#stephen king’s carrie
fanofspooky · 3 months
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“Telekinesis... thought to be the ability to move... or to cause changes... in objects... by force of the mind...?”
Carrie (1976)
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caintooth · 1 year
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Carrie 1976 / “I support women who start fires” shirt
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sharpmouth · 2 years
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From Tabitha King’s “Introduction” for Carrie by Stephen King, Collector’s Edition
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dommnics · 8 months
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Happy Halloween season! Here's another stab at my own take of Carrie White, based on her book description. I'm super happy with how these turned out! I'd love to tackle some of the other characters in the book eventually, especially Margaret!
Now available as an art print here!
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weirdgirl92 · 9 months
I just got finished watching the 2013 version of Carrie, just to see how it compares to Brian DePalma’s film and, I’ve gotta say, I was NOT expecting to like it as much as I did.
I liked that we got to see more from Sue’s perspective.
I liked that Ms. Desjarden is far more sympathetic to Carrie than Ms. Collins was in the DePalma version.
I liked that the prom massacre and Chris’ death were far more brutal.
I liked that we got to see Carrie actually practicing with her powers.
And I liked that one moment in the climax where Sue tries to save Carrie, only to have Carrie end up saving her (and her baby), before the house completely collapsed.
My only criticisms were that…
Tommy Ross wasn’t quite as likable there as he was in the DePalma version. To me, it just looked like 2013 Tommy only took Carrie to the prom out of obligation, whereas the DePalma version looked like he genuinely wanted to get to know Carrie (plus, their dance scene was way cuter in the DePalma version).
They made Margaret White WAY too sympathetic compared to her DePalma counterpart. Julian Moore is a great actress, but I was far more terrified of Piper Laurie than I was of her. Plus, the 2013 version added a lot more moments of Margaret being genuinely nice to Carrie, and you don’t really get the sense that Carrie’s being abused by her. I feel like book Margaret’s death would’ve been a much more fitting end to 2013 Margaret, rather than impaling her with knives like in the DePalma version. Heck, 2013 Margaret even stopped herself from stabbing Carrie as soon as she saw her crying face, but unlike in the DePalma film, where Carrie just killed Margaret out of self defense, 2013 Carrie looked like she killed Margaret out of spite and vengeance (which is why I had a hard time believing that she felt sorry for doing so).
Anyway, I feel kinda bad, because for years I’ve been told that this was a “bad remake”. But after finally watching it, I honestly think it’s one of the better horror remakes.
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crumb · 1 month
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CARRIE 1976 | dir. Brian De Palma
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scary-white · 1 year
I don't care if she commits atrocities, bro, she's justified by the narrative
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gabriellemkari · 6 months
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Carrie walking home
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classichorrorblog · 11 months
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Carrie (1976)
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texaschainsawmascara · 8 months
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Carrie (1976) / The Virgin Suicides (1999)
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seasonofhorror · 3 months
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1976, dir. Brian de Palma
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fanofspooky · 2 months
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They're all gonna laugh at you!
Carrie (1976) // Dir. Brian De Palma
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caintooth · 2 years
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{ @walkingidler as Carrie White — Halloween ‘22 }
{ photograph by her mother – digital editing by me }
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krillers · 10 months
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Novel carrie
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breakfastiffanys · 3 months
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SISSY SPACEK as CARRIE WHITE CARRIE (1976) dir. Brian De Palma
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inthedarktrees · 1 year
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Sissy Spacek | Carrie
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