#stay tuned for moooore
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kaiitykuppycake · 9 months ago
Hannibal rants 33
It's all beginning
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Will shows up to support Jack at the funeral. So I think this is all just aftermath that happened while Hannibal had already been building a life of carnage with Bedelia in Paris and then Italy.
So Will getting on the boat, I'm assuming, coule be him going to Europe to find Hannibal and that's how he gets to Italy? Doesn't would right because like flying is soooo much safer. But if this is the timeline I'm thinking it is, it's possible.
Alana is actively working for Mason and is going to do everything she can to help him bring Hannibal his death.
I still fuckin hate Mason but I understand where he's coming from, even if he kind of had it coming...but it was super crazy brutal, ngl.
I just love how Alana has developed since her fall. She finally knows who she was fucking and what she was in denial of was real. She's always been a boss bitch but she's got this even bitchier boss bitch attitude and I am all for it. You go Alana Bloom.
So the plans are in motion and I can't wait to see what's next. How much gayer can shit get? Only time will tell. Stay tuned.
Also one moooore thing...Will wearing his glasses to Bella's funeral was either him trying to be who Jack knows him to be, even though he's not that person anymore, or only almost out of the glasses phase even though he had been out for a while lol it was a detail I thought was interesting.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year ago
Please remain calm while your central nervous system is disabled.
I may be losing a bit of steam, but that could also just be the end of the year blues. but we watched "Oxygen" a couple of weeks back and I remember liking it and also what happened, enough that I think I can rate it... relatively accurately, if a bit more shortly than usual
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 10/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 5/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 9/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 7/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 4/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 8/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 6/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 7/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 8/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 7/10
FULL RATING: 71/100 (if I can count….)
I've got no smart words. spooky corpses in this one
OBJECTIFICATION: everyone's wearing the same spacesuit and everyone is pretty equal.
PLOT-POINT: Bill isn't really much of the focus in this episode, but she does overall continue to have some feelings about space around her and the like. also I believe she calls out to her mother right before she thinks she's going to die, which, of course her mum is a bit of a throughline this season
COMPLEXITY: it's quite a neat little plot, which I think I remember comparing to the earlier episode "sleep no more," in which one of my major issues with that episode was that it seemed to just be creepy for the sake of being creepy without knowing quite what to do with anything. this one has a central Theme, which we move towards and so keeps plottwists from seeming kind of pointless
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: at the end of this the doctor is blind. my friend watching this episode didn't like the way that was revealed, feeling it came out of nowhere as a concept, and I don't totally disagree, especially considering where it goes next. I think because I like things to be character-driven, I don't think it tells us enough about how the doctor feels about things, beyond "it's hard to be suddenly blind and people can't know because I've got to keep control of situations" but that's... moooore next episode's Thing than this one, isn't it. stay tuned
beyond that, there's not much explored in character-dynamics, and by that I mean not much explored that holds weight for future episodes. we know the doctor is sacrificial, we know that sometimes it's hard to know what the doctor is thinking, we know it can be scary travelling with them. I think it's that bill has less to do this time around than tag along, which can be fine and I guess as a catalyst for the doctor making that sacrifice... yeah it does work, it's not super egregious, it's just that there's not much new information this episode on the whole
COMPANIONS MATTER: bill, like I said, doesn't reaaally do much other than be there and have a struggle, because her spacesuit is malfunctioning
also, nardole is along for the ride. is it contentious to say I don't enjoy nardole onscreen? I find him to be superfluous and I'm not a massive fan of matt lucas' brand of comedy. he can be good, but it's a m*ffat doctor who show, and I think he had outworn his welcome post husbands of river song. anyway, he also is mainly there to nag
I think that's a thing as well. I feel like it's trying to make nardole the voice of some kind of thematic relevance (or maybe it's not and I'm trying to be gracious) -- the doctor's conscience or something, idk, and it just translates to nagging. nardole isn't even really a character, so he (it?) and the doctor don't have the background to justify the not-really-repartee going on. I mean yeah, technically nardole was there back on darillium, but we never saw that and nardole wasn't much beyond a comic relief character in the episode, so yeah, just doesn't work for me, takes time away from other characters and plots and themes... like bill
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: the doctor figures out some things bit by bit, and then goes blind. I like a bit of whump. this episode I think it's alright, although I don't feel like I remember it "mattering" sooo much in the end, and exists more as a setup for the next episode
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: nothing much here. a callback, but otherwise this episode exists pretty much on its own
“SEXINESS”: so this is mostly fine... except for fucking nardole, who has a monologue with himself in one scene where he's reminiscing about a fling or something he had with an AI and tries to remember her name and then later randomly remembers her name was Velma, I guess... highly suspect
INTERNAL WORLD: this one is pretty cool. basically yer future capitalism taken to its natural conclusion type story, which is both the core of its setting and its politics. but yeah, station, workers on the station, eventually they go back to earth
I quite like as well that with bill we've had a bit of follow up in a couple of episodes -- so in this one the doctor tells her that there's a revolution of some kind six months later. this doesn't have to mean all good things afterwards, but it's just a sort of "ah yes, this has consequences that we don't see or know the exact outcome of, but it has some consequences." think vs the rebel flesh where I felt there was a teensy bit of "hey wait a second" to where they ended it (which, maybe pedantic, doctor who does that lots, but I'm here to rate on Criteria)
POLITICS: POLITICS! as in we have actual politics, right in yer face anti-capitalism politics. I dunno what else to say on that front, it's solidly saying "capitalism will sell air to you if it thinks it can get away with it, and it will kill you if it favours profit" and you're like... yeah that tracks
on the flipside of things, couple of little tidbits -- I felt kind of. yoooo at the sheer amount of corpses we start with in this one. 36 people are dead at the beginning, and their corpses are wandering around the station, and while we do have some dead people who centre the tragedy onto faces and names, I don't think it was done thaaat well on the whole, beyond the one woman who dies right at the beginning
it's something I was thinking about throughout m*ffat that sometimes worked out okay, but often death feels kind of meaningless, and I don't know what this one did with 36 that couldn't have been done with a few, but a few that were really connected to the other survivors. death does need to matter on this show in my opinion, for the themes to land properly
also slightly leery at the "you're blue" "racist" "lots of my friends are blue-ish" bit. it's just a very lazy nod to the idea of "racism taking on new shapes in the future" without really caring to do more than make it a joke. it's not the worst thing this show has done, it's just kind of badly thought out (also the "blue-ish" part of it... comes from fucking nardole... maybe I've decided to dislike nardole and therefore am looking for nardole things to dislike... sorry to people who enjoy nardole... I will be petty I think)
FULL RATING: 71/100 (if I can count….)
it's a good episode. spooky corpses. I dunno if I'm coming to this realisation late (or if I ever said it before), but I do note that it's not really necessary for every episode to do every thing perfectly. this isn't one of bill's strongest episodes, but it does a lot of other things well and it balances out relatively well for other bill entries
there are some things that could have been scrapped to give bill more space, but on the whole this one is pretty neat. this'll probably be the last of these I manage in 2023 so... on to 2024 for more doctor who (wooo)
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hekkoto · 6 months ago
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Heya darklings <3 Im coming with update, overall Im doing better so dont worry ;p In last days Im recovering from removal of wisdom tooth, quite problematic one to be honest – it was mostly under gums, at 45^ angle, right next to nerve ;p they had to force my gums away and they had to cut it into pieces to remove it >XD on first day I was in such excruciating pain I was almost walking on walls >XDDD thankfully it got better, I was sleeping for most of days on begining but Im feeling way better now ^^ last two days it hurts more again but I hope it will be fine soon ^^
Oh, Im starting therapy! I already had first session with new therapist and I I gonna have it once per week :> Im starting therapy which should be great for my borderline issues so maybe I will be able to have any progress when it comes to my stupid head. So far I told like half of my story, next appointment I gonna talk about past too so she will know on what we need to work the most. Tho she already told me I suffer from PTSD and that my childhood was really awful, we will also look what personality disorders I exactly have [cause yeah, borderline is sure but it seems there is moooore ;p]
Ye, my health is getting better, both physical and mental, when I have those downs its not that bad now and its easier to cope with. Also Im mostly on euphoric side ^^ yayayaya Im so happy! Of course, Im aware that my issues will need years to get better but at least Im moving forward ^^
And I will tell you something funny, lately me and my husband watch a lot of South Park aaand today I came to realisation... Im like fucking Cartman aaaaaaa >XD Like his behavior and mine have so many things in common >XD damn kill meeeeee XD tho dont worry, my marriage is doing fine, my husband really recognizes I try my best to show my love and affection and I work on myself to be less fucked up [I mean, I told him a lot before we even started dating, I just wanted him to be aware Im quite... problematic person ;p]
I should be fully back this or next week ^^ I have a lot of things waiting to be posted or finished since eternity lolz I have a lot of stuff that is awfully late but yeah, I gonna catch up soon ^^ I must do few more things like cleaning my flat, of course doctors cause I go there so often >XD but I feel like Im finally sorting out my life ^^ ye, Im positive things will get better <3 I again struggle with very often nightmares so my sleep is fucked up, like my insomnia is bad enough without it but now I struggle with often being super exhausted so I cant do too much at once. But step by step and I gonna do everything ^^
oh, I plan to make [probably few] videos cause I feel like I wanna talk about my past, my life, my health, my nightmares and other shit. Maybe someone would be interested and would find something they relate to and maybe it will be useful to anyone ;p if you have request about what you want me to talk just leave it in comment here ^^ and trust me, some of the stuff gonna be so fucked up >XD
Love ya pumpkins, stay tuned <3
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twotimebaby · 1 year ago
Hello! I've just started reading (and finished lol) your story "It's deathly eyes, that's all I see" and I'm going nuuuuuts because I need moooore! Just know your story is great! I hope Anakin can come back to the Light :/ and I seriously hope the Council can understand that he fell under extreme duress. (•-•)z I swear, if Windu starts to mess around talking "he fell, he bad" I may shoot someone-
Anyways! Kinda hoping for a supportive Padmé moment when they're back to Coruscant... Also protective Obi-Wan, would make my day 🤧
Thanks for writing this awesome story and please don't make me wait too much 🥲 I'm begging you!
Hey there!! Thank you so much for your kind words! Yes don't you worry, I'm writing the new chapter as we speak! And there WILL be comfort after all the hurt. I just can't promise... when or in what amount of doses haha but there WILL be healing bc I'm incapable of not writing that.
As for the rest? All good questions... but I guess we'll have to see ;)
Thanks for staying tuned in! I promise a new chapter coming your way soon!
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goodheavensgwen · 4 years ago
Quick update that I've started posting my fic for the @geraskierbigbang!! My AMAZING artists are @tinydraws and @linx1457, and they truly outdid themselves with the art they made for this. <3
I'll do a more detailed post later, for now y'all get the twitter blurb!
The fic is four parts and I'll post one chapter a day.
🥀Tale as Old as Time🥀 | Geraskier | 5.3k (25k total) | rated E
Beauty & the Beast AU inspired by the 1991 Disney movie.
Read the fic here!
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thatfaecreature · 2 years ago
Moooore hummingbird facts? I'm actually super interested in this
i already said hummingbirds can fly backwards (and they’re the only birds that can do so) but they can also fly sideways and straight upwards or downwards, and it’s because their wings have a ball and socket joint which lets them move 180° and therefore up, down, forwards, backwards and also in a figure of 8. the figure of 8 thing also lets them hover (they’re also the only birds that can properly hover). forwards, they can fly at over 60 mph and backwards they can fly at over 30mph
hummingbirds are on average 3 to 4 inches long and weigh about 3-5.5 grams. the BEE hummingbird is about 2 1/4 inches long and weighs like 1.6-1.9 grams (and a penny weighs like 3.5 grams so these things are TINY)
hummingbirds aren’t social and usually live solitary lives and they only get together to mate (the mother usually does stay with the babies though until they’re old enough to survive) bUUUT a flock of hummingbirds (which will probably never be seen, but still) can be called a bouquet, glittering, hover, tune or shimmer which sounds so pretty
they don’t have a sense of smell but their eyes work like a humans so they’re drawn to bright flowers, and their brain is larger in comparison to the size of their body than any other bird which makes them really smart. they have a really good memory and can like recognise and remember people. also they can’t walk or hop on their legs, only shuffle (poor little things)
their metabolism is so high that if a human had it they’d have to drink a can of coke every minute to stay alive. their hearts beat like 10 times a second (and their heart is like the size of the rubber on the end of a pencil) which is like 1200 beats a minute. BECAUSE of this they have to visit like 1500-2000 flowers to feed from for energy and they sleep for like 12 hours a day, and can enter a coma-like state called a torpor where their body temperatures and heart rates drop (about 50 beats per minute) and they wouldn’t wake up even if you dropped them. also ON FEEDING, they eat/drink nectar but we don’t think they have the dna for being able to taste it and they might have adapted their umami gland to be able to taste its sweetness
okay okay finally hummingbirds have a mating dance—it might have a name but i don’t remember that—and the males dive up to speeds of like 60 mph and they tweet, but not with their beaks, with their FEATHERS because of the wind ripping through them. humans can’t really hear it all but it’s apparently really complex when slowed down
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stardustswirldreams · 3 years ago
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Moooore Sunday Meteor Shower requests piled into oooone, one daaay i’ll make it to the ones i did last week, or close to last week, i promise my lord i promise. If you want free art like this stay tuned for my twitch channel on Sundays around 5pm EST!
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kyasanuri · 4 years ago
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Josef the roe buck. Another one of the collection i got. Josef would love to have a new place to shine and be appreaciated even he's not a super cool massive 6 point buck. You can adopt him here!
And if you’re interested in bigger antlers, stay tuned, there will be moooore.
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heckyeahbispearl · 5 years ago
I want more fics abt them :/// Pearl and Bismuth are really great but there's not so much about them wtf?? the fanfictions are few..i want moooore
sammmmeeeeeee ugh. I feeell you man. I check the bispearl tag on ao3 everyday. I’ve been writing a one shot, but it’s not great. i’ll probably post it tho, so stay tuned for that.
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marie-then-claire · 4 years ago
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Soo excited to sit down and refurnish/refurbish? (Don't know words anymore) my blog!! I've neglected you too much baaby😢😭 (pets it like cat weirdly). So what to expect??!
🌸Still wRiting content, only recently added cartwheel to my list of talents soo😑. And personal updates infused in the writings, I've grown so much! Found God, found home! And soo much tea to spill!! Yes boy draaaamaaa! 😁okay exaggerated a lil there. But you'll see!
🌸I'm starting a writing series!!? What?? I don't understant it yet too but yes!! But do stay tuned!! Will reveal moooore...love you lots!!
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whatsgyu · 6 years ago
(royalty! au) in which you and jackson are childhood best friends [ words: 684 | au bin ]
"Jia er! Jia er!"
You could see your best friend wave his hands in the air as he runs towards you, stepping on the flowers of your very spacious garden in the process. It was evident that he was already drenched in sweat, his proper (and most definitely expensive) clothing losing its charm.
But you were only kids, and kids do not care about two hundred-hectare gardens or of pricey clothing spun with gold. No, it is only each other that you care about.
You started to approach him as well, closing the distance between you. As soon as he was near, you jump towards him to receive him with a big hug. Jia er, or Prince Jackson as they call him, catches you in his small, and rather frail arms, but spins you around at least twice, nonetheless.
It has only been the summer before since you have last seen him, yet you’ve always mentioned his name to your mother.
"Will Jia er come today? Oh mother, I don't want to study etiquette and manners and which spoons do I need to use! They're all spoons anyways! Can't Jia er come, mother? Oh please, oh please! I promise I'll sleep during nap time!"
For it is because that minutes seem like hours, and months seem like years to children your age, that you have already missed your only friend so dearly. Seeing that this made you upset, your mother simply couldn't refuse and invited Jackson and his mother to come over to the palace, your palace, to stay the week.
"Jackson, I've missed you so, so, so, so much! You don't know how long I've sat by the big glass windows, waiting for your carriage to come!"
You told him this as you break away from his embrace, with no shame, only with pure honesty, even closing your eyes for emphasis.
He laughed at this, a playful tune in your ear, and answered back in a reprimanding manner.
"I told you, it's Jia er! Call me Jia er! Only my bestest of friends call me that!"
You roll your eyes and nod your head grudgingly.
"I know, I kn--"
"Also, no, you don't!" He interrupted you, shaking his head vigorously. "I missed you moooore! More than all the flowers in your very, very, big garden!"
He says this as he spreads his arms wide, pertaining to your surroundings. You gasp at his proclamation, now paying attention to the colors around you. You were at loss for words. There was no way you can outdo that, can you?
"That's unfair! Our garden is so big!"
"That's the point you dummy! I missed you that much!"
You frown at him and folded your arms in disagreement.
"But I want to miss you more!"
"That's not the point!"
"You just said it was!"
Jackson opened his mouth to retort back, but having thought about what you had said, changed his response.
"Oh, you're right."
"Okay, okay, I was wrong! I'm sorry!"
"It's fine," you reassure him, and concluded your fight, but not before adding, "But I still missed you more!"
He sighs exaggeratedly, and huffs. He puts his hands on his hips and quirks his eyebrows in a rather hilarious way, that would've made you laugh if you weren't to bothered by the current dilemma.
"Okay, what about this? Let's just shake on it and agree that we missed each other the same. Agree?"
Jackson holds out his hand to you, and smiles with his famous grin. If you were a bit older, you would've noticed the sparkles in his eyes as well, shimmering as he looks at you fondly.
But seven year olds do not care about romance and have yet to know what the word crush truly feels, so you only smile at him in return and take his hand in yours, giving it one, neat shake.
"Okay!" You declare, "We missed each other the same!"
Upon your agreement, his smile breaks into a toothy grin, exposing his missing tooth. You erupt in laughter and point at it, and Jackson starts to chase you around the garden for doing so.
° ° °
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diyanimationshow · 4 years ago
Season Break - Thank You Denver! DPCC 2019 Wrap-Up  ::  SB #6
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Our DPCC 2019 Booth!
Hello, old and new DIY-ers!  We are back from Denver Pop Culture Con!!
Now that both of us have finished our travels, we’re getting back into the swing of our usual schedules.  We’re a little bit later posting this blog than we intended (jet lag is crazy), and so have had some good time to reflect on the amazingness that was DPCC.
We were lucky enough to table in the Artist Valley with some of our favorite artists, promoting The DIY Animation Show, meeting new friends and regular listeners (hey guys!), and selling DIYA merch (which you can find later in the post) and Jess’ art. It was super fun times, and we’ve gathered some of our fave highlights from the experience below!
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Good times with fans and cosplayers who bought Jess' art and a Follow Your Heart print 
Jess I’ve tabled at DPCC for a couple of years now, and it’s easily one of my  favorite conventions.  Between the gorgeous views of the mountains in  Denver, the lively atmosphere of the crowd, and the all-around positive  vibe of the show, I can’t get enough!  One of my favorite things each year is catching up with people I’ve  meet from previous years and meeting new ones, whether they’re fans,  booth buddies, volunteers… the list goes on.  Everyone is always so nice  and welcoming, and I believe they represent the best of what the pop  culture crowd has to give. Other highlights for me include spending quality time with friends and family that traveled with us, seeing Amanda Palmer in concert for the first  time (mind-blowing!!), and finding a super cool Saitama action-figure  from One Punch Man.  Good times all around! 
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Lauren found her new vocation in a friend's Iden Versio helmet
Lauren Colorado is even more beautiful than I’d expected; for a long time I’d had a distant hope of maybe - just maybe - seeing those mountains one day.  So wandering around Garden of the Gods was a dream come true.  Never have I seen anything so sublime. Add to that a weekend of DPCC’s excellence and radness, meeting new listeners… and somehow having a knack for missing you regulars (Every. Single. Time. XD I’m so sorry!); there was so much good art and such a joy of expression, it really gave me a kick start in my own creative hopes and plans!  Got the chance to attend Cary Elwes’ spotlight and discover just how hilarious he is, as well as deepen my love for astronomy and space with NASA’s roster of talks. And finally - the cosplay.  This was my first time experiencing cosplay on such a scale, and boy, was it ON POINT.  I saw Henry Jones Sr., Mermista and Katra, and - perhaps the cherry on the cake - got to try on a new friend’s replica Iden Versio helmet.  I have found my new calling.  501st / Rebel / Mandalorian Legions… sign me up for all of them.
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Overwatch cosplayers showing how it's done.  Thanks friend Keith for the photo.
We met so many wonderful people at DPCC, here are just a few we thought you'd like, too.
Will Terry children's book illustrator, teacher, & podcaster Website | Podcast I’ve been following Will Terry’s YouTube channel and podcast for a few years now, and he and his co-hosts always deliver great advice, whether you’re an illustrator, animator… you name it.  We were able to catch up as the show was coming to a close, and it was just really great to see him!  
AJ Nazzaro illustrator & character designer Website | Instagram A good friend from the early days of The Oatley Academy, it was so fun to catch up and see just how AJ’s hard work and indomitable spirit is paying off.  Now illustrating for the likes of Blizzard and Overwatch, and trying his hand at a little animation now and again, AJ is nailing it.
Ajay Young comic artist & illustrator Website | Instagram If you’re in need of a good “potentially offensive” laugh and a super-awesome human to hang with, Ajay is another fellow Oatley Academy artist from years past.  He and his wife are always a pleasure to catch up with at the show and see what new things they have in store. (“Mustache Duckstache” is a personal fave!)
Savvy Jensen illustrator Instagram Savvy’s art keeps growing more out-of-control in its awesomeness!  Another fellow OA-er, Savvy and her tenacious spirit are always pushing the boundaries of her painting skills (those colors though!!), and it was fantastic catching up with her.  Dude is rocking it.
Andrew Thompson illustrator Website | Instagram One of those happy con-connections, we got chatting and instantly clicked!  Andrew’s art is super rad, bursting with acid pop colours and insanely energetic, filled with battles and hope.  Can't wait to see what more he creates!
Booth Buddies! Last, but not least, we were so fortunate to have such excellent booth buddies this year!  Fantastic art and wonderful humans: Erin Powers-Kim, AKA Lociro illustrator & webcomic creator Twitter | Instagram Erin's razor sharp wit coupled with her coffee cats and fun art kept our spirits buoyed all weekend.  Thanks Erin! Sean Callahan & Alex Kmeto colourist & illustrator Sean's Website | Twitter | Alex's Website | Instagram (Some work NSFW) Along with their friends Martin, Hallam and Jason, this bunch made for a motley and hilarious crew - great art, lots of laughs, and a plethora of high-five techniques.  Thanks guys!
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The 'Follow Your Heart' print started out as a gif!
We have a few ‘Follow Your Heart’ prints and sticker sheets left in stock for those who couldn’t make it to the show and want a piece of DIYA!  You’ll find them over on Jess’ etsy store, in the DIYA section.
The package includes a signed and inscribed Follow Your Heart print, measuring 8x8” on matte 80lb cardstock, and a mini-sticker sheet of 6 unique designs.  There’s only a few in stock, so grab them while you can!
Our DPCC Take-Aways!
Jess: My take-away, and honestly I’m reminded of it with each show, is that you and your art will touch people in ways you can’t fully grasp. Making the choice to show up and put yourself out there, whether to sell art, to promote a show, to talk to the people there, can lead to joy, new friends, and so much more.  It’s always worth it.
Lauren: My biggest take-away from DPCC is that there’s so many different types of art, and so much out there to capture, so let’s make the art our heart desires!  I’m so excited to play with my art, grow with it, and love it :D
Smiles and Satisfaction
And with that, Denver Pop Culture Con 2019 has come to a satisfying close!
We can’t tell you just how excited we are for the future of DIYA - we’ve had a taste of that Con Life, and we want moooore!!!  It was incredible meeting everyone, and we’re looking forward to doing more shows in the future, getting more content to you all, and seeing just how far DIYA can go.  Thank you all for your continued support!  We appreciate you.
In the meantime, stay on the lookout for more blog posts this Season Break, and especially stay tuned for the upcoming Season 4 of DIYA!
Catch ya next time, and remember… Follow your heart, and have fun animating! <3 Jess & Lauren
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DIYA Instagram | DIYA Twitter | DIYA Facebook | DIYA Ko-Fi Jess | Lauren Thank you Azureflux for our awesome music!
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jpegjade · 4 years ago
do you ever get this overwhelming need to say sorry to everyone? sorry for being too much, sorry I feel like I can’t stay, sorry I’m a sensitive soul, sorry, sorry, sorry 😔
I SAY SORRY ALL THE TIME. apparently it’s something to do with anxiety.
my therapist says it’s okay to apologize but we shouldn’t say sorry for things we can’t control because we’re not the cause of what happened.
spilling water on the dinner table bc our arm bumped the glass? yes. we can apologize for that.
wanting to go for a bike ride but having to cancel because it started raining? no, not something we can apologize for bc we dont control the weather.
i always try to refrain from saying sorry these days, even if it doesnt work all the time. i try to say “i apologize for hurting your feelings” if i hurt someone close to me. but if someone hurts my feelings, i’m forcing myself to not say “im sorry i’m like this.” instead, i say “i’m sensitive and that’s okay.” because i’m insanely sensitive and i used to spend time with people who made me feel like the worst person in the world for needing to be talked to with a little extra care.
being sensitive is in no way a bad thing. youre in tune to your emotions in a way that means you just need someone to be gentle in how they communicate with you. no, not everyone will understand and no, not everyone will be gentle. but what you have to do is give yourself room to feel. the people who are meant to be in your life will treat you with the gentle kindness that you deserve without making you feel terrible for it.
my best friend (the dumbass) learned that what i need is for him to watch how he says things sometimes. sure, in the beginning, we fought over it but eventually, he understood that with my sensitivity comes an undying love for him and i care for him like no one else.
being sensitive is okay. dont apologize for it. it makes you special in the way you treat people and how you love. your love is a special love that no one can find anywhere else. be proud of how you love! be proud to say ‘im sensitive.’ bc it changes how you see the world. tell yourself that you’re special. and if anyone tries to say they “baby” you (yes, i’ve been told that) or that you’re too sensitive (that too) or that you’re weak? (i got that one for years. i’m still trying to work myself out of it.) you can say “i’m sorry you feel that way.” and walk away. nothing more. ((if you want, you can secretly flip them the bird for personal satisfaction))
but coming from someone who was once told that i was “exhausting” and that my mental illness was my fault because i “dont try hard enough to be happy”? youre not too much. i can promise you that. you are more than enough. moooore than enough. for the person of your dreams. for the right friends. for me. we all have room for improvement but it doesnt mean we’re too much work. so im sorry you feel that way (see what i did there?) but you’re enough for me. you dont have to apologize for being yourself. bc being you is all i can ask for.
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talesmaniac89 · 7 years ago
Changed Traditions
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Summary: Dean with daughter fic - Dean deals with the first halloween alone, taking care of the reader and his daughter.
Triggers: Past reader death (no details), angst, worry
Word Count: 2396
Y/N = Your name ¦ Y/H/C = Your Hair Colour
The little girl was humming along to the end screen and jumping up and down in her seat as the screen once more already faded to black. Though she didn’t really see it, no, she was already scrambling to turn in her seat to turn those big green puppy dog eyes up at the two hunters in the room, who were reading what to the child looked like boring books over by the big table.
 “Daddy! Unca Sam! Is over again!” She called out in a sing song voice, bouncing up and down in the big chair that nearly completely hid her from view to get the Winchester brothers’ attention. “Moooore!”
 “Ok princess, daddy’s coming,” Dean Winchester said with a smile and a laugh before pushing his chair away from the mahogany table in the bunker to go help his little girl. Her bright eyes that looked just like her dad’s shining as she let out a happy squeal and quickly twisted and flopped back down to watch the now dark screen. “What do you wanna watch next?”
 “Same one!” She chirped, repeating words Dean had heard several times the last few days. The little girl’s (Y/H/C) hair whipped around her face as she laughed at the groan that came from both Winchester brothers at her demand. Ever since they went to the shop and she saw the Halloween decorations she had demanded watching the same movie over and over. And nothing they tempted her with made her change her mind.
Honestly, Dean couldn’t understand her fascination with the one hour long Disney special. He remembered Sammy being afraid of the show when he was her age, yet the little girl loved it. Maybe it was because you loved it too. Or… You had. The thought wiped the smile off of Dean’s features as he bent down and restarted the remastered version of the old classic Disney’s Halloween Treat dvd. His little girl however, didn’t seem to notice her father’s change in mood as she started singing along to the opening song, mumbling the words she still weren’t sure about and shouting the ones she were sure of.
“Call... ONE ‘n all tonight!... Is Disney’s Hallo’een treeeeet!” Her little happy voice soothing Dean’s heart as he turned and smiled at his little girl, ruffling her hair as he sank to his knees by her chair. Chuckling to himself as she jumped up and down in her PJs and sang happily along to the old fashioned tune. She was clearly her mother’s daughter with her love of the season.
 “Aren’t you bored of this yet?” Dean asked the candy apple of his eye as she finally stopped singing to laugh along with her father as if they were sharing some secret joke.
 “No! Is Hallo’een!” She said, smile bright and free of worries as she made her exclamation. To the little child the month of October was magic. To her the monsters only stayed in cartoonish form on the TV, sheltered from the life the two brothers had been living since Dean was her age. So unlike the two of them, she only saw the season of monsters as an excuse to eat enough sweets to make a dentist faint, and to play around and decorate together with her mother.
 At least that was how it had been until… This year you were no longer there to watch the movie with your daughter. The only two girls in Dean’s life had always watched that movie, every day for a week up to Halloween. Decorating the bunker and making spooky treats together to enjoy as you watched the movie and sang along.
 This year had almost passed by without it. Without you in the bunker… Halloween, your favourite holiday, had almost passed by unnoticed. Dean’s little daughter hadn’t even known about it until they’d gone shopping together. Her big eyes turning even bigger as she’d pulled at Dean’s sleeve and pointed out the cheerful pumpkins in the shop display as she reminded her dad of the season that almost had silently gone by without any spooky celebration or happy songs.
 You were always the one to decorate and go trick or treating. You would help your little angel draw up bats and ghosts to hang around the bunker. Always humming songs from your favourite seasonal movie together and filling the now deafeningly quiet bunker with song and laughter.
 “Yeah cupcake. It is Halloween,” Dean chuckled, burying his own melancholy as to not worry the small child. Opting instead to stroke her cheek as the little princess graced hi with a warm, true smile. “It’s your favourite isn’t it?” He added as he stood up watching her nod vigorously, ready to return to the research he had been working on with Sam when his little girl’s voice turned his attention back to her.
 “Daddy?” Her tiny voice sounded hesitant as worried, making Dean automatically tense in shared worry. Did she have a tummy ache? Maybe she was coming down with a fever? It had been getting cold.
 “Yes sweetheart?” Dean asked as he turned back towards his world and watched her carefully to see if he could identify what was wrong. But she looked perfectly healthy. He just couldn’t help worrying. Her and Sam, they were all he had left.
 “No... Trick or treat this year? Or cos’ume?” She looked slightly worried, and he could see the hints of a pout forming as her tiny forehead creased up. He had completely forgotten to get her a costume. You always used to take care of that… Damn it… Dean was trying so hard, but he kept forgetting the little things.
 “Of course sweetheart! Of course we can go trick or treating,” Dean kept his voice soft and reassuring as he rested a big hand on her small head, stroking her hair out of her eyes. He would have to see where he could get a costume… Halloween night was the next day.
 Most places would be sold out of the best ones and she had grown a lot in a year. There was no way she’d fit into the costume from the year before. Plus, poor Sammy probably wouldn’t be able to handle another year with a tiny clown running around. Though you had found hilarious. Yet before he could offer that they would go out the next day and find something, the small, sheltered Winchester princess spoke up again with a question Dean hadn’t been prepared for.
 “Will you make my cos’ume then daddy?” She asked, eyes bright and hopeful as she pushed herself up in the chair until her knees were up under her. You used to always create the costumes. Dean however was no master with the needle and thread. Still, he knew that making the costume together with mommy had been his little spoiled princess favourite part of Halloween. She would draw it out with crayons on paper and they would make it together. It wouldn’t be perfect. But she would love it, and you would…
 “Princess… Maybe we should buy one this time?” Dean said, clearing his throat to keep it from wavering as he put on a brave smile for the little girl. Of course she would expect a homemade costume. Hell, you’d made her costumes from the first Halloween when she was only a few months old. Sure, the seams might have been a bit crooked, but they’d looked awesome in Dean’s eyes. Dean doubted he could even make two pieces of cloth stick together.
 “Nooo daddy,” The pouty princess whined, throwing her best puppy dog eyes over at her dad and pretty much giving him no choice but to agree. The small child had, had him wrapped around her tiny little finger since the day she was born. Once those big green eyes looked up at him, he was pretty much powerless. “With ‘Unca Sam?” The littlest Winchester added, throwing the puppy dog look over at Sam who seemed just as lost as Dean.
 “Daddy will think of something princess… I can get your crayons after… But for now you’re missing your favourite,” Dean said, giving in and turning to shrug at his younger brother who looked slightly freaked out at the idea of acting like the fairy godmother to the little kid. But hell, if he was gonna make a costume he would need backup, and Sammy always had his back. And the happy little squeal that followed her words made it worth whatever mess the two Winchester brothers would have to go through to make her dreams come true
 “Thank you daddy!” She sing-songed before twisting back into her seat to be fully enraptured by the movie once more.
 “What am I gonna do Sammy?” Dean asked his brother after finally tucking the tiny girl into bed. Falling back into the chair he’d left to help her brush her teeth he shut his eyes with a sigh, still holding the childish crayon drawing his little girl had given him of the witch costume she wanted. His hand shook as he tried to keep his voice low to not wake the small girl just down the hall. “(Y/N) was the one that was good at this… I just… I’m no good without her,”
 For a second only the light rustling of the paper in his hand filled the library as Dean locked his jaw in an effort of keeping the pain inside. You had been his better half. You always knew the right thing to do or say when it came to your child.
 “I don’t know if I can… It’s just so hard to go on like this, without her,” Dean said, breaking the silence as his voice finally cracked over the words and he forced his eyes open before he sank too far down into the darkness to pull himself back out. The childish smiling face of the witch drawn on the paper the first thing greeting him as he felt unshed tears burn his eyes.
 “Hey, Dean… Don’t say that. There’s a little girl down the hall that needs her daddy,” Sam said, his expression serious and slightly hurt, though his tone stayed soft and low. Sam was right… Dean wasn’t the only one who had lost you. Your daughter, and Sam, your best friend, was hurting too. He had to protect the two of them. And he could do that. He could act like a shield, but…
 “I know… But I can’t sew, or even remember to decorate for Halloween. I haven’t been baking cookies with her or…” Dean sighed letting his words die out as the list grew of the things you used to do with your little hyper girl. Dean hadn’t been ignoring her, no he had been spending most of his time with her. Playing and teaching her how to read. But, he couldn’t be both you and himself.
 “You’ve been doing great Dean. And I’m here to help. Come on… You know what (Y/N) would say if she heard you,” Sam said, lightly tugging the drawing out of Dean’s hands before he wrinkled the page between his shaking hands. A small sad smile on Sammy’s lips telling Dean that both Winchester brothers were thinking the exact same thing.
 “She wouldn’t say nothing… She’d just kick my ass,” He supplied with a small broken laugh. He could almost see you, hands folded over your waist and one hip popped as you glared at him. Telling him to get his act together or “so help me God”… You used to be the one keeping him on the straight and narrow, making his days bright. Now it was the child you left behind that brightened his dark days.
 “Exactly,” “You can do this… We can do this,” Sam said, his hand patting the older Winchester’s shoulder before refocusing on the childish drawing of a witch. The determination in his voice making Dean believe that the two of them could handle it together. After all, they’d saved the world from ruin several times. Making a costume for a kid would be a walk in the park.
 “But… Where do we start?” Dean asked, looking from his younger brother who had helped him every step of the way since your death to the drawing Sam now held in his hands. Focusing all his attention on it he sighed. That clearly wouldn’t help. It wasn’t as if numbers and instructions would magically appear just because he looked at it hard enough.
 “I guess we need to uhm… Cut it into shapes?” Sam said, turning the drawing around in his big hands. “And then sew it together?” The younger Winchester’s words all sounded like uncertain questions however. The earlier bravado gone now that Dean had pulled himself out of his brief recess in the darkened parts of his broken heart.
“Have you ever sewn anything?” Dean sighed, at least he knew where your sewing kit was. But hell if he knew how to actually sew together a costume. He’d only done basic fixes when he was younger and something of Sammy’s needed a quick stitch to be good as new again.
“Other than cuts and wounds? Never…” Sam sighed his brow furrowed as he followed the lines of the tiniest member of the Men of Letter bunker’s drawing. Though just as his hand reached the hat, the bright light returned to the young hunter’s eyes and Dean swore he could actually see the light come on in a lightbulb above his head. “Hey… Maybe we can reuse something? Start with a big black t-shirt for the dress?” Sam asked grinning.
 Yeah… That could work. Damn, that was why Dean couldn’t help being proud of his baby brother. The kid was smart and could think outside of the box. And Dean had just the t-shirt they could use.
 “You’re a genius Sammy! I have a completely black t-shirt, and if we take something orange too and tear it up in strips…” Dean said replacing his brother’s hand on the drawing as he followed the lines whilst he spoke. And so the two hunters sat down to work through the night. Determined to make a little girl’s happy Halloween come true.
Even though their small family was slightly smaller than it had been just one year earlier.
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prnbookreviews · 7 years ago
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BOOK REVIEW TITLE: Deathtrap AUTHOR: Dannika Dark SERIES: Crossbreed, book #3 PUBLISHED: September 3, 2017 READ: March 23-April 12, 2018 (only part time) FORMAT: Audiobook via www.Audible.com - by Tantor Audio NARRATOR: the absolutely smashing, Nicole Poole KEYWORDS/GENRE: mystery, paranormal, paranormal mystery, thriller, suspense, crime, shifter, vampire, breed, crossbreed, crime fighting, fiction, paranormal fiction. MY RATING (0-5 Star/GoodReads scale): 5 “vending machine” stars. (You’ll get it, I promise 😁). DESCRIPTION (borrowed & condensed from the publisher’s excerpt/overview): “For Raven Black, hunting criminals is second nature. So is denial. It’s not easy moving forward with one foot stuck in the past, but a new case offers a much needed distraction when Keystone accepts their toughest assignment yet - to track down an elusive criminal who’s selling children on the black market.... ....”the stakes are high and a shocking twist turns everything on its head....” My brief remarks: Yaaaaaaaaassssssss!!!! It just does NOT get better than listening to Nicole Poole read a Dannika Dark story via audiobook! I seriously LOST SLEEP because I would pop in my earbuds to listen...then I’d still be awake when my “sleep timer” turned it off...sooo, I would restart and keep going... lol. Seriously? I am REALLY enjoying the “Crossbreed” series and I was not certain I would/could after I met and loved that crazy family of shifters in the “Seven” Series (One Second”, Two Minutes”, etc.), which was just so AWESOME! The “Seven” audiobooks were actually how I was initially introduced to, and quickly became smitten with, the Dark-Poole audible team. Back to this story though... Raven, Christian (“the Vamp”) and the whole Keystone crew have stolen my heart. I have already started Book 4 (“Gaslight”) in this series and I constantly stalk Audible.com, DannikaDark.com, and the “Dannika Dark” newsletters for MOOOORE.....I am highly impatient with this series. Well, I should be clear: I am highly impatient with Dannika Dark! Keep ‘em comin’, please! ☺️ Bottom line: I HIGHLY recommend ANYTHING by Dannika Dark, including this series, - ESPECIALLY via audiobook. Nicole Poole is so dynamic and mesmerizing and talented; she just does a damn fine job. Guys? I can hear her voice right now just from typing this! She is *THAT* good. If y’all follow/read my reviews (which I have TOTALLY slacked on lately 😬), ya know I’m STINGY with that last 1/2 to 1 star. Not with this one. No way. I also AVOID SPOILERS, but will gladly answer any questions! ☺️ Thank you for reading/skimming! 😉 Psst.... If you are still here and interested, I am working on putting together (I know, I’m so late to the game), a VLOG channel via YouTube - I am also hoping to build my other social media platforms and websites! In addition to book reviews, I am a beauty product reviewer. While reading is my primary passion for sure, I love learning about my caring for and accenting my “mature” skin and sharing/helping others. We shall see. Hopefully, stretching my comfort zone will help me build my review hobby into something much more fun and fulfilling...after all, I AM NOW A GRANDMA (Oma‼️) and hope to work outside our home MUCH less soon as I have proudly dedicated 25 years to my incredible nursing career. I want to play “Oma” (and have the energy to do so, lol) now, as much as possible. 😉❤️ If you are interested, please stay tuned! Hugs...Lisa (Nurse Lisa in Ohio & PRN Book Reviews) INSTAGRAM: NurseLisaInOhio TWITTER: NurseLisaInOhio TUMBLR: PRNBookReviews PINTEREST: NurseLisaInOhio YOUTUBE: NurseLisaInOhio GOOGLE PLUS: NurseLisaInOhio www.PRNBookReviews.wordpress.com
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