#starsongs || ooc
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ariaofstarlessnight · 2 months ago
i may be occupied with work for the next few hours, but if you could spread the news and let people know i'm back, it'd be appreciated orz
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calaverage · 1 year ago
Cal walks down the road, a folded up blanket wrapped in their arms. Their blue hoodie flapped slightly in the wind. This was it. It had been a helluva week getting here, but it was finally here. Their and Pete's date.
They spot the neon sign of Miss Retro's in the distance. That giddy feeling in their stomach gets larger as it forces a giant smile onto Cal's face. They stop near the door to the diner, bouncing on the balls of their feet, looking around for Pete.
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ecgd-starnoi-official · 1 year ago
I am NOT affiliated with Sega, Colorful Palette, or the PJSK team! This is an Unofficial RP account!
Starsong and Noi from Electrical Grounding here. We decided to share an account on here for the sake of convenience. Riri and Yuki might appear, highly unlikely given that's it Riri and Yuki.
Let's all see the stars and keep our heads above water.
- 🔭🌊
[ Everything from here on is Out of Character ]
;; hello!!!! I'm the runner of the account feel free to call me firebug :D I use they/it + neos!! (just they/them is cool though!!) Im also a minor, so keep that in mind!!!
;; id prefer if this ichika was referred to with they/it pronouns and this nene was referred to with they/he! thanks!
;; i also run :
@distant-refusal-official [same shuffle-verse]
;; please feel free to bully both of them. i live for the angst. i have an entire list of how to bully them both.
;; my general boundaries are just common sense, don't do weird (the bad kind) stuff around me! also basic dni criteria!!
;; i'll tag anything anyone needs tagged!
;; this is a swap au rp account: through lots of events; airi, ichika, nene and mafuyu ended up in a unit together; they do virtual performances, similar to vtubing!
;; their users are as followed:
starsong - ichika ( also referred to as 🔭 )
noi - nene ( also referred to as 🌊 )
riri - airi ( might be referred to as 🍑 )
yuki - mafuyu ( might be referred to as ❄️ )
#starsong's melodies - In Character Posts (Ichika)
#noi's vocals - In Character Posts (Nene)
#ooc - Out of Character Posts
#riri's compositions - Posts Featuring Airi
;; that's all!
Account Masterlist
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toothboot · 6 years ago
D&D Recap 3 pt 2
Jeff used his abilities from being a 5 Michelin star chef and made Neth and Yagra heaps and heaps of firm eggs.
Jeff was still in his bright yellow suit from the night before and alongside the furry, proceeded to stand directly behind Neth in the "Do it to em" pose. For moral support.
Neth relaxed a little but was still sweating pretty badly. Yagra noted that the gang were a little peculiar but took an interest in what they had to say. When they eventually said it.
Neth soon plucked up the courage to apologise about the teeth and Yagra asked what exactly it was that Neth wanted to discuss in her letter.
Neth was still a little tongue tied and nervous and proceeded to just ask Yagra what she enjoyed doing and what her idea of a great first date was.
Yagra shook her head with a confused smile and said, "Food, drinking and a good fight."
Neth perked up a bit more and Jeff, like a mind reader, rushed to get ale and fill both Neth and Yagra's mugs.
OOC: It was briefly proposed that Jeff should let Neth fight him to impress Yagra but then the party figured Yagra probably didn't want a show but probably wanted to fight something herself and we couldn't have her accidentally killing Jeff or vice versa.
Neth went through a pretty short list of questions, attempting to get to know Yagra a little better and not seem like anymore of a weirdo. She lacks a filter when nervous though.
N: "what was your favourite thing you've ever fought?" Y: "A white dragonling, killed the whole party then I was the only one left standing!"
N: "How old are you?" *remembers half orcs don't live as long as elves* "And are you into... older women...?" Y: "27 and... yes. I believe I could be."
N: "Do you believe in love at first sight?" Y: "I suppose I do." N: "Are you experiencing it now?" Y: "No."
Neth immediately started sweating again and froze up, the furry lovingly pat her on the head to try to calm her down but she just started stuttering and umm'ing and uhh'ing.
Y: "Because I've already seen you before. At the Yawning Portal." She smirked.
OOC: Our DM thought he was very suave with this because the party shot up, banged our fists on the table and went "OHHHHH!!!! OH SHIT!"
Yagra then handed Neth a handkerchief and the party were getting more and more excited.
Neth got a bit ahead of herself at this point and asked Yagra to marry her, but rolled an 8 on a persuasion check.
DM: "I'm having way too much fun to let you fuck this up. Don't you worry."
Y: "Perhaps not now... but who knows what the future might have in store for us."
Apparently relationships move QUICK in D&D because Yagra leant across the table in a flirtatious manner and grinned at Neth, who was incredibly flustered.
The furry suggested she and Jeff leave to go shopping as somehow, Neth had charmed Yagra into liking her and it was not appropriate for Jeff to be hearing any of what was about to happen because everyone treated him as baby.
Yagra nodded towards the upstairs guestrooms and asked Neth, "So, we doing this?" And Neth practically sprinted up the stairs.
Neth proceeded to roll badly on everything asked of her, performance/athletics etc but Yagra rolled an 18 on performance for the first round and put it down to Neth being nervous, then on the second round, rolled a NAT20 and completely dominated Neth.
Neth quickly remembered she did actually ask Yagra here for information-purposes and asked who the sun elf was that she was seen with a few nights ago and if Yagra was part of a gang.
We got the name Davil Starsong and found out Yagra was his bodyguard, because Waterdeep "is a dangerous place, where you shouldn't ask too many questions."
Yagra left shortly after and Neth was granted with a long rest.
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mitsunerokuyari · 7 years ago
APass the happy! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° (If I already sent this to you or you already did it, answer IC or OOC depending on how you last responded!)
*Exacting Vengeance - Life goals by getting rid of backstabbers and horrible people makes him happy.
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*Battle - Somehow, war makes calms him. It give him purpose and keeps the demons at bay. Maybe it will change down the road.
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*Dinner, drinking, and meeting with friends.
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*Exploring the world - He loves seeing the world  and it’s beauty.
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*Winning Triple Triad matches and secretly being amazing at it. - While calling people nerds jokingly, he is amazing at Triple Triad.
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@nocturnedreaming @arcjurado @fair-fae​ @bhaldstyr-ahtahrmsyn​ @cahli-tia @thesunbound @s-v-rasmussen @house-pierriquet @firedancinglizard @littlestarsong
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ariaofstarlessnight · 1 month ago
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look at me, i'm the miku now
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ariaofstarlessnight · 2 months ago
union pacific big boy my beloved
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look at this heccin' chonker of an engine
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ariaofstarlessnight · 2 months ago
henlo everyone
today was a double whammy of Bad Brain Hours(tm) and work being utter hell but i return at last
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ariaofstarlessnight · 2 months ago
eekum bokum
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ariaofstarlessnight · 2 months ago
it me
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ariaofstarlessnight · 17 hours ago
The rumor come out, does Chloe is boy?
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ariaofstarlessnight · 25 days ago
say, if I wound up remaking my old adventurer blog, should I keep nsfw stuff on a separate blog for it, or just keep it all in one and just keep it tagged and labeled?
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ariaofstarlessnight · 2 months ago
i generally tend to imagine people as either their icons or whichever fc they use most for ooc stuff, but i'm curious, what do you all usually imagine me as?
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ariaofstarlessnight · 1 month ago
meanwhile, i only really exist sometimes at the far edges of this community, so i dont think i can really be considered a part of it, but all-in-all i'm still happy to just be here, even if i only really watch from the sidelines
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ariaofstarlessnight · 2 months ago
wildfire over on the mountain right next to my workplace (not literally it's like a few miles distance but-) but i'm still workin' today
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ariaofstarlessnight · 2 months ago
pretty nasty windstorm blowin through my area. if i disappear, then that means our power probably got knocked out, so-
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