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Altura: 204 a 240 metros
Longitud: 408 a 500 metros
Peso: 100,000 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Nueva Delhi [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Controles: Tierra Control [Excavación, Embestida Petrea] Fuego Control [Rayo Incandescente] Energia Control [Luminosidad]
Guarida: Himalayas [Tierra:Teratoverso] Monte Makapu [Avatarverso]
Aspecto: Stegodon
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko, Toph
Kaijus y otras bestias: Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus
Humanos: Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: Kasai Rex
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Unraveling the Mystery of Flores Man
via Discover, 22 September 2023: The Flores Hobbits, ancient humanoids on Flores Island, spark debate on their current existence. Most researchers say they're likely extinct.
via Discover, 22 September 2023: The ancient remains of Homo floresiensis, colloquially known as the Flores Hobbits, were discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores. These humanoids stood just under 4 feet tall and lived between 100,000 to 60,000 years ago. While some claim there have been recent sightings, the consensus among researchers is that it’s unlikely they still exist today. Hobbits…
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aqeons · 2 years
Stegodon: An Extinct Elephant-Like Animal
Stegodons are prehistoric elephant-like animals that lived in Asia around 11.6 - 0.01 million years before the present day. They are the extinct genus of the family Stegodontidea, closely related to mammoths and modern-day elephants.
The word Stegodon, which means the roofed tooth, originated from two ancient Greek words:
Stego means roof, and
Odous means tooth
Stegodon had distinctive ridges on their molar tooth.
They, similar to elephants, had plate-like molar teeth. The molars of Stagodons have a sequence of low, roof-shaped ridges, but those of elephants have each developed into a high-crowned plate. Additionally, the skeletons of Stegodon are compact and robust compared to elephant skeletons.
A good number of species of the Stegodon have been recorded within the genus Stegodon, which is the evidence of their prosperity during Late Miocene - Late Pleistocene.
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orange-s-mario · 3 months
Bomberman Mounts & Charaboms
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(the creatures are riding the mounts) (Super Bomberman 2)
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Louies (Bomberman '94)
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Motobomber (Bomberman GB)
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Louies (Super Bomberman 3)
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Mounts (Virtual Bomber); From Left to Right: Launcher Armor, Deebo, Rick, Nyanjirou, Lock-On Armor
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Super Bomberman 4 Mounts Organics (Trikeradops, Angora, Swim, Haguhagu, Crazy Balloon, Bobo) Mechanical (Ponpon, Dogun Jr, Daruman, Pakkunga, Bomb Tank, Gamefry, Dancing Clown)
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Tirras + Bonus Kepo & Dr. Ein (Saturn Bomberman)
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Motobomber Mk. 1-4 (Bomberman GB 3)
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Super Bomberman 5 Louies (Top to Bottom, then left to right): Kerooi, Gyarooi, Hanerooi, Magicarooi, Marooi, Nagurooi, Warooi
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Neo Bomberman Mounts: Organic: Dachon, Torisan, Ombu, Tamagon, Baketama Mechanical: Dokyuun, Gaikottsu, Charge, Nucha, Ridge-Razor
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White Horse (Saturn Bomberman Fight)
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Bomberman World Mounts (Teebo, Launcher Armor, Rick, Nyanjirou, Rick, Lock-On Armor)
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Bomber Dragon & Bomber Cerebus (Bomberman Wars)
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Louie (Bomberman Hero)
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Bomberman Fantasy Race Louies & Tirras: Louies (Green Louie, Hopping Louie, Tri-Louie, Soaring Louie, Hyper Louie, Black Louie) Tirras (Tirra, Brave Tirra, Flying Tirra, Mighty Tirra, Super Tirra, King Tirra)
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Bomberman Party Edition Mounts (Louies, Pytera, Simeon, Drakko, Kai-Man, Dox)
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Pommy (Bomberman 64: The Second Attack)
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Bomberman Max Charaboms (Left to Right, Top to Bottom, Image per Image): Draco, Kai-Man, Pommy, Elephan, Seadran, Marine-Eel, Knuckle Pommy, Panther Fang, Twin Dragon, Sea Balloon, Animal Pommy, Big Ox, Pteradon, Sharkun, Hammer Pommy, Unicornos, Iron Dragon, Iron Squid, Beast Pommy, Mecha Kong, Aqua Dragon, Pommy Dragon, Thunder Kong, Thunder Shark, Rock Snakey, Fire Force, Shardra, Ox Battra, Heat Rock, Oct Kong)
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Bomberman Tournament Charaboms (Top to Bottom Left to Right, Image per Image): Pommy, Seadran, Elephan, Sharkun, Kai-Man, Twin Dragon, Knuckle Pommy, ToughGuy, Beast Pommy, Pteradon, Draco, Unicornos, Sea Balloon, Animal Pommy, Marine-Eel, Youni, Pommy Fangs, Pommy Sea, Pommy Dragon, Seawing, Maringon, Fire Kong, Thunder Liger, Elekong, Kameking)
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Bomberman Max 2 Charaboms (2d Art, Left to Right): Draco (+ Max), Pommy (+ Bomberman), Draco, Elephan, Twin Dragon, Youni, Sharkun, Big Ox
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Bomberman Max 2 Charaboms (Sprites, Left to Right): Draco, Seadran, Twin Dragon, Pteradon, Stegodon, Sea Balloon, Sharkun, Kai-Man, Seapony, Anglar, Pommy, Pommy Claw, Animal Pommy, Pommy Hen, Beast Pommy, Elephan, Rhinon, Youni, ToughGuy, Big Ox, Shargon, Pommy Dragon, Pommy Fangs, Sparkun, Rhinaus, Elephandon, Kameking, Thunder Liger, FlyShark, Elemouse
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Bomberman Generation Charaboms (Top to Bottom, Left to Right): Stegodon, Draco, Pteradon, Anglar, Marine-Eel, Kai-Man, Beast Pommy, Nox/Pokes, Pommy, Ligon, Unicornos, Big Ox, Angol, Pommy Dragon, Pomyugar, Lai-Eel, Fire Horn)
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Bomberman Jetters: Legend of Bomberman Charaboms: (Elifphu, Elipha, Eliphan, Big Elephan, Pan, Panther, Panther Fang, Rapid Panther, Eel, Sheel, Marine-Eel, Dra, Drac, Draco, Dracon, Great Eel, Budu, Ptera, Pteradon, Pteragudon, Popo, Poke, Nox/Pokes, Elks, Pommy, Fly Pommy, Wind Pommy, Angel Pommy, Kai-Man, Songuru-Man, Twinkai-Man, Torpedo-Man)
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Bomberman Jetters (Game) Charaboms (Manual Artwork): Sharkun, Nox, Pommy, Pommy, Dragon, Seadran, & Draco (+ evos)
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Bomberman Jetters (Game) Charaboms (sprites): Sharkun, Sparkun, Kai-Man, Pommy, Nox, Pommy Dragon, Seadran, Draco, Elephan, ToughGuy, & Unicornos (+ Evos)
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gupdoo3 · 11 months
Two-for-one special for @xeeble Faketober today bc I had art block yesterday!
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Day 16 - Ancient
Pebblescid (Rock) and Proboulscid (Rock/Fighting)
The Rocky Tusk Pokémon
These come from a Tusk Fossil and are based on Stegodons! Proboulscid protects Pebblescid but is also impulsive.
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Day 17 - Pikaclone
Tikuji (Electric/Rock)
Based on the edented Sulawesi rat (Paucidentomys vermidax)! Name comes from "tikus" (Indonesian for rodent) and 磁 "ji" (Japanese for magnet)
[click here for my faketober tag!]
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a prehistoric elephant piece titled "The "Micro"-Evolution of Elephants," undated, depicting the evolution of our planet's proboscideans over the course of over 50 million years. Artist unknown.
"The lineage of elephants traces back some 55 million years. Ancestors gave rise to various branches as well as to the direct line leading to living elephants. Early proboscideans originated in Africa and southwest Asia and migrated via land bridge to every continent except Antarctica and Australia.
Changes in climate and food supply -- and perhaps overhunting in the Pleistocene -- caused widespread extinctions, leaving modern elephants as then only survivors."
The proboscideans featured here are: Moeritherium, Deinotherium, Palaeomastodon, Mammut, Gomphotherium, Stegodon, Primelephas, Mammuthus, Elephas (Asian elephant), and Loxodonta (African elephant).
Source: www.pinterest.com/pin/omniologycom--799107527601417193.
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My stegodon is the model I’m most proud of. The howdah gave me a bit of trouble but I’m happy with how it turned out. (I’ve lost count of how many times the poles at the back have snapped off)
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elmartillosinmetre · 1 year
HOMBRES DE FLORES. De orquestas y huelgas (11)
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¿Qué ROSS quiero? La mejor, claro. La mejor orquesta posible. Sería del género Hipernecius Tontissimus si deseara otra cosa. Porque verán: yo vivo de esto. No tengo ni patrón fijo ni nómina. Me pago mi Seguridad Social (cada vez más cara, por cierto). Vivo de mis clases y conferencias sobre música, de mis críticas musicales, de mis columnas musicales, de mis notas a programa para conciertos, de mis colaboraciones con festivales, orquestas, teatros... Espántense, queridos enemigos en Bach, ¡vivo de la música! Cuanta más música haya, mejor para mí; cuanto más dinero se invierta en música, mejor para mí; cuanto más ganen los músicos, mejor para mí… ¿Entienden ahora? Quiero la más mejón Sinfónica de Sevilla… Aunque a algunos les extrañe. He llegado incluso a leer por ahí a un bobo con ínfulas escribiendo que tenía ya claro que queríamos (se refería a mí y a mi compañero Moreno Mengíbar) acabar con la Sinfónica para sustituirla por no sé qué. Qué soberana gilipollez. Qué cosa tan ridícula. La mejor. Eso quiero. La mejor Sinfónica… ¡que podamos mantener! Claro. Porque esa es la clave.
¿Yo en contra de una orquesta de 103 músicos? ¿Cómo voy a estar en contra? Si fuera de 120, mejor. ¿En contra de un Auditorio? Al contrario, ferviente defensor de la idea del Auditorio. ¿En contra de las subidas salariales a los músicos? En absoluto. Duplicar sus salarios, querría.
El otro día tuve una interesante conversación con un músico sevillano que me ponía el ejemplo de Málaga. Cómo Málaga se había significado gracias a su apuesta por la cultura. Bueno. A Málaga le pusieron el Museo Picasso y a partir de ahí alguien pensó que crear la imagen de una ciudad de museos era buena idea y la fue desarrollando. Como en su día Valencia apostó por la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias o Bilbao por el Guggenheim. Son siempre iniciativas que se toman desde arriba. Yo estaría encantado de que alguien tomara en Sevilla una iniciativa así respecto a la música. De repente un alcalde que dijera que su apuesta estratégica para el futuro de la ciudad fuera esa: cuadruplicamos el presupuesto de Cultura y todo el exceso lo invertimos en música, en la ROSS, el Maestranza y las otras salas de música, los festivales, los ciclos, los grupos, las escuelas… Si encuentran en el discurso político de la ciudad del último medio siglo alguien que dé señales de apostar por algo parecido se lo compro inmediatamente, alguien capaz de asumir los riesgos de un planteamiento de ese estilo, me apunto.
Parece que no hay nadie. Y parece poco realista que algo así vaya a pasar y que el punto de partida para ello sea además una orquesta que no ha hecho sino perder público en los últimos 20 años de vida (y tiene 32). No hay por qué renunciar a crecer, pero lo que hay que hacer es ser realistas. En la Sevilla de 2023, la Sevilla que tiene los dos barrios más pobres de España y otros cuatro entre los 15 más pobres, nadie está pensando en que convertirla en la meca musical del país sería una solución a sus problemas. Es muy poco realista pensar que eso vaya a cambiar en breve. Y por eso a la ROSS no hay que hacerla más grande, hay que hacerla sostenible. Lo mejor posible, pero sostenible.
El hacerse pequeños en épocas de crisis es una regla evolutiva básica. Hay muchísimos ejemplos de especies que quedaron aisladas en islas y sobrevivieron justamente reduciendo sus cuerpos. Incluso a una especie humana le ocurrió: el famoso Homo floresiensis, que pasó centenares de miles de años en la isla de Flores adaptándose a su nuevo entorno y para ello hicieron sus cuerpos más pequeños, exactamente igual por cierto que el Stegodon, una especie de elefante pigmeo con la que convivió. No pasa nada por hacerse más pequeños. Hoy día una orquesta no es mejor por tener una plantilla fija más grande. Hice la prueba preguntando a varios aficionados, críticos y músicos profesionales cuál les parecía la mejor orquesta española del momento. En todas las respuestas estaba en los primeros puestos la Sinfónica de Galicia. Pues bien, la Sinfónica de Galicia está configurada como una orquesta de 81 profesores que mantiene actualmente siete vacantes, es decir, que en realidad paga 74 nóminas de músicos. Su presupuesto es aproximadamente el de la ROSS, pero claro, con 18 nóminas de músicos menos, por lo que tienen más dinero para contrataciones, programas, giras, comunicación, márketing… Eso es lo que marca la diferencia.
Una forma de hacer sostenible a la ROSS es reducir ese 93% del presupuesto que se va en salarios. Y que así haya más dinero para contrataciones, programas, giras, comunicación, márketing… Sólo hay dos formas de hacer eso: o reducir la masa salarial o incrementar los ingresos. Para incrementar los ingresos hay que contar con más patrocinio (la cosa está como ni para pensarlo, sin gerente, un puesto además mal pagado, y con la fama de plantilla problemática clavada ya por mucho tiempo en la tarjeta de visita de la orquesta) o con incrementos institucionales (¿de dónde lo sacamos?, ¿de dónde quitamos? Explíquenselo ustedes a nuestros representantes en las instituciones y cuando los convenzan, hablamos). Para reducir los salarios, basta con hacer la plantilla más pequeña. No. Yo no estoy proponiendo despedir a nadie. Apunto sólo a lo que tendría que ser la tendencia, que va justo en contra de la pretensión de volver a los 103 músicos de plantilla fija. Hoy día, un disparate.
UN RESPETO. De orquestas y huelgas (1)
ORQUESTEMOS (QUE ALGO QUEDA). De orquestas y huelgas (2)
Y SEGUIMOS ORQUESTANDO. De orquestas y huelgas (3)
CRONOPIOLOGÍA. De orquestas y huelgas (4)
LA VÉRITÉ. De orquestas y huelgas (5)
IMAGINAOS. De orquestas y huelgas (6)
EL MURO. De orquestas y huelgas (7)
EL BUEN EMPRESARIO. De orquestas y huelgas (8)
¡VIVA LA MÚSICA! De orquestas y huelgas (9)
PEACE FOR OUR TIME. De orquestas y huelgas (10)
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tundragravedigger · 1 year
Stegodon Tuga by IllustratedMenagerie
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animala2z · 2 years
Elephant – The giant creature of the present time on Earth
The elephant is the largest land animal. Three living species are presently recognized the African backcountry giant, the African timber giant, and the Asian giant. They’re an informal grouping within the subfamily Elephantinae of the order Proboscidea; defunct-elephant proboscideans include the monsters, gomphotheres, and Stegodon.
Elephantine also contains several defunct groups, including the monsters and Palaeoloxodon. African elephants have larger cognizance and hollow tails, whereas Asian elephants have lower cognizance, and convex or position tails. The distinctive features of all elephants include a long conk called a box, tusks, large observance flaps, massive legs, and tough but sensitive skin.
The box is used for breathing, bringing food and water to the mouth, and grasping objects. Tusks, which are deducted from the incisor teeth, serve both as munitions and as tools for moving objects and digging. The large observance flaps help in maintaining a constant body temperature as well as in communication. The pillar- suchlike legs carry their great weight.
Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia and are set up in different territories, including leas, timbers, comeuppance, and morasses. They’re carnivorous, and they stay near water when it’s accessible. They’re considered to be cornerstone species, due to their impact on their surroundings. Elephants have a fission–emulsion society, in which multiple family groups come together to socialize.
Ladies( cows) tend to live in family groups, which can correspond to one womanish with her pins or several affiliated ladies with seeds. The groups, which don’t include bulls, are generally led by the oldest cow, known as the dame.
male (bull)
Males( bulls) leave their family groups when they reach puberty and may live alone or with other males. Adult bulls substantially interact with family groups when looking for a mate. They enter a state of increased testosterone and aggression known as a condition, which helps them gain dominance over other males as well as reproductive success. Pins are the center of attention in their family groups and calculate their matters for as long as three times.
Elephants can live up to 70 times in the wild. They communicate by touch, sight, smell, and sound; elephants use infrasound and seismic communication over long distances. Elephant intelligence has been compared with that of primates and cetaceans. They appear to have tone-mindfulness and appear to show empathy for dying and dead family members.
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Elephant tusks serve numerous purposes. These extended teeth can be used to cover the giant’s box, lift and move objects, gather food, and strip dinghy from trees. They can also be used for defense. During times of failure, mammoths indeed use their tusks to dig holes to find water resistance.
African Breed
Two genetically different African species live the champaign giant and the timber giant, with a number of characteristics that separate them both. The African champaign giant is the largest giant species, while the Asian timber giant and the African timber giant are of a similar, lower size.
Asian mammoths differ in several ways from their African cousins, with further than 10 distinct physical differences between them. For illustration, Asian mammoths’ cognizance is lower compared to the large addict-shaped cognizance of the African species. Only some manly Asian mammoths have tusks, while both manly and womanish African mammoths grow tusks.
Led by a dame, mammoths are organized into complex social structures of ladies and pins, while manly mammoths tend to live in insulation or in small bachelorette groups. A single shin is born to a womanish formerly every four to five times and after a gravidity period of 22 months – the longest of any mammal. Pins are watched for by the entire herd of affiliated ladies. womanish pins may stay with their motherly herd for the rest of their lives, while males leave the herd as they reach puberty.
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jihsjourney · 2 years
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Stegodon elephantoides (Woodyaan)
“The strange looking stegodon is an elephant species with tusks so tightly placed together, their trunks sorta… awkwardly flop over them to one side. These are highly social and intelligent animals, like most elephants, and herds are known to create their own meadows in the jungle in pursuit of browse to eat.”
“Dran remembers this one. For Recognition Hunt many years back, good strategy, failed execution.”
“Bani likes to watch them sometimes. Bani asks Jih to join, but he never does.”
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Once upon a time, long, long ago, the cousins of elephants once roamed the Philippines. A Stegodon was the first large fossil mammal to be scientifically reported in the country. It was found in 1860, and was thought to have weighed about 400 kg, making it a dwarf stegodon. Stegodons had longer tusks than the elephants of today, and they were so close together that the trunk had to lean to one side of both of them! So far, 4 Philippine Stegadon species have been identified. Read more from the National Museum of the Philippines Facebook page search for Stegodon mindanensis, with text by Jiles Arvin A. Vergara. Artprint: https://society6.com/product/philippine-stegodon-on-undas-or-dia-de-los-muertos_print
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alphynix · 5 years
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It's finally time for part 2 of the Island Weirdness series!
(If you haven't seen the previous installments, I suggest starting back at the beginning here.)
We left off last time with the dwarf stegodontids of Flores, but other Indonesian islands also had their own populations of unusually small elephant-relatives — so here's a few more to start off this month.
Island Weirdness #32 — Tiny Elephants On Parade Part 3: More Indonesia
Sinomastodon bumiajuensis lived on the island of Java during the early Pleistocene, about 2-1.5 million years ago. It stood around 2m tall at the shoulder (6'6"), less than half the size of most other Sinomastodon species from mainland Asia. Although it looked convergently similar to modern elephants it was actually a member of the gomphotheres, much more closely related to the weird "shovel-tuskers" than to any living species.
Stegodon semedoensis, also from the early Pleistocene of Java about 1.5 million years ago, is only known from a few isolated molar teeth — but the size of those teeth suggest it was one of the smallest known pygmy stegodontids. It was probably no more than 1.2m at the shoulder (3'11"), comparable in size to its close relative Stegodon sondaari over on Flores.
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Meanwhile on Sulawesi, Elephas celebensis (sometimes called Stegoloxodon celebensis) was an actual true elephant closely related to the modern Asian elephant. Living during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, between about 2.5 million and 800,000 years ago, it was only 1.5m tall (5') and had a second set of tusks in its lower jaw, a "primitive" feature retained from the gomphothere-like ancestors of modern elephants.
At the same time Sulawesi also had yet another small stegodontid, Stegodon sompoensis, also around 1.5m tall.
Both of these dwarfs lived alongside a larger Stegodon species, as well as giant tortoises and large-tusked pigs.
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The cooling climate of the Pleistocene and dropping sea levels eventually connected the islands of western Indonesia to the Sundaland landmass of mainland Asia. Influxes of new predators and competitors — and early humans — probably drove these endemic small elephants to extinction.
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earthstory · 7 years
palaeoart This is a quick video I took in the London Natural History Museum last month. This great display showcases the evolution of Proboscidean molars. Tracking from some of the earliest elephant ancestors - the Eocene Moeritherium - to the more recent but extinct Pleistocene Stegodons and Mammoths. This illustrates 40 million years of molar evolution and how teeth adapted to the different vegetation on offer.
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ainawgsd · 7 years
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Stegodon is a genus of the extinct subfamily Stegodontinae of the order Proboscidea. They lived in large parts of Asia, East and Central Africa during the Pleistocene. Stegodonts were present from 11.6 mya to late Pleistocene, with unconfirmed records of regional survival until 4,100 years ago. 
Stegodon was one of the largest proboscideans. S. zdansky is known from an old male (50+) from the Yellow River that is 12.7 ft tall and weighed approximately 12.7 tonnes. It had a humerus 4.0 ft long, a femur 4.8 ft long, and a pelvis 6.6 ft wide. A dwarf population survived until 12,000 years ago on the island of Flores, Indonesia.
Similar to modern-day elephants, stegodonts were likely good swimmers, as their fossils are frequently encountered on Asian islands. A general evolutionary trend in large mammals on islands is island dwarfing. The smallest dwarf species, S. sondaari, known from 900,000-year-old layers on the Indonesian island of Flores, had an estimated body weight of 660 lbs, smaller than a water buffalo. Dwarf stegodons were hunted by the dwarf hominin Homo floresiensis, and disappeared about 12,000 years ago. It is also believed that dwarf stegodons were the main prey of the still extant Komodo dragon before modern humans introduced their modern main prey in its range, banded pig, rusa deer and water buffalo.
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mr-xev · 7 years
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Hello people! (Im not dead yay) I made this Marina from Splatoon 2 some weeks ago (during the hype wagon before the release) and I thought I should share it here! Im also trying to improve myselft at digital drawing (with photoshop and stuff) maybe I’ll post some of my work, if I ever get them done. btw this is gonna be my new profile pic, bye Kid!
Je comptais vraiment faire une traduction française a chaque fois mais je pense pas que ce soit particulièrement nécessaire au final, dite moi si vous êtes non anglophone, dans ce cas je continuerais !
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