279 posts
so i am no more than another stolen relic?
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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@stclenrelic !!!!
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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@stclenrelic !!!!
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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@stclenrelic !!!!
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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@stclenrelic !!!!
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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@stclenrelic !!!!
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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@stclenrelic !!!!
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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@stclenrelic !!!!
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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@stclenrelic !!!!
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
besties i'm working on moving loki over to a new blog again slowly bit by bit and yes, again so sorry felt like i needed a reset :)
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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mischievous barbie
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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Katie McGrath
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
later today i will go ahead and delete all threads that i haven't heard from by now. since i know tumblr can be a d*ck i will tag everyone one more time for another chance to let me know if you want to keep it or get rid of it!
again, no hard feelings!
@unexceptional @madeofmarblex @rcdlcdger @ircnwrought @flighttruth @kira--romanova @the-mjolnir-owner @firelightfables @camerica @youxmove @nightmdic @survivorofhellskitchen @biitchcakes @spinxeret
tracker cleanup
lemme know which ones you want to keep or toss away. no hard feelings, just so i know where i'm at :)
@unexceptional - x | x | @intombed - x | x | @madeofmarblex - x | @rcdlcdger - x | @ircnwrought - x | x | @flighttruth - x | @unheald - x | @widoed - x | x | x | x | @battletrio - x | x | x | @kira--romanova - x | @the-mjolnir-owner - x | @firelightfables - x | x | @camerica - x | @youxmove - x | @what-the-stark - x | x | @nightmdic - x | @survivorofhellskitchen - x | @vigilantebullshit - x | @biitchcakes - x | @spinxeret - x |
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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FAVORITE MARVEL QUOTES: ft. Loki Laufeyson  - happy birthday @lokihiddleston
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
alright fellas, one more week and every thread that i haven't gotten a reaction on right here will be taken out of the trackers ✌🏻️
tracker cleanup
lemme know which ones you want to keep or toss away. no hard feelings, just so i know where i'm at :)
@cptnrgers - x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | @unexceptional - x | x | @intombed - x | x | @madeofmarblex - x | @rcdlcdger - x | @ircnwrought - x | x | @flighttruth - x | @unheald - x | @widoed - x | x | x | x | @battletrio - x | x | x | @kira--romanova - x | @the-mjolnir-owner - x | @firelightfables - x | x | @camerica - x | @youxmove - x | @what-the-stark - x | x | @nightmdic - x | @survivorofhellskitchen - x | @stcrk - x | x | x | x | x | x | @vigilantebullshit - x | @biitchcakes - x | @spinxeret - x |
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
If you are a ship whore and you know it click reblog.
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
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"Predator.. prey... do I look like a predator to you? Actually.. don't answer that. I'm well aware of my reputation on this planet, especially in this city." She crosses her arms, still watching her every move. Not because she's afraid. Oh no, she knows this woman couldn't harm her. But as a master manipulator it's a form of habit really. Besides, she's quite easy on the eyes. Can't really blame her.
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"Right, after using them on me. I'm not quite that ignorant, miss Page." She speaks. "Goddess of Mischief, currently, but I understant the confusion." Her expression is flat when she says that, tilting her head when the blonde asks her that question. "I hear you write good stories, I want one of those. And I have a good one. It's a really, really long story however.. and the proof I have is scarce. But I hear you have worked with difficult stories before."
Loki's aware that her reputation was anything but good. The battle of New York never forgotten.. but that doesn't mean that right now she was here for destruction. She really wasn't, if anything, she hoped to save a lot of people. How did miss Romanoff call it? Wiping out the red in your ledger? Maybe it's time for her to try her sport.
Eyes narrow, attentive gaze as she perceived her ; the belittling words enough to stir her defensive lines. " Call it a human instinct to grab the nearest potential weapon that would most of the time do plenty of damage when needed.", she stated simply, trying to make a point even if the other might fail to see her point ," I don't, there are predators who like to play with their pray before they harm them.".
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" You make it sound like an insult, but you know, some would consider those traits a virtue. ", if she would have had somewhere to step back from her approach, she probably would have taken it ; even more so when suddenly all her slender hand held was empty air and one glance towards her lifted hand shocked her to silence and she might have even looked furious when her gaze shot back towards the brunette.
A deep breath, Karen attempted to center herself at the collision of different emotions coursing through her upon this situation ; she was afraid, but she was also frustrated and tempered by the taunts and mocks. " You know, I would have put those scissors away eventually. ", she finally found her voice again, an eyebrow raising at the words given to her as an explanation to Loki's presence in her office. Lips pursed together, " Loki. Thor's siblings. ", now this was something she needed to process a moment or two, " God of Mischief. What could you possible need my help for? ".
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stclenrelic-a · 2 years ago
tracker cleanup
lemme know which ones you want to keep or toss away. no hard feelings, just so i know where i'm at :)
@unexceptional - x | x | @intombed - x | x | @madeofmarblex - x | @rcdlcdger - x | @ircnwrought - x | x | @flighttruth - x | @unheald - x | @widoed - x | x | x | x | @battletrio - x | x | x | @kira--romanova - x | @the-mjolnir-owner - x | @firelightfables - x | x | @camerica - x | @youxmove - x | @what-the-stark - x | x | @nightmdic - x | @survivorofhellskitchen - x | @vigilantebullshit - x | @biitchcakes - x | @spinxeret - x |
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