#steddie angsty august 2024
gloomysoup · 2 months
@steddieangstyaugust day 3 | prompt: "the sunset looks lovely, don't you think?" | rating: g | word count: 618 | tags: major character death, grief | ao3
sunsets and lemon blueberry cake
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“The sunset looks lovely, don't you think?”
Eddie sat on the threadbare picnic blanket at the top of the hill. His voice was quiet, so as not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere. There was no response. He never expected one.
“It's been five years, you know,” he said to no one in particular. “Today, actually. I still find it kind of hard to believe.
Still, no reply. The wind blew gently through the trees, picking up a few of Eddie’s curls. He figured that was enough of an answer.
“Dustin called to check on me this morning. I told him I was fine. Robin called too, but I told her a little more of the truth. It's still hard. I woke up this morning thinking you'd be in the kitchen making coffee like you always used to. Obviously, you weren't.” Eddie sighed, watching the sun slowly sink lower on the horizon below. “Robin wanted to be here, but she's got this new PhD student on staff. Says he has a lot of potential, but needs a little more guidance. She couldn't get away from work to be here. She said she was sorry, but I told her it was fine. It is fine, though. I know she'd be here if she could. I told her you'd understand.”
Eddie took a deep breath and reached for the box he’d brought from the car. He opened it, pulling out a small cake. “I know it's silly, but I brought your cake. Tradition, right? I'm still not sure I'm really celebrating anything, but it didn't feel right not to bring one. Lemon blueberry, right? I still don't know how you eat this shit.”
A sad smile pulled at Eddie’s lips as he stared down at the cake. It was a small, circular cake. Not big at all, but he didn't need anything fancy. Most of it would probably get tossed anyway. It was simple. No words across the top. He wasn't sure what there was to say. This wasn't really an anniversary worth celebrating, especially one worth mentioning to the stranger at the bakery, but he always brought a cake anyway. Lemon blueberry. Steve's favorite.
“I didn't realize it until the other day, but I'm starting to forget your voice. I wish I had some way to remember. I miss it. I miss your laugh, too.”
The wind blew again, a little harder that time. If he listened hard enough, Eddie could almost hear it. Steve’s voice.
“I miss you a lot,” he whispered, voice thick with emotion. “Every day. Some more than others. I wish you were here. Lucas’s little girl is almost three now. I know you would've loved to meet her. I'm supposed to leave in two weeks to visit. It won't quite line up with her birthday, but it's the closest I could get with work. Too many appointments, and I don't want to have to reschedule. The shop’s doing well, though. I've been thinking about taking on an apprentice, maybe adding a piercer or two. I don't know. I've never been very good at all the business stuff. Not like you.”
The sun was almost gone. Eddie sat in silence. The minutes stretched on. Eddie grabbed the plastic fork he'd brought, poking into the cake. He took a bite, wrinkled his nose, and took another. He never did understand what Steve liked about it. Maybe he never would. That wouldn't stop him from trying.
The stars began sparkling overhead, reds and oranges fading to blues and purples. Eddie sighed and closed the box, sealing the cake away. He looked to his left, smiling sadly at the tombstone that rested there.
“I love you,” he whispered. “Always.”
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medusapelagia · 1 month
14 The betrothal
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt: Lake), @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: prince and princess ), @aug-kissed (prompt: Hand Kiss) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: omegaverse, Omega Steve Harrington, Alpha Eddie Munson, Beta Robin Buckley, violence, blood and injuries, vomit Words: 1563
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If Steve was a proper omega he wouldn't be on that stupid carriage, to be shipped from Loch Nora's Kingdom to Forest Park like an unwanted pack.
A proper omega would honor his family, stay home, cross-stitch animals and flowers, and learn poems and music. But Steve never was a proper omega and after he rejected his last suitor his father told him that he wasted his last opportunity to choose a proper alpha and that he was going to find one willing to take in a rebel omega like him.
Male omegas are a blessing and a curse: they are very rare, so Steve's father was able to ask for a high dowry from whoever wanted to marry him, but there weren't many alphas willing to tie their life to a male omega. 
Steve has heard talking about Forest Park. A lot. And never in a good way.
They have a very bad reputation, but they are rich, so Steve has no doubt that his father got a really good dowry for selling him to those people. Well, not selling, betrothing him.
Thankfully, Robin is coming with him. Moving from one Kingdom to another and being completely alone would have been terrible, at least his beta best friend is trying to make him laugh by making silly comments and distract him from the long journey.
Even if the carriage is big and cozy, spending hours sitting on a carriage isn't that comfortable, and Steve's royal ass is in pain.
He doesn't even have enough space to stretch his long legs because in the carriage with them, there are the two guards King Munson himself sent to escort the future bride.
The guards are heavily armed, as they were expecting something to happen, and Steve isn't totally surprised. After all, Forest Hill has a terrible reputation. Their King was an outlaw before he rebelled and became king by killing everyone and conquering the castle, so Steve isn't really looking forward to moving in the same bed with a notorious assassin. But it’s not his choice anymore.
Savages, that's the kindest word Steve’s mom used to define those people, while what everyone thought but none dared to speak out loud was that King Munson was the new Warlord.
A warlord. Not a high-born, just a man with enough power and money to hire the strongest knight and mercenaries to help him keep his power. And Steve is going to get married to a Warlord’s son, or nephew, he's not really sure. Bloodlines are mixed in their Kingdom and they don't give a fuck about dynasties and the only blood that they care about is the one the blood spit by their enemies.
Steve has heard terrible stories about how cruel and violent those people are. One of Steve's servants has told him that Prince Munson killed his first wife with his own hands because she wasn't too sick to give him a child.
Being a male omega Steve knows he can bear pups, even if his heats are irregular and it's harder for him than for other omegas, but he never thought that the ability to bear a child or not could have been the cause of his premature death.
His scent gets sour and acrid while he thinks about the monster that he's supposed to wed. Maybe he should have been more pliant with his previous suitor. Lord Hagan wasn’t that bad after all. A little bit too presumptuous for Steve’s taste but he doubts he would have had him killed if he wasn’t able to bear a child.
"You ok? Do you want to take a break? Stretch your legs a bit?" Robin proposes, drawing soothing circles with her thumb on Steve's hand.
"Yeah, that would be nice." He confirms, rubbing a hand through his hair.
"No break and no stretching. We are still in hostile territory." One of the guards replies without even looking at Steve.
"Couldn't we stop just for a moment?" Robin insists, "We have been on this stupid carriage for hours!"
But an arrow flying through the window and ending his journey a few inches from her face makes her shut up.
"Stay down!" One guard yells, yanking Steve toward the carriage’s floor so abruptly that he falls badly on his own wrist, spraining it, but he doesn't have time to yelp because the carriage stops in the middle of the woods.
"Stay inside!" The first guard yells, jumping out of the carriage and drawing his sword. For a moment Steve catches a glimpse of a bloodied body staring blankly at him with a long arrow in the one eye socket.
"It's ok. It's ok." Robin tries to soothe him, releasing beta relaxing pheromones, but the other guard stops her, complaining that he can't afford to get relaxed by her pheromones, so Steve and Robin hug each other, trying to hide themselves from the attackers.
"He's here!" Someone yells, kicking the carriage door open, but the second guard is quick to pierce the intruder from side to side, what he wasn't expecting was someone else opening the door on the opposite side and grabbing Steve with no kindness, yanking him by his hair.
Robin screams, reaching out toward Steve, the guard turns his head just for a moment and another attacker takes his chance to stab him in the leg while Robin keeps screaming, but the clenching of the metal armor is so loud that Steve almost can't hear her.
A strong hit on the back of his head makes everything turn a warm black and he loses consciousness.
When he opens his eyes, Steve is surprised to find himself resting with his back against a big oak tree. In front of him the bluest lake he ever saw.
He puts down his hand, trying to get up, but immediately desists when a bright pain makes him whimper.
"I would stay put if I were you. Your wrist is sprained and you took a nasty hit to the head. Are you feeling dizzy?"
Steve startles, looking around himself, and finally finds a tall man with dark eyes and a nasty scar on his face staring at him with an amused smile.
His kidnapper!
The omega tries to crawl backward, but the unknown man is right, his wrist hurts too much and he still feels lightheaded.
"I think I'm going to puke…" he mutters, before turning on his side and emptying his stomach on the green grass.
Surprisingly, his kidnapper is quickly at his side, holding his hair out of his face, whispering encouraging words while he holds him to his chest with one arm.
When Steve's body gets limp into the kidnapper's arms, he takes a moment to breathe in his scent.
Embers and earth.
An alpha.
A proper omega should never be left alone with an alpha who's not family!
Steve tries to wriggle out of the stranger's hold, but he gently chuckles and pushes Steve's neck closer to the scent gland on his neck, "You're fine, omega. Nothing to worry about."
"I'm betrothed." He objects in a soft voice, while the alpha pheromones make him pliant and docile.
"That's what you're worried about? your honor?" The unknown alpha chuckles. 
He has a nice laugh, Steve decided in his drugged state of mind, and he smells delicious. No other alpha ever smelled so good to him.
Steve must have said something because a very pleased rumble comes from the alpha's chest.
"You don't smell bad yourself, sweetheart." 
Steve should be ashamed of himself, but the alpha's sturdy body is holding him tight and for the first time in his life he feels safe in an alpha's embrace.
"That's good. Come on, sip some water for me to wash away that bad taste."
The omega prince doesn't really know if the alpha is using his alpha's voice, or if he's already scentdrunk or whatever, but the only thing he wants to do is obey this alpha.
Steve spits a few times to clean his mouth from the horrible taste and then drinks some water, while the alpha keeps holding him tight.
The man’s wearing a beaten armor, stained with blood, and for a moment Steve wonders if he will kill him, but the way he keeps holding him makes him think that he’s affected by Steve’s scent as he is from his.
They aren't left alone for long. When Steve turns his head someone is riding toward them. Too many people.
Steve turns toward the alpha with eyes wide with worry, "You have to go. My future husband will kill you. He's a warlord! He won't be pleased you kidnapped me!"
"Kidnapped?" The alpha asks, staring with confusion at the omega, feeling Steve's head with gentle fingers, "How badly did they hurt you, omega?" he asks worriedly, and this time is Steve's turn to frown in confusion.
“I might not look so but I’m a prince. And I was on my way to wed the Forest Park’s Warlord's son. If they catch you, they’ll kill you.”
Eddie bursts out in a loud laugh, shaking Steve who quietly complains of being jostled by the huge Alpha's body.
"Let me introduce myself," the alpha says, grabbing Steve's uninjured hand and kissing the palm of his hand in the most chivalrous way, "I'm Edward Munson, King Munson's nephew, your betrothal." 
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lingeringmirth · 3 months
WIP Weekend 💜
Oh DEFINITELY steddieangstyaugust2024
Also is that for a prompt, because where do I find it?? I need that in my life.
It is indeed a prompt/event! You can find it here!
Eddie stands outside a familiar door, flowers in his hands, his heart in his sleeve.
A big part of him thinks that he shouldn’t be here, that he should leave well enough alone, Steve’s deserved his peace. But Eddie also knows that his ex yearns as much as he does, that the pining is present for him every single day, as it is for Eddie, who’d had to leave to truly appreciate the love he’d had.
What they’d had.
Music is empty without Steve by his side. The man had kept his heart even after he’d left, even when harsh words meant to hurt had been said on both sides. Eddie had tried to write love songs, failing each and every one.
And then the letters had started coming.
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stervrucht · 4 months
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● AO3 ● My fics ● My art ● Rambling ● Asks ● Previews & Snippets ● Kofi ●
Hi, I'm Ster -- grad student by day, writer by night. Suffering from a severe case of Steddie brainrot. Drawing backgrounds? Never heard of her. MDNI
✨match my clown, and we'll be friends✨
Proud supporter of the Loser Steddie Agenda💜
Links to pairing I write for: Steddie (Stranger Things) | Harringrove (Stranger Things)
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Steddie Angsty August [2024] Eddie Munson Big Bang [2024-2025]
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The Graveyard Shift Steddie | Rated E | 12.3K words | Ongoing | Tags: Vampire!Eddie, Hotel clerck!Steve, Horror Local rockstar Eddie Munson — enigmatic, mysterious, never photographed in daylight — stays at the Indianapolis Sweetwater Hotel during a gig. Steve Harrington is just a simple guy trying to earn a living working the graveyard shift at a hotel desk.  ● Tag ● Sneak Preview ● Part 1 ● AO3 ●
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Ask me about my WIPs and I'll post snippets!
📗Eddie Munson Big Bang - TBA [7.0K] 🩸The Graveyard Shift - Chapter 4 [1.0k] ❓Secret project with @sleepy-steve - Canon divergence Steddie [3.4k] 💀Blood crawls where it can't go - Vampire!Eddie [3.0K] 🔬Scifi-Steddie canon-divergence [3.7k]
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Proximity | Steddie | Rated E | 52K words | Completed Eddie POV - Slow burn - Mutual Pining - Sharing a bed - Fluff and angst Eddie enjoys invading people’s personal space, just to mess with them. Steve's complete disregard for boundaries makes him the ultimate challenge. ● Part 1 ● AO3 ●
Drumstick | Steddie | Rated E | 2.8k words | Complete Steve POV - Fluff & smut & humor Eddie is bad at dirty talk and gets a little offended when Steve points it out.. ● Tumblr ● AO3 ●
Encore | Steddie | Rated M | 8.3k words | Complete Steve POV - Bisexual Awakening - Fluff Steve runs an errand for Dustin and has a bisexual awakening at the hands of Eddie Munson. ● Tumblr ● AO3 ●
Grass | Steddie | Rated E | 3K words | Complete Steve POV - Drugs made them do it - Shotgunning When Steve doesn’t go to college, he can stay at his parents’ house under one condition: every week he has to mow the lawn. Eddie has some tips when it comes to grass. And by grass, he means weed, of course. [AO3]
Gravitational | Steddie | Rated M | 1.5K words | Complete Eddie POV - Vampire!Eddie - Bloodsucking - Horror Eddie arrives at Steve's doorstep, drenched in blood, after having been presumed dead for a considerable time. ● Tumblr ● AO3 ●
Last updated: 18th of September, 2024
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Aug-Kissed 2024 - Week 4 : First Kiss + Steddie Angsty August 2024 - Day 25 : Soulmates - 25.08.2024
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I decided to combine a prompt from @aug-kissed and another from @steddieangstyaugust as a little contribution to both events 😊
First Kiss + Soulmates - Soulmates Steddie Dying Together In The Upside Down After Their First Kiss - 25.08.2024
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Eddie : "Steve, I've never-"
Steve : "I know Eddie, that's okay. We're together now, that's all that matters."
Eddie : "'Til the end of the line ?"
Steve : "'Til the end of the line."
Soulmates AU were they realise as they are dying that they are soulmates. It's Eddie's first kiss. And they stay in this position until their dying breath. Just at peace with the fact they'll see each other on the other side hopefully.
Done using watercolors, ink pens, graphite pencils, alcohol markers, colored pencils, acrylic paint pens and Photoshop for the light and some other effects
AO3 post 1 / AO3 post 2 / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter NSFW post
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steddieangstyaugust · 2 months
You can now add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
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midsummer-semantics · 2 months
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Hello! I'm Jordan (part of the Jo[e] squad)
- 29 | They/She [MDNI] - Steddie truther 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 - Multiship: Ronance, Buckingham, Waynny, Nancy/Therapy - I do write/have written for other fandoms but not as often [Harry Potter, 9-1-1, and Marvel] - 🧑🏽‍💻 AO3 - QueenOfSwords1312 - 🐦 Twitter - Shakespeare adaptation and fan studies academics mixed in there
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Free-Use Healthcare (aka the Reverse Gloryhole Fic)
The Fool, The World, and Everything In Between (my first big fic)
cherry on my lips (part 1 of Super Soaker Steve Era)
Big Dick Energy™️
sunshine on my face (part 2 of Super Soaker Steve Era)
let me in (part of Sub Eddie Week)
Forehead Kisses (the Reddit story)
We'd rather be six feet under (than be lonely) [aka the Sleep Token Fic]
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Steddie On [one-shots that may or may not go together]
Mexican Eddie and Italian Steve
Sub Eddie Week 2024
Super Soaker Steve Era
Steddie Week 2024
Stevie Week 2024
Steddie Angsty August (only on tumblr) [1] [2] [3]
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Ongoing WIP: money, fame and fortune (never could compete) [aka The Singing Comp fic; updates sporadically]
Coming September 16th: A Kind of Merry War [for the Steddie Big Bang 2024]
The Universe Must Have Divined This [for the Sapphic Mini Bang 2024]
Coming eventually: A yet-to-be-titled Eddie Munson Big Bang 2025 fic
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Schoolyard Crush (aka Preschool Teacher Steve and Single-dad Eddie) [Originally posted as twt threads and cross-posted here; updates sporadically]
Character Study: Tommy Hagan as Iago from Othello
Steddie Angsty August Fics [1] [2] [3]
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thisapplepielife · 20 days
Monthly Word Count Wrap-Up
August 2024
This was a rough month. It's been straight out of the AO3 author's note curse handbook over here. It was just an in the snow, uphill both ways, trek, lol.
I think I might need to just take a step back from participating in so many events, although I love them, and just focus on editing up the final part of All Across the Universe, and then go from there.
That's the one obligation I need to fulfill. I'm so sorry it's later than expected. I didn't want to work on it when my head wasn't in it.
This month, I wrote the least of any month this year so far:
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But I still somehow worked on 13 different projects this month, for a total of 22,500 words. My 500 words a day streak is still alive. Barely. You can see on a lot of days, that I just pushed through writing until I hit my 500 words. Often, late at night, and on a new document that if it was nothing, it was nothing. I'll be interested to go back later and see if anything was worth expanding.
The last few days were finally better. I edited some on AATU. I wrote some on a couple different WIPs because I wanted to, not because I had a word count to hit. So, maybe this was just a fluke of a month and I'll be totally fine and back to normal moving forward. Or I'll need to just cut back. Time will tell, I suppose.
Either way, in August I averaged 725.81 words a day.
And the yearly average, sits at 1070.35 words per day.
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What I Posted This Month:
Never Not Mine (For Steddie Angsty August, E, 3240 Words)
Just the Facts (For A Stranger Summer Week #14, T, 813 Words)
Different Lessons (For Steddie Angsty August, T, 3300 Words)
Tip Your Driver (For A Stranger Summer Week #15, T, 4115 Words)
I'm An Island, But You're An Ocean (For Steddie Angsty August, T, 2191 Words)
Firing on All Cylinders (For A Stranger Summer Week #16, T, 3000 Words)
Clean Sheets Night (For Steddie Angsty August, T, 1374 Words)
Of All the Gin Joints (For A Stranger Summer Week #17, T, 1938 Words)
Heat Waves (For Steddie Song Fics, T, 1500 Words)
Embarrassing For You (Late Entry For Steddie Micro, T, 437 Words)
She Still Wants More (For A Stranger Summer Week #18, T, 448 Words)
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steviewashere · 29 days
Okay, so I'd like to share things with my fics right now, including Angsty August and some WIPs.
I'm currently gearing up for college this fall, so my schedule is quickly shifting. I have a placement exam next Thursday to figure out what classes I'll need to take for math, reading, and writing. More fun things, too, like figuring out and finalizing a class schedule and a work-study position.
Anyway. That being said, my schedule is rapidly getting busier and busier and I'd like to share estimates on fics to keep my head from falling off my shoulders.
For Angsty August I'm planning to do these, which I write either the night before the prompt day or the morning of:
1. Saturday, August 24th: "Go, see if I care." 2. Tuesday, August 27th: "I thought we agreed it was over." 3. Saturday, August 31st: "I'm not going to beg you to love me."
And then, in terms of WIPs, these are when I hope to post certain fics/chapter updates (and this is where estimates on posting dates comes in, because these are all subject to change):
1. Monday, August 26th: "5+1 Steddie Car Notes" 2. Wednesday, August 28th: Chapter 5 of "Want to Go Home With You (Bring Me a Home)" AKA The Merman Steve Fic 3. Sunday, September 1st: The second fic in the Trans Stevie Harrington "Prom Night" universe 4. Tuesday, September 3rd: Punk Steve + Stobin (So that I can finally work thought ask box prompts that have been sitting stale for two months, apologies to those who sent them in. I work sporadically.)
If a fic hasn't been listed, I don't have a set date on when I'd like to share/update them. That doesn't mean they've been forgotten, but I think maybe the above lists are enough to satiate y'all for a little while while I get my shit in order.
Keep in mind, too, during this time I am tying up loose ends on my Steddie Big Bang 2024 Project, which will start posting late September. Look out for a promo post for that, once I finally get things figured out. Some of these above projects have been sitting dusty on my writer's shelf for too long and I'd like to just move them along or update them.
Also, if you've sent in an ask box prompt/wip snippet ask, I haven't forgotten about them, I promise. I've just been busy and depressed and celebrating my birthday, general life things. I participate in fanfic as a hobby and on top of that, I'm a human being, things just happen. And yes, I do have the brain the size of a pea. So I'll get around to all the prompts in my inbox as I see fit, just know that any newer ones sent in will most likely not be fulfilled until a way later date.
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hi, i’m noelle (aka frankie)! here’s a quick link post to all my things!
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steddie playlist + song explanations post ● my Steddie fic recs ● post dividers ● writing tag ● my sideblogs ● @steddie-spooktober
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steddie angsty august (complete! | M | 127 or 1,270 words each) see the series on AO3 steddieweek 2024 (complete! | T | 660 words each) casper/ghost!eddie (ongoing! | M | 13k) on AO3: There's Such a Sad Love (Deep in Your Eyes) lex's spicy six winter fanworks challenge | on AO3: hey you really turn me on (E | 10.4k)
more fic/ficlet links below the cut!
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my #steddiemas2023 fic (ongoing! | T | 15.5k) On AO3: this year st x spn au aka "steddie but make it destiel" (ongoing! | E | 27k) On AO3: you can hear the call (when trouble's on the way) lex's summer fanworks challenge 2023 | on AO3: it's a date ( E | 3.7k) Bon Jovi/farmhand!Eddie ficlet (complete! | E | 5k) | On AO3: of sunshine and starlight my #steddieweek2023 fic (complete! | M | 19k) | On AO3: i'm outta my head over you | playlist modern AU song fic (complete! | T | 12k) | On AO3: video stores, shopping malls, and ren faires
Princess Diaries AU (complete! | G | 56k):
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6 | Pt. 7 | Pt. 8 | Pt. 9 | Pt. 10 | Pt. 11On AO3: A Recipe for Disaster
secret admirer AU (complete! | T | 21k):
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6 | Epilogue | On AO3: Several Notes of the Most Amiable Nature | (Reprise)
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handcuffed | on AO3 Mars | on AO3 witch!eddie brainrot | Pt. 2 angstflayer 24hr drabble challenge angstflayer july drabble challenge domestic steddie/hispanic!eddie drabble modern au haunted house attraction drabble Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 corpse bride!steddie my "steddie but season 3" drabble this wholesome micro fic with el and steve 5 word challenge the munsons' hat collection
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gloomysoup · 27 days
@steddieangstyaugust day 5 | prompt: Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths | rating: g | word count: 155 | tags: cpr | ao3
fill my lungs with air (and never give up)
(i'm finally starting to catch back up on angsty august... very slowly...)
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Steve’s blood is rushing in his ears.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
He can't breathe.
Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
His whole body aches.
Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen.
He can't stop.
Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty.
He won't stop.
Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
Dustin won't stop screaming.
Twenty-Six. Twenty-Seven. Twenty-Eight. Twenty-Nine. Thirty.
One breath. Two breaths.
“Come on, Eddie,” he whispers and starts again.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
Steve rarely gets what he wants.
Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen.
He needs this time to be different.
Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty.
His arms are so tired.
Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
He can feel the blood seeping between his fingers.
Twenty-Six. Twenty-Seven. Twenty-Eight. Twenty-Nine. Thirty.
He can't give up.
One breath. Two breaths.
This has to be different.
A gasp of air.
This will be different.
Three coughs.
Steve may finally get what he wants.
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gloomysoup · 2 months
@steddieangstyaugust day 2 | prompt: ghosts | rating: t | word count: 1089 | tags: major character death, funeral, grief | ao3
the ghost of you
(we're ignoring that this is posted late haha)
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Eddie has always been haunted. He lives among the ghosts of his past and every person he's ever lost. As the years stretch on, that list grows longer. He never thought the love of his life would be added to that list.
Eddie had always been certain he would be the first of them to die. He never expected to be the one learning to live without Steve. Yet here he is, forty-two years old, sitting in an empty house full of memories. He thought they would have longer. He was wrong.
The funeral is tomorrow. Eddie isn't sure he can stomach going. He knows he has to, though. He would never forgive himself if he didn't. It was just going to be a small, private funeral. Only the people who matter are going to be there.
That doesn't stop Eddie’s stomach from churning at the thought of being there. He doesn't want to see Steve like that. He doesn't want to watch them lower Steve’s body into the ground, forever forty years old. He never made it to his birthday. He should have made it to his birthday.
He sits in their house, staring at the wine stain in the carpet from their first night there. Steve had spilled it. They never could get the stain out. Eddie’s glad for it now; a tangible sign that Steve had been there. It wasn't all in Eddie’s imagination. Steve had been real, and he had loved Eddie.
They were supposed to have a future together.
Twenty years isn't enough. They were supposed to have more time. Steve wasn't supposed to be the first one to die.
Eddie doesn't know how to keep living.
How is he supposed to move on? How is he supposed to keep going through life without Steve? How does he live with the ghost of their memories?
Eddie longs for the real thing. He longs for Steve to be back in his life, laughing. He would give anything to listen to Steve complain about Eddie leaving his figurines out across the table again, to hear him talk on the phone with one of the kids again. He wants to fall asleep with Steve at his side, and wake up to Steve fresh from a morning run. Why did it have to be him? Why did Steve have to be the one to die?
Eddie finds himself cleaning the house. Deep cleaning. He's on his hands and knees, despite how much his body protests, cleaning out cabinets and scrubbing floors. That's where Dustin finds him when he walks in the door.
“What are you doing?”
“Cleaning,” Eddie responds flatly. “We haven't done it in a while. You know how much Steve hates when the house is dirty.”
“Eddie.” Dustin’s voice has dropped to a soft tone. He squats next to him, carefully taking the scrub brush from his shaking hand. When did his hand start shaking?
“Give it back, Dustin. I have to finish the floors before he gets home. Steve wanted-”
“Eddie, stop. You know he's not coming home, right?”
Eddie shakes his head. He can't let himself think about it. Of course he knows. He's done nothing but think about the fact that Steve is never coming home again for days. He needs to do something productive. Steve had just talked about deep cleaning, like he does twice a year. Well… did. They were supposed to do it together. Steve always roped Eddie into helping, just to get annoyed when Eddie got distracted by something, and eventually he would send Eddie off to do something else. This time, though, Eddie was determined to stay on task. He had to get the house cleaned, like Steve wanted.
“How long have you been doing this, Eddie?”
He looks up at Dustin, seeing that same sad look in his eyes that he's had since Steve died. He's dressed in a dark suit. His hair is carefully tamed.
“I don't know,” Eddie whispers.
Dustin sighs, setting the brush aside and standing with a hand outstretched for Eddie. “Come on. You need to get dressed, or we’ll be late.”
Eddie almost asks what they'll be late for, and then he remembers. The funeral is today. Eddie doesn't want to go. He has to, though. He can't not be there. Still, he doesn't want to. He's dreading it.
Dustin practically drags him to the bedroom, where his suit is hanging on the back of the bathroom door. It's been freshly pressed, thanks to Lucas. Dustin has to basically dress Eddie himself, because Eddie doesn't move. He's floating through the air, mind far away. He can't hold his focus anymore. He doesn't want to.
Dustin sits him down and tries to fix his hair. It ends up in a bun at the base of his skull instead, a few strands falling around his face. He asks Eddie where his ties are. Eddie moves on autopilot. He opens a drawer, where Steve had organized all their ties when they moved into this house. His fingers brush across each one, tears filling his eyes as he stops on one near the end of the row. It's a deep navy, decorated with little yellow, white, and purple flowers. Steve’s favorite tie. He didn't wear it often, never had a need for it, but he did wear it to every single one of the kids’ special occasions. Always said it was a good luck charm.
Eddie picks it up now, letting his fingers run across the smooth fabric. A few tears slip from his eyes. He tightens his grip, holding it in front of his face and closing his eyes.
Everywhere he turns, a part of Steve is there.
He floats through the funeral. He stands there as every person they loved gives condolences and hugs him. He nods along when they offer to help with whatever he needs, knowing he will never take them up on it. He stands at Robin’s side when they lower Steve into the ground. She clings to him in a way she never did before, but maybe that's because she always had Steve to cling to instead.
The house is quiet when Eddie goes home, alone. Too quiet. He sits on the couch, staring at the blank wall behind their TV. If he tries hard enough, he can almost hear Steve's voice calling his name.
God, what he wouldn't give for Steve to be here now. Instead, he's left living with ghosts that’ll haunt him until the day he dies.
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gloomysoup · 2 months
@steddieangstyaugust day 1 | prompt: second chance | rating: G | word count: 715 | tags: mention of cheating, angst (obviously), open ending | ao3
closed doors and consequences
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Eddie doesn't deserve a second chance. He knows that. What he did to Steve is beyond forgiveness. That doesn't stop him from coming back, again and again, hoping against all hope that Steve will let him in.
“Go away, Eddie!” Robin’s voice shouts from the other side of the closed door.
If only he could get past Robin, just talk to Steve, maybe he can make this right.
“I just want to talk to him, Rob,” Eddie pleads, knocking on the door again.
“Well, too bad, because I'm not opening the door. I told you yesterday, and the day before, and I'll tell you again: fuck off.”
“Robin, please.”
“No, Eddie! You made your choice. You need to live with the consequences.”
So, Eddie leaves empty handed, once again.
He can't give up, though. Not until Steve himself tells Eddie to leave. Not until Steve tells him he will never get a second chance. He has to try. He can't live without Steve.
Day after day, he goes back to that apartment; their apartment. He knocks on the door. He tries to talk to Steve, to apologize. And every day, Robin blocks his path. Every day, she doesn't open the door. Doesn't give him a chance. Eddie knows he deserves that. He deserves to stand in front of a door that will never open and plead forgiveness from the two people in the whole world who will never give it to him. He knows he fucked up the only good thing in his life. If he could, he would take it all back in a heartbeat.
He would go back to that night and change everything. He would never go to the bar with the guys. He would never have those drinks. He would never go home with someone else.
Eddie had been drunk. Absolutely wasted. He honestly thought the man who wrapped his arms around him at the bar was Steve. The clarity hadn’t come until the next morning, when he woke up in a bed that wasn't his.
It wasn't an excuse, though. He knows that. He fucked up. It shouldn't have happened.
That morning plays on a loop in his head. Stumbling through the front door of their apartment. Steve’s face, sitting at the table with his head in his hands. The worry in his voice as he asked where Eddie was, why he hadn't come home that night. Then Steve’s face when Eddie has to tell him what happened. How he woke up in someone else’s bed. How he made a mistake, the biggest mistake of his life.
It cost him everything.
He doesn't deserve a second chance. He doesn't deserve to explain himself, or talk to Steve. He doesn't deserve anything from Steve and Robin. He knows that. Yet he can't stop going back to the apartment, back to that closed door. Maybe, deep down, he was merely a masochist, putting himself in situations that only cause more pain. Why else would he keep going back to a door that never opens?
For weeks, Eddie keeps going back. He keeps knocking on the door. Robin always turns him away. Until something changes. One afternoon, Eddie finds himself standing outside the door, just like he does every day. He raises his fist to knock, and waits. Silence stretches for a few moments. Maybe no one is home. That wouldn’t be right, though. Steve is always home at this time. He knocks again, a little confused. Then he hears it.
“Who is it?”
Eddie never thought he would hear that voice again, even muffled through the door.
“It- it’s Eddie,” he says. “Can we- can we talk?”
When the voice speaks again, it’s a little clearer. Steve was closer to the door now. “What's there to talk about, Eddie?”
“Please, Steve, just- just let me- apologize. Explain. I don’t- I don’t even know, honestly. I know I fucked everything up, and I’m so sorry. I know I don't deserve a second chance. I just- I just need to talk to you. Please.”
Silence follows. Hesitation. Eddie thinks this is it. Steve is going to reject him. Turn him away. Tell him to go fuck himself, like he rightfully should.
But instead, for the first time in almost a month, the door opens.
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medusapelagia · 28 days
24 I have a date
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt:"Go, see if I care." ) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: Pretended Hate ) @aug-kissed (prompt: Hickeys)  Rating: Teen and up Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: no one Words: 1228
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“Come on, Steve! Eddie is a friend! He’s the Dungeon Master of the Hellfire Club! You have to come with us and meet him!” Dustin is begging him, while Steve brushes his hair, getting ready for his date.
“Yeah. I heard you say that the first fifteen times. Eddie’s your super cool friend. Way cooler than me.”
“It’s not that! It’s just… we don’t see each other anymore, and if you started to hang out with us maybe…”
“Dustin, kid, look at me. Do I look like the kind of person who can have fun during one of your boring games? And I know Eddie, I attended the same school you attended, did you forget it? And I can tell you that there aren’t two people more different than Eddie and I.”
“Come on! I swear that he’s fun! And he knows a lot of things! And…”
“Things like what? How to sell drugs to high schoolers? Wait! You aren’t taking any of that shit, are you, Dustin?” Steve asks seriously, his arms on Dustin’s shoulder looking at him in the eyes.
“No, I’m not. Fuck, Steve, you sound like my mother! I’m just having fun with my friends!”
Steve lifts an eyebrow, studying him, then he shrugs, “You’re right. You’re too much of a nerd to use those things. But don’t let Eddie or anyone else convince you to smoke with them, ok?”
“But you used to smoke.” Dustin grins, remembering the drugged confession Steve made in a Russian elevator the year before.
“Yeah. Then I got beaten and drugged by Russian soldiers so no, I don’t smoke joints anymore and I don’t want you to smoke either. It’s bad for your brain.” he tells him while ruffling Dustin’s hair, before looking at the time, “Come on. It’s getting late and I have a long shift and a date tonight.”
“Oh come on! You’re making me look like a fucking monster. I don’t date that much!”
“Oh yeah, because you date them only for one night and then completely forget about every single one of them but you don’t want to spend one night, one night Steve, with me and my friends.”
“I already told you, Dustin, I have a date,” Steve explains tiredly to Dustin who glares at him furiously.
“Well if your dates are more important than me then just go! Go and see if I care!" Dustin yells, bolting out of Steve’s house, and slamming the door loudly behind himself.
“Dustin! Dustin!” Steve calls, opening the door, but the kid is already biking away through the woods to get to the trailer park.”
“Fuck.” he curses under his breath, staring at the boy that disappears behind some trees. 
He wonders if he should follow him but the clock radio tells him that’s already too late and he still has to pick up Robin, so he grabs his dark green vests and gets into his car, driving toward Robin’s house first and then Family Video.
“What’s the long face?” Robin asks as soon as she sits in his car.
“I think I had a fight with Dustin.”
“You think you did or did you actually have a fight?”
“He asked him to join them for one of their game nights and I said no. And he was so pissed he rushed out of my house without even saying goodbye.”
“That’s normal Dustin’s behavior. Don’t think too much about it. I’m sure in a day or two everything will be back to normal.” She replies, smiling, fixing her makeup in the little car mirror.
Steve nods, she’s right, “Maybe I could pick him up before my date, just to talk.”
“That’s a great idea. Who’s the date by the way? I forgot. Jennifer?”
Steve ignores her, “I’m not going to say anything to you. You lost your gossip privileges when you mocked me for taking Heidi to the Championship game!” Steve replies, parking in front of the video store.
It’s a Thursday, so in the afternoon it’s quite calm and they spend almost all their time rewinding the VHS and throwing candies at each other.
Once their shift is finally over, Steve asks Robin if she minds if they make a stop at the trailer park to pick up Dustin and she replies she doesn’t mind if she can keep her shotgun privileges.
The trailer is old and rusty, and Steve’s BMW wheels grind on the gravel loudly.
“The King has come to see his subjects.” Munson grins, smoking a cigarette.
“I’m here to pick up Dustin, is he ready to go?”
“As ready as someone who lost all his friends can be.”
“He what?” Steve asks worriedly.
“Calm down, Harrington, I’m talking about the game,” Eddie replies, smirking, while Dustin leaves the trailer sadder than he was when he first got there.
“You're the devil himself.” Dustin whines, “How could you do that to us.”
“It’s not me, young padawan, it’s just fate.” Eddie winks while Steve manages to fit Dustin’s bike in his trunk somehow and drives him back home.
“Did you have fun?”
“Does it look like I had fun?” Dustin retorts, crossing his arm in front of his chest.
“Today isn’t a great day. Got it. Why don’t we go have smoothies tomorrow afternoon?” Steve proposes but Dustin doesn’t even reply. 
All he says is “Thanks for the ride,” before shutting the door behind him.
“Kids.” Robin replies when Steve drives her home, “Have fun with your mysterious date!” she waves before going home.
Back at Steve’s place, everything seems normal, apart from his room’s window which looks suspiciously ajar, even if Steve knows he left it closed.
He steps quietly to his room, slamming the door open to catch the intruder by surprise, only to find Eddie half-naked on his bed.
“About time, big boy!” he complains, getting closer to him and pushing him against the wall before kissing him hard.
“Fuck you, Eddie! You scared me!”
“Sorry babe, but I know a great way to ask for forgiveness. Why don’t you lose some of those clothes?” Eddie suggests, kissing Steve more sweetly this time.
“Dustin is still pissed at me. For how long do we have to keep up all this pantomime?”
“Are you ready to come out to a group of teenagers who can’t shut the fuck up?”
Steve sighs, Eddie is right as always.
“But when Robin and I move to Chicago you’ll come with us, right?” Steve asks while Eddie leaves hickeys and love bites on his golden skin, humming content.
“Robin knows about it?”
“Not yet. But she’s my platonic soulmate, she would never say no to me.”
Eddie grins, amused, “She’s way tougher than you think, but yeah, if I manage to graduate this year I promise I’ll try to move to Chicago with you. I think Jeff is moving there too. Could find an apartment with him, close to yours, and get in your room by the window. But for the moment my plan is to write ‘I’m sorry’ on your skin with my teeth. Any thoughts?” He asks, latching on Steve’s neck like a vampire and leaving a huge purple hickey.
Steve feels a familiar warmth in his stomach while Eddie unbutton his jeans and opens the fly.
After all, being in a secret relationship isn’t that bad.
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medusapelagia · 22 days
30 I saw him
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt:Vampire ) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: Joker: thriller) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: canon character death (Eddie), vampire Eddie, blood Words: 1272
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“I’m telling you what I saw!” Steve yells in the phone, tugging harshly at the cord while he moves toward his apartment’s window, trying to catch a glimpse of the figure he’s so fucking sure he just saw.
“Steve. Listen to me. It has been four years. I know it was hard for you and that you still think it’s your fault, which obviously isn’t, but this is just your mind fucking with you, ok?”
No, it’s not.
Steve saw him.
Steve saw Edward Theodor Munson standing on the other side of the street, grinning.
“It was him.”
“Steve, that’s not possible. The Up- that place closed years ago. We checked everywhere, the military checked everywhere, and neither of us found anything.”
With a sigh, Steve bumps his head against the window, he knows perfectly well what Robin means: they didn't find a body, so probably the creatures from the Upside Down ate Eddie’s body like a fucking snack. And Steve could accept that. Or well, it took him years and numerous therapy sessions, but he came to terms with that. With Eddie’s death. But that was before today.
In the last week Steve has had the impression of being followed around and today, when he has looked down his window, he has seen Eddie standing on the other side of the street. It was just for a moment and then a bus crossed the road and the man disappeared. But Steve is sure that it was Eddie.
“Steve. Are you taking your meds?” Robin asks softly.
Turning toward the kitchen he looks at his counter where way too many bottles of medicines are standing. One pill in the morning, two after lunch, one in the afternoon, and a few drops to help him sleep every night and not be awake from nightmares.
Yes. He’s taking the stupid pills, but he’s still sure of what he saw, if his best friend doesn’t believe him, none else will, so there’s no point in arguing.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m taking the stupid meds and I was probably wrong. I’m looking out of the window but I can’t see him anymore.”
“Maybe he was someone who looked like him,” she suggests and Steve quickly agrees that it must have been so.
But there’s a thing he didn’t tell Robin.
The mysterious man who looked exactly like Eddie was holding a big dark umbrella, even if it wasn’t raining. That’s what attracted Steve’s attention. The huge umbrella covered the man’s body while nobody else was holding one.
It means nothing, Steve knows it, but he can’t stop thinking about it.
When he closes the call he promises Robin he will call his therapist and ask for an appointment soon, then he turns toward the kitchen where the tranquilizers are waiting for him.
Four drops under the tongue.
Steve grabs the bottle and slowly unscrews the cap, staring at the dark liquid, before closing the bottle and putting it back on the counter.
Not tonight.
Tonight he wants to be alert.
He goes into the bathroom, brushes his teeth, puts on worn-out pajamas, and goes to bed, waiting for whatever might come.
Steve’s dreaming. He knows he’s with the certainty typical of dreams. Still, he can’t wake up.
In the dream, he’s running toward the trailer park after they almost killed Vecna. He knows exactly what he will find, bike tracks and footsteps left by someone limping. He’ll follow them and he will find a crying Dustin holding a dead Eddie. Steve keeps reminding himself that it’s just a dream, that this is a mix of his memories and his fears, but nevertheless, when he sees the limp body on the ground he yells Eddie’s name. He runs toward him, trying to shake him awake even if he knows that there’s nothing he can do to bring him back.
“It’s too late, Stevie” Eddie whispers, opening his eyes and staring back at him, “Why did you leave me alone with Dustin? You knew it was dangerous, but you left me. And with no fucking weapons apart from a stupid trash lid and a makeshift spear. What did you expect? It was two of us against hundreds, thousands of those fucking monsters. Where were you when I was screaming in agony? Where were you when Dustin was holding me? Where were you when we needed you?”
Finally, Steve opens his eyes, springing up in his bed, fist clenching at the sheets and heart beating so loudly he fears it will jump out from his chest at any moment.
“Nightmares? I wish I could get those. I don’t dream. Like, at all. It’s so boring.”
Steve turns abruptly toward the window and sees a dark silhouette sitting on the edge of the window.
“Eddie?” He asks, while his right hand slowly reaches out for the bedside lamp, but instead of turning it on his hand bumps into it and it crashes on the ground, shattering into hundreds of tiny pieces.
“I knew you wouldn't forget me.” Eddie chuckles.
“That’s not possible. You’re dead!” Steve complains, wondering if this is just another nightmare and cursing himself for not taking his fucking sleeping meds.
“Everything is possible, Steve, you should know it by now. Alternate dimensions, monsters, superpowers. There’s no limit, right?”
“How… How did you find me?”
“It wasn’t easy. First I got to your old place, but you weren’t there, obviously. I checked Robin’s home, and Dustin’s, but Hawkins is abandoned, you knew that, right? All that’s left are crumbling buildings and useless trash. So I started to move around, but it wasn't easy to find a ride and I had no idea where to go. And then I got here in Massachusetts, and for the first time, I felt your presence. So here I am.” Eddie says like it was perfectly normal that he was resting in Steve’s home, with one leg dangling and one to his chest.
“You’re dead.”
“Yes. And no.”
“What… what does it mean?”
“It means that those stupid bats took my life, but they gave me another one.” Eddie finally turns toward Steve and his eyes are shining in the dark.”
“What… what do you mean?”
“Come on, don’t be so naive. I know you feel it too. Not as strongly as me, obviously, but still. You got infected too.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about!”
“The bites. Do they still hurt? Do you have strange cravings, especially at night? Like a big raw steak? Not just raw, but bloody?”
Steve trembles, he did. Before the sleeping meds he did, but now he’s getting better.
“That’s the effect of the venom.” Eddie explains, “I think it took longer in your case because you were bitten just a few times, but hey, at least you’re going to have a mentor. I can teach you all I learned on my skin.”
“What? No, I’m not like that!” Steve protests, but Eddie gives him a sad smile.
“Steve… you just broke a lamp.”
“I hit it.”
“With your inhuman strength.”
“No that’s not true I…” but when he looks at his blanket they are shreds, and his fingers have long claws he’s sure he didn’t have before.
“Let’s go, babe. The world is big and beautiful, but we must flee before sunrise.”
“What about Robin? And the kids?”
“You know what, Steve? This is a very bad part of the town to live in.” Eddie grins.
The next day, when Steve doesn’t show up at work and doesn’t pick up his phone, Robin goes to his place, only to find the door ripped off and blood on Steve’s sheets.
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medusapelagia · 1 month
12 Nothing left
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt: Terrible Things – Mayday Parade ) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: animagus ) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: mention of plane crash, mention of Steve’s parents death, suicidal thoughts, magic Words: 1735
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The grumpy black cat shows at his door for the fifth night in a row, demanding loudly to be fed the fancy tuna Steve’s mom used to buy in the bio shop.
He has never had an animal and even if the cat is definitely a stray with no collar and probably full of fleas, he doesn’t seem eager to get a family. He wants his fancy tuna, nothing more.
Steve sighs, goes into the kitchen to grab a little dish and the can of tuna then he gets back and grabs some water too, and goes back to his backyard. The black cat is still there, staring at his reflection in the water like it was something unusual, but his pointed ears flinch when he hears the door slide open and turns toward Steve with a soft mew that makes Steve chuckle.
He doesn’t step closer until the food and the water are neatly positioned on the plates and Steve has moved away, staring at him from one of the deck chairs. The cat eats quietly, always very aware of Steve’s presence, and when he’s done he licks his thick black fur and then he blinks at Steve with his eyes so dark that they seem to hold all the secrets of the universe and then he disappears through the woods.
Steve sighs, realizing that the cat visits are the best moment of his day. In the last two weeks, his entire life was destroyed. He lost his place as the alpha male at school and his parents… 
He puts his hands into his hair and pulls until he chokes back the tears.
His parents are dead. The plane they rented to get on that stupid island never made it. They are dead somewhere in the ocean. No flight data recorder, no plane, no emergency call. Nothing. Just Cindy, his father’s secretary, calling him to give him the news.
And that’s not all. 
His father wasn’t the great businessman he pretended to be. He had so many debts that Steve would have to renounce his inheritance if he doesn’t want to drown in his debts. Still, he’s feeding a stray cat the best tuna in town and pretending that everything is fine.
The news of the accident didn’t make it on the news to protect Steve from debt collectors so none knows that he has nothing left. None knows that some days he wonders if it wouldn’t be easy for him to just put an end to his misery.
He was having those kinds of thoughts the first time the cat showed up. Big, furry, and loud. He has mewled until he got Steve’s attention and since that day he has shown up every night, at the same hour, when waves of despair fill Steve’s lungs, making breathing an unbearable task.
It’s just a coincidence, Steve isn’t so naive to believe that a stray cat is trying to save him, but he has found himself waiting eagerly for the elegant animal to come to visit. 
While Steve cleans the little plates he reminds himself that he should try to find a job, but that would mean that the entire town will know that he has nothing left and his stupid pride won’t let him. He sighs loudly. He has one week to leave the house, then it will be put on sale and he’ll have to start living in his car like a homeless guy at nineteen.
That’s not the life he thought was waiting for him.
A scratch on the door attracts his attention, and the big black cat is back, holding a lizard in his mouth.
Steve chuckles, opening the door to let him in, “Come on. I don’t bite.” Steve chuckles, while the cat weary gets inside, leaving his bloody prey on the Persian carpet. Steve will put it in the trash as soon as the cat leaves, but it’s nice seeing that at least he has a friend left.
“Milk?” he asks the cat, not really waiting for an answer but pouring some in a little plate while he grabs his beer, “You must be thirsty after your hunt.”
Steve cracks the beer can open while the cat slowly laps the milk.
“I’m having a hell of a week.” Steve complains, drinking his beer, “My parents died in a plane crash. They didn’t even have a funeral because there was no body to retrieve. They asked me if I wanted a commemoration ceremony but it didn’t make sense to bury two empty caskets in old Lord Harrington chapel, you know?” he drinks some more, “Oh, and I’m full of debts. And I’m going to lose the house soon. Hope the new owner will be kind to you. You’re a good guy. You even brought me a lizard.” Steve chuckles, grabbing another beer, and another until he’s too drunk to stand and he simply sits on the Valentino’s tiles his mom personally chose when they moved.
“I won’t even be present at the graduation ceremony. The Principal told me he’d have my diploma delivered where I wanted. But I have no idea where the hell I’m going to stay. Not here, that’s for sure, but I don't know how comfortable my car is for sleeping. Had a few hookups but never slept there. Not even once. Maybe I should have tried ahead. To be ready. And you have to take care, little friend.” Steve sighs, “I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things. You can’t know it but I used to be sort of good at school, I was rich and famous and had the prettiest girl in school. Then another boy came and claimed my crown. My friends left me. My parents died. And all I’m left with is a car and a stray cat that loves my mom’s fancy tuna.”
The cat steps closely so slowly that for a moment Steve thinks that he’s imagining it, but after a few moments the cat is standing next to his feet, his dark eyes pointed at Steve like he had understood his entire discourse and he was sorry for him.
Those eyes are dark, so dark, almost magnetic. But he’s just a cat and Steve has drunk too much. He should go to bed.
“Yes, you should.” the cat says, and Steve giggles.
“Cats don’t talk. God I drank too much.” he decides, standing up and wobbling toward his room, moving one leg after the other but feeling that it's not him who’s ordering his limbs to move.
He’s just drunk.
When he wakes up the next day the sun shines too brightly and he curses himself for drinking too much. On his night table, there’s a big glass of water and some Advil. At least past him foresaw that he was going to need them in the morning.
He slowly steps down the stairs, but he freezes: someone is singing in his kitchen. Steve grabs an umbrella from the umbrella rack and steps quietly into the kitchen. In front of the fires, cooking some eggs and bacon stands a beautiful man with long black hair and deep dark eyes.
“Good morning.” He says, smirking, and his teeth look a little bit too sharp.
“Who the fuck are you?!” Steve asks, holding the umbrella tight to his chest.
“Are you threatening me with an umbrella, Steve? For real?”
“How do you know my name?!”
“I know many things about you. And I know you had an awful week and that you need to eat something more than chips and candies. Sit down. It’s almost ready.”
“How did you get in?”
“You invited me.”
“I never did such a thing.”
The man turns with a little smirk, and his tongue flickers on his lower lips just for a moment in a very familiar way.
“This can’t be true. I must be still asleep!”
“What can’t be true?”
“You… your tongue… the cat… it’s not…”
“I need my opposable thumbs to cook, but I guess I can indulge you for a moment.” the man winks, and with a puff he disappears.
“Where the hell…?”
But when Steve circumnavigates the table the big black cat is staring at him with the same smirk the man had.
“Do you prefer this form? My uncle says I’m cuter like this.”
Steve startles and falls on the ground, hitting the floor harshly, while the cat steps closer to him, climbing his legs with ease.
“Hi, Steve. I’m Eddie. Nice to meet you. Now can you tell me where are you hiding that incredible tuna? I really enjoyed it.”
Steve points a shivering finger toward a kitchen cabinet, and Eddie gets down from his lap and turns back into a human to open the kitchen cabinet, “Here it is! I’m going to miss it when we move.”
“We… what?”
“My uncle is coming to visit soon, he’ll decide if you are one of us, but I already know you are.”
“One of you?”
“Animagus. Mages that can change into animals.”
“Am I?”
“Yes, you are, Eddie confirms, putting some eggs and bacon on a plate and offering it to Steve, “That’s how I found you.”
“I… I didn’t transform into an animal.”
“No, you didn't.” Eddie replies, nudging the plate closer to him, “But you almost did. I smell the stench of your despair from miles away. I just had to make sure before calling Wayne, don’t want to make the old man travel so long for a false alarm, you know?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Eat, Stevie.” Eddie insists, taking a chair and putting the tuna on a little plate but eating it with a fork this time, “Phoenix burn themselves when they’re desperate.” Eddie says, licking his lips, “And you almost did.” He explains, holding the fork and gesturing with it while he talks, “I thought you were a grumpy old man tired of living between normies. You can easily understand how surprised I was to see a young phoenix with no training abandoned in a huge and empty house.”
A knock on the window interrupts them and when Steve turns the biggest eagle he ever saw is staring at him with his head tilted to the side.
“Oh, that’s Wayne.  He’ll explain it better. Anyway, if he says you’re one of us you’re coming with us.”
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