#stella matutina
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haltijakapala · 2 years ago
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Here they are my newest batch of prints and postcards :D The sharpest eyed of you might spy a whole new piece amongst them >;3 it’s a piece I made for a zine that has yet to be published and I got tired of waiting and decided to make prints of it now
 come see the piece in full at Hypecon this weekend! Hypecon is in HyvinkÀÀ, and there’s no entrance fee either so come say hi to me and @rikkisu <3
I’ll add the postcards to my Ko-Fi after the event ^^
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alexsvmner · 2 years ago
The Vault of Amoun Temple
I have recently discovered an interesting titbit of information regarding Amoun Temple – the London based temple of the Stella Matutina, which was extant during the early part of the twentieth century. Specifically, what it used as its Vault of the Adepti. Amongst the papers emanating from Amoun Temple was one written by Finem Respice (Robert Felkin) concerning the use of the Vault of the

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sanctumpyre · 10 days ago
AUs so far -
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Arda FravaĆĄ | Guardian Angel AU
Straight forward AU. Yahbel is either a guardian in this au instead of a seraphim, or has been asked to play the role of a guardian, as there are too many souls on earth & not enough angels of this class to guard their souls. Suriyel would only be born a guardian.
A Crown for a King; an Empire for an Emperor | Imperial AU
Royalty AU. Primarily Paired with @sanctusworn. The Divine Chariot Empire, it's very roman based that is heavily theocratical in nature, but it has mixings of other cultures within it's borders, as Chariot once lead a massive war of expansion & absorbed large numbers of other kingdoms under it's banner. It is currently the largest nation on the continent(possibly the world), & the current Emperor has two sons: Michael, the older & heir to the empire, & Samuel, the younger & spare prince. Along with the Emperor & Empress, it is also largely ran by the 6 Grand Ducal Houses of Chariot. These Grand Dukes are descendants from the royals of a few the pervious kingdoms that were absorbed into Chariot after a willing surrender. Each specialize in certain aspects of politics & the inner workings of the Empire: Military, Money, Agriculture, Foreign Affairs, Domestic Policies & Religion. Yahbel is the 1st & only daughter of the Grand Duke Cinderwood, who over sees the Military aspect. As the Grand House of the military during times of peace, much of Cinderwood's power & influences has lessened greatly, from previously being the the second most power house to now the bottom of the totem pole. As such, & Yahbel being his oldest & only daughter, her father expects her to marry as well as she possibly can to better the status of their house. Primary canon states Yahbel & Michael are arranged to marry. Suriyel in this verse serves as the youngest daughter of a nobleman, Earl Antwan, with the Antwan House having extreme loyalty to the the Cinderwoods. She is an armored Lady-in-waiting for Yahbel.
The Empire's direct neighbors & most important neighbor is the Kingdom of Superbia.(whom later become the Superbian Empire after beginning a campaign of expansion & annexing six other kingdoms that were around Superbian borders). Tensions between Superbia & Chariot are extremely tense, however, the 1st Princess Lilith of Superbia & 2nd Prince Samuel seem to have a friendly relationship that sparks some hope for the future of the two countries.
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Goodbye, my Morning Star | Stars Crossed AU
Fallen Michael but still Holy Yahbel verse. Paired directly with @sanctusworn. The unexpected happens, Michael falls. Yahbel does not descend with him however, & is left in Heaven alone to fend for herself against the corruption of Heaven's council & keep the Lord's Kingdom pure & holy. However, the great new treat posed by the Fallen Commander is undeniable. Yahbel is eventually tasked with infiltrating & eliminating Michael, as if she does not, it is likely that Heaven will be destroyed. Duty vs Love, a battle as old as time, rages in her heart. Yahbel has also remarried in this verse(under extreme pressure from the Council) to Gabriel, whom is the new Commander of the Heavenly Host in replacement of Michael.
A Blackened Heart that Beats Still | Hostess of Evil AU
Yahbel as ROO style verse. Paired with @sanctusworn. Yahbel serves as the Host of ROO. After The Fall, much of Heaven directed itself to not just strengthening it's defenses, but also searching for ROO, as the root of evil on earth, his destruction was a high priority for Heaven to possibly cleanse mankind of sin. Yahbel does not leave the services of Heaven's army in this verse, but merely joins a task force specifically designed with hunting down ROO. In one such mission with this force, she manages to corner ROO(at the cost of her squad), but before she could be eliminated, ROO shoves her HEART into Yahbel's chest, infecting her with sin &, in essence, allowing ROO to survive. Making Yahbel the Hostess of Evil. ROO's HEART prevents Yahbel from taking her own life, & she can not return to Heaven in her state, as Yahbel fears killing her would only release ROO onto Heaven & mankind once more, so chooses to keep ROO 'hostage' within her form. She has taken to hiding in purgatory, the one place with either angel or demon could sense her presence & has been alone for eons....
Lose Your Sin in Justice | Sin in Justice AU
Fuck it,(almost) Everyone Falls verse. Primarily Paired with @sanctusworn. Lucifer & Charlie both perish suddenly, leaving Hell unruled & stirring unrest within Heaven. While the Sin fight for control of Hell below, Heaven's council attempts to start plotting the wiping out of all sinners & hellborn above. Michael, Yahbel, Gabriel & Suriyel all appose such, as that would most certainly herald in the end times, bringing ruination to all; even Heaven. Heaven is spilt down the middle on supporting the council & supporting Michael. As such, half of Heaven's angels end up cast down that day. A mistake, they should have killed them, as now, within Hell & being fallen, they are free to move to plotting to overthrow the council as they please. Michael quickly takes his brother's place as King of Hell, his sheer might & divine army make short work of conquering each ring & forcing sins to submit or die. Now it is only a waiting game. If Heaven is so corrupt that the only people who can cleanse it are those who have fallen, then so be it.
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talonabraxas · 2 years ago
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"Stella Matutina (Morning Star)" Luciana Nedelea
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maeviuslynn · 24 days ago
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The Complete Initiation Rituals of the Golden Dawn, compiled and edited by Frater Yechidah, is solid. The rituals are very easy to read in this book. The use of different color fronts in the rituals was clever. Also it is cool to see a version that is not based on Israel Regardie's and the Stella Matutina. It is similar, but different.
Also please behold some of the fantastic art. How could anyone look upon that lion and not be charmed by it? I love it. The book cites Frater Yechidah as the designer of the imagines.
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creature-wizard · 2 years ago
The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave is reaching new heights in silly.
They're claiming that the Illuminati creates alters with Illuminati sensibilities in Good Christian Citizens, so that said alters can effectively serve as "super spies" to spy on the Christians and tell the Illuminati what the Christians are up to:
The proper training of a person for this role would be long and tedious, but once he was trained, you would have a super spy compared to which any creation in a mystery story is just plain weak. This is what the Illuminati have done. They create good Christian fronts, with Illuminati dark alters who can see what the Christians are doing.
Hmmm... a long and tedious process, you say? Hmm, imagine if there were easier ways to get this information... like reading Christian publications, listening to Christian radio, watching Christian television, visiting Christian websites, or just attending church services... it's not like these people just blast their agendas to anyone who'll listen 24/7 or anything...
The fact that there are people vain enough to think that there are secret conspiratorial cults going to all this work to do all of this unnecessary spying is kinda funny, IMO. Christofascists are some of the most self-absorbed fuckers on the planet.
Later, Cisco Wheeler cites the lyrics from "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera as an example of a "hypnotic script." Yeah, it wasn't like, a song written for a character who was canonically supposed to be creepy or weird or anything.
Seriously though, this is a great example of how conspiracy theorists ruin art. Anything that's a little weird or uncomfortable to them must be some sort of evil programming. God forbid they have to understand things like context and artistic intent and shit like that.
Next is a list of things that supposedly keep a child's mind dissociative. One item on the list is spending fifteen minutes a day writing backwards, an obvious mutation of the old "witches recite the Lord's Prayer" canard. Because writing backwards doesn't cause dissociation. You just learn to write backwards.
And the rest is pretty typical torture stuff; many of which genuinely happen in actual child abuse cases, but in the context of the conspiracy theory are given special significance, because... shitty parents don't just abuse their kids for no reason, I guess.
And the book claims that Billy Graham was a Monarch handler. I really have no idea why conspiracists have singled him out among all the other celebrity preachers of the time, lemme go look at his Wikipedia page...
...Oh well he wasn't a total dick; he refused to glue himself to the Moral Majority or the GOP, pushed for military disarmament and AIDS support; yeah, that might have something to do with it.
Oh hey it's that Saturn worship thing (links to antisemitic conspiracy theories) with extra antisemitism by linking the Anti-Christ to Kabbalah:
The AntiChrist is also known as Black Saturn, and other names. Satan himself is known within a Monarch system often by the name Bilair, Bilar, or Bilid which are his cabalistic names.
Conflation of "the occult" with Wicca:
In the occult world, goddesses are triune: maiden, mother and crone. The one to the left of center is Midnight (the Mother figure), and the other is Morning Star (the maiden). Morning Star (Stella Matutina) may be a very young alter, rather than a teenager.
If you think this is bad, shit's about to get much, much worse.
So first of all, the book claims that The Wizard of Oz is an Illuminati thing, and has something to do with ancient Isis mystery religion:
One of the secrets of the Mystery Religions, especially the Egyptian Isis mystery religion was the ability to use drugs and torture to create multiple personalities. The word Oz is known to have been used by its author as an abbreviation for Osirus.
And then.
And then.
There's THIS fucking whopper:
The Grimm brothers, who were cabalistic jews, gathered the folk occult stories together. Their stories are full of spells, trances, and drugs. Sleeping Beauty is put to sleep, and the trigger to wake her is a kiss on the lips. These are serious hints that the occult world didn't stop programming people with dissociative states and triggers when the ancient Egyptian empires fell. Instead of using modern lingo such as "hypnotize", they would say "cast a spell."
The Grimm Brothers? Jews? Of ANY kind? Holy shit, you'll just pull anything out of your asses, won't you?
By the way, pinning the conspiratorial blame on Kabbalistic Jews specifically is how a lot of the conspiracy theories Nazi Germany believed in were made palatable for American gentiles post-WWII. Most Christians would agree that full-out mass slaughter was a little unfair. Many Christians could agree, though, that everyday Jews were perfectly fine people; they just needed to accept Jesus. And believing that it's just those Kabbalistic Jews who are the problem doesn't feel as hateful as all that Nazi shit. Must be totally different, right?
Rehabbed conspiracy crap is still crap.
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goats-of-bandcamp · 8 months ago
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a-german-town-every-week · 9 months ago
Feldkirch ist eine Stadt in Vorarlberg in Österreich mit etwa sechsunddreißtigtausend Einwohnern. Es ist die westlichste Gemeinde in Österreich - sein Bahnhof liegt weniger als drei Kilometer von Liechtenstein und mehr als fĂŒnfhundert Kilometer von Wien. Feldkirch ist sehr alt und hat eine gut prĂ€servierte mittelalterliche Altstadt. Die Stadt hat manche Bahnhöfe und hat Anschluss nach ZĂŒrich und Wien. Feldkirch hat mehrere interessante Wahrzeichen, zum Beispiel der Katzenturm, die Schattenburg, die Ruine Tosters und das Palais Liechtenstein. Mehr SehenswĂŒrdigkeiten sind die Domkirche St. Nikolaus, die Johanniterkirche und die Villa Claudia. Der Schriftsteller Arthur Conan Doyle besuchte das Gymnasium Stella Matutina in Feldkirch, als er jung war.
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jordaneprestrot · 9 months ago
Je m'étonne de ne pas avoir encore été contacté par un mec à gros cigare, parce qu'avec un vrai orchestre et une vraie production, ça pourrait faire un générique de James Bond.
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months ago
Events 7.12 (before 1920)
70 – The armies of Titus attack the walls of Jerusalem after a six-month siege. Three days later they breach the walls, which enables the army to destroy the Second Temple. 927 – King Constantine II of Scotland, King Hywel Dda of Deheubarth, Ealdred of Bamburgh and King Owain of the Cumbrians accepted the overlordship of King Æthelstan of England, leading to seven years of peace in the north. 1191 – Third Crusade: Saladin's garrison surrenders to Philip Augustus, ending the two-year siege of Acre. 1335 – Pope Benedict XII issues the papal bull Fulgens sicut stella matutina to reform the Cistercian Order. 1470 – The Ottomans capture Euboea. 1488 – Joseon Dynasty official Choe Bu returned to Korea after months of shipwrecked travel in China. 1493 – Hartmann Schedel's Nuremberg Chronicle, one of the best-documented early printed books, is published. 1527 – LĂȘ Cung HoĂ ng ceded the throne to MáșĄc Đăng Dung, ending the LĂȘ dynasty and starting the MáșĄc dynasty. 1543 – King Henry VIII of England marries his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr, at Hampton Court Palace. 1562 – Fray Diego de Landa, acting Bishop of YucatĂĄn, burns the sacred idols and books of the Maya. 1576 – Mughal Empire annexes Bengal after defeating the Bengal Sultanate at the Battle of Rajmahal. 1580 – The Ostrog Bible, one of the early printed Bibles in a Slavic language, is published. 1691 – Battle of Aughrim (Julian calendar): The decisive victory of William III of England's forces in Ireland. 1776 – Captain James Cook begins his third voyage. 1789 – In response to the dismissal of the French finance minister Jacques Necker, the radical journalist Camille Desmoulins gives a speech which results in the storming of the Bastille two days later. 1790 – The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is passed in France by the National Constituent Assembly. 1799 – Ranjit Singh conquers Lahore and becomes Maharaja of the Punjab (Sikh Empire). 1801 – British ships inflict heavy damage on Spanish and French ships in the Second Battle of Algeciras. 1806 – At the insistence of Napoleon, Bavaria, Baden, WĂŒrttemberg and thirteen minor principalities leave the Holy Roman Empire and form the Confederation of the Rhine. 1812 – The American Army of the Northwest briefly occupies the Upper Canadian settlement at what is now at Windsor, Ontario. 1862 – The Medal of Honor is authorized by the United States Congress. 1913 – Serbian forces begin their siege of the Bulgarian city of Vidin; the siege is later called off when the war ends. 1913 – The Second Revolution breaks out against the Beiyang government, as Li Liejun proclaims Jiangxi independent from the Republic of China. 1917 – The Bisbee Deportation occurs as vigilantes kidnap and deport nearly 1,300 striking miners and others from Bisbee, Arizona. 1918 – The Imperial Japanese Navy battleship Kawachi blows up at Shunan, western Honshu, Japan, killing at least 621.
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haltijakapala · 2 years ago
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I'm sorry for the wait! I've finally uploaded all my new stickers into my Ko-Fi shop ^-^
So, if you missed our table in Tampere kuplii and/or won't be able to come to Kauhucon in Helsinki 22th to 23rd of this month, here's your chance to get them! There is no postage and for orders of more than three postcards and/or stickers I will include a extra postcard free of charge to the package ;>
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lesser-known-composers · 1 year ago
Johann Michael Malzat - Symphony in A Major: I. Allegro molto
Conductor: Silvia Schweinberger
Orchestra: Concerto Stella Matutina
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sanctumpyre · 8 days ago
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đŸ”„I'd burn everything to ashes for you! Yet it still wasn't enough to keep you at my sideđŸ„€
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incoramsanctissimo · 1 year ago
It's 5 am and I can't fall back to sleep so I wrote this poem about Venus, which I currently see through my window, and also about the Blessed Virgin.
Morning star,
Cool calm serenity, shaking the sleep-fog
Of early risers
Passionless shimmering, quieting the brain-heat
Of buzzed late-nighters
Presiding over prayer in dim chapel
And silent room
before the dawn.
Today will be better. God help the day be better.
Darkest before the dawn, chillest in the last
Reaches of the night.
Highest in hope, before the glare of the day.
The noonday devil crushed beneath the feet of
The bright morning star.
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lavozs · 2 months ago
Del libro 101 cuentos clĂĄsicos de la India.
Recopilados por Ramiro Calle.
Mi hijo estĂĄ conmigo.
Tierra cachonda, de Álvaro de Laiglesia
ÂĄClaro que puedo!
La limpieza en nuestras manos, de Carmen GĂĄlvez.
Cuentos completos, de Agatha Christie
Los cuentos de Parker Pyne
El caso del empleado de la City (The Case of the City Clerk).
DefiniciĂłn y origen de CONFIANZA, de la web definicion.de
Tas pirao Jose
Escritoras del siglo XX. Cuentos de fantasmas.
La Torre Rugiente, de Stella Gibbons.
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d-bovet · 1 year ago
Corto Maltese and Hugo Pratt ( Part IV ) :
Dans Sous le soleil de minuit (2015), se dĂ©roulant en 1915, Corto Maltese arrive au Panama aux cĂŽtĂ©s de Raspoutine pour retrouver son ami Ă©crivain Jack London. Dans l’album Équatoria (2017), Corto part en 1911 Ă  la recherche d’une relique des croisades, « le miroir du prĂȘtre Jean », ce qui l’amĂšne en Egypte et au Soudan. Le Jour de Tarowean (2019) dĂ©voile les Ă©vĂ©nements qui prĂ©cĂšdent l’apparition de Corto Maltese, attachĂ© sur un radeau au large d’une Ăźle de l’ocĂ©an Pacifique dans La Ballade de la mer salĂ©e, la premiĂšre aventure publiĂ©e par Hugo Pratt.
Nocturnes berlinois, sorti en septembre 2022, est le 17 Ăšme album de la sĂ©rie. Il nous emmĂšne en un lieu qui n’avait pas encore Ă©tĂ© explorĂ© par Corto : Berlin. On dĂ©couvre, en 1924, la rĂ©publique de Weimar minĂ©e par les organisations d’extrĂȘme-droite (ici, l’organisation Consul) et les revendications communistes. Corto Maltese recherche Ă  Berlin et Prague les assassins de son ami juif Steiner. Son enquĂȘte l’amĂšne Ă  s’introduire dans une sociĂ©tĂ© secrĂšte Ă©sotĂ©rique : Stella Matutina. Cet album prĂ©sente l’originalitĂ© de confronter Corto Maltese aux prĂ©mices du national-socialisme, influencĂ© par le fascisme italien. On se souvient de l’histoire personnelle d’Hugo Pratt : son pĂšre, fasciste, entraĂźna son fils encore adolescent dans l’aventure coloniale italienne en Ethiopie. L’organisation Consul, qui a rĂ©ellement existĂ©, Ă©tait composĂ©e de personnalitĂ©s issues de la bourgeoisie, de la noblesse et de l’armĂ©e, parmi lesquelles l’écrivain Ernst von Salomon. Pratiquant des assassinats politiques, elle ne devint jamais un mouvement de masse, Ă  la diffĂ©rence du parti nazi. Autre surprise, Corto joue le diable dans un film expressionniste allemand, Ă©voquant Faust de Murnau.
Le dessin de Pellejero quitte la sobriĂ©tĂ© des premiers albums pour devenir davantage rĂ©aliste. Ce Corto est le meilleur rĂ©alisĂ© par le duo d’auteurs espagnols.
4- ParallĂšlement, depuis peu, toujours chez Casterman, le scĂ©nariste Martin Quenehen et le dessinateur Bastien VivĂšs rĂ©alisent une histoire diffĂ©rente de Corto, puisque contemporaine et modernisĂ©e. Elle n’entre pas dans la numĂ©rotation officielle des albums de Corto Maltese
Dans OcĂ©an Noir (2021), Corto est un pirate de vingt ans, beau, mystĂ©rieux et insoumis, lĂ©gĂšrement fĂ©minisĂ©, en jean, tee shirt blanc et casquette. En 2001, il rĂ©cupĂšre un livre, le commentaire royal des Incas, qui le met sur la trace d’un trĂ©sor mais aussi d’une secte japonaise d’ultra-nationalistes rĂ©fugiĂ©e au PĂ©rou.
Dans La reine de Babylone, sorti en octobre 2023, Corto s’embarque en 2022, dans le port de Venise, avec la belle Semira, dont il est amoureux. Sur le yacht, des gĂ©nĂ©raux serbes font un trafic d’armes de l’ex-Yougoslavie avec les services de sĂ©curitĂ© irakiens. Mais Semira, jeune musulmane Bosniaque rescapĂ©e, assassine l’un des serbes dans les toilettes. Puis, en zodiac, Corto rejoint Semira en Croatie. Avec les bosniaques, ils commettent un acte de piraterie. Mais Semira est tuĂ©e par l’un des bosniaques, CĂ©lo. Corto cherche Ă  la venger. ApprochĂ© par les forces spĂ©ciales amĂ©ricaines qui recherchent en Irak, Ă  Babylone, le trĂ©sor d’Alexandre le grand, il est enlevĂ© par des islamistes qui lui coupent un doigt. Corto parvient Ă  s’évader. Cette aventure est dynamique et lĂ©gĂšrement romantique.
Le dessinateur Bastien VivĂšs, pour d’autres albums que Corto Maltese, a rĂ©cemment Ă©tĂ© accusĂ© d’avoir rĂ©alisĂ© des bandes dessinĂ©es au message pĂ©dopornographique et incestueux. Dans son Corto Maltese, son graphisme dĂ©contractĂ© opĂšre une rupture avec le style d’Hugo Pratt. Au noir et blanc de Pratt vient notamment s’ajouter l’emploi intensif des gris.
Mais ce Corto Maltese reformatĂ© n’a plus rien Ă  voir avec l’ancien. De Hugo Pratt, que reste-t-il ?
5- Heureusement vient de sortir Mongolie, une suite de Corto Maltese en SibĂ©rie, par Lele Vianello, l’ancien assistant d’Hugo Pratt.
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