#stefan and damon brotherly love for the win
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hyperdoctor11writes · 1 year ago
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That is an amazing question, anon, that has sparked many debates within the fandom.
Some believe Elena should’ve ended up with Stefan because he brought out all the good in her. He saved her from the car that went over Wickery Bridge that killed her parents. He brought her back to life and lit a spark in her she believed was gone forever. He loved her for being separate from Katherine. He tried to keep Klaus Mikaelson from finding out she was alive for an entire summer. He tried to give himself to Klaus as the vampire in the ritual to break the hybrid curse so that Jenna wouldn’t die. He helped her in her transition into a vampire teaching her she didn’t have to feed on humans. He always did what he thought was in her best interest and not his.
Some believe Elena ended up with Damon because he brought out her humanity. He gave her a love that consumed her. Even when he knew Elena was with Stefan, he still did kind gestures for her and her alone. He made her laugh and smile. He showed up to be her escort at the Miss Mystic Falls when Stefan abandoned her when he became a Ripper again (something he didn’t have to do). He gave her passion and adventure. He’s the one that took her to Georgia to get away from Stefan after she crashed her car leaving the boarding house in tears over the picture of Katherine. He’s the one that helped her embrace her vampire side when Stefan cautioned near extreme restraint in fear of her becoming a Ripper like himself. He even gave her a little danger.
Who was the best for Elena Gilbert?
Both. And neither.
Both and neither? I can hear people ask. How can I say “both and neither?”
It’s simple really.
Both brothers were good for her at certain points in time. They brought out her humanity. They gave her love. They gave her a landing pad when the whole world felt like it was falling down around her. They protected her. They saved her.
But neither were truly good for her. Especially when she was a human the first time. They brought danger to a seventeen-year-old girl who didn’t need that in her life. They brought extra drama she didn’t need. If they had stayed away and out of her life, things might have ended up quite differently than they did. Jenna might still be alive. Elena would’ve possibly never known about the supernatural world. There’s a possibility she could have lived her whole human life to the end without ever once encountering Klaus Mikaelson.
On the flip side, it wasn’t good for either brother to be with Elena. It strained their relationship off and on because they both loved her but neither wanted to end up in a Katherine situation again. They both should’ve packed their bags and headed to Europe or somewhere else far away. They truly did deserve better than Elena waffling over which brother she wanted for as many seasons as she did only to choose Damon in the end.
I am glad, though, that Stefan got a sort-of happily ever after, no matter how short it was, with Caroline. They paired so well together. Even though I am a big shipper of Klaus/Caroline, Stefan/Caroline also gripped my heart. As for Damon, I wish Rose would’ve stayed alive. Those two had amazing chemistry that I wanted to see flourish into something potentially more. She never took his crap but always allowed him the space he needed (which Elena was notoriously bad at).
So who do I think Elena should’ve ended up with in the end? Neither of the brothers. They would’ve been better off without her.
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zalrb · 6 years ago
TVD 3x03 Review
I’m skipping to 3x03 because me and initiumseries already did 3x02 in a drunk review even though for some reason I label it 3x03 (maybe I was still drunk when I uploaded it):
1. I like that when Damon asks Katherine where she is and she says, “Staring out your window, pining away” this fool actually looks around. She isn’t there, Damon.
2. I didn’t realize how whiny Nina is as Katherine until now, my god.
3. “Details are all a blur.” “Well that’s a crying shame.” Translation: YOU DON’T REMEMBER US, STEFAN?
4. Yeah I hate it but in 3x03, when Stefan’s feeding on that woman in the car, Paul is slick there because as an actor he’s relishing the opportunity in being bad, it works well for him.
5. Rebekah’s introduction is pretty good. Just rolling up on Stefan, licking his cheek and talking about the date he just killed. This is why I never understood why when people think of Bad Boy Stefan/Dark Stefan and his partner in crime they go to Katherine, it’s Rebekah he’s the “bad boy” with.
6. “Chicago was magical.” “Yeah well I’ll take your word for it.” Legit Klaus’ utter look of disappointment when Stefan brushes off Chicago is hilarious. Omg, those two.
7. Oh look Damon just in Elena’s bed, she’s clearly uncomfortable and he’s making a sexual joke. Omg totally in love!
8. Oh Look Damon rifling through Elena’s underwear drawer.
9. Caroline’s dad’s logic doesn’t make sense considering that Caroline isn’t going around killing people for blood. She uses blood bags. She has it under control. He can’t turn her into a non-vampire so this entire process is a waste of time.
10. I will say the shot of her being tortured by the sun was good.
11. Damon forcing Elena to read Stefan’s diary is literally just him trying to knock him down a peg in her eyes.
12. I was going to say I find it interesting that as a ripper Stefan would continue to write in his journal but in the ‘20s Stefan doesn’t have his humanity off, he’s just off the deep end with his ripper nature so he’s manic, which means he does feel and Stefan probably feels things the most profoundly on the show so it would make sense he’d journal.
13. Stefan as a Ripper is also just a bro. Which I find funny.
14. “What is this?” *shows a picture of Stefan and Klaus.” “I told you, Stefan, Chicago is a magical place.” LOL. Be boyfriends.
15. HA. Yo I’m sorry man but Stefan grabs Klaus and pulls him around to face him, Joseph’s face JUST looks turned on. They can’t help this shit and it’s HILARIOUS.
16. They tried to recreate the Klebekah scene with Steroline but the latter felt flat for SO many reasons. First of all, with Klebekah, their victim is panting, which adds a really disturbing sense of eroticism to the scene. Second of all, Stefan starts touching Rebekah AS they feed on this woman. Third of all, Claire and Paul just had better chemistry.
17. “I’m bored, I want to go.” “Then go without me I’m not your girlfriend.” Says Rebekah to her brother meanwhile her brother and Stefan are eye-fucking the shit out of each other after Stefan and Rebekah were getting off on killing an innocent woman. Legit the three of them together are MESSY.
18. There is so much inappropriate tension in this scene.
19. And again, Klaus looks so turned on at Stefan committing violence, he STAYS adjusting himself, like omg.
20. This is the second Black female bartender that Damon’s flirted with that’s ended up dead.
21. I think what I actually enjoy about Elena reading Stefan’s ripper diaries is that she flips through it looking for hope (one of their fundamental themes) and she gets to the 30s where Stefan says the bloodlust is easier and Lexi’s onto her next project, which is getting him to laugh and she smiles, assured. I like it because she didn’t have to see that he was “cured” she just had to see that he was better.
22. The closet scene! AND their love theme plays. 3x03 is definitely not an underrated scene among SErs but I always like talking about how layered it is in terms of the characters and in terms of chemistry. I bring it up a lot because Lupita Nyong’o brought up a point about chemistry:
“Chemistry is something that you pray for as an actor because it is so hard to fabricate. It’s so much easier to just have it and then, you know, work on other things, on your intention and your action and all that. Trying to fabricate chemistry is just … it adds another … it’s a lot of energy.”
And I think a prime example of this is 3x03 because even the way Nina spoke about the scene, about how at that point, it had been the longest time she and Paul had gone without filming a scene together so seeing him really felt like seeing him for the first time and the feeling of the scene
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And like I’ve said before, Elena being in the closet is Stefan’s past/his darkness and his future/his light converging in one space.
But also what I like about SE and the way TVD had written them is they give them mini tests within the relationship that they then overcome. For instance, Stefan is super far gone, he’s off the wagon, he’s been murdering people for months, is he so far gone that he’ll turn on Elena? And for a second it looks like he might when calls Klaus over but he doesn’t because he just gives him a vintage.
Stefan is drinking human blood, Elena doesn’t like it, is that going to be a choice that tears them apart or brings them together? Elena chooses to be in it with Stefan by giving him her vein.
There’s constant tension between Stefan’s vampirism and SE love and SE love always wins out. 
23. “I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone, process it and move on.” Damon, you’re a dick.
24. Klaus is so in love with Stefan and I find it hilarious because this isn’t brotherly at all.
25. These stares. Get a ROOM.
26. Yeah see Candice is good at screaming when it comes to being tortured but when it comes to crying she’s adequate at best.
28. Touching chests and shit.
29. Klaus: I forgot what it was like to have a brother.
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30. It always bothered me that when the vampire use vampire speed in the show and slam each other against things like walls and doors, nothing dents or cracks. They do it in Mr and Mrs. Smith for godsake and they’re not even vampires!
31. That was a BAD shot of Ian, man, he looked old as fuuuuuuuuuuuck.
32. “Well I am torn, you see, I promised Stefan I wouldn’t let you die but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you WANT to die otherwise you wouldn’t be here...” Jo’s delivery is on point.
33. I’ve said it before but the, “You shouldn’t be here.” “Where else would I be?” and Elena’s head tilt like of COURSE I’d come after you, of COURSE I’m here, of course, of course, of course, is really just pure SE.
34. “When I’m done with him, he won’t want to go back.” Idc, the writers had to know that that the line was DRIPPING with innuendo.
35. “I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to be with you.” SE did this so much better than DE did because it wasn’t hyperbolic and the inflection in Paul’s tone, the shocked stillness of Elena is just done so WELL. And their circumstance is also SO MUCH sadder than DE’s was because DE’s issue was literally just that Damon was trash.
36. Aww Forwood.
37. Oh Klaus stabbing Rebekah because she wants to leave, I just wish they made them Cesare and Lucrezia. Go all the way. Cowards.
38. Klaus: Look guys, we’re an Ot3 again!
39. See when Rebekah throws over the casket, it should break apart.
40. Stefan’s hair really was stupid in the 20s.
41. “Have you seen these two people before?” “No.” “OK.” That’s it?
Alright guy, thanks for reading!
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we-pay-for-everything · 8 years ago
If you had to choose: Xander or Willow? Tara or Oz? Anya or Cordelia? Cangel or Spuffy? (Since I know how much you ship both of them, lol ;)) Wesley or Giles? Klaroline or Delena? Caroline or Elena? Deamon or Stefan? Have fun! :)
Xander or Willow
Don’t get me wrong, I love Xander, but I’ve always related more to Willow. However, these days I probably love Xander more than Willow. Don’t know.  
Tara or Oz
I find Tara a bit annoying to be honest, and don’t adore her like most of the fandom seems to. Oz is cool, confidant, smart, calm, witty. I like him more.
Anya or Cordelia 
If we’re talking Buffy, than I prefer Cordelia. If we’re considering Buffy and Angel, then Anya might win out. 
Cangel or Spuffy
Spuffy is appalling but Cangel is mostly harmless so I prefer it. 
Wesley or Giles
Wesley is my second favorite character. I love who he is and his story. Giles is a character that I never really loved. I don’t like how he was character assassinated in season 6 and I think the writers wasted the much potential Giles had. My fave Giles, though, is stuffy season 1 Giles. I love that Giles.
Klaroline or Delena 
So, I admit to shipping Delena when I first watched TVD (and I prefer Delena to Stelena), but tbh, I’m not that fond of Delena any more. It was just in the moment. Klaroline is an OTP though and I really look forward to TO season 5.
Caroline or Elena
I don’t dislike Elena, but she can be meek and boring. Caroline is much better. She’s energetic, passionate, fun, charismatic. She’s great on-screen. 
Damon or Stefan
I like them both but I love their brotherly relationship the most. Damon is an asshole but he is a fun one, so I prefer him. 
Thanks for the ask! 
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zalrb · 8 years ago
Oops forgot a title {TVD 1x06 Review}
Hi all! Welcome to the sixth review of TVD season 1. Considering that I haven’t like sat down to watch a full episode of the past seasons of TVD in a few years and my memory might not be the greatest I think I will start with my usual disclaimer: I write my thoughts in real time so if I make a mistake at the beginning of this post, it will be corrected by the end. There will be anti-Damon and anti-Delena sentiments (I’m only mentioning these two because it’s the beginning of the series), and in light of recent events I feel the need to say that there may be some anti-Jenna sentiments too. I will probably bring up other shows and call attention to misogynoir, racism, anti-blackness etc. Also I do not have MS Word right now so I wrote this on Kingsoft, which is eh, so some of the formatting might be off. Ready? Let’s go. 
And Tumblr deleted my numbering again.
OK but seriously it legitimately makes no sense that Elena, Jeremy, Caroline and Tyler don’t know about vampires because if the whole point is that the founding families make up the council and the journals are passed down from generation to generation then they should be indoctrinated in anti-vampire rhetoric from a young age, like it’s a “family tradition.”
My friend works in film and she hates the costuming TVD has for 1864 so now every time I see it I just laugh.
Elena is actually pretty chill considering she just found out Stefan is a vampire, like no part of her thinks she’s going crazy.
“Everything you know and every belief you have is about to change. Are you ready for that?” I find it so interesting that people like to claim that Elena matured with Damon because next to the fact that she actually regresses, Elena was already pretty grown up. She lost her parents at a young age and that aged her up already and then she met Stefan who she navigates the supernatural world with and that expands her mind and grows her up some more, so like??
I never got how vampires could get through the windows without anyone hearing, I mean sure they have superspeed but like I don’t know do they crouch and crawl through really quickly? What’s going on?
There is legit so much intensity between Stefan and Elena when he begs her not to be afraid and to hear him out, like Paul poured himself into that scene.
Just have to call attention to the Dobsley chemistry again because they seriously feed off of each other’s energy in this scene.
I always find it angsty goodness that Stefan is on the porch standing guard of Elena.
Even when Stefan is explaining to Elena that Damon is a murderer he is still lowkey defending his actions when it comes to Caroline, “If he wanted to kill her then he would have, she has no idea what’s happening to her” but the show wants me to believe that Elena led Stefan back to Damon? Stefan never fucking left.
“I’m getting really bored and really impatient and I don’t DO bored and impatient!” Damon legit sounds like he’s 16.
Have we ever seen a TV in the Salvatore Mansion?
“I win, what’s my prize?” *stares intensely at Stefan* “What would you like i to be” Damon, always the cockblocker.
“I didn’t care that I had gotten something that my brother wanted, I didn’t even care if it hurt him, I only knew that I wanted her.” And people are saying Stefan never owns up to being selfish or inconsiderate?
“What Damon wants, Damon usually gets, now I didn’t know it at the time but it turns out that night, Katherine was with him too” — “that night” as in the Founder’s Party. So yes, I believe Stefan had originally thought that he had won Katherine’s hand and didn’t realize she was with both of them until after he was compelled which is the first time they had sex but not the night of the Founder’s Ball.
All this sighing in the Steferine sex scene is just like … I don’t … You two … OK.
I also always found it really sexy that Stefan strokes her neck.
You know they show a lot of enslaved peoples this episode and then we don’t ever delve into that history or acknowledge that the history Bonnie would know would be very different than that of the Founding families. They like to bring Bonnie’s magical history into the mix but never explore how it would intersect with her being African American. But they want to spend a fucking season on the Donovans feeling angry and ashamed? Like I told an anon before who asked me why I watch TVD but not The 100, if TVD had come on now, I wouldn’t be able to.
Stefan waking up and touching his neck and scurrying on the bed to get away from Katherine is more or less what happened with Caroline and Damon except less physically violent because Katherine is manipulating Stefan’s emotions. No, she didn’t compel him to say “I love you” but to tell him to “go on exactly as we have” is taking away his natural emotions about her secret, which was fear and that’s messed up. Which is why Stefan is so adamant on not doing the same thing to Elena.
“You have no idea of the future I have planned for us, Stefan. You, me, and Damon. No rules.” So I do believe he doesn’t know what kind of dynamic they’re all in until after he’s compelled, which I think is manipulative on her part.
And Stefan doesn’t even look like he’s accepting of what he’s hearing but he has no choice but to continue as they were. “She could control my mind and Damon’s and she compelled each of us to hide the secret from the other” — I mean, I know in 1x09 when Damon reveals that he wasn’t compelled the show wants us to feel sorry for Damon but like how must that feel for Stefan, thinking that they were both her victims but then Damon being like “No I knew everything every step of the way.” LIKE?
“Damon and I, looks like we’re stuck with each other, like it or not.” No, fam, you’re stuck with HIM: “Everywhere I go, pain and death follow me, Damon follows me.” LIKE. I’m sorry, seeing a flashback of y’all playing football is not enough to convince me of a once strong brotherly bond that keeps you linked. Then again, I am an only child.
So Mayor Lockwood knows about vampires but not that he comes from a line of werewolves? How does that work? Or did he know?
Damon, why is your shirt suddenly unbuttoned?
And Vicki being in her underwear this entire time is like … But why? I may not find Ian attractive but if Vicki is in her underwear then Damon could at least be completely topless.
People keep asking me if I find Ian a good dancer and they always refer to this episode. Like what about this would make me think he’s a good dancer though?
I never realized that they went to Stefan’s room to legit just trash it. Damon is the pettiest man ALIVE. Like OMG. I’m laughing right now because like … Honestly, Damon give it a fucking rest.
Oh look when he kills Vicki because he’s in his feelings about Katherine.
The last time I rewatched TVD I was in New York and dating this guy and we were going through our guilty pleasures list so I mentioned TVD and he wanted to watch it and I was like, *sigh* you can’t make fun of me and he promised he wouldn’t (he lied) and we were watching this episode and he was like, Kay so you can’t have wooden bullets because … OK I forget the reason why a gun can’t have wooden bullets but he refused to watch the rest of the episode because of it and we just ended up making out lmao.
“But I also wanted to protect you from me.” Stefan legit always admits his own selfish desires.
So cute that when Stefan and Elena get back to her place and Vicki is there and he knows right away that she’s transitioning he first tells Elena to get away from her.
Also really sweet is Stefan being able to calm Vicki down, his voice and that stare, “Calm down. Everything is going to be fine.” And he nods then she nods. Such a grounding force.
Also I may not think the actress who plays Vicki is that great but she definitely did manic vampire transition craze better than Nina.
OK it’s just drinking human blood that doesn’t necessitate killing. Caroline fed from a blood bag. I mean she ended up killing someone that night anyway but still.
Elena is legitimately afraid of Damon, like she actually takes a deep exhale when he walks away from her because she’s that afraid he’ll kill her but they want to retcon this and have her say she was never afraid of him in season 6?
It’s funny, the Vicki/Stefan scene is sort of a parallel to Elena/Damon because Vicki is crying and vulnerable and Stefan says he can help her but doesn’t do anything quite yet because he’s waiting to hear what she wants and what she says is, “I want to go home, can you take me home?” and Damon just forced Elena to turn off her humanity without thinking of the repercussions.
I used to like the Defan moment when Damon saves Stefan from Logan and is all “If anyone’s going to kill you it’s going to be me” because I thought it showed how deep down Damon actually cared about Stefan and I know that it’s supposed to but now I’m like, I mean I guess trashing his room isn’t going to be that fun if he isn’t alive to see the mess.
WHY would you go looking for a vampire on your own though? At least pair up! Omg, the council is USELESS.
“You’re bleeding!” Elena may be confused and angry at Stefan and worried at Vicki but if she thinks he’s hurt, she goes into overdrive.
I like how still Stefan is when Elena says she can’t be with him anymore because it feels like he’s holding his breath with grief while Elena is sliding down the door hyperventilating and it just goes back to this idea of them being able to breathe when with each other.
Also Stefan can hear Elena crying through the door because vamp hearing.
Thanks for reading!
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