#starter call voice: like this for noct to step on you
ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
line starts Here for noct to step on your muses 
he’ll do it
fuckin watch him do it
get in line nerds
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For @choiminhovevo, I was your Secret Santa! I hope you enjoy your gift! :) @ignoctsecretsanta.
Title: Twelve Days Of Memories. Rating: Teen (SFW) Warning: None! Summary: Twelve days is all it took to turn Noctis’ life upside down, but not necessarily in a bad way- after all, he had Ignis back, after so long apart.
Find it on AO3!
The Crown City; the star of Lucis. Once home to the King of Kings, built to last with blood and sweat, only to be torn down hundreds of years later by the daemons that once roamed the planet. Rebuilt by the King Of Light's retainers, and by the hands of those the King of Light had befriended throughout his journey to banish the Darkness and daemons, it has stood for hundreds of years more.
Although peace has made the people of Lucis lulled into a lullaby, Sleeping Gods shall awake once more and when they do, history shall join with the present. One can only hope that the people of Lucis shall be ready for what shall come to pass.
* * *
“Rise and shine sleeping beauty!” The blonde teenager laughed as his best friend swatted at him, an unhappy groan falling from his lips as the raven-haired youth rolled over in his bed and buried his head underneath the pillow. “Oh c'mon now! Up and at 'em!” Prompto tugged at the pillow, crowing successfully when Noctis let it go.
“Did you have to do that right in my ear?” the assaulted one grumbled as he sat up. Running a hand through his hair, the squinted as he glanced around the darkened room, hardly able to make out the shape of the other. “Ugh, what time is it?”
“Eleven-thirty,” Prompto answered as he shoved open the dark curtains that blocked out almost all of the light in the bedroom; which prompted another groan from Noctis. “C'mon, dude. Your parents and I gave you long enough to sleep in, we've got things to do today, remember?”
Apparently Noctis didn't, if the bleary and confused look he was giving Prompto said anything.
“The new Assassin's Creed game comes out tod-!” Prompto let out an undignified yelp as the other teenager's bedding was suddenly thrown at him, nearly toppling over from under the weight of the heavy blankets.
“That was today?!”
Prompto shook his head, a resigned look upon his face as Noctis hurried around his bedroom, snatching a clean pair of shorts off of the floor before snagging a shirt from the closet. “You are so lucky you pre-ordered the game. I don't think we'd be getting it otherwise.”
“We still might not, depending on how busy the store it.” Noctis raked his fingers through his hair, trying to make himself more presentable before giving in and snagging a cap from his dresser.
“We're going to the little game store on the far side of town, so it can't be that bad, right?”
Of course, their luck wasn't all that great, and Noctis figured that Prompto should've accepted that by now. The little game store across the Crown City was, of course, extremely busy. Part of Noctis had been expecting it, honestly, with how popular the Assassin's Creed series was, but there had been the small balloon of hope that had been popped the second they saw the line for the game store was around the block.
A few hours had gone by, by the time they got out. Knowing that Prompto's place was closer than his own they decided to crash there for the day, and after sending a text to their parents (Noct's mother and father, and Prompto's dad) Noctis and the blonde made their way down the winding city streets, following the familiar path towards the center of the city.
There in the middle of Insomnia, was the Citadel. The grandness of the building never failed to take their breath away, but whenever Noctis got to close his heart began to trouble him, so the two never got much closer than the street across from the building.
“Y'know, sometimes I still think it's amusing that your family has the same names as the Royal Family,” Prompto said as they passed the Citadel. No longer used as a home for the Royal Family, but still mightily important for the Government, the Citadel was open to most. Only the bedrooms and many of the meeting chambers were off limits to the public.
“You say that every time we pass by here.”
“Well, I still do!”
Giving a quiet hum, the youth peered at his best friend, who was whistling the chocobo theme song as the walked. “You know, you have the same name as the King of Light's best friend, supposedly,” Noctis pointed out as they headed down the next street. It was something he had learned recently in history, and having a different class from Prompto, he didn't know if-
“I know, and that's awesome, right?” Prompto grinned widely, hooking his hands behind his head as they walked, practically skipping as he said, “Well, it's either Prompto to Laetus. It gets lost in the translation, but a name like Noctis isn't hard to forget, Mr. Nightlight.”
Well that answered that question. “Shut it,” Noctis groaned.
Prompto snickered as his best friend glared playfully at him. “I guess everyone can't have as cool as a name as Quicksilver.”
“Don't you mean dorky? You sound like a gun from a video game series. Wasn't there one in that one game, Final Fantasy VII, or something?”
“Mr. Night. Light. And yes, it was Vincent's starter weapon. It's in a lot of the Final Fantasy games, though. Almost as famous as Masamune, I presume. Always a gun- I don't understand your obsession with swords in video games, guns are so much better! Then again, you lose at first-person shooters all the time.” Prompto snickered.
“Touche, and I hate you.”
The other teenager threw his arm around Noctis' shoulders, playfully cooing. “Aww, love you too buddy.”
“No, I hate you.” Noctis lightly nudged Prompto's stomach with his elbow, causing the latter to fall away dramatically, wheezing.
“Nah, man. I know you, know what you really mean to say. After all, we've been friends since we were what, six, seven?”
“Something like that. First grade, at least.” Noctis gave a little nostalgic sigh. “Back when homework wasn't a bitch to do.”
Prompto grimaced his agreement. “Tell me about it. I'm so gonna fail the math quiz on Wednesday.”
“I keep tell you, Prom, just get Gladio to tutor you. Who knows, maybe he'll tutor you in other ways, too.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively at the blonde, who blushed darkly, his freckles standing out like little beacons as he shoved a laughing Noctis.
“No way! Besides, we both know he likes girls and not guys. 'specially not scraggly little guys like me.” And there was that disappointment in his tone Noctis often heard whenever he teased the blonde about his crush on their friend and Prompto denied that Gladiolus would ever like him.
“Yeah, well, then he doesn't know what he's missing out.” Noctis was waiting for the two of them to stop dancing around each other. Whenever the three of them got together it was obvious (to him, anyways) that they looked at each other in obvious attraction, flirted without even knowing it. What annoyed Noctis most was that they both obviously ignored their feelings, with Gladio going out on a date every other week and Prompto whining like a love-sick puppy. “And you don't either. Now, c'mon! The cafe's nearby and I've starved.”
Nestled comfortably between two larger buildings along the side-road near the two was a small little establishment called Sagefire. Owned by a friend of Noctis' family, the two teenagers often find themselves in the little place, sitting in one of the booths eating lunch on the weekends or just stopping by for a drink to-go, Gladiolus occasionally joining them. Something always seemed missing to Noctis, but if Prompto felt it too he never uttered a word.
The bell above Sagefire's door tingled as Prompto pushed it open, Noctis just a step behind. Lunch rush had already passed, telling the two that their time at the game store was longer than anticipated. A faint smile curved Noctis' lips upwards as he noticed that their usual booth in the corner of the shop by the window was unoccupied and made a beeline for it.
“I'll go order. Only fair since you got the game and all. The usual?” Prompto asked once they reached it, barely getting a nod from Noctis before he was hurrying away. Settling himself comfortably in the booth, Noctis slipped his phone out of his pocket, immediately starting up his game of King's Knight. When Prompto joined him minutes later he was in the midst of a dungeon. “Started without me? No fair,” the blonde playfully complained as he slipped into the seat across from him. “Dude, there's a new guy here that I bet is totally your type.”
“Uh huh. You said that about that new guy at the game store the other week. Couldn't have been further off.”
“I'm serious this time! That's why I placed our orders separate, so that you can see him for yourself.” Ah, so Prompto knew him well enough that he wouldn't look up from his phone until they left. Fair enough.
“All right. Now get on, this Level Four is kicking my ass.”
For a while they only spoke when encouraging each other in the next dungeon, hissing out instructions for begging to be healed – more in Prompto's case than Noctis' own.
It wasn't long before, “Prompto.” was called out. Noctis' brows rose in curiosity at hearing the smooth, accented voice. Tenebraen? Now that wasn't an accent you often heard. Of course, Noctis was too drawn into his game to look up, uttering a quiet curse as the nearest enemy shot down his health bar by half.
“And that's me.” He hears the quiet scuffle of Prompto getting out of the booth and making for the counter,
��Highness.” It takes a moment, and another call of “Highness!” for Noctis to realize that the smooth accented man was calling out for him. Immediately the dark-haired youth's lips twisted into a scowl as he turned his displeasure onto Prompto, who did look puzzled.
“Haha, very funny.”
“Wasn't me, dude.” Prompto held his hands out, looking completely serious. He knew how much Noctis hated anyone calling him 'Highness', had for as long as Prompto could remember. “Was probably the bartender or something.”
“With a name as popular as mine you'd think they'd stop getting a kick out of it,” the dark-haired youth grumbled as he stood, purposefully letting his chair scrape loudly against the floor. Scowling as he made his way over to the counter where the bartender had turned around to deal with the next order, unable to see the man's face.
“Hey.” As he reached said counter, Noctis opened his mouth to complain about the stupid nickname and to ask the man not to do it again, the man turned around and the teenager felt his mouth dry. He was hardly older than himself, but the way he carried himself was with a grace of a man who had to be royalty. Even working in a place like this (a nice coffee shop, but not an extremely fancy one) he was dressed to his nines, a nicely pressed white dress shirt and black slacks, dusty brown hair pushed upwards into a pompadour.
Glasses framed his eyes, and that had been exactly what made Noctis freeze; his sapphire gaze meeting with a very familiar set of emerald hues.
He watched as lips curved upwards into a smile, those eyes softening as the man greeted softly, “Hello, Your Highness.”
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creative-frequency · 7 years
Cinderelia Ch. 5 FINAL: The Search
Rating: SFW Pairing: King!Noctis x OC-ish (Evelia Orelia as Cinderella) Categories: Romance
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It’s the last chapter! Thank you for everyone who has read this story. Hopefully you have enjoyed it. I really loved writing this and your kind comments concerning this fic have made my day on multiple occasions.
@singlebecauseofthechocobros enjoy your stay in Noctis hell ;) @lucianhuntress my bae ❤️ also go check out her blog, she is a new writer to the ffxv fandom! I except great things from her. @bleucommelhiver thanks again for your help, it was truly invaluable!
Previous Chapter
The Monday morning graced Insomnia with its warm rays of light. After a poorly slept night, King Noctis dressed in an inconspicuous pair of hoodie and jeans. He headed out with the intention of visiting the café where Evelia worked. He knew it was a very slim chance that she would be on shift at the moment, but it was the easiest place to begin. With any luck, Noctis would actually be able to conclude the search there.
The café wasn’t open yet when he arrived. He peeked inside through the glass door, trying to distinguish Evelia’s form behind the counter. There was someone, so with a trembling hand and a heavy heart he knocked on the locked door.
Caitlin raised her gaze from the cups she had been setting on their place. A dark figure waved behind the door. She glanced at the time; it was still five minutes until the opening time, but since there was someone so caffeine deprived already knocking, she decided to make an exception.
“Good morning,” Caitlin said as she opened the door for Noctis. She didn’t give two glances at him before walking back to behind the counter.
“What can I get for you?” she asked with her working-smile plastered on her face.
Noctis lowered his hood and Caitlin’s jaw dropped. She bowed hastily. “Y-Your Majesty!”
“Please, none of that. I don’t wish to be recognized,” Noctis shushed with a finger on his lips.
“Oh, of course, I’m sorry! How can I help you?” Caitlin said a tad embarrassed. Her eyes travelled curiously over the King, taking in his good looks.
“You’re Evelia’s colleague, right?” Noctis asked desperately.
“Yeah, but she called in sick this morning. She won’t be in for the whole week,” Caitlin said apologetically. She was itching to ask what this was about and why would the King of Lucis ask after her co-worker.
“Damn it,” Noctis hissed quietly. So much for that good luck. A week was too much to wait to catch Evelia at work. “Uh, this might sound strange, but what is her last name?”
Caitlin’s eyebrows rose up and she folded her arms on her chest. “Orelia? May I ask why are you asking me this?”
Noctis studied Caitlin’s face deep in his thoughts. Caitlin was still cocking a questioning eyebrow at him. “Maybe she’ll tell you someday. You wouldn’t happen to know her address?” Noctis said finally.
“No, sorry. I could find it from the office, but the manager is away for the week and she forgot to leave the keys. The door is locked. It’s just me here, all week by myself,” Caitlin said apologizing, but with a bitter undertone.
“Of course. I’m sorry, that must be troublesome. I don’t wish to add to your difficulties,” Noctis said with a sigh.
“Don’t worry about it. But, I know Evelia came to work by the second west subway-line if that helps.”
“I suppose it might. I’m sorry to having bothered you with this. Thank you, uh”–Noctis’s eyes darted on the nameplate on Caitlin’s chest–“Caitlin.”
“No bother at all. You’re welcome, Your Majesty.”
Noctis was back at the Citadel so fast that he might as well have unconsciously warped the whole way. He slammed the doors open into the Council Secretary’s office and made all the workers startle and turn in surprise.
Office workers bowed as he rushed past them to speak with the Council’s main secretary. Noctis gave instructions to find Evelia and offered all the information he had on her. He hesitated a moment before mentioning the unique glass shoe, but it only prompted a raised eyebrow from the secretary as he made notes hastily.
Then it was time for him to play the waiting game. He paced around in his quarters, eyes darting to the door at every sound of steps in the hallway. He had sent everyone, including his Shield away. He couldn’t concentrate on anything at hand. The image of Evelia was spinning through his head; he could almost feel her touch on his hand, smell her perfume and see how her lips curled into a sweet smile. His heart ached.
Fortunately it didn’t take long until Ignis came to deliver the bad news.
“What do you mean there’s no-one by the name of Orelia in the guest list?” Noctis asked shooting up from his work chair.
“What I’m saying is that maybe she doesn’t share her last name with her family. The invitations were sent on family basis,” Ignis said with a voice that spoke volumes about how he was getting tired of this charade.
Noctis frowned. “But that could mean–“
“That she is actually married, yes, or has been. It also means we have really no other way to track her down than to visit all the families in the West side of Insomnia. For starters.”
“Let’s do it,” Noctis said with a stern look.
Ignis paused for a moment.
“Are you that taken with her?” he chimed carefully. He was holding back a fond smile. It was about time the King would become enthusiastic about a lady, though the object of his affections was making them go through some extra effort.
“I guess I am,” Noctis said and a blush creeped to redden his ears.
Ignis sighed. “Very well then, I shall do everything I can. I will arrange for a search party–“
“Wait, I want to be there,” Noctis said walking up to him.
“If that is what Your Majesty wishes. Though it will require more time that way,” Ignis said slowly.
“I don’t care. I want to make sure we find her, and I’m probably the only one who will recognize her,” Noctis said thinking about Evelia behind the café counter. Of course he had then noticed her beauty, but hadn’t thought much about it. He had been too occupied with the upcoming ball to even think about ladies in that moment.
“Very well. I shall call Gladio and Prompto to meet us at the garage.”
A minute later, Noctis tapped his foot anxiously on the elevator floor. What if they wouldn’t be able to find Evelia? What if she had left the city for some reason? No, that made no sense at all. But, what if she didn’t want anything to do with Noctis? Maybe he indeed had misread the whole situation and his advances had been unwanted.
Noctis felt the pinch of desperation in his chest. In any case, he had to try at least, or he would never be able to stop thinking about her. If Evelia never wanted to see him again, he wanted to hear it straight from her. It would break his heart, but it would be better that way.
“Is everything alright?” Ignis asked, sensing his distress.
“Yes, I was just thinking where we should start the search,” Noctis lied. He was not alright before he could lay his eyes on Evelia again. He held the address list of all the families invited to the party in his hand. They would just have to go through them all, starting with the ones living in the west-side of Insomnia. There were over five-hundred names in the list.
“I can’t believe you missed old Cid’s visit,” Prompto whined as he and Gladiolus walked up to Noctis and Ignis.
“Well, you can call him and tell him that he is invited to the wedding,” Noctis said.
Ignis cleared his throat; Gladiolus leaned his hand off the car hood and almost fell. Prompto let out a long whistle.
Gladiolus and Prompto stared at their friend in unexpected awe and Ignis turned his head to his general direction.
“Wow, you’re really serious about her,” Gladiolus said with admiration in his voice.
“Whew, dude. Though I must say those longing gazes between you two were making my teeth hurt,” Prompto said.
“A younger bride is a good investment into the future,” Gladiolus grinned.
“Shut up, Gladio,” Noctis muttered.
Not a moment later, the trio was sitting in the new Regalia while Ignis stayed behind to oversee the Citadel. The black car had been a gift from Cindy and Cid to the Crown, and Noctis still had no idea that his best friends had had part to play in rebuilding it from a scratch.
Prompto was fondly caressing the dashboard in the front passenger’s seat, whereas Gladiolus was driving.
“Man, I love this car maybe even more than your dad’s old one,” Prompto said, but Noctis could barely hear him. He was too anxious. His heart was thumping so loudly it was blocking out all other noises like Prompto’s voice.
Noctis was staring at the guest list, trying to mark down which of the names were surely dead ends and which ones lived the nearest to their location.
“Just tell me where to drive,” Gladiolus said as he saw from the rearview mirror what Noctis was doing.
“Right,” Noctis said and gave the first address.
Hours, many stunned ballguests and as many polite declines for coffee, tea or whatever each household offered later, Noctis was getting desperate. They had not been through even tenth of the list and nobody seemed to know who the girl in the lilac dress on the third evening had been.
Prompto was trying to cheer up his best friend. “C’mon Noct. We’ll find her. She can’t possibly stay away from you and your… charms.”
Gladiolus snorted.
“Thanks Prompto. I feel so much better now,” Noctis deadpanned.
“Who would’ve thought that the King of Lucis would be funny when he’s lovesick?” Gladiolus said.
“So what are you gonna do when you find her? Give her that shoe back?” Prompto snickered.
Noctis glanced at the glass shoe resting on the leather seat next to him. He hadn’t really thought about what to do or say, and now that Prompto had mentioned it, maybe he should have.
“He will confess his undying love for her of course,” Gladiolus said.
“Maybe I will. At least I would beat you two to it,” Noctis’s mouth curled into a sly smile.
Gladiolus stopped the car at the next address. “Hmph. We’ll see about that at this rate. Let’s go.”
Meanwhile, Evelia was nervously fidgeting with her stuffed moogle toy, sitting on her bed. She had called in sick at work first thing in the morning and leaving Caitlin in trouble made her only feel worse than the initial white lie on the phone. She needed the week off to find someone who would take her as an apprentice. It would be a tough break, but she was determined to succeed. Even without the support of her so-called family.
Encouraged by Noctis’s words, Evelia had decided to finally grasp the nettle and tell her stepmother she wanted to study.
Naturally, she had been most surprised at the decision and attempted to laugh it off.
“You’re silly, Evelia. People go to school to get smarter, so they could get a job. You already have a job so it’s like skipping a step.”
“I know, mother, but I really want to follow in father’s footsteps one day,” Evelia had pleaded, trying so hard to make her understand why beginning medical studies was important to her.
Finally, her stepmother had lost a bit of her temper and snapped.
“There’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you, Evelia. You’re not very pretty or smart. People like you should be content with their place in the world, since you obviously have no chance for a better life.”
At that, Evelia had left and called to work, not at all ready to give up yet. As she was contemplating on her next step, Anastasia and Drisella came knocking by her door.
“Oh, poor Evelia! We heard what mother said about your dream of becoming a doctor!” Drisella said sympathetically and sat down on the bed next to Evelia.
“That was so unfair of her to lay it out for you like that!” Anastasia continued.
Evelia blinked in surprise of the uncharacteristic kindness from her stepsisters. “Why, thank you for understanding. Maybe you could talk to her then? Please?”
Anastasia and Drisella exchanged looks. “We could, of course!”
“Yes, anything for our dear sister!”
“Really? Thank you so much! I mean, it would mean a lot to me,” Evelia said with a spark of hope in her voice.
“But it wouldn’t change anything,” Anastasia said carefully. Her too darkly painted mouth curved into a mischievous smile.
Evelia frowned at her and pulled the moogle plushie closed to her chest. “What do you mean?”
“Mother is right, naturally, you’re just not smart enough to pull something like that off,” Drisella explained matter of factly.
“You, becoming a doctor? Patient death statistics would spike!” Anastasia said, barely biting back her malicious giggle.
Evelia’s eyes fell on the floor.
“Maybe you should set some more achievable aspirations, like getting a promotion to a manager at that café you work in.”
“A manager? Her? It would go bankrupt in the matter of days!” Anastasia laughed.
“I would like to be left alone now, please,” Evelia said firmly, holding back the tears welling in her eyes.
“Whatever you wish, Cinderelia,” Drisella cooed and stood up from the bed. They left the room, snickering cruelly.
Evelia threw herself on the bed. She took the flower necklace from under her pillow to her palm and stared at it in longing. Her heart was aching after Noctis. She felt so silly for pining after the King of Lucis. A single tear fell on the flower, making it glow hardly noticeably, but at the same time Evelia closed her palm around it.
She cried inconsolably until her stepmother would come to yell at her because she had not left for work.
If Noctis had not been desperate earlier, he surely was now. The day was turning into evening, and still they had not the slightest clue about who Evelia was or where she lived.
Prompto and Gladiolus did their best in trying to reassure the King that matters would turn out alright, but Noctis was inches away from falling into the dark pit of regal sulking.
They were already in the neighborhood where Evelia lived, looking around, seeking out the next address on the list. Prompto was still trying to encourage Noctis with words which were already starting to fall on deaf ears.
Then Noctis felt something stirring within him. It was a sudden rush of sadness. The emotion was so strong it felt alien. He felt many things in that moment, but deep sorrow was not one of them. He straightened his posture in the back seat so quickly that Gladiolus and Prompto turned to look.
“What now?” Gladiolus asked. He knew the look on Noctis’s face. He was unto something, probably something to do with magic.
“You okay there, buddy?” Prompto asked concerned.
“Stop the car,” Noctis said, looking wildly around to outside. The streets were empty.
As soon as the vehicle halted, Noctis was out.
“Dude!” Prompto yelled after him, but he had already dashed towards the alien pull in his chest. Prompto and Gladiolus followed as quickly as they could.
Noctis’s insides were coiling. What was the strange feeling? Could he possibly feel Evelia’s presence? Even the concept was ridiculous. Besides, why would he feel so crushingly sad if she was near? Fear and excitement were building up in his stomach.
Led by his intuition, Noctis soon encountered an iron gate leading to the backyard of one of the grander houses in the area. A single maple tree was lightly shaking its branches in the wind. He was about to step in, but Gladiolus’s hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Noct, you can’t just barge into someone’s backyard,” he said with a grimace.
“Right,” Noctis said distantly, letting Gladiolus pull him back and lead them to the front door.
Noctis’s hear was racing. The pull of magic was strong, almost urgent inside him as he stood before the wooden front door, staring at the label on it.
“Prompto, is this address on the list?” Noctis asked.
“Yeah, I think so. How did you know?” Prompto replied.
Noctis’s pulse spiked higher, before he forced himself to calm down by exhaling slowly.
“You sure this is the right place?” Gladiolus asked with a frown.
Noctis nodded once and inhaled deeply.
“I-I’ll go grab the shoe!” Prompto said and ran back to the car.
“You sure about this?” Gladiolus asked.
“Yeah. More sure than I’ve ever been about anything in my life,” Noctis said breathily.
“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Gladiolus smirked and rang the doorbell.
They heard the soft chime echo from inside the house.
Noctis was going to protest for not having enough time to mentally prepare, but the sudden rush of footsteps from inside and a familiar-sounding “I’ll get the door,” made the words hitch in his throat. He gave Gladiolus a wide-eyed glance and braced himself.
Noctis saw in slow-motion as the door opened before him. In the doorframe was standing entirely dumbfound Evelia. She gasped.
“Who is it Evelia?” her stepmother asked on her way to see who the guest was.
“It’s–“ Evelia could only say before her stepmother let out a scream.
“Your Majesty!” she gasped and pushed her away from the doorway. Evelia stood back, her eyes locked with Noctis, both pairs thoroughly stunned.
Prompto came back with the shoe, huffing out of breath. Mechanically, Noctis reached out to take it from him. “Good evening,” Noctis said, his eyes quickly darting at the woman standing in front of him, trying to hide Evelia behind her.
At the combination of the doorbell and the scream, Drisella and Anastasia flew down the stairs.
“Mother, what is it–“
“Who is there–“
Both sisters stopped on their heels after bumping Evelia’s sides in their rush to get past her.
“Oh, good evening, Your Majesty,” their mother purred, while shooing the girls away from gawking, “What brings us this unexpected pleasure?”
Evelia had fallen back to lean on the railing of the stairs. How on Eos had Noctis found her? What was he doing here? And what was with that shoe in his hand? Evelia could not think straight and her heart was beating in her throat.
Noctis coughed to clear his throat. “I’m looking for her.” He nodded behind the stepmother who was effectively blocking the doorway. She quickly stepped aside to offer the King a clear view at her daughters.
“Oh, what a lovely surprise! Which one of my girls you wanted to speak with?” the mother sang in excitement.
Drisella and Anastasia quickly smoothed their clothes and swiped any stray locks from their faces.
“Uh, actually, I meant her,” Noctis said motioning towards Evelia, who had sat down on the second lowest stair.
Drisella, Anastasia and their mother looked at each other in confusion. “Her? Your Majesty must be mistaken; she is just our simple-minded servant girl. I let her live in the house, because she has no other place to go. I always try to be kind to those less fortunate, don’t you agree, Your Majesty? Hmm, Your Majesty?”
Noctis had stopped listening before halfway through to her monologue and stepped inside the house. Drisella and Anastasia stepped away from his path, confused gazes still darting between their guests and their mother.
Noctis crouched before Evelia, who was staring at him at loss of words and biting her lip to keep away the tears threatening to well up.
“Hey,” Noctis husked.
“Hey,” Evelia managed to whisper in a dry voice.
Prompto and Gladiolus were curiously peeking inside to see what was happening. Drisella and Anastasia were being shooed away by their mother, to whom the obviously occurred events were starting to make sense. Evelia had disobeyed her and managed sneak into the ball to seduce the King somehow. There was no other reason he would’ve possibly wanted to see her and disregard her two lovely daughters so coldly.
“I believe this is yours,” Noctis said, offering the shoe for Evelia.
She stared at it, completely stunned. She had kicked the shoes away so she could make her escape without tripping, and there the glass-made heel glinted at the King’s hand. Shouldn’t it have disappeared like the rest of her attire at the stroke of midnight?
Evelia tilted her face up to see Noctis’s eyes and the hint of smile playing on his lips.
”I’m sorry it was such a stupid thing to do!” she yelped, “Leaving my shoes behind…”
Noctis chuckled. “No, it was not stupid at all…” his eyes seeked Evelia’s in a tender gaze, “It led me back to you.��
Evelia didn’t say anything. With a shaky hand, she took the shoe, wondering where the other one was.
“Evelia!” her stepmother almost screamed, “Would you care to explain what is going on with our charming guests here?” The furious undertone in her voice made Evelia flinch and turn her eyes at her from Noctis.
Her stepmother’s eyes bulged from restrained rage. Evelia had never seen her looking so enraged. The sight froze her blood.
Noctis turned to look at her as well and as fast as the rage had risen on the stepmother’s face, it disappeared just as quickly as she got her emotions back under control. However, the inviting smile never returned and still traces of extreme irritation laced her features.
“Could we talk for a moment? Alone,” Noctis said standing up. He offered his hand for Evelia, who took it a bit shakily.
“Let’s go out to the garden,” Evelia said, taking one final glance at her stepmother, who was glaring at her murderously.
“Just–, give a holler should you require me,” she said desperately.
Anastasia and Drisella stared in disbelief when Evelia led Noctis to their backyard, still holding his hand.
They stopped under the maple tree. Noctis was chasing Evelia’s gaze, but she persistently kept looking elsewhere.
“So, uh, Ignis is going to be either pissed or impressed,” Noctis said awkwardly to fill the silence.
Evelia’s eyes snapped into his. “Yes, he should be. You shouldn’t consort with someone as lowly as me–“
“Please don’t talk like that about yourself,” Noctis pleaded, making Evelia fall silent. She was still holding his hand and gripping the glass heel in the other.
The light touch had made the coil of emotions unwind inside Noctis and he felt like he could finally breathe again after a long time. As he inhaled, the familiar smell of Evelia’s perfume filled his nostrils.
“I, uh, I’m sorry for deceiving you,” Evelia said quietly.
“You did not deceive me, someone as gentle as you couldn’t possibly manage something like that.”
A hint of a smile played on Evelia’s lips. “Well, I’m obviously not a princess,” she said gesturing towards her old t-shirt and leggings.
“I never expected you to be, Evelia, even though you dress like one,” Noctis said calmly and finally got a proper smile out of her.
“Well, I had help,” Evelia confessed, biting her lip.
Noctis’s brows shot up. “From who?” As the question hanged in the air, he realized he already knew the answer. It was obvious now that he thought about it.
“There was a spirit, called Gentiana. She magically transformed my clothes into those beautiful gowns,” Evelia explained with a trace of sadness in her voice.
“Gentiana… I see,” Noctis said. His tone was so even and not at all surprised that it piqued Evelia’s curiosity.
“Sounds like you’re familiar with her,” she said carefully.
“You could say she is… a family friend.” Noctis made the mental note of summoning Shiva soon to thank her for what she had done for him – For them.
“Oh, I see. Well, maybe you could thank her for me then?” Evelia said sheepishly.
“I’ll make sure you can do it yourself one day,” Noctis said with a smile.
A moment of silence followed.
“So what happens now?” Evelia asked, afraid of the answer, “I mean, you found me.”
Noctis inhaled before talking. He was very conscious of his pulse rising again and Evelia’s insecure stare did nothing to soothe it. He wanted to comfort her, to tell her she had nothing to be afraid and that she would be alright. Noctis wanted to offer everything he possibly could for her, but realized he should hold back a bit for now, lest he might scare her away.
”Evelia, would you give me the honor of going out with you?” Noctis asked carefully. From the way Evelia’s eyes studied his face, the sudden fear of her declining tightened into a lump in his chest.
There it was. The subject Evelia had been dreading for. The exact reason she had been afraid to see Noctis again.
“I’d like nothing more, but…” Evelia said, tears forming in the corners on her eyes, “I can’t.”
“Why not?” Noctis asked softly, searching her eyes.
“Mother would throw me out on the street and my sisters would love to see me dead if I did that,” Evelia said and sniffed.
“Is that what you’re concerned?” Noctis asked incredulously. He stroked Evelia’s cheek and lifted her chin to see her eyes. A tear fell down on her cheek.
“We’ll figure something out for you,” Noctis continued and wiped the tear with his thumb.
Evelia swallowed. “No, I couldn’t ask–“
Noctis shushed her to quiet. “I’ll help you find a place to stay. In the meanwhile you can come live at the Citadel.”
Evelia laughed at his surreal suggestion, but was at loss of words.
“Just one proper date. And I’ll help you out of this place even in case you don’t want to see me anymore after today,” Noctis said softly, “Please.” His hand still rested on her chin, tilting her head up to meet his eyes.
Evelia’s heart melted. “I-if you’re sure,” she said in a shaky tone.
“I am, don’t worry about that, Evelia.”
Evelia breathed out lightly and tried to muster a thankful smile. Her body relaxed and she squeezed Noctis’s hand lightly.
“May I kiss you?” Noctis asked quietly and tugged a few strands of hair behind her ear.
Evelia blushed heavily, well conscious of the possible prying eyes, and nodded.
Noctis cupped her cheek and his lips gently pushed against hers in a chaste kiss.
The End
Writing Masterlist
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promptistrashqueen · 7 years
Afternoon Gifts (Babyfic)
For starter’s, I decided to post this now because it’s growing larger than I want to wait for. Also this is a “Fuck you the ten year time skip never happened and no bodies fuckin’ dead” AU! Featuring SunPrince Prompto and MoonPrince Noctis (because I love them and they get to be gay married okay)
Noctis sucks in a breath, staring at the floor, his hand still on the doorknob as he tries to find the words he’s about to need.
How the fuck...his dad might’ve managed to ask the impossible in having Noctis deliver the news.
Next time, he’s definitely just going to make sure Prompto comes with him to a “one-on-one” with the King. After all, Prompto’s a Prince now too and more than capable of handling the job.
“Hey Noct!”
Prompto’s footsteps are familiar, quick and light like he’s not fully tethered to the ground but stopping hard, like he almost forgot to stop moving forward. Noctis closes his eyes and sighs, looks like he’s out of thinking time.
“Oh...bad meeting?”
Noctis shakes his head, hand sliding off the door as he straightens up and leans back, brushing his hair off his forehead and looking at the ceiling, anywhere but his husbands face.
“Not...bad. Dad just wanted to talk about some “future” stuff…”
Prompto frowns, Noctis can practically hear the sound of his lips turning down but he tips his head back down to look just in case he’s wrong. He’s not.
“What kind of “future” stuff?”
He really, really wishes Prompto didn’t already sound so worried, but he supposes he has the right. After all the last few times this sort of thing had come up it had resulted in Noctis and Regis fighting, since Regis had initially not wanted Noctis to marry Prompto and then later Noctis hadn’t wanted to face his father’s mortality.
“It’s the ‘Noctis you must produce an heir’ kind. I was kinda hoping he’d forget about that.”
Prompto’s expression is concerned and worried for a brief moment and then a smile spreads and he laughs, like Noctis doesn’t recognize the defenses by now.
“Oh! Well we can’t have a kid dude, so what, does he want you to cheat on me?”
Noctis groans and shakes his head, moving to the couch in their apartment and flopping down on it, loosening his tie as he goes.
“No, of course not, he loves you too much. He wants...he wants us to look for a surrogate.”
Prompto huffs but starts tugging off Noctis shoes anyways, “That’s a lady to carry your baby yeah?” 
Noctis snorts and nods, letting his eyes slip closed as he relaxes a little.
“Do you have to sleep with her or can we just...I don’t know, turkey baster thing it?”
 “It’s called in vitro. Turkey-baster...you’ve been watching shitty 80’s movies again haven’t you?”
Prompto laughs and Noctis feels a little more of the tension leave him, it’s a genuine sound and he’s glad Prompto’s at least willing to talk about this, even if it is awkward as hell.
“I only watched like..a couple! And you’re not answering my question Noctis!”
The slight raise of Prompto’s voice belied his genuine concern and Noctis opened his eyes again, sitting up and catching one of Prompto’s hands in his, stroking his thumbs over the skin.
“Hey, hey...I don’t have to sleep with her, at least, I shouldn’t. We can do IVF stuff and everything. WE have to agree on who it is too...I told dad I wouldn’t do it if you were too against it or we couldn’t find someone we both liked.”
He presses a kiss to Prompto’s freckled cheek and tugs his lover’s hand again so he steps around the arm of the couch and sits, letting Noctis scoot around until his head is in Prompto’s lap.
Long fingers shift through his hair and Noctis smiles a little against the fabric of Prompto’s lazy day yoga pants. He always likes coming home to him, but even more when Prompto’s dressed comfy, Noctis’ own smell clings to him in his borrowed shirt and the Prince relaxes further.
“I have no idea who to ask even...and they have to be willing and in good health.”
Prompto hums thoughtfully, “What about Cindy?”
 Noctis groans, Prompto’s maybe still a little infatuated with the royal mechanic. His husband chuckles and pokes his cheek.
“Not that! Dude, she’s...she kinda looks like me.”
Prompto’s tone takes on an odd strained note and Noctis rolls too look up at him, seeing the way he tries to hide what he’s thinking, but it’s there still, to Noctis.
Prompto gives him a quick smile and a raised eyebrow.
“You think it might look more like our kid then?”
Prompto’s nod is a little sheepish and he bites at his lip, but Noctis takes a moment to imagine, not a child of his and Cindy’s, but a baby with Prompto’s almost curls and blue-black hair, big blue eyes and a smattering of freckles, Prompto’s nose and Noctis’ mouth. His chest tightens oddly and he looks away from Prompto, staring at the ceiling.
He thinks about how Cindy’s features will change the image, maybe green eyes and skin more tan, true curls. It’s too close and too far at the same time and he swallows hard.
“I dunno man.”
Prompto shrugs, “Yeah, freckles and your skin? Probably not a great look.”
He still looks a little put out though and Noctis taps his nose.
“It’s not the freckles Prom. If anything, it’s the accent.”
That draws a laugh from him and Noctis grins, leaning up for a languid kiss. “We’ve got time.”
He mutters, against lips that are quickly becoming more interested in not-talking.
“I’ve taken the liberty of drawing up a list of options for you and Prompto to consider. They are by no means the only women who might be suitable, but certainly those I thought you would be comfortable with.”
 Noctis accepts the file with all the grace of an alligator with indigestion and Ignis frowns at him.
“Iggy...come on, it’s a bit early for all of this don’t you think?”
Ignis presses his fingers together, leveling his trademark advisors stare at Noctis,
“Normally I would agree, but the council is pushing for a decision to be made. You’ve been married nearly two years now and it’s no secret how long you dated before then, they seem to believe you should be looking toward your duty now. You’re father’s health is not declining nearly as quickly as it was before the treaty, but they are cautious. No one can know how long it may take to conceive and if your first choice is not...optimal, adjustments must be made.”
Noctis flinches, fingers pressing harder where he’s gripping the file, too many reminders of how little time there may be until he finds himself crowned.
 “And they know that once I put on the ring, I’ll hardly have the energy to raise a child.”
He can’t help the bitterness of the words as he looks aside, it’s something he tries not to think about, something Prompto’s good at dismissing, even though they both know there will come a day when he can’t keep up with the energetic blonde. It’s an icy grip around his heart now.
Ignis’ voice breaks through the melancholy, “Noct, you can’t know that. The draw of the crystals lessens all the time. The scourge is being eradicated and it’s power isn’t so needed.You’ll have plenty of time. I...I believe taking this, “ he touches the folder, the advisor is gone, replaced by the friend, “and thinking about the woman you’re looking for will calm the council’s frenzy, give you and Prompto time to find who you want and to adjust to the thought of a child. It’s why I took this task as well, so there would be no one pushing for a hasty choice.”
Noctis nods slowly, watching Ignis sit back in his chair, light blue dress shirt perfectly pressed, well fitted grey slacks and perfectly matched belt, shoes, and cufflinks. He looks down at himself, a loose tee and a borrowed pair of Prompto’s work out pants, barefoot. 
“I...I haven’t thought much...about the actually having a kid part.”
Ignis seems to know, as usual, what his concern is, “That’s why I thought it important for you to have time. For what it’s worth, I believe you and Prompto will make very capable, if somewhat unorthodox, parents.”
 Noctis swallows, the folder in his grasp weighs more than it should,
“Thanks, Ig.”
Prompto’s notes are filled with smiley faces and Noctis just rolls his eyes and he moves the one covering the woman’s name. It’s not particularly familiar and it takes him a long moment to place her face.
“The wedding...she came with someone?”
Prompto shrugs, “Dunno, I thought she was pretty, you should have pretty babies.”
He scoops another bite of fro-yo up, “but she’s also got a few health problems and we don’t know her at all, so...eh?”
Noctis snorts and pulls her information out, settling her into the pile of “no” that is growing far too quickly beside them on the large bed. He finds there’s a few of them he might be alright with but Prompto’s good at pointing out the cons of most of them. He’s trying not to be too happy about that, after all it would be easier if they could just chose someone.
He dismisses the next woman immediately, he remembers her, the way she sneered at Prompto, “Common folk are not welcome at my gala’s, but I suppose our young Prince is still learning.”
Prompto glances at her face and sticks his tongue out at the photo, “She was so displeased when I didn’t let her come to our reception.”
Noctis raises an eyebrow at him, even as he takes a bite and says, “what?” around a glob of fro-yo.
“Ignis is around too much if you’re saying “displeased” give me my husband back.”
Prompto grins and immediately has to slurp a little of the melting treat off his chin. Noctis just bumps his shoulder and looks back at the folder, a surprised sound tumbling out.
Prompto sounds just as surprised, his notes ended the one before, though after a moment’s thought he nods, “Doubt Nyx’d like that.”
 Noctis just stays quiet, touching the picture of the oracle. He glances at Prompto, who has already dismissed her, and back to the photo.
“I mean...we do know her pretty well.”
 Prompto’s face goes blank so fast that Noctis feels his stomach curl, “Yeah. We know you’re almost-wife really well. I love Luna Noct, but it’s not a good idea.” “
 It’s more accusatory than he means but Prompto doesn’t get angry, just sets his spoon and bowl aside and takes a deep breath.
“There’s still people who think it shoulda been her right? If you have a kid with her...it’s only gonna get worse. Our marriage will seem weaker and Luna’s having the same trouble we did since Nyx is kinda like me. We don’t wanna do that to her, or to us. I...I don’t know if I’d be okay with it too.”
Prompto rubs his hand over his wrist and Noctis bites back his instinctive comments, thinking. Prompto’s right and really, looking back at Luna’s picture, he can’t imagine having a child with her now, not to mention the Blood of the Oracle mess it might make. He sets the photo aside and leans to swipe a finger through Prompto’s yogurt, kissing his cheek apologetically.
“You’re right but this...ugh. It’s so stupid! How are we supposed to choose some woman? What if they want to raise the kid too? They have to be someone we can be around a lot, because I don’t want to make them stay away or anything...I just thought...Luna would be easier for us that way.”
Prompto nods, “I know Noct. I have no clue dude, who else is left?”
They scoot closer, shoulder to shoulder in the middle of their bed and look at the next person. Crowe’s a friend, but she’s already told them both she never wants a kid, too much chance of her dying in service and she’s just..not good with them. They don’t say anything as they set her aside, there’s no way Ignis could’ve known. 
The last person in the file makes Noctis cough and Prompto whistles, Iris Amicitia.
Prompto doesn’t have to finish the sentence as he stares at the picture of Iris, old enough now of course but still he remembers her a few years back. Noctis just groans and flops back, disturbing their pitiful yes pile.
 “If Ignis wants us dead, he could just poison us.”
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