#stella cousland
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dragonagedreaming · 3 months ago
this is the first fic i've ever posted on here, so please be kind! feel free to reblog, but please do not repost <3
Some notes:
This is a fic in a world where the Hero of Ferelden and the Champion of Kirkwall both joined up with the Inquisition for their own purposes. I love the idea of the three of them commiserating over a drink and finding commonalities in their love lives (which, I'll be honest, is the entire reason I picked up dragon age in the first place.)
Ahvi is my purple mage hawke, romanced Fenris. Stella is my rogue Cousland, romanced Alistair. And Terys is my Lavellan inquisitor, romanced Dorian. The three of them are my canon worldstate :)
            Ahvi let out a relieved breath and slammed his cup back on the table. He smiled wide and leaned back, crossing his arms over his stomach and kicking his feet up. “Fuck me, if the Hanged Man had had drinks like these, I don’t think I would have ever left.”
            Stella smiled, leaning her head on her palm as she loosely held her tankard in one hand. “Did you ever leave?”
            ��Hey! I had to destroy Kirkwall at some point,” Ahvi shot back. “Couldn’t do that from a bar.”
            “Oh, I quite disagree.” Stella smirked, lifting her cup to her lips. There was a light thump under the table, and Ahvi winced as Stella chuckled into her drink.
            “Maker, you’re fast.” Ahvi moaned as he rubbed his knee under the table.
            “Had to be, to kill an Archdemon.”
            Terys chuckled softly. “Glad that you enjoy it, Hawke.”
            Ahvi smiled, raising his tankard up slightly and taking a slower swig. “Speaking of enjoyment…” he started, waggling his dark eyebrows above his cup and training his black eyes on Terys’s golden ones. “You and- Dorian, was it?”
            Terys raised a pale brow in comparison, a light smile gracing his lips. “That is indeed his name.”
            “How did that happen, anyways?” Stella asked, leaning in.
            Terys leaned back in his chair, kicking one leg over the other. “Well, that depends on what you’ve heard.”
            “You know, I’ve been assuming that the majority of what I’ve heard about the two of you is probably bullshit.” Ahvi chimed. “I assume he hasn’t used blood magic to make you heed his beck and call-“
            “Or that you’re blackmailing such a highborn son into staying in your bed-“
            “Or that he’s actually a very adept Tevinter spy, sending reports back home on the Inquisitor’s wine preferences.”
            “Alright, alright.” Terys laughed, leaning back into the table. “What precisely did you want to know?”
            Stella leaned in closer, but Hawke jumped in first. “How is it? You know. It.”
            “You’re twelve.” Stella jokingly scoffed, and Hawke let out a bark of laughter.
            “Amazing.” Terys smiled, eyes darkening and gaze lingering on the table. Stella and Ahvi exchanged a smirking glance.
            “And the love?” Stella asked, a knowing smile on her face.
            Terys glanced up, between the two legendary heroes sitting at his table. At the silver wedding band on Queen Stella’s left hand. At Hawke, whose courtship with a certain white haired elf was known across every corner of Thedas.
            “Even better.”
            Stella giggled- the Warden-Commander, giggling- and Hawke clapped a hand across Terys’s slender shoulders. “Then to love and not dying!”
            “To love and not dying!”
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theluckywizard · 2 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you’d like). Spread the self-love ♥️
Ohhh thank you for asking! 🥰
In no particular order (I love all my children):
Kiss Me Moonstruck
Explicit | Hawke x Trevelyan | WC 50k+ (WIP) | Dragon Age 2 | Fluff and Smut | Fish out of Water
This Satinalia romantic comedy is set during Dragon Age 2, Act 2. Old friends Leandra Hawke and Alsatia Trevelyan have conspired to fix up their incorrigible children Garrett and Rose. 100% inspired by the madcap romantic comedies of my youth in the 90s and writers like Stella Gibbons and P.G. Wodehouse smashed up with a little Georgette Heyer and Jane Austen, this fic is perhaps most representative of my life's work as a writer 😂 Shamelessly romantic, funny, a little bit ridiculous and underpinned by the madness and angst that is Dragon Age 2/ Kirkwall. I'm really super proud of this one.
Mature, WC 6450, Angst and Whump | Cullen POV
This is a big brained companion fic to my DA:I long fic In the Shattering of Things in Cullen's POV (though it pretty much stands on its own). He's on the outs with his love interest Rose Trevelyan, he's struggling to feel like he belongs in the position of Commander and there are a bunch of extra delicious flashbacks to Dragon Age 2 featuring Samson and Meredith. Dragon Age 2 Cullen has always fascinated me because you really only get to see his growth if you make certain choices and pay close attention. This fic is my exploration of his growth, particularly his relationship to The Order as the situation in Kirkwall deteriorates and how that relates to his current predicament in Inquisition. I am also extremely proud of this fic! (I will note that it is *not* a deep exploration of his relationship to mages, so please don't go in expecting that).
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Mature, WC 7,380, Angst & Action, Multiple POV
Yet another companion fic to my DA:I long fic In the Shattering of Things but I think it would be an interesting read without the greater context. The premise is that Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan has disappeared in the midst of the Peace Talks Gala at the Winter Palace and follows the POVs of Cullen, Garrett Hawke, Josephine, Vivienne and Orlesian Bard Fidencio Frye (my friend @monocytogenes's OC) as they learn she's missing and try to find her. This is a very non-canonical take on WEWH. It was an incredible challenge to write and i think I did a bang up job capturing the tension and stakes.
The Boy Who Talked too Much
Explicit, WC 2373, Fluff Smut, Alistair POV
This is one of my older fics, born of a writing prompt for Dragon Age Drunk Writing Circle. Mostly I was having a wonderful time getting into Alistair's head as he experiences a bit of a sexual awakening with a bold, but also inexperienced Elissa Cousland. In addition to feeling that I captured Alistair really well, I also think I nailed the kind of fumbly, youthful awkwardness that is mutual first times. It's a bit smutty but it's also just really sweet and funny.
In the Shattering of Things,
Explicit | Cullen x Trevelyan | Hawke x Trevelyan | WC: 450K + (WIP) | DA:I | Epic | Multiship | Slow burn | Fast burn | Complications While Saving the World
I would be remiss if I did not recommend my Inquisition long fic (which I'm still working on-- currently approaching Here Lies the Abyss). It's also a little bit complicated because my writing talent has come *a long way* since I began the fic in January '23. It basically begs the question: what if the Inquisitor is in over her head and what's it like trying to navigate falling in (and out of) love when the world is falling apart. It's got it all: romance, humor, heartbreak, ridiculously high stakes, a delicious but grown-up love triangle and a protagonist you can root for that is imperfect but doing her bloody best. When it's all done, this fic will probably be my greatest achievement and I will lie on the floor crying.
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trillian-n7 · 4 months ago
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World State 1: The Canon Timeline Edda Cousland Human, Rogue, Alistair, Dark Ritual, Remained in the Wardens
Alys Hawke Human, Mage, Sarcastic, Anders/In Love with Varric, Left in the Fade
Gwendolyn Trevelyan Human, Mage, Cullen, Disbanded the Inquisition, Save Solas
Valka Laidir Dwarf, Rogue, Neve, Fought Solas, Complete
Fanfiction Drifting Roads A Chance at Revenge Memories What Comes Next, Revenge
More world states below...
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World State 2: The Butterfly Effect Caitriona Cousland Human, Warrior, No Romance/In Love with Nathaniel, Dark Ritual, Queen of Ferelden
Alys Hawke Human, Mage, Sarcastic, Anders (dead)/Varric (post-game), Survived the Fade
Maxwell Trevelyan Human, Warrior, Cassandra (Divine ending), Kept the Inquisition, Stop Solas
Livia Stella Mercar Elf, Mage, Ashur (pre-game)/Davrin, Fight Solas, In Progress
Fanfiction The Inquisitor and His Divine - WIP
Ficlets The Knight and the Queen
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World State 3: Dwarven Politics Sereda Aeducan Dwarf, Rogue, Alistair (broke-up)/Gorim (pre/post-game), Loghain Sacrificed, Returned to Orzammar
Marisol Hawke Human, Rogue, Diplomatic, Sebastian, Survived the Fade, Princess of Starkhaven
Valka Cadash Dwarf, Rogue, Blackwall (Warden ending)/Varric (post-game), Disbanded the Inquisition, Stop Solas
Rurik Aldwir Dwarf, Rogue, Lace, Trick Solas, In Progress
Fanfiction Hesitiations Situations - WIP
Ficlets Waiting for Her Prince Noble Endings
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World State 4: Number 4 Katja Brosca Dwarf, Warrior, Zevran, Ultimate Sacrifice
Gideon Hawke Human, Mage, Sarcastic/Agressive, Fenris, Left in the Fade
Saoirse Lavellan Elf, Rogue, Solas, Disbanded the Inquisition, Save Solas
Camille Ingellvar Human, Mage, Lucanis, Redeem Solas, In Progress
Fanfiction Lavender
Ficlets The Hunt
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World State 5: The Mage Rebellion Irith Amell Human, Mage, Alistair (dead), Alistair Sacrificed, Chancellor to Queen Anora
Alys Hawke Human, Mage, Varric (head-cannon), Left in the Fade
Aisling Lavellan Elf, Mage, Cullen, Disbanded the Inquisition, Stop Solas
Kolya de Riva & Svetti de Riva Human, Warrior & Mage, Neve & Lucanis, Fight Solas
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World State 6: Tank & Spank
Eilidh Tabris Elf, Warrior, Alistair, Dark Ritual, Chancellor to King Alistair and Queen Anora
Emmett Hawke Human, Warrior, Isabela, Survived the Fade
Edric Cadash Dwarf, Warrior, Dorian, Kept the Inquisition, Stop Solas
Valeria Thorne Human, Warrior, TBC
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someoneintheshadow456 · 1 day ago
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*facepalm* STELLA- GURL- I thought I told you to stop ogling at married straight MILFS. Now that all the bullshit is over, you need to make up with Josie or she'll become your ex by the time this night is over.
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Yeah if I wasn't convinced before that Morrigan is tempting Stella into infidelity for shits and giggles, I am certainly convinced now. I don't think Mr. Cousland would be very happy to see his missus doing this, but he wouldn't be surprised. He put up with worse to win her over.
Well, now that Mrs. Cousland (because that is what Morrigan is and you would do well to remember it) has left the building, it's time to repair the relationship that is actually worth salvaging.
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Well... a sorry for assuming I had no idea what I was doing would be nice. I mean, Stella is also no saint, as in my canon she exchanged a few choice words too. Anyways... let's pretend all that happened. Now let's Dance and Make Up.
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And behold the ONLY good thing to come out of this MESS...
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crownrots · 1 year ago
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oc master list under the cut:
Corbyn Webb - tag | ♡ /
Niamh Murray - tag | ♡ angel pagan
Shivani Norton - tag | ♡ /
Margaux Moreau - tag | ♡ /
Phillipa Marwood - tag | ♡ gale
Aerona Zonvasses - tag | ♡ shadowheart
Marik Thayer - tag | ♡ astarion
Varyamë of the Lythari - tag | ♡ lae'zel
Prim Skarnak - tag | ♡ halsin
Sidney Driscoll - tag | ♡ hannah sterling
Hannah Sterling - tag | ♡ sidney driscoll
Theodore Sterling - tag | ♡ /
Delora Sterling - tag | ♡ /
Jacqueline Dubois - tag | ♡ john price
Drew Guidry - tag | ♡ helen espinoza
Holly McDowell - tag | ♡ esteban rojas
Alessandro Messina - tag | ♡ marnie daniels
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Christian Morrisey - tag | ♡ /
Dove Hart - tag | ♡ /
Vanessa 'V' Lennox - tag | ♡ panam palmer
Vianna Salvatore - tag | ♡ jamie valentino
Ami Mccormick - tag | ♡ kiki navarro
Terrence Walker - tag | ♡ regina angeli
Richie Scott - tag | ♡ beckett estrada
DC ──
Eloise Rigby - tag | ♡ adrian chase
Yvette Maxwell - tag | ♡ sunny santoso
evaine cousland - tag | ♡ alistair
guinevere trevelyan - tag | ♡ cullen
victoria pentaghast - tag | ♡ /
minerva ingellvar - tag | ♡ emmrich volkarin
octavia mercar - tag | ♡ neve gallus
ilorva de riva - tag | ♡ lucanis dellamorte
thyra thorne - tag | ♡ davrin
cosette d’abonville - tag | ♡ hrærek
hrærek gæirmundsen - tag | ♡ cosette
Archie Atkinson - tag | ♡ tris monroe
Emmett Turner - tag | ♡ kitty
Eddy Sayer - tag | ♡ claudia maris
Hattie Milford - tag | ♡ ricki silva
Evelyn Lawrence - tag | ♡ /
Robert Lawrence - tag | ♡ hildy larmar
Jaxx Ackerson - tag | ♡ jojo
Ivy Wilson - tag | ♡ andy rivera
Eraesella Storm - tag | ♡ clifton stark
Myra Ryger - tag | ♡ gwayne hightower
Cassian Lannister - tag | ♡ lorenza martell
Grimm Harmlet - tag | ♡ nymora sand
Aoife Groghan - tag | ♡ cormac o'donnell
Ronan Groghan - tag | ♡ kitty cullen
Tallulah 'Tally' Groghan - tag | ♡ claudia fox
MCU ──
Roxanne James - tag | ♡ /
Ophelia Cohen - tag | ♡ dana andrews
Nora Higgins - tag | ♡ arthur morgan
Jeremy Stanford - tag | ♡ fatima pavan
Brooke Todd - tag | ♡ /
Maeve Peralez - tag | ♡ jake muller
Rowena Albrecht - tag | ♡ reese kelly
Lenore Scarlet - tag | ♡ sam wayne
Jack Haggerty - tag | ♡ stella richmond
Amara - tag | ♡ owen yonhatt
Patricia Upton - tag | ♡ jim hopper
Avery Slaughter - tag | ♡ eddie munson
Wynflæd - tag | ♡ sihtric
Ingrid - tag | ♡ eadith
Arne - tag | ♡ osferth
Einar - tag | ♡ cerys
Rian Mccormick - tag | ♡ mari cross
Teagan Montgomery - tag | ♡ xavier cruz
Mason Novak - tag | ♡ raquel quint
Parker Novak - tag | ♡ milly vanelli
Kyle Alpert - tag | ♡ tommy miller
Savannah Alpert - tag | ♡ calum jackson
Mark Hudson - tag | ♡ gladys page
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Vince Shaw - tag | ♡ ginny tate
Perry James - tag | ♡ johnny slaughter
Sandra Underwood - tag | ♡ kerry reed
Iris - tag | ♡ leslie astor
Nash Duvall - tag | ♡ casey, ?
Tracey Mitchell - tag | ♡ /
Michelle Fletcher - tag | ♡ /
Peggy Ward - tag | ♡ robin holley
Cindy Ward - tag | ♡ juniper mckinney
Derrick Ward - tag | ♡ addie bautista
Garrison Abbott - tag | ♡ gemma crawford
Sosie Sanchez - tag | ♡ deacon crawford
Eliza O'Rourke - tag | ♡ nix
Daisy Dunn - tag | ♡ /
Winnie Madison - tag | ♡ dominic cross
Emmett Turner - tag | ♡ lola
Nina Bird - tag | ♡ william bird | ♡ adam du mortain
Eleanore Greene - tag | ♡ farah hauville
Agatha Elwood - tag | ♡ mason
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mothausa · 3 years ago
* Primary Muses
** Secondary Muses
*** Muses to mess with a friend
**** Every once in a while
Maya the Siren*
Demento/Haunting Ground
Dragon Age Series
Amalia 'Lia' Cousland, AU not a warden**
Aveline Vallen from DA II*
Kahlan Amell, Warden/HoF**
Lanarill Surana, Warden/HoF**
Ethel Bette ( OC )**
Red Dead Redemption
Charlotte Balfour
Resident Evil:
Dakota (oc tyrant dog)*
Excella Gionne**
Jill Valentine****
Kathy Burton**
Karena ‘Lupo’ Lesproux
Màiri/Mary Sugarman (canon/oc)
Michaela 'Bertha' Schneider **
Malèna Gionne (OC)*
Polly Burton**
Rebecca Chambers*
Star Wars
Bastila Shan *
Darth Revan/Tru Mothma*
Etaine Skirata (OC)*
Leia Organa-Solo**
Lord Mirdalan/Mird’ika*
Tenel Ka Djo*
Tom Clancy's The Division
Triple A ( OC Medic )**
Fandomless OC
Aria Wiltz*
Betsy Anne Kleves*
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thatfooltheycallweaver · 4 years ago
OC Masterlist (updated occasionally)
These will have links added eventually
Unkown Vault Dweller
Mark Hayes
Tessa Creek
Gemma Lyndon
Unknown Sole Survivor
Danica Frost
Baldur's Gate
Isolde Mehrunes
Unknown Monk Tav
Unknown Dark Urge
Brütal Legend
Mars Wildheart
Nikki Halford
Cascade Hollow
Hellion Bloodstone
Judas Starbreaker
The Mountain King
Ralmar the Lich Queen
Unknown Automaton
Cassandra Falk
Jacqueline Chastain
Leliana Arnbjorndottir
Rune Arnbjornson
Tolva + Arnbjorn
Evony von Jäger
Cynthia Lewis
Alexandra Cane
Amicia Woods
Sierra Collins
Amber Collins
Danielle Green
Caterina Florentino
Variants + "What if"
Crimson Peak:
Cordelia Baker
Anthony Baker
Only Lovers Left Alive:
Victoria Holly
The Night Manager:
Madeleine Lawrence
Stranger Things:
Willow Morgan
Scott Morgan
Melody Parker
Jamie McCoy
The Lost Boys:
Kris Pierce
Dragon Age:
Regina Cousland
Arabella Mahariel
Myrin Tabris
Gwydion Amell
Katerina Hawke
Thalia Hawke
Killian Hawke
Rynn Hawke
Hazel Trevelyan
Annette Trevelyan
Tamera Adaar
Elenwyn Lavellan
Ketari Adaar
Victoria Trevelyan
Canazli Adaar
Adiris Lavellan
Assassin's Creed:
Marsilia Lancaster
Stella Caliara
Star Trek:
Aurora Dexion
Meridia Callahan
Kynareth Quinn
Serana Topaz
Calisto Syrabane
Loretta Foster
Juniper Ostara
Viridia Lavellan
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farkledagain · 15 years ago
FarkledAgain’s Tag List
Adventure Time
Finn the Human
Marceline the Vampire Queen
The Adventure Zone
Angus McDonald
Brad Bradson
Carey Fangbattle
Julia Burnsides
Lucas Miller
Magnus Burnsides
Merle Highchurch
The Raven Queen
Taako Taaco
Anne Boonchuy
Toph Bei Fong
Elizabeth Comstock
Bob’s Burgers
Gene Belcher
Linda Belcher
Louise Belcher
Rudolph “Regular-Sized Rudy” Stieblitz
Tina Belcher
Bravely Default
Agnès Oblige
Broken Age
Codename: Kids Next Door
Kuki Sanban
Britta Perry
Troy Barnes
Critical Role
Calob Widogast
Jester Lavorre
Nott the Brave
DC/Marvel Comics
Bart Allen
Booster Gold
Kara Zor-El
Selina Kyle
Ted Kord
Daisy Duck
Minnie Mouse
Dragon Age
Alistair Theirin
Aveline Vallen
Warden Cousland
Drake Mallard
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer
Launchpad McQuack
Lena Sabrewing
Magica De Spell
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockhart
Abby Yates
Erin Gilbert
Jillian Holtzmann
Patty Tolan
Gravity Falls
Mabel Pines
Stanley Pines
Gunnerkrigg Court
Andrew Smith
George Parley
Hey Arnold!
Arnold Shortman
Big Gino
Ernie Potts
Eugene Horowitz
Gerald Johannsen
Harold Berman
Helga Pataki
Lila Sawyer
Miriam Pataki
Patty Smith
Phoebe Heyerdahl
Rhonda Wellington-Lloyd
Robert Simmons
Stella Shortman
Stinky Peterson
Suzie Kokoshka
Thaddeus “Curly” Gammelthorpe
Timberly Johannsen
(OC) Amanda Shortman
(OC) Amy Pataki
(OC) Big Sal
(OC) Courtney Wellington-Lloyd
(OC) Hiro Gammelthorpe-Horowitz
(OC) Kat Johannsen
(OC) Lavinia Wellington-Lloyd
(OC) Neil Johannsen
(OC) Nichelle Johannsen
(OC) Phil Pataki
(OC) Rex Smythe-Higgins IV
(OC) Terri Johannsen
(OC) PhilxLavinia
AU: Ask Helgoth
AU: Darkverse
AU: Magical Girls
AU: Mob Queen
AU: Shortaki Week
AU: Trying
AU: Vampire
Dave Strider
Equius Zahhak
Feferi Peixes
Jade Harley
Jane Crocker
John Egbert
Kanaya Maryam
Karkat Vantas
Nepeta Leijon
Rose Lalonde
Tavros Nitram
Terezi Pyrope
Vriska Serket
Carly Shay
Freddie Benson
Gibby Gibson
Sam Puckett
Spencer Shay
Kingdom Hearts
Aerith Gainsborough
Squall Leonhart
Yuffie Kisaragi
Let’s Kill Gods
Life is Strange
Chloe Price
Lorelei and the Shadows
The Mindy Project
Mindy Lahiri
Miraculous Ladybug
Chat Noir
Monster High
Abbey Bominable
Cleo de Nile
Frankie Stein
Lagoona Blue
Nancy Drew
Bess Marvin
George Fayne
Nancy Drew
Sakura Haruno
Sasuke Uchiha
The Office
Dwight Schrute
Pam Beesly
Penny Arcade
Anne Claire
Jim Darkmagic
Jonathan Gabriel
Moira Zozan
Omin Dran
PA Avatar
Tycho Brahe
Ash Ketchum
AU: Pokemon Master
Lili Zanotto
Milla Bodello
Rick and Morty
Morty Smith
Summer Smith
RPG World
Cherry Blossomfeather
Blake Belladonna
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Yang Xiao Long
Sailor Moon
Makoto Kino
Mamoru Chiba
Naru Osaka
Usagi Tsukino
Daphne Blake
Fred Jones
Norville “Shaggy” Rogers
Velma Dinkley
The Sims
Bella Goth
Buck Grunt
Dina Caliente
Frances J. Worthington III
The Grim Reaper
Jill Smith
Johnny Smith
Kaylynn Langerak
Malcolm Landgraab
Michael Bachelor
Mortimer Goth
Natasha Una
Nina Caliente
Olive Specter
Ophelia Nigmos
Ripp Grunt
Tank Grunt
Sonic the Hedgehog
Amy Rose
Bunnie Rabbot
Knuckles the Echidna
Miles “Tails” Prower
Sally Acorn
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
(OC) Becca the Tabby
(OC) Salsa the Sloth
Stardew Valley
(OC) Farmer
Steven Universe
Lars Barriga
Rose Quartz
Sadie Miller
Tales of Berseria
Velvet Crowe
Tenchi Muyo
Monster Kid
Wander Over Yonder
Lord Dominator
Witch World
World of Warcraft
Judy Hopps
Nick Wilde
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bitchesofostwick · 5 years ago
OC Biographies
tagged by @cullenvhenan​ <3 tagging @inquisitors-mabari​ @dickeybbqpit​ @your-local-reaver​ @veridium​ @stella-minerva​  long post so it’s under the read more :)
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Emilia Cousland
The Basics
Full name: Emilia Elise Cousland
Codename or nickname: Alistair calls her “Em”
Birth date: 9:11 Dragon (in Cassus, as she is a capricorn)
Birthplace: Highever, Ferelden
Nationality: Fereldan
Organization/group: Grey Wardens, Ferelden
Former affiliates: Teyrnir of Highever
Family & Friends
Father: Bryce Cousland
Mother: Eleanor Cousland
Siblings: Fergus and Oriana (sister-in-law)
Other relatives: Oren (nephew)
Spouse: Alistair
Children: None
Height: 5′4″
Weight: unknown
Hair color: Chestnut brown
Eye color: Deep blue
Skin color: White
Any scars: One on her cheek, others on her arms from the Blight
Any tattoos: none
Any piercings: Earlobes
Other notable features: Freckles across her nose and cheekbones
Random facts: Allergic to cats (press F), dual wielder but excels at throwing knives, hot-tempered and severe
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Aurelia Hawke
The Basics
Full name: Aurelia Hawke
Codename or nickname: Red (from Varric), Hawke to everyone except Fenris (but even Fenris usually calls her Hawke unless he’s mad or feeling sawftttt)
Birth date: 9:07 Dragon (in Umbralis, as she is a sagittarius)
Birthplace: Near Amaranthine
Nationality: Fereldan
Organization/group: None 
Former affiliates: None
Family & Friends
Father: Malcolm Hawke
Mother: Leandra Hawke
Siblings: Carver and Bethany
Other relatives: Gamlen and other Amells
Spouse: None (although she and Fenris are partners for life)
Children: None
Height: 5′7″
Weight: unknown
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue-gray
Skin color: White
Any scars: Yes, various minor scars on her body from combat
Any tattoos: None
Any piercings: Several ear piercings and a nose ring
Other notable features: Freckles all over her face, unkempt hair that’s usually long (but she cuts it while she and Fenris aren’t speaking in
Random facts: Skilled in archery and knives, sarcastic and biting, an extremely loyal friend
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Ellinor Trevelyan
The Basics
Full name: Ellinor Aria Trevelyan
Codename or nickname: Ell (to Avery), Ellie (to the rest of her family and Sera and Dagna), Lin (to Cullen), and Swift (to Varric)
Birth date: 9:15 Dragon (in Parvulis, as she is a virgo)
Birthplace: Ostwick
Nationality: Free Marcher
Organization/group: Inquisition
Former affiliates: None
Family & Friends
Father: Jaime Trevelyan
Mother: Rosalind Trevelyan
Siblings: Bryony, Reilly, Lyssa, and Avery
Other relatives: Various, including an Aunt Aria in Teventer, from whom she gets her middle name
Spouse: Cullen
Children: possible...
Height: 5′3″
Weight: Unknown
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Golden tan
Any scars: Two burn scars on her wrists, dragon scars on her stomach and back
Any tattoos: None
Any piercings: Earlobes
Other notable features: Biracial (some Asian-coded features, such as her eyes and nose)
Random facts: Feisty, once an excellent player in the Game, adores dancing, musically inclined
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Rae Jung
The Basics
Full name: Rae Erin Jung
Codename or nickname: Captain, to friends
Birth date: November 5, 2256 (a scorpio)
Birthplace: New Rochelle, NY (Earth)
Nationality: American
Organization/group: The Unreliable
Former affiliates: None
Family & Friends
Father: Jung Jae-woo
Mother: Alice Jung
Siblings: None
Other relatives: Various Jungs on her father’s side and Callahans on her mother’s side
Spouse: Max if they ever finish being dumbasses
Children: undecided
Height: 5′4″
Weight: unknown
Hair color: Naturally brown, but dyed pink
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Light tan
Any scars: None
Any tattoos: A little cat face with whiskers on her ribs
Any piercings: Ears and a nose ring
Other notable features: Biracial
Random facts: Hot mess, gets Asian glow, used to BMX race on Earth
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tk-duveraun · 6 years ago
Tagged by @scharoux Thanks :3
1. The first ship you ever wrote Fic for:
SyaoSaku from CCS :3
2. Ship you write the most now:
Uhhhh, uhhh??? VeeCakara? Aquilish? Rathi/Fox/Hound? It’s a real pick and mix bag over here.
3. Ship you read the most now:
I can’t remember the last fic I read :X Pavellan??? (Aside from Aquilish by @ravenqueen89 )
4. Newest Ship:
UH, um.... @numphet is writing a cool [all other adjectives are spoilers] Padme/Anakin(Vader) fic??? Here’s a link.
5. Rare ship you want to read more of.
???? Um, uhhhh, if a friend wrote a Nate/Velana, I’d read it?
6. Your Taboo ship:
I can’t read anything with Carver :X He is identical in personality and similar in appearance to my brother-in-law to the point that it’s Extremely Weird
7. Never met in canon ships:
Sebastian/Nate, lmao. I wrote a Sebastian/Inquisitor, too.
8. Your unexpected ship:
Puppy Pile! Inquisitor/Female Lavellan/Stupid Human
9. The ship you always forget to give love to:
All of them. Honestly, I forget things almost the second I finish reading them and I’m open to basically any ship that’s not illegal.
10. Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable):
Adi Trevelyan/Cullen, Ciel Varnes/Varric, Brisk/Anders, Cousland/Nate
11. Ship you’re embarrassed to ship:
12. Your most romantic ship:
Stella ( @softlyue) and Fox!
13. Your sexiest ship:
Vasili/Karste! Vasili/Cakara are more shameless, but use up a lot of energy sparring.
14. Your most tragic ship:
Juniper/Aquila :(
15. A ship you want more content for:
Aquilish!! Buppy Pile!! All of them!!
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trillian-n7 · 1 month ago
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Warden - Sereda Aeducan | Katja Brosca Inquisitor - Valka Cadash | Edric Cadash Rook - Valka Laidir | Rurik Aldwir
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Warden - Edda Cousland | Caitriona Cousland | Irith Amell Hawke - Alys Hawke | Marisol Hawke | Gideon Hawke | Emmett Hawke Inquisitor - Gwendolyn Trevelyan | Maxwell Trevelyan Rook - Camille Ingellvar | Nikolai de Riva | Valeria Thorne
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Warden - Eilidh Tabris Inquisitor - Saoirse Lavellen | Aisling Lavellan Rook - Livia Stella Mercar | Svetti de Riva
Notes and family relationships: - All Inquisitors are sibling pairs, the world state determines who attended the Divine Conclave. - Valka Cadash and Valka Laidir are the same person, the Veilguard version is where she did not attend the Divine Conclave. - Rurik was adopted as a baby by a travelling elven merchant. He is the son of Varric and Bianca though no-one is aware of this fact apart from his adoptive mother. - Edric still ended up involved with Dorian when his sister was the Inquisitor. They met between between the events of Inquisition and Trespasser. - Nikolai and Svetti are my idea of two 'Rooks'. They are codependent characters of mine that I imaging Varric got a 'two-for-one' deal from Viago (though Viago was just glad to get Svetti out of his hair!). - Valeria is the daughter of Eilidh Tabris and Alistair. She does not know who her parents are, just that one was a Grey Warden.
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someoneintheshadow456 · 15 days ago
The first "mission" was a mess because I was using a guide, and it told me if you don't pick up a certain item, you never trigger the bell. So I was wandering aimlessly for a while after doing the lamp puzzle wondering what was taking that bell so long. And then there was a room with a halla statue that I missed.
But anyways... it's time to meet Our Girl Morrigan! If this was a movie, people in the audience would be cheering right now because that was one HELL of an entrance. I also LOVE how she's kind of sarcastically describing Inky, like she knows that all the stories about them are bunk.
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Okay Stella why the HELL are you staring at Morrigan like that?! First of all, she's straight, and married with a kid, courtesy of Mr. Cousland Who Will Not Be Appearing In This Game. Second of all, YOU AIN'T SINGLE EITHER. I know that you're having a rough patch with the missus right now, but that's no excuse for cheating!
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Seriously that expression just SCREAMS "She's so dreamy... and not at ALL like my over-controlling nag of an ambassador slash girlfriend who I really want to drag out of here by the hair right now."
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GURL you are really on the fast track to fucking up your relationship rn. Stop. Making. Goo-Goo Eyes. At Married Straight MILFS. And Get Back To The Plot.
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"SEE Josie?! Morrigan understands Celene is a piece of shit. At least Morrigan listens to what I say. Morrigan doesn't underestimate me and assume I don't know what I'm talking about when I actually have a PLAN. Unlike SOME people I know!"
Well, at least that conversation ended right there, before Stella can do or say anything stupid...
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magicrobins · 8 years ago
Dragon Age Dual AU Worldstate
Long post, all under the cut.
Edits may be made as details are added or changed.
(I typed this the best I could remember us discussing the details a while ago.)
Shared with: @bxtgrl (Nat), @jellyfishlovesloki
Dragon Age Origins
Heroes of Ferelden: Namera Cousland (sword/shield warrior, Alistair romance), and Piras Surana (mage, Zevran romance).
Companion OCs: Sylvas Mahariel (dual-wielding/archery rogue, Tamlen Rendlin romance), Sarabeth Tabris (archery rogue, Leliana romance), Christian Amell (mage, Morrigan romance), Rendlin Amell (sword/shield warrior, Sylvas romance), Paige Brosca (dual-wielding rogue, no romance), Atlen Mahariel (dual-wielding rogue, Jowan romance), and Noah Talbot (two-handed warrior, Anora romance).
All companions except for Loghain are recruited.
Companion decisions: Returned Sten’s sword, defeated Flemeth for her grimoire, sent Marjolaine away, and helped Alistair find Goldanna.
Namera has a mabari, Konroy, and Piras got a mabari after Ostagar, Sammy.
Broken Circle: Sided with the mages, gained some Templar supporters, and managed to save First Enchanter Irving.
The Arl of Redcliffe: Helped Redcliffe prepare and fight, Piras used lyrium and the help of Circle mages to fight the demon in the Fade, Connor alive, not possessed, and Piras and some companions helped Jowan escape at night (Sylvas directed him to Atlen for protection).
The Urn of Sacred Ashes: Urn wasn’t poisoned, and word about its discovery eventually got out.
Nature of the Beast: Sylvas helped Namera and Piras broker peace.
Paragon of Her Kind: Rendlin had a son with Mardy, restored Mardy’s son’s birthright, Dagna left to study, defeated Branka and destroyed the Anvil of the Void, Namera supported Harrowmont, Piras supported Bhelen, and the choice was ultimately left up to Rendlin who surprised everyone by choosing Bhelen.
Stone Prisoner DLC: Matthias and Amalia both alive, and neither are possessed.
Warden’s Keep DLC: Piras gained the Power of Blood, Sophia killed, and Avernus allowed to continue research under more ethical restraints.
Denerim: Helped Sarabeth figure out and stop the city elves from disappearing, rescued Anora, and Namera killed Howe in combat, avenging her family.
Landsmeet: Loghain killed by Alistair, Alistair became King of Ferelden, and later married Namera, making her Queen of Ferelden.
The Battle of Denerim: Alistair took part in the Dark Ritual with Morrigan, only Grey Warden to die was Riordan, and Namera and Piras killed the Archdemon together.
New Grey Wardens: Sylvas, Christian, Rendlin, Paige, Atlen, Noah, and Jowan joined the Grey Wardens after the Battle of Denerim. Sarabeth joined the Grey Wardens in the beginning of Awakening.
Namera and Sarabeth belong to @bxtgrl.
Piras, Sylvas, Christian, Rendlin, Paige, Atlen, and Noah belong to @magicrobins.
The Golems of Amgarrak DLC: Namera and Piras helped Jerrik, however they both vocally objected to the idea of bringing back the creation of golems.
Witch Hunt DLC: Christian follows Morrigan through the Eluvian.
Dragon Age Awakening DLC
New companion OCs: Halin Andras (mage, one-sided Nathaniel romance), Hannah Caron (two-handed warrior, Jaden romance), and Jaden Kader (archery rogue, Hannah romance). Companion OCs from Origins returned with Namera and Piras, as well as Jowan, a canon character.
Piras is named Arl of Amaranthine.
All companions recruited and joined the Grey Wardens.
Oghren and Felsi reunited.
Both the Keep and Amaranthine were successfully protected after hard battles.
The only casualty of the battles: Justice was “killed” when Kristoff’s head is chopped off while defending Vigil’s Keep.
Piras and Namera side with the Architect against the Broodmother and allow him to live.
Zevran eventually returns to Amaranthine, and he and Piras marry at Vigil’s Keep.
Majority of companions stay with the Grey Wardens, though Velanna eventually leaves after believing she saw her sister.
Halin Andras, Hannah Caron, and Jaden Kader belong to @magicrobins
Dragon Age II*
*The timeline of DA2 is being edited to better fit in with the timeline of Origins. We have it to where the Hawke family were younger when they fled Lothering, and the Hawke siblings were indentured for more than just a year in Kirkwall.
Champions of Kirkwall: Derek Hawke (mage, eldest sibling, Fenris romance), and Vera Hawke (mage, Anders romance).
Companion OCs: Kenrick Lolani (two-handed warrior, Merrill romance), Stella Montgomery (dual-wielding/archery rogue, Isabela romance), Talia Fredericks (dual-wielding rogue, Sebastian romance), and Jaxton Montgomery (dual-wielding/archery rogue, Tallis romance).
All companions recruited, and all relationships are friendship.
Companion decisions: Carver became a Grey Warden, Bethany became a Circle mage, Bartrand lived, convinced Varric not to keep the lyrium idol, Isabela returned with the Tome, didn’t turn Isabela over to the Qunari, didn’t convince Merrill to destroy the Eluvian, didn’t kill Merrill’s clan, and Aveline married Donnic.
Mages fully supported.
Prologue: Both Bethany and Carver live, Bethany is gravely injured from the ogre attack, Vera and Derek join the smugglers, and Stella and Jaxton join the mercenaries.
Act 1: Derek and Vera sometimes disagreed when it came to letting mages go or returning them to the Circle, Saemus saved and returned to the Viscount, Kelder killed, the slaver Danzig killed, Derek and Vera both own the Bone Pit, Feynriel sent to the Dalish, defended Ketojan, left Bethany in Kirkwall, and took Carver to the Deep Roads.
Act 2: Gascard killed, didn’t side with Varnell, didn’t side with Petrice, Javaris was alive and well, helped with the raiders on the cliffs, freed Feynriel and allowed him to leave for Tevinter, and Derek and Vera killed the Arishok together.
Legacy DLC: Sided with Larius, defeated Corypheus, and found Malcolm’s Will.
Mark of the Assassin DLC: didn’t make Tallis angry, and Jaxton kissed Tallis.
Act 3: Met and let Zevran go, later aided by Zevran in the battle against Meredith, rescued Nathaniel, reunited Charade and Gamlen, handed conspirators over to Orsino, Derek disapproved and Vera approved of Anders destroying the Chantry, Anders was spared, Sebastian and Talia left for Starkhaven, vowing revenge on Anders and the Hawkes, the Hawkes and companions had to flee Kirkwall and go into hiding; to protect Vera, Derek solely took on the Champion of Kirkwall title; and Derek and companions spread false information that there had only ever been one Champion.
Derek Hawke, Stella Montgomery, and Jaxton Montgomery belong to @magicrobins. Vera Hawke and Talia Fredericks belong to @bxtgrl. Kenrick Lolani belongs to @jellyfishlovesloki.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Inquisitors: Aya Lavellan (dual-wielding rogue, Cullen romance), and Galen Lavellan (mage, Dorian romance).
Companion OCs: Elaith Lavellan (mage, Solas romance), Nova Adaar (two-handed warrior, Iron Bull romance), Lilya Avery (mage, Blackwall romance), Jacob Lombardi (archery rogue, Josephine romance), Ju-long “Striker” Trevelyan (archery rogue, Cassandra romance), Mordecai Bayley (dual-wielding rogue, Lace romance), Ricka Cadash (dual-wielding rogue, one-sided Varric romance), Ozera Herah (dual-wielding rogue, Sera romance), Rasha Andras (two-handed warrior, Arven romance), Arven Karaas (mage, Rasha romance), Ai Trevelyan (mage, Krem romance), Zhen Trevelyan (mage, Bailey romance), and Bailey Carrian (archery rogue, Zhen romance).
All companions are recruited.
Companion decisions: Dorian reconciled with his father, Blackwall left prison with his true identity revealed and eventually joined the Grey Wardens, Iron Bull saved the Chargers and became Tal-Vashoth, Cassandra discovered the Book of Secrets, Harmond was kept alive but forced to work for the Inquisition, Cole became more human, Solas freed his friend, Varric pursued the red lyrium source lead, Vivienne gained the snowy wyvern heart, Cullen was encouraged not to use lyrium, Aya and Galen did favors for the Du Paraquette family, and Leliana was inspired.
Exploring Thedas: Reached the inner sanctum of the Temple of Pride, helped the refugees, gained the allegiance of the cultists, closed the rift in the lake, claimed Griffon Wing Keep, investigated the dwarven ruins, rescued troops from the Avvar, kept Fairbanks’ nobility a secret and helped him defeat the Freemen, killed Imshael, and captured Suledin Keep.
Operations: Failed to save Clan Lavellan, Sutherland’s company was successful, Jecin and Celeste married for love, and both Johi and Charade were recruited.
The Wrath of Heaven: Aya and Galen claimed to not know whether they were chosen by Andraste or not.
Champions of the Just: Elaith sent to Therinfal Redoubt with a few companions under the disguise of an Inquisitor, offered the Templars a free alliance, and Ser Barris is alive and promoted to Knight-Commander.
In Hushed Whispers: Aya and Galen went to Redcliffe with a few companions, and offered the mages a free alliance.
Tension was high in Haven among the Templars and mages, many uneasy with the Inquisition allying with both groups.
In Your Heart Shall Burn: Cole arrived at Haven, and Aya and Galen both stayed behind to fight and distract Corypheus.
Here Lies the Abyss: Derek Hawke, Stella Montgomery, Kenrick Lolani, Jaxton Montgomery, and canon companions except for Sebastian and Anders arrived at Skyhold upon Varric’s request to aid in the trouble with the Grey Wardens; Derek, Stella, and Kenrick fell into the Fade with the Inquisitors, a few companions, and Stroud; Stroud chose to stay back in the Fade, telling Derek to find his cousin (Christian Amell) to lead the Grey Wardens because it’s common knowledge the Heroes of Ferelden and several of their companion Wardens have gone missing; Derek, Stella, and Kenrick had to pull Aya and Galen out of the Fade to get them to leave Stroud behind; the Grey Wardens are offered a free alliance to rebuild their strength and ranks; and Derek urges the Inquisitors and Leliana to find Christian Amell, who at that point was a high ranking Grey Warden.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts: Christian Amell was found attending the ball with Morrigan and joined her and Kieran at Skyhold, Empress Celene lived and Grand Duchess Florianne both lived, Celene continued to rule and reconciled with Briala.
What Pride had Wrought: Galen chose to respect the temple’s traditions, Aya chose to follow the quicker route through the temple’s underground, Galen managed to get the alliance and help of the guardians, Samson and Calpernia were the Inquisition’s nemesis, Aya destroyed Samson’s armor, Galen talked to Calpernia and convinced her that her loyalty was misdirected, and Aya and Galen decided to share the price and drank from the Well of Sorrows together.
Doom Upon the World: Aya and Galen made no formal support for either Cassandra, Leliana, or Vivienne for Divine, not wanting to choose between their friends; Aya and Galen defeated Corypheus together while their companions and Inquisition forces fought off the demon horde; and Leliana was chosen as Divine Victoria.
The Descent DLC: The earthquakes were stopped, and the secret origin of lyrium was discovered.
Jaws of Hakkon DLC: Discovered and met Ameridan, shared the truth about Ameridan, killed the dragon, and Aya and Galen both gained a legend-mark from the Avvar.
Trespasser DLC: Iron Bull remained loyal, the Inquisition was disbanded at Aya’s order, and Aya and Galen vowed to redeem Solas.
Aya Lavellan, Jacob Lombardi, and Lilya Avery belong to @bxtgrl. Nova Adaar, Mordecai Bayley, and Ricka Cadash belong to @jellyfishlovesloki. Galen Lavellan, Elaith Lavellan, Ju-long “Striker” Trevelyan, Ozera Herah, Rasha Andras, Arven Karaas, Ai Trevelyan, Zhen Treveylan, and Bailey Carrian belong to @magicrobins.
Anything post-Trespasser can be discovered through asks or fanfics! <3
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wrymbloods · 4 years ago
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tagged by @cetra and @bllvkbird to make some ocs in this picrew ,, thank you for tagging me !!  ♡ ♡ in order, the ocs are:
cecilia cousland ( dragon age: origins ) lorraine hawke ( dragon age 2 ) irisviel lavellan ( dragon age: inquisition ) valerie shepard (mass effect) vanity vixen ( cyberpunk 2077 ) stella ward ( saints row )
if you want to do this as well, feel free to say that i tagged you !!  ♡
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conteur-reveur · 8 years ago
Fun Fact: I like to name my Bioware characters with the first name as the default. For a while I refused to do acting else. Jenna, Johanna, and Josie Shepard Elena, Elaine, and Elise Cousland Nora Surana (but I actually like Neria) Killian Tabris Mallory, Miriam, and Maya Hawke (but I'm completely in love with Marian-default appearance-Purple-Hawke and she is my Always import) Emmalin Lavellan is the most significant example of this is Inquisition for me. Because my default Trevelyan is named Cecelia, and I love her to pieces. I love Emma, but I am an absolute monster to her. =( Poor Enma. If you read my stories you know I am not great to my OCs, but Emmalin by far has gotten the very shortest straw. Anyway, welcome to the fam to S. Ryder, I can't wait to meet you. (Front runners are Stella, Scarlett, Sidney, and Savannah.)
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wrymbloods · 4 years ago
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i was tagged by @bllvkbird to make some ocs in this picrew! ♡♡
cecilia cousland (da:o) // lorraine hawke (da2) irisviel lavellan (da:i) // valerie shepard (mass effect) audrey ryder (mass effect andromeda) // stella ward (saints row)
anyone who feels like doing this, feel free to say i tagged you!
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