#starting to get paranoid im losing weight too.
exculis · 1 year
i feel just as hungry now as i was before i ate a big bowl of ravioli.
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my gf and i both have eds and we started dating when I was at my lw (bmi 16.9) and she was pretty bad too but still normal weight and then we went into semi(?) recovery and im just about normal bmi now
BUT now we are both relapsing and shes losing so much faster than me (shes going to the gym and getting 15k steps daily and I have chronic pain so i cant really exercise) and im really paranoid that im going to end up as "the fat one" in the relationship and its triggering me so much. I cant even really rant on twt or to anybody cause everyone knows her and shes so much more popular i feel like im becoming the side hoe in my own relationship
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shockingdread · 2 months
big reflection on our job and how much we've gained from it. which is to say we lost so much our health has been destroyed and we have no money to show for it
part of the reason this is being typed is because we havent smoked in a while but for real we have sacrificed everything for this job and gained nothing from it except guaranteeing our parent's roof over our head. except they still constantly threaten us and disrespect us. we're at this fork in the road where we have to decide if we're actually doing what we want with our life and if this job is helping us do that. what we want in life is to transition, a shitty car, an apartment with a friend or two, and a job in game development. we threw our transition into the trash to avoid getting hatecrimed by our coworkers, and health wise we're at our lowest. we're starving ourselves, we're not cleaning our room of food trash and we're getting repetitive infections from unwashed sheets and clothes. we have zero savings after eight months here making 19.50 because we're too paranoid to stay in a grocery store for more than ten minutes without supervision. our only irl friend moved so we cant ask her for help anymore, our family knows that we struggle with paranoid schizophrenia and they think it is funny and do not help. doordash and the local restaurants have scraped like 15k off of us since we got this job. we picked up smoking to try and reclaim some sort of control over our body, as a weird "fuck you" to our parents and anyone who tells us how to live our life, and its ended with us getting thru a pack every other day. thats like, 40 dollars a week of nj taxed marlboro menthols. we have so little energy at all times, even with our on/off schedule (two days on, two days off, three days on, two days off, two days on, three days off. repeat every two weeks) we cant do anything on our days off because our whole body aches. we cant think through the pain, so we cant even work on our game or do shit other than play tf2 and shoot shit on calls with friends. we're so miserable, we're filling the gaps with cigs and ice cream and excessive amounts of chinese takeout because we're a huge stress eater (but still losing a surprising amount of weight). now that my coworker tore the ligaments in her knee, she's got priority in orion instead of us. so every night has been in blow mold, where we spend so much more energy than we actually have. we're in debt to our own body, and the new girl is fucking everything up and blaming it on everyone around her, and the company's in a hiring freeze right now so if she leaves no one's taking her spot, and its still summer so just going to work burns and the car's AC is fucked so there's no relief from 12 hr nights in the steamy 80 degree factory. when we started working at our other factory job, we said to everyone, "this has to be temporary, i am not gonna last here, i am going to burn out and start making awful decisions and undo what good this is" and not only did that come to pass but it happened significantly sooner than i expected. this job has truly taken everything from us and left us in the negative and im starting to think keeping it thus far has just been like.. sunk cost fallacy. whatever the case is, it's time to start looking for something new asap. im probably putting my two weeks in soon. our sister is trying to help us get groceries now, we're trying to pick up the pieces this weekend. we'll feel it out but get excited for our unemployment
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chistesdiarios · 10 months
hurry up you say, laughing -not very differently from how youve done before- from the booth your label has set up for you
what is it exactly youre waiting to happen faster? do you think my voice is stronger than yours? if so, why bother telling me anything, if my chords dont waver on your command.
youve done youre part, talking to my ear through the pod i left hanging next to my lobe, and so you get on your car and start strolling the scars thatve covered up all of the land youve never seen as yours but onlyve left to levitate from stage to stage that world below, so below, from that land that isnt yours
what else could you be asked for? you know exactly how loud your voice is, and you gotta protect it, lest its potency be diminished and the bottles stop pouring. hurry up, you say, and i wonder if youve ever heard anything ive said -and i know you havent, since ive never really spoken much, yet you always seem to hear what i fear- so here i wanna be as clear as i can be: genocide has never stopped and youvent said a word for it to stop.
you get to either that wide (but not the widest, youre quick to note) mansion or that tall (yet not the tallest, you immidiatley view) apartment and wonder
is that kid really serious? am I supposed to lose all this hard work now? should i sell my diamonds now? give away the art? peel off my butt and put it out? that kid wants us all walked over, is how i imagine your defense, he wants us to give it all away so we can be made mud again!
im not asking for any of that, and maybe the distance between you and the military complex that that land you look over as not yours is rich off of has made you forget the difference, but i ask for one word: ceasefire. i want to be as clear as i can
does he really think if i say that, then automatically the genocide will stop? yes, i do. now, if i wanted to make that ceasefire last, unlike how the bombing was reinstigated in less than a week last time id ask for another word: perpetual ceasefire.
you know that the people who know that land the live on as not theirs is greatly, greatly superior to those who know themselves as owners of it. you know your grandparents grew up with that majority, so ill ask you
do you want to own it?
and here i want to make something clear once again, i now speak to those who have made that ownership their goal and achieved it, be it from garages or street corners or any other of the thousand broken ladders laid upon that superior majority.
you know we have no say in what happens on gaza! you could have. you start asking for this and then youll ask for our heads! i wont, ill work. i belive thats what has made you soft on me. i neednt luxury to stop for us to accept that life is more important. anyone's.
these words can easily be dissmissed for being poorly chosen and awfully layed down. they can be dissmissed as the paranoid ramblings of a crazy person. they can be dissmissed as too optimistic. we're both too far from that specific genocide to feel the weight of the images we recive from it as we should. the destroyed building and the people bleeding, sick, dead. but we both have always lived surrounded by massacres, targeted murders, torture. no land has gone too long without them.
so you can call for Israel to stop the war its waging, either directly to that state or to the states that are supporting it, or you can not. id love voting on what each of you will choose.
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6afurah · 1 year
On the future
So today ismail's vinyl came in. I'm going to hop over to amcorp on the weekends to see if i can find a good turntable for cheap. I think it'll be a nice gift ( also i kinda want one for myself and im sure he'll let me use it too lol ) The vinyl i got him even comes with a poster i am 100% he'll love it.
But on the topic of his birthday next week,
it's really got me thinking a bunch,
I honestly know he loves me and all that. Without a doubt, in terms of love u know. but i don't know, something feels off, aside from the love thing. could just be me being idk you know paranoid me. Yesterday we discussed about what music we wanna make, and started a playlist for it too.
he's really great, i honestly just feel less alone with this person because we love and want the same things, i've honestly never felt that way about anyone before like that, ive loved other people but i dont think ive really felt what it is im feeling for ismail.
i don't know, maybe it was just the whole marriage thing, He was supposed to marry salma and she's getting engaged, He also met someone else after me, but it didnt work out bcs apparently something something tak sama vision la entah aku pun tak tahu lmfao
I guess it just
annoys me i'm not a girlfriend yet, and even when i am a girlfriend,
why do i get the feeling that this person has no want to marry me at all. He probably doesnt, and i guess it makes sense since we're only on good terms now, 3/4 months
but we've known eachother for a while now, this all doesn't bother me that much to be honest, its just upsetting how my parents don't like him anymore n his parents dont even know i exist
like it all just got thrown out, it feels good writing this down i guess. I dont feel like talking to him about it bcs tbh If he wants to do something about us or make it proper, he has his chance to do so, I'll give him time but honestly, I hate how if someone came along and offered something more concrete that i'd consider it. i love him like on god, dont get me wrong, and tbh i probably wouldnt even budge if someone else wanted me, but i think I just want to be a part of his life again and vice versa, not some weird secret where it's just the two of us.
Whatever, thinking about this just makes me angry.
my birthday happened a few days back, being 22 is not relieving at all. I always feel relief when i get older but now it's just replaced with this weird sense of dread tbh
i missed therapy roday i totally forgot about it. also my left eye hurts and idk why but maybe i need to take a break on the whole eyelash extension thing kejap lololol
if it still feels weird ill get them removed.
i also feel like taking a break from social media, no particular reason, i think its just a thing i feel from time to time.
working at an office i realize, you're just sort of
waiting for stuff to happen most of the time and it gets really boring.
oh i also gained so much weight, like 8 kg idk how i did that but i'm hoping to lose the weight soon. I'm on a calorie deficit right now, but its sort of hard to be consistent since i eat out with people and not eating a normal amount kinda weird people out and i kinda dont wanna weird people out u know???
I wonder when gjie is going to come back to office,
i really suck at scripting radio ads lololol Idk its surprisingly kinda hard to do, and i think its because i dont know how to make something not too formal and not too casual.
I wish my radio station was a little more relaxed. Maybe one day, i'll make my own radio station. Idk its just a funny idea, but it would be cool i think. Just me and myself.
I dont think anyone would listen to it though,
i like to think i'm interesting as a person
but i think i'm not so great nowadays, i'm not as interesting as i thought i was. I also kind of miss my long hair. Its nice having less weight on your hair but , I miss the comfort of long hair, just made me feel protected
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eliemo · 4 years
Permafrost: Chapter 2
Summary: After Virgil agrees to follow Roman into the Imagination, a shift in the weather and an unfortunate misstep sends Virgil plummeting into uncharted waters. If only it didn’t take a matter of life or death and a race against time to realize the Prince might not hate him after all.
TW: Drowning, effects of severe cold, steps of CPR 
Notes: Romantic Prinxiety (pre relationship) I tried to make the effects in this chapter as realistic as possible but if some things are inaccurate no they aren’t
Permafrost taglist: @im-an-anxious-wreck @snowyfires @the-sympathetic-villain @my-life-is-an-artistic-mess @itsjust-la-me @ray-does-stuff @brokaw22 @johnlaurensintheplacetobe @teamplutoforlife @myrandomfandoms12 @riverdoesbadart
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Roman knew his role, and he played it well. He was the hero, charging into battle and adventures without a second thought, smiling in the face of bloodthirsty beasts with his sword at his side. Princes weren’t cowards. 
But when Virgil lost his grip and went under, Roman had never been so scared in his entire life. 
He’d been so close, finally dropping to his knees on the unsteady ice and desperately reaching out, fingers just brushing freezing cold skin when the current took advantage of Virgil’s rapidly waning strength and pulled him under. 
Roman’s own scream, hollow and empty and terrified, echoed right back at him, thrown in his face to remind him that he’d been too slow- 
He pushed his own thoughts aside (he could blame himself later. God why hadn’t he been faster?) and plunged his arm into the water until he was shoulder deep, hissing against the sudden sting of the cold. 
But Roman didn’t have the place to complain, not when Virgil had just been completely submerged right in front of him. 
It had all happened so fast, Roman reaching into the violent river less than a second after Virgil disappeared, so maybe- maybe there was still enough time. Please please please let him be fast enough-
His fingers found something soft and solid, just barely managing to grab onto what he was almost positive was Virgil’s hoodie (please please let it be Virgil’s hoodie) before it was swept away completely. 
He was almost yanked into the water himself by the force of the current, the river fighting relentlessly to pry Virgil away, and Roman felt a sudden rush of irrational anger. 
He wasn’t sure where it came from, something defiant and protective that wrapped around his chest- something that went deeper than his desire to be someone’s hero. Because he was Creativity, and this was his realm. It didn’t get to take anything from him. 
It didn’t get to take Virgil. 
Roman reared back, mind almost blank as he fought against the water and pulled Virgil back towards the surface, heart skipping a beat when he finally caught a glimpse of purple hair floating in the freezing water. 
He hadn’t lost him. He was ok, he would be ok, Roman would make sure of it. Virgil was not going to die because Roman had been a little too eager to spend time with the recently accepted side. 
He moved closer to the edge, forcing himself to ignore the way the already unstable ice creaked dangerously, letting out a sky breath when he was able to get two hands hooked under Virgil's shoulders.
It was only then, pulling against the weight of the water trying to drag them both down, that he realized Virgil wasn’t fighting back. He was perfectly still, no more kicking or struggling as the current kept him under. 
No. No no no. He wasn’t too late. He wasn’t too late. Virgil would be fine. 
Roman honestly wasn’t sure how he managed to gain the upper hand in his fight with the current. It was strength he doubted he could have harnessed under any other circumstance, a sudden rush of adrenaline he imagined Thomas got from Virgil sometimes right before rushing on stage and pouring his heart out in front of an audience. 
Maybe it was the last of Virgil’s strength bleeding into Roman’s determination, a last desperate attempt to help save his own life. The two of them had always been a good team, even if they hadn’t realized it sooner. 
Virgil finally broke the surface, Romans’s arms wrapped firmly around his chest as he dragged him onto the ice, terrified he would lose his grip and let Virgil slip through his hands when they were so close to being safe. 
There was no gasp for air, no coughing or sputtering as he choked and spat out water. Virgil was out of the river, but he was still unmoving and silent, lips and fingertips tinged an alarming shade of blue. 
But that was ok. It was ok! (It wasn’t ok- it was the farthest thing from ok.) The ice creaked again, shifting a bit under the added weight, and Roman forced himself to move before he got them both killed. 
“You’re ok,” Roman said, despite Virgil remaining limp and unresponsive as he carefully scooped the anxious side up off the ground. He had to do something to fill the suffocating silence. “You’re ok, you’re fine. I’ve got you. You’re ok.” 
The ice was definitely unsteady as Roman brought them back to the surrounding snow, but it thankfully didn’t crack or give way any further. Apparently Virgil had managed to find the most unstable chunk in what could easily be the deepest part of the lake.
And Roman had kept walking. Roman had teased and waved off his panic. And then when he realized what had happened, when he’d heard the genuine terror in Virgil’s voice, it had already been too late. He’d been too far away.
But Virgil was in his arms now. Virgil was...he was limp against Roman’s chest, river water leaking from his mouth, and he wasn’t breathing. He wasn’t breathing. 
He pushed down his panic, even as his head spun and his hands shook from more than just the cold, carefully setting Virgil down in the snow against the nearest tree trunk, the bare twisted branches offering a bit of shelter from the snowfall. 
Virgil was horribly pale, even more than usual, and Roman hated how he blended in with the ground, everything a startling shade of white save for the heavy tint of blue his lips had gained. 
Roman reached forward with shaking hands, holding his breath as he pressed two fingers against the ice cold skin below Virgil’s jaw, searching frantically for a pulse while his eyes welled up with tears. 
There was nothing there. There was nothing, Virgil didn’t have a pulse, and Roman wanted to sob. “Hang on,” he whispered to no one, because he wasn’t sure what to say when his friend looked like a corpse. “Just hang on, Virge.” 
Before he could stare too long and spiral into worry, because Virgil’s face should never look so lifeless, Roman squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to try and recall what Logan taught them to do in a situation like this. 
It had been years ago, and Roman had decided the lesson was boring, unnecessary, and not worth his attention. And of course, now it was a matter of life and death, and he was struggling to remember a word Logan had said. 
It had been Virgil’s idea for Logan to teach them all how to perform CPR. “You never know what could happen. It’s just better to be prepared.” He’d insisted.
Back then, Roman had chalked it up to Anxiety just trying to ruin their fun and keep everyone paranoid for his own twisted amusement. He really made himself sick sometimes. 
 If Virgil was awake right now, he would be rolling his eyes and teasing him for being such a stubborn idiot. Virgil had always just been trying to help. To keep them all safe. And Roman had always responded with suspicion and hostility. 
But he wasn’t awake, and if Roman didn’t remember this stupid lecture Logan had given, he might never wake up again. 
Roman racked his brain as hard as he could, his eyes squeezed shut as he fought to picture Logan’s voice. After pulling someone from the water you have to…you have to move them…on their back! 
Roman rushed to move Virgil so he was laying down, working quickly yet handling the anxious side as if he were made of glass. He slowly and carefully placed him flat on his back, making sure he didn’t hit his head on the ground. 
Ok, first step finished. Roman closed his eyes again as he reached into his memory for what to do next. He had to put his hands- no, his palms- on Virgil’s stomach. His stomach? No, it was...it was...his chest? His chest! 
Roman wished more than anything Virgil was over his shoulder, gently poking fun at the Prince’s scrambled thoughts. 
But he wasn’t, and Roman unzipped the soaking wet hoodie to place his hands on Virgil’s chest, one hand crossed over the other, mirroring the way he remembered Logan had positioned his own hands on the practice dummy he’d made Roman conjure.
Now, all he had to do was push down to the beat of ‘Stayin’ Alive’, just like The Office taught him, and then move to tilt Virgil’s head back, pinch his nose closed, and breathe for him until the anxious side’s chest could rise on its own. 
Roman wasted no time starting the motions. He hummed the tune under his breath to keep the rhythm, quickly deciding that once this was over he would never be able to hear that song again. 
But that didn’t matter right now. Right now he just needed Virgil to breathe. 
But...but he wasn’t. Roman lost track of how many times he pressed down on Virgil’s chest, how many times he repeated that song over and over in his head, the compressions getting a little bit more desperate every time.
 He lost count of how many times he leaned over his friend to send a breath rattling down his throat, trembling and lightheaded as he touched Virgil’s frigid skin, only able to silently hope his lungs would get the message and bring him back. 
“Come on, Virgil,” he found himself pleading, vision obscured by gathering tears. “Come on, wake up! You can do it, I know you can do it. Just come back, ok? You’re gonna be ok, just breathe! Please, Virgil please. We...I can’t lose you! You have to wake up!” 
Was he doing something wrong? Had he just been too late? Too slow? Too stupid? If it was anyone else, Vigil would have already been awake by now, conscious and breathing. 
...If it were anyone else, Virgil wouldn’t have fallen in the lake at all. Virgil wouldn’t even be here. He’d be warm and safe in someone else’s arms and Roman wouldn’t be kneeling in the snow, begging him to open his eyes.
He needed Virgil to wake up. He needed him. It had taken him so long to see it, pushing it down and covering it up with insults and nicknames and denial, but now...now Roman didn’t think he could handle losing Virgil. 
He couldn’t lose Virgil’s voice, his smile, the way the whole world seemed brighter when Roman got the anxious side to laugh. Virgil was kind and sharp and funny, and he cared so much. He was...he was perfect, and Roman--
Virgil suddenly jolted under his hands, making a horrible sound that was somewhere between a gasp and a cough, eyes flying open in panic as he fought and struggled for air he couldn’t get. 
Roman’s cry of relief came out as something closer to a sob, but he couldn’t find it in him to care, scrambling off of Virgil and not bothering to wipe the tears from his face.
 Prince thankfully had the sense to turn Virgil on his side to keep him from choking, wincing at the string of wet coughs and hacking coming from the soaked figure in the snow. 
It sounded horrible, Virgil’s breaths coming in strangled wheezes as he coughed and spewed up what looked like half the river, but right now it was the most beautiful noise Roman had ever heard. 
He couldn’t imagine how much pain the other side was in right now, every breath an agonized and confused fight for air, but it at least meant Virgil was alive. 
“You’re ok,” Roman said, voice still unsteady and raw from crying. “Hey, you’re ok, you’re alright. Just let it out, you’re doing great.” 
Virgil was obviously too busy throwing up water to respond, and Roman suddenly had no idea what he was supposed to do. 
“I’m here,” he offered, tentatively scooting closer, terrified he would just make everything worse. “You’re ok, Virgil. It’s ok.” 
He carefully placed a hand on Virgil’s back, rubbing small circles in between his shoulder blades. The hoodie was just as soaked as the rest of him, heavy and cold and probably clinging to his skin. It was impossible not to notice how hard Virgil was shaking, teeth chattering so much Roman could hear it over the wind. 
Gosh, Virgil must be freezing. 
“R- Ro...R-Roman.” He coughed again, and Roman wrapped an arm around him to keep Virgil from falling flat on his face. “R-Roman--”
“Shh, I’ve got you.” He pulled Virgil back to lean against his chest, frowning at how the hoodie still dripped with icy water. “I’m gonna help you, ok? We’re gonna get you warmed up.” 
Roman moved to take the lapels of the hoodie, gently trying to slide it off the shivering side, tearing up again when Virgil made a noise of protest, scared and small. He tried to cling onto the garment, but his hands were too unsteady to get a good grip. 
“I know,” Roman said. “But the hoodie’s soaked, Virge. It’s just making things worse, I need to get it off.” 
Either Virgil understood and stopped fighting, or he didn’t have the strength to struggle anymore, but he dropped his arms and leaned even more into the Prince’s side. He just hoped Virgil recognized Roman was trying to help. 
The hoodie wasn’t easy to get off, the cloth clinging to Virgil’s bare arms, the anxious side whimpering when the wind hit his skin. “P-please, please d-don’t...Roman--” 
“I know.” God, Virgil was barely able to get his words out through his own chattering teeth. “I know it’s cold, but just hang in there. Please.” 
Roman wasted no time once the hoodie was off. He quickly laid it out beside them on the snow, hoping the wind would at least do something to dry it off, and repositioned himself slightly, one hand still wrapped carefully around Virgil’s chest. 
He detached his red sash first, tossing it carelessly into the snow and vowing not to leave it, or the hoodie, behind. It took a few seconds, Virgil still leaned heavily up against him, but Roman managed to shrug off his white jacket, shuddering when that left him in just a black t-shirt. 
It was freezing, the ruthless wind like a flurry of knives against his skin, but Roman forced himself to grit his teeth and ignore it. If he was cold, he couldn’t imagine how it must feel to be soaking wet. 
And Virgil was probably aching and bruised from the compressions…
“Here,” Roman said, heart dropping at the fear and confusion in Virgil’s cloudy eyes. “Put this on, alright? You’re gonna be ok.” 
Virgil made another quiet, indecipherable noise but didn’t protest when Roman draped the jacket over his shoulders, and the prince was able to help guide his hands through the slightly too big sleeves. 
Any other time, under any other circumstances, Roman imagined seeing the anxious side wearing the prince’s jacket would be something that would leave them both smiling like idiots, Roman left trying in vain to hide his rising blush. 
Now, it was just a desperate act to keep Virgil alive. 
Roman wrapped his arms around him and pulled Virgil close to his chest, desperate to offer as much warmth as he could, the shivering from the other side still beyond alarming. At least his lips and fingertips no longer held that terrifying shade of blue. 
He shut his eyes for a moment, dropping his forehead to rest against Virgil’s soaking wet hair, trying to figure out what on earth he was supposed to do. They needed to move, to get Virgil back home safe as soon as possible, but it was still another forty minutes or so to the Imagination door.
He never should have brought Virgil so far out, not with how unpredictable his realm could be. Roman had just...wanted an excuse to spend more time with the anxious side. 
He’d wanted Virgil to see him be the hero. For once, he’d wanted to be the hero in Virgil’s eyes, not just Thomas’s. He’d been so stupid. 
They couldn’t stay here, not while the snow continued to fall and the wind showed no sign of stopping. 
He’d carry Virgil the entire way if he had to, he knew that for sure. But the longer the storm kept up, the temperature slowly but surely dropping further, the more it was looking like he’d have to. They couldn’t afford to move slowly. 
He didn’t know what he’d been silently hoping for. Maybe for the weather to become warm again, or for Virgil to magically get better, to sit up with his skin back to its normal paleness and make a snarky comment about Roman worrying too much.
“Jeez, are you trying to steal my job, Princey?” he’d ask, smirking when Roman sputtered and blushed under the accusation. God, he’d give anything to have Virgil back to normal. 
But the sky wasn't clear, Virgil’s declining health only seemed to be getting worse, and Roman knew that the longer he waited, the worse it would only get. 
“Hey, we need to keep moving,” Roman said, hoping Virgil could understand him. “You still with me? I’m gonna pick you up, alright?” 
He felt Virgil cough again, still a broken rattling sound that sent dread clawing up Roman’s throat, and he watched the anxious side reach up to grab at the material of the jacket wrapped around him. 
“M’ here,” he said, and he was clearly trying so hard to speak clearly. “I- I can...I c-can walk.” 
“Let me help you,” Roman insisted, even as his heart swelled with pride. He wondered if Virgil recognized his own bravery. “We’ll be home soon.” 
He carefully maneuvered one of Virgil’s arms over his shoulder and counted to three under his breath before slowly lifting the anxious side off the ground. 
He froze immediately when Virgil let out a strangled gasp, broken up immediately by ragged coughs, his shivering body going tense as his free hand flew to his stomach, trying to wrap his arm around himself. 
“F-fuck,” Virgil hissed when he had his breath back, and Roman eased them both back into the snow when his knees started to buckle. “Ow, ow, ow, what...Ro-Roman--” 
“I’m here,” Roman said. “I’m right here, Virgil. What hurts?” 
“R-r-ribs, and- and I...I don’t...what’re we--?” 
“Shoot, uh...I think I did that.” Oh god, he’d hurt Virgil. He’d really messed up everything today, hadn’t he? “I had to give you CPR.” 
“You...I- I don’t- why?” 
“You fell in the river,” Roman explained, trying not to panic at Virgil’s sudden memory loss. That was normal, right? He was just a little confused, no reason to freak out yet. “Remember? I think the cold really got to you and- and I’m...I’m really sorry. God, I’m so sorry Virgil. I tried to get to you but--”
“Y-you-” Another cough, just as terrifying as all the others. “-you pulled m-me up?” 
Roman frowned, hating the bewildered confusion in Virgil’s voice. “I did. Of course I did. But you...you weren’t breathing and I couldn’t find a pulse and I...I thought you were...I thought--” 
“Well I- I’m f-fine,” Virgil rasped, dangerously pale and shivering and the farthest thing from fine. “Y-you...you really are my hero huh, P-Princey?” 
It was like something curled around Roman’s chest, squeezing at his heart so suddenly he felt a little lightheaded. Virgil’s hero. He wanted so badly to believe that. 
But he couldn’t- not when Virgil was trembling in his arms and struggling to form a single sentence. 
“I’m getting you home,” Roman vowed, holding the anxious side just a little bit tighter. “I promise you that. Just...let me carry you. Please.” 
Virgil slumped, his shaky grip growing almost desperate- despite still being painfully weak- but he nodded against Roman’s chest. “It’s...it’ s-so cold.” 
Roman didn’t know how much time had passed since he had put his own jacket on Virgil, but while it hadn’t seemed to do much to improve Virgil’s condition, the lack of protection was definitely getting to Roman.
He found he didn’t mind though, not when Virgil was awake and breathing, aware enough to talk just a little. But he knew it was only a matter of time until their luck ran out.  
Roman carefully repositioned the anxious side still curled in his arms so he could better hold him in a bridal carry, shushing him gently when Virgil made a pained sound as the Prince stood, stumbling slightly in the thick snow. 
“I know,” Roman said, barely audible over the howling wind. “Just hang in there, Stormcloud. We’ll be home before you know it. We’re so close, Virgil.”  
He started forward again, hoping Virgil wasn’t aware enough to catch on to Roman’s own rising anxiety. 
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Title: filthy rich [3/3]  Pairing: millionaire!sakusa kiyoomi x y/n [filthy capitalist au] Genre: mystery, major angst ahead, thriller, mafia!au-ish
Synopsis: Just run, Y/N. Don’t look back.
Warnings: dark and yandere themes, toxic relationships, mentions of violence, shady business, class differences, mentions of rape, smoll breeding kink, unwanted pregnancy, mentions of abortion, and sakusa being a manipulative bastard 
Im disappering again for a week or two so as a parting gift, here ya go, im starting a bokuto fanfic soon and posting the reboot of notice me soon too hnnng thanks for the wait guys uwu
A sorta realistic take on a yandere is harder than it looks kssjdn omg anyways here yall go the long awaited last chapter of filthy rich. I’m not sure if I should put like a one shot sequel but so far im marking this series completed. Thanks for sticking by!
previous || series masterlist || blood son [sequel;one shot]
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You run your hands through your hair and shut your eyes tight, the quietness and stillness of your shared apartment was something to bask on before you put on a fake mask of happiness. It had been exactly two months since you found out about the birth control switch and the medaide agenda. 
In the span of those two months, you had grown more observant towards your boyfriend’s actions and you knew that it wouldn’t be anytime soon until he actually notices that you were onto him. 
You let out a shaky breath as you recollected some weird things you’ve seem to have noticed, how his brows would furrow when he’d receive a call indicating that something was up and it was serious or how you visited your ex-boss one time a week or so ago along with Kenjiro since you wanted to see how he was doing.
“...Well, he just didn’t come home and sold the place. Apparently he was in a rush to move or something because of family matters so I didn’t exactly see him.” the neighbor gossiped to you two.
You jump on your spot as you hear that dreadfully familiar voice.
“Hey,” You greet, walking up to him, you decide to do your usual hug but stop when you notice a small red stain on his necktie, the tie is dark blue and although it wasn’t obvious from afar, it definitely was up close. Your brows are furrowed together, this time in pure curiosity, “Did you get hurt? It’s unlike you to get messy.”
You notice the quick shift of attitude in his eyes, you were seemingly getting good at observing his emotions these days and it looked like he panicked for a second there.
“A friend of mine had gotten hurt a while ago, you remember Atsumu Miya?”
A vivid image of a blonde man crossed your mind, he was another conglomerate friend of your boyfriend, another person to be weary of to add to the list, “Oh, is he alright?” you asked, trying to keep it casual as you untie his tie for him as usual.
“Yes. He’s awfully clumsy. You don’t need to worry.”
“Oh…” You mumbled, “by the way, I visited my ex-chief.”
“Mhm.” you hummed, “You know, my boss from before? Me and a few co-workers decided to visit him since he was a really good boss. Turns out he just left without telling anyone, poor man.”
“Sounds unpleasant. Did you know why he quit?”
“No.” You shrugged as you take the tie out and place it on the side, “He suddenly just quit his job and moved, neighbors said it was also because of family matters. It’s kinda weird because as far as we knew, he didn’t have a family.”
“Would you like me to look into it?”
You almost stiffen when he slithers his arms on your waist but you didn’t want to give away any suspicion, “No. I don’t want to pry. Hopefully he’s enjoying his retirement.” You sighed, turning towards him with a tight smile, “Now what would you like for dinner? I was thinking Mediterranean? I need to lose some weight since I’ve been feeling bloated for a while.”
He leans in for a soft kiss on your temple, “Mediterranean would be fine. Would you like anything else? We could order more.” he hummed, his lips slowly started to dangerously hover on top of yours.
“No, it’s fine.” You give him a quick peck and wiggle your way out of his arms, your stomach doesn’t feel well these days. Whenever you were near Sakusa you had the urge to throw up your innards despite having an empty stomach.
You don’t notice the dangerous gaze on your behind as you pick up the phone for your take-out.
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Sakusa hasn’t felt you in a long time and it’s driving him insane, he wants to feel your heat, your body, and everything in between. He wants to fill you up and see you pregnant with his children. He wants everyone in the world to know you were his and his only.
Yet he can’t do that.
You’ve ignored his affections these past few weeks and it had been driving him insane to the point where he had to ask one of his men to put an eye on you to see if you had been cheating on him or seeing someone else.
Yet you hadn’t.
Your routine was the same old one and Sakusa is digging his nails deeply into his skin in his office one day with his tie uncharacteristically untied. Miya Atsumu sits across him, taking a sip from his flask, “Ya look like shit.” the blonde points out.
“Fuck off, Miya.”
“Heard from your cousin that you’re not getting laid by your girl these days.”
“You better be thankful that you’ve got men behind you or I’d be shooting your fucking brains out for saying that.” Sakusa spats, his dark gaze pointedly looking at the blonde across him.
“You should just find someone else then and not yer prude of a-”
“Keep telling me ideas like that and maybe I might just shoot you and chop your body up until it looks fuckin’ unrecognizable.”
Atsumu raises his hands up, signaling that he was giving up, “Gee, omi-omi. I was just giving my advise. It’s so easy to drop her.”
“I don’t want to drop what’s mine.”
“You’ve got issues.” He chuckles, “Haven’t you been switching out her pills and fucking her raw for the last couple of months? I bet yer ass you got her pregnant on that before but ya just don’t know it. Getting her pregnant would definitely secure her spot in her life. Woman’s nuthin’ without ya.”
“She’s...she’s not showing…”
“When was the last time ya two went at it?”
“Two months ago.”
“Ya poor boy.” Atsumu sighs, shaking his head, “Ya sure you don’t want to take a break from being a loyal boyfriend for one night? i bet Y/N wouldn’t notice.”
“And no one would notice if you fucking disappeared. I’ll make sure of it, now get out.”
You may not have been the sharpest tool on the shed but you know that someone’s been tailing you these past few days, you’re not stupid. You could only come to the conclusion that it was Sakusa who was doing such things but you couldn’t get why.
Something just didn’t make sense. It felt like you were missing an important piece in the puzzle, med-aide and the switch of your pills and now a hidden tail?
You furrow your brows together in deep thought  as you sat down next to a teenage boy on his phone, you decided to take the bus today to the grocery store, surprisingly the one tailing you wasn’t around today.
Your eyes slowly shift towards the boy’s phone, it seemed like he was playing a video game.
An otome game, to be exact.
You felt your lips twitch up, you remembered those games a lot growing up. The graphics seem to have massively improved now by the looks of it, “...That looks interesting.” You tell the teenage boy who turns to you in surprise.
“Oh, thanks.” the blonde replied quietly.
“Is that a new otome game?”
“Kind of.” He blinks, his gaze returning back to the screen,  “It’s sort of a remake of the yandere simulator from back then.”
You feel your shoulders tense up.
“A yandere?”
“Yeah.” The blonde nods, “The girl’s awfully creepy in the game, she stalks him, does things to get him. The player has to catch her in the act and evade her at the same time.”
“Oh…” You blink, “I-uh, this is weird… but what’s a yandere again?’
“It’s someone obsessively in love with you. They’ll do anything to have you stay by them.” He says, pushing on a button but suddenly the screen turns red and you feel shivers run down your spine as you hear him curse and the words ‘you’re caught’ appear on the screen.
“W-what happened to your character?”
“He died. Nothing much.” he mumbles, “If the Yandere knows they can’t have you, they’ll kill you.”
You immediately went pale as soon as you heard that. Maybe, just maybe you were being paranoid. He wouldn’t go to that extent, would he?
“How did your character escape the yandere in the game?” 
“Well, I haven’t finished the game yet but based on some anime’s and manga’s I've usually read. They either killed to get away or they moved so far away where they wouldn’t be seen so I think the creator might have the same ending.” The blonde said, he slowly looked to your side, “You’re looking awfully pale, ma’am. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, j-just remembered a horrible game I played back when I was your age.” You gulped in, “Nightmares, you know? The yandere tried to get my character pregnant and tried to get in her way of moving out of the country.”
“Sounds like a very realistic one.”  He mumbles, “What did your character do?”
“I wasn’t able to finish it.” you whispered, loud enough for him to only hear, “I couldn’t really find a way out.”
“The developers of the game must’ve made it hard for you. Maybe your character should’ve ran away,” he advised, “Or better yet, you should’ve killed him.”
“I-well, I don't think there were options like that.”
“Well if I were you and there was no option for killing, I’d run. Far, far away. Change my identity and all that.” he exits the game and stuffs the phone back in his pocket, you get a good look of his cat-like eyes and immediately feel a shiver on your spine with the next words he say, “I mean its a game but you wouldn’t wanna loose and get your character killed, right?”
The teenage boy hops down without even saying goodbye and you have a scary realization that you can’t break it off like you originally had planned. You needed to run, run far as you can and get lost.
The words that the teenage boy says echoes in your head for the next few days, from that point on, realization dawns upon you that, nothing is certain now. You couldn’t trust anyone, you couldn’t let friends and family be involved in this. Sakusa Kiyoomi is a powerful man so you needed to be careful with how you were going to disappear.
You continue to act nonchalant and the same as you try to lay out your plan but you knew that you had only a week or so to complete this for it to successfully work.
Sakusa Kiyoomi wonders what he should do to save the relationship, he’s tried everything in the book that he could think of but you remained the same. Was this the end of the relationship? For real?
He could never stomach the idea of having you leave him.
It’s eerie that day, something felt different when he came home to an empty apartment. It looked the same yet something felt very, very different. Apparently the apartment guards said you were here since your car hadn’t left the driveway and they hadn’t seen you go out.
He checks out your side of the closet, your clothes remain there untouched and your toiletries were there too. He scans the fridge for your notes but nothing is stuck there. He suddenly feels like something cold was dumped on him.
It couldn’t be, right?
He runs to every room, checking every nook and cranny and when he finally reaches the last room which was the bathroom, nothing is there.
Everything was in its place except you.
Where were you?
Your bank account remains untouched, your wallet and phone was left in the apartment. It was as if you were returning home, the very least. Komori tells him to calm down, saying that they’re letting the best people find you around the city, they don’t rule out that someone might’ve had the audacity to touch you.
Whoever took you would be given hell to pay, that’s for sure. Was it the triad? Kkangpae’s? Or opposing yakuza’s? Oh, they’ll definitely have their heads on the platter if they tried to harm a single hair on your head.
Sakusa doesn’t even hesitate to notify the police about you already despite the memorandum that twenty-four hours is needed to consider a person missing, it's nothing a little money can fix.
“I hope we find her soon.” Your aunt sighed, “I’ve notified her parents about it. It’s definitely weird that she’d leave all her valuables behind.”
Hinata and Natsu sit there next to their mom, completely sad and worried, “I’ve hired the best people for it already, obaasan. We’ll find Y/N.” Sakusa replies yet his thoughts are in a complete frenzy now.
And find you they did.
No stone was left unturned. He made sure of it. Yet after a month of relentless searching. Nothing came up, it seemed like you had just vanished and Sakusa Kiyoomi had turned the whole underground world upside down for you but nothing came up.
Some say that you disappeared and ran away but that was immediately ruled out, no security cameras saw you in and out during that day and it would be impossible for you to just leave without security cameras on you. The guard had exclaimed that despite the blackout that day, the generators only took a few minutes to power up so they’d definitely catch you on camera in case you ever exited the building (along with the guards since they knew exactly what you looked liked) plus the clothes and such were still there, left untouched.
Some said you died, it was definitely impossible for you to just vanish without a single trace after all since everyone was looking for you.
Yet no one dared to say it in front of the boss, not if they valued their life.
The billionaire had dried out his connections to find you. What good was it to be the most powerful and richest man in the country if he couldn’t find you? Life had no meaning now, you were gone. It felt like a part of him was ceasing to function.
Sakusa Kiyoomi was a dead man walking now.
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Unknown to the whole world, you’re in a small town with little to no signal. Your hair is chopped unevenly and your skin is darker from the repeated exposure under the sun, your life is simple and mundane now yet you’re happy.
For the first time in months, you actually felt free.
You shut your eyes tight, the events that transpired this past few months replayed  in your head. Your escape was definitely done as carefully as you can and you didn’t even know if you’d succeed since you weren’t a master in that sort of thing.
You recalled that it was a week before you ran away, a few days after you met that kid in the bus. Someone from the electric company had come to inform you that there was a scheduled black out in the city that day during the afternoon and you felt something bubble up in you. That was the day you’d put your plan into motion.
You knew that the longer you delayed your plan, the harder it would be to escape.
You had a few minutes to actually put your plan to work. The camera’s on the hallways would cease to function for a few minutes according to the guard downstairs as he did a protocol on the building (apparently the generators were quick). So that morning after Sakusa left, you placed only a few clothes and the stash of money you had been carefully hiding in a garbage bag and chopped your hair short in an uneven manner. Burning all the remaining hair on the fireplace and the black hair color that you use with it. The maid uniform that you stole on your floor and a fake name plate that you made was on and you were good to go.
The minute the black out started, you took the garbage bag and walked out. Taking the stairway used by the caretakers, you made sure to just look down and never directly up at the camera’s pretending to work.
When you finally made it out of your building. You let out a stiff sigh and put down the bag, it was only the beginning. If you thought the same way as Sakusa Kiyoomi, you could only imagine that you needed to be more careful from this point on.
You take the newly bought duffel bag that you strategically hid behind some boxes. Thankfully when you had placed it yesterday afternoon, it hadn’t been touched. 
You put on a pair of shorts and a baggy shirt with cheap shades and stuffed the maid uniform in the duffel bag along with your belongings in the garbage bag. You take the other route that led to the busy streets. It was easy to look like a tourist and seemingly blend in the crowd, from that point on, you only had one destination in mind.
When you were younger, you vividly remember an acquaintance telling you about this small town outside of Tokyo where her grandparents were from. It was only an hour away via plane and when you went down another few hours via bus yet if you took the bus route all in all, it would take a few days.
Since it was far, only a few busses actually went there and since you had to leave within the day, you decided to just take the bus nearest to that town and take another bus when you arrived there.
The plan smooth-sailed from that point on.
Except for one minor detail.
You open your eyes and look down at your now small bump. The monster who almost had you trapped left a parting gift, you grip your garden hoe tightly.
A big part of you wanted to kill it.
Yet every time you try to, you hesitate.
The moment you arrived here, you had to pretend to be a weary and poor widow. You just didn’t expect to be a weary and poor expecting widow. You let out an uncharted sigh at the thought, it was hard enough to be alone here with little to no money. 
This child had the demon’s blood in it.
Yes, you may have gone free from his cage but in truth with his seed growing in your stomach day by day, you started to feel quite the opposite.
taglist [thanks for your support ilyasm skkss im so sorry for updating late too :(]
@maraudusk ;; @iamnotobsessed  ;;  @ssuna ;; @weebartistinc ;; @aomineavenue ;; @tsukkismamagucci ;; @onlyshinji ;; @ichiraku-verse ;; @watevermelon ;; @victoriasee ;;  @caramelcandescence ;; @n-nara ;; @bloody-bella ;; @ricefarmerkita​ ;; @paripedia ;; @srhlsx ;; @craftyfawns ;; @kepchups ;; @soggycardboardd ;;  @vinnieluv ;; @dinablossom ;; @yourstruly-01 ;; @shinhiromi ;; @dinablossom ;; @kneecotinee ;;  @vicassa ;; @ahoeforshouto ;; @benimarus-main-mop​ ;; @atsunakaashi​ ;; @myaaa-xoxoxox​ ;;  @newfriendjen​​ ;; @usedcoupon​
[can’t tag you guys uwu just make sure ur tags are open :<]
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“How Did All This Happen?”- A Memoire by one Marinette Dupain-Cheng 5
hi. im back. after slightly longer than usual (my usual was like everyday, not happening again) i have returned. :) this update is also slightly longer than usual too but who complains about that?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
without further ado
Did Marinette Miss Her Own Wedding? I
Constantine was having a horrible time, as far as Marinette could tell. His phone kept ringing, which he was pointedly ignoring, and he looked more and more frustrated as he skimmed through one of his many grimoires. He was also very sober. Maybe that had something to do with it.
After Marinette’s little excursion out with Plagg the previous night, Constantine joined her and her grandfather and explained the lore behind the Renlings and what they were capable of. Marinette was already over it. It’s one thing to be magical guardians of one set magical gods, but animal spirits that transform the wielder into the respective animal is borderline ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. And Constantine wants her to find them. Why not the Justice League? Or their team of proteges? Well, apparently, Constantine has a healthy distrust of the Justice League and magic they are unfamiliar with. Something about a mystical house no longer existing because somebody was suspicious. They fucked around and found out, as Plagg so eloquently put it. She didn’t know how she felt about aiding Constantine in his paranoia.
Anyways, Marinette was now Constantine’s go-to whenever he wanted to keep things away from the JL. She would have said no like a reasonable person, but she was at least getting more magical training and could actually use some of the spells in the Miraculous grimoire. Speaking of which, the grimoire that Constantine was hunching over was supposed to help them in finding the other Prodigiouses. The Kwamis were surprisingly unhelpful as they have never heard of the Prodigiouses or Renlings. 
After what could have been hours of grueling translating and spellwork, Constantine had finally figured out the location of the eight total Renlings and what their prodigiouses looked like. While Marinette and Master Fu began scheming appropriate retrieval plans, Constantine went to answer his many missed calls.
“What?!” Well that sounded concerning. Constantine looked ready to pull his hair out from scalp with tweezers. Whatever news he just received must have been awful for him to lose his composure like this. Good.
“You lot are planning to do what now?” Oh, was this JL business? Should Marinette be listening to this, albeit one-sided, conversation?
“And why do you all need to do this?” 
“Don’t give me that attitude. I’m working on something important.”
“Yes it is important, Zatanna. Please don’t let that group of League Juniors do this.”
“You even got me saying ‘please.’ No I can not tell you why”
“Well what do you mean you can’t trust me?!” This was starting to sound serious. The popcorn that Wayzz brought was also making this ten times more entertaining. 
“Zatanna-” Oh he got cut off. Serves him right.
“Fine, be that way.” Constantine forcefully ended the call and was pouting like a child. 
Marinette didn’t know if she should ask anything but she had the feeling it was related to the prodigiouses and tracking them. Were the League getting involved? It would explain his desperation to not have them interfere. 
“I can’t believe them.” Looks like Marinette didn’t have to make the decision after all. He was going to rant about it.
“What can’t you believe, Constantine?” Her grandfather appeared equally as curious.
“The Team are going to try and track down the prodigiouses. Luckily, they only think there are five rather than eight.” He paused to run his hands through his already disheveled hair. “I don’t know which five they’re tracking. Also, they probably know you have the Snake’s Fang.”
“Pardon?” Marinette doesn’t know what she would do if she was on the Justice League’s most wanted.
“Zatanna didn’t outright say it, but Kobra probably told them it was taken from him. That’s probably how they knew about the others too. Thanks for that.”
“First of all, I didn’t even know what these things were so don’t blame me. Second of all, this could have all been avoided if you just told them!” Marinette did not appreciate the blame being put on her for the League’s involvement. She wasn’t done ripping Constantine a new one yet either. “Especially considering the fact that you knew that their secondary team had a mission there. UN rules or not. But no! You wanted to keep all your magical secrets to yourself. So don’t blame me for the consequences of your own actions.” She was fuming at this point, probably overreacting, but she was tired of cleaning up after people who won’t so much as thank her. 
The ensuing silence was deafening and eyes that weren’t on Marinette were on Constantine. He looked rather surprised at Marinette’s show of spine, probably forgetting that she was born and raised in the League of Shadows. He never will again if he keeps pushing his luck. 
Fu cleared his throat, probably clogged from the awkward tension. “Well, now that that’s all dealt with, do you know what your next move is Constantine? Do we actively hinder the League for the sake of your own peace of mind or do you talk to them and work collaboratively with them?” 
Constantine, who was still doing his best fish impersonation since Marinette—no, Mei Fu—dragged him for everything he’s worth, tried to string together an answer. 
“I still think it’s best we don’t involve the Justice League with this. We should try to intervene and cut off their attempts of retrieving the prodigiouses.” He sounded like a child trying to convince their parents that they didn’t break the expensive vase. Very pitiful and very unconvincing. 
“Fine.” Pardon? Did her grandfather just agree? “We’ll help you keep the prodigiouses and the Renlings away from the Justice League.” Wow. Okay. So he’s just agreeing with him. Three guesses as to who will actually be the one to retrieve them. Wonderful.
Groaning with the weight of a thousand suns, Marinette also voiced her consent. The Kwamis were silent throughout this, not expressing their opinions. Except for Trixx, who had periodically rolled his eyes so hard Marinette would have been concerned he had popped a few blood vessels, if he had any. 
They spent the rest of the week planning and convincing her parents that she wasn’t in danger with her grandfather. They agreed that Marinette would retrieve the Dragon’s Claw first. Despite Brazil being closer, the Monkey’s tail would be harder to find in the dense forestry so they didn’t want to waste time on an extended search until much later. 
If you were to ask Marinette, the week was not enough to prepare. She made arrangements to stay with the Tsurugi family and convinced Kagami to help her in the mission. Her mother would be providing them with non-miraculous weapons as a back-up. Lady Tomoe was too understanding of her daughter being a magic-wielding superhero in Marinette’s opinion. Not one to look a gifted horse in the mouth, Marinette did not make any comments about the very impressive artillery of weapons. She chose a pair of double broadswords while Kagami stuck to a katana. Kagami also had the Dragon and the Ladybug prepared while Marinette stuck to the Tiger and Horse. Plagg didn’t want to miss out on the action and planned to tag along again. Wayzz made an off-handed comment about Plagg’s sixth sense for chaos and his recent desire to accompany Marinette on these missions. Overthinking whatever that was supposed to mean had cost Marinette six hours of sleep. 
While everything had been physically prepared, Marinette had yet to cope with the whole ‘going behind the backs of the Justice League because Constantine was paranoid’ thing. But this will not be the worst thing she has done. She also has the godsend, Kagami, to pull her out of any impending mental spirals. Now all that’s left is to actually get the Dragon’s Claw.
According to Constantine, the Dragon’s Claw was located inside the dojo of a martial arts master, O Sensei. Kagami, to be referred to as Tonbo, meaning Dragonfly, was to guard the perimeter for any individuals who could get in the way, while Marinette, codenamed Tigerlily with this combination of miraculouses, was to find the Dragon’s Claw, camouflaged by the tiger miraculous, and teleport them both back out. It was simple enough in planning and should be simple enough in execution. Even if the sensei of the dojo was to be made aware of their presence, They were expecting the element of surprise to give them an advantage. You know, outside of Marinette’s assassin training. So, yeah the plan was simple.
Except for the part where a group of the young Justice League heroes were already there negotiating with whom she assumed was O sensei. She recognized Kid Flash, Robin and Nightwing. The two women with them were unfamiliar. She also found the Dragon’s Claw in the sensei’s hand. She was positioned on a tree branch looking into a window in the room. If she timed this right, she could grab the necklace and portal out of the room to Tonbo and then portal back to the Tsurugi residence. That plan carries the risk of being seen but the pay-off should be worth it.
Poised to leap from the branch, Tigerlily steadied her breathing and prepared to call on the Horse’s Voyage. Still camouflaged, she jumped through the window and summoned the portal, about to grab for the necklace. Except she grabbed nothing and was suspended in the air. 
Who she knew now was Ms. Martian was using her telekinetic abilities to suspend her. Kid Flash sped his way over and quickly tied her, the contact breaking the camouflage charm. They must have figured she would appear at one of the locations eventually and planned a contingency plan for her appearance. The martian hasn’t read her mind yet, so maybe they thought she was non-hostile. That thought wouldn’t last long however as Tonbo emerged from the portal and, using the Flame Dragon, took down Ms. Martian. Tigerlily used the distraction to undo the bindings and get in a fighting stance. Nightwing and Robin were protecting O sensei while Kid Flash and the other woman charged at the two. 
Kid Flash was circling the two faster and tighter, corralling them together. Tigerlily drew for her broadswords and slashed the old floor boards. Kicking them in Kid Flash’s path, she knocked him off balance and thumped him the back of the head with the butt of her blade, knocking him down. Tonbo called for her Storm Dragon to subdue her opponent, who was also knocked down, then strung up both with the Ladybug yoyo. Tigerlily began a steady approach to the two batboys. She was ready to attack first but Nightwing got the upper hand. He drew his escrima sticks and swiped for Tigerlily’s head. She blocked with one sword and jump kicked to his chest, missing him entirely as he had crouched to sweep her legs from underneath her. Rolling out of the fall, Tigerlily slashed for his rising back but he intercepted with his other stick. He turned to face her and barrelled his full strength into her. They crashed into the nearby wall and at a standstill.
Tonbo was caught in a clash of katanas with Robin, neither side giving way to the other. If Tigerlily was more conscious of their fight than her own, she would have noticed familiar fighting techniques that were ingrained in her since birth. Alas, her attention was on the blue bird in front of her. Using his force that kept her against the wall, She double kicked him in the chest, forcing him away. Robin and Tonbo had broken away from each other and Tonbo aimed to stab Nightwing in the leg. Nonfatally of course, she wasn’t an ex-assassin as far as Tigerlily knew. Right? 
Anyways, her attack switched up the fight as now Tigerlily tried to dodge under Robin's incoming blade. Sliding on her knees, she reached to where O sensei was situated with the Dragon’s Claw. Frustrated with the night’s turn of events and forgetting all sense of pleasantries, Tigerlily tried to grab for the necklace. The business end of a katana was swiftly placed under her jaw. One wrong move meant game over.
“What do you want with the Dragon’s Claw?” Robin sounded like he was holding back from saying something. 
“An acquaintance of mine wishes for you all to not have it. I am merely doing him a favor, Tweety Bird.” Where did that nickname come from? She must have been internally catastrophizing more than she thought she was if she was actually trying to flirt her way out of this. Tonbo’s exasperation was made loud and clear with that answering sigh.
“Flattery gets you nowhere, Mei.” Robin’s arm twitched at that.
“Wait, you know her?” “You know him?” Nightwing’s and Tonbo’s voices overlapped but Tigerlily registered none of it as her ears were ringing with spiked emotions she thought she had buried years ago. Only a few people knew her by that name. Kagami, Chloe, Luka and Adrien were the only people outside of the League of Shadows who knew her by that name. Even then, there was only one person her age with the Shadows who knew her. But it couldn’t be him. He was supposed to be dead. There was no way in hell that the Boy Wonder holding a katana to her throat was—
@deathwishy @neakco @virtualreading @f-rget-lt @your-resident-chicken-nugget @nathleigh @toodaloo-kangaroo @irontimetravelflower @trippingovermyfeet @t1dwarrior-of-earth @tip-tap-tired @fidget-eep @thenillabean @officiallydarkgeek @mystery-5-5 @moonlightstar64 @just-an-observer-ignore-me @nightstarblue @certainmuffinbagelcalzone @fan-written @jjmjjktth @vixen-uchiha @zorua-adorable @nnon-it-up 
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bittywitches · 4 years
All Yours (Grayson Dolan Fanfic)
A/N: I’m so sorry I can’t really tell what this is anymore I just. Needed to finish it. This is absolutely way too long and prolly bad but here you go :)
Basically it’s just Grayson getting super duper jealous and paranoid of how close his girlfriend and Ethan are 
Hope everyone’s doing well. Love you guys <3
Word Count: 4.6K
“E you’re literally kidding me right now.”
“Bro it’s literally true you’ve been here the entire time you have EVIDENCE!”
“OH MY GOD ETHAN your life was not going to shit because of mercury being in retrograde! That makes no fucking sense!”
“HOW can you say that-“
“Do you know what retrograde even IS?”
“Y/N y-“
“Shut the fuck up im trying to educate you. ‘Mercury being in rEtRoGrAdE’ is just us seeing mercury’s orbit from EARTH-“
“LISTEN YOU DUMBASS it’s SCIENCE we’re just OBSERVING another orbit while we are ALSO orbiting around the SAME THING-“
“BRO I-“
“Grayson tell him he’s a fucking idiot!”
“HOE he’s literally the one who found the store to buy us those stones!”
She whipped her head around in shock with a slight undertone of disgust. “GRAYSON!”
Grayson looked up from his phone. “Do not drag me into this.”
“Grayson you fucking dUMBASS-“
“PLEASE tell me it was a joke. You were just committing to the joke.”
He went back to his phone.
“Oh I’m gonna-“ she jumped off the couch and lunged towards him, ready to pounce, but Grayson grabbed her waist to hold her back. 
“Honey you have got to chill.”
“It is not my fault that Ethan can’t understand BASIC TENTH GRADE SCIENCE-“
“BABE CALM THE FUCK DOWN!” He yanked her back, and she fell back on top of his chest.
“Can’t you open your mind for one second Y/N-“ 
“E stop instigating her!” He said, trying to keep a growling Y/N locked in his arms.
“It’s a COINCIDENCE! It’s a  scientific phenomenon that happens with lots of satellites in space but has no relation to Earth or us whatsoever and has NOTHING TO DO with your SHITTY WEEK ETHAN! You are just incredibly unlucky!”
“Okay babe you’re actually scaring me maybe turn the rage down a bit?” Gray asked, trying for a soothing tone.
“And you on the other hand! Are you stupid? Are you literally stupid Grayson-“
She bent down and bit on his arm and he yelped , letting go more out of surprise than in pain.
“Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?” He rubbed his arm and pouted at her.
“Everyone who lives here is a FUCKING IDIOT!” She yelled, storming out of living room and into the kitchen.
A few seconds pass.
“You’re not really mad though, right?” Ethan said quietly after clearing his throat.
Y/N walked back into the living room, now holding a bag of potato chips. “Nah, I’m just bored and wanted to argue.”
She plopped herself onto the couch next to Ethan and smiled at him, and he rolled his eyes, but it got a laugh out of Grayson.
“So we cool?” Ethan eyed her warily. 
“Of course,” she laughed, then pecked him on the cheek. “I just thrive on dysfunction.” She popped a chip into her mouth.
“Yea she’s right about that..” Gray mumbled from his seat, still staring at his phone.
“Shut up, asshole.”
She laughed. “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“So you do think our shitty week was because of mercury being in retrograde.”
Her laughter stopped when she turned around to look at Ethan. She blinked. “You’re kidding, right?”
“What? You just said-“
“Yea because I thought you were joking-“
“What? I wasn’t-“
“Oh my god don’t get me started-“
“LETS JUST WATCH THE MOVIE!” Grayson shouted, throwing his phone onto the counter.
Y/N snorted. “Jeez, Gray, it’s like you want us to stop fighting.”
“Yea, no doubt this is definitely turning you on right now.” Ethan wiggled his eyebrows, and Y/N spat from laughing so hard as she doubled over.
“EW what the F-” Gray screamed.
“It’s okay, you can be honest with us. It’s not your fault you’re into weird shit.” Y/N howled from laughter.
Grayson rolled his eyes. “Of course you two only stop fighting if it’s to make fun of me. I see how it is-“
“Bubba stop wallowing and start the movie!” Y/N threw a pillow at him, and it landed smack in his face.
“Nice shot.” Ethan remarked.
“Thank you, good sir.” She gave him a high five.
“God, this is one of those times I wish you guys weren’t friends first.” Grayson groaned, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.
“Hey man, the one time I make a friend on my own and she ends up being your girlfriend. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, dude-“
“Don’t start with this shit again, E-“
“I mean I basically got you your girlfriend, you technically owe me bro-“
“Shut the fuck up E!”
“Excuse me,” Y/N interjected, shoving Ethan’s shoulder. “You didn’t do shit, okay? I honestly probably just got unlucky and ended up meeting you first instead of Grayson.” She smirked.
“Wow, okay, first of all, fuck you-“
“I'M PUTTING THE MOVIE ON!” Grayson shouted.
“Damn, baby, what’s got you in a bad mood today?” Y/N giggled, and Ethan snickered along with her. They constantly got into tiny fights about nothing just for fun, and it was what made their friendship so interesting. But they knew when to stop fooling around, and it seemed like now was one of those times.
Gray sighed. “Nothinggg, I’m just tired.” It wasn’t nothing, but he was tired. He kicked his feet up into the sofa and leaned back against the pillow. Ethan has already draped the big fuzzy blanket over him and Y/N.
“Baby..” Grayson whined. “Come over here. I wanna cuddle.” 
“But it’s so faaar..” Y/N groaned. “And I’m already so cozy.” She smiled at him sweetly.
Grayson couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy from the look she gave him, but he was still disappointed. He slumped his shoulders and turned back towards the screen.  “Whatever..”
“Aww, Baby, don’t be like that, then you’ll make me feel bad.”
“Jesus you guys are adorably disgusting.” Ethan cringed at you both, and Grayson groaned.
“Why, thank you, kind sir.” Y/N said, grabbing the blanket away from Ethan then scurrying over to Graysons sofa, making his eyes light up.
“Hey! I was using that.” Ethan grumbled.
“Sorry, it’s needed for cuddles which is more important than your lonely ass.”
“Why are you so mean to me?”
“Because you always forgive me right afterwards.” She gave him a cheeky grin, and he scoffed at her.
She turned to Grayson. “Okay, scooch over, you attention whore.” 
“I looove you.” 
Grayson rolled his eyes. “You’re lucky I love you too.” He shimmied over, letting Y/N crawl over him so she could nestle up close into his chest. Grayson then threw the blanket over both of them. She laid her head in the crook of his neck, and pressed a kiss there.
“You’re not mad, right?”
He looked down at her, wary. A little, he thought. “No.. why?”
“Dunno..” she shrugged. “Just feels like you are.”
“Well, I’m not.” He said, not with much enthusiasm. He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Would you two stop whispering and start the movie already?” Ethan said, putting his feet up onto the counter. 
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” Gray reaches for the remote, and started the movie.
“There’s no way!”
Grayson groaned, finally waking up to the sound of chattering voices and giggling.
“He’d never do that.” He heard Y/N’s voice say. 
He grumbled, rubbing his eyes, but then noticed that he couldn’t feel the weight of Y/N on top of him. He cracked his eyes open and found her missing from his arms. He then turned to find her sitting back over on the couch, next to Ethan.
“You don’t give him enough credit.” Ethan said, grinning. 
“I’m not saying I blame him! It makes sense that he wouldn’t.”
He couldn’t explain it, but Grayson felt some sort of anger bubbling in his chest. Why did it seem like every moment he got with Y/N was being stolen? Was he no longer able to just fall asleep with his girlfriend in his arms? Did Ethan always have to be the one he saw instead?
“What’re you two girls giggling about?” He growled, throwing the blanket off of him as he sat up.
“Look who finally decided to wake up.” Y/N said, turning away from E to face him.
Grayson sighed. He couldn’t beat around the bush anymore, so he asked the obvious question. “Whatre you doing over there, baby?”
“Well, you fell asleep halfway through the movie. And you just looked so cute... I didn’t wanna wake you up.” She smiled at him, that familiar twinkle in her eye.
Gray tilted his head at her, unsure what to make of it. How did she always end up doing something sweet so he couldn’t stay mad at her?
“What are you guys talking about?” He asked again.
“Y/N was just telling me about this sex position you won’t try.” He snorted.
Grayson closed his eyes. “Please, dear god, tell me he’s joking.” He opened them again and looked at her.
She laughed, getting up and seating herself down next to him. “He’s joking, bub.” She gave him a side glance. “We were actually just talking about whether or not you’d give up your work for me.”
Grayson blinked, then turned to Ethan. “Are you trying to make me lose my girlfriend?” 
He laughed. “No, we were just talking about the podcast and stuff, and she said how she’s never seen you as happy as you are doing that kind of stuff with anything else. To which I said, you’d give it all up in a second for her.”
“Okay I’m not confirming or denying anything-“ Grayson pressed a hand to Y/N’s cheek, “-I love you,-“ he added, getting a smile from her, “but I don’t feel like you’re in a position where you can make that kind of comment while I am unconscious and unable to defend myself.” He directed back at Ethan.
“Baby, relax.” Y/N took his hand from her cheek and pressed a kiss against his palm. “We were just talking. I just said that there’s no way you’d just give up on all of this. On everything. And that makes SENSE.” She said to Ethan. “No relationship should demand that you give up anything that important to you.”
“Right but I’m just saying-“
“Ethan maybe just shut up.” Gray interjected. “Just a little. Just shut up.”
Y/N laughed again. She cupped Grayson’s cheeks, turning his face towards hers, and pressed a quick kiss against his lips. “Sorry, Baby. Didn’t mean to make you all flustered right after you woke up.” She giggled.
Grayson sighed, but smiled. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re worth all this embarrassment.”
“No, you don’t.” 
“Yea, you’re right. I don’t.” He grinned.
“Okay, it’s getting too cute again. I’m going to bed before I puke.” Ethan got up, making a gagging gesture with his finger. “Gnight.”
“Night, E.” Y/N said, laughing as he walked out of the room.
“God, I thought he’d never leave.” Grayson pulled Y/N into his arms and kissed her face all over.
She giggled, pushing his face away. “What are you talking about? You literally just woke up.”
“And I was expecting to wake up to my girlfriends pretty face, not his nasty one.” He snuggled his nose into her cheek as she rolled her eyes.
“What’re you talking about.” 
“I’m just saying that I don’t mind it when he’s not here to steal you away.”
“Steal me?” She finally got his face off of her and she looked at him, crossing her arms. “the hell is that supposed to mean?”
He gave her a mixture of a sigh and a laugh. “Nothing, babe.”
“Yes, Baby.” He pushed her hair back behind her shoulders.
She swatted his hands away. “What is that supposed to mean?”
He shrugged. “I’m just saying that when I fall asleep with my girlfriend in my arms, it isn’t the best feeling waking up to see her giggling with my brother.”
She sat up abruptly, almost knocking him in the face in the process. “What?”
“Nothingggg, never mind.”
“I love you,” he said. 
“Ok we can’t keep saying that to avoid stuff!” She jabbed at him.
“I’m not avoiding anything, baby girl.” He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
Y/N hesitated. “Bub...”
“Mmm.” He bent down and pressed a kiss to her lips. She held him there, as if she was testing him for something. But she couldn’t seem to figure out what. 
They broke apart, and Grayson sighed against her lips.
“I hate that E had to meet you first.”
“Why?” She pulled away just enough to see his eyes.
“Because-“ he stopped, and breathed out. “Because I didn’t get to have you for as long as I could have.” He decided to say that instead, while pressing his forehead against hers.
“You have me now.” She said.
He smiled. “Yea...” he pulled back from her, a wistful sort of look in his eye.
Do I, though? He thought.
Grayson shook his head, then laid back on the couch, putting his arms back behind his head as he breathed out. He felt Y/N weigh down on his chest, propping herself up on her elbows as she looked down at him. She stayed like that for a while, watching him breathe and stare at the ceiling. He wanted to know what was running through her head, but he kept his eyes closed, knowing that if he did look at her he’d feel jealous all over again.
He hated the very idea of him being jealous in the first place. It was icky and weird, and quite frankly disgusting. What was he supposed to be jealous of?
He pushed that thought way, just thinking about it making him queasy. What the fuck was he thinking? How could he be jealous of Ethan when Y/N was his girlfriend? Sure, they were friends first, and yes that pissed him off to no end, but that’s all it was. They were just friends.
Grayson brought his hands up to his eyes, somehow trying to rub the thoughts out of his head. He let out a loud sigh. 
Why did she have to be like this? It’s not like he had a problem with her being close with Ethan. He loved that, and he always wanted his partner to have a good relationship with his brother. Ethan was super important to him, and he wanted both his love and his brother to be in his life. And that’s what he got, so he should be lucky right? He should be happy at the thought that the three of them could just hang out and things wouldn’t be weird.
Yes it would.
No it wouldn’t.
They spend too much time together.
No they don’t.
She probably wants to be with him instea-
“Woah- okay.” Grayson mumbled, opening his eyes fast to pull himself out of his spiral. That went too far way too fast. He peered up at the ceiling, trying to concentrate on the blank white colour and clear his thoughts.
He felt Y/N shift on his chest, probably in response to his small outburst, and he prayed that she wouldn’t say anything. He waited a second.
She didn’t make a sound, aside from her soft breath. He relaxed.
This is Y/N. his girlfriend. The girl he loved, and the girl he was quite sure loved him the same way. Nobody else. Just him.
You sure?
“Baby, are you okay?” She finally said now, pushing herself up off of his chest gently to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Yea, princess. I’m fine. Just.. a headache.”
She titled her head at him, a worried look in her eye. “You sure?”
You sure?
“YES!” He said a little too loudly, making her jump a little. “Yes, I’m sure.”
She peered at him with a look of unease, but she dropped it. He seemed tired, and she didn’t want to push him. However, she could tell there was something running through his mind, and it was bothering him.
His face looked pale for the first time, and it freaked her out. His eyebrows were all furrowed, and he just felt dark and unsettling.
“What’re you thinking about, bub?” She finally said, unable to keep wondering.
Grayson coughed. What was he to say? 
“...You.” He finally decided with, trying for a playful smile, but his eyes still seemed tired. Uneasy.
“Is that so?” She laid down, bringing her arms down flat on his chest and resting her chin above them. “What about me?”
“Just you.” He brought a hand up to brush a hair out of her face, and this time she let him. “Your pretty face.”
Just for me.
“And your sparkling eyes.”
For no one else.
“And your stupid little smile that literally makes me want to squeal like a little school girl.” He said now, a little frustrated, but making him realize once more that this was still Y/N. the girl he had fallen for, and loved with everything he had.
“Aw, I make you squeal like a little girl?”
“That may be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“Shut up.”
They both breathed out, their anxious sighs mingling with one another. 
Grayson felt Y/N drag her finger across his chest, stopping abruptly right before touching his hand.
She knows.
Knows what?
Knows that you don’t trust her.
He took her hand in his, grabbing it tightly and pressing it against his chest.  
I do trust you.
I do.
It was like he could feel her smiling against his chest, and suddenly he relaxed once more. He rubbed her palm with his thumb, glad he could find something to focus on. It was as if she felt the same way, because he felt her place her head down against his chest. He closed his eyes once more, lining his breath up with her soft breath. His other hand found its way to her lower back, now gently rubbing up and down, the way he did whenever she couldn’t fall asleep.
Just fall asleep.
Grayson stirred from his sleep, awoken by the sound of Y/N’s quiet voice. 
“Mmmbaby, s’that y-?” He went to sleepily grab Y/N’s waist, but sort of shook himself awake when his arms landed flat against his waist. 
He wanted to yell. “God, again with this shit?” He grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.” Her voice made him pull his arms away, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. He finally recognized his girlfriend’s shape standing next to the sofa. He then saw the spilled water at her feet.
“What are you...” he glanced back up at her, and she ran a hand through her hair.
“I got thirsty. Didn’t wanna wake you...” She sighed. “But I couldn’t see in the dark, and I knocked into the stupid coffee table and spilled it all.” She rubbed her eye with the back of her palm and pouted.
Grayson reached for his phone, picking it up and squinting as the bright light shone in his face. 
It was 2am. 
He turned the flashlight on his phone on so he could see where the water had spilled. Thankfully, none had gotten on the carpet. He placed the phone down and sighed. “My clumsy baby.” He got up off the couch and carefully walked over to her, stepping over the puddle of water. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead. “Okay, I’ll get the mop. Go to bed.”
She smiled. “Love you.”
About fifteen minutes later, Grayson quietly shut the door to his bedroom, and saw his girlfriend sitting up in his bed, her head laying against the backboard, and a pretty light shining over her face from the table lamp. Her eyes seemed a little glazed, as if she was about to drift off, but smiled and sat up when she saw him enter the room.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Grayson asked, getting into bed next to her.
She shrugged. “Didn’t wanna fall asleep without you.”
She laid her head on his shoulder, and sighed. “I know we kinda say it all the time, so it’s kinda almost lost meaning at this point, but…” she tilted her head to look up at him. “I really do love you.”
Her hand rustled under the blanket to find his, and their fingers intertwined. “A lot.” 
Grayson’s eyebrows furrowed. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Nothin’.” She said, reaching up to kiss his cheek. 
“Well, whatever it is, I like it.”
Grayson pushed her back down onto her pillow and kissed her while she giggled against his lips. 
She pushed him back by his shoulders, giving him a funny look. “I’m just trying to show my appreciation for you.”
“So am I.” He pressed a kiss to her lips again, and this time she didn’t stop him, her hands finding their usual place at his jaw and neck. 
When they pulled apart, she kept his head in place, pressing their noses together. “You’re amazing.”
“You’re weird when you’re tired.”
She pecked his lips. “It’s strange that you use the word ‘weird’ instead of ‘affectionate’.”
She let go of him, letting her arms fall on top of the blanket. She stretched, and let out a yawn. She pushed him down onto the mattress, and laid her head in the crook of his neck, her arm against his chest.
Grayson leaned back, just watching the view in front of him. His wonderful girlfriend, falling asleep next to him, in his bed. Hearing her breathing as she drifted off to sleep, her chest slowly rising and falling as she began to dream. It was everything he wanted. 
Then why was there that nagging voice still in the back of his head?
This isn’t real.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
She’s faking it. 
All of it.
What is wrong with you?
She’s pretending.
No she’s not.
She is.
She’s not.
She is.
She loves me!
You sure?
I have to be sure.
“Tell me the story of how you met Ethan.”
She looked up at him with a weird look. “Why?”
“Just ‘cause.”
“I just wanna hear it.”
“But you already know that story.”
“I know..” He stroked her hair. “I just wanna hear it again.”
“Baby what is going on with you?” She pushed herself up off of his chest to look at him, sitting up now.
“Okay, fine. Just tell me what you really thought when you saw him for the first time.”
“Were you really just trying to be friends with him?”
“Or did you want something else?”
“Grayson!” she shoved at his chest. “What is wrong with you?”
“Baby please.” He grabbed her arm. “Did you want him, ever?”
She flung his arm off of her. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Just tell me!” He yelled, impatient and worried.
She blinked at him in astonishment. “Okay, so what if I did, huh?”
His heart sank. “Don’t play games with me, Y/N.”
“So WHAT if I DID, GRAYSON?” she was shouting now too, no longer caring about keeping her voice down so not to wake Ethan. 
“Don’t fucking say that.”
“Why would that even matter? I’m not with him, am I? I’m with YOU!”
“Grayson, please....” She put her face in her hands. Rubbing her eyes with her palms. “What is wrong? Do you have a problem with me?”
“What? No! I-”
“Then why are you doing this? Why are you acting like a jealous freak? Do you not trust me? Do you not believe me when I pour my heart out to you? When I say that I love you?”
“I’m not jealous-”
“Yes you are!” She threw her hands up in the air. “I’ve never said anything about it, because I didn’t want to. It’s weird, Gray. And especially today! What do you have to be jealous of? Do you not want me to be friends with Ethan? Is that it?”
“No…” His fingers raked through his hair. “No.”
“Then what, Gray? What is it that you want from me?”
She paused. 
“Do you not want me?”
His eyes widened. “What the fuck are you talking about?” He wrapped his arms around her aggressively, burying his nose into her shoulder. “You are all I’ve ever wanted.”
She sighed. “Bub…” she gently pushed herself away from his so she could look him in the eye. “No. I’ve never had feelings for Ethan. He’s my friend. My really, good friend that I care a lot about. But I don’t feel anything towards him like what I feel towards you.”
He gave her an exasperated sigh. “Then what did you really think of Ethan the first time you met him?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary! I just thought he was a nice person that I’d like to hang out with.”
Grayson gave her a weary look. 
“Babe, I don’t understand. You say that you trust me, but if you did why would you act like this?”
“I don’t know, Y/N! It’s not like I want to! It’s just- you guys are so close. And I’ve just never seen Ethan be that close to someone other than me, and, I don’t know, okay? It just. It just freaks me out.”
Y/N cupped his jaw. “Grayson.”
“You know what I thought the first time I met you?”
“Wow. I didn’t know it was possible for someone to have a twin significantly more attractive than they are.”
Grayson blinked, but then almost spit all over her, doubling over in laughter, completely forgetting about the seriousness of the situation. Y/N couldn’t help but giggle as well, glad to see him smile.
“Shut up.” He said after controlling his laughing. “Don’t lie.”
“I’m dead serious.” She chuckled. “My hands were all sweaty the entire time, and you know how I kept completely falling off the track while we were playing mario kart?
“That’s cuz I was staring at your reflection in the tv screen.”
“Shut UP!”
“I swear to god I’m serious!” she laughed. “And after I gave up to let you guys play and I was just on my phone, I was actually imagining us making out.”
He grabbed her face and kissed her, surprising her, but she relaxed in his arms. When he pulled away, he said: “You are so good at lying to make me feel better.” 
“I’m not lying!”
“Mhm.” He kissed her again, wrapping one arm around her waist while the other held her neck firmly. She moaned against his lips, holding his face in both hands. When they pulled away, they were out of breath.
“Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little bit.” She smiled. “But the point is, I love you. Nobody else.”
Grayson sighed. “I love you.” He pressed his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry.”
“You should be.”
“What? You should.”
He rolled his eyes. “Fine. You’re right.”
He kissed her forehead. “I’m really sorry. I’ve been a huge dick.”
“You sure have.”
Then her nose. “I was an idiot to be jealous.”
And then a peck on her lips. “I love you. So much.”
She grinned. “I love you too.”
“Promise me one thing?”
“You’ll always be mine?” he asked, his lips grazing against hers.
She smiled at him. “I’m all yours.” she said, then connected their lips once more.
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loki-kat · 3 years
Dear diary,
I used to always titles my entries like that. When everything was simpler. I want to try to write in this everyday, even when I don't want to. I feel like sometimes I have nothing to say, but when I start writing it comes out in a rapid stream of consciousness. I woke up late today and didn't get any work done. I didn't go for a walk or go on my date. I need to push myself more, even when I don't want to do things. I did start cleaning and organizing. And I did well with not wasting money today. I've also only eaten maybe 500 calories today. I NEED to get this weight off. It's all I think about and dream about. But it's super hard for me to lose, even if Im starving. So I guess I need to step it up a few notches. Kind if hard to imagine what that looks like when you feel like you're already barely eating. But I possibly could be eating more than I realize so I need to watch it. I keep having these dreams that I'm in ED treatment and Ive lost like 85 pounds easily. I'm kind of frustrated that I've come back to my eatkng disorder after I spent years getting better. I don't know how I let myself get so big. I can't stand to look at my body. I've been having urges to self harm, but so far have only gone as far as stick and poke tattoos and piercing my own ears. Somehow those feel less like SH than cutting. Also...I miss drugs. A lot. I miss alcohol. It's totally not fair that I can't have it, but it changes me. It makes me make dangerous decisions and hurt people around me. Im honestly afraid that if I drink again I will die or end up in prison. It's not the leaat far fetched. And that's alcohol especially. I feel like I coule do some pills again without being in too much trouble. But I dont know any drug dealers or druggies anymore. I live a different life now. I wish that pot would be enough for me. But I actually hate the way it makes me feel. I get paranoid. Maybe if i were more fulfilled I wouldn't want to escape so much. Every day I trap myself in my apartment and watch reruns and tik tok for literally hours. Wtf is wrong with me?
I'd love to meet a great guy to distract me. But so far they are all manipulative losers. Or they quickly lose interest. I think I'm a great girl. Im not sure what I'm missing....or if it's an issue within them. But so far I seem to be the common denominator. It will be interesting to see how I'm treated once I take this weight off and I have confidence again.
This weekend I want to get a lot done! I want to deep clean and organize, and also sell stuff, walk, go swimming, and go on that date. I'll be using gabapentin on Saturday. So I have that at least. Maybe I'll finish my painting too.
Ok, logging off. Bye diary.
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weebsinstash · 4 years
Hi! I know you aren't looking for medical advice but you might want to see a chiropractor, I've had some nerve problems that give me numbness on my arms after I injured myself at work a few years ago, and the chiropractor helped alot. so much can be tied back to, well, the back. and an adjustment might help with at least the jaw problem. So sorry you are going through this it must be very frustrating 😔
Oh yeah, i actually started seeing a chiropractor about maybe two months back because we were wondering if this arm and leg problems were because I was getting sciatica or a back problem, you know, since I turned out to have that leg condition and it's been affecting my spine, so I get weekly chiropractic adjustments. Ever since I was younger, I could lie on my stomach and my mom would always be able to pop my back, like, Crack The Fuck Out Of It, even as a kid, and we just like. Didnt know until late 2020 that it's because I was technically born disabled and we like, just found out (would have been nice to find out before I gained all this weight)
I'm definitely going to ask her about my jaw when I see her on Monday! Honestly I had a chiro appointment yesterday but I had a nurse on a hotline tell me to run to the ER so I had to cancel it to go and do that, but at least we know there's not anything weird in my blood and my EKG was fine (since I'm a pot smoker there's been some concerns im trashing my body with how often I smoke so im glad my heart is fine) , so at least we know I'm not in some kind of immediate danger (which unfortunately because of Covid, they literally had to basically confirm I wasn't dying or about to die and then kick me out to clear a bed)
And yeah it's frustrating as hell honestly because the pain comes and goes in intensity so I'll start thinking it's gone away and it sneaks right back, and sometimes I wonder if I just need to suck it up, but I also get really paranoid about what it might be like, I worry it's quietly getting worse and we won't know what it is until it's too late, and sometimes I wonder about what if I got covid and never even knew, because it can literally fuck up your entire body even when you have a mild case. Also there are things like when I went to see a neurologist she told me I need to lose weight and that was um, kind of before she even fucking tested me for anything (and actually she brought up my weight miltiple times in a really callous insensitive way) and honestly just that made me not want to go to the doctor even more
I just have to keep an eye on my stuff. I get told a lot that I'm smart so hopefully I can prove them right and just keep taking down my symptoms and I'll figure it out! I have some theories and ideas for which specialists to see next, but the pandemic makes it tricky, because actually, here in America, they're encouraging you not to have any surgeries or treatments unless it's absolutely necessary right now, so some of my options are limited...
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kakloins · 4 years
Hey, I really like your blog (your fics are seriously amazing 💖) and wanted to request fluff w Jotaro x f!reader. I had this idea that maybe reader is part of the sdc and she gets hurt in order to save Jotaro and then he confesses? (You can write something else if you want, I don't rlly mind 💕) Anyways, hope you're having a great day!
aww thank you so much 💕💕!!! im actually pretty new to writing so im glad you like my stuff heheh
also....this is a very good request i ended up writing 1000+ words again whooPS
warning: slight blood mention
Although you couldn’t exactly pinpoint it, there was something that just felt off. The moment you and Jotaro left the others in order to ask some locals about Dio’s whereabouts, a tense feeling appeared deep in your gut that just couldn’t seem to escape you. You felt anxious—like you were being watched and followed at the same time—yet a quick glance at your surroundings dismissed those paranoid thoughts almost immediately. There was nothing unusual, there were no suspicious figures hanging around or anything out of the ordinary.
So why did you feel this way…?
“Hey,” Your thoughts were interrupted by the tall man next to you. Jotaro must have noticed you looking around cautiously, as he looked down at you besides him, gently nudging you with his elbow. “What’s wrong? You’re acting strange—or at least stranger than usual.”
The sudden contact caused you to let out a barely audible gasp in surprise, though you quickly composed yourself once your brain processed Jotaro as the one who was speaking to you. He was still looking down at you with his green eyes staring into yours expectantly, waiting for response.
You looked away slightly from his serious gaze, laughing nervously. “Ah—It’s nothing. I guess I just feel a little weird is all. Probably because of the heat, you know?” 
It was the most likely reason you could think of. The harsh Egyptian heat wasn’t like any other heat you had experienced, and it easily could’ve been the source of your somewhat anxious feelings. Though you weren’t positive it was true, you had to quickly come up with an excuse so Jotaro wouldn’t worry about you; after all, you both had to focus on what you came out here to do in the first place.
His gaze stayed transfixed on you and his eyebrows lowered—he seemed slightly concerned, and at the same time unbelieving of your answer, as if he was going to ask you if the heat was really the real reason for your odd behavior. Yet after another second, he simply turned his head back towards the front of him and looked on ahead. “If you start to feel any worse, tell me. We’ll head back.” He stated bluntly.
You held back a sigh of relief, grateful that he didn’t press you any further on the matter. “Alright.” You agreed.
For the next few minutes while you were both walking and asking people about Dio's whereabouts, everything was calm, and though you tried to ignore it, the same eerie feeling resided within you.
Then it suddenly became much more intense.
You stopped walking, frantically looking around, with all previous doubts gone and now positive someone dangerous was near. Jotaro stopped in his tracks and looked back at you, his expression a mixture of confusion and mostly concern.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” He yelled.
Before you even had time to respond, you saw something through the corner of your eye. It was just a blur, but it was heading towards you both fast. There was no doubt that it was an enemy stand user’s attack. Before you could even blink it was already a couple of feet in front of you, about to make impact.
Your mind was racing, trying to think of what you could do—there was no time to summon your stand, that was out of the question. At the last moment, you decided there was only one thing you could do, and that was potentially save your close friend, who started this journey to save his mother.
While Jotaro was still looking at you, you yelled, suddenly leaping forward and pushed him with all your strength, causing him to stumble a few feet and fall towards the ground.
All he saw afterwards was your body and a spray of blood as you flew back, hitting the ground with a heavy thud and laying motionless.
You had ended up losing consciousness after the impact, though you had no idea how long. When you started to open your eyes, Jotaro was kneeling besides you. His face was one of pure fear as he looked down at you, examining your bruised and bloodied form. 
"Jotaro…?" You quietly groaned.
His eyes quickly shot back up to your face and widened. He was breathing heavily, sweating, and just looked like an overall mess. You had never seen him like this before—so different from his usual self.
He softly muttered your name as you tried to sit up. "Are you alright?"
You let out a small groan as you adjusted yourself, accompanied with a bitter laugh as blood still oozed out of the wound on your midsection. “Y-yeah, I think so. It’s not as bad it looks. I don’t think I got hit anywhere vital...”
That’s right—there was an enemy stand user nearby that had attacked you both. You perked up, quickly scanning the area, trying to see if the attacker was still nearby. He could end up striking again at any time while you were still vulnerable.
You looked at the man next to you and spoke with a hint of panic to your tone. “Jotaro, what happened to the—“ 
Before you can finish the sentence, a pair of large arms are wrapped around you, holding you tight. Jotaro brought you closer to him, holding you against his chest and lowering his head into the crook of your neck. Your breath got caught in your throat, preventing you from uttering a single word as you were pulled against him, and your cheeks started heating up instantly at the contact. It was just so intimate—you could feel his chest heave with his breathing and his warm breath on your neck.
He let out a deep sigh of relief. “I thought you were dead. God, I don’t know what I would’ve done if that were true. I was scared shitless.”
There was a gentleness in his voice that you had never heard from him before, and it made you all the more confused and flustered. Though another part of you couldn't help but also felt guilty for frightening him, so much so that he'd end up embracing you. Slowly, you reciprocated the hug without even thinking, wrapping your arms around him as well.
"I'm okay, Jotaro." A small laugh escaped your lips as your hands continued to roam across the expanse of his back, rubbing him comfortingly. "I won't leave you that easily, y'know. I love being with you way too much for that." 
He lifted his head up from it's position near your neck, looking directly into your warm eyes. His own expression was still soft, with all hints of his typical serious expression gone as he looked at your own. "I…"
Jotaro's words trailed off as if he was still thinking of how to put his thoughts into words. As he saw you waiting expectantly while looking at him, you noticed his cheeks become a shade darker as he looked off to the side. Then he took a deep breath.
"I… love being with you, too. I want you to stay with me for as long as possible–I don't know if you feel the same way, but…"
In an instant, your heart rate skyrocketed to a rapid speed. As you looked at the man holding you, his red face half hidden with his hat, it was apparent what he was actually trying to tell you and how much weight those words had.
It was Jotaro's own way of confessing his feelings and asking if you felt the same without directly saying it. Maybe he had planned to tell you when you both left the others to question locals by yourselves, but you never would have guessed he felt that way about you, even if you were closer to him than the other crusaders. Then again… a memory flashed back to you of Polnareff smiling goofily as you and Jotaro once again decided to sit next to each other while traveling to your next destination.
The silence that lingered in the air for a moment following his words was tense. Jotaro was still looking off to the side, avoiding your gaze.
You decided to break that silence and spare him the stress. "Of course I feel the same way. Why do you think I protected you from that attack before?" Your arms then wrapped around Jotaro, pulling him back into a soft embrace. "I love you. I couldn’t risk you getting hurt like that." Your voice was quiet, but still plenty loud enough for him to get the point.
You both remained quietly in each other's arms for a few moments as his own were wrapped around you following your own confession, just enjoying the intimacy of being so close to each other. Then, Jotaro stood up, offering you a hand and pulling you up. When you were finally standing besides him, however, he didn’t let go.
A large smile appeared on your face, and Jotaro offered a small grin of his own. “Alright then. Let’s head back and get your wounds treated.”
You nodded, then started walking with him, still holding each other’s hand. The day didn’t go exactly how you thought it would, but as you felt Jotaro’s hand holding your own, minus the slight injury, you certainly couldn’t complain at the sudden turn of events.
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wolfmanmikie117 · 4 years
Honesty within masks.
The caregiver.
The entertainment.
The wallflower.
The life of the party.
The dreamer.
The considerate.
The understanding.
The lost.
The singer.
The memory.
The breathing.
The brain .
The pain the pain the pain.
Constant thoughts driving my mind in a million directions, I get lost parked staring back recollecting.
I seem dark cause honesty brings up reflection ,
starting out hearing keys turning tounges ignition.
I forget to breathe sometimes until I shift positions.
Wonderful the dreams within this mental prism,
I try so hard I burn up with the friction.
Withstanding crashlandings, and planning landscapes to reach the next hardly possible mission.
Always within the scope of the vivid eclectic vision,
seemingly random but mistakes are all that make it seem less than persistence.
I rarly catch myself heating up until my arm starts twitching,
dreaming so hard about what I envision,
heated by the fury that my passion has always been stronger than my confident convictions.
if only I had started sooner, sounds like someone accepting the role of a loser
and it wouldnt be staying true so, dream on and stay beautiful.
I choose to obnoxiously stare into these many potential futures, and hope with ridiculous faith that one day what I say will be understood,
and taken for what I mean too say,
until then Ill always be slighly paranoid or unsure.
i teeter towards lacking faith in those who lack faith in me,
its blasphemy but im not perfect neither are we
im working on it, forgivness is a blessing to both the giver and those who receive.
I hope one day Ill feel satisfied somebody truly understands me.
..Im feelzy today, something a bit sad happened and I understand everyones still ok, but i wish I had a chance to say what I wanted to say , now Im not sure what or if I should say..
I know Im good for one thing
I love everything even the creative juices fueled by feeling heart break
Ill write to feel more than ok feels like floating immediately turning pain into growing,
its something its stoic, its that which I couldnt always explain.
Im not insane Im just in my brain.
I need space and music to deal with the bullshit I get confused with,
I use it as a tool with green to be patient and serene living imbetween the dream.
I should work towards pushing for better curriculum in establishments of teaching,
or loudly agree school or no schools kids should eat free who are any of us human beings, to deny a child or anybody lifes bare essential necessities.
why should anyone worry about pay if they're starved of humanity every day.
or to agree to starve a dude youve never seen whats fucking wrong with everyone equally treated with accountability in being a decent or terrible human being
some are so one sided that its all just the minorities thee fuck you mean do you even look into the wide lens of history
or you just like standing against the winds to be big an bad
bitch pleaseee
I cant freakin breathe ok leave me in peace Im just sing one of the million songs Ive collected hell continue too collect another million an still reach.
I dont know man but I wont lose hope just plan a new course of course theres more I havent finished breaking my jaw on the cracked open door
my fingers are peeling but there not peeling raw im still feeling raw whats wrong with this song its to long for some of yall i dont care what they shared they never truly saw i always wear the empathic stare because your pain Ive shared and probubly seen before
theres no shame in caring even when the carings not shared back part of why its ok to be entertaining sometimes you wear a mask ,just you staying true too you at the end of the day dont be afraid to occasionally peel it back relieving the strain of caring for pain that weight down more than your own back .
What Im saying is trying to make someone smile and pretending to be wild is honestly a weird way of having someones back back I do that and I support anyone I care for even if it means telling them thats not how your supposed to act
I would know I have preformed in shows i do sing music I did just write this poem preformance for me is somewhat of what i consider where its at oh did I mention I dabble in acrobatics, juggling , and I magically spin staff.
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
how do we feel about bellamy abandoning a suicidal octavia in a toxic forest in the name of monty, 'monty gave his life for us so we could have another change, and im not going to let you destroy it' who repeatedly made it clear in his final season that he wished he did more to save jasper
…we don’t feel great about it. Lol.
Got a little carried away. Apparently I had a stronger opinion on this on this than I thought I did.
There’s an LT;DR at the bottom if you don’t feel like reading the whole thing :)
The Blake relationship is a really complicated one. And I think how you see this event in particular depends on how you interpret this dynamic during the rest of the show, and how sympathetic you are towards Octavia as a character.
I want to start with this: the second chance was Monty’s to give, and only Monty’s. Bellamy doesn’t get to dictate who that message does and does not apply to, because Monty made it perfectly clear he holds no grudges, and wants the best for what’s left of the human race regardless of who they’ve been in the past or what they’ve done. That’s the whole point of ‘doing better’. He just wants everyone to do better than they did, whichever way that is. Monty didn’t specifically say ‘oh but not Octavia she can choke’ so therefore Bellamy had no right to be cowering behind Monty’s words.
He’s telling them to try a bit harder to be more understanding, compassionate, and rational. He wants them to choose to be farmers rather than warriors- to rebuild rather than destroy, to grow rather than deforest, to choose peace over war no matter what. It means a lot more than just ‘hey! maybe don’t go on another genocidal rampage?’
And by abandoning/banishing Octavia, Bellamy did the opposite of what Monty wanted. It almost felt, as i was watching, like he’d sentenced her to death. Like Clarke was banishing Murphy all over again. Or like he was Clarke abandoning him to die in the fighting pits. And I don’t know…repeating old mistakes doesn’t exactly scream ‘doing better’ to me.
Maybe this was Bellamy’s way of ridding the toxicity from the group?
But deciding she’s a lost cause and leaving her there, a clearly mentally unstable woman (and not only just some ‘woman’, but the baby sister he’s shared his life with), on an alien planet that none of them even know is safe at this point, or if it’s inhabited with hostile entities, from some moral high horse/manpainTM point of view is so low. It’s unearned at this point in the series.
Our attention was drawn to how hard it was for him. How upset he was after he did it. Rather than to Octavia and how she felt about it. It brought me back to that moment in season five, to how the camera focused in on Clarke’s pained teary-eyed expression while the child she was electrocuting was a blurry spot the background. Just what the fuck? Is all i have to say about that. He was very much Clarke in this moment; pulling a lever, leaving someone he loves on the outside *for the people* and feeling a bit ashamed but justified about it regardless.
She was trying to do the S1 Bellamy thing and stowaway to an alien planet to protect the one she loved. But the emotional fallout of season five was immense and both of them were way too amped up for any of it to go as planned. Which makes me wonder why the writers even attempted it in the first place?
But let’s just take a minute to think about how reckless and borderline insane this whole decision is from Bellamy- this is the girl who started out an illegal child, unwanted by the people she was born into, who assimilated with the indigenous people, earned their respect, found belonging with them until ultimately she became their leader. Like, if you really thought she was this much of a hazard, throwing her adaptive ass into the wilderness ready to meet another set of warrior people maybe isn’t the best idea you’ve ever had?
I’m not actually opposed to a detail like this. Because of the unhealthy and sometimes poisonous nature of the Blake sibling relationship. And because they both absolutely needed time apart if Octavia were ever to grow out of Blodreina.
No matter what Monty never gave up on Jasper. But Jasper was usually self-destructive and didn’t act out emotionally using violence like how Octavia does so naturally. He could be a pain in Monty’s ass from time-to-time, but Jasper was never a threat to anyone but himself.
Bellamy cast Octavia out because she killed those guards unnecessarily. She hadn’t yet reflected on what became of her, nor had she processed any of the trauma from the bunker and following battle for Eden, in which some of the heaviest casualties were her most important relationships, with Indra, and with Bellamy. As convinient as it was to utilise violence as a tool for maintaining power, law, and order within the bunker…they aren’t in the bunker anymore, and she is no longer someone with a crushing responsibility.
Was any of that Bellamy’s fault? No.
Was it Bellamy’s job to ‘fix’ her? No.
(Do I think Monty would encourage him to mend their relationship anyway after losing his best friend and brother? Yes.)
But as her big brother and psudo-father, someone that spent his entire life protecting and taking care of her, the bare minimum i’d expect from him in a situation like this is for him to show some empathy, listen to the whole story from her point of view rather than basing his entire livelyhood on the biased accounts of a couple of Wonkru defectors, and make an attempt to understand why she is no longer the baby sister he remembers her being. If anyone was in the position to understand her- her behaviour, her mindset, the weight of leadership and how it shapes a person, and the pressure of making potentially morally corrupt decisions to ensure the people’s safety putting your humanity on the line for it- it’s him.
This was just cheap drama in place of where they could’ve written a meaningful conflict between them.
It was an oppurtunity to address Octavia’s past treatment of him, their co-dependence, their mother, Bellamy deeply believing his life was stolen from him and Octavia feeling she never had a chance to begin with, Bellamy’s inclination to make himself smaller so Octavia can take up as much space as she possibly can, both of their perverse insecurities that manifest in equally debilitating ways, Bellamy’s skewed sense of self pushing him to orbit around her, Octavia’s identity issues and lack of socialisation and resulting narrow black-or-white mindset, I could go on and on. There’s so so much content here to explore. There’s so much stress and pain in this relationship. It’s a shame that despite all that they decided to go omg cannibalism!!!!!!!!
Octavia took forever to forgive Bellamy for what happened to Lincoln, she demonised him, she attacked him over it in one of the most grotesque and unhinged displays of violence i’ve ever seen, and that wasn’t even his fault. I think we can afford Bellamy the same amount of room.
If this ‘banishment’ was the long-time-coming storm of past trauma of their intertwined existences that has long since been buried, if the time of physical peace spent on the ring building a family of his own pushed Bellamy to make a realisation or two about love and family, and the stressful draining qualities of his relationship with Octavia began to morph into resentment of her, and all this abandonment is, is just a beautifully crafted, carefully maintained facade collapsing between them, I WOULD LOVE IT. It’s understandable. But I need to see them have it out with each other first. If nothing is addressed, if they still go on carrying those things around and never find closure, not only is that hindering Octavia’s growth, but Bellamy’s, too.
But none of that happened in season six. Instead i got to see yet another female with her autonomy ripped from her and i got to see manpain.
Over time she supressed any parts of herself that would make her appear weak. It was always going to take time to pull herself out of that dark place and find a way to shape an identity that isn’t based in something that can easily be ripped away from her. So removing her from the group to find ‘the self’ is a good choice. But it had to be her choice.
I think if everything had blown up and Octavia had chosen to leave on her own volition because she recognises her own tragedy and calamity and wants to do what’s right, it would’ve been the perfect place to begin a redemption/reflection arc for her. With self-awareness. What do they say? The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one in the first place?
In an answer to another ask I said it would make some sense for Bellamy (and Clarke & Spacekru) to be unintentionally hypocritcal and judgemental considering the time distance between their last violent experience and how long they’ve had to make peace with the past. While Octavia was in the most stressful position she’s ever been in, and right in the thick of things for the six years that everyone else spent healing and maturing in.
So we have Bellamy as his most reassurred, most contented self- and he comes to Earth, he comes face-to-face with an unhinged Octavia, and is overwhelmed immediately with biased and incomplete information recapping the last six years during an erratic situation with enemies. I’d be confused and paranoid, too tf?
Bellamy loves Octavia more than life. But she’s morphed into a woman he no longer recognises and it could even come as a personal betrayal to him. He’s been disconnected from her for six years. He’s no longer intoxicated by his love and devotion to her. And he’s having a hard time accepting that the baby sister he thinks the world of is capable of such cruelty. So he’s having trouble forgiving her for it. I think it makes a lot of sense. Except, again, they never addressed anything like this.
Season five Bellamy I get. I’m sympathetic to him just as I am Octavia.
But in season six he appeared, not like he was acting on years of supressed emotional turmoil, but like he was on some moral high horse looking down on her from it.
The end of season five left things open, and there was a lot of potential there for things between them to improve, but season six took it and threw it out the nearest window. And we saw Octavia crawling on her hands and knees begging for forgiveness from a man that 1) doesn’t want her, 2) doesn’t respect her, 3) refused to listen to her, and 4) only accepted her once she was the woman he wanted her to be, who was now no longer traumatised.
TL;DR: I’m not opposed to the whole idea of them seperating in season six, with Octavia being the castaway, but it should’ve been Octavia’s choice, not Bellamy’s. And I think Monty might be disappointed that this was what (season six) Bellamy took away from his video on ‘doing better’. To ‘do better’ he decided to choose just one person that can represent all the evil that exists within both his people and himself and throw her out the dropship door. Problem solved! But there are many ways in which I think the writers could’ve done a lot more with this idea, and a lot better, too.
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seagullsausage · 4 years
ive been insane thinking excessively about my egoverse lately so heres the gist of it cause i can’t form a full coherent post
jackie is kinda traumatized from jack getting rid of marvin and is overprotective of chase and henrik to an overbearing degree cause hes so afraid of jack hurting them
when chase was created he was kind of a handful and jackie was so so paranoid that jack was going to hurt him because he was irritated with how needy chase was, and it got to the point where jackie was so so sure that jack was going to kill chase that he couldn’t sleep at night, and so he moved out and made chase move in with him to keep him safe
jackie is under an intense amount of stress because hes trying to take care of chase, henrik, marvin, and jameson all at the same time, on top of being obsessed with finding anti and keeping his family safe from him aND still grieving for jack and also trying to stay on top of his quickly deteriorating mental health. hes having anxiety attacks and panic attacks every day desperately trying to juggle all this shit and feels like the weight of the world is on his shoulders
henrik and marvin are really good friends and they help each other with a lot of shit. marvins a bit more mature than chase and also relates hardcore to what henrik had to go thru and so they’re kind of a stand-in for jackie. henrik is also the only person who checks up on marvin and tries helping them deal with everything that anti did to them
jameson had more influence over anti than what chase liked to believe. jameson was the one who convinced anti not to kill henrik, and to not completely destroy him. when marvin was living with them, jameson literally begged anti almost every day to stop hurting them, because they were becoming friends and marvin was the first human hes ever interacted with. he also feels guilt over not being able to ‘save’ henrik so hes desperate to save marvin
how marvin’s dealing with the aftermath of getting away from anti; they like to say that they’re fine but like if the front door doesn’t open right away or if the windows stuck they spiral down into a complete breakdown, they flinch away if jameson makes any sudden movements, they’re very reactionary, especially with chase, they’re sleeping excessively and spends almost all their time sitting outside, etc. 
anti didn’t originally care about making the egos his ‘puppets;’ it was only after he formed individual relationships with the guys that he wanted them all to himself; he grew an intense bond with jameson, he grew to like henrik as a tool/weapon, he enjoyed having chase as his patient, he loved marvin, he liked messing around with jackie, etc. so at the end of it all, he just wants everyone who he loves in one place, he wants to have control over all of them
chase is actually gay but hes extremely closeted and has a lot of internalized homophobia and trauma about it. his marriage fell apart partially because of him and he always thought there was something wrong with him, that he was seriously broken and that he was incapable of loving. he’s very aggressive towards marvin and jameson, and especially gets angry at jameson and henriks developing relationship. why should they get to be happy? why does marvin get to be comfortable with themself? hes realizing things and eventually he snaps and goes into screaming and sobbing fits about it, henriks trying to hold him but chase is crying about how theres something wrong with him and he’s not allowed to be gay and all that. henrik and marvin both help him worth through it and come to terms with it
chase is big into fighting and boxing, he used to be in these fighting rings where people bet money and stuff until jackie made him stop, hes got a punching bag in his room and he gets in bar fights a lot. he could beat the shit out of jameson if he could but henrik and marvin always stop him. he’d fight marvin too but they have magic so its always a losing battle
marvin had a mentor who found them in the woods and took care of them, trained them and helped them be the magician they are today. im calling him ben burnake for now based off the lemon demon song. he looks like arin hanson
jameson also gets a therapist and at first hes scared cause ya know anti was a psychiatrist and all, but this guy is really nice and caring and hes mostly deaf so they sign to each other the whole time. jamesons scared of telling him about his past cause, ya know, if he starts talking about demons and posession and stuff hes scared hes gonna be put in a hospital, but his therapist totally believes him (or at least thinks jameson is using the whole demon thing as a metaphor for something) and its real nice
when marvin gets free, they tell henrik everything there is to know about jameson. hes been tortured by not knowing who he is and never saving him, and just learning his name and learning what hes like is so so cathartic and wonderful for henrik
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fazbearsfrights · 5 years
hey rick tell me. abt your aubergine man. show will to the world
you got it ;)
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IT’S HIM, THE STINKY BASTARD MAN. he’s meant to look like michael because, y’know, sister location. for reference, here’s my mikey boi! there are some differences here and there, though (i.e. deathly pale, darker hair, sliiightly different haircut, green eyes, bigger nose, etc. also before / when he first opens fredbear’s he’s a LOT chubbier but he uh…loses a lot of weight after certain events. we’ll get into that tho!).
SO what’s really important to me here is the stuff just before and after fredbear’s/freddy’s and the afton family, mainly because i haven’t thought up much stuff before then (though i really should - i don’t really even have a solid character in mind for his wife at the moment).
anyhow, william’s family consists of himself, mrs. afton, michael, and elizabeth. william is FAR from the best father, and certain incidents where he lashed out at his own children (particularly michael) led his wife to threaten to leave him at certain points. but william is nothing if not a good manipulator and convincing pathological liar, and he convinced her to stay for a good while before she ultimately did gather the courage to leave. she pleaded for michael and elizabeth to come with her, but elizabeth - desperate for her father’s attention, and always unharmed, unlike michael - chose to stay instead. and being the protective brother he was, michael chose to stick with his sister, despite wishing he could do otherwise. once the divorce was finalized, though, she got custody of them every so often - weekly, which left william feeling…conflicted. that being said, this situation takes place over the course of time, in tandem with the fredbear’s/freddy’s stuff.
at some point in this part of his life, he met henry - a small-time inventor who was incredibly talented, but toiled his days away on miscellaneous small projects, either toys for his children or crafts he could sell for a small fortune (which, sometimes, were toys that his kids had rejected). william, by now, was a bit of an entrepreneur who was looking for a new project - and although it wasn’t obvious at this point, he’d struck gold. over time, their friendship grew, with william wrapping his new acquaintance around his little finger (both intentionally and unintentionally, due to him genuinely growing attached - over time, he grew to admire henry in all sorts of ways). and in the end, some time after learning of his buddy’s talents…he decided it was time for a brilliant idea.
they were both struggling a bit financially, but if they sunk all of their savings into this idea, he was certain it would pay off. “fredbear’s family diner” (although it wasn’t titled at the time, merely a concept) - a family-friendly diner, featuring costumed mascots, like a dinner theater. when henry nervously said that there was no way they could support the salary of costumed workers, william eagerly suggested that they could play the roles, to which henry protested again - they didn’t have the time, especially not if they would be managing the business! eventually they settled on a compromise. henry would be designing a suit that could double as a costume AND an animatronic, like the robotic toys he developed for his children…a springlock suit.
it took ages, with henry tinkering until he developed the first springlock, then a prototype suit, then designs of characters until he and william could both agree, then suits of fredbear and spring bonnie. the two characters who would lead the restaurant. by now, henry was thrilled by this idea and the delight it would bring to not only his kids (who were already excited by the characters he’d been creating) but the kids around their town, and william was simply in it for the money right now (and ultimately, nefarious purposes). still, the two of them smiled on their (henry’s) work at the end of the day, and eagerly started work on the restaurant.
another long while passed, and the financial struggles that its construction caused stirred serious turmoil in the afton family that william had to fan down. henry had similar troubles, but finally, the diner was COMPLETE. the stage was set! his two springlock suits were brought in and placed, and the diner opened the next day. they had a rough time getting word about the diner out, but once it did, it spread like wildfire. it was New to everyone around, especially because of the way the mascots could “change” their styles of dancing. they could even sing! people were impressed, and it was a good thing too, because they really needed that cash.
time passed, and the diner’s popularity grew, and william was pretty happy with how things turned out…for the most part. by now, his familial troubles were getting really rough - things were settling down now, but he wasn’t a better person at home whatsoever. his wife was getting ready to leave (for real) and That was tearing him apart on the inside, despite what success he had from fredbear’s, which was all he seemed to care about now anyway (aside from his relationship with henry). when she finally did leave, he started to snap for the first time and started to lash out at everyone, especially henry. it was the first time the two of them had ever had a real argument, since william had endeavored to keep himself on his “best behavior” because he didn’t want to lose him - and yet here he was, projecting his feelings for why his wife left him onto his best friend, and yelling at him for his unfounded fear that he would leave him too.
the next day, william outwardly gathered himself for henry’s sake and apologized, then explained the situation at home (but twisted the story so that it favored him - it wasn’t his fault she was leaving him, she was the one who manipulated and abused him, etc). and upon hearing all that, being the empathetic soul he is, henry was ofc like “oh worm im so sorry????” and wound up trying to COMFORT him bc he’s baby. and once again, william had him wrapped around his little finger.
now, when his divorce was finalized and his custody of the kids got kinda fucked, and his wife got her first week with them, he snapped yet again. only this time, it was MUCH, MUCH worse. yet again, his meltdown involved henry (or rather, his family), and it was meant to be a cathartic moment - if my family can’t be happy, if i can’t be happy, neither can he. so when one of his henry’s twins wound up locked outside of the diner, he smiled at her - a familiar face for her, as henry’s best friend, and comforted her for a moment…just before stabbing her. and as she bled out on the pavement, he felt no remorse or sadness…in fact, his only concern was that henry might be nearby, since one of his damn kids was. so he haphazardly dragged her toward the back, near the dumpster, barely concealing her under some trashbags, and smiled as he loomed over her pathetically covered corpse. henry would be just as miserable as him now.
william changed into his “professional” outfit in the car, then scrubbed his hands clean in the bathroom the first chance he got, despite wearing gloves at the time of the murder. not even a few hours into the work day, he was being pestered by henry about the whereabouts of his daughter - he didn’t even know a parent could be so paranoid. master manipulator that he was, he assured his friend that she must’ve been around somewhere, probably playing with sammy or one of the other kids, or heck, maybe even playing hide-and-seek. kids are unpredictable! that seemed to ease his worries just enough for the time being, but in the meantime, he just chuckled to himself, knowing what a fool the man was and what panic and misery would ensue the second he knew what fate his daughter had met.
as anticipated, over the next few days, henry’s misery drastically intensified - she went from “missing” to “found” in what felt like a matter of moments, and all the while, william was his only pillar of support. and he was loving every second of it. being able to comfort him on his darkest days, hearing the weak “thank you”s every time he listened to the pitiful man’s venting, the long and anguished hugs. of course, it wasn’t because he was being a friend to him (although part of him did yearn for a closer relationship with henry like this) - it was because he was towering over him in a position of power, because now he was the one “on top.” henry was the one suffering now, moreso than him, and he would never be able to recover. in fact, william was doing better than ever - killing charlie seemed to instill him with more confidence than ever, and he LIKED that feeling.
henry became more and more disheveled, showing up to work in stained flannel and mussed up hair, bags under his red eyes because he’d been crying all night. this pattern continued for a long time, but the crying eventually stopped, though his sorrow was replaced by a deeply-seeded paranoia regarding his own diner. he feared the place, and feared his kids ever visiting it, despite him practically opening it up for them. and yet…none of his suspicions were placed on william. not the one person who’d comforted him in his darkest days, no. not his best friend. that man would never betray him.
eventually (after a bit of an expansion, thanks to some convincing on will’s part - new characters would make the place brand new, make him forget), the diner claimed another victim, and it wasn’t even by william’s own hand, much to his own surprise. another one of henry’s kids, funnily enough (from will’s perspective). he had to witness the man’s grieving process all over again, and support him all over again, all the while trying not to smirk as he towered atop him - when henry suffered, he felt higher than ever before, even though he loved the man to death. 
with this death, however, henry officially decided that it was high time that the diner closed down. he couldn’t bear another death on his hands - not another child of his, especially. he’d grieved enough, and he only had one left. even so, william wouldn’t give up. he convinced henry to create another restaurant, finally, but henry refused to make the animatronics himself…he didn’t trust himself anymore.
and so marked the first time that william invented animatronics of his own, with henry’s help. and once again, his ego soared, as he took to the inventing game rather rapidly - even henry remarked that he was impressed. his models were plastic, unlike henry’s fuzzy and soft ones, and he insisted that they would be more “kid-friendly” and fitted with safer technology to keep him happy. so, the 1987 restaurant was opened, and the toy models took over while the withered animatronics rotted in the back room.
in the meantime, william got to Killin for realsies. charlie was like…a warm up, but this was the real deal. he got sloppy, though, not realizing that his own tech would recognize Him as a criminal if he killed in front of them. in fact, it shouldn’t have been technologically possible. one of his creations - the toy version of foxy, and what would ultimately be the prototype of funtime foxy (mangle) - even recorded audio of him in the act. so, to keep them all in order, he tampered with their facial recognition software. then, he dismantled the mangle beyond repair, then passed it off to everyone around him as something the children did.
although william didn’t have much of a real motive for killing this time around, his interest was piqued when he overheard henry’s oldest son - an employee of the establishment - discussing issues with the current night guard, and how he complained about the animatronic’s behavior during the night. it might not mean much to anyone else, but the way they acted made it seem like they were aware. sentient, perhaps. and their behavior over the ensuing weeks made that possibility feel more and more likely - they stared at staff almost maliciously, and adults in general, but behaved normally around kids. and that caused him to wonder if there was any chance whether the spirits of the kids themselves could’ve tethered themselves and possessed the things.
regardless, when henry realized that more kids were going missing in this restaurant, he started to lose it again. he couldn’t keep it together anymore - and eventually, he managed to figure out just who was behind it all. and although william did his best to keep it together, and sway him otherwise, and smooth-talk him out of it, henry continued to push and push until he snapped and called him out for the liar and the monster that he was. with that, henry truly DID leave him - in fact, he’d left a suicide note, but he just disappeared. no body was ever found.
but despite everything, all the misery william put him through, all the intentional torture, william found himself absolutely devastated by that loss. and for once, he seemed to be genuinely saddened by it; instead of lashing out at others, as he was wont to do, he seemed to lash out at himself. he was a pretty rotund lad back in the day of fredbear’s and the 1987 freddy’s restaurant, but he grew incredibly, deathly thin in the months after henry left. a few new scars had gathered on his wrists by the end of the year. he grew more unkempt, just as henry had just after his losses.
but in time…he recovered. he grew to turn his sorrow and saudade into unbridled hatred. he didn’t need henry, he NEVER did. and to prove it, he made his own franchise and his own robotics company in 1990 - “circus baby’s pizza” and “afton robotics, llc.”, respectively. when his daughter’s interest was piqued after seeing him work on circus baby for the first time, he even encouraged her by telling her that circus baby was being made for her. that wasn’t the case, obviously, but it made her giddy and it would ultimately make her excited enough to possibly spread the word about the upcoming restaurant to her little friends.
finally, circus baby’s restaurant was open to the public - and unbeknownst to them, it was essentially a haven for child murder, just as william had planned for it to be. each of the animatronics had their own mechanisms for luring children away and for ensnaring them, and essentially all he had to do was watch the chaos unfold. this time around, it was an “experiment” of sorts - he wanted to see whether the kids really would possess the robots if they were killed inside of them, test out different methods, etc. as toy chica would say, though, “there is only one thing that could possibly go wrong…”
although william hadn’t been the best father, there is some part of him that did care about his kids. especially elizabeth, his “favorite” child. he may have ignored her - a lot - especially in favor of his work, as of late, but he did love her. and so when she ignored his constant warnings, his incessant pleading for her to stay away from circus baby, only to be snatched up the second she walked up to her…well. he was devastated, yet again.
he should’ve seen it coming, really, especially after telling her that he’d created circus baby “just for her.” but of course he hadn’t thought it through, and now she was gone. it was like he was reliving what he’d done to henry, wasn’t it? karma’s a bitch, ain’t it, afton.
he closed down circus baby’s after that single incident, and started working on an underground facility for the animatronics to be stored while his own mental state started to deteriorate more and more, since he was in almost complete isolation - not even his own son came to see him anymore now that he was entirely independent by now.
around this time, the next freddy’s opened up - the owner just so happened to be henry’s oldest son, the only apparent survivor of the tragedies that befell his family. this IMMEDIATELY caught william’s attention, and reignited the grudge he felt toward henry and his family all over again. he’d get “revenge” for what was done to him, and even to his daughter - at least, that was how it was justified in his twisted mind.
he applied for a job as a dayshift worker under an alias, since he would be recognized otherwise. thankfully, his appearance had changed SO drastically over the years that even henry’s kid - who’d spent so much time around him back in the day - couldn’t piece his identity together. not at first, anyway…but by then, it was too late. he got to work with his usual pattern - luring kids away with the suit they kept in the back room, then stuffing them into the animatronics.
fortunately for him, this could be the experiment he missed out on when he lost his daughter and closed his own restaurant down. and he didn’t have to pay the price for it - henry’s franchise, son, and overall legacy did. he kept a keen eye on the animatronics’ behavior both before and after the children were killed, and he was fascinated to find that they were indeed haunted. something about the semi-conscious bodies being tethered to metal caused their souls to become tethered, too - which led to events like this. 
in fact, their behavior got so aggressive that they started hunting night guards - most of them either quit to keep their lives or mysteriously went “missing” in the night, but william knew what happened. he could see their clumsily stuffed bodies in spare suits in the back. the animatronics were getting revenge for what happened to them, and he was intrigued. but at the same time, he was given a new hope…
he decided to re-dedicate some of his attention to circus baby and her friends with these new discoveries in mind. his resources went to staff and machinery that would allow the bunker to be automated for them - and once that was sufficient (despite a few losses here and there - what can you do? the animatronics Were designed to be killers, after all), he even started up a rental service for them. it wasn’t big, but it was a side project. and in the meantime, he contacted his son about a job offer.
it took some convincing, especially since this offer was coming from a father who had never treated his son well, but because it was about his sister - and despite the supernatural circumstances surrounding the situation - he ultimately accepted. his son would take a job at the rental place as a night technician, but his actual goal would be to find elizabeth and “put her back together.”
with all that settled, this particular freddy’s inevitably closed down FOR GOOD. after all, plenty of grieving parents had come forward, alongside customers complaining about blood and mucus seeping out of the animatronics, and the owner himself had “gone missing” during the night shift (after taking the place of his last willing night guard). and so william went in the abandoned restaurant one last time to dispose of the evidence. after dismantling all of the animatronics and retreating to the safe room, however, he was met with the ghosts of the children he’d killed - and one of them in particular started to approach him. 
he wasn’t sure what they could do, but he was frightened enough to back away until he locked eyes with his springlock suit in the corner - and he suited up one last time, positive that once they saw him as “spring bonnie,” the cheerful character that they’d loved and trusted before they died, they’d leave him alone. he made one fatal mistake, though - in his surge of confidence, he laughed to himself the second he put the suit on, which triggered the springlocks. and once one of them went off, all of them started to go off, one by one, inflicting a quite painful death - or what ought to have been one. william always comes back, y’know.
the safe room got sealed up - william never knew who did it, or why, but it seemed like a premeditated arrangement by henry’s son - and 30 years later, fazbear frights opened up and william was Pissed. he’d been locked up all that time and he was itchin for revenge…and since the emily family was gone, he was ready to take his anger out on the world around him. except there was no escape from this attraction, all over again - and there was only one person around. a “guard.”
only, when he approached the makeshift office, what did he find? the “guard” this time around was none other than his goddamn son - except that his son was barely recognizable now, deformed, corpsey, and boney. if it weren’t for the wig and the make-up to make his skin resemble…skin, he Wouldn’t have recognized him. william was a confused and angry stinky, rotting bunny.
every time he managed to make it up to the window pane just in front of the office, he slammed his animatronic paws on it demandingly and tried to speak to michael through severed vocal chords. michael, on the other hand, would wince and desperately try to lure him into another room by distracting the suit he was inside of (which still had a mind of its own, even with him being somewhat dominant) with those damn balloon boy giggles, and he would be unwittingly forced to leave.
the miserable pattern continued for a week until michael set the place ablaze, trying to get rid of the franchise’s worst mistake - william himself. of course, he failed, and william survived…and now he had a new target. his son himself. whoops. and that leads us into the final freddy’s restaurant.
a freddy fazbear’s pizza joint that michael himself opens up, to salvage all the final pieces of the fazbear franchise and get rid of them once and for all, to make sure that everyone is set free. william is, of course, one of these final pieces - and despite realizing that this must be a trap, this piques his curiosity, and he’s confident that he’ll be able to escape again. that’s what he did before.
unfortunately for him, the construction of this place was too clever for him to anticipate - a carefully-constructed labyrinth that would endlessly lure him and the others in a circle, up until the final day, where they would all meet their end in a fiery grave.
and, of course, there’s the end - where william meets his ending in hell, surrounded by the animatronics he’s gotten to know so well; some of which he’s created, some of which henry has, some of which are haunted by his victims, some of which are a product of circumstance, and some of which…are him himself. and the one orchestrating it all just so happens to be henry’s boy…sammy, represented by golden freddy, one of the most vengeful spirits there.
NOW. uh. i’m sure you’ve gotten a taste of it throughout all of this, but we can talk a lil more about his personality and stuff?
william is a very mentally ill boio, but i really like to hone in on the fact that he’s a bpd bastard because i feel like there were lots of hints about that in the books. maybe that’s just me though. i mean, the fact that he wrote stuff about henry that ranged from the dude being his idol and him loving his work to him almost hating his guts and being consumed by jealousy for his talents kinda sealed the deal for me on THAT headcanon?? so he’s got like - a debilitating fear of abandonment, acts kinda recklessly / impulsively, is INCREDIBLY antisocial, hostile, and irritable, has mood swings a-plenty, is actually VERY insecure even though he’ll never show that to anyone around him, and is really self-destructive even if he doesn’t fucking realize it. like, this man will shrug off ANY self-blame until the cows come home.
and straight down the line, i think william meets all the criteria for having antisocial personality disorder, too. disregard for right and wrong, persistent lying to exploit others, disrespecting others, manipulating others for personal gain, arrogance and a sense of superiority, CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, impulsiveness and failure to plan ahead, hostility, aggression, violence, lack of remorse, dangerous behavior, abusive relationships, failure to consider negative consequences or learn from them, and being consistently irresponsible and failing to meet work obligations.
so he’s obviously manipulative and cruel, and a pathological liar. but well, he can be…nice when he wants to be? it’s usually when he’s first starting his relationships, but it’s never quite “right” - there’s a moment of peace while he struggles to find what his new friend/partner wants in somebody, and he’ll do anything to meet their expectations and keep them happy until they’re content enough for him to start showing his true colors. 
in his wife’s case, he was a perfect gentleman who did anything for her, but then he started getting upset with her very easily over the littlest things. things escalated drastically over time, but he apologized every time and assured her he would be better for her, bought her candy and flowers, anything to remind her of that perfect guy he was at first. and that sort of pattern continued up until they were married, and she miserably stuck with him through the arguments and bruises and incidents with her children until she finally had enough.
on a similar note, he really did care about henry (before it all went astray) - henry was his closest friend and it really showed in just how intense his attachment was to him. his depression over henry’s loss was far more intense than what he went through after his divorce. unfortunately, his affection for henry just manifested in an INCREDIBLY twisted way, with his jealousy and bitterness often taking hold more than any actual kindness he might possess. 
there’s also his kids - even though michael got the short end of the stick, william did occasionally show…some shred of affection toward him. let’s just say that a lot of the ways that michael was mistreated, beaten, and kicked while he was down was how william was treated as a kid, and those patterns took over once he had kids of his own. when he wasn’t taking out his anger on his family, he did act like a real father every so often, treating his kids to Good days at the diner and letting them play alongside henry’s kids, or playing with them himself, or just tucking them in at night and doing little things to show he did care, even a tiny bit.
and as for elizabeth, the favoritism was real. when william was working on his bigger projects, like starting up fredbear’s or actually designing and creating animatronics - those for circus baby’s pizzeria in particular - she got ignored a lot more, which always upset her, but other than that? she got PLENTY of attention. love from her dad (though his “i love you”s were always spoken so haphazardly to both of his children, whether he intended for them to sound that way or not), playtime (though he always seemed bored), and he would take her out every so often to get ice cream (her favorite). circus baby might not actually have been made for her, but one aspect of her design was certainly inspired by her - the ice cream dispenser. her father’s attitude was always what made her insecure - and there were other things behind the scenes too, like the way he threw out her drawings when she wasn’t looking (she always found them in the trash later on).
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