#steel ball askers
steelball-askers · 3 months
Hot pants, would you ride a dinosaur instead of a horse?
I know what you're trying to get me to admit here. And the answer is; maybe I want the dinosaur to ride me. ;)
- Hot Pants
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yuriisclumsy · 3 months
After I read that Cale x flirty reader!!..I screamed..Like oh my!!.. Can I make a request where is the enemy to lovers?.. Like the reader is a villain who likes to flirt with Cale every time they meet. In addition, this reader is shameless.. Definitely a mess dan chaotic 🤣🤣🤣.. And the reader kisses Cale on the cheek before she leaves saying 'Next time we meet, I'll ask for the size of your ring finger, Bye baby.".. I want to see Cale and the many reactions too..Bye author
Take care of yourself 😘
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Villains Have a Heart Too, Y'know
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1,355
»»►When I got this request I was surprised many people liked Flirty Reader!
»»►I went off a bit from the request, but what can I do? When a good plot just pops up I have to follow it, no matter if it has little to do with the request. Still, I do try to make it as closely to the asker's request.
»»►I feel like, for this scenario, it would take place in the Whooper Kingdom–you’ll know why once you read.
»»►On another note, [Name] has had encounters with Cale ever since he somehow got transmigrated into the world of Birth of a Hero. The man is tired. But let’s be real, when is he not?
»»►Cale just has to deal with another headache-giving-maniac sadly.
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Metals were crashing.
The clash between steel signified a battle taking place. Brutal forces wrestle against each other for dominion. 
Fighting for power. It has always been like this.
Walls and towers, buildings–whether high or low–cumbled due to the aggressiveness of battle. Many scurried off to safety, finding a safe place to hide until the warfare concluded with its victors.
In the Whopper Kingdom, where mages were deemed to be spans of evil, stood a woman of great talent. She was a genius in her field, with masses tittling her: “The Grand Magician.”
The Grand Magician had been a force not to be reckoned with ever since her ascension through the Magic Tower. Which is why she is the main target for the Rebellion; Toonka's sworn enemy.
“Come back here witch!” a wounded man yelled.
“Awww, is little Toonka unable to land a hit?” the girl said. She giggled at the man’s inability to harm her.
“Why, you little sh-t! AHHH!” The man–Tookan–charged at her with fists fully ready to punch her. He missed by a large margin.
“You missed me!~” the girl taunted Toonka. She had been flying on a broom this whole time, using spells to her advantage, without fully killing the barbaric man. She had the power to eliminate her opponent, but she found more joy from playing with her food.
She laughed at Toonka’s poor excuse of attacks.
“Get down here you demon-incarnate!”
“My my, that insult is far too sophisticated for you! Did you finally grow a brain?”
“I alway had a brain you b-tch!” Toonka leaped in the air in anger, and missed her once again.
“What foul language,” the mage manifested a staff, “I should teach you some manners!” Twirling her staff summoned a ray of spells; casting lighting in the field—all which Toonka managed to avoid. How lucky.
“Damn you woman!” Toonka screamed as he barely missed a bolt.
“Hehehe…HAHAHAHA!” The girl laughed hysterically with tears in her eyes. She loved to see people from above, scramble like ants.
“Hahaha...ahhh. Dear me, I haven’t had this much fun in a while,” she said, wiping away a tear that had formed.
An orb suddenly appeared next to the mage flashing in alert.
“Hmmm…” in amusement she took it into her hands, one hand gracefully waving above it. An image appeared on the sphere; a red haired male was shown through the ball—he seems to be inside the Magic Tower.
“Dear me, if it isn't my sweet love,” she looks at Toonka after making the crystal ball disappear, “sorry, little Toonka, seems our playtime needs to be paused and rescheduled to a later date. Hope you can keep entertaining me. Ta ta~”
Casting a spell, she disappeared slowly to the disgust of the man she bid farewell to.
She had done it on purpose.
The twentieth floor, the master of the magic tower’s room.
“I-I thought I was going to die…!!”
A young mouse-dwarf child had almost seen his soul ascending to the heavens above a few seconds prior, when his tiny body was lifted off the ground and flew to the top of the magic tower.
He stepped back trying to ground himself. He bumped into someone, making him turn around apologetically.
“I-I’m sorry,” he turned around only to see a cat.
His eyes meet the gaze I casted at him.
How awkward.
“There is one more floor in the magic tower,” the kid said, diverting his embarrassing moment. 
“Then is the twenty-first floor the master's room?” I, in all my mercy, went on with my business like nothing happened. This was much appreciated by the boy.
“No, that’s not what we call it.”
“Then what do you call it?” I questioned him.
The real room of the master of the magic tower. A place that even the non-wizard alliance hasn’t found; a room no one knew the existence of.
At Least, that was the only thing that was stated in Birth of a Hero.
“Ground Zero,” a high pitched voice responded.
“We call it Ground Zero.”
It doesn't belong to the child, nor could it have come from him–since he didn’t know the room's actual name–the cats did not speak in this form, they knew better than that.
I can recognize that voice even if I become half deaf…
“[Name]...” I called the name of the intruder, facing her as she appeared from a mist that manifested out of thin air.
“Hello,” She smiled innocently, “it’s been a while…dear Cale.”
I stare at her with a suspicion of a hundred detectives. “What are you doing here?”
The children recoil behind me. The mouse: scared out of his mind; The cats: hissing at the intruder.
She had been causing nothing but wreck since the day I met her.
“Awww… did you not miss me?” She pouted.
“No.” I said bluntly.
In truth, although she is destructive, she’s never killed anyone. She may act like an evil witch, but she’ll alway cast barriers to protect.
The reason she acts like she does is still a mystery, even to me.
“Bo-hoo…” She pouted. She quickly got over it and spoke, “So, Want the treasure of this tower now? You know, if you called for me beforehand, I would have shown you the way.”
“Then take me there.”
“Nope,” She smiled teasingly at me. Honestly…can’t I just have a day without a headache. “If I did, you would just leave right after, leaving me all alone in this empty tower.”
“Then what do you propose?” I inquired.
“Well… I want to join your little fiasco.”
“*HISS*” the cats hissed at her. They really don’t like her.
I narrowed my eyes on her. I can’t deny that she would be really useful if she joined us. But on the contrary, the people of the anti-wizard organization would look at us in a not so good light. Tonka is my main problem. If I let her in, Toonka will follow me until the end of the world for, quote-on-quote, “betraying him.”
I don’t need more problems. But his majesty would kill me if he found out I didn’t recruit her in. Luck isn't on my side this time.
“You can join.”
“Oh, I knew you wouldn't let me—wait, what?” she paused, looking at me incredulously. “What did you say?”
“I said you can join,” I repeated.
“I CAN JOIN?!?!?!?”
We flinched back.
Jeez… Wasn’t it her idea in the first place? Why is she acting like this after I said yes? Honestly… I’ll never understand a woman’s mind.
“..yes,” I said slowly to not ignite another yell.
She jumped up and down while squealing in excitement.
“Oh, I have to go and pack my things!” she summoned her staff, with a swing in the air she started to disappear the same way she appeared. “See you soon love! Next time I’ll ask for your ring size!~”
“Oh, and little Mueller?” she spoke to the boy hiding behind me.
“Yes..!” he shrieked.
“Open up Ground Zero for Cale, will you?” She then fully vanished.
“*sigh…*” I turn to look at Mueller. “Well? Are you going to open ground zero, or not?”
“Ah! Y-yes, right away!” he scurried off to do what he was told.
What have I gotten myself into?
"Human, do you want me to obliviate her?"
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @lablog5, @htshbtcp, @purposefulwhale, @leylnnn, @ixchelhernandez4, @minteaspoon. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family updates. Back to Lout Of Count's Family Master-List
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whorety-k · 4 months
Hello! Wanted to say that I really love your work about Konrad. I recently listened to the song Type O Negative - Love You To Death and realized that it would be just perfect for him. I would be glad if you get inspired to write a new post for it (´꒳`)♡
I love this song and you're absolutely right: it's perfect. This is targeting me for being goth (and a Peter Steele appreciator, rest in peace beloved) and I am unable to get it out of my mind, thank you. Type O Negative songs + Konrad Curze and just the natural progression of things. You ripped me right out of another fic like my soul ascending to daemonhood (sorry Fulgrim asker, this is one of my favorite songs).
Please have another really good Konrad song for what I've written! Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge [YouTube] [Spotify]
without further ado, have some horny
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Pairing: Konrad Curze x afab!Reader
Song Inspiration: Love You to Death - Type O Negative [YouTube] [Spotify] “I beg to serve / your wish is my law / Now close your eyes and let me love you to death / Shall I prove I mean what I’m saying, begging? / I say the beast inside of me is gonna getcha, getcha, get—”
Warnings: SMUT, porn without plot, dubcon (but not actually, reader is into it), injury, blood kink, descriptions of blood, not quite blood as lube but it’s there, physical restraints (bondage + gagging), we’re visiting an apothecary after this one everybody
Word Count: 666 (well if that's not telling...)
Tag List: @egrets-not-regrets @sleepyfan-blog @kit-williams
A shudder rips down your spine from the chill of the room, bare nipples perking. He eats up your soft whimpers, digging his sharpened nails into the soft flesh of your hips as if you’d run away at the first chance you could get. The pain sends jolts of electricity down your legs, knees twitching limply from where he has you restrained. Navy blue cordage has your arms trapped helplessly against your sides, wrists bound to your ankles. A claw ghosts down the pretty arch in your back. “Gorgeous little rabbit, you are,” he croons, breath puffing against your ear. You whine, causing the giant to tut at you in mock sympathy.
Konrad’s hot tongue laves desperate laps up and down your thighs— hot, wet, chasing after crimson trails like a man possessed. The intensity of his eyes has you just as pinned as the soft ropes affixing you to yourself. “You were the one that wanted this, my dear,” the Night Haunter taunts, softly shaking his head. You try to choke a response, but your words are lost to limitations of the ball-gag. Curze perks up, eyes alight in false sincerity. “Did you not?” he asks, using a sharp nail to raise your chin. Your eyes fall as they refuse to meet his gaze. Loaded silence passes between the two of you before he roughly grabs your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. His voice is tense with disappointment, growling out, “Your body makes for an awful liar. I can smell you, bloody minx.”
A crimson hand traces the heat between your legs, rubbing tantalizing circles around your slit. “All of that effort to garner my favor… why act so ungrateful? Was this not your goal?” Konrad scoffs, sinking a thick finger inside of your wet warmth, “Only a fool shows such kindness without an expectation of repayment.” A second finger slips in beside the first, prodding roughly against your front as they pump in and out of your fluttering core. Stars fill your vision at the rush of adrenaline his ministrations send through your veins, and a muffled cry leaves your lips and your back arches forward against the restraints. You feel more than see the razor edge against your cheek before the gag in your mouth suddenly comes loose, dropping onto your spread lap. “Care to repeat yourself?” your captor inquires, continuing to tease your bud. 
A deep breath fills your lungs for the first time since the Night Haunter had lured you to his quarters. Your eyes rim with tears of overstimulation and delicious pain, thighs and hips aching with still-bleeding wounds. “Please,” you beg through glossy, spit-laden lips, angling your hips forward.
A wicked smile blooms on Konrad’s pale face, a modicum too wide to be ingenuous. He leans forward, whispering, “Good pet, finally being honest with yourself. Let me reward you.” Slick sounds of the Night Haunter working you open echo against the walls of the dark chamber, deadened by the rush of blood in your ears. The coil in your belly begins to wind tighter with each exploratory thrust of his fingers, large palm stimulating your nub. The harsh pleasure causes the tension to snap, and Curze dips his head to place a sloppy kiss to your parted lips, tongue devouring the inside of your mouth and eating up your cries as you clench around his digits. He coasts you through your high, bordering overstimulation before retreating his fingers from you. 
Konrad looks over his work, swiping up another trail of blood with a soiled finger. “Quite the mess,” he teases, dark eyes tracing your heaving form. He raises his hand to his lips and licks off the erotic mixture of blood and desire from his fingers as if it's his final meal, emitting low growls and grunts as commentary on the taste. When he’s finished, the primarch pushes you onto your front, pressing one of his massive hands between your shoulders. 
“One worthy of expanding, certainly.”
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nostalgiachan · 6 months
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I totally didn't realize I didn't post these guys after they were done almost a year ago, but we're back on the 100 OC Challenge train!
As always, new designs up top, old below, and character info below the cut.
#61: Sirno Idea: Queen of the BONE ZONE Story: Dragon Tavern
Sirno is easily the least developed of the Seekers, and quite possibly the least developed out of all of the Dragon Tavern characters period. Seriously, I never got her beyond "She's a Bone Lord," even with the 2016 redesigns. Luckily, the Idea Machine got chugging while I was working on this sketch.
Growing up, Sirno was a military brat; both of her parents were enlisted in the Deadlands military, and her father became a recruiter after his first tour through the swamps. Thanks to them moving between garrisons every few years, Sirno was frequently a new kid in town, so it was difficult for her to make friends and nearly impossible to keep them. On top of that, thanks to her permanent new-kid status, her offbeat looks, her imposing height even at a young age and her quiet nature, she was frequently the target of bullying; she particularly remembers kids either asking her out or trying to set up their friends with her as a joke. Eventually, once she reached adolescence, if anyone approached and asked her to "say something funny" or if she wanted to go to the ball that weekend, she'd cut the bullshit herself and whip the asker's ass.
Of course, all this did was turn the direct bullying into exclusion and get her kicked out of more than a few academies. But at the time, it made her feel a little better that she could kick the ass of anyone and anything.
By the time she was sixteen, she decided school was for losers and she wanted to join the military like her parents; she enlisted and soon went on a few tours through the swamps. About five years into service, it was determined she'd be a perfect candidate for Bone Lord training.
Bone Lords pilot ten-or-so foot tall constructs of bone and alchemically-treated gore, their bodies ensconced in the torso and connected to the construct via magical wire. This connection allows the pilot to control the construct through conscious thought alone, as though they are one organism.
Sirno took to the program with flying colors; when she was first interred into her armor, she felt as though she had finally become what she was always meant to be. When she wore her armor, she was no longer some lanky, awkward walking target for people to start shit with, a fragile creature of blood and meat and feeling; she was a towering, terrifying monstrosity, and any dumb enough not to treat her with the respect she was due would feel her might. The more time she spent in the suit, the more she wished she never had to take it off.
When the search for the Champions kicked into high gear, she jumped at the opportunity to see the world outside of the Deadlands and show new people she was not to be fucked with.
#62: Vermire Idea: Transing Your Gender Through Superior Alchemy™ Story: Dragon Tavern
19yo Nost wanted her own version of Gren from Cowboy Bebop and had no notion of transgender issues, so cut her a little slack on this one.
Vermire is the first of the Seekers of the Steel Empire, and was built around the fact that I accidentally set his gender to "female" when I meant to make him "male". Vermire is a sanctioned alchemist - in short, he can craft potions without getting branded as a heretic and put to the sword because what he's doing is definitely not magic, it's science. One day, he was trying to craft a potion to improve his eyesight so that he wouldn't need glasses anymore. He succeeded, but there was a serious side effect - the potion acted as a massive dose of estrogen and gave him curves. He was already a fairly androgynous looking man, and he didn't want to have to explain his downstairs mix-up, so he started presenting as sexually ambiguous, female leaning.
Over the years, as the Dragon Tavern characters sat in the box, I kept revisiting his character; in his first major revision, I got rid of the silly "comedic gender bender" aspects and turned his story into more of a commentary on male privilege and sexism. Vermire adopted a female presentation to protect himself while he searched for a cure, taking on the role of his own sister as his sudden development of a more feminine form would very likely be seen as heretical magic. However, while the quality of his alchemical work didn't change, the perception from his peers absolutely did; colleagues were far more harsh to his "sister", critiquing "her" work far more than they ever did his and overall treating "her" with much less respect.
Between his work being severely hamstringed by his sexist colleagues and the danger of his physical situation being potentially found out, Vermire was quite eager to take up the hunt for the Champions of the Steel Empire; it would be much easier to hide his body with heavy coats and field wear, and besides that, even in the rare chance some foreigner was to see his body, they probably wouldn't try to immediately execute him for it...right?
Overall, the gender story will need quite a bit more workshopping, especially to make it interesting, but not exploitative.
#63: Maer Idea: a very big steam powered giraffe what smokes The Steamest Punk Story: Dragon Tavern
Maer only slightly ranks above Sirno as least developed of the Seekers, and the worst part is I didn't have the big flash of inspiration to retool him like I did her. Thus, poor Maer's stuck in development hell at the moment.
What I do know about the fellow is he's a Steam Crafter, an engineer that builds steam-powered machinery. Steamworks are seen as the more reliable scientific field in the Steel Empire compared to Vermire's sanctioned alchemy and the "mad science" of the Outcast Engineers, being responsible for the Empire's rapid industrialization. In recent years, the reach of steam power has expanded to the military, and a subsect of crafters have gone to work building various walking suits and automata in the hopes of supplementing - and possibly replacing - the likes of the Cavaliers as defenders of the homeland.
Maer is part of that subsect, having been inspired to take up the sciences after learning about Paz's success as a young teen, though he wasn't fast-tracked to academy like she was. When he learns about the reward for Paz's capture, though he's still enrolled at the time, he packs up his primary automaton, Twiggy, and heads into the field, hoping to meet her for the first time and learn what the hell she's been up to.
And unfortunately, that's all I know about the man at present. We'll get there.
#NINTENDO64: Terinelle Idea: Badass old knight woman Story: Dragon Tavern
Terinelle, much like Arlein, was the subject of a massive overhaul back when I first redesigned these characters back in 2017; she was originally a much younger woman, like most of the other characters. But during the redesigns, I became much more interested in representing older characters, and in particular, older women; badass old men, after all, are pretty common, but badass old women, much less so. She also underwent an ethnic update, being changed from vague "anime" ethnicity to specifically inspired by Armenian women.
Terinelle is a Cavalier, the classic knight in shining armor atop a noble steed. When she first began her career fifty years prior, she was the lone knighted woman, fighting doubly hard as her compatriots to rise in the ranks; now, she stands among the upper echelon, and has inspired other young women to join the knighthood. Unfortunately, even now, she and those who joined in her wake still face discrimination from their male peers and superiors, and on top of that, younger knights tend to question her competency due to her age.
Of course, those brazen enough to attempt to duel her to increase their prestige or "put her in her place" quickly learn their lessons. See, among Cavaliers, rather than displaying their rank and prestige through medals or armor decoration, they display it through their hair; a Cavalier only cuts their hair if they are defeated in battle, with the cut-off locks becoming a trophy for the winner.
Terinelle has not cut her hair in fifty years.
After putting her boots to another whippersnapper's throat and it still doing little to shut up her detractors, Terinelle had finally had enough of Imperial society. She had pretty much everything she could possibly want - a rich estate, a loving husband, children she adored and a litter of grandchildren on the way - but she wanted to seek glory in new lands. So, when the call went out for people to seek out the Champions of the Steel Empire, she jumped at the opportunity. Sure, she would miss her family dearly, but surely, she wouldn't be gone for that long. There were only so many places those kids could be, right?
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bd-scarletvalentine · 6 years
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“We maybe didn’t won the contest, but we sure had a lot of fun tonight.❤ ”
[[ I’m finally able to post it in public! My babu muse dancing with @stinkygyro‘s! I like how it turned out. ]]
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merryfortune · 6 years
All 56 of them XD
You probably thought I wouldn’t but try me boo, xx
rip mobile users
1. Fave Jojo?
Johnny or Jonathan
2. Fave part?
3. Fave anime opening?
4. Fave anime ending?
Roundabout??? Idk... I never listen to the endings.
5. Fave pose?
Giorno’s titty pose
6. Fave stand?
7. Fave line?
I loved Foo’s quotes about memories right before... That
8. Fave catchphrase?
Nyo ho ho
9. Fave fight?
Already answered.
10. Fave villain?
Funny Valentine. I hate him so much. That’s why he’s good.
11. Fave ship?
12. Fave character?
Gyro :0
13. Fave thing about the Jojo fandom?
The diversity of art and fic. I think because the parts are so different, it attracts people for different reasons and I love seeing the art styles or writing that comes out in relation.
14. Fave thing about the Jojo series?
The pop culture references
15. Top 3 side characters?
Anne, Manson’s Stand User, Rikiel
16. Least fave Jojo and why?
Already answered. 
17. Least fave part and why?
Already answered. 
18. Least fave fight and why?
Already answered.
19. Least fave thing about the Jojo fandom?
Already answered.
20. Least fave thing about the Jojo series?
Sexualisation of underage girls. Trish, Lucy, Yukako, and Daiya all deserve better.
21. Do you prefer the anime or the manga? Why?
I prefer the manga simply because there’s more of it but I think I’ll understand VA better once I watch the anime haha.
22. Do you prefer stands or hamon/ripple?
23. Do you prefer Araki’s older art style or his newer style?
I’m a vanilla normie. I like his newer style better.
24. Stand ability you wish you had?
Already answered.
25. Stand ability you think wasn’t used well enough in the series?
Echoes is so fucking good to the point I would call it theoretically OP. I think Koichi could have done a lot more with his powers had had more time with Echoe.
26. Stand ability you thought didn’t suit the character it belonged to?
Joseph and Hermit Purple. I don’t think its appearance or ability suits Joseph at all.
27. Stand ability you think is the strongest/most powerful?
shit I was thinking about this the other day and I did come to a conclusion but now I’ve forgotten. I don’t believe it was D4C or Made In Heaven..... Bohemian Rhapsody and Echoes are close, I think anyway. Hm, I’m not sure. I think all Stands have their uses, weaknesses and strengths so I think there’s no sure-fire way of deciding.
28. Kiss, marry, kill (Asker picks 3 characters)
No characters were given so I can’t.
29. Rank your order, favourite to least favourite of: All the Jojos
1. Jonathan
2. Johnny
3. Jotaro
4. Giorno
5. Jolyne
6. Jo2uke
7. Josuke
8. Joseph
30. Rank your order: Jojo main villains
1. Funny Valentine
2. Dio
3. Kira
4. Pucci
5. The Pillar Men/Kars
6. Diavolo
31. Rank your order: Jojo parts
1. Steel Ball Run
2. Stardust Crusaders
3. Stone Ocean
4. Phantom Blood
5. Diamond is Unbreakable
6. Vento Aureo
7. JoJoLion
8. Battle Tendency
31. Rank your order: Jojo’s stands
1. Tusk
2. Golden Experience
3. Stone Free
4. Soft N Wet
5. Crazy Diamond
6. Star Platnium
7. Hermit Purple
32. Have you played any of the Jojo games? Which is your favourite?
I’ve never played any of the games of Eyes In Heaven looks fun :0
33. A character you wish you got to see more of?
Already answered
34. A character you relate to?
35. A character whose outfit you would wear?
I love Yasuho and Reimi’s outfits a lot
36. A character you don’t understand the hype over?
Mista and Fugo. they’re Gross imo
37. Characters you wish could have interacted with each other?
Foo Fighters and Mikitaka is my cross-part brotp but same with Shizuka and Emporio. I think the latter could have been friends as well, depending on how you characterise Shizuka, I guess.
38. A series you would want to crossover with Jojo?
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V specifically. Ray and Zarc could definitely bond with Jo2uke and Yasuho.
39. A song you think suits the Jojo series or a particular character?
Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any. Every character with a musical Stand, I think suits their namesake in one way or another.
40. A relationship between two characters that you really like?
Gyro and Johnny had such a good partnership.
41. What was the most bizarre moment in Jojo for you?
........the end of Vento Aureo takes the fucking cake. It just works. It just fucking works.
42. Funniest Jojo moment?
Fall off your horse.
43. Saddest Jojo moment?
Gyro’s death. Foo Fighter’s death.....
44. Scariest/creepiest Jojo moment?
Gwess...... I vented to a dormie about her because nope. 
45. Moment you wish never happened?
Any major character death.
46. Moment you wish could have happened?
Not so much a moment but an entire retool of joJolion. My ideal JJL which is Gappy and Yasuho trying to unravel Gappy’s mysterious origin and its a man vs self work and Yasuho’s relationship with gross Jobin is explored/handled better. Honestly, just wait til I fucking start on my pokemon au of JJL and we’ll be golden.
47. Moment you didn’t understand/were confused by?
King Fucking Crimson
48. If Jojo had a genre swap, what genre would you want it to be?
I think its in the perfect genre already. I wouldn’t swap it for anything. Except maybe surrealism (or absurdism in certain cases, absurdism would suit SBR well, I think) instead of the magical realism its currently sorta in.
49. If you had a stand, what would you name it?
A Little Piece of Heaven
50. If you were in Jojo, which part would you want to be in?
Part Seven or maybe Eight? 
51. If you could fight any character, who would it be?
Rohan, square up you rat faced bitch
52. If you could hug any character, who would it be?
Any of the (adult) girls because i’m a useless pan........
53. Which version of Dio is your favourite?
his part one outfit was bawler but I enjoyed SDC more.....
54. Which non-human character do you like best?
Slow Dancer and Valkyrie are good girls.
55. Any headcanons?
Pansexual Gyro
If Anne had a Stand, she would have had a moment similar to Jolyne where she contemplates its use and how she wants to use. And she would come to the conclusion that she would want to call it Motley Crew because she wants to treasure her strange, strange friends
Gappy thinks Yasuho is 1000x cuter with her glasses on
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joetaroh-koohoe · 8 years
All the Jojo asks uwu
Oh damn that’s alot but here ya go lmao
Fave Jojo?Joetaroh Koohoe obviously lmao
Fave part?It’s a tie between stardust crusaders and steel ball run, but I think I have to go with part 3
Fave anime opening?STAND PROUD
Fave anime ending?Last Train Home
Fave pose?Tbh I love the one where Jotaro just stands there and points lmao
Fave line?Any of Joot joot’s shit ass one liners lmao
Fave catchphrase?Probably yare yare
Fave fight?DIO vs Jotaro
Fave villain?Does Diego count lmao if not then Funny Valentine
Fave ship?Jotakak
Fave character?Joot Joot alongside with Yukako
Fave thing about the Jojo fandom?I love how we all agree Jotaro is a dolphin loving nerd (but especially the Jotaroh Koohoe thing is my ultimate fav)
Fave thing about the Jojo series?I really like the stands
Top 3 side characters?Define side characters, cause is it like anyone who isn’t part of the main line up? If so then I don’t think I have any like fave faves
Least fave Jojo and why?kariedo is probably going to kick my ass for this, but Giorno. He’s not a bad character or anything it’s just I didn’t get invested into him as a character like the other Jojo’s so far.
Least fave part and why?Again kariedo is going to kick my ass, but vento aureo because it was such a short part hence why I didn’t get invested into it
Least fave fight and why?I don’t think I really have one???
Least fave thing about the Jojo fandom?I guess the drama, but you’re gonna have drama in every fandom
Least fave thing about the Jojo series?How some stands are completely overpowered or how there is some missing logic
Do you prefer the anime or the manga? Why?The manga because usually anime adaptations have to cut out some stuff
Do you prefer stands or hamon/ripple?Stands
Do you prefer Araki’s older art style or his newer style?THe old style. Gotta love that grade a beef
Stand ability you wish you had?I really like Stone Free’s ability
Stand ability you think wasn’t used well enough in the series?Love Deluxe. I know it’s not the greatest stand but I mean there are some other stands that aren’t that good and yet they manage to make it work effectively.
Stand ability you thought didn’t suit the character it belonged to?Maybe Spice girl mainly cause I just don’t see or understand the connection unless I missed something while reading part 5???
Stand ability you think is the strongest/most powerful?Probably Killer Queen
Kiss, marry, kill (Asker picks 3 characters)I need 3 characters for this one, but we all know who I’d kiss and marry lmao
Rank your order, favourite to least favourite of: All the JojosJotaroJolyneJonathanJosephJosukeJohnnyGiorno(I haven’t started part 8 so I can’t really rank him and sorry Lorena)
Rank your order: Jojo main villainsFunny ValentinePucchiKiraKarsDioDiavolo
Rank your order: Jojo partsStardust CrusadersSteel Ball RunStone OceanDiamond is UnbreakableBattle TendencyPhantom BloodVento Aureo
Rank your order: Jojo’s standsI’m assuming this is every Jojo stand so I’ll put my top 51. Star Platinum2. Stone Free3. Love Deluxe4. White Snake5. Hierophant Green
Have you played any of the Jojo games? Which is your favourite?Yes and it’s Eyes of Heaven lmao
A character you wish you got to see more of?Y U K A K O
A character you relate to?Yukako lmao
A character whose outfit you would wear?I’m not entirely sure since everyone is a fashion disaster, but I guess Jolyne’s outfit
A character you don’t understand the hype over?I don’t think I have one
Characters you wish could have interacted with each other?Tbh I want more like platonic side interactions with the stardust crusaders
A series you would want to crossover with Jojo?I don’t think I would cross Jojo with anything
A song you think suits the Jojo series or a particular character?I’m literally drawing a blank on this question. I have songs and stuff but I can’t think of any atm to save my life
A relationship between two characters that you really like?I loved the relationship between Jotaro and Polnareff
What was the most bizarre moment in Jojo for you?Tbh I’m so desensitized to the weird shit that goes down lmao
Funniest Jojo moment?I always laugh when Joseph essentially calls Jotaro a fucking casual lmao
Saddest Jojo moment?the ending of stone ocean :)))))
Scariest/creepiest Jojo moment?I don’t really have one
Moment you wish never happened?THE ENDING OF STONE OCEAN
Moment you wish could have happened?Tbh I would love to see a switch on the fights with Alessi and Mariah lmao
Moment you didn’t understand/were confused by?The fight between Bruno and Diavolo, but then again I’m just confused on how King Crimson works in general lmao
If Jojo had a genre swap, what genre would you want it to be? Idk why but I would love to see how it would be as a gay sports anime lmao
If you had a stand, what would you name it?Black Vow
If you were in Jojo, which part would you want to be in?STARDUST CRUSADERS
If you could fight any character, who would it be?Dio
If you could hug any character, who would it be?He’d hate it but Jotaro lmao
Which version of Dio is your favourite?I guess PB Dio
Which non-human character do you like best?Does Diego count because of the whole dinosaur thing? If not then Foo Fighters
Any headcanons?I don’t know if this counts as a headcanon, but I really like the idea that the stardust crusaders took a bunch of polaroid pictures where they are being goofy and just having fun ;v;
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theblackpomegranate · 7 years
A Primer on Cock and Ball Torture
Few kink activities tell you how much upfront it is going to hurt. Not cock and ball torture. Right from the get-go, the word torture is in the activity title. You know what you are in for. To follow that example, we are going to an overview of the kinds of pain you can inflict on penises and balls. If that makes you cross your legs in horror, just know you have been warned.
The first question I get in this kind of discussion is “What is it?” By this, the asker normally wants to know how it is done. There are quite a few types of Cock and Ball Torture (CBT); genital bondage, genital spanking/ flogging, ball crushing and stretching, ball busting, needles, and sounding to name a few. Again, torture is in the name – these activities are designed to hurt. A LOT.
After I name these unpleasant activities, the second question is – without fail – “WHY?!?!”
Well, the genital area has a lot of nerves, and inflicting pain on them is going to release those amazing endorphins. It is a sure fire way to get to Endorphin Land and all the effects that high will give you. But there is also the intense sensation the play gives you. It goes a little something like this. When the pain starts, blood rushes to the area, and pleasure and pain roll in this intense wave until orgasm is finally reached. Again, because of the engorged state of the genitals, the release of orgasm is described as…intense. For some people with penises, that end result can be the reason, for others, it’s the endorphin-packed sensation of the actual torture that they love. Bottom line – for those that practice CBT – it feels good. We here, are FOR IT.
Some types of cock rings
Before we get into some of the activities you might be interested in trying out, let’s get our safety talk out of the way. Not to put too fine a point on it, but you are dealing with genitals and permanent damage is a risk if you don’t pay attention to what you are doing. But a few reminders should keep you sufficiently safe. The first is circulation. When you are binding the balls and cock with rope or another tool or putting on clamps – do not leave them on too long. If circulation is arrested or slowed down for too long the penis-haver can be in some real trouble.
If you are penis-haver is a man, beware of “man syndrome” – or the urge to ‘tough it out’. It doesn’t have to take much to get the sensation you are after, and always, always err on the side of caution and remove circulating-arresting devices before alarming color changes happen or there is numbness. If you use something that can be cut through with scissors, have scissors on hand to cut off devices if need be. Keep CBT sessions under 30 minutes. Unless you are an experienced player, that should get the job done and result in a sufficient intense scene. As with a scene, make sure to have boundaries and a safe word.
There are several ways to practice Cock and Ball Torture, by far the most common is CBT bondage. And it’s simple. Get a piece of rope (the scratchier the better) and wrap it around the top of the balls and the penis. You can get pretty tight with it, and while it’s bound you can feel free to use a Wartenberg wheel on the exposed areas, or feathers if you feel nice. Another way to bind is with a cock ring. They come in all sizes and devices, choose one that feels right for you. A cock ring will keep the penis hard and the balls tight, which puts off orgasm until the ring is removed. A hard penis is more sensitive, keep that in mind when using cock rings.
Moving on to other instruments, one of my favorites to see used is the humbler. It is a device that clamps at the bottom of the scrotum, with the bars of the device placed behind the thighs. This forces a man to keep his legs bent, or remain in a kneeling position. It’s quite the thing to see. (Happily muses on it for few minutes….). Another one that is common but is less well known outside of BDSM circles is parachuting. A small device is put around the balls and weights added, pulling the balls down and squeezing them. There is also something known as a ball crusher. I think we all know what that does.
sounding set
More extreme forms Cock and Ball Torture can include needle play. If you engage in this, just remember to go gently and slow and to not pierce too deep. Otherwise, you can google for example of these types of scenes. As a dedicated needle top, it’s another fave of mine. If needles aren’t your thing, clothespins are another way to take sensation up another level. For advanced practitioners, sounding might be of interest. For this, you are going to stick a medical-grade instrument into the urethra of the penis. Sounders can be long and thin, rounded like the shape of the urethra, or even ones with steel balls at the end. If you are asking yourself why just remember this can stimulate those bundles and bundles of nerves in the penis and produce some real pleasure.
There are many ways to ‘torture’ the cock & balls, but for the ‘torturee’ the result is the pleasure.
Keep talking the taboos!
photo credit: vapour trail Cheeky! via photopin (license)
The post A Primer on Cock and Ball Torture appeared first on The Black Pomegranate.
from The Black Pomegranate http://theblackpomegranate.com/primer-cock-ball-torture/
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steelball-askers · 4 months
is Diego a scalie currently
What the fock is a scalie? are you referring to my monstrous form?
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steelball-askers · 3 months
I agree with you Johnny. What type of Stand, do you think, the Slow Dancer will get?
Hopefully, something that'd make her faster. Or maybe keep her safe while we're out here battling other Stand users.
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steelball-askers · 3 months
*hands gyro a stand arrow* no idea if it works in this world but ik in another this could give a stand if you stab someone with it and they don't die. Have fun!
(ooc// they said to pretend it was johnny 💀)
So I just...stab her with it? I dunno, that feels a little inhumane, don't you think?
Oh well...here goes...
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steelball-askers · 3 months
I'm just sayin if Slow Dancer had a Stand, we could be done with this damn president bs.
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steelball-askers · 3 months
other anon who wanted to kill you Mr. President! I just wanted to kill you idc about the breastmilk shit give me your skin rabbitman
I'd love to see you try.
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steelball-askers · 3 months
Kill the president in the name of male lactation
Why are you obsessed with men's breast milk...
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steelball-askers · 3 months
Johnny are you an egg-smasher?
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steelball-askers · 3 months
Hot Pants do you think that Diego is a malewife? Would you like him to be a malewife?
I would like for him to be my wife. None of you freaks can have him.
Hot Pants (he/him)
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