#stealing this xD dont know what im doing but stole it anyway
frostbittenfemme · 5 months
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nothing-tolose · 5 months
All Because I Liked A Girl.
Part 2.
Warning: death threats, panic attack (?), lmk if i missed anything!
A/N: still kinda short anyway but yeah here it is. english isn't my first language so pls pls i hope u guys can understand t____t love u guys sm xoxo
Part 1.
🇵🇸 Daily click.
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You keep your phone on screen after you saw those comments on school's blog. You couldn't tell what's happening right now, too many comments made you so hard to search the problem. You bring that thing to everywhere; kitchen, living room, porch, or even to the bathroom.
It's been two hours since you woke up and you haven't showered yet. You were too focused on your school's blog. You sit on your dining chair with a cup of water in front of you, fingers still scrolling and searching.
'Why there's so much bad comments towards me? Why do people keep mentioning Ellie and Anne in between my name?'
You keep asking the same question in your head. You have no idea. Because, oh really, what the fuck is happening right now? You didn't even do anything wrong before!
And you stopped scrolling when you saw Anne's post.
11 hours ago
oh.. i think.. people should be know about a girl who just stole someone's girlfriend, yeah? been hiding this for months but i guess today is the right time to tell you all. aaanddd this isn't about a gossip at all since it was happened to me:)
i would never understand why did she still can smile so brightly after she stole my gf, oops, i mean.. my ex. sorry my bad ;(
there's no girls supporting girls when the one have NO SHAME 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
anyway, have a good night everyone! <3
You froze. You figured out that her post was the problem of all those bad comments, and that post finally answered your curiosity.
Who doesn't know about Anne, though? Everyone knew her as an 'IT GIRL' or something like that on your school. She was dated with Ellie back then and broke up 5 months ago. Everyone always praising her like she's the perfect one, no one could replace her. Good grades, good looking, good personality. Oh, she got them all.
You were confused. It was 5 months ago, you started talking with Ellie 3 months ago, and started dating with her a month after that. There's a little big gap between their relationship with yours, right? Why did she bring up about that and saying that you stole Ellie?
Did she really talking about you? Or you were just overanalyzing? Absolutely not. She haven't been in relationship after her break up with Ellie. If the post wasn't about you and Ellie, then who?
People in her comments section were shading you and even mentioning YOUR NAME.
I THINK I KNOW WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT :0 her name starts with * right?
@annel1se-torres replied
@brachhiosoreuzz girl i know you're smart but shh 🤫
i fucking agree w you anne, no girls supporting girls when the one have NOOO SHAAAMEEE FOR STEALING SOMEONE'S GIRLFRIEND!
lmfao, she's ugly tho why did ellie accept her to be her girlfriend? ugh she's not worthy to be compared with you, girl
ugly bitch always steal everything
she should be dead fr i don't care what anyone says
@dont-lookat-m33 replied
@plhrmc hey delete that, you're going too far
are you sure that she stole ellie from you? i mean, they started dating like around three months after your break up. think again, anne. im on your side if they were dating a week after the break up. she's already getting a death threat because of your post. not everything should be about you though.
@77-s18 replied
@dont-lookat-m33 guys it's her!!! use your real account you loser XD
You shouldn't have seen those comments, you should've just see the post. Those comments were worst than the first you saw before. The way Anne replied their comments, and didn't even care about the others. What's her actual problem with you? You both were never interacting before. All you know is Anne's post was absolutely a lie because you didn't even care abour her or thinking about her when you talking to Ellie for the first time until you dating with her.
It was your first time getting really really bad comments and death threats. You were definitely scared. Firstly they said they'll spit on you on Monday morning if you show up, and now they wishing you dead.
You can't stop scrolling and reading the comments, it gets worse. God, they made you scared to death. Your body starts to shaking, your hands too. You hold your tears.
Your phone buzzed when you were about to see more comments on Anne's post. Lauren calls you again.
"Hey, I just found the–"
"Lau, I.." You couldn't talk, words suddenly disappeared. Lauren can hear your breath, and you were panting. "I saw those comments. They–"
Lauren went silent, she took a deep breath, "Would you close the blog right now? Please?" Now she sounds more softer than the last call you had with her.
You nod slightly.
You swear to God, you can't hold your tears anymore. You were too scared, scared of what will happen next. What if they really spit on you? What if they give you a disgusting stare on you? And what if—
Then you cried.
You hear Lauren's voice from the call, "I'll be there in five minutes. Just sit there where you are and don't go to somewhere else." And she hang up.
Of course you're not going to anywhere. Your feet were limp, you couldn't do anything except crying.
Your phone screen was on, you can see the notifications on the screen there.
messages request from ssalxxxx
god i really hope you the worst
she's dating with you because she just wanted to make anne jealous
poor girl
messages request from qwrtxxxx
ellie was never happy with you and anne is better than you, girlie
i'll be waiting for your funeral 💘
You shut your eyes, you don't want to see it. But hey, remember that curiosity killed the cat.
messages from els <33
babe are you okay??
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taglist: @backedbeansh
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headsarolling-blog · 7 years
in response to this post
Last Saturday at 8:08 PM
kilnkin arent you wearing a stetson like right now? its been pretty practical so far lol
headsarolling yeah but goths have hats too pants and adequate ridin boots can be more of a challenge, dependin on the look ur goin for
kilnkin this is such a science
kilnkin what if youre doing goth activities? whatever the fuck those are
headsarolling while its true that the aesthetic impact of bog wadin is minimised when one doesnt have skirts to swirl in the water around them one must also consider: if the cowboy cannot ride a horse, is one really a cowboy?
kilnkin if they can lean against a fence? whistle? i think so!
kilnkin im here with you on bog wading though thank god. no one here understands me i swear but is there anything better?? thats rhetorical dont answer that there isnt
headsarolling all the looks with none of the heart? it just aint right
kilnkin have you found anything resembling wetland since you fucked off bc im already sick of all this sand shit ): right!!!
headsarolling no. i found a lot of rock though if thats more ur style and skulls
headsarolling so definitely more my style
kilnkin rocks are ok i guess i can chew them though thats always a hoot what about bugs mosquitos suck moire got a butterfly but i havent seen any :/
headsarolling damn mud man. i can swallow small ones but chewin them is pretty hard core
kilnkin what am i if not hardcore like literally and shit
headsarolling lmao i havent seen a lot of bugs cause of the storm?
headsarolling ill keep an eye out though mosquitos can fuck right off tho u got that right
kilnkin ugh that makes sense i mean they dont bite me or whatever but i cant bite them either its like the cruelest impasse
headsarolling this is a remote island tho right? shouldnt there be like giant crickets hoppin around?
kilnkin im gonna take your word for that one on account of never having visited a remote island before
headsarolling its hard to tell with the excellent wifi and timespace fuckery but im fairly certain
kilnkin the wifi is good isnt it?? like better than druantia i didnt even really notice that rofl how twenty first century of me
headsarolling yeah there was a bit, on the east coast where the wifi dropped and i had to use data but otherwise its been pretty solid
headsarolling we the millenials are killin remote island survival with our apple phones and avacados
kilnkin what the fuck kind of data plan are you on
headsarolling i havent paid a single dollar for credit in my entire life i have no idea
kilnkin nice?? ive gotta try and get that for ma im killing island survival via isolation and lots of napping fyi much more anchorite than millenial
headsarolling i think the plan came with this phone and i cant even remember who i stole it from so unfortunately i cant give much advice damn nice tactic tho? ive got the isolation thing down but i think my nappin needs some work maybe bein in less rocky areas would help...
kilnkin yeah im with everyone in the caves now too but i can at least ball my dress up for a pillow. the stetson is probably less than ideal ): are you coming back anytime soon? or pressing on further. finding some softer pastures
headsarolling i would never consider disfigurin my hat for the sake of comfort! i havent decided yet. right now im rather enjoyin the company of these skulls
kilnkin so ominous. so goth!!
headsarolling well ive no horses or bogs so ive gotta get my aesthetics from somewhere
kilnkin dont even talk to me if you havent put the hat on a skull yet
headsarolling ive also performed a rivitin recital of certain lines of hamlet it feels weird sayin it to someone elses head
kilnkin lolol
kilnkin i expect a reprisal when we start another variety hour!!
headsarolling oh for sure id hate to disappoint my expectant fans
kilnkin and id hate to sit through any more of walkers showboating without a reasonably entertaining chaser (:
headsarolling ill be sure to stagger my release a bit more next time ensure ive a got a decent followup
kilnkin yeah youve really gotta consider how the consumer consumes if you wanna be successful in this climate either that or flood the market you know x)
headsarolling always an option but i fear that may result in backlash from the bottle blonde bombshell
kilnkin um? even better??
kilnkin i never got to get her back for not letting me get her back before getting stuck here anyway
headsarolling what did u need to get her back for?
kilnkin um there was definitely something
headsarolling lmao thats the best of geeting back *gettin
kilnkin the purest form of revenge is when you 1) forget whats is for 2) take yourself down in the process otherwise are you even trying?
headsarolling when i die itll be for a cause ive forgotten usin a knife meant for someone else
headsarolling or some weird poetic shit like that
kilnkin id buy a tshirt with that on it probably or at least steal one off a clothesline
headsarolling its always been a dream of mine to have someone steal a tshirt with a quote of mine off a clothesline
kilnkin ive had that one. its one of the biggies you know flying teeth falling out academic nudity
headsarolling i havent had the flyin dream yet i hear its craic tho
kilnkin no idea what that means but sure
headsarolling a craci? *craic its a good time
kilnkin oh i thought it wouldve been a negative if that sounds like a craig you should come cliffdive tomorrow basically the same thing
headsarolling not a fan of the flyin dream? wait u guys were cliffdivin? how did polly not have a heart attack?
kilnkin its ok but when you bust out the irish its normally not so nice lolol he mightve you know. he was just a little glowing speck from up there he was probably clutching his pearls the whole time but he didnt say shit
headsarolling i hadnt notice well maybe ill come back and check it out freakin misha out is always a fun time
headsarolling a craic, if u will
kilnkin lol loving your idea of fun theres ample opportunity to freak people out here but i think fucking off by yourself is really the peak oh man you could probably make the jump without a chaperone too im already jealous and you havent done it yet ):
headsarolling no one seem bothered by my disappearance so far. a very disappointin reaction tbh
headsarolling u tellin me u got a chaperone?
kilnkin its like you hopped out your bedroom window shimmied down the drainpipe and your old lady didnt even notice!! an empty rebellion indeed yeah wolff had to come with n give me a tow back to shore sucked ass but less effort on my part the better really XD
headsarolling one of the downfalls of being hardcore i suppose?
kilnkin unfortunately yes its a tough life but someones gotta do it :| thats my stuff upper lip soldiering on emoticon (:
headsarolling we appreciate ur sacrifice
kilnkin i appreciate your appreciation
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kilnkin · 8 years
kilnkin hey i have a question 02/05/2017
fendifangs Shoot dude
kilnkin ok so you drink blood. thats a thing do u like?? know shit about blood?? like, maybe demon blood? or half demon blood idk?? like?? drinking wise or potion wise or anything Last Thursday at 11:17 AM
fendifangs Uhhhh
fendifangs One of my Professors y'know the Giant Bat with the piercings??? He was like, Just don't do That I think it works differently for Every Type, of like, Bloodsucker of the Night lmao Why do you want to know??? 00 OH and, Sorry, I'm finally awake before Midnight lol
kilnkin lol early bird catches the worm and all that :p and uh. no reason just wondering if different types of blood have different properties that might make them super desirable for spellwork and potentially give a hypothetical person a hypothetical edge in witchcraft classes hypothetically
fendifangs This seems............ A little too advanced for Me lol I JUST passed Monsters & You Are you Stealing people's blood
fendifangs ????????????????? Didn't that JUST happen to Wynn like a week ago????
kilnkin haha really?? i hadnt heard about that lol weird coincidence that my totally detached interest in blood magics would be manifesting right after that, bad timing on my part lmao
fendifangs Ummmmmmm Yeah super weird
fendifangs Anyway I can get you a couple Capri Sun BBs from Artume's cafeteria but none of them Taste that fancy Lol
kilnkin yeah its like, fate right. maybe ill major in it XD oh!! yeah thanks thatd be cool
fendifangs Major in Wynns Blood /???????
kilnkin major in generic and totally not stolen blood magics
kilnkin major in capri sun blood magics whatever that is
fendifangs You're being Weird!!!!!!!!!
kilnkin no im not im never weird youre being weird
fendifangs Aud Did YOU steal Wynns blood??????
kilnkin no!! those freaks in occult club did remember im not in occult club i dont even like anime >:( i mean?? rude??
fendifangs But you said you Didn't even Know it happened???????????
kilnkin w
fendifangs w?????????????
kilnkin i didnt but everyone knows something happened with the club im just putting two and two together right its just obv Last Thursday at 3:56 PM
fendifangs Oh I meaaan If you say So???? >:(
kilnkin yeah i say so lol
fendifangs You Know you can tell me, like, Stuff right????
kilnkin uh yeah sure next time i have Stuff ill talk to you asap :p
fendifangs Sounds like a fly Plan
kilnkin haha lucky you my totally hypothetical Stuff isnt uh too heavy
like, a few days later??
kilnkin hey so apparently i have some Stuff if u wanna make good ôn this agreement Today at 6:56 AM
fendifangs Aw yes What's the 411 Girl Today at 10:07 AM
kilnkin uhh hi ok the 411 has changed considerably from when i first messaged you lolol now the 411 is like
kilnkin im hypothetically talking to this hypothetical girl and i accidentally called her hot even tho i just stole her blood but shes ok with that i guess so whatever and then shes hypothetically saying in a super weird way that she has a crush on me and then we're hypothetically planning her coffee date with some new kid she wants to hypothetically fuck with and im like hypothetically but also literally really confused idk you read those fucking teen magazines how do i hypothetically ask her out i guess?
fendifangs OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH So are you and WYNN LIKE an ITEM now???????????????? WOW LMAO did she just Like forgive you for a STEALING her blood just like that??? She must have it BAD LMAO
kilnkin i stole it from people who stole it thats a double negative it cancels out it wasnt that bad!!! but uh? i guess? is that what that means like i thought it was too easy lol wait no were not an "item" though no
fendifangs If someone makes it easy then it means they REALLY MUST like you !!!!!!
kilnkin :0
fendifangs Are you Guys going on a Date????
kilnkin no shes going on a date with that nick guy but like a fake date i was gonna ask to hang with her at the dance in like a friend way before all this blood shit went down should i do that :?
fendifangs She has a crush On you but she's going on a Fake date??? Not In a friendly Way though Lol
kilnkin i dont even know for sure if she does cause she said im kidding or am i? like who does that what does that mean )):
fendifangs Shes' trying to KEEP the Mystery !!!!!!!!!!!!!
kilnkin wait if she wants it to be a mystery does that mean i shouldnt ask her?? or she wants me to ask her so she doesnt have to ask me?? this is fucked omg
fendifangs My EDUCATED guess would be the 2nd one !!!!! You should Go for it, It seems like It's an Easy  Bet (:
kilnkin ok
kilnkin thanks i guess (: ill uh. tell u how it goes if you want?
fendifangs This is SO exciting !!!!!!!!!! Uh, Hell Yeah?? You can  swoop by my Room whenever We can do our Nails again!!!
kilnkin lol sounds good
fendifangs Excellent >:) !
kilnkin ((: Today at 2:06 PM
kilnkin )):
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exhibit h
Ladies and gentlemans, meet HikaruXANA, the new thief on display: Behold the horror. God, when they will learn? She hangs around this place or this one too, so beware: She is highly unestable and dangerous. (XD) Shoot at will, then.
Ah, Maneko told me about you. He didn't eactly have a good word about you, however. You've probably figured out why...but still, you geta watch because Phoenixes = Awesome.
Um,who is Maneko?
Author of the comic Neko's House a couple of months ago, he found This comic which had...recolors of a couple of his characters' sprites. Apparantly, someone else made the sprites used here, using the sprites he uses in his comic, which is 403 FORBIDDEN.
Uh,broken link dude,and im still confused.
Second link, right? Maybe this one will work?
Another broken one,AND I SAID DONT POST LINKS TO OTHERS ARTWORK! It annoys me greatly...
Also,please do not post links to other comics/artists. I kinda hate it when people do that,cus their advirtizing on my art page...*glares*
Name: Hikaru Age: 15 Level: 3 Class: Sage of Fire Currency: 1500 Gender: Female
FAKE! FAKE! Lies about a fifteen year girl of stealing.
Okay to exact violence?
What else did he fake?
This is by far, the SADDEST thing I've seen in AGES: NIKE'S HOUSE!!!
Making sure this bitch can't get away with this: Ladies and gentlemens, meet Nike Navora, aka NIKE THE PATHETIC COMIC THIEF. The little shit  stole jokes, stories, backgrounds, edits, and even ENTIRE PANELS FROM MY COMIC, for christ's sake. She even had the nerve to paste her PATHETIC SONIC RECOLORS over MY OWN  fucking sprites, thinking that nobody was going to notice it, so she could get away with her FUCKING ATTENTION WHORISM FRAUD.
But don't worry, pals! Even if her cretinous minions tried to get me banned from  her ex- community   to hide her theft, Justice prevailed anyways, and before she could say "ayamawhore" the great Modstaff exposed her like the imbecile, lying, coward, pathetic fraud she is... AGAIN!
Yes! This was her SECOND time stealing other people's work to get some attention (She also stole LOTS of stuff from Insonicmia's site) without giving a shit about it, but since she was too nice, holy and mellow as to face the truth about her blatant theft, the poor, poor Nike tried to get everyone's pity by doing THIS ABYSMAL PITY SHOW. But guess what? Once again, Sonniku.net's modstaff managed to put her in her place, like the fucking, pathetic, insignificant MANIPULATIVE EMO SHIT she is! Yay! Go, Sonniku.net's Moderation team! Fight for everlasting peace!
In case the little bitch tries to delete the evidence of her retarded theft, I took the liberty to post some of her "comics" here. Egads, is it just me, or is something looking very familiar? And that's just the tip of the Iceberg! She stole MY ENTIRE GODNAMED ARCHIVE! Everyone, please point at Nike Navora and laugh. Serves her right, dammit.
You know, sometimes I wonder what part of "My sprites are NOT PUBLIC" is so difficult to understand.
I wonder why a man in his "late twenties" has to lie about teenage girls? All links go nowhere. Wayback Machine has nothing! All of it was fake?
Remember Nike Navora, the comic thief? Well, after I unmasked her, she and her gang pulled some really funny things (Like homicide threats... through internet. Le Sigh) but finally, she accepted that what she did was wrong, and apologized for real. Check this:
Alright! This has gone far enough...I'm just going to say it straight forward! I'm sorry, Maneko! I understand what I did really pissed you off, and I don't blame you! You had every right to post what I did on your site, it hurt, but I deserved it! and I think you probably believe this is "Self-Pity", but I truly am sorry for what I did....I just didn't think I'd get caught, but I was wrong and not only did I make you mad, but I also made some of your friends mad at me too. My friends don't deserve to get caught in this since they weren't involve, it's me you want not them. I won't steal from you or any other site again, I learned my lesson. Seriously ~Nike
Ok, so the little brat finally understood that when you lie, steal and mess with the big dogs, crap happens. Fine, fine. Just don't do it again, kid. Of course, her friends Darky, Melissa and Yaoi_Lover never stopped to vomit hate, lies and threats, but meh. Who cares about them? Nobody. Nobody important, at least. So yeah, the issue is over.
Thanks for your support, people. You have no idea how much I appreciated it.
Who supported this FAKE outrage?
The harassing and trolling of a teenage girl by a man claiming to be in his "late twenties"?
Bob and George?
It didn't end there.
I have found he posted FAKE messages on other blogs, 4chan, and KKKchans.
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