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stclenrelic-moved · 2 years ago
Tony immediately starts swiping at some of the screens after which most of them either disappear or move to the background. Up next he types something on the illuminated keyboard and soon enough the arc reactor comes to life as a hologram. It slowly spins in place and Tony nods towards it before looking back at Loki. “Uh, I didn’t really invent it. Hologram technology or holography existed already. I guess I just fine-tuned it and made it even better,” Tony says with a shrug as he steps backwards to lean against one of the work benches. “Simply said, it’s a method to produce a three-dimensional image using light and laser technology.” Tony crosses his arms on his chest, head tilting sideways as he watches the other. As much as they throw jokes and innuendos back and forth, Loki does seem genuinely interested in the technology. Almost like a childlike curiosity. Something Tony can understand all too well. “I make most designs using holograms. That one is the original blueprint for the arc reactor.” He nods towards the hologram again. “You’re the first one to see this. The full version, I mean. Other than me, of course.”
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Loki’s gaze follows the holograms as they’re spread out across the room, jaw slacking just a little bit in awe. It’s strangely beautiful and incredibly interesting at the same time. He listens to Tony explaining he didn’t invent it, but did improve it, watching as he moves the images around. Incredible.
He glances back at Tony, watching as he leans against a work bench and crosses his arms. Loki catches himself thinking about how handsome he looks, even with the cold blue hue covering his features. The prince has met ( and shared a bed with ) a lot of different people, some even more good looking, perhaps, but there is something about this man that is just drawing him in. He’s interesting. Smart, handsome, sarcastic... He can’t quite put his finger on why this man holds his curiosity so much, but he does.
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Loki raises a brow in surprise when Tony speaks again. He’s the only other person who’s seen it? He has to be lying... he’s a mere stranger, why would he trust him with such a delicate design? “Really? I’m flattered.” He speaks, not really caring much for showing him that it surprised him. Emotions are best kept to oneself. So they cannot be used against you. “It is quite impressive, mr. Stark.” He adds, voice a little lower than before. “Sounds like it’s quite a headturner.”
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multistcrk · 3 months ago
hello! just coming on here to post about a fic i had started awhile ago and have been on and off about posting new chapters…seriously have not updated this fic in over a year BUT i’m finally coming back to it and have been writing more and thought it would be a good idea to keep people updated on its status. it’s basically a stevtony fic in the harry potter universe if anyone is interested in that! it’s tons of fun for me to write (and maybe a little self indulgent) so i hope you will enjoy reading it! i give this to you while i continue to write the new chapters!
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pixelpaladin24 · 2 years ago
What comes included with you?
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Tagged by: stolen >:D
Tagging: @nxntiius @forthegreatergoodrp @the-raven-dhampir @lxnleybatbxy @stcrk @icecoldreactor and anyone else who wants 🖤
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f1rstresponder · 2 years ago
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#F1RSTRESPONDER ; an independent rp blog for 
Exploring themes of ;  addiction & recovery, (found) family, loss & grief, finding one’s purpose, and love.
Written by Shar, she / her. GMT+1.
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other blogs: @cptnrgers / @stcrk / @ctreyes
rules / about / memes / wishlist / open starters
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aloystark · 2 years ago
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Aloy’s idea of the perfect New Year’s eve changed drastically over the last year. Where ever since she turned sixteen her idea of the perfect night out had been to drink until she passed out or until she found herself in a complete stranger’s bed, she finds herself not being all that interested in that this year.
The past year has been a little different from most, and Aloy finds herself incapable of dealing with the change. She’s embarrassed. Not because of Oliver, no... he’s a good guy and he’s handsome as hell. She’s embarrassed because this is so not her. It doesn’t fit in with the image she has created for herself. 
So, she’s been keeping her crush mostly to herself. She even kept sleeping around. Keeping up appearances. 
But today was going to be different. Or... well.. tomorrow was going to be different. Because when Aloy heard people start the countdown to the New Year, she decided that; Fuck it. She’s going to go find Oliver and kiss him. If anything she could play it off as being drunk and influenced by the party.
She hurriedly makes her way through the crowd of shouting people to where she’d last seen him, glass of champagne in her hand, only to find him kissing another girl. And not just a smooch... no.. their eyes were closed, there was tongue and their hands were everywhere. She doesn’t know how long she’s been standing there, frozen and staring, but it was long enough for Oliver to finish the kiss and look around, staring right at her.
The eyecontact pulled her back to reality. She blinked a few times, then shook her head before giving him an angry glare. Aloy turns around and leaves the party in a hurry, so much so that she forgets her jacket. And, of course, it’s snowing. 
Luckily, home isn’t too far away. She’s not going back.
Aloy takes her phone out of her purse to text Lyra that she isn’t feeling well and is on her way home. She’ll buy a new jacket. Better than having to go back there.
She gets home about five minutes later, black hair covered in snow as she wipes some more off her arms. [Welcome home.] “Thank you, FRIDAY.” She responds as she gets into the elevator. [You’re welcome. You seem cold. Would you like me to prepare some hot chocolate?] “You know what, that sounds fucking delicious. Get me two of ‘em.” She speaks. Chocolate was always good for a broken heart right?
When she gets out of the elevator, she kicks her heels into the first corner she passes, about to head into the kitchen to collect her drinks when she sees her dad. Aloy pauses, quite literally, halfway through her step, one foot still lifted, before she puts it down again and runs a hand through her wet hair. “Uh... I forgot my jacket?” Yes, questionmark. Not because she’s a bad liar, she’s great at it, but she’s also drunk and she knows her dad knows better than to believe them or her mother on everything they say.
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sbtm-archived · 2 years ago
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For a split second Bucky’s worried that @stcrk’s pulling him away because he’s done with him. Until he says that he wants it  --  but not now. A very obvious sigh of relief leaves his lips that would have been a lot less obvious if he wasn’t drunk as hell.  He’s about to get up, when Tony tells him to stay put and he does so without questioning. After all, he trusts him. Completely. And so, Bucky simply watches as Tony grabs the shampoo bottle. He’s sober enough to realize that he should close his eyes, letting the other massage the soap into his hair. It’s nice. Intimate. 
 A soft smile creeps on his lips, keeping the hand on his upperleg to keep some contact, until eventually.. his head got a little heavy. “Tones, ‘m just gonna...” He places his cheek against his thigh, arm now around his leg. Bucky’s vaguely aware of the fact his forehead is touching some part of Tony’s privates, but he cannot bring himself to care. He’s so relaxed he thinks he could fall asleep there. Not that he’s going to, but he definitely could. 
The gentle touch to his head, the water running over his body, the alcohol in his veins, it’s making it so very easy to get drowsy. Bucky turns his head just a little, pressing a kiss onto his leg in some sort of attempt to return the affection. “ ’s nice...” He mumbles, not realizing that his voice is very quiet at the moment and Tony probably couldn’t hear it over the sound of the water.
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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One of the many things Loki prided himself on was his ability to plot things out. As a master manipulator, he likes to think that he knows the people close to him well enough to predict their moves.   After getting tortured by Thanos for a year and learning about the eternal’s plans, Loki created a plan to make sure to spread the stones across the universe, instead of keeping three of them on Midgard. He pretended to work for Thanos, united the Avengers in doing so, and managed to get the tesseract back to Asgard. All in all  ---  not bad.   Until he got back to Asgard. Of course, he had predicted he would be punished for it, but it would be well worth it, considering it bought the universe a significant amount of time and it also gave the Avengers more time to learn to work together even more.
What he didn’t expect, was for Odin to send him back to Midgard so he could help fix what he had ruined. Frigga must’ve convinced him. Of course... she wouldn’t want him to rot in a dungeon.  It was also Frigga who cast a spell on him to make sure he couldn’t access all of his magic. After that, the tesseract was taken out of the vault to send Loki towards Asgard. Right at the same spot where he opened the portal to let the Chitauri in. Stark tower. Although... really only the A was still in place. But whatever.
Loki groans. This is going to be awkward.
He looks around, a little unsure of what to do or where to go, until ----
‘Good afternoon, Mr. Laufeyson---’ Even though the sudden voice startled him and he had no idea where it was coming from, Loki didn’t skip a beat to correct him; “Just Loki, please.”  ‘I apologize. Good afternoon, Mr. Loki. Mr. @stcrk is waiting for you inside. If you’re willing to accept a drink this time, please refrain from throwing him out of the window.’
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 A snort leaves his lips at that. He’s not happy about the situation, but to say he didn’t appreciate the attitude would be a lie. “I already did tell him I’d have a drink. A little delay shouldn’t change anything.” He speaks as he makes his way to where he remembers the entrance to be..
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ofsentinel · 2 years ago
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@stcrk ; “So this is what the famous Captain America is like behind closed doors.”
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⎯⎯⎯⎯ His had his on his mug, stabilising it as he stirs and he can't help but let a soft chuckle leave his lips the moment he hears Tony behind him. He rolls his eyes and turned to him as he reached to turn the kettle back on. "Y'know, if you wanted cocoa you can justask mee, metal man." Steve teases, "Do you take sugar?"
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"Steve, my dad [@stcrk] wants to marry you. He's making you a ring right now." @dumestark​
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“Did he say that or was that--was he being serious about that? You know your dad can be sarcastic.”
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stclenrelic-moved · 2 years ago
Tony follows Loki with his gaze until he disappears into one of the fitting rooms. Which is quite literally just that; a small room, though definitely much bigger than the average fitting cubicle. When he looks away again, Tony catches one of the employees staring at him with a smile on her face that’s bordering on.. wistful, maybe? Well, at least that means he and Loki are convincing enough. Clearing his throat, Tony fishes his phone from his pocket to go through his mail. He’s not really reading them, just skimming over the text to categorize the e-mails as not-urgent or even-less-urgent. The ones Pepper sent him are automatically flagged as urgent, though, and somehow Tony doesn’t dare change those settings. He just sent Happy a quick text with their current location when the fitting room door opens and Loki steps out and– well, fuck. He looks amazing. Even though it’s a ready-to-wear suit, it looks like it was fucking made for Loki. The color’s perfect and the suit itself is just tight enough in the right places. “Shit, it does,” Tony agrees as he gives Loki the umpteenth once-over. While he may not remember everything from last night; he did manage to get a quick look at some parts of Loki’s body this morning before he sneaked out. The guy’s lean and tall, but somehow still slightly built. Toned. “Your ass looks great.” He thinks he hears one of the employees snort, but he really can’t be bothered to care. Working in a fancy boutique comes with dealing with celebrities and being discrete about it; whatever happens in here, stays in here. Leaking anything to the outside world will cost them their job, at least. “Amazing,” he mutters before he pushes himself up from the lounge sofa. “Feels okay too? Fabric’s comfortable enough?” Tony comes to a halt in front of Loki, his hand reaching out to touch the lapel of the jacket. It does feel nice. Expensive. But damn does it make Loki look good.
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Green eyes watch as Tony gets up from the sofa to make his way over. A grin curls onto his lips again. “It feels very comfortable. Soft and smooth.” He speaks, placing his hands on Tony’s chest in return. That doesn’t last long, however.
Loki really expected he would have been more unsure about this. After all, this isn’t his usual kind of job, and Tony is still a celebrity. Last night wasn’t awkward at all cause they’d been drinking and the job was technically just another day at work for him. This is different. Yet for some reason, it is so easy for him to play the part. Like he is born for the role.
He’s not completely sure where the confidence came from, but he’s not complaining. It surely makes the job more fun.
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Loki then slides his hands up until they rest on the sides of his neck, leaning in to place a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth before sliding his hands up more until his arms are circled around his neck. “If we’re going to that party together I do need to know if I can dance in this, don’t I?” He speaks, swaying them about slightly, aiming to make it look as sugary sweet as he possibly can. Hey -- Tony’s the one who named himself Stud Muffin in his phone. He will have to deal with the consequences.
After swaying around for a bit, Loki slides his hands down over his arms until he reaches his hands, grabbing one with his own. He lifts it so he can twirl himself around and back again. “I think this should work just fine.”
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dumestark · 3 years ago
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“I didn’t do it!” He held his hands up in the air, looking at Tony with a look that only screamed guilty. His little fingers were coated in oil and he’d been playing in it.
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txoubledtwxn · 3 years ago
@stcrk // bc  tj’s loud & we need the thingy!
                      there was a heavy sigh slipping past his lips , when tj looked around the room filled with ‘important people’ like his mother had told him and in the same breathe he was told to behave , like he’d do anything stupid in public ever again. now he was bored , rolling his eyes at the speech that was being hold right at this moment and he sighed , as he raised the glass with champagne to his lips and took a sip from it. once he spotted tony , there was a small smirk perking up on the corner of his lips , as he approached the guy. he did remember a tiny tony , barley two years older than tj and douggie himself and the twins were rude , teasing the other , because they partly did not understand what the older boy was talking all about. he made his way through the people until he stood right next to him and there was a soft chuckle , as he slightly leaned forward , so he was able to whisper in the brunets ear. „ wanna get out of here ? “ , he asked , knowing the answer already , because he was aware of how much tony hated those events.
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whomuses · 3 years ago
@stcrk gets a lost amnesiac hurt peter because I love pain
He was so cold. So cold. The rain had been coming down - he didn't know how long, he realised, with a foggy distance that made it feel immensely unimportant. The icy sensation in his skin, the soaked clothes, none of it seemed important, although some distant part of himself was worried about just how stiff his joints were starting to get. He'd always struggled with the cold. No... that wasn't true, was it? Why was he ... where was he going? When he tried to think about - anything, his head pounded even more, waves of nausea crashing over him.
The doorway loomed. Reaching out, pressing his palm to it for a moment, he swayed. Exhaustion crashed through his narrow frame, now - he slapped his palm on it, again, three, four - five - ten - he lost track, slipping against the door and to the ground, huddling against it and coughing, waves of pain crashing through him. The numbness from the cold and the rain didn't seem to matter any more ... none of it did. Safety. Here, somehow, there was - was safety. He looked listlessly at the blood running down his arm, trying to remember where the injuries had come from... god, it hurt. It all hurt.
Peter felt like time had been - wrong, for a while. He'd missed things. These clothes weren't his. Every part of him... his head, fuck, his head... "Please..." he rasped, not sure what he was asking for. "Please..."
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thanksbarton-moved · 3 years ago
It had been hard enough when they had just stopped things between them because he’d wanted to work it out with Pepper. It was hard enough when he’d had a small taste of what his life could be like. But he’d filled his time with other things, missions mostly, until now and hoped the ache in his chest would go away eventually. Probably not though given how much he felt about Tony. He hated that. He hated being someone who felt so much but had no words to express all the things that he felt sometimes.
Now, he was sitting there playing catch up with someone who should’ve been the love of his life, and is just a guy he works with now. Small talk that he didn’t want to have because their entire world was imploding around them with this document. He had asked about Pepper to be polite and because he genuinely liked Pepper, cared for her, wanted her to be happy. 
Others happiness was more important than his. Still when he’d let the word pregnant slip out in a question, he had hoped to be greeted with one of those forced laughs, and then a ‘of course not’ and some spiel about how she was off on a business trip for the company.
No such luck. When he’d confirmed what he had never wanted to actually know in the first place, he tried to hide his feelings on his face, because that’s what you did right? Buried things deep down in a box somewhere without ever letting anyone know you were hurt. It still felt like this horrible gut punch that he couldn’t quite recover from.
He’d been sitting there looking as still as a statue for what felt like forever before he finally blinked and made eye contact with Tony. “That’s great, I’m really happy for you two. I mean you’ll be great parents once all this is over.” He insisted, though the smile painted on his face didn’t quite reach his eyes and he knew to Tony would come off as anything but genuine.
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sbtm-archived · 2 years ago
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The asset watches as @stcrk grabs the screwdriver. It’s right hand squeezes the armrest of the chair, trying to prepare itself for what is to come --- except there’s nothing. Tony’s turned in his seat, facing the guard once more.
“If you will fix the arm as asked and they do not get in the way, yes.” The guard speaks, giving him a nod, ignoring the question of what would happen if he did manage to fix it. Instead, the guard lifts the rifle he’s holding. Not that he’s going to shoot. It was a very, very empty threat. After all he just revealed The Winter Soldier is their most valuable asset, and that they need Tony to fix it up.
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The asset rolls it’s shoulders back for a moment, visibly attempting to relax. Fingers clench around the armrest again. The fingers of the metal limb stay lax, not because the asset is relaxed. Not at all. It’s simply because the limb stopped functioning up until where he can’t even move the fingers.
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sergeantbarnestmmoved · 1 year ago
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Bucky watches as Tony grabs the screwdriver. His right hand squeezes the armrest of the chair, trying to prepare himself for what is to come --- except there’s nothing. Tony’s turned in his seat, facing the guard once more.
“If you will fix the arm as asked and they do not get in the way, yes.” The guard speaks, giving him a nod, ignoring the question of what would happen if he did manage to fix it. Instead, the guard lifts the rifle he’s holding. Not that he’s going to shoot. It was a very, very empty threat. After all he just revealed The Winter Soldier is their most valuable asset, and that they need Tony to fix him up.
Bucky rolls his shoulders back for a moment, visibly attempting to relax. Fingers clench around the armrest again. The fingers of the metal limb stay lax, not because he is relaxed. Not at all. It’s simply because the limb stopped functioning up until where he can’t even move the fingers.
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