Jedi Knight Aa’yan Kotara moved subtlety through the crowded cantina. She was dressed as a talent scout, a trade not uncommon to older twilek women, each half of her double bladed lightsaber tucked down the sides of her high boots. She was to meet her contact here and had arrived precisely on time, only to find her contact was late, so she mingled to not attract attention. She stopped and paused at young twilek dancers, mimicking the appraising glances she had received so many times in her life from recruiters, many years ago. Before the Jedi, before she became a Padawan, when the force was just a whisper in her, she had killed the recruiter who purchased her from some minor Hutt. The Jedi starship happened to come across her adrift in space, the recruiters twisted body still strapped to the pilots chair. She knew now it was the dark side that made her twist that old Rodian into grotesque, bone snapping shapes. Her fear had awakened something truly terrible that day, and had it not been for Jedi Master Yendi who sensed the wound in the force such an act had caused, she would probably be on a much darker path today…
Kotara shook her head, her long lekku twitching in irritation.
The young Twilek before her stopped and looked suddenly frightened at the subtle gesture that only another twilek would have noticed. She had misunderstood it’s origin and thought she had somehow displeased the recruiter, a lethal mistake in some cantinas.Kotara smiled at the girl, patted her arm and stepped away.
The cantina was built in a large circle around a central
fighting pit. There were two Kath hounds tearing into one another at the moment, and The Jedi couldn’t help but stop and offer a moment of pity to the poor animals. Across the pit, she spotted her contact, and reached out with the force to make him look her way. His eyes slowly drifted up, as if of their own accord, and she shot him a displeased look at the credit chit in his hand. Wasnt late, then. Just too distracted gambling. He grinned at her and tucked the chit in his breast pocket before heading around towards her. She motioned to a table by the wall and made her way there. As she sat down, she felt a momentary tremor in the force, sharp and searingly hot, and gone as fast as it arrived. The Jedi dismissed it, the dark side was to be expected in places like this. Her contact emerged from the crowd and headed towards the table. He had managed to acquire two pints of Gammorian beer on his was over, and plopped one down in front of Kotara before guzzling his own. She eyed the foamy, thick substance with barely feigned disgust.
“Not while on duty, thanks.” She scanned the crowd with the
force, ensuring no one was paying them any attention.She detected nothing but an undercurrent of what could only be described as a ‘heat’ in the force. Surely the many lives lost to that pit have created a place of dark side energy. She made a mental note to suggest the council send sentinels here to cleanse this place. “Now, do you have information on the Gallihad?”
“Not so fast girlie” the old mercenary reached across the table
and took the second pint, “I need…assurances first. Don’t wanna be caught up in them’s you’re about to apprehend, see?” He quaffed the second pint as a serving droid buzzed by.
*grab his skinny neck and make him talk*
Kotara shook her head, dismissing the thought. She flashed her
best smile and leaned over the table, reaching out with the force to make her contact feel more at ease ,”The Republic will punish any involved in the theft of the ship, but will reward those who aide in its swift recovery.”
“I ain’t had nothin to do with it’s takin’.”
“I’m sure. And I’m prepared to offer substantial financial recompense for your information.”
*greed* we’ve got him now. She sat back and took a tight bundle of physical credits from her pouch. The brick of credits made a significant thud when she placed it on the table. The old mans eyes grew wide.
“I heard she was laid up off bespin ways, last I heard, anyhow..” his eyes never left the credits, “truth, I swear!”
He looked up at her pleadingly.
*I need this,in over my head* the impression washed over her. His desperation told her his info was most likely good. She slid the bundle towards him
“I’ll know where to find you if it’s not.” she fixed him with a
stare and pinned him down briefly with the force before letting him rise. He snatched the brick, gave her a hasty salute and made a beeline for the bookies office towards the rear of the cantina. “May the force be with you..” she whispered.her heart went out to the pitiful wretch as he shuffled away. Her father had lost her due to gambling debts. The hutts took her, and his hand when he resisted. Gambling lost you more than chips..
She stood to go, ready to leave this pit when the force opened
beneath her like a well. She had the distinct sense that she was standing above a void of nothing but black hatred and unimaginable pain. And it seemed to be moving, getting closer. She had never wanted to flee a place more in her life, but she couldn’t move. This black hole in the force held her in place with a gravity all its own. It drew her to the pit. She walked, drawn to the pit like a star meeting something far more terrible than it. Her eyes fixed on the entrance to the pit carved into its high walls. Behind that door stood a wound in the force so vast and deep she feared some twisted monster would emerge from it. It had a distasteful familiarity to it as well, and Kotara shook as the doors hissed open. She couldn’t focus well enough to understand the booming huttese coming over the loudspeaker, announcing the fighter as he stepped through the doors. The noise of the crowd was drowned by the roaring quiet that filled Kotaras mind as her eyes fell on a young Zabrack with pale white skin. To anyone untrained in the force, he would just appear to be a bold young man ready to fight, his stance still and predatory. To Kotara, he was the center of a silent storm, the strength of the force in him so apparent that at first, the Jedi Knight thought she was looking at something impossible
“Is this a Sith Lord?” She whispered to herself. The second door
opened beneath her and another fighter stepped into the ring. His life force was like a tea candle next to a young star as he approached the young zabrack. The Zabrack and Human nodded and stepped back to their corners, waiting for the bell to signal the fight. The force rapidly coalesced into the Zabrack, and Kotara watched with fascination as the storm that swirled around the young man suddenly stopped and seemed to implode into him. His presence of mind was entirely in the force now, and for a moment they connected. His eyes snapped up and met hers in a moment of recognition before the bell sounded. He never took his eyes off Kotara as he dodged his enemies first attack, sidestepping him easily and knocking him aside. Kotara nodded to him, ‘I see you’ and as if feeling the thought, he turned and faced his opponent. Kotara had to withdraw from the force, and felt the weight of the darkness subside as she tuned it out. Watching the fight now was almost like a dance. The young Zabrack instincts and training were apparent, and he would have been a formidable warrior without the aid of the force. With it, he was untouchable, and his blows were devastating. Kotara could sense he was purposely drawing the fight out, dodging each blow while delivering pulled-back punches of his own. His opponent was getting tired and frustrated as each swing missed the Zabrack by inches. It was like he knew what he was going to do before he did. After a brief exchange of blocked blows, the Zabrack delivered a knockout blow directly to the chin and his opponent hit the dirt. Cries of outrage and victory mingled as the young man walked a pace around the arena, eyes never leaving his opponent untill a med droid came in thru the pit door. He looked back at Kotara before ducking inside.
Every instinct inside her told her to leave, but she had to know
who this boy was. He was able to command the dark side in a way she nor any Jedi had seen before. It was a strange, yet compelling idea. To be of the darkness, but not be consumed by it. Some theorized that a Sith named Revan had some something similar, but the Order had any records pertaining to Sith Lords highly restricted. She had her information, but she had decided she wasn’t leaving without this Zabrack with her, whatever the cost. The Rodian guards at the entrance to the lower levels stopped her at the door and insisted on frisking her.
“Look, I’m a talent scout, I do the frisking okay? I need to see the hutt in charge” she pressed the radians mind, encouraging him to see it her way
“Ferula is a busy woman. You deal with me.” The rodian was eying her outfit, or rather what was in it.
“ and so am I, bug. Now move it!”
*just a squeeze * she pushed away the thought and fully influenced the rodians mind, his eyes glazing over
“Ferula…yea sure…this way…” he opened the door and wandered off down the hall, almost drunkenly. She had always been a bit heavy handed with force persuasion. Ferula the Hutt sat in her expansive office, a small table to one side laden with credits and chits as she counted out the last fights take. It didn’t seem to be what she expected
“Bets down again! Pudu…” she slammed a datapad down on the table as the doomed rodian brought Kotara directly into the office
“Uhh boss…talent scout here…what’s name deerie?..” a small rope of drool was leaking from the rodians tubular mouth. Maybe a bit much indeed. Kotara stepped forward, hoping she hasn’t gotten this idiot killed
“Ale’ Fortuna, talent scout for czerka corps, ma’am. It’s very nice to make your acquaintance.” Kotara bowed, knowing flattery was a good start with any Hutt.
“Huh? Choy? Sa this?!” She threw a datapad at the Rodians head, causing him to come-to and duck in terror. “So we’re just bringing anyone into my offices now?” The Hutt was enraged, Kotara had to step in quickLay before she called for guards
“Your excellence, please , I come with an offer I believe you’d
most appreciate. I’d like to buy that young fighter who was in the ring just now. “ she smiled wide and produced another brick of credits. She had come prepared to bribe her contact more than was necessary. The Galihads recovery was important, but the force was telling her this was as well.
“He’s not for sale, and if he was…it would be for more than that” the hutt leaned back on her expansive cushion and took up the end of her long stemmed pipe, taking a few contemplative puffs “however, bets are down.. no one who matters wants to fight him anymore. He never loses, my boy. Never.” The hutt shook her massive head, chuckling at some memory. “But regardless, he’s worth more to me than that. He has a substantial debt to me.”
Kotaras mind worked overtime trying to figure a way to leverage the hutt.
*greed* yes, greed was her primary motivation, as with all hutts. This hutt runs a pit fighting ring. People watch and bet on interesting fights, not inevitable conclusions. Suddenly, an idea struck her
“Great Ferula, I have a question.” The hutt puffed her pipe and nodded, interested where this might lead
“Have you ever seen a lightsaber duel?” The hutt went still for a moment, contemplating.
“I have not, though I have heard they’re quite the spectacle..”
the hutt was intrigued at this line of questioning.
“What if I told you..” Kotara bit her lip, knowing this was a risk, but the force told her it was right
“I have a way to help you facilitate such a spectacle?” The hutts eyes widened a little as she leaned forward to speak
“And how would you do that? Have a couple of Jedi in your orga
nization? Just waiting to jump through hoops?” The slug laughed deep in her belly. Kotara leaned down and pulled out the two halves of her double bladed lightsaber. It was built to split apart, allowing for duel handed saber technique and double bladed technique. She held the sabers in offering to the hutt, her eyes transfixed now on the incalculably valuable weapons.
“Before you ask, yes, they’re real “ she ignited the blades and
their bright blue beams illuminated the room, tuned perfectly to match the deep blue of her skin. They hummed softly as she demonstrated their middle couplings that allowed switch attachment.
“You’re not really some czerka corps slaver are you?”
“He’s not some punk Zabrack kid who happens to be good a fighting either, is he?”
“Bah! I knew you Jedi would come for him someday. But he will
not go freely, nor will you just walk out of here with him. I have some friends clad in beskar who would love to meet that saber in combat.” The Hutt grinned, her hand hovering over the concealed panic button that would summon her personal Mandalorian bodyguards. Worth every credit, she thought to herself.
“Great Ferula, I think we can come to a bargain. I’m offering
these sabers. Imagine the fights , the spectacles, you could put on with these! “ the hutt stroked her chin in thought
“It means that much to you? Is he really so great in your force magic?” Kotara nodded solemnly,
“He could be dangerous if allowed to persist…here.” She held up her hands in a placating gesture “great Ferula, I am being honest with you. He needs to come with me, or he will surely bring destruction down on you. The dark side surrounds him like a storm.”
The great hutt seemed to think it over, taking several long puffs before finally answering.
“The sabers, and the credits. And he’s yours, miss Fortuna..”
Kotara handed over the hutts requested payment. A protocol droid scurried down a hallway and soon two of the biggest Mandos Kotara had ever seen emerged with the Zabrack between them. They released him and he stepped forward, turning to Ferula and bowing before turning to Kotara. He looked so much smaller in person, a boy of maybe 15 stood before her now, barely any hint of the storm that once surrounded him. But that unnerving power was still there, palpable even beneath the surface. The horns protruding from his head were chipped and cracked, but more strange about him was he had no tattoos as other Zabracks had. His pale skin carried only years of scars.
“Take him and go.” The hut waved a dismissal and looked down at
the new treasures in her hand. Kotara hated parting with her lightsabers, but she could build another. This boy was irreplaceable. He could be the answer to many questions held by both the order, and herself. The memory of when she touched the dark side has always haunted her. It filled her with fear of falling entirely. Maybe this boy could teach her the balance he had found. He didn’t speak a word as they made their way thru the lower levels and Onto the cantina floor. He stopped and gave the arena a final look before turning away from it and following Kotara out the door. The suns of tattooine were setting as they emerged into the dusty corridor that shielded the cantina doors from the hard winds. The Jedi turned to the boy and looked down at him. He was almost her height, and thin. His wirery frame belied the strength she’d seen him demonstrate in the pits.
“My name is Aa’yan Kotara. I’m a Jedi Knight. I was here to col
lect some information, but the force seems to have brought us together. I’m going to bring you before the Jedi council.” The boy just looked at her with large, grey eyes.
“I have heard this..Jedi before, in story.” He smiled at her shyly “I be Jedi too?”
She put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently “ I honestly don’t know. The order doesn’t take anyone as old as you…but I feel in the force that you and I are bound. I will train you, with or without the permission of the council. The force guides me. “
~On board Aa’yan Kotaras ship, en route to Coruscant~
The boy continued to amaze her. In their short time together she had seen him display an impressive range of force abilities. They were meditating together now in the cargo hold. The serenity within his mind seemed to affect Kotara as well, meditation was sometime difficult for the troubled twi’lek.
“Who trained you in the force?” The question spoke almost of its own accord. The boy opened his eyes slowly and smiled.
“Monks, on a hidden moon. I do not know where anymore.” He closed his eyes and fell back into that fathomless pool of serenity almost immediately. Kotaras mind was racing. The Jedi order wasn’t the only band of force users in the galaxy, but nowhere in her studies had Kotara heard of force using monks on a hidden moon. She closed her eyes, aware still of the effect the boy seemed to be radiating into her own mind.
“What power is this?” She whispered
Suddenly she was standing in a bright forest of green and gold. There was water beneath her feet, yet it was solid to her. Before her, perched on a rock, was the boy. Clad in green robes, his white skin almost glowed in the sunlight.
“Dont be afraid” the boys voice was different now, no longer accented by the broken huttese of his captivity “this is something the monks taught me. You find this place, and share its light with everyone around you. I can feel the storm in your heart. This place can quieten it. “
Kotara looked down at the boy, felt in the force the certainty of his words. This place felt different, real, yet she knew her body was still in her ship. This construct of the force existed yet it didn’t. She sat down without thinking, a stone of her own materialized beneath her. She took a meditation position and closed her eyes. Instead of blackness, stars exploded before her. She was adrift in a void surround by searing points of light. The young Zabrack was still feet from her, drifting in the void.
“We are the universe experiencing itself. Through the force, we are shown it’s will."
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