#stellar speaking
stellarstarcelios · 2 months
🧡 *Me sitting here, wanting to do some sewing and make felt dolls of Bloodhound and Fuse since there's no Fuse action figure, and then smack them together like a little kid with their married Barbie dolls.*
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🗃️ Cards Against Minecraftia - WIP Shots 🗃
🗃️ [Sorry for lack of updates, guys! Work has been a little nutty, and I have a bunch of WIPs to color and finish up!
🗃️ For now, here's some out-of-context photos from a WIP I'm working on!]
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This is my mother preparing bread despite the war and bombing everywhere 😔💔
I hope you can help me, I want her to be fine 😔
Thank you very much my friends🙏🙏
//This may be an ask blog but sure I'll support!
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poyoofthestars · 1 month
Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .
//To anyone that can see this please do help them
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setaflow · 2 years
Won't lie, I've been on Tumblr for a decade now and I've given this website a lot of flack for the stupid stuff it's done, but watching it take unabashed potshots at Twitter like this is making me kinda proud. Like I set up real estate here in 2013, suffered through years of stupid policy revisions and new re-zoning laws, and now we all get to come together as a community and shit on all the people in the city and their new idiot mayor. I've never felt this kind of camaraderie on this website before and honestly I kinda hope it never ends.
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badgerhuan · 9 months
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thank you cloverworks for my life
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they-thespian666 · 6 months
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Throws this shitpost at you and runs away
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shima-draws · 1 year
I started watching Bluey and when I say I was absolutely fucking ENLIGHTENED.
Me: Bluey’s such a popular show and even my adult friends like it…but why?? Isn’t it just a show for preschoolers
Me, after watching one (1) episode: OH….I UNDERSTAND NOW…..
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banana-breadses · 4 months
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Happy pride guys
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balsee · 4 months
magneto is hot i can't even apologize for it.
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songsofbloodandwater · 6 months
RE: people online talking about how Mercury Retrograde affects them negatively or urging others to do protection work because of this and that eclipse or trine or conjunction or stellar event of your choice. May I bring a different perspective to the table?
I haven't personally felt any negative repercussions. I have felt pressure and shifts here and there, but I wouldn't call that negative or malevolent. I actually only felt a surge of energy recently and, in fact, even did a money working on the day of the last eclipse!
Put down the pitchforks, I am a witch but I'm not senseless. I simply don't see any stellar events as inherently beneficial or malevolent. I find that reductive. Movements, conjunctions, eclipses, anything about the luminaries... is all part of the wider spirit ecosystem and part something else. Part warning and part lesson, and part opportunities that you're invited to take... or resist. It all becomes subjective when you take into consideration who these events are affecting and what the person is doing in relation to that.
You wouldn't call a wildfire inherently malevolent, yet it is destructive. It's simply nature finding it's way. It is an important part of many ecosystems ensuring fertility of the land and the correct sprouting of those seeds that need warmth and ash to grow. Same thing with those considered "malevolent" stars... they're wildfires or, given the current placement of certain Luminaries that seem to worry some of you so much, perhaps you can see them more as floods. A big flood. Where you can learn to go with the current or try to go against it and keep doing whatever it was you were doing before the flood happened.
So, forgive my ecologist brain for having no better way to explain this but see, if you're a very dry soil acclimated plant with no tolerance for salty marshgrounds, you'll obviously see this spring tide as malevolent. You could even argue that the sea is out to kill you, and you're a poor little innocent land plant. Evil Ocean. But other species thrive in the intertidal. I'm having the time of my life.
Assess your current situation, in all that is material and mundane and also in all spiritual fronts, consider what Spirits (up among the Stars, or related to them) may be working with you or against you, and how. You'll likely find more allies than enemies. That by itself is a reassurance, and you'll do good staying by their side until your "problems" are solved. Reorganize and restructure your plans accordingly, with the help of these allies. That could look like protection, yes, but hiding away in a little magic bunker isn't the one solution to everything that presents a challenge to you, or that could potentially be harmful to you and yours either. Sometimes it means walking away until the tide is gone instead of burying yourself in the sand. Sometimes it means learning to swim.
Sometimes it means an orca could get a taste of mouse for the first time. Or Moose, or God Forbid! even a Wolf! Who would've thought. What a great opportunity for the otherwise unthinkable to happen. What a sweet reminder that these are things that not only do happen, but happen more often than we think, and acknowledging it could serve us...
Yes, orcas have been known to eat moose occasionally. Get with the program. Terrestrial mammals prey on sea life all the time, why wouldn't we turn the tide? (very bad pun intended)
The "Cunning" part of witchcraft people talk so often about is exactly that, not letting anything step on you, instead use it as a stepping stone. Do you want to be the plant, the moose or the orca?
I don't think any particular stellar events demand doing more protection work from me than any other regular time. You should always have protective measures around your loved ones. But specifically to those practicing magic in any way? Protection wouldn't be my first thought. Put those shifts to good use. Don't just aim to leave unscathed. That's not doing you or yours any favor.
One of my favorite astrologers made a post a while back saying "The stars impel but do not compel". I wholeheartedly agree and I believe specially us, as magical practitioners, should be able to rise above these events. Whatever that means to you and your spirits.
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stellarstarcelios · 30 days
☀️ Starting on writing a Illari/Juno fic because I think they'd be so cute together. I also like to think Juno and Venture would be great besties. :D
☀️ Illari and Juno seem like they'd be able to relate to each other in the way of their home's fate or their legacy resting on their shoulders, and I just love the idea of someone as sweet as Juno helping Illari with the conflict in her head of her people's legacy.
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🎨 Artfight 2024! 🎨
🎨 [I know this is OOC, but for those of you who haven't seen yet, I've been doing Artfight every year since 2018! And this year will be no different!
🎨 I'll be on Team Stardust! You can find my profile here!
🎨 I welcome revenge chains and friendly fire! If you're participating, I'll see you there! :D]
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//Jackpot!! That’s right! Marx took in Dokutaro right before the old AU was removed. It’s totally Marx like of him to take someone before the old one disappeared completely.
//No he doesn’t remember anyone or anything. But there are some trigger words. I’ll leave y’all to guess what are those words.
//**** I forgot the second part.
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poyoofthestars · 4 months
Lil’ announcement
Going on Hiatus rn
Irl reasons
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setaflow · 6 months
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So I saw (2our)dust last night and I had a thought
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