dodging Robin’s blade dislodged his guard’s words from the hiding place his mind shoved then into. 
As much as he’s come to terms with never finding love, he can’t help but imagine it. Someone laughing at his jokes because they find him funny, not out of courtesy or because they want to impress him. Someone that would look for him first in a crowded room, no matter the crowd’s wealth, power, or charm. 
Someone that would reach for his hand instinctively, whether for comfort, out of overwhelming joy, or anywhere in between. With their hand in his everything in the world would be okay, because the person standing beside him is the world now, and they’re so good. 
He wanted someone he would miss deeply even if it were just the first day they had been apart since meeting. 
Steve keeps finding himself back in the village, kids weaving around him to sit by the fountain. His mind replays the first moment he saw you. The way the sun caught your eyes like they were precious jewels deserving nothing less than to be shown off. Your smile was contagious, not being able to be contained on your face, spilling to everyone who laid eyes on you. The rising sun behind you softened any edges, as if your personality weren’t inviting enough. 
One part of your story sticks out. 
Before fear grips the prince, the princess holds his hand. In that moment, he knows she’s his true love, and that he would fight any creature to keep her safe, for the touch of a hand cannot be altered by magic. No magic spell can mask or mimic the way a person’s hand makes you feel.
He’s pulled abruptly from his thoughts when he feels Robin’s blade resting against his collar. She’s clearly won the fight, laughing in his face in celebration. Steve pouts, head nodding back and pursuing his lips. 
“Wake up your royal highness, you’re in a daze” Robin made sure to emphasize his title, knowing he hates it. 
“I’m sorry” his response breathy, almost dream-like. She knows he was distracted, he never let her win this easily. She traces back to the last time they fought last time, and realizes it was before their escape to the town. A mischievous grin pulls her lips as her mind makes the correlation.
“You’ve been off since our adventure” a smug suggestive smile on her lips. Suddenly her gaze is too much for Steve, who turns to the table stationed at the opposite end of the room, stacked with towels for sweat. After hearing her footsteps behind him, he knows there’s no escape, so he gushes. 
“It’s the person we saw at the fountain, the one who was telling the stories to the children. I can’t stop thinking about them.”
“Well, there are plenty of people out there.” Robin winks, but Steve is having none of it
“Ah, but their spirit, their goodness.” He can feel the smile creep on to his face just thinking about them. 
“You don’t suppose they have a sister, do they?” Robin raises a brow, and Steve can’t help but chuckle, “I don’t know. I don’t know anything about them.”
“Well, hopefully, your mystery stranger may come to the ball. That is why you threw the doors open, is it not?” They both laugh at the memory of his portrait painting and confrontation with his parents. 
“Robin, it was for the benefit of the people.” 
She raises her hands defensively “Oh, of course. How shallow of me”
After a beat, Steve thinks aloud “And if they come, then what?” Robin mulls it over for a moment, “then you tell them that you’re a prince, and a prince may take whatever partner he wishes.”
“Ha” sarcasm drips from the single syllable.
“Ha?” Robin questions,
“Yes, ha. You know my parents will only have me marry a princess.” Steve groans. 
Robin hums, fully aware of their royal highness’s stupid rules, but caring more about her friend. “Well if this stranger from the village is as charming as you say, they may change your parents’ minds. They are a fairy godmother in training. A flick of their wand and boom, problem solved.” 
“Hm, problem solved.” A sad smile tugs his lips. If only it were that easy. 
“You never know. You know what my father says, words are your greatest weapon. You saw what they can do to those kids in the village, I’m sure they can charm your parents.” She gives a playful nudge but instead of pushing back, he succumbs to it, allowing the soft push to move him. A smile still plays his lips, but he feels numb, as if shielding himself from what’s to come. Hope, he’s learned, is a strong gift. It’s one he’s barely received, ripped from his hands as soon as he’s united the ribbon. 
Robin’s quick to wrap her arms around him in an awkward side hug, resting her head on his arm. Neither of them are good at showing affection, their platonic love language shown in jokes and jabs, but how could she not hug him? Steve leans down a bit to rest his head on top of hers, his hands coming up to clutch her arm. 
They stay like that, two people who have been thrown into extraordinary circumstances who were able to find one another. They each thanked their lucky stars every night that they had found each other. 
A knock comes to the door, and a messenger peeks through. “Sorry to disturb you, your highness, but the style team is ready for you.” 
With one last squeeze to Robin’s arm, he nods to the messenger, acknowledging it’s time to go. As he begins to walk away, Robin runs behind him and rustles his hair, “good luck Prince Charming.” 
“Thanks, Robin. Can’t wait to see what they put you into.” He jokes, knowing how much Robin hates formal events and the guard’s formal uniforms. 
“Oh, it won’t be half as beautiful as yours. I’m sure you’ll knock’em dead.” She sends him off with a wink and a wave. Steve shakes his head, returning the gesture. As he finds himself being passed from hairstylist to seamstress, he thinks of Robin. Not only has she given him friendship, but the gift of hope, and he can practically feel the silk ribbon it’s tied in. With each stitch of a button and comb of his hair, he can’t help but smile, for with each step he’s one step closer to you. 
He hoped to see you again soon. 
Your shoes click against the cobblestone streets as you rush back to the bakery. With the prince’s open invitation to the village to attend the ball came a glimmer of hope that you would see Steve the apprentice again. To say you were enormously excited would be an understatement. 
You rush through the door, practically skipping as you tell your father the news. He dusts the flour from his hands, placing them on his hips as you ramble on and on.
“Do we have any of mother’s old clothes? I know she had the most beautiful dresses and fabrics, I could easily make something for tonight. It wouldn’t cost much, you know how expensive Esmerelda the seamstress is, especially with such little notice. Oh, father, I can just picture it! I’d have sleeves like this-” as you begin ghosting your fingers over your arms, imagining what you’d look like this evening, your father stops you.  
“Sweet pea, we don’t have any of that.” he looks to you with sad eyes, that if you look hard enough you could see his heart breaking behind them.
“W-what?” you don’t want to believe him. 
“I know it was wrong, but I couldn’t bear to look at them. I sold all your mother’s dresses and fabrics years ago, right after she passed. Sweet pea, I am so sorry.” his voice a fragile glass, moments away from breaking. 
Your first instinct is anger. How could he? She was his wife, but she was your mother. He may have had no use for the clothes and fabrics, but how could he know you wouldn’t? You could grow into them, wear them to keep her close to you. Then you realize what that would do to your father. Seeing his child, the spitting image of his lost wife wearing her clothes. It’d be like seeing her ghost, haunting him. You could never understand his pain or why he did it, as he could never understand yours, but you could try. 
“I know father, it’s ok.” you sniffle, quickly trying to hide it with a wipe of your nose. You smile through the stinging in your eyes.
 Not another word is exchanged the rest of the day, your father too filled with regret, leaving you to mourn. You mourn your mother and the dream of seeing Steve again. You owned nothing nearly nice enough to attend the ball and would never be able to scramble up enough money to buy something new. So you were left to work the bakery, conversing with excited customers and gazing out the window. You look for any hooded figures with wild hair and curious eyes, but your apprentice friend is nowhere to be found. 
With dusk quickly approaching, you know you can’t keep putting off the trip to the waterfall. The thought of walking the same path you had with Steve, but this time without him here, hurt more than you could imagine. You miss deeply, despite having just met him yesterday. It was only the first day you’d been apart since meeting, but it felt like a lifetime. 
The forest is beautiful at this time of day. Birds sing love songs, your footsteps on the soft grass adding muffled percussion. Golden orange light breaks through the tree canopy, dancing on the rich green of the forest floor. Soon you hear the distance padding of water upon the rocks, reassuring that you weren’t far from your destination. 
Through the trees, you hear a muted cry for help. The voice is weak, urging your feet to run to it faster. 
“Hello? Is anyone there?” you yell as you run, equal parts hoping that they’ll answer so you can better find them and alerting them that someone is coming to help. 
“Right here, sweetpea.” The use of the nickname makes your stomach twist, but still allowing you to find whoever needs help. You’re able to spot them, at the base of a nearby tree sits an elderly woman. You’re quickly kneeling by her side and asking if she needs any help. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have any spare food, would you?” without hesitation you reach into the pocket of your apron where you’d stuffed a blueberry scone for your dinner. You offer it to her with a smile. 
“Oh, but my dear, this is your dinner.”
“Please, I hope you’ll take it. You need it more than me.” You fold it into her hand and within seconds she’s gnawing on the pastry. Through the crumbs in her mouth, she laughs.
“Hope, hm. What a powerful word.” You give her a perplexed but kind nod, not expecting such an ominous statement. The scone is quickly devoured, the only signs it was here are the crumbs on the woman’s dress and a burp. 
“Now, sweet pea, we don’t have much time.” There’s the nickname again.
“Only my father calls me that. My apologies, but do I know you?” your question innocent. 
“Who am I? I’d have thought you’d have worked that one out, seeing as the town considers you my apprentice.” A wicked smile pulls her lips thin. You’re left utterly lost. “I’m your fairy godmother, sweet pea.”
“You can’t be.” You laugh lightly to yourself. “They don’t exist. They’re just made up for children.”
“Didn’t your own mother believe in them?” her words take the breath from your lungs. How did she know your mother? As your mind begins racing, the woman stands and pulls a wand from her sleeve. With a simple wave, she’s transformed into a beautiful young woman in an enormous ballgown. Stacked ruffles cascade down the sides of the full skirt, each layer a shade darker than the one above. 
“Now, my dear, you can’t go to the ball in that” she gestures to your clothes with her wand. “Let’s get you into something more suitable.” 
With a flick of her wrist, a poof of blue dust flicks from the end of her wand and dances toward you. It covers your clothes and begins to glow, expanding, stretching, and fluffing the worn cotton on your body. You can’t help but twirl, laughing as the magic transforms you. When the dust settles, you’re left in a beautiful blue fabric that shines in the glow of the setting sun. The icing on the cake comes when you look at your feet, finding your shoes are made of glass. 
“Oh, it’s wonderful. Thank you, thank you.” You know your voice could never convey just how thankful you were. When you meet her eyes you swear you see a bit a sadness, possibly regret, but it’s gone in a flash. 
“Now, I just need to whip up a coach and you’ll be on your way.” Another flick of her wrist and a golden coach sits in the meadow. “Now sweet pea, this is a magic coach that doesn’t require horses or footmen. A spell from my spell-book…” She stops herself, catching the slip, “trick I’ve learned in my lovely, beautiful cottage.”  All you can do is nod, and follow her as she leads you to the coach. 
“Now, sweet pea, all magic comes with a price.” A sudden coldness fills her words and expression. “With the last echo of the last bell of the last stroke of midnight, the spell will be broken and all will return to what it was before.” 
“That’s more than enough time. Thank you.” With a final flick of her wand, the coach is moving. You sit back and gaze out the window. With each roll of the wheels and bridge that you’ve crossed, you can’t help but smile, for with each step you’re one step closer to Steve. 
You hoped to see him again soon. 
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stevesharrlngtons · 7 years ago
steve harrington x reader
summary: he was such a staple piece in your life, that as a child and young teen, you never saw your life without him. late night promises and pinky swears were made in blanket forts that you two would be friends until the day the sun burned out in the sky. it was just a given that’d he be there, that you never worried about the two of you drifting apart or being separated. he promised he’d always be there, and you had believed him. you now corrected yourself, foolishly believed him.
word count: 5.4k
a/n: holy shit? chapter nine! 38,000 words later and it’s done!!! this is such a sentimental piece for me. i started working on this in november, right after st2 was released, and was just writing it for myself to read. but as time went on, i was four chapters in and decided i wanted to share it with other people. posting your writing online is terrifying, even if you do it all the time. so posting this, which i consider my baby in a way, was super scary. but i’m really happy i did. i’m glad that the few people i reached with story, really really enjoyed it. everytime i get a message saying that someone loves this story it always brightens my mood. for those of you who have been there from the beginning or just found this story, thank you for all your love and support! i love you all.  i know i mainly write for billy now, but thank you for sticking around anyway! hopefully i can get some inspo for more steve in the future. my love for him and joe is not gone, so here’s hoping!  and if you are still here, thank you for your patience while i took the time to write this, i hope it is enjoyable and worth the wait. 
here is chapter nine, please let me know what you think! and thank you for letting me share this story with you!
chapter i / ii / iii / iv / v / vi / vii / viii / 
                                                   chapter xi
The next morning you woke to your pillowcase cemented to your cheek from died spit, and a splitting headache. Remnants of last night were coming to you in bits and pieces but nothing too concrete.
Shit. Concrete.
The pain from your skinned knees started to become prominent, and your eyes felt red and puffy. Fragments of conversations came and went in your head. You vaguely remembered a fight with Derek, then Jonathan tucking you in, but everything else was a blur. You glanced towards your alarm clock, the red numbers brighter than usual, reading 11:46 AM. You sighed and placed your head back on your pillow in a huff. As you did, you started to feel all the old makeup, sweat and blood that caked your skin. As much as you just wanted to lay in bed all day waiting for the screwdriver in your head to dislodge itself, a shower was definitely needed.
Peeling yourself up from your sheets, you trudged your fatigued legs towards the bathroom, and once you were inside, the mirror above the sink was anything but forgiving. Black smudges painted your face, forgotten tear tracks in their wake. Your hair was knotted and matted, and your eyes were bloodshot to hell.
Rolling your eyes and shrugging, you discarded your wrinkled clothes, got into the shower and turned the water on to a blistering heat. Standing under the stream, you ran your hands slowly over your face, breathing in the already accumulating steam. The water soothed your tense muscles and eased your headache, and you were starting to feel human again. But as you calmed, more memories came up. Derek’s harsh words, calling Jonathan, making up with Jonathan, telling him you were in love with Steve, weeping after Jonathan left your room. You tried to push the thoughts to the side, they were causing your stomach to ache and your head spin. Right now, you needed to focus on shedding the layer of grime you had accumulated over the past twenty-four hours.
When you were sufficiently clean, you turned off the faucet and climbed from the bathtub, taking the two towels from under the sink and wrapped one around your hair and the other around your torso. At your vanity, you wiped away some steam that clung to the mirror with your hand, revealing a window of your broken, tired self.
Your head was still throbbing and your skin felt like sandpaper, so in the fruitless effort to make yourself feel better, you put on a face mask. Wiping the green goopy substance on your face, you were officially turning into the Hulk for the next fifteen to twenty minutes.
With nothing but your mask and towels, you went downstairs to get a cup of much needed coffee and possibly a slice of toast if your mother had been to the store. Thankfully she had. So, with two pieces of bread in the toaster and coffee brewing, you debated calling Jonathan. Not to harass him to pick you up in the middle of nowhere, but to thank him for the night before. You could be a fun drunk or emotional one, there was no in between. And last night you had definitely been emotional. If anyone was best equipped to take care of you in that state, it was Jonathan. But you would always call the next day with a load of apologies and appreciations and promises of a donut and David Lynch at a later date.
As you buttered your toast, you wondered if donuts and Lynch were enough to mend this wound? Not only yours but Jonathan’s as well. You both had been sucked under the Harrington and Wheeler ray of false feelings, but you always had a thicker skin than him. Maybe not when it came to Steve, but you would still put on your best face when you would inevitably console Jonathan about this situation.
Just as you were crafting the words you were going to say to your best friend, the phone started to ring. Thinking that it was Jonathan with some newly achieved ESP, you paused eating your toast and went to answer the phone.
“How’s it hanging?” The unexpected voice asked.
“Perry?” You furrowed your brows, surprised he was calling.
“Yeah, you expecting someone else or something?” He chuckled.
“Well, kind of. But this is a happy interference.” He laughed again.
“Dad ran out for the afternoon, so I thought I’d see how things have been.”
You laughed humorlessly under your breath, “Things have been things. How about you?”
“Things have been things?” Perry repeated with skepticism.
“Yeah, things have been things.” You sighed and shook your head.
“Fuck that cryptic shit, how have you really been?” His tone grew serious.
“Just drop it, okay? How are you?” You tried to push past his question.
“I asked for first. Now tell me, (Y/N/N).”
You leaned your head on the wall next to the phone and shut your eyes to have a brief moment of clarity before you told Perry what was happening. You couldn’t lie to him. You had that weird sibling connection that could always detect a lie.
“Remember Steve? Steve Harrington?” You said slowly.
“Yeah, last I heard he was dead to you.”
“Well a lot has happened since then.”
“Like?” Perry asked.
“Like, I sorta, kinda, maybe fell in love with him? And I thought he loved me, which he didn’t and it broke my heart. I don’t know…A lot can happen in a month…” You crinkled your forehead. You hated how naïve and young you sounded.
“How the hell did this happen?” Perry was trying to keep his anger at bay, but it was still peaking through.
“We ran into each other at a party, he had just broken up with his girlfriend and I guess I felt guilt or pity, I’m still not sure... He was sad and even though I hated him, I still cared about him, y’know? So, we ended up spending more time together after that and one thing led to another and I dumbly fell for him. He made it seem like he felt the same way. Trust me on that, he was very forward with saying how much he liked me. But I was scared. Scared because all the asshole men in my life, present company included, have screwed me over.” It was a low blow to Perry, but he knew how much his leaving hurt you. This wasn’t anything new. “So, I told him I needed the weekend to think about if I was really ready to be in a relationship, he was totally against it. Wanting me to stay and telling me all this shit, but I knew I needed some time. I thought about it a lot and talked with mom and realized that I really did want to be with him. When I went to tell him, I caught him with his ex, so…”
Perry was silent on the other end for a long moment.
“Steve Harrington did this? Are you sure?” He asked.
“Why the hell would I lie, Per?” You rolled your eyes.
“That just, I don’t know. It doesn’t sound like him.”
“A lot has changed around here. We aren’t playing superheroes in the backyard and drinking Yoohoo, anymore. It’s been years since you saw him.” You toyed with the telephone chord as you spoke.
“Yeah but he was so into you when we were kids. I always thought something would happen with you guys. I always told him he had my blessing. He seemed really thankful for that.” Perry said nonchalantly.
“This is new fucking news to me.” You said straightening your posture.
“What? He was a nice kid and you two were attached at the hip! I told him when you were like ten that if he ever wanted to be with you, I was okay with it.”
“So, even through all the shit talking I’ve done for the past few years, you always thought that we would end up together?” You scoffed.
“Yeah, I always figured it was just hormones or something.” You could practically hear him shrugging on the other end.
“Hormones? Are you fucking kidding me?” You roared.
“See! Right there! Fucking hormones!” Perry said.
“I’m going to kick your ass, I swear.” You mumbled.
“Try me!” Perry laughed, but stopped when you didn’t join in.
And when you stayed silent on the other end, he knew he needed to step up his big brother duties.
“Whether it sounds like him or not, he’s a piece of shit. He doesn’t deserve you. If I was there I’d beat the shit out of him and revoke my blessing! I would!” This earned a laugh from you and Perry knew he’d done his job.
“If you were here, I might have to take you up on that.” You sadly smiled.
“But I’m not. So what are you going to do, kid?”
“Mope, get over it. Move on.” You sighed.
“Fuck that!” Perry scoffed, “You need to tell that asshole off! Who does he think he is?”
He always knew how to work you up.
“He made you love him twice! Not once, but twice! Fool you once, shame on you, but fool you twice…”
“Shame on him.” You said tightly.
“Exactly. You need to make him feel like shit. You need some good old fashioned revenge.” Perry cursed.
“You know what? You are so right!” You nodded dramatically.
“Steve fucking Harrington doesn’t get to march into people’s lives just to destroy them! I need to tear him a new one!” Perry was putting you over an open flame, and the more he spoke, the more you bubbled over with anger.
“Now there’s the (Y/L/N) in you! Go tell that fucker off!” He cheered.
“I’m gonna!” You raged. “I’m going to go now before all this anger and hype wears off.”
“Yes! Call me when you’re home and describe his tears, okay?”
Hastily, you had ran up the stairs, wiped off your mask and threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater. Your hair was still mostly damp and you looked an absolute hungover mess, but you had just enough momentum and energy to drive over to the Harrington residence. Thank God your mother had left her car this time she had gone out of town, because walking in the freezing weather would have no doubt made you turn back and sulk in your bedroom.
You had a lead foot on the gas pedal as you vibrated with anger. Your music loud enough to cover your insane rambles as you whipped around corners and California breaked at stop sighs. Soon, Steve’s house was coming into view, and your adrenaline was spiking.
The car lurched as you came to a quick stop. You yanked on your emergency break and took the keys from the ignition, the music cutting out and leaving you in a tizzy of silence. Upon exiting the car, your nerves began to set in. The cold attacked your damp hair and sent a chill through your bones. The cloudy Indiana sky was creating a grey mood that made you think that the universe was trying to warn you.
Turn back.
It isn’t worth it!
You don’t want to hurt him, you love him!
And yet, your legs did not stop as you stomped your way through the morning dew on the Harrington’s grass and approached his front steps. The large double doors seemed taunting and terrifying, but you paid no mind to this as you slammed your fist hard on the wood, your other hand relentlessly ringing the doorbell.
The surface for your fist to hit was ripped away so fast, you almost pounded Steve in the chest, but your arm stiffened when you saw him standing in front of you.
You did the best to ignore the flutter of your heart at the sight of his bed head and astonished gaze. This wasn’t the time to falter, this wasn’t the time for weakness.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here? I was just about to come over and see you.” Steve said in a gentle voice.
This was half true. He had woken up at nine, gotten dressed, driven to your house, had a panic attack when he arrived, then came home and decided he needed more sleep before he confronted you. Even with being up all night trying to craft what he was going to say to you, nothing seemed good enough. Steve had wronged you before, and with you thinking he had again, that was how he was going to have to approach you. And it terrified him. It wasn’t going to be easy.
“I have some things to say to you, Steve Harrington!” You boomed, moving you arms down to your sides stiffly.
“I, um, me too.” Steve said, nodding.
“I want you to know that you are a two timing, pig! Who I hate by the way! You manipulative, piece of shit!” You screamed in his face, pointing an accusatory finger in his face.
Steve just stared at you and said nothing. These words were all expected. He was surprised you hadn’t called him anything much worse.
“You come back into my life and make yourself seem like I’m your savior! You make me let you in, you made forget all the rules I had set up- that you fucking made me set up in the first place! You make me fall in love with you and you fucking make me believe you loved me too! Just to see you feeling up Nancy Wheeler in the school parking lot? You are a Class A asshole, Harrington! I hope you rot!” Steve was sure by the decidable of your voice, that you had drawn attention from all of his neighbors by now.
After your speech, you stood on his doorstep, heaving with an enraged look on your face, your body slightly tilted forward. It must have happened sometime during your heated words and violent hand gestures.
“Can I speak now?” Steve asked calmly.
“No! I don’t- no! You can’t. I’m leaving. I have nothing left to say.” You said, going to turn around.
But ever the rule breaker, Steve spoke, “Nancy and I aren’t together. She saw us the night you left when she was coming to get some of her things. Monday we were just talking… mostly about how much I love you. I told her that we are soulmates and she agreed. We lost track of time and when I realized it, I freaked. She told me to wait for you, but you never showed.”
As Steve explained, he stepped closer to you. You were still fuming, but Steve could see the subtle changes in your face as he spoke. But he knew you wouldn’t let your guard down just yet, and he didn’t expect you too.
“I called your house and your mom cursed me to hell and back. I waited the rest of the day in the parking lot, hoping you would show but you never did. I thought, I don’t know… that you decided you didn’t love me after all. That’s why I stayed away. I thought you were avoiding me because you couldn’t face me after realizing that feelings were only on my end. It wasn’t until Jonathan showed up here last night to scream at me, that I connected all the dots.” He was in front of you now.
The information he was telling you was making your resolve of anger and revenge dissolve. Your mind felt like a static television screen, you couldn’t think or act- just listen.
“But that’s why I didn’t call or come to your window or bang on your door and fight off your mother. Because I couldn’t bear the idea of you telling me to my face you didn’t love me. It happened with Nancy and it broke my heart, but with you,” Steve placed a hand on your frozen cheek, “I would die. The pain would consume me, and I knew I would never be the same again. Because I love you, (Y/N). And you’ve got to believe me when I say that, and that I always have.”
Your jaw was tense as tears brimmed your eyes. You were hesitant and apprehensive to believe the sweet words he was crooning to you. It all seemed a little too good to be true. And you didn’t know what to think in this moment. Expect about how much you wanted everything Steve said to be the honest to God truth.
“How can I know? Because you have to understand my side of this too, Steve. You have to put yourself in my shoes.” You said sadly, a giant contrast from your tone just minutes earlier.
“You’re just going to have to trust me,” Steve’s other hand now made its home on your other cheek, “Trust me when I say that you are the only one for me. From now until forever. We will be the testament that movie love exists, our kids will know true love because we will be the example! And you will be my best friend from now until the end of time, because I will never let you go again, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I love you. And I know its going to take time for us to rebuild, but it’ll be worth the wait.”
If you thought his words weren’t completely truthful, you knew by his eyes that he was. It was clique, but the eyes were the window to the soul, and Steve’s was screaming at you that this was real.
But that didn’t mean it scared you any less.
“Steve, I,” Your breath hitched.
Both of your eyes were glassy, Steve’s nose was inches from yours as he begged you silently to say everything he had been wanting to hear since childhood. He had just cut himself open to you, bleeding in front of you in the vain of forgiveness. He was in a vulnerable state and he needed your kiss for comfort and reassurance.
“I need a minute…” You gasped quietly, stepping out of Steve’s grip.
Before his hands felt like weights, keeping him grounded to the only thing that mattered to him, but when you stepped back, they fell from your skin like feathers. He felt like he could hear his heart breaking.
“But, I…” Steve choked out.
“So much has changed in just the past ten minutes, let alone the past month! I feel like I have whiplash.” You breathed heavily.
All of this was hard to digest. You had just been on the phone with your brother, plotting the best way to cut off Steve’s balls; but then this happened? Steve’s sincere words and heartfelt glances. It felt like you were spinning.
“I feel like I’m in a Twilight Zone episode or something…” You heaved, placing your hands in your hair, trying to find a way to ground yourself.
“Like, I came over here to tell you to never speak to me again and you just threw a huge wrench into that!” You rambled, Steve’s face was sullen as you did.
“This has to be more than a crazy misunderstanding, right? This has to be a sign or something?” You felt like your air way was going to close off as you spoke manically. You had never been this flustered in your life.
“Why can’t this be the sign? Why can’t Jonathan coming to me last night and you showing up here this morning be the sign? Or who cares if it is or if it isn’t! Because at this point, frankly, I don’t.” Steve said back to you.
“We have been in this round about for years, (Y/N). Getting close to our happily ever after, but always missing the exit. This,” He motioned between you two, “This is the exit. This is the moment where we decided to go out separate ways, or finally just be happy. To be in love with each other.”
You let a shaking breath and stared at the broken boy in front of you. He was right, this was the exit. This was one of the pivotal moments in your life that would set the course for everything. Drive off into the sunset or let your fears and haunted memories send you for the hills.
Steve was offering you a grand gesture, he was saying life is a fact, that people do fall in love. And you knew that was true, but you were still scared. A stupid feeling you were sick of always coming up.
“Steve, I’m such a mess… look at me today! And this past week. I just spiral and I just…” You shook your head as your throat choked up.
You wanted to give him one last out.
“I don’t care, I don’t care! When has it ever seemed like I did? I want you, all of you. I know you, every part, every chapter, every subsection and footnote. I have the PhD in you! I love you, nothing else matters. I know I hurt you. I know Jonathan and Perry and your dad have too. I know they fucked up. I know I did, too. But I am going to work every day for the rest of our lives showing you that I will never hurt you again. I can’t lose you, and I’ll do everything I can to prove that. You just have to let me.”
Steve’s words made your knees weak and your stomach flip. He really did love you. With tears peeking from your eyes and gracing your cheeks so said sweetly, “Really?”
“Yes,” Steve said with a small smile, “Really.”
And you believed him. You believed every word he was saying because your heart wouldn’t let you not. You loved him, and he loved you. You were ready to exit.
You took a stride towards him and slotted your lips with his. It took Steve no time at all to fall into your kiss, his hands flying to your waist as you gripped his neck. He was ready to stop wasting time and to make up for every kiss he was too afraid to give and every chance he had missed. The kiss made you feel electric, the cold fall air no longer affecting you. Steve was enough to keep you warm in this instant, and you guessed, for many times after this one. His lips felt like they were made for yours as you kissed him with passion and meaning. Steve pulled you as close as he could, wanting every section of his body to know you were there, that you were finally his. His heart had mended itself in no time and was working overtime beating out of his chest as he licked your lips and your nails grazed the nape of his neck.
Breaking apart briefly to catch your breath, you laid your forehead against Steve’s. His eyes were still shut as he stroked your sides and grinned wider than you had ever seen. You thought he looked so classically beautiful in this moment and smiled too.
“Steve,” You whispered, unable to hold back you words any longer.
He opened his eyes and separated just enough from you, so he could look you in the eyes.
“I love you, too.” You spoke softly.
You finally had said it. Not to Jonathan, your mother, or your mind. Finally, to the person who desperately needed to hear it. The second you said it, it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulder. One that had settled itself there over years of repression and grief.
“Good.” Steve said, laughing lightly and you joined in.
You rested your forehead to his collarbone and he pulled you flush to his body. Steve couldn’t wipe the smile off his face if he tried, and he knew you couldn’t either. He was about to speak, when he felt something hit his head.
You pulled away and you both looked up and saw rain start to sprinkle down and hit your skin.
“This couldn’t get more cliché.” You shook your head playfully, looking back at Steve who was looking up at the sky with a happy expression.
“I told you,” He said, looking back down at you now as well, “Just like Holly and Paul.”
And as he kissed you again, rain falling all around you, you swore you could hear Moon River ringing in your ears.
It was cliché, perfect, and somehow, just like the movies.
It was all thanks to Steve Harrington.
                                                 Six Months Later
You stood outside the banquet hall, cigarette between your fingers as you watched the ash fall to your feet. You were leaning against a brink wall and listening distantly to the muffled pop music that was playing inside.
It was Dustin Henderson’s Bar Mitzvah, and you and Steve had been asked to be in attendance.
You had been his babysitter throughout your high school years, and always had a fondness for the curly headed kid. And when you were both roped into the police station on behalf of a giant monster and an evil lab, it caused you two to grow closer. You cultivated a protective nature over him, and even after his mom decided he was too old to be babysat, you would still drive him anywhere he needed if he called and asked. During some of these drives over the past six months, Steve had tagged along, and Dustin had grown to enjoy his company. Which earned you both not only an invite, but seats at the birthday boy’s table.
The night was a good time. Steve was in a great mood, chatting with Dustin and his friends, and even Nancy and Jonathan a bit- The four of you have reconciled nicely after you and Steve got together. Throughout the night, Steve’s hand was either around the back of your chair, fingers brushing over your bare arm, or planted on your thigh. You loved his soft lovely touches and how he always insisted on giving them to you in public.
After the kiss, that was now known as infamous to you, your mother, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, and anyone else who desired to hear your story, you and Steve had started dating. Confessions of undying love and eternal happiness weren’t swept under the rug or forgotten after that night. Yet, they were choice reminders of how devoted you were to each other. You couldn’t imagine not being together after something like that.
And things were great, and every possible synonym of the word. It was strange at first, to be so happy with the person you had always wanted, but now it felt like second nature. It didn’t feel weird to plan your future to together or look into housing options for you two when you went off to college. It was an agreed upon thing, both verbally and nonverbally, that neither of you planned on losing the other anytime soon- if ever.
You had found the love of your life, your soulmate. Some people never had a great love, let alone found the person they were supposed to end up with. And you had gotten lucky on both fronts. For some, this all would seem far too soon, the two of you were only eighteen. But the road to you two still felt like an eternity. You both had had enough waiting in that regard, so no moment was gone unappreciated or taken for granted. You were both just excited to have a lifetime of memories to make with each other.
“I wondered where you slinked off, too.” A voice said a little ways away.
“Just needed a minute.” You said holding up the hand with your cigarette in it, turning to watch Steve approach you.
“I would have snuck out here with you, y’know?” He smiled, leaning his shoulder against the brick when he reached you.
“You were chatting, I didn’t want to pull you away.” You replied.
“I missed you,” You smiled and playfully rolled your eyes at his remark, “I did! When you’re not next to me, I feel like half a person.”
“You are so cheesy.” You shook your head, your grin widening.
“Yeah, but you love it.” Steve smirked, shrugging his shoulders.
“Yeah, I guess I do.” You sighed dreamily, turning to your adorable boyfriend.
You went to drop your cigarette, but Steve caught your wrist, taking the small smoke from your fingers and inhaling deeply before stomping it out himself. He blew the smoke over your shoulder before stepping closer.
You placed your hands on his chest and migrated one of them of his thin tie to smooth it.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” Steve said under his breath as he watched you.
In gentle moments like this, Steve could only stop and stare at you. And thank the universe and every God in existence that you were his. In these moments, sometimes his overloading thoughts of adoration would slip out.
You looked up at his through your lashes and blushed, moving forward to bury your face in his chest. Something you often did when Steve would swoon over you.
“Wait,” Steve said, catching your cheeks before you could nuzzle into him.
“What?” You asked.
Steve looked down at you, pink cheeks and small dainty smile. It felt like he needed to take a beat and memorize this quiet moment, music humming in the background and your happy, tranquil expression. He was a giant sap when it came to you and he made no effort to hide it, but sometimes, when your beauty astounded him in such a way that made his knees weak, he kept to himself. He didn’t let these thoughts slip out, he just wanted silent reminders for himself about how wonderful you really were.
“I love you.” He said, moving slowly to your lips.
“Mm, I love you, too.” You said, smiling growing as Steve placed a gentle kiss to your lips.
“Ready to go back in?” Steve whispered to your lips after he pulled away.
He silently hoped you would opt for a French exit so you two could fool around in the backseat of his car, but then you would both miss the little trick up his sleeve.
“For a bit longer, we haven’t seen the chair dance yet, and I know Dustin would kill me if he was up there and didn’t see us singing along and smiling.” You said, moving your hand up to your cheek to take Steve’s and hold it down by your side.
“Okay, let’s go back in.” Steve nodded.
He shifted your hands so he could lace his fingers between yours and you both headed back to the entrance. As you rounded the corner and got closer to the double doors, the music became clearer, and you noticed the song change to a familiar one.
“Oh my god! You are so cheesy.” You stopped in your tracks, laughing.
“What? This wasn’t me. Dustin loves this song.” Steve feigned innocence.
“Oh, yeah. I’m sure he loves the Carpenters.” You rolled your eyes playfully.
“Well, this sure is a coincidence. We better head in so we can appreciate it.” Steve said as you watched try to hide his knowing smile.
“Fine.” You said dramatically, and Steve began to pull you inside.
“Actually,” You stopped him, changing your mind, “Let’s appreciate it from here.”
You closed the small gap between you, setting your hands on Steve’s shoulders as his instinctively were placed on your waist.
He smirked, “Who’s cheesy now?”
“Still you, but I have my moments.”
“I guess I’m rubbing off on you.” Steve puffed out his chest as you two slowly swayed and you laughed.
“Yeah, I would say so.”
A comfortable silence fell after that, as you were pulled closer to Steve as you danced, swaying to the soft beat of Close To You. Steve knew that it may not been playing at your wedding, but for now, he knew it was enough.
Because obviously, he would make it up to you later. He was going to make sure that this song was the song you first danced after you both said I Do’s.
And like the silent language lovers have, you knew this too.
And you were looking forward to it.  
tags: @kaliforniacoastalteens @tanovic54321 @chels-nyc @hoebliss @remorsefuul @keejan-turtle @captaintightpants58 @fandomsfavorite @comefindmesomeday @random-ffandom @thingsweneverhave @nowvoyagerruinedme @rachrose8 @midgardiansworld @cats-on-the-beach @secillyj @kyaramaya 
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iloveemoboyss · 3 years ago
Glimpse Of Us. - E.M - S.H
Based off the song “Glimpse Of Us” by Joji.
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Summary: Some friendships end in a way that you don’t expect. This is one of them. Eddie finds his want when he doesn’t realize his need was right beside him. He pushes her away, thinking its more important to focus on his relationship.
Paring: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Fem Reader.
Warnings: Terribly written Angst, Eddie being a douche, a blossoming cute relationship with Harrington at the end, its book bag, not backback, tears are hoped for. Get a towel.
There he was. Edward Munson, known as Eddie Munson, or the freak. My best friend, turned cold. Scraped me off his shoe, threw me away, and didn’t even dare to turn back to see if I made it to the trash. Eddie sat there, at the table. With his new princess, Chrissy Cunningham, the pitch perfect cheerleader that anyone would drop to their knees for. Including the one and only love of my life, Eddie. She sat in what used to be my spot, my Hellfire spot. Right next to Eddie. His hand right where it would sit on your leg, but on hers. You stood a good distance away, not noticeable unless pointed out, but no one seemed to care too much. You had been replaced, who were you again?
No one seemed to notice how your excited, full of life and bright eyes now seemed dark, lifeless. No excitement in trace. Your demeanor changed completely, now shielding yourself from the outside world. Not letting anyone in, not even family. Your energy had been swiped clean away from you, making you wonder the halls like a ghost. At any push or shove of a shoulder you took in the force, not caring if you dropped something important for a test you had coming up. Maybe someone else needed it more than you did. Who cares, right? You didn’t.
My locker slammed shut as I placed my forehead against it, the cold metal making my forehead cool off. My sweater now hanging loosely off my shoulders, book bag barely being held properly in my limp hand. My mascara smeared slightly under my eyes, adding to the darkness of the eye bags that rested under my eye lids. I sighed before lifting my bag up my shoulder turning around only to gasp and hold my hand to my heart. “Dustin? Mike? What..do you want?” I spoke out nervously, they glanced at me then at each other. Dustin sighs before explaining how they were short of a member for Hellfire. Mike practically begging me to come back to play. Both of the boys quickly held their hands together, begging silently with their eyes. “Yeah, no thanks guys. I don’t play anymore.” I softly stated while walking towards the end of the hallway. “But- Wait please! you-you gotta help tonight! Eddie- He-He’ll kill us!” Mike almost screamed while gripping both of my forearms. Stopping me in my tracks, I sighed and looked at them tiredly. “Im sorry, its a no. Go ask someone else, I don’t play anymore.” Trying to walk away again but his grip tightened, “Please, you’re the best luck we’ve got. We miss you. All of us do.” Dustin pleaded, I only shook my head. Walking away after finally breaking free of Mikes hold, only pausing to look back at them. “Go see if Chrissy wants to play, Eddie would be happier to see her there instead of me. Ya know, since he already replaced me with her anyways.” Continuing on with my walk to my next class.
“I don’t know what I did wrong, why did I have to be the one pushed away like I was a disease?” I spoke my mind softly as i laid in the soft green grass, scared that if there was a possibility that air could break, my voice would crack it. Steve sat next to me, playing with the rings that littered my fingers, his eyes gazing into the sky. “Thats a weird thing to relate to but I get it. Its not your fault, its his for being a prick. He pushed you away, you tried to stay but he didn’t let you. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Steve threw out while grasping your hands, pulling me upright with a soft huff. His hands finding my cheeks and squishing them together, the coldness cooling off my heated cheeks, I smiled softly at him while leaning into his touch. “He doesn’t deserve you, you’re better than him.” Steve traces my cheekbones while I look down into my hands. “I love him Steve, I cant just- stop. I’ve tried but it just gets worse.” I whispered out while tears started flowing down my cheeks, Steves thumbs catching them, gently wiping them away. He looks at Lover Lake behind me as he brings my head to rest against his chest, his voice rumbling through his chest. “I know.”
I never thought i would be here again. Standing at Eddies doorstep, my fist hovering over the door. My mind racing with thoughts, my eyes squinting softly. Taking a deep breath, I knocked, enough that could made the door shake. I glanced around while hugging myself. The door peeked open as Blonde hair stuck out, upon realizing it was me she opened the door wider. “Chrissy, oh uhm. Hey.” I stuttered out while furrowing my eye brows. She was wearing eddies Hellfire shirt, with his plaid pajama pants. “Hey! Did you need Eddie? Hes in the shower right now. You want to come in?” Chrissy tilted her head while stepping to the side, I only shook my head. Looking at the red, purple marks on her neck and her reddened face. “Oh uhm, no, no I’m okay. Im sorry Chrissy I didn’t- im just gonna go.” I spoke quickly while holding my hoodie tightly in my left hand. Chrissy looked confused, but nodded. “I’ll tell him you came over, it was good meeting you!” She waved as I speed walked to my car. Giving her a soft wave back as I piled into my car, peeling out of the driveway and onto the road back to my house. My quivering hand holding my quivering lips as tears flooded down my face.
You skipped school the rest of the week. Not wanting to see everyone’s face. Including his, so you sat at home, becoming more weak and vulnerable with each passing second. Steves phone calls going unanswered, worried for you, why you weren’t coming to school, why weren’t you answering your god damn phone? You had no energy and strength to try anymore. You gave up, became limp, connected to your bed. Not moving, not sleeping, only staring at the pattern of your wall. Now not only was Steve calling, but Dustin, and Eddie too. You ignored all of them. Every voicemail, filled with fake concern from your childhood best friend. The person who you thought would never leave you. The person who you thought you could have a future with. oh how silly you were to think that.
One day you did have enough strength to climb out of your messy bed. Dragging yourself to pull out a mixtape you and Eddie had made when you guys became Juniors. It was filled with both Eddies music taste and yours. You smiled upon reading the title Eddie named it “To The Future.”His handwriting making you miss the memories of him drawing fake tattoos on your legs or arms. Tracing the words with your pointer finger. Your body flinched with the sound of your phone ringing, looking at it sitting on your desk. Slowly standing and ghosting your hand over it, taking a deep breath. Picking the phone up and placing it against your ear. Giving the person on the other end a weak, soulless “Hello?” making the person sigh loudly. “Jesus, are you okay? You haven’t answered any of my phone calls. You’re worrying me.” Steves voice filled your ears and it made your lip quiver, missing the sound of your new closest friend. “Yeah. I know im sorry, Steve.” Steve sighed softly and transformed the phone to his other hand while leaning against his wall. “Are you okay? You haven’t been at school for the past week.” You bit your lip, toying with the end of your shirt while looking around your room. Seeing the clothes thrown around carelessly, empty glasses littered the 2 desks in your room. “Yeah- Yeah im okay. I just uhm. Needed a break.” Which wasn’t a whole lie, but not the full truth. “When are you coming back?” Steves question made you look at the calendar hanging on the back of your bedroom door. Sighing before rubbing off the tiredness of your eyes. “Thursday? Maybe? I don’t know, Steve.” He shook his head grabbing his keys from his own desk. “Meet me at the Lake in 20.” You shook your head like he could see you. “What? Steve its too late right now are you crazy?” He chuckled “It wasn’t a question.” While hanging up. Leaving the ring of the dead line blow into your ears. Quickly hanging up and throwing up your hair into a low bun.
Steve encouraged me to continue going to school, I tried begging him to let me take one more day. He took my hands in his and promised to stay by my side at all times, even if it means he has to go to the bathroom with you. Which made you give him a true laugh. Something he deeply missed, seeing you happy.
He hung his arm around your shoulder as he spoke about what was happening today, and with his sly whispers about how weird this certain popular kid was made you throw your head back onto his arm. Steve joining you shortly after, his arm that hung around your shoulder now gripped his thigh as you both doubled over in laughter, your eyes filled with tears while your face reddened. Kids walking by the duo gave weird looks but the pair didn’t seem to mind. Steves hands cupped your red cheeks, wiping the stray tears that escaped your eyes away. your laughter slowly dying down into a chuckle while Steves laughter completely died out. His soft eyes gazing into yours. His thumbs caressing your cheeks, making you smile softly. Steve glanced down at your lips then back up at your eyes. Leaning forward while slowly closing his eyes. Only to feel the empty air as you were tugged away. He looked to where you were being dragged away and saw Eddies brown curly hair bouncing with each fast step.
“What the fuck was that?” Eddie questioned while gripping your shoulders. Your brows furrowed, and your throat felt dry from not talking to him for a long amount of time. “What are you talking about?” Struggling loose from his grip while hugging yourself. Glancing around to see if Steve would magically appear, running around the corner. Saving you from this moment. “Don’t act dumb Sweetheart-“ You snapped towards his with a scowl. “Don’t you dare call me that. You have no place to say that to me.” I stuck my pointer finger at him, pressing it against his chest while continuing. “You don’t get that privilege anymore Eddie. You don’t get to have anything to do with me. Not after what you put me through you piece of shit.” I growled out, stabbing my finger into his chest with every last ounce of anger I had left. “What are you talking about? Princess you’re confusing me.” You pushed him back harshly. “You having fun with Chrissy? Did you have fun pushing me away? Acting like I was nothing, and that I was a disease? You fucking happy you finally got what you wanted?” I spit out with venom lacing each and every word, shoving his chest harshly one last time while I sobbed and quivered. Eddie stood still, looking down at my mess of a body, clothes wrinkled, my eye lids sunk, eye bags even worse, hair frizzy. His chest tightened with a overbearing guilt. He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off. “You got so carried away with your new toy that you wanted so desperately to not even notice your own childhood best friend breaking down into nothing. You didn’t even look at me anymore. I didn’t exist to you, but when im suddenly happy you notice me again?” He stood still again, his own tears slipping past his eyelids. His hands shaking at his sides. “Go back to Chrissy Eddie. I don’t need you anymore.” You spoke harshly while turning away. Heading back inside the school.
“I told him how I felt. How unhappy I was. I told him everything.” I muttered out while laying against Steves chest. Steve nodded in approval. Tracing small shapes on his shirt. The water in-front of us splashing against the pebbles and rocks softly, lulling my eyes to slowly close. “Hey. You remember the time where you tried on your prom dresses?” Steves voice rumbled against your cheek. I smiled at the memory. “Yeah, why? Wanna go shopping with me again?” I teased while looking up at him. Seeing his soft smile while he looked into the water, before looking down into my eyes. He shook his head. “No. I liked it. I wanted to buy you every dress you tried on. You’re so beautiful.” He spoke out softly, afraid that his voice would break me. Like if I was glass in his hands. My smile grew wider, I looked down at our connected hands, lacing them together. “Then i’ll definitely bring you every time I shop for clothes. Get a second opinion.” I softly whispered out as if it was a secret. One of Steves hands disconnected from mine as he put his fingers under my chin. Making me tilt my head up, his hand now cupping my jaw. His eyes flickered down to my lips for a split second before gazing into mine. “I love you Steve.” I whispered out slowly, prepared to pull away and run my way home. His lips pulled up more, giving me his signature Steve Harrington smile. “I love you too.” He stroked my cheek slowly. “Are you going to kiss me or not pretty boy?” I giggled while placing my hands on his cheeks while his other joined mine. “I was thinking about it” I scoffed and pulled him closer “Stop thinking about it and kiss me handsome.” I chuckled, “Anything for you, Hun” He replied cheekily while pressing his lips into mine. Our lips fitting together perfectly like a puzzle piece. Shortly after breaking away slowly, pressing his forehead to mine. “You think about it enough?” I asked while stroking his cheek. He shrugged and looked around. “I don’t know, might have to try again, so think it over for approval, ya know?” I laughed and pulled his lips into mine again.
Eddie continued to watch Steve treat you better than he ever could have. While Chrissy hung onto his arm with a deadly grip. His chest twisting and churning as he saw Steve connect his lips with yours. He noticed how you picked up your cheery attitude again. How much color you now wore again. He missed it. Realizing that you were right, he only focused on what he wanted, even though he knew now that what he should have been looking for is what he needed.
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Reach Out
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Requests- “Steve Harrington x Reader where the last time you talked to Steve and Johnathan (you three + Nancy were really close but you still hang out with Nancy) was defeating the demogorgon for the first time, but you drifted apart bc you started dating Billy and it’s like lowkey a pretty toxic and controlling relationship but Y/N is blind to it and eventually Steve, through Nancy, reveals to you that Billy’s cheating on you and he’s in love with you”
Words- 1167
Warnings- Toxic relationships, cheating
A/N- Sorry this took me so long to write, writers block has been killing me!
You would think that saving the world would bring you closer together with your friends. It didn’t. In all honesty, it wasn’t exactly like you didn’t try. You loved Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan. There was just another element you hadn’t accounted for, Billy Hargrove. It was a bad idea in the first place. Yet, when Billy had sauntered over to ask you out you said yes. That was mistake number one. Mistake two was going along with it. Billy was in no way perfect, or even close to being at least okay. It probably wasn’t healthy. It was just a release back to the normal world.
You flipped over a notecard and stared at the handwriting on the back. You had a test tomorrow, and honestly, all you wanted to do was pass it and get the rest of the week over with.
“I’m going to be honest, the words are starting to just blur together,” you sighed dropping the card back onto the bed with the others. Nancy glanced up from the textbook she was hunched over.
“Yeah, I am getting pretty tired. Want to just chat for awhile?” she said closing the book. It was nice to talk with Nancy, whenever Billy was around it meant no one else was going to be around you. Which sucked, but you could deal with it.
“Sure,” you answered flopping back onto the pillows and picking at your nails.
“It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve just talked. Together, I mean. Your hair looks different,” Nancy remarked resting her head in her hands and leaning forward.
“Oh,” you paused and tugged at your hair. Billy had said it would look better shorter. It wasn’t that much shorter, but you did miss the old length. Billy liked it though. “Yeah, actually Billy mentioned-,” you stopped. There was no point in saying anything to Nancy. She shouldn’t have to worry about you and your relationships.
You could still see Nancy’s face. There was pity etched into her features. Why? You were fine, there was no need for pity from anyone over something that wasn’t a problem, “You know, you and Billy, I just- are you guys okay?”
“We’re fine,” you snap back regretting how sharp it sounded. Nancy looked worried. That wasn’t good because Billy would find out, he always did, and you didn’t want to get Nancy into any trouble.
“Right then,” her smile looks forced. You gather up your notecards again and absent-mindedly shuffle them.
“Well I guess I should probably head back to my house, it’s getting kind of late,” you say as you start to gather up your stuff. It’s really not that late, but Billy was going to pick you up.
Nancy frowns but helps you pack your things up before giving you a quick hug goodbye. You missed having time to spend with friends like this. Steve and Jonathan had always been there for you. There was no way you would be able to spend time with either now with Billy around.
After you say goodbye to Mrs. Wheeler, you leave the house to see Billy's car waiting on the street. God, you hoped you weren't late. Quickly you walk down the sidewalk and got in the car. Billy looks at you before speaking, “Where the hell were you?”
“I told you earlier, I was studying with Nancy. I needed you to pick me up,” you say looking outside.
“Why do you wanna hang out with her anyway?” he asks.
“I told you, I was just studying,” he licks his lips and turns back toward the road before finally driving off.
~~~~~~~~~~ You don’t speak to Nancy for the next week. When you finally do see her, it’s right before lunch. You watch her walk over to you, and hope that Billy is nowhere near here.
“Hey, Y/N,” she smiles at you, “look, I need to talk you about something.”
“Oh,” you say chewing your lip. What could be wrong?
“So, actually Steve wanted me to tell you this. But he figured because of Billy, he probably shouldn't. There really isn't an easy way to say this, Billy has been cheating on you. I’ve seen it and so has Steve and Jonathan. Steve just wants you to be okay,” Nancy puts her hand on your arm. You blink, processing. You’ve had suspicions that he was cheating on you, but there was no way you could break things off.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Nancy asks, snapping you back out of your thoughts.
“I-yeah, thank you, Nancy,” you say trying to smile. She nods, before walking off.
Suddenly she turns back, “Steve’s by the bathrooms,” she gives no further explanation.
You consider your options. You could go back to Billy, knowing for sure what he as doing, or , in fact,  to Steve. Definitely that latter. Taking a deep breath, you start off towards the bathrooms.
When you finally make it there, Steve is in fact standing there. He looks anxious even before he sees you. How long has it been? You close the distance and walk towards him.
“Steve?” you ask, catching his attention.
“Y/N!” he jumps a little.
“Do you want to talk somewhere else?” you ask, knowing it wasn’t going to be a thirty-second conversation.
“That sounds good, yeah,” he pauses, “Billy?”
“I don’t think he’s here today,” Steve nods and he starts walking to the doors. After you both slip underneath the bleachers there's a moment of silence.
“Thank you for telling me. About Billy I mean,” you say. You hope he understands what you’re trying to say.
“Yeah, it’s just,” he scratches the back of his head. His eyes refuse to meet yours when you look at him. You’ve known Steve long enough to know something is wrong.
“It’s just what?” you prompt.
“He’s a douche bag, Y/N. You deserve someone better than him. It looks toxic, the way he treats you,” Steve finishes.
You knew it was bad. You had just hoped no one else would notice. No need to cause a stir over something like that. If Steve and Nancy had noticed, who else had?
“Steve,” you start before he cuts you off.
“Look, I know it’s not really my business. Please, just consider getting away from him? I don’t want to see you hurt like this,” he says.
You blink back the moisture that you can feel building in the corner of your eyes. You step forward and throw your arms around Steve’s neck. He stiffens for a moment before relaxing. His arms squeeze back.
Free from Billy, your life seems to be a bit clearer. Maybe you can spend some more time with Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan now. What more could you need?
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vickkinha · 3 years ago
All i want - Steve Harrington oneshot
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Angst, hurt-comfort (most hurt tbh), NOT HAPPY AT ALL, breaking up, xreader, takes time after s4, gender neutral
warning: S4 spoilers
Y/n feels useless to the group, after the whole vecna situation where her bestfriend Eddie munson died, they fear for their boyfriend's life .
based on "All i want" by kodaline
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you wanted to leave hawkins, after the whole vecna situation you were tempted to leave and not look back. You didn't want to leave your friends, you thought over and over if that was being selfish, but you had to admit your fear, you had a life in hawkins, you had a longtime boyfriend, best friends, but you feared for your life, your boyfriend's and your friends lives.
one of you could be vecna's next victim, you don't know if you could handle one more death, one of your best friends died that day and a girl you considered a sister fell into a coma, you can't stand the thought of not being able to protect steve .
you didn't know how you were going to convince Steve, you rethought several times about how you were going to talk to him and all thoughts led to the current moment, you were face to face with Harrington both were talking too loudly.
"You can only be kidding" he said loudly walking around with one hand on his waist and the other gesturing, you stared at him, an incredulous smile took over your boyfriend's face.
"Steve I can't lose you, I can't lose even one more person i love to defend a shitty city that doesn't know how to live in harmony" your voice came out almost in a scream, you tried to lower your tone, but you were worried and stressed with everything
“Y/n do you know what you're asking me? You're saying that I should give up everything I have here!" he just said that, he didn't yell or raise his tone, he just looked at you, a hard expression to read
“you won't be the only one leaving everything, i love you, i don't want to see you hurt and i'm willing to leave everyone for you!" I said watery eyes as I stared at the boy he took a deep breath looking at you, you felt tears start to run down your face, the boy's face had a worried expression
“I won't, I can't, I love you but I can't leave everyone y/n, you know how important you and they are to me" he said, this time avoiding looking at your face, you relaxed your shoulders silent tears streamed down your face, the boy's eyes were watering too but you knew better than no one he don't cry.
"So I'm going alone" you cried quietly, you were decided, you thought you weren't useful to the group, even if they said you were, you would never be able to protect your friends, you would leave before getting in the way and if that meant leaving the person you loved most in exchange for protecting him, you would, you failed to protect your family, you failed to protect munson, you would not fail again.
he looked at you in shock "Y/N don't do this, we need you, I need you." the last part was almost a whisper “I've already decided harrington” you said softly, he sighed and hugged you, both hugged eachother for a time, in complete silence.
“please don't do that” he spoke softly “I'm sorry” you spoke repeatedly hugging him “I love you” he said caressing your hair “I love you too” you said before separating from the hug, looking at each other “ take care Harrington” you said wiping your tears and turning to leave, it was a difficult decision but you knew Steve would never make you stay, he knew you, he knew that when you decide something you don't give up on it.
“you too, L/n” he spoke low but loud enough for you to hear. you left hawkins with your heart in hand after saying goodbye to the kids you loved so much, your dear friends and your now ex boyfriend. you regretted it, but you knew it was the best thing to do, at least you thought it was the best thing to do.
but if you loved me, why did you leave me?...
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A/n: I just woke up and decided that i wanted to write some agnst, it's steve harrington again, i started writing some other characters oneshots but it all is still a work in progress :) remember english is not my first language and some grammar errors are easy to find so sorry
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eddiernunson · 3 years ago
3 Years Runnin’
Title is a work in progress. 
Eddie Munson | 3 Years Runnin
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Contains: Fluff, light agnst, Awkward “they like each other but neither of them know” conversation, Virgin!Eddie, Shy!Reader, Anxiety, Reader works with Robin and Steve, and is friends with Nancy. Alludes to reader also helping gang with the Upside Down. Vague mention of weed/dealing, also Sad Eddie. 
Prompt: Honestly, I was inspired by this post by @loveronlineee​ about how Eddie seems all cool and charismatic like he’d be cool with the ladies, when in reality... he’s a big DnD loving nerd. He’s likely maybe kissed one person. In this fic he’s never kissed anyone. 
Author’s Note: I have went down the rabbit hole from Wednesday to Friday reading Eddie x Reader fics and now I really want to write. I didn’t know where to start until I was inspired so thank you xoxo for that inspiration. This fanfic has started off fluffy but will get more heated, I promise. Minors DNI for that simple reason as for when it DOES get heated. It’s my first time posting on this tag so please be gentle... thank you! 
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Despite what some might believe (you), Eddie has…limited experience in dating. Despite what his suave, charismatic, erratic, and charming upfront of a personality would tell you, his Hellfire club, and the entire school even he had never had even so much even kissed a girl. Or boy. He tentatively liked the idea of it but was certainly sure it wasn’t going to happen until after high school.
Eddie might take being called a Freak with a roll of his eyes or a middle finger, but he knew as long as he was in highschool (still) no one would want to be pulled into the scrutiny he faced. His Hellfire club always knew when they joined that they’d be wrapped up in being called a cult, but they were never picked on or scrutinized as much as Eddie. They would get a chuckle as Eddie hissed at a random passer or momentarily embraces his label, but the word Freak usually stays on him alone. If there is any moment where his club members get pulled into it, he takes the attention off of them immediately. He doesn’t wish this on anyone.
Behind closed doors and at the end of the day, sometimes it leads to a muffled sob at night. He never gives them more than five minutes. He refuses to give them the satisfaction of knowing he is at all affected by it.
Eddie was once compared to Steve Harrington in the midst of a break during one of the more tamed DnD campaigns by one of the old and now graduated members of Hellfire. Eddie was surprised by this comparison, intrigued. “What do you mean,” he asked, careful to hide his surprise to the comparison to the resident douchebag of their school.
The club member laughed, ruffling his sandy brown hair. “No man you guys are just both so charismatic.” They laughed, looking at their character sheets absentmindedly. “I mean, you see Steve. He is dripping in the ladies. It wouldn’t surprise me if you had that in common.” Eddie was rendered speechless, but didn’t let it show. He cockily winked at his pal, suddenly aware that his persona was a lot more convincing than he initially thought. It was even convincing the people closest to him.
Eddie’s charisma or general confidence might have convinced one person (that he knew of) he was a real lady killer, like Hendersen or Hargrove, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. They were literally cool kids. Kids who were welcomed at parties and expected at big social events. He’s a metalhead who enjoys writing new sadistic campaigns in his free time or talking to his guitar. How the hell was he ever going to touch, kiss, fuck, anyone?
That’s were you came in.
The truth is, you were obsessed with Eddie Munson. His hair, his rings, his confidence, his ability to rile up assholes who only live to bully others, everything about him you admired. And you’ve never even talked to him before. Your co-worker and now friend Robin would tease you about it when she caught you staring from across the cafeteria to the Hellfire table, but you knew it was all in good fun.
On this particular day, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him, Robin rambling on in the background of your fazed mindset. You resisted leaning on your hand like a school girl so it wouldn’t be obvious, but maybe open-mouthed breathing and not eating is not all that different. You were absentmindedly chewing on your lip without exposing your teeth, and you could feel your heart beating out of your chest.
Robin stopped speaking a few minutes ago, unbeknownst to you. She realized you weren’t talking when she accidentally blurted something about herself to you which you usually would’ve had a bigger reaction to. You realized she had stopped talking when Nancy sat down across from you, blocking your vision. Nancy switched her wide eyes and unreadable expression between you and Robin, noting the silence. “It’s quiet here” she paused, “why?”
Suddenly you felt eyes burning through your left temple. You looked over seeing Robin almost glaring at you, but mostly amused. A beat passed when she looks over to Nancy and says, “Well Y/N over here can’t stop staring at Eddie. It’s worse than normal today.”
Nancy smirked, newly aware of your little crush on the school’s resident Freak. “You’ve got it bad, girl,’ she stated. You rolled your eyes because it’s not like you didn’t know. He only takes up about 75% of your brain and most of your nightly routines.
Robin tapped your arm, getting your attention. “Have you ever even spoken to him?”
“How am I supposed to do that? A party?” You shook your head pitifully. Not in the three years where you had this little crush did you ever utter a word. You had two classes with him, both where you sat in front of him, not able to catch a glance without being obvious. You always turned towards him when you got the chance. How were you supposed to talk to him other than a drug deal or walking up to his table? Seeing him at a party just wasn’t an option. You aren’t a weed kind of girl, and walking up to his table sounded like fun if you valued public humiliation.
You zoned out again, nibbling on your thumb. It was a nervous habit. You looked down at your lunch, stomach grumbling but appetite little. Your sandwich looked like spacefood. Unappetizing and only clumps of matter built for sustenance but with no taste. You looked up at Nancy, she had a look on her face, but you knew this look. She was figuring something out. This concerned you far too much. Nancy’s mind is not a force to be reckoned with. “What’s on your mind, Nancy?”
She paused and looked at Robin, then at you. “I have to pick up Mike and his friends from their Hellfire club this week. It usually goes a decent amount over their time frame and I have to barge in and get their asses in gear. Do you want to join me tomorrow? Might be a chance to actually talk to him.”
You glanced at Eddie, his smile wide, standing at the head of the table and making a grand degree which you do not hear. You can only hear your heartbeat pulsing hard at the mere opportunity to speak to him. If you ever go on a date with him how the hell are you going to say anything? Once or twice he has caught you staring and you look down immediately upon eyecontact. That eye contact alone makes you kick your feet and giggle in your bed.
You looked back at Nancy and Robin, dejected. “How am I supposed to talk to him? This is a fantasy. He wouldn’t want someone shy and spending three years liking him. Look at him.”
You felt a sharp pain in your left upper arm. Robin pinched your arm, hard. “Hey! Snap out of it.” You looked to her, startled yet curious. “Last year you beat the shit out of a Russian and the year before that you smacked that demodog thing that Dustin had a new one. Stop! Devaluing! Yourself!” For emphasis, she pinches you again three more times on each word.  
You looked at Nancy. You smiled close mouthed and rubbed your now sore arm, thankful for friends who can kick you in the ass when you need it. “I-I’ll come with you, Nance. Thank you for thinking of this.”
Nancy smiles, finishing her lunch. Robin’s lunch is finished, sat empty in front of her. You still haven’t eaten, and you’re still too queasy for it. It might be worse now that you have the actual opportunity you need. You drank some water hoping it would last you through the day.
Robin hitched her breath and giggled. “Nance, I think she’ll be even more nervous now. I’m not sure how she’ll last through her shift tonight.” Your eyes widen, you forgot you worked tonight. You pushed your tray forward and let your forehead land on the table. You are screwed.
School passed by quick enough. You hated math, the one subject you knew Eddie passed the first time in his attempt at senior year. Where do invisible numbers get off by being in a place where they do not belong? World geography was shitty enough but at least when you had the opportunity you could grab a glance of him, bored out of his mind, a notebook in front of him for once. It looked like this year he might actually pass. Secretly, you hoped he had someone to help him. At the end of your last period sans Eddie (you’re pretty sure it was his free period), you stretch you arms up and hard, knowing you’ll need to be at work in two hours.
You grabbed your homework and ran to your shitty ten year old beat up old green honda. Your parents surprised you for your 16th birthday. Surprised was the definition of your reaction. Growing up you were told not to expect a car for any birthdays. If you wanted something, you earned it. (The reason for your job). Despite them beating the very idea into your noggin for 15 and a half years, they surprised you. Any money you had saved for a car is now into a college fund. Your parents were kind of rad.
You stopped by your house to grab something hopefully to eat since you cant take the hunger pains anymore despite your nausea. When peering into the fridge, you noticed a small salad in Tupperware that your mom put away probably wanting to eat later. Most food stored tupperwares in your family were used but not taken advantage of, so you knew she wouldn’t see a loss if you ate it. The first bite was hard but worth it. Nausea damned, you needed something at least before work. Eddie had such power over you, the man with the leather and the rings and the eccentric personality, that you were in your kitchen standing in front of your fridge, tentatively chewing at a salad.
You only ate half. You had a feeling you’d be throwing it up soon out of nerves. After pitifully throwing the salad back into the fridge you wandered around the house for half an hour, thankful no one was home. Your mom knew you have a crush. Whenever boys are brought up at home in front of your mom you blush and keep your mouth closed. It’s been like this since she asked on the third day of Freshman year. Now being senior year, your mom was growing concerned about your lack of ability to talk to someone you liked. She’d hoped you grew out of it.
Anxiety told you otherwise. Anxiety told you not to do it. Anxiety told you that if you ever asked him out he would laugh in your face, or worse just let you down gently. Anxiety, is a bitch.
One thing Anxiety did do, was speed up time for you. One great thing out of a million terrible things. After your pacing around you grabbed your uniform to put on and drove early to start your shift at the video store. Ding dong.
In the middle of a conversation with Robyn who started early tonight, steve was talking animatedly about a date with yet another girl he met at the video store. “I think she’s it, I think she’s the one!’ Steve exclaimed his hands making big gestures.
You walked in their conversation with your bag over your shoulder, feeling more relaxed that you have a four hour shift tonight and you can focus on that. “Steve didn’t you say that about Stacy Lumbar last week? How many times are you going to meet the one, cause at this rate we won’t have anymore room for your engagement rings at the back.”
Steve “accidentally” bumped into you as you walked to the back, forcing you to bump into a stack. “That was your own fault!” You exclaim, running to the back bathroom.
You clocked in early, knowing Keith would have your head. Whatever, you’ll clock out five minutes early to avoid overtime bullshit.
Robin greeted you sweetly as you walked in, a hint of smug behind her eyes. “Hello, sweetness! How you feelin?”
You squinted at her, she knew how you were. “I hate you.” She  shot you a big smile, knowing you didn’t mean anything by it.
Steve looked between you and Robin while simultaneously putting the videos away. “What do you mean, is something wrong with her?”
“Oh she’s just nervous because Nance is forcing her to talk to Eddie tomorrow,” she says, light as a feather. The mention of his name made you nauseous again, the salad stuck in your throat.
Steve, in such a Steve-like manner, asks, “Wait, Robin I thought you said-“
“Steve! Zip-it!” Robin shouts, using a quick zipper motion over her mouth.
“Oh shit.” Steve says, then walks away from you like nothing happened.
You look between your two co-workers, knowing them well enough to know that they aren’t telling you something. “What just happened,” you say as you shake your head. They both say nothing, sharing a quiet conversation.
Here’s what you don’t know.
When Nancy was thinking to herself, she didn’t think of a simple solution such as bringing you to Hellfire. She was going to do that this week without even telling you. Her second solution was to send Eddie to your work place, effectively trapping you. After leaving the lunch table, Nancy did a quick round before arriving to her class five minutes late. She’s a Straight-A student, most teachers give her flack for it.
She ran into Mike when he left his table, asking him to ask Eddie to pick up a certain movie from the store. Nancy specifically told Mike to tell Eddie to pick up the specific movie at 5:30 because the movie will be returned by another patron around 5:15. Biggest movie of the year, impossible to get. Mike was confused to why he had to listen to Nancy, and Nancy simply gestured her head to you, dumping your entire lunch remains on into the garbage.
You and Mike don’t talk much. Most times you communicate is when most of your lives are in danger. Mike does know you really like Eddie (he didn’t know how long). Mike looked back to his sister, his face incredulous. “Yeah whatever any other reason?”
Nancy huffed and rolled her eyes. “I’ll do your math homework for a week. Ninth grade math was easy beans.”
Mike smirked in the way only little brothers can. “Oh I would’ve done it for Y/N. But sure that works.” Nancy shoved him, walking off to the payphone to give Steve a call.
Yeah. Nancy Wheeler loves you you to the point where she will purposely call an ex.  
“Video store, no, we don’t have x movie.” Steve answered, bored at his slow day at work.
“Hey Steve it’s me,” she says out of breath from fast walking to the payphone. “Can you and Robin take a break around 5:30 for me? I’m getting Eddie to stop by the store today.”
She could hear the smirk Steve gave over the phone. “Nancy Wheeler you are a genius. I will absolutely do that.”
She hung up the phone without saying bye, and ran off to her class, just missing the final bell. It was all set into motion, assuming Mike would ask Eddie.
“No.” Eddie said, eyes dark and arms crossed.
“Please!” Mike pleaded knowing he looked like a dork.
Eddie stood up from leaning his ass on the table with his legs crossed at the ankles. “Listen to this. Fuck no.”
Mike huffed exasperated, knowing he would have to do Eddie a favour in order for him to get him to do this.
“Why can’t big sister Wheeler drive you?” He asked, side-eying Mike.
Mike bit his lip, thinking quickly on the spot. “Nance has to watch our little sister tonight so she can’t drive me, and I have to do my chores.”  Eddie mocked him silently, almost impersonating DeNiro. “If you do this, I-I’ll do your deals for three days. No a week!”
Eddie softened at his and put his hands out. “Whoa whoa, Wheeler you don’t have to do that. Deals are easy money, but you can get caught. I’m not risking that for you, you’re only a freshman.” Eddie paused, a gentle look on his face that Mike rarely sees. “Is this fucking movie really that important?”
Mike nodded. “It’s been out at the movie store for literal weeks. This might be the only chance I can get it.”
Eddie had a soft spot for him, Dustin, and Lucas. Mike knew this. Eddie slouched back onto the DnD table, finally giving in to what Mike was asking. “Yeah, sure ya Twerp. I’ll pick it up for you.”
Mike felt a large wave of relief rushing over him. Eddie didn’t give in very often. This was a win.
Why the fuck was Mike asking him to pick up this goddamn movie? It’s not like he didn’t know anyone else who could drive. Didn’t he know Harrington who worked there? Couldn’t Harrington just save it for him? Why the fuck specifically 5:30? Ugh. Eddie couldn’t wait to go home, smoke a little, and get this headache out and spend time with his guitar.
He shrugged his shoulders after Mike triumphantly walked away from him, chuckling at his new commitment. He let his scowl fade and sat down at his throne in the DnD room, alone with his thoughts. He caught you staring again today, and he wasn’t one thousand percent sure what to make of it. Did you think he was weird? Did you like him (not possible)? Did you just stare into space? Eddie didn’t know what to make of it, but he has caught you three times this week, each of them he’s not even sure you realized.
He wondered what a pretty girl could be staring at him for, and if it was a cruel prank. There was no way anyone as pretty as you would be staring because they liked him. That wasn’t possible for the next 8 months. When he finally gets out of Hawkins and no one knows about his Freak status maybe someone will like him.
Sure, he noticed you when you weren’t staring. The way your hair framed your face, your lips pursed when you were concentrating, or when you were laughing with your friends at your lunch table with your nose crinkled. You were stunning. Breathtaking, even.
Eddie stood up to stretch, his white shirt exposing a strip of his trail. He checked his watch, seeing 5:10 and decided he should head out, even though he usually drove fast. The radio was loud and on the Rock Station, as usual, drumming out to some Guns n Roses. He hit a few early red lights, cringing and hoping no cop was around. His route was taking longer than usual today, and it was 5:28.
He swerved into the parking lot of the video store, double parking. He was right on time. With a hint of his swagger and charm, he strutted into the store, taking his sunglasses off when the bell rang.
Looking around for Harrington, but instead found you. Only you, at the front counter.
He didn’t know you worked here. Now he was a little nervous.
Your shift started out pretty normally. Robin and Steve were arguing as per usual on the evening movie when Robin looks at the time and taps it twice to Steve. Steve nods and looks at you. You were confused to what their silent conversation was about, remembering the one they had earlier. What were they on today. She knows she was just nervous but what the hell was wrong with them?
You were about to continue putting returned movies back when Steve approaches you. “Hey, Y/N listen Robin and I are going to take our breaks at the same time since it’s really slow right now. Can you just stay at the front desk and man the store for 15?”
You blinked, confused. “What do you mean you’re taking your breaks at the same time? You’re seriously going to leave me alone? What about the rush hour crowd?” You were already on edge today, this wasn’t helping.
Steve put his left arm on your right shoulder somewhat harder than necessary. “I believe in you.” Before you could argue any longer, he and Robin rushed to the back as if there were a fire. Please let there be a fire; you literally just wanted to go home.
You walked up to the front, noting the time on your watch. It was 5:30. You sighed. Only 3 and a half hours to go… You lied your head on the computer for half a second when the bell rang. You looked over, and you swear your jaw dropped. Eddie.
Eddie was there, taking off his sunglasses and scanning the store until he found you. You weren’t sure why he scanned it, but it still made you smile. When he saw you, you almost saw a familiarity in his eyes, as if he knew who you were. You were positive he doesn’t.
He took his time, strutting to the counter. Little did you know, he was fucking panicking. His heart was racing out of his chest but he was playing it cool. He hoped.
You tried to relax yourself, feeling your salad coming up again. “Hi, Munson,” you said feeling weird about being so formal. “Can I help you?”
He stopped at the counter, looking over you. “Uh yeah, doesn’t Harrington work here?” he asked, giving the store another scan.
You were taken aback by this. “Uh yeah, he and my other coworker insisted on taking their breaks right now. So, it’s just me.”
He didn’t think you were just you. “Well, just you. I’m here picking up a movie for Wheeler.”
You pushed your eyebrows together. “Mike?”
He nodded vigorously, his sunglasses falling off of his head. “Yep, that’s the one.”
When his sunglasses fell off, you couldn’t help a giggle pop out of your mouth. He would do anything to make it happen again. He leaned onto the counter, grabbing them. You had to take a moment, suddenly being able to smell him. You’ve never been this close before. He smelled like pine, cologne, mint toothpaste, and weed. It was literally perfect. His hands were folded in front of himself on the counter, ringed hand over the one with a ring on this thumb. You were both shaking and turned on. This was a great day. You don’t know how long you lingered, but you shook out of it and leant down to your saved returns.
There was one labelled in all caps MIKE. Oh thank god it was there. “Oh this movie is always gone.” You bent back up to enter it into the computer, unaware that he was now returning the favour you gave him two minutes ago.
He was not being subtle about it. Since you’ve never seen him so close, he’s never seen you so close. He took in the way your eye colour just seemed to be the perfect colour, the faint smell of lilac on your uniform from your detergent, and the way you were nibbling on your thumb again. He may have leaned down to grab his sunglasses but now he was resting on his arms.
You finished entering it, and looked at him asking, “How long do you want to rent it for?”
“Pfft” Eddie said. “I totally forgot to ask Wheeler. Let’s say 48 hours.”  
You furrowed your brow. “You sure? Don’t you have your DnD campaign tomorrow? When is he going to have time to watch it?” He was taken aback, not realizing you knew when his club met.
“Shit, make it 3 days then,” he says, putting his hands up as if he didn’t care. You smile at him, hopefully not too wide. He smiled back when you turned back to the computer, the lines down his cheeks prominent. Too bad you missed it, you lived for his smile. When you missed it, he just looked down wondering what the hell he was supposed to do.
“Ok, that’ll be 2.89 for the weekend, then.” You look at him.
He scrownged into his pockets. First his vest, then his leather jacket, then his jeans. That’s fine he can take his time. You’ll just patiently wait. And watch. “Aha!” He said loudly, scaring you. “Here, and sorry”
You said it was fine, your heart beating out of its chest. You knew he was loud. You just never heard him this close before.
He put five dollars on the counter. You grabbed the bill to give him change before he says. “Oh keep the change. I don’t like coins.”
You scrunched up your nose, “Why not?”
He shrugged. “Drug dealer. Only like cash. I don’t use coins very often, anyway.”
You were talking to him. You were making a conversation with Eddie Munson, and he tipped you. You were talking to Eddie fucking Munson. You wanted it to keep going. “You-you’re not what I thought you’d be.” That’s true, he’s much better than you thought. You just wanted to give him the satisfaction of not being called a freak. You hated that term.
He chuckled without humor tossing his hair out of his way. “What were you expecting, Eddie the Freak?” he sticks his tongue out, but you could tell your heart wasn’t in it.
You shook your head vigorously, not wanting to be misunderstood. “No, not at all. You’re not a freak.” You paused. “I was expecting a little more drama maybe, but not a freak.”
Not a freak, you said. Not a freak. Eddie gave a genuine smile, and took the tape off of the counter. “Thanks, Y/N. That meant a lot.” He was backing up to leave when you interrupted him.
You weren’t ready for him to leave. Also how the fuck did he know your name? “Wait,” he paused exactly how he was, and slowly turned around, “you know my name?” you asked, too taken aback to laugh at his dramatics.
Eddie bounced to a normal stance and walked a few steps back towards you. “Yeah, you’re in two of my classes.” He paused, almost hesitating. You don’t think you’ve seen him hesitate. “Plus…” he takes a breath, “I catch you staring once in a while.”
Your eyes go big, your mouth dries. Your salad feels like its travelling back up from wence it came. You gulped, somewhat audibly. “Y-you do?”
Eddie shrugs. “I mean I’m not mad, I catch lots of people staring for different reasons. Yours never seems hateful though…” he let the sentence fade out his eyes looking off. “Why do you stare? Also why do you do that?”
You avoided the first question at the first chance. “Do what?”
He pointed at your thumb in your mouth. “That.”
You looked you were nibbling on your thumb again. Shit. “Uh nervous habit,” you say putting your thumb down.
He stared at you, VHS in one hand, glasses in the other. He used his head to move one side of his long curly hair behind his shoulder. “You’re not answering my other question. Why do you stare?”
It was a pregnant pause. You could tell he wasn’t being cruel. He was just curious. You’ve seen him when his club members say some shit he doesn’t like and his eyes go dark. His eyes were light brown right now. They were gorgeous. You fiddled with your fingers, not wanting to answer this right now.
You heard a sigh and looked back up to face the man that has haunted you for three years. “Listen if you don’t want to answer, I get that. But next time I catch you I’m going to wave. I’ll see you tomorrow in class.”
“Nancy Wheeler is picking her brother up from Hellfire Club tomorrow. I’m coming with her, we’re hanging out tomorrow night. See you then, too?”
Eddie licked his lips and scratched his nose. You could almost see a smile on his face. “Yeah. See you then.” He opened up both doors and jogged to his van. You checked the time, it was 5:50. You were talking to Eddie for 20 minutes.
You were talking. With words. To Eddie Munson. For twenty. Minutes.
Wait if it’s been twenty minutes where were Robin and Steve?
“Robin, Steve?” You shouted to the back. “Your break is five minutes over get back here!” You leaned over the counter, almost hoping you could get that scent back. It wasn’t there but you were smiling. A lot.
“You did so good!” Robin comes from the back, her arms open wide and mouth in a big open smile. She hugs you tight and jumps up and down.
You scrunch your face up, getting out of her hug. “What do you mean I did so good?” You look to Steve, who looks more smug than normal. Which you thought was impossible. “What the hell does that mean?”
Robin did a little hip dance, almost falling over. “We set you up.” She says her voice cracking as she stumbles. “We made sure Eddie came here today while you were alone! Now you have talked to him!”
Steve put his hand one on of his hips, looking at you with what you think might be pity. “Wait you’ve never spoken to him? And you’ve liked him for three years?”
You glared at Steve, giving a warning sign. You might be shy, but your face says some words. “No, Steve, we can’t all ask people out when we want.”
Steve now put both hands on his hips, something he usually did with Dustin and them. “Hey, be nice. I’m looking for Mrs.Right. I know she’s out there somewhere. And I will be here when she needs to rent a movie.”
Robin pushed him to one side of the store with the return rack still there from when you were working on it. “Here. Work. Be useful.” Steve did, somewhat unergetically.
“So how did it go, how are you feeling?” Robin came to you, her eyes sparked like they usually are when gossip isn’t about her.
“Like I’m going to be sick” You say, holding your stomach. It was true, you might be excited you managed to not stumble through the whole comversation, but that didn’t stop your anxiety bubbling like you were boiling water. At least when you haven’t spoken to him you had a blank slate to leave a good impression. What kind of impression is it when you’re in a dorky uniform stumbling and biting your thumb?
Robin moved her head as if to ask more details. “Aaaand?”
You managed a smile. “Really excited.” You started to run to the bathroom, your nerves getting the worst of you. “Im going to be sick!”
When you were puking the one thing you ate today, Robin ran to Steve, unable to contain herself. “Holy shit did you see Munson? I’ve never seen him look that nice before.”
Steve nodded, putting the movies in place. “Yeah I noticed that. I’ve never seen his guard that down before, I’ll admit.” He finished the pile that was in his hands and looked to her. “At the same time, Robin he also might not be that tough. Let’s not read into it too much until Nance sees how tomorrow goes. She’s going to trap them again.”
Robin giggled and clapped her hands. She was giddy about drama that had nothing to do with her. “This will be so fun. If she reacts like this to talking I can’t wait until he asks her out.”
He looks back to where you were now flushing the toilet empathetically. “Poor thing will be out for a week.”
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cappy-pap · 4 years ago
So happy this was answered!!!
Hey so I had like a angst request? I cant help but think of an au where billy isnt flayed anymore, but hes still alive. Maybe the Russians have done experiments on Billy? Extracted some of the mind flayer idk. But the scene I have in my head is steve being experimented on, the mind flayer being injected into him? And billy is just helpless and has to watch this happen to the man he loves and it just kills him cause he knows how it feels and he desperately tries to talk steve back from its hold?
YESSSS IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS BEFORE!!!! So, like, the Russians extracting the Mindflayer from Billy and injecting it into Steve, right? I love it but it’s also so sad 🥺
(I’m sorry if this is bad I’m playing Battlefront with my brother so I’m kinda distracted 😂)
Billy can’t believe what he’s seeing, correction, he doesn’t want to believe what he’s seeing.  His eyes are focused in on his boyfriend gagged and tied to a chair on the opposite side of a one way mirror. It was an image he would never get out of his head. A defenseless, battered and bruised, Steve Harrington wiggling in a trap he knew he couldn’t escape.  He himself was tied too, freshly back in consciousness after having the Mindflayer literally extracted from his veins. If he knew thats all he had to do, he would have just done that in the beginning. But now here he was, tied up by a bunch of Russian old men being man handled for experimentation.
Everything was relatively calm for about thirty minutes, or as ‘calm’ as they could get. They were both alone feeling helpless. Billy could see Steve, by Steve couldn’t see him. He tried to shout with any hope that his boyfriend would hear him, but to no avail, the room was sound proofed. He tried to scoot the chair up and bang his head against the glass only to find the chair was chained to the floor. 
Just when he thought all hope was lost the door to the room opened, then seconds later Steve’s was too. He could imagine how he must look, sweaty, screamed up, helpless. Just how they wanted him.
There wasn’t much he could do other than give the man standing in the corner of the room a snarl and an angry glare and even that made him feel exhausted. He felt like he had nothing left in him, but damn it if he wouldn’t try.  At first he thought that things in Steve’s room were going the same as his own, until out of the corner of his eyes he caught a glimpse of the older Russian man on his side of the one way mirror walking towards him. His eyes quickly widened and his wrists strained against the rope that help him in.  He watched the man stroke the side of Steve’s face before lifting his head up by the bottom of his chin. At this he protested in muffled groans and whines, mustering up any noise his weak voice could manage.
 But that wasn’t even the worst part. The second he saw the man pull a syringe filled with a black looking liquid out of his pocket he knew what was about to happen. He was quick to regain the last bit of voice and strength he had left screaming through the cloth that held his mouth open. He tugged harder at the ropes, but nothing. 
He felt useless, like a prisoner in his own body as he yelled and begged for them not to inject him, pleaded for them to give it back to him instead. But they couldn’t hear him, he was yelling nobody but himself. He could feel the hot tears running down his cheeks and sticky snot mingling on his gag.  Steve didn’t deserve this, Steve was the last person who deserved this. He was so sweet and so caring, always put others ahead of himself. He was amazing and caring, he knew just what to say when he was having a bad day, he knew just where to kiss to make him giggle all happy and giddy. He was everything to Billy, and now he was about to watch the man he loved turn into a monster.
“Please!” He called out in a last attempt, and just when he thought maybe they would take pity on his poor, Bambi-eyed lover, they injected the needle straight into his neck.  Billy went ape-shit. He screamed from the bottom of his heart at the top of his lungs practically, flailing in his chair, like it was gonna do anything. Slowly his vision faded back to black and his voice died out. The last thing he saw before totally blacking out again was Steve with veins as black as the night sky.
Send me hc’s!!
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