#stasia ff verse
blissfulalchemist · 2 years
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Stasia wir Galvus Enache
“Foul child, bastard and beast/O lost lamb, first to the feast/Come claim if you're able a spot at this table/Mild and meek, down on your knees/For hide and seek./It's time that we feed/Your heart is racing, blood is running cold/Your fractured will is whispering (fly away)/Far Away” -Scream by Masayoshi Soken
template by @unholymilf (x)
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Swap Chat QOTD
Does your OC have a color strongly associated with them? (ie Alphinaud blue, G'raha red etc etc). If so, how did that come about? Was that a conscious decision in their character development? Are they aware of their color association?
Sib has a lot of bright bold pinks and purples, along with the more pastel shades of colors. This was a bit of a conscious/unconscious thing on my part. I solidified the general intensity but she picked the palette. She's more aware of the colors that look good on her and its also in part to her mother favoring the pastel pinks, purples, and teals/blues when she was younger. Color and intensity is such a vital part of her identity that it does bleed into her wardrobe choice throughout the story.
Demos is very earthy and this was more on my end since he has the forest and earth association as part of his aesthetic, he also happened to look very good in green and varying shades of it. Like He has to have green in his outfits somewhere or else it just doesn't feel like him, I also feel its his way of kind of standing out among the fashion of the realm that relies on the tans, browns, and red based colors, but still also blends into his surroundings. just a lot going on there.
Anthea is no surprise teal and peacock sapphire (which is teal in itself) and that fit the vibe that I was going with when I spent weeks just thinking on a nebulous idea of an oc that would work well with Hyth. I wanted them to have the darker palette since he was so light but also be so contrasting to their eye color so it would be a bit of surprise when he finally saw their eyes the first time. Teal as a color when looking it up for its meaning is meant more for calm and described as a shy color which fits Thea very well!
Deimos is someone that I associate with the colors of sunset, those yellows and orange, but maintaining that black color palette with his clothing while Phobos stands out a bit more having the browns. Which even beyond the societal conventions Deimos still chooses to wear darker colors and I can't really see him wearing anything else color wise that's not an accent. I would have to associate this with the fact that Deimos doesn't know who he is really and how much he wants to stand out so he's wearing it in a way that more signifies the mixing of all the colors, yet his personality is so vibrant you would forget that he's not wearing any other colors.
Iris has a more nude and pastel pink kind of vibe to her. She very much fits into this romantic academia aesthetic. This was not only a feeling but also as a way to juxtapose her looks being darker than Hades, but her clothing would ideally be lighter than I could ever see that man wearing in a modern setting. These are also colors that one could get away with most often in business like settings.
Stasia has a chrome white with silver and red accents association due to partially her vampire aspect in her original universe but its also a kind of way to show change and there being something new with her, along with a sense of perfectionism of the white. Stasia has many identities in her lifetime and has a need to control everything around her. It is also the color of her magic in her og verse and would ideally be the same in ff if there wasn't such a nature aspect to the way spells work, but in my head know that its chrome white when possible!
Conner has a more pastel blue, lavender, and sea foam green palette to him. Its much more subdued and reflects that of a foggy lush forest. He also does wear neutrals paired if possible lighter colored shirts in his og verse and the same would be said if he could in Ancient society. Conner very much is someone that likes to have fun and be a part of the world but he's got this guardedness to him that has him keeping it under wraps best as possible to not draw attention to himself.
Carly is gold with cream/white colors. She very much has this kind of early insta influencer aesthetic in her og verse that was meant to show off power and competence. Carly is bold and fiery like the sun but she's anything but a good character. She brings a very Shadowbringers vibes to the table in that light isn't always a good thing and can be destructive. It also just happened to go well with Zenos' color scheme and shows a solidarity and uniqueness with Stasia.
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blissfulalchemist · 2 years
Stasia in the ff verse trying to get the people of Garlemald to trust her and trying to get it back to its prime and being just so bad at it is never an unfunny thought. Just have her with the Scions trying to look for survivors and they encourage her to go first to talk to them because these are her people and the minute they go “Why the fuck would we trust you either?! You’ve been working with the people that used us as pawns all these years.” Stasia just immediately gets frustrated and just turns away. The scions behind her face palming like “can you try to be a little friendly? They need a leader and you’re as good as any to them.” Like it just keeps happening over and over until she can like put her defenses down just a tad to show them like “I do actually genuinely care about this place and I do want to see it in its former glory and then some” because really a few generations down the line she’s going to do “and then some” of her statement.
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blissfulalchemist · 2 years
🖊🖊🖊 + anyverse!stasia, 🖊🖊🖊+ anyverse!carly xx
I had a feeling you would inquire about them!
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🖊 I don't remember if I discussed this on here at one point but the biggest flaw that Stasia has in her og universe is that she's very traditionalist when it comes to magic. She hardly every took from other regions that weren’t European or the very least Western society as she felt that she knew everything and no one else really had anything else to offer her that she didn’t already have. This even translated into how she was with her bloodline. Men were never taught magic in her family traditionally, only the oldest and youngest female, as they didn’t see men as caring enough to fully grasp magic and the heart of it as they were a line of healers. While the art was lost to many those that were her direct descendents still kept up with teaching their children and primarily their daughters....until Conner’s mom kept with her rebel aesthetic and taught him from the get go and had no other children. Not only was this male being taught their family’s traditions he also had the gall to have a warlock as a father! The last bit of rubbing salt in the wound is that Conner’s mom was named after her twin but simply said a Z is cooler than an S, but still Stasia hates it. It took her so long to find him and his mom due to the fact that they weren’t as traditional and took magic from everywhere getting creative in combining different aspects to suit their needs. So this woman would much rather see her bloodline end than have it suffer any more scandal.
Spoiler warning potential under the cut
🖊 While FF!Stasia has a power that no one has really seen in a long long time she still took the route of learning magic the hard way to supplement the natural affinity, though it still has its source as creation magics like her father and mentor. This woman though also likes to plan for various worst cases and also took lessons in the blade, it just wasn't the sword. She will have a dagger upon her for the close combat and ending lives very personally, but her weapon of choice when having to go into battle is a lance. This becomes pretty vital in the Final Days as her magic now is a high risk situation. It is in no one's best interest for her help to also make the problem worse by just a simple protective wall spell turning into the very monster you wanted to sheild away from. Yes there becomes a silent competition between her and Estinien on who's better and who ends the most monsters.
🖊 In the FF universe Stasia doesn’t actually know if she’s truly immortal or incapable of aging past a certain point and she doesn’t really want to put it to the test out of fear that she’ll die before she wants to. To combat this fear she partakes in the darker side of magic and every decade or so she sacrifices a few people to keep herself looking young and adding years to her life. In all reality she can manipulate her body to look however she wants, but she cannot transfer herself into a new one. Stasia is immortal but will age and can still be killed much easier than other Ascians. She is though able to travel between reflections without having to switch to a whole new body unlike her counter parts, a big reason as to why her father was very adament to strengthening her power before she was even double digits in age. 
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🖊 In og verse Carly is about late 30′s to early 40′s when she finally kills her mother, however FF!Carly is about 15 when she commits matricide and runs away. However, given the ages of when this even occured there is a distinct difference in just how these acts looked. In the og it was much slower, much more tortureous, and you can tell she made that woman suffer every second of it, in FF it was a much more impulsive looking kill despite the planning she put into it. The dancer blades helped in making the cuts clean, but there was much more blood and a very hasty clean up/presentation of the body for others to find.
🖊 FF!Carly is a few years older than Zenos but looks younger due to the fact that she took up Stasia’s offer to give a little extra life. This is something that does surprise those that find out as many like to assume she’s younger than Zenos by about 5 years when its the oppisite. 
🖊 In the same vein as OG!Carly in that almost everyone is Jack, FF!Carly gives everyone a nickname and the farther it is from your actual name the less respect she has for you. The current list is as follows:
Thancred - Boy Toy
Urianger - Shade
Y’shtola - Miss Sassy
Alisaie - Sassy Jr.
Alphinaud - Not Sassy Jr or Shortie
Estinien - Scowly or Dragon Boy (Toy)
G’raha - Crystalline or Fluffy
Emet-Selch - Emmie
Tataru - Who? and then Secretary
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blissfulalchemist · 1 year
96%. a typical weekend for your character is like… (+ carly & stasia, any verses xx)
Thank you Stella! Always coming in for the girls 🥰 Their typical weekends kind of look fairly similar for Stasia in both universes. Carly has a slight deviation but she also has a more active partner in Zenos than Stasia.
For Stasia you gotta get that woman to stop her work strictly at mid afternoon on Saturday or else she’s not going to do anything else. She will take the time to dress nice and go out to eat at a restaurant by herself, has a book, rarely eats with anyone else, has to have the same spot but she’s there at the same time every Saturday and is never late more than 30min. If there’s a play or symphony or something else interesting she’ll attend but if not it’s him straight to the bath. Soft lighting, calming music, steaming, rose or lavender scents filling the room, and just enough bubbles to make it tasteful and uninterrupting to her night. Sundays are strictly for lounging about in her soft and silky robes and cute lingerie underneath, there might be some casual work in checking status but very passive. Time to just try and watch tv people are into and she finds that she hates, cook herself a nice meal, maybe have a guest over if it’s been awhile, and simply just enjoy the view from up top of the world.
Carly’s weekends are all about moving and finding new hangouts. You'll find her at bars, clubs, parties you name it she's there. Is she also on the hunt for some prey? Yeah sure, its called multitasking. Once she's back home and has had her fill she's lounging watching bad reality tv, "eating" bon bons and chocolate covered strawberries, theres a glass of what you hope is wine or blood laced champagne, she's in a nice robe the ones that one wears when they totally didn't murder their husband officer, she's got some pet of hers pampering her and telling her body double just where to go and take pictures of so she has things to post for the week. This is more for her og verse, for her ff verse she's still on the move but she's training, getting handsy with Zenos, trying to get some from Stasia, she's reveling in the idea of luxury sitting on thrones and asking people to do things for her, listening to the soldiers' inane problems that she then gets to tell them to suck it up, some deserters have been given to her, gets just enough blood on her to get her man going, she's enjoying walking down the streets of their occupied territories and seeing the way people react in fear, hatred, and defeat on occasion. She's just here for a good time and frankly she's entitled to such things.
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blissfulalchemist · 2 years
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Tia (Bloodlines) // Siberite (FFXIV, post-Endwalker) // Anthea (FFXIV) // Stasia (FFXIV au)
Tagged by @florbelles @themarcspector to use this picrew to make some ladies. It came around once before so here is Part 1 with the six other gals! Tagging: @belorage @heroofpenamstan @blackreaches @strafethesesinners @adelaidedrubman @confidentandgood @dihardys @jackiesarch @shellibisshe @devil-kindred @chyrstis @indorilnerevarine @leviiackrman @shallow-gravy and anyone else that wants too! Feel free to tag me!
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blissfulalchemist · 2 years
What I love most about ff stasia is that I can still make her an absolutely cold hearted bitch (affectionate) and explore how she still processes emotions that aren’t normally seen as she was mentored by a behind the curtain sentimental old guy.
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