x-wanderingsouls · 7 months
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Starter: Atticus to Asher ( @collextivesoul ) Location: 5PM (early morning)
Twenty years of intensive and excruciating daily training didn't stop just because he had left the group behind, well, as much as he could leave his mother and step-father. Atticus still had his routine, pushing his body and mind to the limit more times than he could count and any shrink would tell the wolf he was running from his trauma and the one's he committed for all those years, but it was nothing daily drinking and day drinking couldn't fix. "The second borns are joining forces." if anyone was in earshot they might have assumed he'd finally lost his mind and was talking to himself, though Atticus always knew when Asher was about, sneaking as she used to even if she'd gotten incredibly good at it. "Finally ready to start a revolt, Danes?"
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fightersoftherealms · 2 years
@collextivesoul​ gets a starter for Gray
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The red dress she was wearing, hugged her body perfectly. Hawk always dressing up like she was out here to impress anyone and everyone. You would never see her wearing anything less than perfect. The woman knew she looked good, and she made sure to flaunt it in every way possible. There was no strand of hair out of place, and her movements were precise, calculated. It was all those years of working in her industry that made her posture perfect. She caught silver hair over the pups that she was walking past. She loved the pack, and she would drop everything if they were in danger. They were her family, Gray and Bishop were her family by marriage. calf muscles flex with each step she took in her heels, and you would never find Hawk without a drink in her hand these days. She twirled the stick in her hand as she walked, and placed herself down in front of Gray, a stunning smile gracing her features as slim fingers ran through her hair, letting it rest on her shoulders. “Seems like I missed quite the party. Would you mind dressing up for me? Put on the outfit you wore there since I missed it?” She asks him, that smile twinkling in her eyes which never broke from his even when the glass in her hand touched her lips, tilted so she could drink from it. 
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recklesseeker-x · 1 year
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Starter from Vlad to Calypso - @collextivesoul​ Location: The Eternal Night.
                                  “I had a dream about you the other night.” In true Vladimir fashion, words were spoken behind the vampire in front of him, the Romanian taking a small step forward in order to stand shoulder to shoulder with his ex-girlfriend whilst admiring the bustling crowd. “Or I was reminiscing about good times past, who knows, but, either way --” Words were interrupted as drinks were offered to the pair without having to ask, Vlad happily taking one in hand before resuming his thoughts. “We should make it a reality again; they really were fun times, Caly.” 
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xbeautifulmonsters3 · 2 years
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@collextivesoul​ Scarlett to Aspen
Was this going to turn into another fight? Who knew? But she couldn’t pretend like a switch didn’t flip the second she saw him cradling the body. When her instinct told her that her brother needed someone. Because he was her brother. So she was trying to approach this ... better than last time. Trying to. “Do you even eat actual food anymore?,” she questioned him after ordering herself a mimosa to start.
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antiiromanticx · 2 years
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                 ⁂ Astrid was currently in her ‘in-between’ stage. She spent a lot of her years playing humans, and creating the most fabulous human lives inspired by the books she reads and shows she sees. She loved it when she was in a room and was fooling everyone. So here she was at a bar jotting down ideas of what hasn’t she explored before, seeing that by now she has pretty much done everything. “I am telling you this is harder than you think. You have to make sure you pick something that won’t bore you and gives you enough play room- but nothing too crazy that it isn’t believable” @collextivesoul​
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tuzlukaramel · 2 years
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xbeautifulmonsters · 7 months
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@collextivesoul Ivy to Malachi ( valentine yacht )
Ivy kept to herself often but she wasn't actually that shy. Once you got her going, she liked to talk. Once you got her drinking, she liked to talk even more. Sometimes embarrassingly. "No, no, no - you should steal one of the jet skis, I think," she tilted her head, "Unsure how you'd get it in the water without being noticed though..." The brunette sat up and snapped a singer, "I can cause a distraction."
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radiosoda · 2 years
What Furby are you? ~ 📻🥤, (🍇)
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x-wanderingsouls · 7 months
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Starter: Bishop to Asher ( @collextivesoul ) Location: Yacht party
"Attempted to get Gray to come." Bishop continued as he and his best friend made their way over to the lower deck, needing some time alone from the gossip and messiness that seemed to be the centre of attention tonight. "Got a pretty big shoe thrown at my head." a chuckle accompanied his truthful words as large arm draped itself over Asher's shoulders. "How the hell did you get ole Auggie to come? Hybrid powers?"
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x-wanderingsouls · 7 months
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Starter: Silver to Gray ( @collextivesoul ) Location: Estate grounds
The Vanguard's weren't known for mingling with other species and rarely left the comfort of the faction and the luxuries their lifestyle provided. While Silver had ventured away from the faction from time to time, the newly triggered wolf wasn't overly familiar with the ways of the world, so to speak or those that lived in it; and now she was sitting on a log, surrounded by wolves who were looking at her like the abandoned snob that she was. As a gust of wind licked at Silver's long strands of stray hair, fingers instinctively reached out to manipulate the magic as eyes darkened as realisation struck once again, as it would for the rest of her life. "Welcome to ordinary." Silver muttered lowly, not expecting anyone to hear, in fact, she hadn't noticed that the Alpha was standing within earshot, yet somehow the young wolf's gaze drifted towards his own, already wishing her grandparents would just let her come home. "Is there a Werewolf for dummies lying around here? Probably come in handy."
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x-wanderingsouls · 10 months
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Starter: August to Asher ( @collextivesoul ) Location: Valentine yacht
August Danes hated every single fucking thing about this goddamn party with a bunch of morons that didn't know their damn ass from their elbows. He'd already had Wren pointing at him when he'd entered with Asher, and suffered through the fucking stench of the vampires who arrogantly wandered onto this floating disaster and was now looking at his sister who was giving him that look because he'd promised to behave and maybe, just maybe have a good time with her; because he owed her a damn few. "We're gonna need a bigger boat." the beta practically growled while reaching for the tiny glass that had been poured by the bartender who was too busy checking Asher out. "We've got better drinks in The Bronx." the wolf stated as he reached for a bottle while shoving the hand away that had attempted very poorly to grab it back from his grip. "If you're punishing me for being a dick, good job, its working."
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x-wanderingsouls · 11 months
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Starter: Aurelius to Calypso ( @COLLEXTIVESOUL ) Location: Vervain
Chatter, chatter, everywhere, among the lambs that came to them so easily this century, looking for death, for answers; for SEX. Chatter to rival that of the battle cries they used to hear on the daily, with the peasant covered in dirt. Still, above the chatter rose the voice of his one and only sister, well, the only reanimated one seeing as Ivar killed the other as she viewed them as monsters; honestly, people are utterly judgemental. It was as his curly-haired sister continued to speak, that a tall, dark and HANDSOME being came waltzing over to where they sat, handed Star a drink, a kiss on the cheek and left without saying a word. “Are we serving HIM on the menu now? Has Ivar FINALLY discovered taste?”
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x-wanderingsouls · 11 months
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There were two people in the existence of the world that truly knew what Fallon was, who had created her and the fucked up inner workings of the HIGH society witches that were nothing but evil scientist that fucked over their families for power; one of them had just downed her fifth shot and wasn’t looking to stop anytime soon. “That GENTLEMEN over there just fell in love with you and the way you necked that shot, Edie.” the vampire couldn’t help but roll her eyes towards the guy who’s pants were a little tighter round the crotch suddenly. “And if I could, NOW would be when I puke.”
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x-wanderingsouls · 11 months
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Starter: Fallon to Gray ( @collextivesoul ) Location: Canis Lupis
Secrets, upon secrets on a pile of more secrets; welcome to New York city. The person the heretic was seeking out had secrets of his own, one in fact that Fallon had accidentally happened upon one night a couple of years ago, and ever since then, well, a somewhat friendship of sorts had grown, or perhaps a mutual distrust of for the same people; deep seeded secrets recognised in one another. "Saddle up, because I'm itching for a fight and you're always a sassy pain in my ass." Fallon greeted the alpha, waving to a couple of others that she knew while some saw her simply as a vampire walking into the wolf den. "Come on, you've got that whiskey I like and I've got, well, boobs you can pretend you're not staring at while calling me names."
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x-wanderingsouls · 1 year
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Starter: Mace to Gray ( @collextivesoul ) Location: Canis Lupis
Despite not having been in the pack since the age of ten, Mace did still have friends that were -- close, childhood friends who actually knew who he was to the pack and their alpha; hence the few drinks at the very place his big brother owned. While knowing this, Mace, of course thought that perhaps this was the day Gray wouldn't be in, or maybe it would be the day that they'd sort their shit and actually become brothers, which was a time that Mace could barely remember; the odd memory popped up in the small hours of the morning when the hunter was attempting sleep. "Fuck it." mangled words grumbled as Mace's senses alerted the wolf to Gray's presence, unsure of how this would go, though too many beers deep to stop it. "You joining, or am I leaving?"
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x-wanderingsouls · 1 year
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Starter: August to Gray ( @collextivesoul​ ) Location: Estate 
                               Gray stank of perfume that most definitely wasn’t in his collection, and whether he knew it or not, there was a rather trashy lipstick stain smudge on his cheek. “Need a minute to grab a shower and get whatever he name was of your skin?” August requested as that certain perfume practically singed his nostrils, going as far as to cover his nose for a moment while his eyes conveyed the smirk that Gray couldn’t currently see. 
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