#starter x mace
x-wanderingsouls · 1 year
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Starter: Mace to Gray ( @collextivesoul ) Location: Canis Lupis
Despite not having been in the pack since the age of ten, Mace did still have friends that were -- close, childhood friends who actually knew who he was to the pack and their alpha; hence the few drinks at the very place his big brother owned. While knowing this, Mace, of course thought that perhaps this was the day Gray wouldn't be in, or maybe it would be the day that they'd sort their shit and actually become brothers, which was a time that Mace could barely remember; the odd memory popped up in the small hours of the morning when the hunter was attempting sleep. "Fuck it." mangled words grumbled as Mace's senses alerted the wolf to Gray's presence, unsure of how this would go, though too many beers deep to stop it. "You joining, or am I leaving?"
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recklesseeker-x · 2 years
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Starter from Jett to Mace - @x-violentdelights Location: 5pm bar.
                                   “Would you rather be born without knee’s, or be born without elbows?” Was asked as soon as they were both within earshot of each other, Jett having just walked into 5pm as soon as he had closed down the garage and locked up; it was his every night ritual after all. Fingers then lightly drummed against the bar top, it being one of his many small indicators that something had agitated him today, whilst waiting for a drink he knew would come. “I’d go no knee’s, I reckon -- wanna be able to have a wank.” 
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captawesomesauce · 1 year
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So I'm just getting a bit of my stuff prepped for Hurricane Hilary and these pics are just a snippet of what I've got lined up. The thing is, I'm not too worried about Hilary as I'm planning on staying home, chilling, and just reading on my kindle until it passes. BUT, all of this stuff is good to have in case of an earthquake which can happen any day of the week, any time of the day! So it's good to be prepared! For those who want my list that I have been checking off today, it's below the read more. The key things are:
Food (x)
Water (x)
Meds & First Aid (x)
Cash on hand (x)
Gas in car (x)
Fans for dealing with the heat (x)
Solar Panels & Battery packs (x)
Stuff to do (arts/crafts/kindle) (x)
Wet weather gear (x)
Clothes 1 pair of leather wildland gloves Clothes 1 pair of padded extraction gloves Clothes 2 Fire Brush jackets Clothes 2 Hard hats Clothes 2 pair of good closed toe shoes Clothes 2 pair of gorilla grip safety gloves Clothes 2 rain coats Clothes 2 rain hats Clothes 2 Umbrellas Cooling 1 Fan/lantern (C batteries w/4 extra batteries) Cooling 1 standing room fan Cooling 3 handheld fans w/water tanks Fire 1 Fire extinguisher outside front door Fire 1 window/balcony escape ladder Fire 3 Fire blankets (1 in the kitchen, 1 bedroom, 1 office) Fire 4 Fire extinguishers throughout the house Food 1 long bbq lighter Food Lots of blueberries Food Lots of canned soups Food lots of condiments Food Lots of crackers/chips/Pretzels Food Lots of freeze dried fruits/veggies Food Lots of Nuts and Trailmix Food Lots of ramen Food Lots of shelf stable/canned meats Food Lots of veggies Light 1 handheld led lantern/flashlight Light 12+ led lights for rooms Light 2 chest mounted lights with reflective harnesses Light 2 handheld flashlights Light 2 head mounted lights Light 8 led puck lights med 1 large stocked first aid kit w/burn & trauma supplies med 1 small stocked first aid kit with bleeding supplies med blood pressure cuff Med N95 & P100 masks med pulse ox meter med stethscope Misc Cash on hand in small bills Power 1 100w Solar Panel Power 1 car jumper/battery pack Power 1 Large Battery pack 146WH 42000mAH Power 1 Large Battery pack 150Wh 40800mAH Power 1 Large Battery pack 250WH 64800mAH Power 1 orange solar panel battery pack (10,000) Power 1 orange solar panel battery pack with wireless charging (10,000) Power 1 white battery pack Power 2 21W Solar Panel Power lots of rechargeable and non-rechargeable AA/AAA batteries Radio 1 desk scanner with NOAA weather alert Radio 2 handheld transceivers Radio 2 programmed handheld scanners w/NOAA radio SD Mace Peppergun SD Taser Stuff to do 2 kindles loaded with books Stuff to do arts and crafts projects Tool 1 demolition tool Tool 1 folding pocket knife Tool 1 Machete/Saw Tool 1 Multipurpose Shovel (shovel/e-tool/window breaker/fire starter/saw/axe) tool 1 raptor EMS shears Tool 1 SOG multitool Tool 2 full rolls of duct tape Tool 2 full rolls of masking tape Tool Various Bungee cords Tool Various ropes & tie downs Water 1 5 gallon collapsible water bucket in the tub Water 1 5 gallon water bottle w/dispenser Water 1 large pitcher of water Water 2 30 cup water filter pitchers Water gallons of bottled water Water multiple 2l and 3l camping bladders of water
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katyspersonal · 10 months
Brador 1, 2, 25, 7 <3
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like Brador a lot!! I love his design, for starters: both the very concept of a normal dude in normal suit putting a cleric beast scalp over himself and just his face underneath! Also a really mysterious character. A kind of misanthropic, likely nihilist philosopher that has a lot to say on life, human nature and society! I am a huge sucker for such characters.. even if within Soulsborne, this kind of deep insight (HA) on the world is usually misery and despair. What always draws me in is "a character worth talking to"!
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He feels for me like someone that defends the (morally questionable) fundament of the Healing Church because he is blackpilled on how exposing the truth and changing the system will be just another pointless turn of the vicious cycle. Like... bro, you telling me you don't realize that Church's ways are doomed after witnessing Laurence (or another cleric) become a beast too? You might be a dumb bitch but you are not stupid! It strikes me more as him wanting the institution to run its natural course into dying, without extra panic or god forbid, a more corrupt person taking the mantle after Laurence's authority is crashed. But interpretation of him just being a very devout, lovestruck madman that stands with his (not yet) cancelled boss is fun and is good too! He is very depressing yet engaging character in either way!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Weird, but I love how he secluded himself in the cell and haven't had anyone visit it in... decades, maybe? His real body is old! And only attacked via astral projection. I get this is just more efficient and safe seeing how the bells and curses work in Bloodborne setting, but why not ring the bell from the comfort of his bedroom or something? He either didn't even trust himself to keep his mouth shut, or it was the price he was willing to pay to never part with the beast hyde of the person he valued (because someone might connect the dots for all you know), or both!
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I feel deja vu, I swear I said that somewhere already.. My first exposure to him was a portrait of him and some other hunters on a shared canvas, and he was depicted without the beast scalp! Seeing his (very flattering xd) portrait and title 'Brador the Church assassin' gave me an impression of a very serious, collected, handsome guy that'd just stalk the enemies and quietly kill them...
Well, turned out that he was a bit more feral than them, not to mention using not a poisoned dagger but an ass huge mace with the spikes made out of his own blood! 🤣 Not that I started to perceive him as, how kids call it, "skrungly scrimblo", but apparently some passion and madness got added to my initial much chill impression x) I like both the reality and the first impression, though! Guess you can't go wrong with the concept of an assassin in any way.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Wait, fandom does things for this character?? WHERE????? /lh
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Okay, I jest, Brador is just unfairly underrated xd But I fucking love the theory about him killing Laurence, it makes sense and it is the most heartbreaking one! ...until someone writes a very engaging and deep story between him and a cleric OC friend, I guess... I also enjoy when him and Maria interact! They are functionally doing the same thing, and share this "Fools do not become smart when they are given knowledge, they just become more dangerous fools" attitude.
Thank you for the ask! <:3
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antiiromanticx · 1 year
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Starter: Mace - @x-violentdelights Location: 5PM
                       ❧  "Bye Everyone!" Camila gave her goodbyes to the crew at work before heading out. It was way past midnight but not close to sunrise yet. If was was fast enough she's be able to catch Mace before he actually left his bar to fully close. If she had more time she would have showed up with food but she was cutting it close. When she got there she notice light were on but no one else but him was there. She knocked on the door, offering a smile from the other side of the glass. She leaned in blowing her hot breath on the glass before writing 'surprise' on it
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@x-violentdelights​ gets a starter for Mace
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Location: Tatum’s Condo, factionless section.
Tatum didn’t bring just anyone back to her place. There were only a few who knew where she lived. Wasn’t that she didn’t trust much people, it was just because of her line of work, she didn’t want enemies to come barging in here while she was doing someone or something. With that thought in mind, she had managed a decent lunch for Mace now, and was carrying it toward her bedroom, placing the tray beside the bed he was currently occupying. “ Consider yourself honored. You’re the only one that’s laid in this bed.” She teases him now, emerald hue racking over his face, before she was handing him the coffee she’d made. “Who knew that we could do the whole lunch thing in bed.” Again another tease of words given to him. 
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collextivesoul · 1 year
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      Private starter for - Mace @x-violentdelights        Location - Mace’s apartment            “You lazy little shit” Ramsey practically yelled as she bolled into Mace’s room completely uninvited before her hybrid speed took her to his window where she opened the curtains, revealing to him that the day had already begun. “Its lunchtime, and people want their beers and by people I mean me. Come on, get dressed before I pull that sheet off - I’ve never seen a full moon in the daytime”
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The 355
“The 355″ is a lazy, generic, and mediocre movie at best and feminist lip service for the sole purpose of profit at worst.
Mace Brown is a CIA operative that is tasked on a mission to retrieve a decryption program drive that could potentially start World War III. On her mission, German undercover BND agent Marie Schmidt manages to swipe the drive and Mace’s partner, Nick, is presumed to be dead. Now Mace must travel to London in order to recruit retired MI-6 operative Khadijah Adiyeme and save the world.
Jessica Chastain, the worst part of “Dark Phoenix”, and Simon Kinberg, director of the worst X-Men movie of all time, came together to shit out this uninspired piece of hot garbage. Now, don’t get me wrong. I think Jessica Chastain is a talented actress who’s trying to do good in the world. My problem is with director Simon Kinberg. The only directing credits he has are “The 355″ and “Dark Phoenix”. He co-wrote both movies and I’m starting to see a pattern in his filmography. “The 355″ is boring and uninspired. I know I throw around those phrases a lot, but if there was any time I truly meant it, it’s now. This movie is just your standard spy movie affair, but everything is done with mediocrity. For starters, the action is bland. This movie tries hard to keep a PG-13 rating and plays it too safe. There is no blood to be seen anywhere. I think it’s fine to not have a bloody film, but I think the violence should then be implied. It’s a powerful thing to let the audience’s imagination create all the violence for you. The most egregious example of this was when Sebastian Stan’s Nick finally gets revenge on the man who tried to have him killed. This hit was personal so, in a fit of anger, Nick unloads an entire clip into the man. For whatever reason, the camera cuts to the man sitting in his chair with his body splayed out in an uncomfortable position with no blood or damage to his clothes. I don’t understand why it was necessary to show that. It just took away from the impact of the scene. The action is also shot with extra-nauseating shaky cam. I’m not the type of person to completely write off shaky cam. I think it can be used effectively to sell chaos in a scene. However, the shaky cam is so bad in this movie that I started to feel my eyes get sore from darting around the edges of the frame. The fight choreography was absolutely lazy. Characters like Black Widow might not be as strong as the men she faces, but she makes up for amazing agility and skill. Black Widow’s victories are earned because the opponent actually puts up a good fight and it’s through her wit and quick thinking that she’s able to beat them. In “The 355″, there’s none of that. Jessica Chastain has a scene where she beats up a trained thug that’s twice her size. She doesn’t do it by using her environment to her advantage or capitalizing on a weakness she found. Instead, the movie expects me to buy that she just overpowered him in raw strength. So much so that the man didn’t put up a fight. He never attempted to throw her off balance or anything. He just took the hits because the fight was designed to be one-sided. All the enemies just don’t use their brains in this movie. These trained officers don’t check their corners or work together to close the gap between them and their target. Nick doesn’t even look up to see that he had a gun pointed at him at point-blank. That’s just the criticism for the action alone. The rest of the movie isn’t better. Take for instance the characters. Where is the character dynamic of having four out of five main characters be the same character? They’re all spies who work for their country. Nothing more than that. I don’t know anything about any of the characters other than who they’re dating. The only remotely interesting character was Penélope Cruz’s Graciela Rivera. Even then, I just couldn’t be bothered to remember her name. At least Graciela had stakes. She had a husband and kids who she loved with all of her heart. The few scenes of her video calling them sold me on their love for each other and made it so that I was rooting for her. She’s also the only one in the group who isn’t a spy, so she’s the only one who could offer something different to the story. Even still, she spends the whole movie freaking out about the situation, but then flips a switch and seduces a target for a mission. Lupita Nyong’o brings her A-game to this movie, which I don’t understand. She did not need to be this good with the material she was given. Watching Lupita Nyong’o act in this movie was the only highlight for me. Fan Bingbing felt like an inclusion to win China’s favor rather than to be culturally diverse. It says a lot when the whole point of the movie is to have international spies, but one of them felt shoehorned in. Fan Bingbing’s Lin Mi Sheng just appears in the latter half of this movie and just helps the team out because the script needed her to. Speaking of the script doing contrived things, the reveal of Nick being evil was predictable and boring. It’s sad too since it really feels like Sebastian Stan is trying to give a decent performance, but is given horrible direction. I could ramble on about why this movie was bad, but I’d just be recapping the movie at this point. This movie is clearly one of those January releases that were sent off to die. Don’t waste your time with this movie.
Watched on January 21st, 2022
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cbsidian · 3 years
          EVER SINCE HE had arrived, Rhys had been wondering what the fuck he had been doing at a vampire’s party. But the reason presented itself almost too easily, and he couldn’t wait to find Mace. “There he is, the man of the hour!” the shifter bellowed as he noticed Mace making his way over to the bar. Rhys had been trying to figure out how he was supposed to carry all the shot glasses anyway, so this worked out better. “You know, I’m about to have a whale of a fuckin’ time because your ex is over there,” he gave a pointed nod towards Mila. “Her best friend is right there,” he nodded towards Blake. “And the girl you’re sleepin’ with is-” Rhys pointed his index finger in her general direction.
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elenamiria · 4 years
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Do Request:
Headcannons, Fics, Drabbles (Pretty much any length is fine, just know longer requests may take longer)
Characters are listed below (If you don’t see the character you want listed just message me or send me an ask!)
For NSFW I’m fairly comfortable with various kinks but the No’s are listed below.
Characters [Favorites are bolded] : [For platonic requests all SW characters are allowed]  Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, Rex, Cody, Fives, The Bad Batch, Jango Fett, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Din Djarin, Paz Vizsla, Poe Dameron, Finn, Rey, Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Ben Solo  Pedro Pascal Characters: Javier Peña, Max Phillips Horror: Michael Myers, Brahms Heelshire, GhostFace (Billy/Stu)  Do not request: Real life people, Underage or pedophilia, incest (or clonecest), watersports or defecation, Extreme violence or Gore (Canon-Typical is fine), Extreme Angst (Canon-typical is fine), Anything that makes me super uncomfortable - if this is the case I’ll give some logic behind any requests I deny
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Just some fun little prompt lists they are not necessary to request! (Feel free to send me lists and I’ll update this as I go) 
200 Various Prompts   Grumpy Affectionate Starters    50 Cliche Tropes 50 Types of Kisses    Fake Dating Prompts    Platonic Enemies to Friends
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⭐️ = In Progress | ✨ = Final Edits | 💫 = Completed & Tentative Post Date
Kinktober #9 Request | Darth Maul x Reader ⭐️
Sexy times | Kit Fisto x Reader ⭐️
Soft Hurt/Comfurt & smut Fic | Kanan Jarrus x Reader
Kanan saving reader from troopers &  smut | Kanan Jarrus x Reader
Fluffy Graffiti confession, Modern AU  | Maul x gn!Reader
Subby Luke piece for Katrynec | Luke x Reader
 Plo fluff, looking at stars and talking | Plo x Reader 
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ofpearlsxgods · 4 years
“It’s improper to be seen doing that.” (Nicholas and Mary Jane)
royal au starters !! | sent by ( @x-wearethefuture-x )
It was Mary Jane’s job to keep an eye on the youngest of the royal bunch. It was easier said than done, for Yewon was as slippery as an eel. But the lady-in-waiting seemed to have it easy since that whenever the princess managed to escape her, all that Mary Jane needed to do was to look out for Haru. He was both her childhood friend and a magnet to runaway princesses. So all she had to do was to find Haru, which was not that much of a deal because knowing him and knowing what time it was, there was only one place where he could be.
Mary Jane watched as Yewon marched towards where Haru stood, fresh from sword fighting practise with Iseul. It seemed, however, by the look on their faces, that they found themselves in the middle of quarrelling. Oh, she wanted to see how that ended. The lady-in-waiting had seen that look in her friend’s face multiple times, he was about to kick some ass. She just did not expect to be the princess’; if there was anything that he’d want to do to that ass, it was not kicking it. 
To save herself from dwelling into the topic any further, Mary Jane distracted herself with the weapons her friends had been using for practice. There were wooden staffs to substitute swords, bows and arrows, axes, maces and, her personal favourite, daggers. There was a particularly beautiful one that caught her attention. Small, light and of delicate lines. Although forever fond of jewellery, headpieces, flowers and puffy gowns, Mary Jane was the first born to a high ranking military man. She grew up surrounded by weapons and learned to wield them as well as to find the beauty that each one held. While she knew how to manoeuvre a sword and was not bad at the bow and arrow, she much preferred smaller weapons, weapons that she could conceal under the skirts of her dress.
"Doing what? Pick my weapon in case I’ve to take Yewon’s place if loses? If that is to happen, Haru won’t live to see another day.” The corners of her mouth curved into a smile as she heard his voice. If Mary Jane knew that Nicholas would be around the practise grounds, she’d have come looking out for the princess sooner. She reached for the dagger that caught her attention in the first place. “Or perhaps you’re afraid that I might look too good while holding one of these.” Mary Jane glanced over her shoulder to Nicholas, her cheeks rosy not from the afternoon sun but from his presence alone. “If that’s the case, sir, I must warn you: if you try to approach me in less than a proper way, I’ll be forced to take measures.” What kind of measures, do you ask? Nicholas would have to find out by himself.
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x-wanderingsouls · 1 year
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Starter: Mace to Max ( @xbeautifulmonsters ) Location: The diner
"Six letter word, and the clue is sexy." the werewolf murmured to himself, keenly aware of the pair of eyes that were glancing over his delicious looking face, begging for his own gaze to swing her way; all at the right time. While feigning confusion, with Max pouring a customer a coffee and giving Mace her own look, the hunter turned to the woman who was practically drooling, cocking his head to the right as he asked. "Sweetheart, your name got six letters in it I could use?" cue the stupid grin that seemed to make those twinkling eyes more noticeable. "Tell you what, how about you give me your phone-number, and I'll give you a call; for the sake of this here crossword." a few minutes later, and new number in hand, as the soon to be bedded woman left the diner, Mace turned his attention to his best friend, flashing her a wink. "Pretty sure I'm in the wrong line of work; should be working for the phone company."
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recklesseeker-x · 2 years
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Starter from Jensen to Mace - @x-violentdelights​
                                       “Oi, cunt.” Was shouted loudly, his thick Liverpool accent being amped up to a fucking thousand as words came out slow and slurred, Jensen pulling off his jacket as he approached Mace and an unknown girl, most likely yet another random that approached him. Obnoxious words were said, drinks were spilled and the girl was gone in less than two minutes, Jensen then straightening up completely and now taking the seat shortly after she left. “You’re welcome, mate.” 
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natashasbanner · 4 years
The New Normal, Chapter 2
Adjusting to life after saving the world was easier said than done. It took time, but Macy was working on it, one step at a time.
Macy-centric, post season one AU.
A/N: Please enjoy :) 
Also on AO3
“This couldn’t wait until it stopped raining?” Maggie complained as they turned the corner off of main street. 
She was struggling to keep up with Macy who held the umbrella they were sharing. Macy glanced over and slowed down to match her pace, shifting the umbrella to cover her more. Maggie had been over the moon at their impromptu shopping trip. And she eagerly latched onto Macy’s idea for the balcony garden.
“It’s been raining for days,” Mel said from behind them. “We all have time today. Might as well make the most of it.” 
“Sorry,” Maggie grumbled, looping her arm through Macy’s to keep her from speeding up again. “I haven’t had a good hair day in weeks, excuse me for being a little grumpy.” 
“A little?” Mel questioned with scoff. 
Maggie looked over her shoulder, jerking Macy’s arm a little to make a face at Mel. She felt the cold water from the ground splash against the back of her legs and imagined Mel kicking at a puddle in retaliation to Maggie’s face making. 
Macy chuckled to herself as Maggie faced forward again. She missed this, the endearingly juvenile moments where they were nothing more than three sisters. She regretted keeping them at arms length for so long. 
Maggie bumped her shoulder against hers and Macy swallowed, looking over with her eyebrows raised. 
“You’re being awfully quiet,” Maggie said, her voice quiet. “You okay?” 
“Fine,” Macy said, feeling her jaw tightening involuntarily. 
“You sure?”
She shrugged Maggie’s hand away and straightened her shoulders. “I said I’m fine.” 
Macy didn’t mean to be so short and she knew Maggie meant well, but it was her knee jerk reaction. It made her feel like they were walking on eggshells around her, waiting for her to crumble. She wasn’t going to crumble. She wasn’t going break. Macy missed her sisters, but she didn’t want to spend the day feeling like a burden. 
Macy stopped and turned around to face them. Maggie’s eyes shone with quiet concern and Mel looked apprehensive. 
“Look,” she started with a sigh. “I promise I’m okay. I just want to go shopping. Okay?” 
They were silent an uncomfortably long time as they stared at her. It was Mel who spoke first. 
“The store’s just around the corner,” she said, pointing down the road. “Should have everything we’re looking for.” 
Maggie offered a small smile. “And we have to stop in the antique store.” 
“Great,” Macy said, holding her arm out for Maggie again. She was relieved that she took it without hesitation. “Let’s go.” 
Macy caught Mel’s smirk, as Maggie tugged her along again. Macy let out a breath. Not a great start, but at least they were back to familiar. 
Mel was right, they got seeds, starter pots, soil and some new gardening tools all in one place. They put it all in the car and Maggie dragged Macy and Mel to the antique store by the hands. Mel drifted off on her own when they stepped inside, but Maggie stayed by Macy’s side, lazily guiding her through the winding rows of antiques.
She didn’t say much outside of pointing out a few things that would be nice to replace some of the furniture they’d lost to the never ending stream of creatures, good and evil, passing through the house. 
“I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier,” Macy said when Maggie stopped them in front of a display of incomplete dining sets. “You didn’t deserve that.” 
Maggie shrugged and let go of her arm to pick up a tea cup from the shelf. “It’s okay.” 
“It’s not,” Macy argued, shaking her head. 
“We can be overbearing and you asked for space,” Maggie said, returning the tea cup to its place. “I can’t help but worry sometimes.” 
“I know.” Macy followed behind her as she moved further down the row of shelves. “But we all went through hell last year. You have your own stuff to deal with. I don’t want to be another one of your problems.” 
Maggie let out a snort and picked up a plate, tracing her finger over the floral pattern that wove around the edge. 
“What?” Macy asked, turning to look at the mismatched assortment of cups and bowls. 
“For someone so smart, you can be really dumb sometimes, Mace.” Maggie put the plate back and kept moving down the shelf. “No offense.” 
Macy chuckled softly, tilting her head to one side. “I’m a little offended.” 
“You’re my sister, whether you like it or not you are my problem. Mel too. Forever.” she said, meeting Macy’s eyes with a soft smile. “You might not need us there all the time, but we’re here. Just in case.” 
Macy reached out and pulled Maggie against her. Maggie’s arms wound around her waist and held her tightly. 
“I love you, Mags.” Macy said softly and she heard Maggie sniff against her coat. “I’m here for you too. Forever.” 
Maggie pulled away, shaking her head and swiping at the tears that had dripped onto her cheeks. 
“Well, this is embarrassing,” she said with short laugh, meeting Macy’s eyes. 
Macy reached out and squeezed her shoulder, offering a smile. Tears stung her own eyes, but they didn’t fall. She was too good at keeping them in. 
“It’s not exactly ideal to be having this conversation in the middle of a store.” 
Maggie laughed and looked at Macy seriously. “But it needed to be said. We’re better together and all that right?” 
Macy nodded, looping her arm through Maggie’s. “Right,” she agreed. 
“There you are,” Mel said, coming around the corner. She faltered for a moment, taking in their red rimmed eyes and the fresh tear tracks in Maggie’s makeup. “Everything okay?”
Macy glanced over at Maggie who nodded. “We’re good.”  
“Good.” She blew out a breath and dragged a hand through her hair. “I don’t know about you two, but I’m starving. You wanna grab something to eat?” 
“Definitely,” Macy said. 
“Not before I’ve had a chance to fix,” Maggie gestured at her face with her free hand. “All of this.” 
Mel rolled her eyes and turned for the door. Macy exchanged a smile with Maggie and followed after Mel, feeling lighter than she had when they walked into the store. 
Mel picked the diner right around the corner from the antique shop. It wasn’t Macy’s favorite, but it was the closest and there wasn’t a wait. Maggie went back to the car to fix her makeup, while Mel and Macy sat in the booth looking at their menus in silence. 
That feeling returned, the one she got earlier when Mel started to leave after bringing her breakfast. Emboldened by her earlier talk with Maggie, Macy cleared her throat. 
Mel flipped the menu over, but didn’t look up. “Huh?” 
“There’s something I want to tell you,” Macy said, wringing her hands in her lap. Her palms were sweaty and she felt some of the nerve she’d worked up start to slip away. Maggie was always easier to talk to, but this was something she wanted to talk about with Mel. 
Mel glanced up with a raised eyebrow. “What’s up?” 
Macy opened her mouth, but closed it again, searching for the right words. She clutched her fingers under the table and took a deep breath. Mel watched her, waiting for her to say something. Mel liked direct, so Macy decided that she would just come out with it. Lay everything on the table for Mel to process and analyze and wait for her to respond. 
“I got a job,” she said, dropping her gaze to the table. “My dream job, in Ann Arbor. And I was going to take it.” 
Mel tensed, her jaw tightening visibly. She sucked in a breath and then another before she relaxed against the booth. 
“But you didn’t take it?” she asked, her tone calmer than Macy expected. 
“How could I?” Macy shrugged and words started tumbling out of her before she could stop them. “I was ready to run because everything here hurt so much and it was a chance for a, for a fresh start. Ann Arbor is only two hours away and I could come back to help when you guys needed me to. It was perfect.” 
Mel tilted her head to one side, her expression softening. “What stopped you?” 
“I don’t know. Everytime I started packing or when I worked up the courage to tell you and Maggie, I chickened out. There’s still a half packed suitcase in my closet.” She blew out a breath, shaking her head at herself. “But as much as it hurt to be here, with all the reminders of Galvin and everything else that happened, deep down I knew I didn’t really want to leave. It was just the easiest thing to do at the time.” 
The corner of Mel’s mouth quirked up and she reached across the table, her palm open and inviting. Macy didn’t hesitate taking Mel’s hand and relaxed when she squeezed her fingers. 
“But I have you and Maggie and even though our lives are less than stable on a good day, I realized I don’t want to go back to being alone.” 
“Trust me, you don’t have to worry about being alone ever again,” Mel said softly. She swallowed and her eyes were shining under the fluorescent lights overhead. 
Macy smiled. “So I’ve been told.” 
Mel squeezed her hand again. “And if you ever need to talk, I’m here you know. You don’t have to sit out in the rain by yourself all morning.” 
“I like the rain,” Macy argued. 
Mel pulled her hand away with a low chuckle. She looked back down at the menu, a smile tugging at her lips. 
“You could always join me out there,” Macy said and Mel looked up at her again. “If you ever wanted to talk or anything.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
The click of Maggie’s heels against the floor drew Macy’s attention and she squeezed into the booth beside her. 
“Did you guys order yet?” she asked looking between Macy and Mel. 
“Not yet,” Mel answered, turning her menu over again. 
“We were waiting for you,” Macy said, sliding her menu in front of Maggie. 
Maggie smiled. “Thanks.” 
“Thank you for coming with me,” Macy said as they walked up the stairs to the front door. “Today was fun.” 
“Just like old times,” Maggie grunted, shifting the bags in her arms. 
“What old times?” Mel asked skeptically and Macy could imagine her raised eyebrow without looking over at her. “There wasn’t exactly time for anything other than preventing the apocalypse since we got our powers.” 
“Well we should make this a regular thing,” Maggie said and Macy caught her sticking her tongue out Mel.
“I agree,” Macy spoke up, moving in front of Maggie to unlock the front door. 
“I’m in too, but maybe next time we could do something that doesn’t involve four hours walking around downtown in the rain,” Mel said, shuffling in behind them.  
Macy walked to set her bags down in the living room and sighed in relief when she shrugged her coat off of her shoulders. 
“Sister Saturdays?” Maggie said, her voice taking on the squeaky quality it got when she was excited. “Just the three of us?” 
“We could see a movie next week,” Macy suggested, rejoining them in the foyer. “Go for drinks after? No walking around in the rain for hours involved.”  
Mel slumped against the door and closed her eyes. “Sounds wonderful,” she pushed herself away from the door suddenly, pulling her phone out of her pocket. “I have to get ready and I smell like a wet dog. Text me when you pick a movie.” 
She was up the stairs before Macy or Maggie could say anything else. Maggie turned to Macy, grinning. 
“This is gonna be so fun and I know the perfect movie for all of us. And can we please find a different bar than The Haunt?” she asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet. 
Macy smiled. “Whatever you want, I picked what we did today. Thanks for sticking it out in the rain.” 
“Any time. Do you want some help bringing this stuff upstairs?” She gestured at the bags around foyer. 
Macy shook her head levitating one of the bags for a moment before setting it down gently. “I’ve got it.” 
“Okay. I have to head back over to Kappa, but I’ll text you the movie trailer,” she promised before she hurried out the door. 
Macy stood there for a long time, looking around at the spoils of the day. This was what she missed, just a day with her sisters. No pressing magical emergencies, no work or school or anything else. Just the three of them. It was a step in the right direction, getting back across the bridge between them.
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antiiromanticx · 3 years
Starter for Mace @x-violentdelights​
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                        ⋇  If there was a God, he hated her; that was Mila’s conclusion. Not only did her phone die while trying to easy one of her patients on the phone. It didn’t end there. It was also raining, so she was drenched. But it did not end there, the only place open that she knew She would be able to make a call was his bar. “Fuck me” she said to herself because she had to put her patient first. Without contemplating it too much, Mila walked in. She knew if she thought about it too much she would just be wasting time, because at the end of the day she was always going to do what she had to do. She walked in and scanned the bar, finding him instantly and walked to him “Mace” She said his name, very differently to how she use to say it “My phone is dead, and I was talking to a patient that was freaking out” She was uncomfortable. Not just physically uncomfortable form being wet form the rain, and her clothes sticking to her; but to have to ask him for help it felt cruel for Mace to get another chance to see her like a fool “Can I borrow a phone?”
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fightersoftherealms · 2 years
@recklesseeker-x​ gets a starter for Loki
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Fenris was just out and about, not really trying to get to any place. He had gotten hungry so he had just finished eating when he bumped into a friend of his. It was amazing how quickly you could connect with people around here. Loki, was his type of guy. He was fun to be around and he had great games to play also. “The night is young, and I want some fun. Want to have some fun, mate?” Given that he spent most of his time down in the fight club, Fenris wanted to see something different. Plus he enjoyed that place with Mace. He made shit exciting. 
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