#stealthing is the only tool transmen have
nanogono · 4 months
As a transman, I am BOYCOTTING this coming PRIDE
a few days ago, I watched a screening of a soon-to-be-released Pride documentary - it didn't include a single transman speaker out of over 30 interviews. This was a nail in the coffin moment for me. I am tired of being erased in every queer space I go that's suppose to be "for me" or at least include people like me. Done. I'm fucking done. If the queer community isn't going to uplift trans men (especially 'male-perceived' trans people for that matter), then it's not safe for trans men to be a part of it.
And, no, I don't mean just Corporate Pride (the issue is in our communities as well [at least in NYC where I live- but I've noticed it in other places, too] I am not going to be attending any Pride events this year. If you are a transman who knows what I'm talking about and is tired as fuck, too, I urge you to do the same If you are an ally to the trans community or a woman-passing trans person [i'm including afabs here] (or if you're a butch tw that feels up to it), I encourage you to make signs for marches or events where signs are appropriate that say: "Where are the Trans Men?" "Trans Men Exist" or if you like to argue, the ever so unpopular: "Tran's Rights are Men's Rights, Too" or really any slogan you think might pressure the world and our communities to be there, support, and make visible trans men. I've come to the sad realization that I can no longer survive in queer spaces if I am constantly being erased. Please, allies and those with some spotlight, this Pride start asking events, talks, performances, rallies, shows, concerts, floats, panels, etc: "Where are the trans men?"
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