#starscream more or less kinda talks megatron into it just because starscream himself is working out his own trauma - but when he discovered
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bucketwingthoughts · 1 year ago
Lesbian megastar where starscream is a hyper femme she/he lesbian and megatron is a she/her (occasionally they) butch but will occasionally be femme leaning because starscream encourages her and makes her feel like it's okay to explore that part of her.
But overall she likes being butch and that's what she's most comfortable and ofc starscream is fine with that he loves Megatron regardless of how she presents
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cosmics-beings · 1 year ago
What if Starscream faked his death during the War, to join the Autobots as a ‘different’ person + finally escape Megatron?... What if Optimus/Ratchet helped Star, by Optimus pretending to ‘destroy’ Star with Megatron watching + Ratchet gives Starscream a different body/face afterwards... Would Megatron or anyone in the Decepticons, miss the ‘Dead’ Starscream? (Platonic or Romantic Megastar Headcanons?) 💖💔 (IDW + TFP + EARTHSPARK)
OOh this would be interesting for everyone involved, and it would be interesting seeing Starscream's change as well. as someone who left because of both megatron but his own lust for power, actually going back on his own ideals to become an autobot.
I think that at first, him leaving would really just want to get away from Megatron and also, find away to seize power on his own, but spending time with the Autobots would change him. Seeing how much care there is between Ratchet and Optimus, and seeing how much they love one another would make Starscream change his mind about what side he’s on and I think he’d agree to it. No lust for power, not wanting to kill Megatron, he just wants a better life.
During the war, I don’t think that Megatron would care. Starscream is a useless asset to him that he can care less about. I do think some people would miss him like Soundwave and maybe Knockout—but Knockout would probably be happy that Starscream was gone because of how awful Starscream treated him. I think that yeah, some would miss Starscream but for the most part, no one would think too much of him. Well, at least not at first.
I think Megatron’s opinion on Starscream would change as the war came to an end. While Megatron is getting tired of fighting and ends up seeing the end of the war is near, he’d reflect on how he treated Starscream. I’m taking more of a TFP stance here, like the whole Predacon’s rising narrative instead. What if Starscream was an autobot before that, and what if he was always working with the Autobots and Megatron happened to find him again during Predacons rising (well after the events).  After Megatron goes into exile Starscream finds him. In his disguise that is, his Autobot disguise and they can talk. Megatron has actually been reflecting on Starscream a lot—he misses him, he’s sorry for how badly he treated him, he’d hurt.  In his own exile he thought that Starscream was dead, and he wanted to say so much to him, so to see him alive makes Megatron happy, and from there, they’ve got a lot of work to do.
Starscream and Megatron basically make up. Megatron apologizes for his treatment of Starscream and Starscream brings up how they are the same. They were both abused, both clung to power because they didn’t want to be hurt again. If it’s something they can both recognize, and make a deal not to hurt others or themselves, then they can be friends and perhaps more—so happy ending. 
IDW is kinda similar. Like, Megatron of course for a while doesn’t ponder on Starscream. After the Spotlight Megatron issue, I’d think Starscream would defect to the Autobots and fake his death. I think he is still secretly running the neutral bots, and he is still elected as Chancellor but anonymously. Things go as planned; there is a trial but Starscream isn’t ready to face Megatron yet, for obvious reasons. He still wants to keep himself a secret, and Optimus tells him for the best. Part of Starscream doesn’t know whether or not he wants Megatron to be executed, but stays silent. Like canon, Megatron goes off on the Lost light and Starscream runs Cybertron in silence. He thinks of Megatron from time to time. Meanwhile, Megatron thinks of Starscream as well.
Megatron has family, he has a second chance, he gets the love, support and redemption he needs. While he’s getting all of these amazing things, he can’t help but think of Starscream, the hell he put him through, and how Starscream himself never actually got that chance at happiness or family. Megatron knows that Starscream started off somewhat rotten, but he also acknolwedges that he contributed to so much of that, so he starts to feel guilty. He enjoys his life but he feels guilty. He misses him a lot, and starts to think about him every day. He writes letters to him that will never be sent, and just, wants him to somehow know how he feels. He knows it’s too late, but he still wants to tell him how sorry he is.
Little does megatron know that the chancellor who secretly runs Cybertron and who expunged all his crimes was Starscream, because Starscream also wants to see him again.
EarthSpark omg…I have so many thoughts on how this would work in Earthspark. I like the idea of of course, Optimus knowing and probably breaking Starscream out of prison earlier on. In my version of this, Starscream is the anonymous Deception leader on Earth, and it’s him who helps Decepticons break out of GHOST facilities and smuggles them from Earth to safer planets. In Megatron’s mind, Starscream has been dead for many years. Anyway, at first, Megatron didn’t care. He thought Starscream was an awful person and is glad he’s dead. But he starts to learn from him through others, Optimus specifically, who I sleeping Starscream’s whereabouts and current status a secret. But during their talks, Megatron starts to not just see a different side of Starscream but he misses him. Megatron also starts to realize just how similar he and Starscream were. Both victims of violent abuse, both took it out on others. Megatron realizes that if he himself has been forgiven and redeemed, then Starscream deserved that as well. But in his mind, Starscream is dead. of course he wants to talk to him, of course he wants to apologize to him, but he can’t find him. And then…on the other hand, Starscream wants to see Megatron again as well. But he doesn’t think megatron will want to see him. And he has so much he wants to talk about, but it’s too much to ponder on so he holds his tongue and keeps to himself.
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scribe-of-hael · 1 year ago
What would happen if ES Optimus and Megatron ended up in the Transformers Prime AU?
What are the TFP characters reaction to a seemingly nicer Megatron?
In reality ES are pretty small since they kind align with g1 size! Its not their fault tfp are stupidly big. Tfp megs i believe is like 30ft tall, KO is about 21ft in comparison. But for their sake I'll bump them up to a tfp kinda height xD we grow during dimensional travel for science reasons.
ofc Tfp Optimus knows somthing up cause they are there and takes them back depsite knowing that one is a Megatron but clearly isn't his megs.
who's sus? Rachet sus ,because rachet is rachet and that is what he do lol the prime team are weary of Megs. But it comes very clear that this Megs isn't at all like theirs. Its kinda wierd for them to talk to him but God is ot nice to have a Megatron who's not trying to kill you. I think Arcee and Racehet are sus and weary. Which Meg i think would understand he's had to deal with this hesitation by others bots for a while of think.
How do I think the bots would be less inclined to avoid ES megs. The kids ofc! And megs knows how to talk to the kids and has some good practice with Moe and Robbie. He's acutally happy the kids (looking at Ralph and Miko , and eventually Jack) come to talk to him.
Seeing his gentle nature alrund the kids when their megs wouldn't even think twice about crushing them sets everyone at Ease.
Miko is fighting for a ride in his alt mode , she's so exicted. I think its adorable.
Bee , arcee , Bulkhead and yes you too raceht come around to Megs a bit.
Optimus is already very happy to see that yes, a megs can change. And he enjoys tlaking to him and the other op.
oh God I'm now seeing that tfp seeing megs might just fuel his thoughts of "My Megatron can change, I can help him change!" No sweetheart you can't and both ES megs and op agree that their megs is CRAZY.
don't let THE MEGS. MEET. PERIOD. DO NOT. it would such an epic fight let's be real. ES megs is just utterly disgusted that this who who he is here. Who he probably could have become the damage he caused. It makes Megs angery.
Though tfp megs is also disgusted that ES would change, give up the war and join Optimus of all people. The shame ES megs feels seeing Starscream get basically beat up by Megs. (Oof megs maybe you should properly apologize to your star because YEAH IT DOENST LOOK GREAT FROM THE OUSTIDE DOES IT?)
But when comes to TFP op, its a bit harder. Cause ofc tfp op is light hearted here and there but he's a very serious individual, he very much a noble leader and we don't get to many light hearted moments because of how serious the situation is in prime. But ES is extremely more light hearted, dare I say goofy, he's an old man/dad. Some of ES jokes go over tfp head but its ok. He gentle explains and TFP learns lol
See the difference in personality is one scene.
"Hey Optimus wanna see somthing funny?"
Tfp: No (being honest and not trying to be hurtful he just don't wanna that ok, but he seriosu )
ES: Oooo! Of course ! Is it the monkey video? I love that one ! (Interested, indulges even if he may not understand, he wants to see funny meme)
Optimus is having a fun time seeing different versions of himself while Megs is reminds ...right...I'm still bad most of the time in other universes and I still have alot to work on.
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artobotsrollout · 4 years ago
Transformers: Harbingers
The Pirate Scream AU
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Before I talk about it you guys are the best thank you for indulging me and my AU from this post xjdjd. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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@badlydrawntransformers @cosmic0de @warrioroffandoms @measlyfurball13 And a bonus thank you to those encouraging me in the tags as well ❤️
I plan to do art for it as well as accompanying written bits and maybe even an animatic but till then have some general info under the cut.
Also there is transformers: Prime spoilers below so open at your own risk.
So this AU comes from the same place many AUs heavily involving TfP Starscream come from: the unfulfilled potential in our boy Scream. Now deeper discussion of that is not gonna be in this post. It'd be a whole essay.
It also comes from just how salty I was that the Team's kindness never really benefitted them much and they kept getting slapped for it. And OP really wanted to win over a con and Starscream kept wanting a partner. ALSO ALSO Optimus was portrayed as keeping his emotions in check and then never really gets a message that it's okay to be emotional so... I'm doing that here.
And the Starscream Pirate AU was born...
Aka Transformers: Harbingers (maybe idk if it's catchy enough djjsw)
Why Harbingers? ''It's just a SHIP Starscream chills in for awhile in the show' ' I hear you say. WELL HANG ON!! I got two very good reasons!! .
First off: Starscream, with the help of some Cybertronians who he wins over one way or another (Ill get to that), help him essentially use the remains of the Harbinger to put together their own functional ship. It's smaller than the Nemesis and will take some pirate ship inspiration. While it is a hardy beast it's a bit jury rigged.
Second of all:
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Imagine being a fictional character living in a ship with a name that basically means 'Foreshadowed bringer of change' and then going back to Megatron and his bullshit. I'm gonna grab this and run all the way with it. Highway to Hell just came on my Spotify so... That may be an omen.
I feel like Starscream and Optimus could really have had such an interesting dynamic but we never really got to see that in TfP and I feel cheated. Also both could have mutually benefitted a great deal.
So what do I do? I shove them together to be sorta begrudging Co-Captains. As a result there's a lot of shenanigans to be had!
How this happens OP has some run ins with cons and, through a way I'm still deciding, has the opportunity to extend a hand to Starscream. Starscream, being kindness starved, doesn't entirely know what to do about Optimus being nice to him one whole time with no sarcasm or ulterior motive and sorta starts trying to get his attention.
Starscream and his crew are a bit of their own team at this point. MEANING sort of new LOGOS!
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I'm yoinking the crossed out Decepticon logo from the Dark Energon Starscream and Dark Energon Knockout toys cause I mean... It's right there and also kinda like a skull and crossbones. It fits too well guys.
Starscream essentially manages to win over the autobots enough so they can sorta make a mutually beneficial, if strained, alliance to aid their aligned goal: killing Megatron and revitalizing cyberton. This is aided by some slight changes to the plot of course. It's also a benefit, much to Ratchet's delight, since they finally get some cybertronian tech to work with.
And so they gotta work together to take Megatron out and there's much bonding moments esp later when the autobot base is destroyed. Starscream extends his hand to them and offers them a more permanent position onboard. (rubbing in how unfortunate their situation is and how this is such a big favour but he's paying Optimus back.)
And insert team dynamic stuff!! Like cons teaming up with Bots, Starscream and Optimus trying to stick with it leading their own teams but keep accidently backseat-leadering one another. I will write some other ex-con and bot dynamics cause there's a lot of chaos to be had.
Optimus doesn't open up to his crew for morale sake and masks his emotions well, and Starscream is... well Starscream is Starscream so he masks what he truly feels a lot and doesn't share a lot of personal stuff besides complaints with his team either. So there's a lot of tension.... That is until Starscream has had it at just how good a poker face Prime has.
Because he's absolutely paranoid got a harmless curiosity about Optimus's ulterior motives and wants potential dirty secrets he can use as blackmail to have power over the Prime, he essentially puts cybertronian booze (but kid friendly version of course fbejek) in Optimus's energon heavily expecting him to spill the beans when heavily drunk. What he doesn't expect is that Optimus is just... LIKE THAT to his core. He's smart but very sad and guilty. And maybe a bit weepy and exhausted cause this man has not shown an emotion for eons now. /s. Starscream doesn't know wtf to do but swayed by how earnest Optimus is he sorta softens up and does open up. Might have helped that he took a swig of the tainted energon to get on his level though. But it also helps that neither is the others subordinate so they don't need to maintain their image as badly with the Co-captain as they do their team.
The ex cons sorta accidently absorb some of the autobot's morals over time. The cons help the autobots have some fun. There's a lot of stuff learned both ways. Also the cons realize how cool humans can be and after a lot of argument and forced time spent with the kids, they want to protect earth too.
Starscream, helps Optimus open up a bit more and allow himself to be emotional. He also shows him how to be a little selfish. Optimus in turn helps him with self confidence and making friends. Both help each other with the shit Megatron put em both through and overall boost one another up. (This also does change the start of the war a bit but I'll get to that in another post.)
Miko tries to fight all of the cons at first but quickly changes her tune cause "BOOYAH PIRATE CONS!!"
Other bits about this AU:
Starscream will eventually get a slight design change. It'll be less scrappy and look more confident and put together. It'll be minor
Because they are on a flying ship but have less energon than the Nemesis, everyone gets equipped with mods for flight. There is a jetpack upgrade one can get or Knockout can straight up help change their alt mode surgically.
I'm working up a list of who gets what flight mod but... Ya'll should know that Wheeljack dares Knockout to make him into a flying car. Largely cause I just got the image of Wheeljack flying above vehicons and just turning into a car and dropping on them. That and driving up the side of the Nemesis and confusing the fuck out of Megatron. Out of all the characters you know that would be a Wheeljack thing.
Arcee and Knockout grieve together.
Knockout loves bugging the hell out of Ratchet. It's extra fun for him cause Ratchet often can't do shit about it since they both need the room and tools.
Knockout and Wheeljack become an insufferable duo with the nicknames they have for everyone.
Wheeljack won't leave Starscream alone and keeps coming up with worse and worse nicknames like he did with Ratchet.
Starscream and Ratchet become complaining buddies.
STARSCREAM'S SEEKER SQUAD REJOINS. Well some of them. Skywarp, Thundercracker and maybe other peeps.
Miko manages to befriend Skywarp and Bulkhead now has to watch both Miko AND Skywarp. Wheeljack refuses to help Bulkhead round them up.
Raf hits it off with Thundercracker.
Knockout: "FINALLY a team with fragging MANNERS!"
Instead of Beeftimus Prime from the forge, Optimus actually gets access to a third alt mode and.. Idk something else primely. So he actually gets wings.
Starscream and the other fliers are greatly amused because Optimus, as great as he is at his poker face most of the time, hasn't yet figured out how to not emote with the pair of wings he gets from the forge. Thundercracker is the one who eventually informs him while the rest of the crew are booing loudly in the background.
I actually do have designs of TFP Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Ironhide in the works.
Fowler and Starscream have insult battles. Oddly both grow a weird almost fondness for these verbal sparring sessions
They frequently raid the Nemesis
Miko keeps talking in a pirate voice. Smokescreen has joined her.
AND A LOT OF OTHER STUFF I'LL GET INTO WITH MORE DETAIL AND ART. I'll also talk more in depth about some of these things that isn't a ramble like this post is. xnwjskw.
Feel free to ask about anything you're curious about.
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thanksjro · 4 years ago
Dark Cybertron Chapter 12: That’s the Power of Love, Babeyyyyy
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Thank fucking god, it’s almost over.
Our issue opens up with Ironhide deadnaming Slug, like the out-of-touch grandpa that he is. Everything is going to shit, the whole city’s covered in lasers like the world’s worst rave, and someone thought it was a good idea to let Swerve have a gun.
As the Ammonites try to murder everyone in sight, Whirl and Arcee have a little chat about how Whirl’s seemingly caused every problem ever in the last four million years.
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…Whirl, you have been keeping up with your appointments with Rung, right? Like, I know he’s not the best therapist around by any stretch of the imagination, but surely something would be better than nothing in this case.
On the Lost Light, Hound, Perceptor, and Mainframe are keeping track of how many Ammonites have been killed. Everyone is extra British in this bit. Perceptor basically calls Hound a fucking idiot, because even with all the guys who’ve been taken out, there are still literally BILLIONS of these suckers running around.
Which seems a little overkill to me, but what do I know? Warcrimes aren’t my specialty.
Meanwhile, in the Mystical City of Making Science Cry, Starscream apparently knows what cosplay is, and takes a potshot at Jhiaxus for stealing his look. Metalhawk explains how the Ammonites got here in the first place, which, y’know, is cool. Love me some technobabble exposition.
I don’t actually love it.
I��m sorry for lying.
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While Metalhawk contemplates ending the comic event early, Starscream is getting his ass kicked by an old man who spent the war sitting on his butt in the Dead Universe.
Over with Team -Imus, Brainstorm’s taking a breather after getting Robertsed at the end of last issue. Ultra Magnus makes a pun, I guess to cope with the fact that he doesn’t understand anything that’s going on. Cyclonus is still dying, but this isn’t about him. Nightbeat is also dying. Oh, and Kup. Turns out, being a part of the Dead Universe is sort of an issue when you’re out of it.
Even though Galvatron was fine. And Jhiaxus. And Nova Prime, for the little bit he was out of it.
I feel like this plot point kinda just shows up when it’s convenient.
Brainstorm has shit in his lab that can help them not die, but he and Skids are gonna need help to get all these undead morons back to the Lost Light, which means that only two folks would be going to face Shockwave in this final confrontation.
Speaking of Shockwave, he’s gone full Burning Justice with that time drive shoved into his chest, as he makes fun of Megatron for being a dumb stupid idiot who gave him everything he needed to end the universe. He reveals himself to be a nihilist, claiming that a Cybertron which only exists for existence’s sake- and without any form of life- is the ultimate in perfection. Also, he’s a communist now. A nihilistic communist.
Just… whatever, Shockwave.
Megatron’s annoyed by all this posturing- which, same- but enough about him, it’s time for Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime drop down from… somewhere… to kick some ass. Shockwave promptly shoots Magnus, and is about to do the same to Optimus, when this starts happening:
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Huh. Wonder what all that’s about.
Shockwave snaps out of his stupor and proceeds to fire on Optimus, yelling about being the only thing that exists as he does.
Over with Rodimus and friends, Cyclonus is bitching about Rodimus not leaving him behind so he could go fight Shockwave. Nightbeat, who I guess just doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut, tells Cyclonus to quit it, because they all know that he just misses his boyfriend. Cyclonus, though blatantly annoyed, doesn’t actually refute this claim. Brainstorm wonders aloud just how this gaggle of assholes managed to escape the Dead Universe without murdering each other.
Rodimus explains that when they heard the singing at Swerve’s, it proved they could still get out of the Dead Universe, so they desecrated Nova Prime’s corpse to make a space bridge. Brainstorm became a doorway, because he’s very nearly dead, and oh yeah, he should probably fix that when they get back to the lab, and also reconsider his lab safety protocols.
The gang reaches the outside world, and Rodimus is given a chance to spout off his personal philosophies.
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Fantastic, you funky little man.
Then everyone looks up in the sky and sees some real bullshit.
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Hey, Cahill? I just wanna talk, man. Just wanna talk about this boobie Windblade you’ve cursed my eyes with.
Back over with Jhiaxus and Starscream, Jhiaxus just cannot shut up. He just keeps waxing poetic about how smart Shockwave’s plan is. I couldn’t even tell you what the guy’s saying- my eyes glaze over whenever he gets a speech bubble.
Metalhawk at this point has had quite enough of all this nonsense, and decides he’s gonna throw himself into the equation that allows the Dark Cybertron prophecy to manifest.
By killing himself.
He just fuckin’… tosses himself into some heavy machinery and explodes, and that throws all the ores out of wack, since he’s got the Resurrection Ore in him. Jhiaxus is distracted by a man just straight-up dying in the same room as him, and this give Starscream the opening he needs to stab Jhiaxus in the gut.
Then the background just straight up disappears, as Rattrap lets everyone know that it’s all still going to shit, but in the opposite direction.
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Really not sure about this art direction, but whatever. I’m over it.
Back outside, all the Ammonites are exploding. All of them. Billions of the little suckers, just popping off like fire crackers. The environment’s going to be ruined at this rate. Metroplex is having a great fucking time. Happy for him.
The Lost Light calls the ladies inside Metroplex’s brain room, and lets them know that they’re gonna break up Monstructor like the mediocre boy-band he is, though not without Mainframe being difficult beforehand. The ladies jump out and enter the fray, admiring Arcee’s style as they do.
Back with Rodimus and pals, Nightbeat’s being fucking cryptic, and Brainstorm gets to work making it so folks aren’t dying from being in the wrong universe, after a little prodding to his ego.
Back in Shockwave’s Super Saiyan Energy Bubble of Pure Unadulterated Logic, Shockwave says that’s he’s fucking ripped, and Optimus couldn’t beat him in a fight. Clearly, this means we’ll have to use our words to resolve this, like adults. Optimus isn’t too sure about that option, however.
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I mean, do I even have to- Optimus, that’s GAY.
I have the sneaking suspicion that Roberts wrote this portion of the script. Y’know, just given his track record.
Then Megatron blasts Shockwave with his fusion cannon, and makes fun of Optimus for being a sentimental fool.
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The fact that “Dark Cybertron” is telling me this makes me so mad. Like, you don’t get to talk, Exposition Central.
It’s at this point that Megatron drops a bomb on everyone present- he’s done with being a Decepticon. He’s gonna be an Autobot now.
See, ol’ Megsy here has seen the error of his ways- that by fighting the Senate, he allowed them to change him into a murderous warlord. To prove how much of a nice guy he is, he’s ripped the Autobrand off of Bumblebee’s lifeless body and duct-taped it to his chest.
Which seems a tad disrespectful, but okay.
…Megatron, you do realize that, as the leader of the Decepticons, you could just tell everyone that they need to be nice, and that would more or less be the end of it, right? You could just say “not evil anymore, I want to be loved now”, and everyone would be all “sir yes sir.” This is going to be a PR nightmare, I can already tell. Shockwave certainly seems to agree with me.
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I really like this panel structure. Want to say this is the only place it happens, too. It’s just too bad it lives in “Dark Cybertron”.
Shockwave’s not having a good time right now, and he’s convinced that Optimus and Megatron have teamed up just to make him upset so he loses control of the time drive. The two spout off a little Autobot propaganda, and then Shockwave Remembers™.
Shockwave, having had his shadowplay reverse violently and abruptly, is horrified to find what he’s become. Alas, it’s too late for him- the only way to stop the time drive is for Optimus to kill him. Optimus promises to remember who Shockwave was- a callback to the line Shockwave gave him back before his empurata- and then shoots the everloving fuck out of the guy. Megatron helps.
And that’s a series wrap on Shoc-
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-holy fucking shit.
The gang high-tails it outta there, IDW Optimus once again proving to be the shittiest version of everyone’s space-dad, as he leaves Bumblebee’s body to be consumed by the Shockwave Singularity. It’s looking pretty hopeless, but luckily none of these bastards can die without fucking up Season 2 of MTMTE, so the Lost Light swoops in to save the day.
Down below, Soundwave and his gaggle of small children and animals watch as the Lost Light fucks off into the distance. Soundwave’s having a time and a half, as he realizes with his balls-to-the-wall senses that Megatron’s joined the Autobots. Galvatron shows up to try to work out a deal. We won’t be seeing where this goes, because that’ll be covered later on.
The Lost Light lands in front of Metroplex, and over to the left of that are Rattrap and Starscream, climbing over the wreckage of the city. Rattrap tries to warn Starscream that things are gonna be tough, now that the Dark Cybertron prophecy has come to pass, but Starscream isn’t really having it. He’s gotten very paranoid, likely due to stress, and tells Rattrap to not play this game, because he’s the best player who’s ever lived. Then the Lost Light gang shows up and we get this face:
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Later on, Megatron and Optimus are hanging out in the Sky Roller, not-talking, until Megatron tells Optimus to get on with it, since the issue’s about to end. Megatron was totally serious about becoming an Autobot. Optimus isn’t really sure what to do with that. I don’t think anyone’s really sure what to do with that, to be honest.
Megatron, in turn, asks Optimus if he really could look past all the bullshit Shockwave pulled in the last several million years, and he gets a non-answer, because addressing your feelings is for losers, clearly. The two exit the ship, and I guess everyone else was just… standing outside waiting for them to talk it out. Weird.
...And with THAT, I am finally released from Comic Event Hell!
If you hear any distant, triumphant screeching right now, that’s likely me.
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Tfa character review! (7/12)
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Starscream! Every good transformers series has him, and every fan has to love him! His eccentricity is matched only by Megatron himself, and he's equally as traitorous. In my opinion, hes not AS stunning looking as Starscream in tfp, but he's quite different, and i feel like the looks reflect this. This Starscream wants to either lead, or watch the world burn. Seriously, he just constantly tries to blow shit up. Starscream has the habit of being an unpredictable variable in between the war of both sides, and hes such a wildcard, both sides unanimously hate him. Hes also a dumbass, full of himself, which is what separates him from Megatron. I kinda think hes not AS smart as tfp Starscream, but hey, my opinions.
Verdict:9/10. He's such an absolute bitch, and we all adore him for it. Take him home if you want, but honestly he doesn't get along with ANYONE. Hes like a feral cat.
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The constructions played a unique roll in this series. They appeared out of nowhere, became a part of Bulkhead's character ark, and also became a nuisance to everyone involved, especially for someone with a nice, red paint job with tight little tailpipes. This guy however, was my favorite of the three. Scrapper is ultimately a nice guy, who just wants a nice barrel of oil after a good days work, a vacation once and a while, and just to play fetch with Snarl. He's a simple guy, who's intellect lays in construction, and hes GOOD at it. He started off alright in my books, annoying but cute, lost some points when he left his buddy to die, but he redeemed himself. A SURPRISINGLY great character arc for a minor-ish character. Plus well...not gonna lie, i kinda think hes a cutie 💗
Verdict:honestly??? 8, maybe 9/10. I know, surprising. But hes just such a unique character that had such an interesting turn that i didn't see coming? Take him home! He's a great handyman to have, and he's a pretty easy going guy. And he LOVES pets, no matter what they are.
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He's...a bit on my iffy scale. I mean don't get me wrong, hes a burly boy who physically I'd pound(er, maybe????), but his morale compass is dictated on who has the best oil. I liked that he calls Bulkhead "Bulky" which, ahem, shipping? But hes otherwise kind of an aft. Thats not fair though, he didn't get the same chance for redemption as his buddy Scrapper. I think if he had the same chance, id like him more. But unfortunately, i don't.
Verdict:6/10. He's okay. He has the foundation to be a good character, but i just like Scrapper more. Take him home if you'd like, but your folks wouldn't exactly be impressed. Id say id fuck, if he didn't talk. Hes essentially the small thief from home alone, and i can't fuck that. I just can't.
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I. Hate him. So fucking much. Hes not hot, he's a dick, i hate his voice. I hate him so absolutely fucking much. Im giving him ONE point purely because he helped Scrapper give him his redemption arc. Completely unintentionally.
Verdict:1/10. Hes terrible. Awful. If you bring him home your parents will ask if you need therapy.
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I. Am not gonna lie, she's one of my favorite fems. Her and Blackarachnia are honestly fighting for that position. I know what you're thinking, "But Valves, you commented that you'd like Arcee more if she had more screen time, Strika had even LESS time, how can you like her more?" Bitch she didn't NEED more time to win my fucking heart. She is a GODDESS. The writers told her, "You have a few minutes of this ONE episode". And she laughed in their faces, and said, "Bah. You give too much time. Move." And she RAN ME OVER. As the ONLY big fem, she made herself known to the community as a fem to NOT fuck with! Shes intelligent, the perfect leader for team Charr, and ready to FUCK up some bots! Not to mention Lugnut is MARRIED to this!! This gives me SUCH shipping goals and FUCK i love them so damn much.
Verdict:10/10. She's just...perfect. She will cook you and your family a good, big meal, and throw you around the berthroom. Take. Her. Home. Also? She has wings for the GODS.
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antagonistchanremade · 5 years ago
Actually, I feel like talking a lot about that fanmade Transformers continuity I was cooking up. It was sick.
So, in the beginning, there were six forces. They had no agenda, for they had no sentience. They were just forces. Those forces were Chaos, Order, Unity, Complexity, Simplicity, and Invention. Over time, the forces’ power leaked, and formed the Gods, one for each force:
Hytherion, the God of Unity
Gaea, the God of Invention
Atlas, the God of Simplicity
Devil-Z, the God of Complexity
Primus, the God of Order
and Unicron, the God of Chaos
I didn’t make up any of these names, by the way; they’re all taken from Transformers canon. I mean, yeah, Gaea and Atlas come even earlier from actual mythologies, but you know what I mean. Though, I definitely made up a lot of their details.
Anyways, the Gods were sentient, and did have agendas. And Primus and Unicron came into direct conflict. In order to break their infinite stalemate, Primus created the Transformers- thirteen lifeforms that could help him beat Unicron. After they did, Unicron created the Terrorcon Virus (which basically turned Transformers into zombies) and infected one of the Thirteen, Deceptus, turning him into the Fallen, so the rest of the Thirteen went into hiding in various ways. One of them basically pulled a Diavolo, where he controlled a major criminal organization from behind the scenes where nobody ever saw the Boss so they had no reason to suspect he was this ancient mythological figure, though they were actually pirates rather than the mafia. One of the Thirteen was actually a Pretender, so the human sidekick of the Autobots would eventually pull a Sari Sumdac and be revealed to be that one, having erased her own memory. Et cetera.
Anyways, that’s all backstory. The story actually starts on Cybertron in the present day. The Autobots and Decepticons exist, but are not actually at war; rather, they’re nationalities. “Autobot” is the term for Transformers from the Iacon region of Cybertron, while “Decepticon” is the term for Transformers from the Kaon region of Cybertron.
The Autobot government is led by the Prime, an elected title. When an Autobot is elected Prime, their name is altered so that it ends with “-us Prime”. When they lose their Prime status, the “Prime” is lost, but not the “-us”. For instance, the current Prime is Rodimus Prime, formerly known as Hot Rod, and if he lost his title, it would become Hot Rodimus.
The Decepticon government is also weird. There aren’t as many name shenanigans there, though the government itself is slightly more complex, having two leading bodies. There’s the Council, which is elected democratically, as well as the Emperor, a title that is passed on via combat- you defeat the Emperor, you become the Emperor. The current Emperor is the fairly benevolent Cryotek.
Immigration/defection is a thing. Autobots who decide to become Decepticons are called Iaconian Decepticons, and the reverse are called Kaonian Autobots.
The two leaders also both have Minicon partners. Rodimus’s partner is a Powermaster known as Orion Pax. Powermasters are Armada-style Minicons who turn into tiny vehicles and give bigger robots power-ups. Meanwhile, Cryotek’s partner is a Targetmaster known as Megatronus. Targetmasters are Minicons who turn into weapons for larger robots. The two partners seem to get along just fine...
...but in secret, Megatronus is working to overthrow Cryotek. His scientist friend, Shockwave, has basically invented a new kind of Minicon that has never existed before- Brainmasters, which transform into internal computers and faces for larger mindless Transtectors. He is converted into one of these Brainmasters (as well as a few of his followers) and changes his name to Megatron, then overthrows Cryotek... and instantly starts turning Kaon into a fascist state, which includes murdering the entire Council (as far as he knows, anyway; one survives the attack and goes into hiding).
Cryotek begs the Autobots for help, and they’re initially willing to do so, but Rodimus Prime refuses, revealing he actually supports Megatron’s ambitions. In horror, Rodimus is basically immediately impeached, and he defects to the Decepticons. In his place, the Autobots decide to elect... Orion Pax, turning him into Optimus Prime. He’s converted from a Powermaster to a Headmaster (since Powermasters can only ever be sidekicks, really) and put in command. It’s also worth noting that Orion Pax was primarily elected and put in the position of Rodimus’s partner because his mother, Alphus Trion was the Prime before Rodimus (so, she used to be Alpha Trion, then Alphus Prime, then finally Alphus Trion).
Then, the fight ends up being taken to Earth.
The initial Decepticon team is made up of Megatron, Rodimus, and Shockwave, of course, but also Cryotek’s former second in command, Starscream, who’s secretly still on Cryotek’s side, as well as Cyclonus, Hook, and a few others. The main group tends to be Megatron, Rodimus, Starscream, Cyclonus, and once he arrives, Tidal Wave.
The initial Autobot team is made up of Optimus Prime, Cryotek, Jazz (who’s actually the human sidekick, they discover she’s actually a Pretender early on (it’s just that the Solus plot twist is later; and Jazz is her nickname, her real name is Rika Amami), and also a Headmaster, so they give her a Transtector they have lying around), Ratchet, Bumblebee, and a few others.
Over time, more Autobots and Decepticons come to Earth. Also, two more factions come into play- for one, the Terrorcons, and also, the Vehicons.
See, the Vehicons are Human-made Transformers. They’re generally non-sentient and just military weapons. The most important Vehicon ends up being one that transforms into a B-17, Omega Supreme.
The humans also experiment on the Terrorcon virus and make a variant on it- the Transmetal virus. The Transmetal virus won’t turn you into a servant of Unicron, but it will turn Transformers into partially-organic monsters against their will. It gets used on two Transformers in particular- the Decepticon Terrorsaur... and Jazz. After getting infected with it, Jazz renames herself Elita-One.
And also, the “leader” of the Terrorcons eventually appears, as a dark mirror of Optimus- Scourge. Of course, he’s a Terrorcon, so he’s not really the leader, but he makes a good figurehead.
Eventually, Optimus gets into a fight with both Scourge and Omega Supreme, and ends up partially opening the Matrix of Leadership. This converts both of them into Autobots, by curing Scourge of his Terrorcon infection and granting sentience to Omega. Scourge, now cured, becomes Ultra Magnus. However, pretty much immediately, Optimus ends up getting infected, becoming Nemesis Prime, the new figurehead leader of the Terrorcons.
Elita-One ends up getting elected to Prime, becoming Elitus-Prime. This lasts briefly, but then Elitus ends up fully opening the Matrix herself. This causes a whole ton of changes.
At this point, the conflict turns into a predominantly anti-Unicron one, as the Autobots and Decepticons start a ceasefire to fight Unicron’s forces.
Some changes:
Optimus is cured of his infection, becoming Prime again and forcing the Fallen to get off his ass and become the new Terrorcon figurehead
A shit ton of Transformers are reformatted into more powerful forms, such as Elitus-One becoming Prowl (who’s still technically infected with the Transmetal Virus, but now she’s kinda built around it, so it’s less of a curse and more of a blessing), Bumblebee becoming Goldbug (who is built out of five smaller hiveminded robots), Hook becoming Scrapper and getting five sidekicks with whom he can combine into Devastator; etc. Another really important one, though? Megatron becomes Galvatron.
In the end, Galvatron and a few others would sacrifice themselves to defeat Unicron.
Eventually, there’d be a sequel story. In it, Unicron would turn out to still be alive, and he’d use his power to resurrect the shells of the Transformers who sacrificed themselves, but not their personalities- they’d just be shells. Galvatron’s shell would just call itself Megatron; eventually, Galvatron’s personality would be rescued and he’d join the Autobots and still call himself Galvatron. Anyways, Megatron would take command of the Decepticons again, for reasons. And the story would start with a group of Autobots dying, but getting resurrected in more powerful forms by Primus. Optimus Prime wouldn’t change his name, but the rest would; most notably, Goldbug would become Hot Shot, and Prowl would become Red Alert. Also, Optimus would save the life of a Decepticon named Brawl, and so Brawl’d also die and get resurrected (and not change his name), and he’d join the Autobots and be a huge Optimus fanboy.
And speaking of Megatron, he’d be a six-changer. His five altmodes? Truck, jet, dragon, tank, and... I don’t actually remember the fifth one. He’d use the Truck one as his primary altmode and use the others for specific situations.
Also eventually, Red Alert would get seriously damaged and go through a process that would repair her, but also minorly overhaul her. Not as extensive an overhaul as her previous ones, she’d still fundamentally have the same body, but it’d be... different. As Red Alert (and Prowl, for that matter), she transformed into an emergency vehicle, but now, she transformed into... basically the same car as she did as Red Alert, but tooled to be a racecar instead, and in different colors. So she renamed herself Override.
So, she has now gone by nine names: Solus, Rika Amami, Jazz, Elita-One, Elitus Prime, Elitus-One, Prowl, Red Alert, and Override. SO MANY NAMES.
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aggressively-crying · 2 years ago
Alright let's break this down bot by bot
Pros: Unbelievably sexy voice. Expensive taste, would spoil you. Nobody would dare disrespect you if you're Megatron's partner. Gladiator poet, you're gonna get so many love poems written for you.
Cons: Just because he loves you does not mean he won't manipulate you. Leading the Decepticons is busy work, he may not have a lot of time for you. Does NOT do his share of housework.
Pros: You get three different faces to kiss. Good taste in movies. Very willing to try new things so you don't have to worry about stagnating. He's smart, he's hilarious and he's willing to throw down to protect your honor so you're really getting the whole package. I'm willing to bet he's actually pretty affectionate, or at least less tsundere than your average con. The accent's kinda hot. What that tongue do?
Cons: Very impulsive. Talks to himself a lot and 2/3 personalities have pretty bad volume control, so you're not gonna be getting much peace and quiet. Mild rage issues so not a great choice if you're prone to screaming matches. Deflects his insecurities with self deprecating humor a lot so if something's genuinely bothering him, having him communicate that would be like pulling teeth.
Pros: ...Well, at least he's pretty to look at.
Cons: Most likely to cheat on you but equally likely to baselessly accuse you of cheating on him. Refuses to admit when he's wrong. Bitches about anything and everything. Lies about shit that doesn't matter to make himself look like the victim. If you actually do something wrong and don't know what it is, he'll give you the silent treatment and will NOT let up. Will leave for weeks at a time, come back and act like nothing happened.
Pros: Lots n lots of pets. Good music tastes, writers you songs. Fiercely loyal. Very bulky, there is much to love. Still has the chest compartment which, assuming his partner is human, would make a phenomenal spot for naps.
Cons: Prone to making really bad assumptions on limited information. Really stubborn. A bit emotionally unavailable because he thinks he needs to uphold the cool, stoic, emotionless persona. Is gonna take awhile to get over his anti organic prejudice.
Pros: Cultured, a man of taste. Pretty lonely and definitely touch starved so you will not be going ignored as long as he's around. Can change size to suit big spoon/little spoon preferences. Loyal til the end. Affectionate without being clingy, has no problems trusting the people he cares about. Remarkably patient. Big tall goth cryptid man, overwhelmingly sexy.
Cons: Might be willing to murder you if you get in the way of the decepticon cause. Tends to put work first and given the whole spy thing, he likely won't have much time to spend with his partner. Has a good deal of insecurity about his appearance given he's an empurata, very awkward about being looked at as desirable or attractive beyond his usefulness.
Pros: He will fucking worship you. This is a mech that will treat you like royalty and use every breath he takes to sing your praises. Will protect you without making you feel lesser and hype you up at every opportunity. Big sweet himbo.
Cons: You're gonna have to live with his attention being split between you and Megatron. He does not tolerate dissent towards his master or to the decepticon cause. Sometimes it feels more like he's in love with this ideal version of you he's put on a pedestal than actually being in love with the real you.
Pros: Smooth talker, but the charisma is about as far as it goes.
Cons: Do not for a single moment think he wouldn't max your credit card at every given opportunity. He will sell you for one rust stick.
Conclusion: ??????
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spockandawe · 8 years ago
So, I think we need to talk about Terminus. Because there is some interesting stuff going on there. And after LL06, I was upset and confused and wanted to figure out what was going on, and I tripped over some fascinating things along the way. Behind a cut for spoilers and length.
I’m so sad about this, guys. I wanted to adore Terminus so bad. I still kind of do love him, like I love Prowl or Getaway. But I’ve been assuming that he’s a good boy, and… I’m pretty sure he is not that thing.
The picture we’ve gotten of Terminus thus far (filtered mostly through Megatron’s fond/affectionate/admiring point of view) is of an intelligent, resourceful mentor who was able to help him channel his thoughts into his publications, and then get those publications distributed even from their shitty mining outpost. Terminus gave him the guidance he needed to find his footing. I really, really wanted to adore him as much as Megatron does.
But let’s take away those affection goggles. Terminus is used to being able to steer Megatron. He proofreads(/edits, I’m sure) his writing, and he controls distribution. The time we see him sitting (lying) with Megatron, while his legs are gone, that’s some quietly powerful stuff. We see the injustice the miners are dealing with, his insistence on the importance of Megatron’s work, the intense amounts of future potential babby Megatron is working with. But how about we take a quick look at the things he’s doing and saying.
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Okay, Megatron is writing. He’s a good writer, he has a talent for it, and it seems to be work he finds rewarding. Terminus is telling him that no, if that’s not enough, then you, PERSONALLY, must do more. You may have to force the issue, and you may have to use your fists.
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Megatron, in the innocent flower of his youth, is kinda distressed by this. He’s upset at the idea of him personally wading into a fight, but Terminus turns the conversation away from directly discussing violence. He uses Megatron’s own words to emphasize how important it is for someone to work against the injustice at the heart of a system. And this is all being framed as Megatron’s job, mind, not a duty where he volunteered, knowing the full scope of what he was signing up for.
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Let’s just look at that quote one more time.
“Never back down. Never compromise. Never bend. The moment you try to accommodate a rival set of interests, you subordinate your own.”
Like… wow, dude.
In the context of this conversation, this moment kind of rolls past without being lingered over, kind of like the Pharma-feeling-guilty tidbit in the Tyrest arc. We’ve just seen Terminus with a busted body, where it’s not worth it to save him, so he’s been left to starve to death. And we’re headed right into the reveal that he’s been menaced by people who want to stop Megatron from writing. Plus he delivers the line very calmly and quietly, and he’s been speaking about righting injustices.
But dang is that an impressively bitter line.
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This isn’t as intense as the last panel. But Megatron tries to call attention back to the group, and power resting with the collective, and Terminus is like nope, one Supreme Leader, you’ll be able to see after you force people to accept it.
And the contrast between needing someone to rally behind and needing someone to hold that leadership position forever is interesting. Because Megatron’s three questions to the senate were: ‘In whose interests do you exercise your powers? To whom are you held accountable? And how can we get rid of you?’ There are ways to answer that within Terminus’s paradigm, but not really in any way that’s reassuring that abuses of power won’t occur. After the war ended, Optimus ditched his name and peaced out into space, specifically trying to avoid this exact problem. And this is still sheltered, innocent, young Megatron. This isn’t setting up a healthy, fair future government structure, as is.
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So the scene wraps up in a much less directly pushy way. But when Megatron suggests that maybe he should take a little break from writing to protect Terminus, Terminus shoots that right down. It’s still pretty pushy, even if it’s more subtle than before. Not only should Megatron keep writing, he should write more. And that writing makes him a leader, like Terminus said before. So just, y’know, keep that stuff in mind. About forcing the issue and using your fists and being a figurehead.
But that statement, that the people are hungry and Megatron needs to feed them… This is pretty classic imagery, fairly commonplace. However, consider it in the context of how Terminus isn’t getting repaired and his rations are getting withheld, and Megatron is going on dangerously short rations to help keep him alive. This is a sucker punch right to the heart, and I have a hard time believing Terminus wasn’t aware of that incredibly direct parallel. Look what you’re doing for me. Are you saying you’d do less for all of Cybertron?
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Terminus’s active influence ends there, because he poofs off into the sunset, and Megatron is just left to remember what Terminus taught him. And to feel intensely guilty that in the last few minutes before evacuation, he gathered the datapads with his writing instead of looking for the missing Terminus.
Anyways, smash cut to four million and something years later.
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We’ve got the first edition of Megatron’s big manifesto being dedicated to Terminus, though that was removed in all subsequent editions, because Terminus taught him ‘not to get attached.’ Given the emotions in that scene up above, maybe this is just because the pain and guilt there made him reluctant to open himself up to that happening again. But… this is honestly fairly in line with the philosophy Terminus was trying to convince him was right.
Look at how Megatron generally behaves during the war, in phase one and early phase two. I tend to refer to him as cult leader Megatron to differentiate him from present Megatron, because the differences are huge. Now, check out all those things Terminus was telling Megatron were necessary. Use your brain and your fists. Take the lead personally. Be a figurehead. The collective doesn’t matter as much as the person sitting pretty in a position of ultimate power, and be prepared to sit there alone.
And more than anything else, consider how he was told to never back down, compromise, or bend.
Terminus was legit out of the picture, as an independent, active force. But when you look at his philosophy and look at the behavior of classic warlord-flavor Megatron, Terminus’s fingerprints are all over the way Megatron carries himself.
The comic has memories and truth and manipulation as some of its major, major themes. Mnemosurgery means these come up pretty regularly, but manipulation comes up in other ways too, like with attempted blackmail, Rodimus being pressured to bring Overlord along for the ride (and Chromedome being recruited to work with him), Trailcutter’s drinking problem being derailed with a brute force permanent reactivation of his FIM chip, all kinds of flavors. Especially Getaway, right now.
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In the pre-trial part of the comic, Megatron makes it very clear that he has an extremely negative reaction to the idea of anyone going into his brain, even if they claim they only have the most benign intentions. He’s also just generally pretty resistant about being influenced by… anybody. He does what he wants, and doesn’t afraid of anything. It shows through in general, even once he starts developing in a positive direction, like with how high-handed he is with permanently reactivating Trailcutter’s FIM chip. But it shows up more explicitly at times, like in phase one where Starscream tries to ask why they’re farting around one stupid alien city when they should be winning an intergalactic war. Even when Starscream makes an appeal about the ideals under which the Decepticons were formed, Megatron completely ignores those words. He just… does whatever the heck he wants.
Now, it’s not clear how much of that is due to what Terminus taught him versus the trauma from the almost-lobotomy and the rest of that day. But it’s very much in line with the things we see Terminus telling him about never bending or compromising. That’s almost the last thing Terminus ever tells him before he disappears, and it’s very much in line with how we see Megatron acting during the war proper. Even once he’s on the Lost Light and starts to really become a part of the crew, he’s just not a person who seems very concerned with what other people think he ought to do.
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But then at the end of MTMTE 55, Megatron is a stressed-out mess, who was planning to die and was only barely persuaded away from that when Rodimus teleported in to rescue him. He’s just broken the vow of pacifism he’d been trying to take up, he’s on a planet that’s a massive reminder of his past mistakes, and he’s fighting the DJD, another reminder of his past mistakes. Then he watches his old, old friend die. He decides to peace out, and even threatens Ratchet in the heat of the moment, when Ratchet is trying to talk him down.
But then Terminus pops up, and Megatron just immediately snaps out of it. He drops the cannon, drops the idea that he’s going to leave, all of it. He goes straight to Terminus and immediately embraces him, which is a gesture of intimacy unlike anything we’ve seen from him in the comic. He’s been affectionate with Ravage, giving him scritches, but in the holiday comic he even says specifically that he doesn’t do hugs.
And his very, very first words to Terminus are about how he ‘lost his way’. He’s vulnerable, he’s taking comfort in someone, he’s telling his old mentor, who used to teach and guide him, he lost his way. It’s hard to say whether he completely falls into orbit around Terminus with the way the comic POV cuts away from them, but at that incredibly low moment, he recenters himself on Terminus. No matter how hard Megatron is to influence, Terminus has this old leftover backdoor into his trust, and the way Megatron reacts to him here is unlike we’ve seen him react to anyone else. Megatron is used to letting Terminus guide him, even if he’s been operating without that active guidance for millions of years.
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Now, the overarching narrative of this comic keeps coming back around to manipulation, betrayal, and lies. A lot of this comes back around to Rodimus, with the way Prowl manipulated him into taking Overlord on board, the way Drift took the fall for Overlord to protect him, the vote of no confidence after he owns up to Overlord. Plus there’s always Getaway and his… everything.
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This goes all the way back into phase one and the spotlight issues about his history with Dealer. We don’t see much of the fallout directly, but it really sounds like Rodimus took the loss of his team hard, and that has to hurt even more once he learns that it happened because someone he trusted betrayed him. And then we see it playing very, very directly into the story right now, with how furious Rodimus is over Getaway. I don’t know if we’ve ever seen him this angry, and it’s kind of alarming. Which makes it pretty painful to read  the way issue six ends with him thinking that after the Dying Of The Light, after everything they’ve been through, Megatron has betrayed them all.
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Now, Megatron being resistant to manipulation is something that I already discussed. But Megatron himself can be pretty darn manipulative. He plots, he’s always planning, he’s always assessing the situation and working out strategies to get what he wants. And frequently that involves getting people to do certain things. I don’t know if this is even all conscious. He’s charismatic enough, he’s an icon in his own right, and he’s a large, intimidating person. But it’s definitely sometimes conscious. We see the way he provokes Optimus towards the end of phase one, getting him to lash out. We see him needling Starscream in spotlight: megatron until he finally lashes out. And we see him prodding and provoking Rodimus in quieter ways after he joins the crew.
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I’m sure this is a combination of deliberate action and longstanding bad habits. But as he spends more time on the Lost Light, you see that start to fade. He’s more respectful of others, you see him expressing his doubt over everything he’s done and seeking ways to better himself. He’s less dismissive of everyone and more understanding. And even though he’s always been so resistant to outside influence, by the time we hit the Dying Of The Light, he’s willing to defer to Rodimus as a leader instead of just prodding him into making the decisions that Megatron wants, because Megatron always knows best.
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He calls Rodimus and Ultra Magnus his conscience, which really says that he recognizes some of his own bad habits he’s learned over the years, and is trying to compensate for them. By the time issue six ends, he’s preaching peace through empathy, which is an incredibly striking change from his earlier philosophy. Instead of tyranny and ordering people to do what you decide is best, he’s advocating compassion and trying to understand other people’s needs.
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The flip side of manipulation and betrayal is the idea of trust, especially building trust, and repairing relationships once that trust has been betrayed. We see this trust building between Cyclonus and… everyone, really, but especially Whirl and Tailgate. We see the way Nautica is so upset by the reveal that Brainstorm has been lying, we see the aftermath of Rodimus revealing to the crew that he was responsible for Overlord, and we see Drift and Rodimus reuniting, and the way Drift is hurt by the way Rodimus never came back for him after the truth was revealed about Overlord. We see the effort that goes into it
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Nobody trusted Megatron at first. Which makes complete sense. The gradual buildup of trust has been slow, but it’s such an important part of his development. Instead of being that lone figurehead Terminus told him to be (the authoritarian figurehead that he ultimately became), he learns to back away from that position and respect other people as people.
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And gradually they start to accept him. For most of the crew, it’s more that they just tolerate him. Because they have to. But the environment he’s in is enough that he tells Velocity that he’s never been so happy in his life. In particular, his relationships with Ultra Magnus and Rodimus in season two go from being persistently antagonistic to being cooperative and friendly, with teasing that’s teasing instead of just conversational jabs at each other.
There are similar slow-burn trust-building relationships in the comic, like with Cyclonus, or with Drift and Ratchet. But the effect it has on Megatron is incredibly striking. This time when he’s never been so happy in his life, this is the same time where he’s feeling more guilt over his past than he ever has before. This is when he dents his own head with how much it affects him when he’s hit with the guilt gun. If the inside of Megatron’s head is about guilt, he’s drinking what he thinks is poison for every meal, and he’s making drastic moves like refusing to fight in any way, but he’s still this happy (and just look at the softness of that smile, coming from Megatron, oh my gosh), that happiness almost has to revolve around the relationships, and trust, that he’s built since coming aboard.
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Now, consider how much time it took to build even an uneasy trust between Megatron and anyone from the Lost Light. Consider his trust in Ravage. And then just take a look at how easily he yields into Terminus. It’s a shame Ravage died, because I’d love to see how Megatron would react to Ravage and Terminus disagreeing over something. That trust with Terminus was built when Megatron was young and inexperienced, and I have a hard time believing someone could earn that much trust from him over anything at this point in time. The conversations they have are short, which is a shame. But the only time we see anything even close to this open from Megatron is when he’s talking to the distant past version of Optimus.
Okay now. Let’s remember what Megatron said to Rung.
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If Terminus taught Megatron not to get attached, this is… different. Now, there is that ambiguity of how much Terminus explicitly taught him versus how Megatron dealt with the trauma of his terrible horrible no good very bad day.
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But then if you look at Terminus’s quote about never bending, never compromising—Those don’t sound like how you ought to be treating a friend. Terminus doesn’t even tell him not to compromise his ideals, he tells Megatron not to compromise his interests. That’s pretty extreme. And then take into account the things Terminus said about a lone figurehead being necessary, one who sits alone. The text doesn’t lay everything out, but the implication I’m taking away from his words is that he doesn’t think Megatron should get attached to people, or at least that interpersonal relationships need to have a hierarchy that places Megatron at the top.
Which is kind of odd, given the way he and Megatron play off each other.
If you take as a basic premise that Terminus outright told Megatron ‘don’t get attached to people,’ then how does that flavor what we see on the page. It says don’t get attached to anyone… except me. Don’t bend to the will of other people…. even though this is a conversation where I’m telling you to do things you don’t want to do. You need to be the lone figurehead, the single ultimate leader…….. but still you need to do these things I’m telling you to do.
On its own, I never even noticed those contradictions. Megatron here is young and inexperienced, he doesn’t want to fight or lead, he’s more comfortable in the land of philosophy than in taking direct real life action. It makes sense that his mentor would be nudging him to grow and expand his comfort zone.
But then why does Terminus still keep acting similarly once Megatron has four million years of wartime leader experience behind him?
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Megatron and Terminus are sitting in a massive field of the death flowers, Megatron has been explaining the war, and given his recent development, has almost definitely been very frank about how much death and destruction he’s been responsible for. Like… the war destroyed their entire planet for a while there, never even mind Cybertronian and alien casualties. Or the MTOs and their horrifyingly short expected lifespan. Even if Megatron only bears partial responsibility, he’s still responsible for a LOT.
Terminus’s response is immediately about how he’s sure Megatron is being too hard on himself. Um. About that. Well— This is a difficult conversation to field, and an incredibly huge scope to process. It’s understandable that he’d make some kind of comforting/reassuring response. And then the next two things he says are about gosh, look at you giving orders, and how he can’t wait to see Megatron TAKING CHARGE. Again, in the moment, not suspicious. But it’s really starting to play into a thematic whole.
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And when you’re looking at the page with suspicious eyes, it even starts with him telling Megatron how to feel, and reminding him of wow, you remember when we were MINERS? And stuck in that dangerous mine? Remember what our life was like back then? And again, on its own, this looks incredibly innocuous. It feels like overreacting to mistrust this. But it’s really in line with the quiet way he tries to steer Megatron.
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In the next issue, Terminus gets excited again about how good Megatron is at command and fights (even If Megatron himself is not directly fighting). Like before, it feels so overblown to get hung up on this panel as something suspicious, but it keeps adding up to a consistent whole.
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But here’s where I start feeling a little less guilty about that suspicion. Terminus knows that their war is over. Megatron did the war leader thing, Megatron ditched the war leader thing. The personal cause Terminus was trying to get him to fight for, the cause that Terminus was so bitter over (only a day or two ago by his awareness), that’s been resolved. Terminus never got to watch it unfold, and he didn’t get to win. He’s heard that Megatron was that authoritarian leader, but Megatron didn’t get to win the war and seize full control like Terminus had been urging him to do.
And would you just look at that, here’s another Cybertron with another clearly oppressed class just begging to be led and saved. Compassion is the easiest motive to read into Terminus here. It’s natural. It’s what’s the reader has been nudged to feel. That’s how I read it the first time through.
Consider, why does Terminus want to stay here? Their universe isn’t perfect, but functionism has been solidly obliterated. Nobody’s being pushed into the mines. Paying for medical services doesn’t seem to be an issue as far as the medics we’ve seen. There’s social space for noncombatants to exist. There’s this group of friendly mechs here who seem glad to have him, including his old adoring mentee, who was so overwhelmed and happy to see him miraculously alive again. Why does he want to leave that? Even if Megatron didn’t win the war, the oppressive social structures that were screwing them over are gone. Why does he want to go to this war-torn, fascist mess of a planet, where those old enemies have been getting more entrenched, more powerful, and more oppressive? Compassion is one answer, sure. But are we sure he doesn’t want to just… win?
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Terminus decides for himself to stay. Which is his right. And it’s understandable. And it’s understandable that if he’s staying, he’d try to get Megatron to stay with him. But it’s sure interesting that he watches Megatron and Rodimus squabble over Rodimus not trusting Megatron’s intentions. And then the moment Terminus and Megatron are alone again, Terminus is leaning on Megatron hard to stay here with him.
It’s all those old urgings again. Megatron led, Megatron fought. He’s done that for four million years. But the way Terminus talks to him here is just like when Megatron was young and inexperienced and reluctant to be a figurehead. Sure, this could be habit, Terminus hasn’t had long to adjust to the massive time skip. But again, Terminus told Megatron to never bend. To never bend for anyone. Except Terminus, apparently. Because when Megatron has just pledged his loyalty to the group leaving (right in front of Terminus), and while Megatron is saying no multiple times, Terminus is sure pushing hard that Megatron is the ONLY person who could lead and save these people.
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And this is after Megatron and Terminus had a private, intimate conversation about how Megatron done fucked up, and when Megatron has been drowning in remorse and the awareness of how much he has to atone for. Terminus continues to tell him that no, never mind your trial, screw justice, you know what’s best more than they do. We know what’s best. You’re above justice.
Before, Terminus told Megatron about how important it was that he be the figurehead, the lone figurehead, placed above everyone else. He told him to never compromise in favor of someone else’s interests. He never took that back. He argued when Megatron told him that power needed to lie with the collective. And again here, he’s talking about Megatron being so very special that he’s the only one who could possibly lead. But the moment Megatron says he can’t keep putting himself first, Terminus pivots smoothly to noooo no no, this isn’t about you, this is about the masses!
Guys, Terminus is kinda super sketchy.
He’s talking about how justice is less important than Megatron’s skills. Megatron published a treatise that talked specifically about how the government needs to be held accountable, but Terminus is telling him that he’s too important to be held accountable. He’s trying to pull Megatron away from the faith he just, just pledged to Rodimus and Ultra Magnus. Terminus tells him that pledge Megatron values means nothing compared to what Terminus thinks he should value.
Megatron digs in his heels here and refuses to break that trust, just before the conversation is cut short, but. Dang. Seriously, it’s not the easiest thing to notice given the action movie pace of the Cybertron plot right now, but Terminus is being incredibly sketchy.
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In the context of before, this pings me like an indirect ultimatum that Terminus is trying to lay down for Megatron. He knows their relationship, and he knows how much Megatron trusts him. He knows Megatron is used to being guided by him. This more self-assured, confident Megatron is new to him, but because of the way he disappeared, that mentor/mentee connection never went away, it just hibernated. Before, Megatron was going on starvation rations to keep Terminus alive. Is he really, really going to leave Terminus now?
Well, yes. He pledges faith again, and though Rodimus has been so on edge, even though he’s reacted in some really alarming ways that seem to tie back to trust and betrayal (like how he’s been burned with Getaway and Dealer), even then, Rodimus agrees to trust him. Megatron calls Rodimus captain. An overt gesture of respect for Rodimus and his authority, and an implicit deferral to that authority. Him learning to respect Rodimus as a leader was a slow-burn part of his development, but Megatron’s trust (and the way he shows it) is an intense, heavy thing. Rodimus is reluctant, but still decides to take him at his word.
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Annnnd the moment they’re alone, there goes Terminus again, trying to lean on him to change his mind. He just saw Megatron make that promise to Rodimus, and he knows how serious Megatron was. But still, let’s have one more little nudge to break faith. Megatron doesn’t just dig in his heels here, he pushes back, and I’m very glad about that.
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But when they have to go to a different teleporter, Terminus has an opportunity. Maybe Roller could have lied about the coordinates. But what have we seen to suggest he would do that? He seems like a nice, friendly guy. But we have seen a certain someone leaning harder and harder on Megatron that no, seriously, you need to ditch those guys and stay here with me.
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Oooh, yeah, they gave you a second chance, that’s definitely how this happened~
Nice immediate spin on the situation to make Megatron feel like he should be grateful to stay here. The way he’s been insisting he doesn’t want to do. Terminus wants him to stay. The others totally want him to stay (yeah, even though Rodimus was so angry about the possibility of Megatron bailing on them). If so many other people want him to stay, shouldn’t Megatron… bend? :)
It kills me how urgent Megatron is in trying to find them, and how dismayed he looks in that last panel. He didn’t want them to leave without him, and he knows how generous they’ve already been with him, and he wanted to leave too. I’m reluctant to put too much weight on comic illustration microexpressions, but the way Terminus has that half-smile thing going on… I don’t like it.
But Megatron gets to return to his philosophical roots! Doing it right this time! Pacifist reform, peace through empathy! And he even gets to reconnect with Optimus and have a second chance to do that right too. Even if Terminus lied to get him here, this is a really happy ending, right?
Your mileage may vary, but one of the big narrative themes in this story has been… history. It comes through in a lot of ways, but one of the most common ways we see it is the idea that painful memories are hard to deal with, but they’re necessary and important. We see it with Tailgate rewriting the past so it hurts less. We see it with Chromedome for himself and for Rewind. Skids is told that the memories that are blocked off are going to be incredibly painful, but he keeps chasing after it, because it’s part of him.
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And a lot of Megatron’s character development involves coming to terms with everything he did in the past. He’s aware, in a clinical sense. But as the comic follows him starting to treat people as people, it also follows him gradually becoming aware of the impact of that history. It’s what lets him connect on a personal level… but it’s also closely tied to how intensely he starts regretting the entire war. But those personal connections seem to be an integral part of what makes him so happy that he tells Velocity he’s never been happier.
He’s willing to face justice. He’s delayed his trial, but he’s never tried to escape it altogether. He could have done that during his trial under Optimus, when there was a flat-out rescue attempt. I’m sure he and Ravage could have easily peaced out at some point if he really wanted to. Here, Terminus offers him a nice, appealing escape, and he still insists he wants to face justice and atone.
So in what way is it a happy ending for him to land in a universe where none of that history happened to anyone except him? He came out of the history just fine, and ah, here we go, we’re in a place where those people dead because of you never existed. Nobody here knows anything about his past, except Terminus. I seriously doubt he’s going to publicize it. Even if people believed the ridiculous story, on a world that’s so inexperienced at war, why on earth would they trust him as a pacifist philosopher? No, now he’s free to redo everything and never face justice, because nobody is here to hold him accountable for that past. He can be the messiah he tried to be before, but this time he’s got it RIGHT, so nothing will go wrong. Just like he was so sure he had it RIGHT last time.
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Oh, and would you look at that, he even gets to have a second chance with Optimus! Isn’t that wonderful. In their universe, things got so poisonous they had a jolly conversation about how many times they’ve almost killed each other, and then Megatron talks about how mmmm, he sure loves killing for the sake of killing, all to provoke Optimus into torturing him. He says that he didn’t think he meant it sincerely when he said it, but after saying the words, he realized he believed it. No, that’s all gone now. You can just pretend those memories don’t exist. This Optimus doesn’t have them, so it’s all good.
Rewind II had difficulty reconciling a relationship with Chromedome I, and that’s after only maybe like… two years of being quantum duplicate not-spouses. They had millions of years of history that they still shared, but Rewind still struggled with it. I would say that this Megatron and Optimus have four million years of divergence, but that isn’t even properly true. Megatron never existed here. His works influenced Optimus, back in the day, even apart from the effect of their toxic interplay once the war took off. This Optimus is a very, very different person from the one he knows. Honestly, I can see a lot of character ways this Optimus could even be a functionist enforcer. It was Megatron who originally nudged him out of his comfortable government-supporting groove.
And even if Optimus’s personality is fairly stable across universes, even if he feels like the same person, Megatron is going into this new relationship (platonic or not) with four million years of baggage and expectations. What an… incredibly intense weight to load onto that relationship. Is Megatron telling Optimus about his past? No? Well that’s four million years of lying by omission, that’s a nice honest start to things. Or is Megatron telling Optimus about everything? Look at how inexperienced these Cybertronians are with violence. Even if Megatron can get Optimus to believe him, how appalling is the full history going to be to him? The scale of the atrocities Megatron ordered, condoned, and carried out— Even for the characters who lived the war, Getaway says that it’s so much that you stop being able to process it. How is an unhardened, un-war-like Optimus going to feel about that? Thank you for telling me, I am taking this in stride, now how about we make out a little?
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In TAAO, Starscream just cornered Blast Off into making a very difficult decision. He manages to box things in so that it’s a choice between ‘let the person you love destroy himself’ and ‘lie to him to keep him in line, and live a happy, romantic life together.’ Two shitty options, but of course Blast Off chooses the less shitty one, even though he knows he’s agreeing to live a lie, manipulating the person he loves so much. He chooses it, but he feels awful about it, because he knows what a dishonest foundation he’s just laid for their relationship, and he knows that he’s poisoned the trust between them. The narrative doesn’t expect me to be happy for him.
I’m not happy for Blast Off. So I’m not going to be happy for Megatron.
I’ll be sad for him, but if you’re going to value trust and honesty, this isn’t a happy situation.
Another huge theme in the narrative is that history can’t be rewritten. We see Tailgate abandoning the lies he told to prop himself up. We see Brainstorm fighting so hard to go back in time and fix things, and he doesn’t succeed. We see Chromedome rewriting Prowl’s memory to remove blackmail material, and whatever that is, I assume it isn’t going to be gone from the story forever. This isn’t literally rewriting history, but if it’s framed as a complete do-over for Megatron, it’s nearly the same thing. Megatron was willing to die as part of his atonement at the end of Dying Of The Light. He tells Tarn that he’s drowning under the weight of his past, and at the end, he only reluctantly lets Rodimus save him.
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If he was that miserable then, I don’t think being the adored, beloved savior of Cybertron is going to be more than a temporary patch. It isn’t a long-term solution for the things he’s been struggling to deal with. And he didn’t choose this. He had the choice forced on him.
Terminus shamelessly exploited the trust Megatron had in him. He leans on Megatron harder and harder to get Megatron to do what Terminus wants. And then when that fails, he outright lies. All this while Megatron is very, very clear about what he wants and why. Terminus shoves himself in the way of Megatron’s new positive relationships, and sabotages that trust that’s been so slowly built up.
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Megatron is upset to be left behind, but Rodimus is furious. And he blames Megatron. I was worried about him even before this, but this made it so much worse. Rodimus isn’t just angry for the sake of angry, he has that history with Dealer that made him shy away from leadership roles for ages. He’s still hurting bad over Getaway. And now he thinks that here we go, a third time someone has shamelessly exploited him. And he wasn’t going to trust Megatron. Megatron promised. And then immediately broke that promise (as far as Rodimus knows). Rodimus says that he’s heart over head, every time. Which has its value, for sure. But that has to make it so much more painful when someone he trusts abuses that trust.
In TAAO, at least when Blast Off was manipulated into making a shitty choice, he was aware of the manipulation. He knows the character of what Starscream is doing to him. It doesn’t get him out of the situation, but at least he knows what’s happening. Terminus is manipulating Megatron ~for his own good.~ No matter what Megatron says he wants, Terminus knows better. So why doesn’t he just… slip in there and quietly undermine everything you’re trying to do and sabotage some personal relationships you value. And then pretend like he didn’t do anything about this, nope. And the idea that it’s for Megatron’s own good… This is about what Terminus wants. His first appearance makes it clear that he’s very bitter and very ruthless. He was actively working to push Megatron into the ‘right’ decisions then, and he’s doing it now. It isn’t a happy ending that he succeeded in keeping Megatron from doing right by the people who put their trust in him.
Two frivolous little things. One, Terminus as a name. According to the wiki, “Terminus was the name of the Roman god of boundaries, with the motto ‘Concedo nulli’ - ‘Yield no ground.’” Innocuous enough on its own. But plenty telling given what we see of him here. He’s unyielding, but over what, exactly? He tells Megatron not to bend for anyone and then spends lots of time trying to get Megatron to bend for him. I think Terminus is unyielding over what Terminus wants, and like I said, he is a… very bitter man, and he has a major fixation on strong, authoritarian leadership.
And two, look at the contrast between these covers.
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Melancholy and quiet, private introspection on the left. And high-energy action, no time to think, being pulled in against your will on the right. Both of these covers are gorgeous, of course. But I know which one makes me feel like it’s positive in a character sense. Kind of like it’s better to make your own difficult, painful choices than to be dragged in a direction you tried to resist.
Anyways, if I was meant to feel decent about the ending of this comic, it would have been really easy. It would have BARELY taken a change at all. There’s a post by @sunderedstar that summed it up well, but basically just… don’t have the lie. Have Megatron trying to keep faith, have Terminus supporting him while he tries to keep faith. Have him rushing to the new teleporter coordinates, but he’s just, just too slow. He and Rodimus reach out for each other, but the teleporter activates, and they only barely miss each other.
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It would be bittersweet. But it would be better for Rodimus, knowing that Megatron didn’t lie to him, that Megatron didn’t use him. Megatron tried to keep his promise. And Megatron would know that they didn’t abandon him. Even if it’s framed as a gift of another chance, it’s still going against the difficult decision he made to face justice for his actions. He didn’t ask for another chance, and he resisted attempts to nudge him into taking one on his own. He’d know he wasn’t lied to, that nobody was trying to block him from doing the right thing. And honestly, the parallel to the climax of Dying Of The Light is so strong, I’m kind of shocked they didn’t go for this anyways. All I can take away from this is that the point was that Terminus blatantly lied to Megatron. And even if he’d say it was for Megatron’s own good, that isn’t a very happy ending.
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In issue 28, when he’s talking to Rung, Megatron says that his life has been a series of decisions made in confined spaces. It’s in that same scene that we hear Terminus’s name for the first time. And now, Terminus has fenced him in again, against his will. The increasing pressure we see him exert on Megatron is uncomfortable enough, but it’s ultimately an outright lie that fences Megatron in here, and a lie that’s designed specifically to slip around Megatron’s explicit ‘no’. That isn’t a happy ending. It isn’t even bittersweet, just tragic. Terminus wins and everyone else loses. This isn’t happy, and I can’t and won’t be happy over it.
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black-strike-otp · 7 years ago
part 78
I edited pieces of this kinda late so I’m not sure how it lines up but at least it’s done I guess?? Eeeehhh... Can’t really say I care rn
Their wagging glossias were delayed as Blackout left the room for a short time in search of the other medic. Although Infiltrator assured him he had everything under control, he still felt uneasy about leaving the pair behind. Still, he could tell by the glances that the two were sharing that there was something to be said that his audios likely didn’t need to hear.
It didn’t take too terribly long to find Knock Out, but it did take forever for the slagging fool to willingly follow him to the med-bay. It was like convincing a sparkling to do something you wanted when they were focused on something shiny and far more interesting. As a mech not used to work but pampering, he took his time on their stroll. Stopping to talk, stopping to check things, stopping just to reveal in his reflection in anything mildly shiny on the way.
Blackout had been half tempted to haul him up, throw him over his shoulder, and just carry the tiny little mech to the med-bay. But he resisted, purely because he knew doing so would only attract unwanted attention as he’d squeal and squawk.
After they had finally emerged from the maze of halls and useless waste of time pausing every few nanokliks, they stepped into what felt like a new room. The air seemed much thicker than when Blackout had left. Infiltrator resided on the berth at Nighthawk’s side, and raised his helm up as they came in from his tutor’s chassis. He slunk off much as one would imagine a cat to do so, stepping between them and Nighthawk’s berth. With the scrapping of his claws as he landed, Nighthawk’s optics that had been online but murky and dull of light, seemed to grow brighter as he turned to look at him.
Something about his faceplate made Blackout feel like they’d walked in on something private despite the closed off deadpan on the seeker’s face. Still, neither turned them away and the idiot flashy mech didn’t seem to notice. His thoughts were all in his ego, and he flaunted himself like a model as he sauntered in with a glorious display of deep reds and golds to affirm that he had returned.
Knock Out brought news that Lord Megatron had definitely heard about Infiltrator being rescued from Starscream’s room. The flashy sports car declared that the warlord was not terribly surprised, and then continued gossiping how from the way their leader had expressed himself he didn’t seem like he was going to come after Blackout anytime soon.
But one could never expect much when it came to the crazed Decepticon Leader. One day, there was a very real possibility he would bring down the ceiling upon any of them. It no longer mattered how faithful and trustworthy you seemed, your lengthy reputation and history was all null and void. There would be a time when Blackout had a sinking feeling a knife was going to be put to his throat again, but he wouldn’t see it coming.
Nighthawk appeared just as skeptical. He took off his HUD viewers and laid back as Infiltrator insisted and listening. There was a scowl throughout much of Knock Out’s statement on the seeker’s faceplate up until some words would slip in from the great Megatron himself. In those moments, the anger grew, but so did his concern. It would bring a slightly haunted look to his gaze as he met Blackout’s stare.
They were stuck on the Nemesis itself; the ship with the most powerful Decepticons, under the rule of a mech who clearly thought little of them, with everything to lose.
“I would have never thought that you were online, Blackout,” Knock Out admitted. “I don’t think anyone would have made a gamble on that. I’m sure Lord Megatron is already contemplating where best to put use of your abilities, but first we’ll need to see about getting you all Earth module alt-modes.”
“I’m sorry, did you just say Earth?” Nighthawk disrupted. “Earth alt-modes?”
Knock Out appeared utterly doped. For a moment he seemed to just stand there, staring at Nighthawk like he expected the other medic to throw a ‘gotcha’ his way. When he didn’t, the suave red grounder gave an extravagant gesture with his right arm, flaunting his figure in the light like the conceited mech he was.
“Earth in the native English tongue is the word for dirt,” Knock Out explained. “Earth is the planet we’re just outside of the atmospheric conditions of. I’m surprised you’ve never heard of it. The head of Unicron himself resides within its core.”
“Unicron isn’t real,” Blackout grunted. “Or if he is, he’s long since gone. Primus himself, if he is real, would have seen to that.”
“This coming from the mech everyone refers to as being a spawn of Unicron,” Knock Out answered in response, flicking a servo towards Blackout as he rolled his hip.
“The planet built itself around Unicron’s helm,” the grounder medic went on. “Lord Megatron himself aided in putting Unicron back into stasis... after consuming unhealthy levels of dark energon.”
“D-Dark- Dark energon you say?” Infiltrator repeated with horror.
“The same ghoulish purple stuff that brings strength and takes an edge off the mind, if you ask me,” confirmed the scarlet Aston Martin. “Earth’s been a big deal ever since that and the conflict with Optimus Prime and his marginal little crew of Autobots took up residence there and declared it a home to Cybertronians. The resident species, humans, don’t know that we live on their planet. So we take on appearances of their primitive but sometimes attractive machinery.”
“I’m not doing that,” Blackout stated flatly.
Shaking his helm, Knock Out shook a digit at him. “You have no say in the matter. Every bot on this ship has an Earth-bound alternative mode to resemble that of their home planet models. These cars, planes, trains- well, you name it, they’re all non-sentient forms of transportation to these organic squishies. Disgusting as they may be, they have good taste. In fact, they do happen to have a government aircraft named the Nighthawk...”
From the exam table, Nighthawk perked his horns forward and his optics grew brighter. He leaned a bit in Knock Out’s direction with a curious light in his optics.
“An aircraft that bares my name?” he muttered curiously.
“Oh yes,” the grounder purred in answer. He looked around for a moment before spotting what he was looking for.
Reaching over, Knock Out picked up his datapad. He started typing quickly and moving through various files and images. Less than a minute later, he held out his pad in the seeker medic’s direction while he placed his HUD viewer back on.
Nighthawk gave a surprised whistle of appreciation. “Not bad.”
“As a mech of high esteem and grand taste, I’ll have to agree with you. It just screams of glory and handsomeness, don’t you think? Look at the structure of the wings-”
“Wait a nanoklik,” Blackout cut in loudly. “You’re telling me that we have to pretend to be these flesh-creatures you speak ofs transportation? You’re kidding me. I’m not letting any organic based-”
“You won’t be letting them ride in you,” Knock Out assured him, shuddering violently. “The very idea of one of those defile disease-ridden creatures and their smeary filthy servos anyway near my lustrous frame makes me cringe. No, we are as the Autobots say, ‘robots in disguise’. Because these underdeveloped creatures do not listen to their ancient cultures that show Cybertronians have visited their world before, they have not realized alien life has been on their planet. They are close-minded and think they are revolutionary. They’ve only left their planet to go as far as their lunar moon. If we were to run around waging a war openly as we are here, the species would go into chaos.”
Tearing his optics away from the datapad in his servo, Nighthawk set it upon the berth. “What’s stopping Megatron from showing these humans who we are if they are so primitive? Surely they wouldn’t pose a threat to him.”
Knock Out gave a shrug at that. “Personally I’m glad they don’t know we’re here. If they did, I would get the entertainment out of their social media, music, movies, television shows... Don’t look so shocked, they do have culture. I don’t know our liege's every thought. I would just as well guess he doesn’t want the added trouble and attention. Their weapons can not compare to ours, but enough of them may cause an inconvenience. It’s simpler to let them be ignorant of our presence.”
“Their numbers are that great?” the robotic wvyren asked with awe.
“By the billions. For their small planet, they overpopulate and ravage their world and swarm. Their breeding production is vile and gestation period is much, much faster than a Cybertronians.”
“Fascinating,” Blackout slowly droned in the most unimpressed tone imaginable.
As the three doctors continued to discuss the indigenous beasts and Knock Out started to pull up more photography for the others to look at, Blackout looked on boredly. His attention lacked; especially knowing he was going to be forced to take on some different look to hide himself from the eyes of these ugly naked shells of skin that wore cloth for protection. He was going to put off that particular quest for as long as he could manage. If he was lucky, they’d be gone before they reentered the Earth’s atmosphere.
That brought a curiosity into his helm.
“Knock Out,” he interjected loudly, “Why is the Nemesis outside of the planet’s orbit?”
Glancing with a vexed gaze back at him, the grounder answered quickly, “Soundwave picked up the signals of Cybertronians traveling through. Lord Megatron had the ship sent out to investigate. My best guess says that we’re probably going back to Earth right now. The Autobot’s groundbridge can’t reach us in space. Then again, they can’t pinpoint out exact location on the planet either, since the Nemesis includes a cloaking device.”
“That’s right,” Nighthawk mumbled quietly. “The Nemesis used to be the body of Trypticon before he was forced into this state. Is he still functional?”
The grounder medic shook his helm. “Negative. Life signs show he’s offline. The Autobot’s destroyed him.”
Giving a pitied sound in the back of his throat, the seeker medic turned his optics to move around the room. There was a light in his optics that shone with respect. Trypticon was an abused massive city-sized mech tortured into believing that Lord Megatron’s will was the only way, and he had succumb by serving that principle.
“Where are the Autobot’s?” Blackout implored.
“Suggested studies say somewhere in Nevada, although we’ve not yet discovered their base,” the small mech admitted.
“Nevada?” Infiltrator quietly chimed in.
“Ah- yes, a dirtball with some rather wonderful roads to travel. Well, those not littered with potholes,” Knock Out ventured. “Nevada is a state within the governmental run territory of the United States. Look I’m no authority on the history of this planet; if you’re curious on those matters, I suggest checking the logged database on it. It’s rather trivial and bland. The species itself is very hateful with a history of violence upon itself.”
“Not unlike our own,” Nighthawk whimsically added in, with a swift nod of agreement from his assistant.
Rolling his optics at all the interruptions, Blackout spoke deep in his chassis as he growled at the sports car, “This is why Lord Megatron has been on this particular world so long? He is after Optimus Prime, and had yet to finish him off and discover his location, along with all his Autobots?”
“That, and he wants to conquer the planet. Sometimes.”
Helpful. Megatron had discussed wanting to rule over all the creatures of the universe with an iron fist at some vague point. It didn’t surprise Blackout to hear this.
All of this just seemed like a fool's errand. If the Autobots could not leave the planet due to only obtaining groundbridge technology, Lord Megatron should leave behind a sizable team and go off-planet to continue destroying the rest of the Autobots to move forward with his plan. He truly was obsessed now. Everything centered around his revenge of Optimus Prime. No other bots mattered. All he wanted to do was extinguish his old friend’s spark. The cause no longer had a voice or a meaning. Cybertron was dead, their freedom gone and shackled to the tyrant who was going to lead them away from this system.
It was unnerving to realize that all the years he had heard bots mock him for his supreme loyalty of being a dog that they were right. He was so blindly faithful that he didn’t see his own worth diminishing even back then. If he didn’t come back from a mission, Lord Megatron would not have cared. He would have sent another to finish the job himself, or would have went himself. He had been serving out of trust for a friend who no longer saw him as a friend; for glory, for the drive, the work, the bloodshed, the idea long lost in a sea of savage brutality and a desire to simply kill without question.
“Blackout,” Nighthawk spoke up, catching his attention. “Do you want to have a look at some of these transporters? They’re so interesting. Some of these were clearly made with an eye for fashion.”
“I’ll pass,” he grunted.
“If you think their vehicles, boats, and aircrafts are interesting, wait until you see their entertainment section,” Knock Out practically sang with glee, rubbing his servos together. “Or the other strange beings on their planets. The evolution on this planet is very unlike Cybertron. Whereas we had subspecies and different alt-mode productions, this planet is filled with trillions of different species and single-celled organisms, diseases and bacteria. Humans are the primary species of the planet as their intelligence leads them to be the alphas more or less, but there are other creatures.”
“Cats, dogs,” the Aston Martin turned slightly to Blackout before looking to Nighthawk once more, “Elephants, giant pandas, birds. And that’s just surface level; that’s not even considering their undiscovered regions of aquatic life.”
“Amazing,” Nighthawk hummed. “A bot could study this world forever. It has such a crazy history; Blackout, look at the... dinosaurs that once roamed on this planet before the humans. By Primus’ it’s almost like a younger Cybertron but with more variety than even our homeworld and made up of organic life forms.”
“Do not compare us to organics,” Blackout clipped in response.
“Have a thing against humans?” Nighthawk sharply quipped. “You haven’t even met them yet, or should I say looked at their datafiles and culture. Who knows, given the right time or place, you might have liked a human if you’d met one.”
“That human would have to be rather extraordinary for me to look at it twice,” he retorted with annoyance. “Look at them Nighthawk, they’re soft and probably ooze liquids.”
Raising his digit up towards him threateningly, the seeker medic tisked at him as he scolded, “You know you leak liquids too from time to time.”
He gave an unpleasant snarl in response that was deep enough in volume and notes to shake objects in the room.
Huffing out a stream of hot air, the dragonic beast stood from his haunches and flicked his wings outward from his body in answer to Blackout’s threatening sound. He turned a sharp optic towards the big mech before circling around the berth to nudge at his teacher. Although Nighthawk grumbled a little, he seemed to understand the gesture well enough and reclined back to a suitable position. His servo went out to rest on Infiltrator’s shoulder as he drew his wings back against his frame.
Releasing a vent, Blackout dragged a servo over his faceplate and dropped it at his side. “I’m going to head to my room,” he managed to speak in a slightly growly edge. “Nighthawk, just focus on your recovery at the moment.”
The next words out of his mouth he loathed, but felt needed to be said.
“Thank you both for making sure this slagger didn’t offline.”
“Oooh appreciation~ I do like the sound of that,” Knock Out purred with joy.
“Like I was going to let him offline,” Infiltrator snorted, appearing slightly vexed with his attitude still.
Ah well, he couldn’t please them all.
“If you need anything, have me pinged,” he grunted.
Being a smart aft, Nighthawk gave a coy smile as he stated, “Well, I would like you to get a sense of humor, a decent personality, oh- and a new section of armor so that I don’t have patchwork over my gutted chassis for the rest of my life.”
Between Knock Out’s look of shock and Blackout’s, it was impossible to tell who was more surprised by the statement.
“I saved your life for you to insult me like this?” he fumed.
Instantly, the cherry red seeker’s wings gave a slight ‘fwap’ as they moved and hit the berth. His faceplate looked slightly pained by the reminder.
“I was... joking,” he managed to mutter. His optics didn’t quite look Blackout’s.
A sense of guilt slapped Blackout in the faceplate. Ahh to Pit, he didn’t want this remorse; the old fool. He should have realized he was jabbing at him as usual.
“You know while I’m at it, maybe I’ll look for you a working processor,” he offered, giving an apologetic curve to his lips.
Nighthawk gave the impression of a smile in response to that.
“Well, when he leaves, we go lights dim,” Knock Out stated. “A medic’s got to get his beauty rest~”
“Thanks, Knock Out, but I already look pretty damn fine. You know, besides the hole.”
“Is this always how he deals with pain?” the grounder asked under his breath.
“I don’t know, maybe it’s the drugs you put in him,” Blackout offered, chuckling. “You going to be okay lying there with him Infiltrator? We can always look for another berth for you, or you can-”
“I’m fine where I am, thank you,” the drake announced in quick reply. His frame bunched down as he crouched and suddenly sprang up silently, his claws rasping on the berth as he made room for himself. He settled down beside his mentor and slowly pulled out one wing to lay across Nighthawk like a blanket as his chin rested on the seeker’s arm.
Blackout shrugged. “If you change your mind-”
“I won’t.”
Okay, he’d have to lay off on jesting with the seeker for a while, or the dragon was going to try taking off his leg and beating him with it from the sound of it.
Giving a short nod to Knock Out, Blackout turned and made haste for the door. He hoped that Scorponok and Novastrike were doing alright without him. He hadn’t expected to be so caught up in conversation and trying to worm things out of that grounder medic.
Glancing over his shoulder as he stepped through the threshold, he looked to Nighthawk as he put a servo on Infiltrator. He seemed rather drained but was offering a slight smile to his companion as he nestled against his arm.
Turning his helm away, Blackout stepped the rest of the way through the door so that it closed, and made his way down the hall alone.
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years ago
Feb 13 Lost Light Stream - Soundwave’s Bar - Transformers Prime 60-62
To Soundwave’s shock and amazement, not a single person commented on the fact that his alternate spoke.
It wasn’t much commented on, but Prowl was more struck by the fact that Ratchet said “Soundwave is no ordinary Cybertronian—inside or out” and advocated dissection. His opinion of Ratchet plummeted.
ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lemme grab a quick drink and i'll start preshow)) Shockbox: I see we are back again with these...choreographed videos. Windchill: *Walks in at exactly the wrong moment, as usual.* Shockbox: *As disturbed as he is capable of looking.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's just setting out snacks. He may or may not have taken to doing these mostly because he knows it confuses people.* Shockbox: *Snacks, you say? Now, that sounds much more interesting.* Windchill: *He won't be eating after a display like that, thanks.* Shockwave: ((hm. taking a long time to load in for me)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((is anyone else having trouble)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i paused it)) FakeProwl: *oh good. megatron dancing. just what prowl was hoping to see when he arrived* Bruin: *((nope)) FakeProwl: ((i just got here so idk.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((give it a sec txen. sometimes it needs a moment to get goin)) Windchill: (( I didn't notice any trouble thus far!)) Shockwave: ((hrm.)) Shockwave: ((i hope its not being adblocked or something)) FakeProwl: ((i've got adblock on and it's okay for me)) Shockwave: ((ah, a refresh fixed it)) Primus: [I should reset my icon. >u> Shockwave: *if he could squint at the screen, he would* Shockbox: *He shares that sentiment.* boomtank: ((whaaaat the frickfrack ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings. We will start in a little bit. He is waiting for something to resolve itself.]] Primus: [Think that did it] boomtank: -Blaster would like to know what that was because what the Pit- Primus: [I'm either a chaos god or a warbird] Primus: [orprimus] FakeProwl: *ah. and now it's prowl's alternate that knows how to dance.* Buzzstrike: Thank you, Soundwave. Shockwave: ((how do you change your icon again...)) boomtank: -mild concern now- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mmhm.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'll start at 9) Whirl: Of course. Why did I think anything else would be playing. Whirl: Why did I fool myself with that small glowing shred of HOPE... Shockbox: (( I think we're stuck being rabbits for the night, txen.)) FakeProwl: Look on the bright side. You missed Megatron. Whirl: Oh, thank god. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Show something else? And miss out on all these complaints? Ha.* Primus: *Is amused* boomtank: Uh...what? Starscream: ((lurking ooc for now, working on a sculpt Buzzstrike: *blinks* Starscream: ((Also my bun is the cutest Windchill: *Oh look, Whirl, his arch nemesis, has arrived.* Whirl: *stops in the doorway and POINTS at Windchill* YOU. Windchill: *Points at himself.* Me? Whirl: You. Prepare to have your ass kicked. Windchill: Finally. Windchill: My entire life has led up to this moment. Primus: *Will just be off somewhere else away from the cluckoos* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Do not worry. No other Prowl alternate recordings possessed. Airachnid: [she isn't even phased by what's on screen anymore] Primus: *Kinda tempted to show Soundwave something* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'm not really bothered by them. I just feel like they set up unrealistic expectations for my capabilities.» Shockwave: ((oh is guest puff) Shockwave: ((i was like i dont see puff here)) Bruin: *clomps on in, Spotter on a shoulder, and look at that Specter finally decided to come along too* FakeProwl: ((wait does my name say guest. why.)) Starscream: ((u a guest FakeProwl: ((:T rabbit i TOLD u my name)) Whirl: *advances, clicking his claws* Also, I found that thing you sent me. You maniac. What were you thinking? Starscream: ((Tonight Prowl wears a Guy Fawkes mask Windchill: Are you menacing me? FakeProwl: ((fixed?)) Whirl: Do you feel MENACED? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): That skill not expected. Windchill: ...A little. Whirl: ((Yes! I see prowlbun)) Primus: *Spider lady here. Nope. Going to avoid her to avoid spooking her* Shockbox: *Watching his iteration of Soundwave dance is....interesting, for him.* Whirl: I can tell this guy what I want to do with his body. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave settles in on a chair and steeples his fingers.* Whirl: I bet none of you can guess. Shockwave: Darksteel: Punch it? FakeProwl: *dryly* Does he survive it? Guest: Oh primus Whirl: He does not! Windchill: *Snorts& Whirl: It involves immolation. Windchill: Nice. Whirl: Hey, look, Blaster! You're famous! Shockwave: Darksteel: Immo-what? Whirl: Set him on fire. Shockbox: *He's grabbing snacks during this one.* Txen: Darksteel: Oh!! Hey! -We're- good at that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Blaster appears to be a popular choice for dancing with his alternate. He is still investigating why.]] boomtank: Sorry, can't dance like my alternate FakeProwl: *is there space next to Soundwave? If so, sits next to.* Infinite: look at these sexy boxes Infinite: look at them dance Shockbox: Excuse you. Airachnid: [she sees you Primus, she sees you] ItsyBitsySpyers: *There is space for whichever allies feel like parking there.* FakeProwl: *... he's not sure if he and Primus are still on speaking terms, so he just nods as he passes* Whirl: A likely story. *sets himself down at Windchill's table, sprawling comfortably* Councilor: that was a crotch zoom Txen: *Shockwaves a creature of habit. what's he going to do, go sit on Whirl?* Councilor: if I ever saw any Whirl: I'm sensing a theme here. Councilor: yonCE ItsyBitsySpyers: *Poor Whirl's legs. We hardly knew ye.* Primus: *Prowl can still talk to him. Just avoiding others to not cause trouble* Whirl: *buck the trend, come sit on me, Worm Guy* Windchill: *Was going to say something, but wasn't expecting that crotch to the face. Sorry.* FakeProwl: *given how their last conversation ended, Prowl doesn't know that. so a polite nod it will be.* Txen: *alas. soundwave > worms* Whirl: ((whop brb y'all)) boomtank: -Oh. Primus is here. He should...probably apologize for running out during the card game?- Councilor: I don't want to be a rabbit anymore Councilor: how do I fiX THIs Txen: ((oh, havent seen a kaon before i dont think)) Buzzstrike: (I think you have to register for an account to stop being a bunny?) FakeProwl: ((that's a nice looking model. good glowing bits.)) Councilor: (( it would seem so )) Primus: *Blaster is fine, btw* Airachnid: yeah you have to have an account to be not a bunny)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((one more after this and then start, so get what you need and get settled)) FakeProwl: ((I always like when they take the extra step to give the TFs glowy bits or metallic paint)) boomtank: -Blaster still feels a bit bad about his reaction though- Primus: *Not the worst thing he's had happen* Windchill: Who are these nerds? *He means the ones on screen, not you lot.* Starscream: (( *sigh* against my better judgement- Roddy was looking forward to showing Thirst IC as Rodimus, and was wondering if that ep could be skipped Councilor: ugh Councilor: there Starscream: ((Or idk if shed prefer it skipped or just no TFP at all, i didn't ask Whirl: ((sorry, internet died)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i am literally 30 seconds from starting man)) FakeProwl: ((she decided to bail)) Councilor: so many soundwave animations ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i will watch it again next monday if wanted but i gotta get goin)) Starscream: ((was just letting you know so you didn't get back to skype in a few hours and then see it Starscream: ((rodger that Councilor: *kicks back* Whirl: ((INTERNET. PLEASE)) Whirl: ((if i vanish for good, my internet died. Whirl tipped his chair too far back, despite warnings, and fell into another dimension)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[All right. We will begin. Please, do not run screaming into the outside world if you are frightened. There are tables for hiding under.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lmao okay snif)) FakeProwl: So it's THAT kind of episode, is it. Whirl: You already showed the most frightening thing BEFORE the episode. Councilor: *Lazy boy footrest flies up with destructive force* boomtank: -does the Primus mind if Blaster sits beside him?- Txen: *tsks* Windchill: What an awful sound. Starscream: ((somehow i forgot about that fukkin accent save me Councilor: HA Airachnid: What an awful sight. [gestures to CYLAS] Primus: *Isn't really sitting anywhere. More like back over by the bar. Possibly sitting on it or at least on a bar stool* Councilor: I like the color green a lot less now Whirl: ((...test)) Windchill: Gross. Windchill: (( What u testing my dude. )) Councilor: oh my god its our lord and saviour Airachnid: there they go)) Whirl: ((to see if i was still yup, Rabbit is freakin out)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble comes slowly trudging downstairs and crawls on to the back of the couch behind Soundwave. He drapes himself against a shoulder and stays there.* FakeProwl: *nods to rumble* Airachnid: And he already has one Starscream. ItsyBitsySpyers: *The barest handflap hi.* Whirl: *tilts his head when he notices Rumble* Councilor: *silently hopes the minicon comes over to lay on her lap* Windchill: *Shakes his head.* Primus: *Looks over* ItsyBitsySpyers: *That one won't, but Laserbeak will perch on the new bot's helm* Buzzstrike: *watches fellow Mini-Con with a worried frown* boomtank: -okay, gonna sit nearby-ish then. This set looks to be a bit...no- Councilor: *sits completely still* Primus: [*guesswhostillhasntseenprime*] Shockbox: (( But. You're Primus.)) boomtank: ((-pats- Shockbox: (( Mind: Blown.)) Primus: [I know. I've never sat down to see it.] Whirl: Oh yeah, I've seen this stuff before. I wonder what would happen if we gave some to Frenzy. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I'M ALWAYS ON IT.\\ Airachnid: Yes, you are. Whirl: *laughs* boomtank: ...... Councilor: Daaaaaark energon Airachnid: [referring to Sarscream on screen] Councilor: there goes rule number one Councilor: don't bring dark energon Whirl: I wonder how *I* would handle it. Txen: Shockwave: *mutter* The only thing that is 'frightening' about this installment is their 'scientific' methodology and lack of safety procedures. Councilor: they're just talking ship gossip ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave huffs softly, amused. He overheard that.* Primus: *Vents* FakeProwl: How desperate is Starscream to think this is a good idea. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Very.]] Airachnid: Very. FakeProwl: Tsk. boomtank: They're...kinda...wow, no Councilor: ew Airachnid: [just thinking about this makes her cringe] Councilor: purple and green go AWFUL together boomtank: They actually did it Whirl: Y'know. I'm not necessarily known for my good ideas, but... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up straight and tries to keep calm. No twitching. No fluttering.* Airachnid: [so glad that this didn't happen in her universe] Councilor: horrible fashion sense Primus: And it broke free. Primus: *SIGH* Windchill: *Scratches his chin.* Bruin: Its also a terrible plan Windchill: Well. Txen: Shockwave: *excuse him? super soldiers aren't his area? what do they think he was doing for most of the war* Windchill: That was to be expected. Councilor: silas how many drugs have you eaten in your life agooddistraction: what'd i miss agooddistraction: w???? Councilor: OH Councilor: OH Whirl: Oh, hey. Councilor: EW Whirl: Neat! agooddistraction: wtf? Buzzstrike: *abrupt twitch of blade-wings* Windchill: I've seen prettier. Councilor: Oh god I didn't know this was a HORROR flick Airachnid: A prime example on why to not dabble in dark energon. Windchill: *He's used to faces like that by now.* Councilor: rather... insect like boomtank: ....-hiding face behind data-pad now- Councilor: *looks at windcill* Whirl: Yeah. If I bothered to give myself a mouth, I'd like something like that. Windchill: *Avoids Infinite's gaze on purpose.* Whirl: I've already got half the prongs for it. *gestures to his helm* Windchill: *Cackles* Whirl: ((PFFT) Windchill: (( This ep. <3 )) Primus: Poor Vehicons Buzzstrike: ...mhm Councilor: (( this episode is probably the funniest )) Bruin: High;y traained??? Pf Airachnid: That hardly looks like "problem solved". FakeProwl: He's going to tear through the Vehicons. agooddistraction: wow ItsyBitsySpyers: *Okay. Maybe a little twitch. This is not a favorite. And now he's thinking of where he was at the time.* FakeProwl: ... Like that. Councilor: I'm a highly trained critic Whirl: Anyway, thanks for the gift, mech. *to Windchill* I'll always take and all figures of Heqet. Whirl: Praise. boomtank: That....did not go well.... Whirl: Even squishy ones. Starscream: *FLOUNCES IN* Windchill: *Nods.* You're welcome. Primus: None of this will end well boomtank: It's UP! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Dark energon never does.]] Airachnid: Of course it didn't. IT was a result of dark energon and bad ideas. Starscream: Oh. It's /this/ again. Councilor: oh wow this iS predator Councilor: that was definitely the predator noise Whirl: Oh, so it's kind of like a sparkeater. Whirl: Except it drains energon, instead of eating sparks. Primus: [*shrieks*] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\LIKE WEDNESDAYS! HAHA\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. Though the spark is extinguished as well.]] Councilor: oh god a tongue on a body Windchill: ...Fascinating. Councilor: .... kinky Airachnid: Hey, human horror films are actually amusing. Windchill: *He can agree with that at least.* Whirl: *slowly swivels his helm to stare at Infinite* Councilor: TWO DIFFERENT types of bots Starscream: *will find himself a seat near the back to watch from. What even IS this nonsense.* agooddistraction: what was that boomtank: ((you okay Pri-mun? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A Terrorcon.]] Councilor: *points at windchill* it was him Primus: [I'm laughing] Windchill: Who, me? Whirl: *slowly turns his helm to regard Windchill* I dunno what she's blaming you for but I believe her. Windchill: Oh, well. boomtank: ((oh good Windchill: Fair enough. Councilor: *sighs in relief* Primus: This is quite the nightmare Airachnid: [now if you'll excuse her, she's just going to go by Whirl] Whirl: He will nod to her as she joins the table* agooddistraction: is this really real Councilor: GA Y ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Now kiss~}} Windchill: I... Airachnid: [gives a chirp in greeting] ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Keheheh.}} Primus: *Laughs* Whirl: *so, whirl is sitting with Airachnid and Windchill--who else is at this table?* Windchill: *Pretends to swoon.* Councilor: AWKWARD GA Y Txen: Skylynx: Awwwkwardddd. Whirl: Ugh, Knock Out can do SO much better. boomtank: ...wow Whirl: Hell, even *I* could do better. And I'm ME. Starscream: *squints* FakeProwl: *wow. decepticon friendships are more awkward than prowl friendships. who knew.* Councilor: fUNnny Starscream: *Yup, that's MEgatron* Whirl: *he'll pause, look to Airachnid, and then imitate her chirp back at her* Windchill: Oh my god. Airachnid: [Decepticons are emotionally constipated mecha, of course it's going to be awkward] Windchill: *Sticks his tongue out at Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *NOT LOOKING* Whirl: *reaches up....* Whirl: *grasps it in his pincer* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He notes that he was on board for this, but not as a Decepticon. Or with anyone else's knowledge. From what he understands, a Vehicon took his place.]] Councilor: LOL Windchill: *Immediately begins to wail like a siren.* Councilor: keeep it downnn ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YO! QUIET DOWN FRONT!\\ FakeProwl: ... A Vehicon took your place? *talented Vehicon* Councilor: some of us are watching historcal documentaries Whirl: *holds the tongue. Gently. But still holdin* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There were a few who were passable in emergencies.]] Windchill: *Still wailing.* FakeProwl: Hm. agooddistraction: I can't believed I fragged that Councilor: whIRL ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Not near his level. But passable.]] Starscream: *snorts* Perhaps with a welder and an industrial accident. Primus: *Clears his vocals* Windchill: *Swats at Whirl, let him go so he can talk properly!* FakeProwl: *ugh. bugs.* Windchill: *If he talks like this it might disturb people.* Airachnid: [chirps at screen] Whirl: *IS SWATTED* Councilor: bara Whirl: ...*lets the tongue go* Airachnid: [happy to see something familiar] Starscream: Are those... throat appendages? Standard? Councilor: *points* Councilor: It you Windchill: *Sucks it back into his head and shuts up, finally.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEP.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\UH, FOR OUR PLANET.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\DUNNO 'BOUT NOBODY ELSE.\\ agooddistraction: primus Airachnid: Not in mine. Primus: Well.. Whirl: Oh. Tough break for your alternate, mech. *looks to Airachnid* Airachnid: Oh. It's my alternate. Councilor: spider karate Starscream: *not... sure how he feels about that* Whirl: Nice moves, though. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\'N YOU CAN CALL IT A MLAH. 'S AN ONNER... ONNAMO...\\ Airachnid: It was her fault for being captured in the first place. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Onomatopoeia.// ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEAH.\\ Starscream: Huh. Strange adaptation. *Snorts* 'Mlah'? agooddistraction: what the frag Txen: *has his thoughts about them being 'standard'. not going to talk about them here unless he has to* Councilor: ohhh... Windchill: Finally. Whirl: *SNRKS* Starscream: ...there was a human inside of it. Councilor: one of like Whirl: ((airachnid omg)) Starscream: Please tell me THAT isn't standard. Councilor: the most serious moments from this show FakeProwl: He's a unique model, thankfully. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Negative. The human stole a dead Cybertronian.]] boomtank: ... Starscream: (('Dang. Going to need the big mop and the bug zapper.')) Councilor: daaaAHHH ItsyBitsySpyers: [[*This* was him.]] Windchill: *Frowns.* Airachnid: The human thought they could be a Cybertronian. It's cute but sad. Airachnid: But mostly sad. FakeProwl: *ugh, the noise of them* Councilor: love this part Windchill: *He senses this isn't going to go well.* Starscream: Extremely sad. Txen: *that vow did not amount to much* Whirl: HA! Starscream: !!! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And he did not send her to the moon.]] Primus: ..... FakeProwl: *snorts* Starscream: *gonna look at Sounwave* Whirl: Nicely done, Chatterbox. FakeProwl: Where DID you send her? Airachnid: I certainly wasn't. Windchill: What. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The smelter, of course.]] Bruin: Impressive portalling FakeProwl: Practical. Airachnid: [laughs at her alternate's misfortunes] Primus: *Yeah.... Doesn't like seeing his shell* Councilor: now you're thinking with portals Airachnid: [both on screen and the one from Soundwave's universe] Windchill: He could have sent Airachnid alone. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Records the laugh. It is a good laugh.* Councilor: he just ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is also carefully avoiding Starscream's glance... for the moment.* Councilor: he just likes kicking his aft Starscream: *glares at the screen. He still needs to put a bullet through Megatron* Windchill: WHAT. Whirl: Damn. agooddistraction: that's kinda hot Primus: *Covers his face* Windchill: *Folds his arms.* Starscream: .. Primus: *Nope. Shell. Nope* Starscream: *now looks at Airachnid* Starscream: So. Is THAT standard? Windchill: *Offended.* Airachnid: No. Not in my universe. Buzzstrike: That's... disturbing. Councilor: One is enough eps for me boomtank: ...you okay? Airachnid: And I would never do that to my Insecticons. Councilor: Councilor out boomtank: -to Primus- Windchill: Bye, sucker. Whirl: *nods to Infinite; he has no idea who she is, but she seems to no Windchill* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell. Perhaps they will be more to your handling ability next time.]] Primus: No... I'm not... That was Cybertron. Councilor: *blows kiss* Whirl: *And Windchill is good people* Windchill: *Windchill is bad people don't lie.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Will let Blaster handle Primus for now.* Whirl: *compared to Whirl you're good people* Starscream: ((Starscream be like COULD WE NOT)) boomtank: Yes. It was. Windchill: *Okay, I'll accept this...for now.* Primus: *His field would be quite uncomfortable to be around* Txen: *antennae perk* Whirl: Camera. I could use. Less of the extreme close-ups of Megatron's ass. Windchill: Aw. Windchill: Look at them. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nudges Shockwave's knee. He likes your work, you know.* Airachnid: Likewise. Buzzstrike: *shudders at the tubes* boomtank: -well, he's gonna tough it out, so...fun- Starscream: *siiiiighs. These are the worst people to be watching* agooddistraction: hey butterball FakeProwl: *it's almost impressive, how Megatron continues to get worse.* Txen: *likes it, too. misses the days when he had more than three cobbled-together vats* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SOMETHIN' WRONG, SCREAMER? UH. STARSCREAM? LORD SCREAM? WHAT IS IT?\\ Whirl: Oh, hey. *gestures to the screen and looks to the Peds* Is this you guys? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy scratches his helm together* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...I don't know why I wrote together. Just go with it.* boomtank: Hey, hey, you're okay Windchill: *Snorts.* Primus: [THATEXPRESISON] Whirl: *SNRK* Starscream: *points at the screen* /Guess/. Starscream: ..by the way, which one ARE you, anyway? Whirl: *drapes a hand over his cockpit* What a sweet-talker. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy jerks a thumb toward his chest.* \\FRENZY.\\ Primus: *Shifts and pulls his field in tight* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And do not fret so. Here, your alternate leads.]] Txen: Darksteel: *wriggling excitedly* What, you couldnt tell? It was the one that looked like ME. Whirl: Kinda hard to see all of you in those tubes. FakeProwl: ... He's in charge?? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Of the Decepticons only.]] boomtank: -going to stretch his own field out to offer comfort- FakeProwl: *grimaces. could be worse.* Shockbox: (( But-- didn't shockwave use predacons before at some point during the war?)) Shockbox: (( Continuity error? )) Txen: ((yes lol shhh writing bad dragons good)) Starscream: ((shhhhh Starscream: ((dont look too closely FakeProwl: ((not long enough to see them transform apparently)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((He sent them off to Earth, don't forget.)) FakeProwl: (("earlier in the war, I used the Predacons. ... For two weeks.")) Shockbox: (( But the flashback showed that he was there with them.)) Txen: ((yeah they might have never gotten 'woke')) Starscream: ((Does this mean he's like 'Wait wait what they transform??? And I didn't get to test this first?!")) FakeProwl: ((like a mom dropping them off at school. 0v0)) Starscream: ((...though i think we decided there's no way HE didn't know they could transform FakeProwl: ((he dropped them off and then went off to work)) Txen: ((there are theories shockwave suspected but is just bsing megs there lol)) Airachnid: you think they would scan for something like a t-cog)) Whirl: *loud, exaggerated groaning noises the moment Ultra Magnus shows up* Whirl: Windchill, put me out of my misery. Shockbox: (( I accept the bs'ing headcanon.)) Primus: *Rubs his optics* Windchill: *Mimics Whirl.* Starscream: ((yeah he built them, he should know if they have a T-cog. clearly )) Starscream: Frenzy. That won't be hard to remember. Windchill: *Snorts.* agooddistraction: wow he's the same everywhere FakeProwl: ((since they're so ancient, maybe they didn't have t-cogs. maybe they transform via some other mechanism.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy points at the tired blue lump with his face buried against the thin side of Soundwave's shoulder. That's his brother.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Then points around the room at all the others in turn.* Txen: ((yeah ive dabbled in headcanons that their spark and stuff is somewhat different)) Windchill: *That's such a dumb name.* Windchill: *Frowns again.* Airachnid: [she would say the same, but he's in the room] Whirl: Ugh. "Master." ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He should also note that none of this tape happened. Megatron was destroyed.]] Windchill: *There's plotting afoot and he doesn't like it.* Whirl: No offense, big guy, but you used to be a chump. FakeProwl: Oh? He's dead by this point? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes.]] FakeProwl: Good. Starscream: /Good/. Windchill: *Squints.* Txen: Predaking: *snorts* I was newly-aware and naive to the -deceptive- nature of your kind. Airachnid: For once, Starscream has a good plan. Starscream: ((also: good. Starscream u work it)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Any answers he can give from here are only what he has learned. Shockwave may know more, regarding some things.]] Whirl: Not MY kind. I'm neither a 'Con NOR from than dimension. I'm an honest mech. Txen: ((ARE U WHIRL)) Windchill: *Snorts.* Whirl: I never pretend to be a GOOD one, but I AM an honest one. Starscream: *Starscream keeps track of the mechs introduced. Maybe they'll be useful* Whirl: ((HE ISN'T HE'S JUST Bad)) Whirl: ((but he's .... forthright 80% of the time)) Txen: Predaking: *eyes Whirl carefully for a moment before giving a tiny nod. if you have to be crude, the least you can be is honest about it* Whirl: *he is the crudest. and the rudest* Whirl: *and the 'tudist* Windchill: *Is just. Tensing his jaw.* Txen: *shockwave begins to eminate a faint aura of pure salt* Primus: *Vents slowly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Feels that aura. Presses knee against harder. He agrees with the salt.* Windchill: *If he squints any harder his optics will implode.* Whirl: *looks to Windchill* You constipated or something? Txen: *such a brief time to revisit his lab as it should have been... curse starscream and his meddling* Windchill: Hush, I'm getting angry. FakeProwl: ((I love those rare moments when Starscream is confident in his absolute shittiness.)) Whirl: At what? Txen: ((yeah it is a good moment. even if he make me boi sad)) Starscream: ((ikr? boomtank: -fluffs and attempts to provide some comfort to the avatar- ItsyBitsySpyers: @Predaking: [[Your protectiveness does you credit.]] Windchill: *Shakes his head.* Starscream: *snorts.* That was /painfully/ easy as far as manipulation goes. Whirl: Wow, what a smart idea, waiting for them to WAKE UP. Primus: *Don't mind him not paying attention at all* Whirl: *waves a claw at the screen disgustedly* Shoulda started snuffing them earlier. Airachnid: Well, they had to talk first apparently. Starscream: Agreed. Windchill: *Rubs his face. Nope.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny helm shake on Soundwave's part.* boomtank: -oh, he won't, all good here- FakeProwl: *... small sigh* Whirl: *there's not a trace of remorse or pity in Whirl's expression or his field* ItsyBitsySpyers: *A waste of life. He is glad they were protected here.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\OH FRAG YEAH, I LOVE THIS PART.\\ Airachnid: [likewise] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sends Prowl a curious ping. Why sigh?* Txen: Predaking: @Shockwave I deserve no credit. I was fooled, and my bretheren suffered for it. Airachnid: [she doesn't exactly having them around] Windchill: That's just wrong. Txen: ((oops soundwave)) Txen: ((not shockwave bgbghgbh)) Whirl: What is, exactly? agooddistraction: umm Starscream: ((just talk in that general direction, someone will hear you ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LOL)) Airachnid: doesn't like god I can't type tonight)) Primus: [Sounds seems off] Airachnid: [she does enjoy the fight though] Txen: ((its ok for me)) Whirl: ((me too!)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «The deaths are unfortunate. They were, at that point, innocents.» FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Admittedly, innocents that were a few hours away from becoming absolute hell for the Autobots. But it still isn't pleasant to watch.» Windchill: *He's not going to say anything more, actually.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Predaking: [[You did not know. You would not have saved them trying, or not trying. That you did try is what credits you.]] Windchill: (( Brb. )) Txen: Shockwave: *still salty. a little proud of his dragon son though. shh dont tell* Primus: *And this is why he doesn't watch "archived" collections of the past* Whirl: *watches Windchill's face, but seeing as he gets no response, shrugs and falls silent* agooddistraction: scrap ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small nod at Prowl. He is glad you see that, at least.* agooddistraction: what Whirl: *isn't going to pretend he wouldn't do the same to his enemies* Airachnid: Now that's just rude. Txen: ((LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE)) Txen: ((i hate s3 optimus)) Airachnid: same)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\GOT THE SCRAP KICKED OUTTA YA, HUH JACKO?\\ Txen: ((hes just an 'autobots win' button)) boomtank: -all good, don't worry, it's fine- Airachnid: pretty much)) Whirl: ((ye for real 8/ )) Primus: *Nope* Starscream: ((just focus on his disproportionally tiny head)) Airachnid: He's not very /handy/ anymore now is he? boomtank: -just don't think to much about it all- ItsyBitsySpyers: ((FRICK i meant to warn whirl ic)) Whirl: ((whop)) Starscream: ...oh, looks like that cave-in packed quite a punch. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((well, i can salvage it a lil bit)) Whirl: *if he was also uncomfortable, he hid it well* Primus: *Now he remembers why he doesn't come to these* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: [[Do you require distraction?]] Txen: Predaking: *doesnt have a response for Soundwave; just rumbles discontentedly in his chest.* Starscream: Good thing the rest of the Autobots were there to lend him a hand. Starscream: ((WHIRL IM SORRY Starscream was literally founded on hand/arm puns) Airachnid: [cackles] Whirl: Nice moves, Big Guy. *that is Predaking;s nickname* Can't say I wouldn't have tried to snuff the lot of you, if it'd been me, but still. A good fight. Windchill: * Sorry Whirl, he's already wrapped this one up and labeled it "to be dealt with later." This isn't the place.* Whirl: *starts and looks to Soundwave, tilting his head slightly; he's taken aback* ... @Soundwave: I'm fine. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Confirmation ping. Very well.* agooddistraction: does every timeline have fraggery with synth en? FakeProwl: *... so not only do they have, essentially, bombs that spontaneously make stuff.* Whirl: *nods; he's grateful for that* FakeProwl: *but they didn't even do it on purpose. they discovered it by accident.* Whirl: *and you can talk to him about it later, Windchill; like Whirl said earlier, he never said he was a good person. Just an honest one* FakeProwl: *this universe. prowl swears.* Txen: Predaking: *hmphs in acknowledgement. now isnt a time to feel pleased with himself* boomtank: -reaching over to pat Primus on the nearest part he can- Hey. How are you holding up? Whirl: *...and even that's only partially true* Starscream: ...what sort of bomb was that? Windchill: (( Omg. It was looking shitty so I changed it to HD and that's when everything inverted for a second. I was not fast enough to screencap.)) Whirl: Ohh, beat him up, Shockwave! agooddistraction: oh scrap Whirl: *clicks his claws eagerly* Windchill: *Rests his elbows on the table, so uncouth.* agooddistraction: glitch fight FakeProwl: ((megstron's frickin "I'm thinking" tho)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It was a mere grenade.]] Airachnid: Impale him. Do it. Bruin: *snickering* Starscream: Then what caused all of that? Windchill: *Has mixed feelings about this.* Txen: Shockwave: I should not have stopped. *taps claw on knee* Starscream: *ugh. Megatron* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps you should ask him.]] Primus: *Vents* This was a poor decision choice. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Motions to his purple seatmate* Starscream: */ugh. Shockwave/* agooddistraction: You can impale my optic on somethin' sharp anyway, Daddy Whirl: *whirl's never gonna admit it, ever ever EVER, TO ANYONE, but Shockwave is kind of attractive when he's being menacing* Primus: *NOPE* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave would agree, if he heard it.* Txen: ((hah)) Whirl: *No One Must Know* Windchill: *Don't be silly, Shockwave is attractive all the time.* Windchill: *...Depending on your type/* boomtank: -pats a bit more- Heeey, hey no, it's okay, only a recording ItsyBitsySpyers: *Are you sure? Because he has some delightful footage of Shockwave beating up Wheeljack...* Primus: *At this point his thoughts are pretty damn loud* Whirl: *don't u DARE* Starscream: *Starscream prefers partners with depth perception.* Airachnid: [type is very important, and he is not Airachnid's type at all] Txen: Shockwave: *didnt do it to be attractive, anyway* Primus: *Looks at Blaster* This /happened/ Blaster Whirl: *we all know your type Airachnid* Whirl: *and THERE HE IS* boomtank: Yes, it did Airachnid: [YOU SHUSH YOUR NONEXISTENT MOUTH] Whirl: * O) * Windchill: *Raises eyebrow* boomtank: But you're still here, despite it Whirl: ((ok brb guys)) Primus: Barely Primus: That is not my shell agooddistraction: ouch FakeProwl: *dutiful assistant that he is, pings what he knows about the material to Starscream. That basically amounts to the name "cybermatter" and the fact, it involves blowing up synthetic energon, and it makes stuff. For the rest, yes, he'll have to ask Shockwave.* Windchill: ((It get quieter every episode what are you doing rabbit.)) Airachnid: Smokescreen, I see he's still a bumbling fool. FakeProwl: *... and a video of the Nemesis blowing up and instantly reforming.* Txen: ((i just keep turning up the volume lol)) Starscream: *...don't they have synthetic energon of their own? Has anyone tried blowing it up yet? The inquiry is pinged back.* boomtank: Barely still means you are FakeProwl: *to prowl's knowledge, nobody has blown it up yet.* boomtank: You can still pull yourself up FakeProwl: *......... adds--very reluctantly--that Shockwave has demonstrated a willingness to trade the recipe for cybermatter.* FakeProwl: *adds much more emphatically that he does not recommend agreeing to Shockwave's terms. but. it IS an option.* Primus: No, Blaster. My shell is dead... Literally broken Txen: (( OwO whats dis )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Slow pull in of his armor.* boomtank: ...oh Starscream: *raises an eyebrow and- very non conspiritorily at all this is as obvious as this abomintation of Optimus- points at the mech next to Soundwave. This Shockwave?* Windchill: Not this fool plan again. FakeProwl: *affirmative ping* boomtank: No way to repair it at all? Primus: The one we're on now is alive... fortunately, due to other events. FakeProwl: ((had to make up for Prowl bailing on the bargain. o/)) Primus: No, Blaster. There is no repairing. Starscream: *Huh. A request for Shockwave's terms. He doesn't have to agree to them to review them* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Primus: [[Why is there no repairing?]] Yes. He's been listening. Txen: *brushes a bit of Soundwave with the back of one digit* ItsyBitsySpyers: *They repaired theirs, didn't they?* Txen: ((thank you, i was going to ask soundy to hook him up with stars digits but this works too)) boomtank: You're sure? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quiet vent. Thank you, Shockwave.* Primus: ... *Does Soundwave really wish to know?* Primus: I'm sure, Blaster. FakeProwl: *for a sample of the substance? innermost energon from... Prowl forgets if it's 3 or 4 outliers, or sufficiently strange mechs.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes.* boomtank: But...why? ItsyBitsySpyers: {{PEH! Dumb Prime.}} agooddistraction: *throws a candy wrapper at Shockwave's arm* Whirl: ((and back)) ItsyBitsySpyers: {{It good thing Bird never punched.}} Primus: What planet can support life if there is no life? Whirl: Oh, damn. ...HELL. agooddistraction: uh oh Whirl: Tough luck for YOUR alternate, Soundwave. Windchill: .... Windchill: *Winces.* Txen: *catches it, and stares at jackie for a full second before letting it fall into the trash can nearby* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mm.]] Bruin: *cringing* yikes FakeProwl: *for the recipe itself, lab time with the Engima of Combination. Prowl STRONGLY recommends talking him into lab time with a different artifact.* boomtank: .....oh agooddistraction: *sticks out glosssa* Starscream: *Well that's not so- oh. Yeah, no, that is indeed a sticking point.* Airachnid: Way to vocalize that Autobots. Primus: *Sends Soundwave an image of what Cybertron "currently" looks like* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lifts chin. He will meet this tape head on.* FakeProwl: *... hm. is soundwave bothered by watching his alternate in prison? glances at him.* Windchill: *Snickers.* Whirl: ...pfft. Primus: [Soundwaveplz] Whirl: *SNRKS* Starscream: *snrkj* Bruin: PFFF Windchill: *He feels a little better now.* FakeProwl: *... not sure. offers soundwave's hand a light knuckle brush anyway, just in case.* Txen: *the past is the past. alternates are alternates. this is but imagery upon a screen. it will pass* Shockbox: /Finds this Soundwave's sass to be amusing. Airachnid: [claps hand servos together] FakeProwl: *winces. RUDE, Ratchet* Airachnid: [she would like to see that] ItsyBitsySpyers: *It is not the imagery which worries him. But he will take both knuckle brushes.* agooddistraction: ??????? Whirl: *tilts head* Whirl: *well, whaddya know* Primus: [wAT] Shockbox: /Taps "chin" thoughtfully. FakeProwl: *that wasn't the voice Prowl expected, but okay.* Airachnid: Well then. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh so damn calmly sends Primus a thank you for the information.* Whirl: Gotta say, trashing your own brain so your enemies can't have it is the ultimate fuck-you. Whirl: Nice. Windchill: (( Whirl u infected me with your poopy internet. )) Whirl: ((OH NO)) Windchill: *Nods.* agooddistraction: Why d'ya think I drink so much? FakeProwl: *did other-Soundwave survive the experience? breaking a vow of silence sounds a lot like a "I'm about to die" gesture* Primus: *Dims his optics. Sends a... cautionary return nudge. Once he's feeling not like slag, talk?* FakeProwl: *will wait and see* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It helps to have excellent knowledge of one's own systems.]] Whirl: And telepathic abilities, I'd wager. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Yes. That too.]] Whirl: Ohh, is this a grand rescue? Is Laserbeak gonna save the day? Bruin: Thats a spectacularly effective strategy Txen: ((see soundy that wasnt quite so bad!)) Txen: ((also wow megs what the fuck was that gesturing)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes, once Primus is more capable of talking, a talk.* Txen: ((who animated that)) Whirl: *that. Is legitimately precious)) Windchill: I get the impression that ol' Megatron doesn't much enjoy being the short one. Primus: [I love the animation team.] Whirl: ((yeah he turned into a character from Foodfight! for a moment* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HA!\\ FakeProwl: ((megatron's furious posturing over the fact that predaking might dare be stronger than him gives me life. spiteful spiteful life.)) Airachnid: Of course he doesn't. Windchill: Good. Whirl: I mean, I can sympatize. Txen: Predaking: *draws self to full seated height* Windchill: Screw that guy. Starscream: ((such a giant petty warlord Windchill: *Not in that way you pervs.* Whirl: I get really annoyed when I meet mecha taller than ME. *slowly swivels his helm to stare at Windchill* boomtank: -Blaster is attempting to help calm him down- Starscream: ((at least TFP MEgatron is consistantly written as a petty wall of metal)) Windchill: *Puts on his most innocent face and bats his lashes at Whirl in return.* Windchill: I don't know what you mean. Primus: *He isn't "upset." Just... currently kind of out of it* Whirl: *SNRKS HE CAN'T KEEP A STRAIGHT "FACE" WHEN WINDCHILL DOES THAT* Whirl: But you get used to it. Airachnid: [can't help but smile, he's so cute when Ratchet does that] Windchill: You sure do. Whirl: *gestures to anyone else in the room who might happen to be taller than him--Predaking is one definite, but the others are a maybe* Windchill: I meet people taller than myself and I don't complain. Windchill: You're just whiny. boomtank: -Well, still trying to help him- Whirl: Hey, I never complained. I just admitted to being annoyed. Whirl: I can't help it. It's like... *waves a claw* Involuntary. It's annoying. Buzzstrike: *will never be accused of being tall* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\BOY, ALL YA MECHS TALKIN' 'BOUT, BOOHOO, I AIN'T THE TALLEST IN THE ROOM. 'BLIVIOUS MUCH?\\ Whirl: Oh. Hell of a shot. Windchill: You gripe about it all the time. agooddistraction: Hahahahha Starscream: ..if you stack enough minibots on top of one another, they're technically the tallest... Whirl: ...*draws self up* ExCUSE all of you, I never talk about it at all! Whirl: (9BUTTERRS__ Starscream: ((WHIRLS KINK Starscream: ((I JUST REMEMBERED FakeProwl: *looks at starscream.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\FLATTERIN' ME 'N MY BROTHER AIN'T GONNA GET YOU NO COMBININ'. HE'S TIRED.\\ Windchill: Oh, no you're right, my bad. Airachnid: I look at my commanding officer's pelvic plating all day, I've learned to not complain too much. FakeProwl: *it's true. leave decepticons alone long enough and eventually they start standing on each other.* Starscream: *is sort of staring off into space* Windchill: It's being at eye level with my butt that you gripe about all the time. Txen: ((thanks SWERVE)) Whirl: *NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE HIM he's gonna admire Predaking's flying* Windchill: Hmph. *Turns up his noseless face, pretending to be put out.* Whirl: *well that was short-lived* Whirl: *OR NOT* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave takes a small, secret moment to admire Predaking's maw.* Windchill: *Mandibles are a good and wholesome thing.* Whirl: *they are Cool* ItsyBitsySpyers: *As are teeth like his and splitting jaws.* Txen: Predaking: *doesnt blame them. he is the pinnacle of his species after all* Whirl: Anyway. As I was saying. It shows remarkable restraint on my part by not giving in to my instincts and incessantly complaining, all the time, about other mecha being bigger than me. You should THANK me. Windchill: Sure, sure. Whirl: Ha! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bird's glad she didn't get punched, but she wishes she could've had a moment like this* Whirl: Look, there she is! FakeProwl: *impressive aim* Windchill: *Steeples his fingers.* Airachnid: [is lowkey rooting for her] Windchill: (( Laserbeak: officially one of the few people on this show who can legitimately aim. )) Whirl: Well, damn. Primus: [And Soundwave being creepy FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Do you typically keep backups of your memories with your deployers?» ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We will leave it here for the night. You will find out what happened to Ratchet's alternates next time.]] Starscream: He dies. Whirl: Fair enough. *streetches* Airachnid: ...[she does not like this cliffhanger] Windchill: I'm good with this. agooddistraction: *throws two more candy wrappers* boomtank: ...oh, it's over? agooddistraction: Fuckeye boomtank: -wasn't paying attention- boomtank: -at all- Txen: ((next episode has a good magnus vs shocky fite i cant wait)) Whirl: ((o boy 😎 )) Primus: *Good* FakeProwl: ((ahhh yes, it is a good fight)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): All deployers contain assorted memories. Soundwave contains many deployer memories. Other backups utilized. Windchill: (( YE I couldn't remember what ep it was. )) Buzzstrike: Thank you Txen: Shockwave: *does not answer to things that are not his designation* Whirl: Anyway, if you wanna talk about whatever peeved you, we can go talk about that. *nudges Windchill* agooddistraction: Uughhh Buzzstrike: *gives a worried look to the traumatized-looking stranger* Primus: *Rubs his face* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You are all welcome to take what you need of the fuel on the counter.]] boomtank: It's over now, see? Primus: Hnnn Windchill: Hmm, I dunno. boomtank: -does he need a hug?- FakeProwl: *nods. good to know.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave reaches a feeler back and gently pats Rumble. Thank you for coming down here.* Windchill: Seems to me that this is an attempt on your part to distract me from the fact that you were gonna kick my butt. Whirl: Oh! And you. YU. *turns dramatically, swinging his claw at Predaking* We need to set up a time and place. Windchill: *Wrong, it's the opposite.* Whirl: *looks to Windchill* I'm fight-cheating on you. Primus: *No. He may just go upstairs if Soundwave permits to be away from everyone* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Information share purpose: medical emergency. Not public record. ItsyBitsySpyers: *If he asks, Soundwave will let him.* agooddistraction: *lighting up* Primus: *Sends a tired request to do just that* Bruin: *oh yes free food, Specter's gonna scamper on over and just shove his head into a plate* Buzzstrike: *needs to go, gives a slight bow to the other attendees* Windchill: I know, cheater. Windchill: *He's been aware of this for a while, THANKS* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] *To Buzzstrike* Whirl: Don't worry, I'll still get to you. Soonish. Txen: Predaking: *toothy smirk* As I said, Autobot-- any time, any where. My planet of residence is currently in the midst of an acid monsoon; some manner of neutral territory seems the most appealing option. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave uses the feeler to motion to Primus. He is allowed to phase through the sealed door to the second floor.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Understood. That's why I asked.» Windchill: Acceptable. Whirl: *clunks his claw comfortingly against whichever part of Windchill is easiest to reach* Windchill: *I can only promise that it's not his butt.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Although I suppose if we get as far down as me on your emergency contact list, that will mean your deployers can't be contacted anyway. Still, I'll keep it in mind.» Primus: *Nods to Soundwave and goes to just that. Gives Blaster a small pat* Whirl: All right! My world's mostly a wasteland, but if that doesn't work out for some reason, I'll ask around. SOMEONE'S gotta have some free space for us to fight. Primus: *Pauses by the door and glances behind him at Prowl* . . . Whirl: *shockingly, the powers that be might have a problem with a rampaging Predacon dragon in their countryside* agooddistraction: *rolls a handful of candy at Shockwave's leg* Txen: *shockwave steps upon it, crushing it* Whirl: *this time. But next time, who knows? Whirl might DO IT* Windchill: *Watches the room out of the corner of his optic, gleefully anticipating Primus' exit.* Whirl: ((OJ DAMN SHOCKWAVE)) Txen: *shockwave doesnt even look over when he does it* FakeProwl: *isn't paying attention to the door. if primus wants to say something to prowl, he'll have to do more than look at him to get his attention* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Still useful if data accessible. FakeProwl: *small nod* agooddistraction: 😢 ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is slightly amused by Shockwave's responses to Wheeljack's antics. Pings him to let him know this.* agooddistraction: 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 Primus: *Have a bucket of water on your helm, Windchill. Sends a short ping to Prowl* Starscream: It was enlightening. *Gonna call himself a Shockwave. MAybe. If he can get past it being SHOCKWAVE* Windchill: *I don't know what you mean.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\QUIT THAT CRYIN'. KNOCK OUT'S THE CROC, NOT YOU.\\ FakeProwl: *ping? looks around for—ah. there. pings back?* FakeProwl: ((croc out)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps you will see fit to join us for the final two weeks, Starscream.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It has information you should see.]] Starscream: We'll see if my schedule permits it. Whirl: Ugh, why you gotta encourage it, Soundwave? Whirl: I'm gonna hafta SPRAY for Starscreams if you keep this up. boomtank: Ah. G'night, then. -because it seems that's where Primus is going- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Because these are educational documentaries. All who wish to learn and will not abuse the knowledge may attend.]] FakeProwl: ... If your schedule doesn't, I can forward the footage. *if Soundwave thinks Starscream needs to see it...* Starscream: ..*what defines abuse* Primus: *How about it upside down because he's not in a mood to be nice. Now you can't see him. @Prowl, contact when in better mood?* Whirl: *stands up, walks over to Starscream, and the POSES LIKE WILL SMITH, gesturing to all of him* Windchill: *Raises hand. He doesn't remember that disclosure.* Whirl: THIS GUY. THIS guy, you're trusting not to ABUSE information. Windchill: *He's an abuser of information.* agooddistraction: *on floor with candy and a cygar* Windchill: *And memes.* FakeProwl: *is primus asking prowl to contact him? ... okay?? sure. he can do that.* Airachnid: [she's going to sneak off now, she has somethings to think about because of a certain god that was once in this room] Starscream: Now Whirl, can't we all get along in this neutral space? Whirl: I absolutely cannot, and how dare you insinuate that I CAN. That's slander. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You will or you will be phased into the wall.]] Whirl: *he will look over and bob his head at Airachnid as she leaves* Airachnid: [gives a wave before slipping away] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods to Airachnid.* Whirl: And now my host is threatening to turn me into a WALL ORNAMENT. Innocent ole me! Txen: *is there a return ping that indicates a shockwavey sort of dry, mildly fond acknowledgement?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *There is now. He'll take that.* Whirl: Also, seriously, I'd be a horrible wall ornament. Typically you want those to be aesthetically PLEASING. Starscream: You'll make for a horrible arrangement, I'm sure. Primus: *@Prowl, he meant vice versa, but, yes. Turns and phases through the door to the upper level* Starscream: *just gonna scoot past Whirl bye lol* Whirl: I'm not even gonna argue that. Windchill: Oh please. *Turns enough to regard Whirl and his antics.* Windchill: I'd stare at you all day. Whirl: You have horrible taste. Whirl: *there he go... Starscream free as bird* boomtank: -And there Primus goes- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Also, the disclosure was made before the documentaries began. Discovery of dark energon use means Soundwave gets to deal with you. It won't be pleasant. Don't snort space cocaine.* Windchill: *Winks. You know it.* Txen: ((....i bet the predacons dont even know star's an alternate of THEIR star.. they're bebs they dunno)) Whirl: *makes an exaggerated noise of disgust& Whirl: Either way, it'd be terrible for business. Starscream: ((And Starscream doesn't look anything at all like that one. Windchill: *Don't pretend you don't like it.* Txen: ((precisely! they dont have any reason to know haha)) Starscream: ((NOT YET) Whirl: *in some small corner of his spark Whril appreciates it* Windchill: *Acceptable.* Whirl: Soundwave. Whirl: You have to. Whirl: *points at the screen* Txen: ((probably for the best.... they murdered our native one)) Whirl: Shockwave Tribute. He's your GUY. Whirl: You gotta. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He has seen that one. It is not good. But if Shockwave has a request, he will honor it.]] Windchill: *Is a little distracted by the belly on screen.* Whirl: Foreigner is also acceptable. Windchill: *He's jealous.* Whirl: *DROPS INTO A AIUR GUITAR STANCE ON THE FIRST POWER CHORD* Windchill: *He should have expected this.* Whirl: *and he's gonna start singing at the second "ONE GUITAR"* Whirl: *you're getting serenaded, Chill, you did this to yourself* Txen: *looks at whirl, then soundwave, then the ceiling, thinking. does not want to see a subpar tribute* FakeProwl: *ahhh... good music.* Windchill: *Shakes his head, but fondly.* Whirl: *duing the break* Okay, You've gotta be my backup, here. Whirl: Backup vocals. *points* Windchill: Who? Windchill: Me? Whirl: YOU. Whirl: *and he launches back into it* Windchill: I don't know this one. Windchill: But okay. Windchill: *SCREAMS ALONG.* Windchill: *Ruined* Whirl: *100% Ruined* Whirl: *whirl does not mind* Windchill: *He thought as much.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave cringes ever so slightly.* boomtank: -owowowowww, okay, that's his cue to leave now- Txen: *finishes thinking and pings soundwave a link to Black Mambo by glass animals* Windchill: *Just be grateful he has chosen to remain seated, okay.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings Blaster a farewell.* Whirl: *at least his contributions are pleasant enough* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods. Will play the one he has queued next, then that.* boomtank: -waves back, g'night- Whirl: *returns to his seat as if he didn't just belt out an 80s rock song in front of a whole bar* Windchill: *Slowly, sneakily, snakes his arm in Whirl's direction.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods to both Shockwave and Prowl.* [[One moment.]] Whirl: *looks at the arm with his BIG OLE EYE* Windchill: *Prepare for either a fight or bodily contact.* Shockbox: (( Hey, goodnight you guys.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *He can feel Rumble's vents slowing. His deployer is falling asleep. So he picks Rumble up in his feelers, carries him over to the door, unseals it, and moves Rumble all the way upstairs and to his room. It'll take him a minute.* Whirl: ((gnight!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((night shockbox!)) Windchill: *Drapes his humongous orangutan arm over your shoulders, Whirl.* Windchill: (( 'Night! )) Whirl: *allows* Windchill: *Now they're even for all that foot resting.* FakeProwl: *will wait* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Withdraws his feelers, closes the door, and takes his seat again. Will arrange himself so he's sort of got a shoulder on one ally and a knee against the other.* Smokescreen: Okay frag I did miss it didn't I ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, Smokescreen. You're a bit late.]] Txen: ((how is this still a 'secret' tbh)) Smokescreen: how does this keep happening Txen: ((OH NO SMOKEY lmao)) Windchill: Next time, *He lifts a claw.* Next time, I'll do the Nicki squat, just for you. Whirl: ((omg SM-SMOKEY...)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((people are spectacularly unobservant and/or haven't cared and soundwave will bend rules where he can lol)) Starscream: ((Thanks for the stream, dude- omg SMOKEY Windchill: *Is that a threat or a promise? YOU DECIDE.* Smokescreen: ... Well, what'd I miss? What embarrassing stuff did I do this week Whirl: I don't even know what that is, but I'm a little afraid. Windchill: (( OH NO. )) Txen: Very little, surprisingly. Robustus: ((peeks in out of curiousity)) Windchill: You should be, pal. FakeProwl: *accepts the shoulder-or-knee* Smokescreen: ((asdfgbn i was at work extra late and was on the phone for a while ;;)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Have you considered checking your chronometer?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'm sorry ;; there's always next week)) Windchill: *Looks up at the annoying sound that is Smokescreen's voice.* Smokescreen: I lost track of time! Happens to the best of us, right? Whirl: *glances over veeeery very, INCREDIBLY SUBTLY in that direction the moment the word "chronometer" is utered* Windchill: Sure. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((Also, hi Robustus - you missed it this week but it usually starts in the 8 to 9 CST area)) Smokescreen: ... Also, sounds sounds I have a gift for you- I meant to give it yesterday, but today works. Whirl: Anyway, I'm gonna bounce. I've got plant husbandry to take care of. Important stuff. Windchill: Hey, Smokescreen. Smokescreen. Smokes. Hey Smokescreen. Robustus: ((ah okay)) Smokescreen: Windbutt Windchill: *Lifts his arm so Whirl can escape.* Smokescreen: Aww- bye! ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HAVE FUN WITCHER PLANTS.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What gift.]] Windchill: Yeah, I got some husbandry of my own to do, sometime tonight. Whirl: *before he goes, he's gonna rock to the side and bump Windchill's helm with his own. There. Adequate thanks for the gift* Windchill: *You left it wide open.* Whirl: *hops up and nods to Frenzy* Seeya, mech. Wednesday, yeah? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEP.\\ Whirl: ....I can't believe I just. Let you do that to me. Smokescreen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lq34Ob7Gsg&list=PLSRaJSzWdVm0OTdtE9J7aT5dYN3NvvFZZ This- I figured you'd like something like this! I got music that I thought you might like. Whirl: Let me say that. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave likes this bit of music. He adds it to his files.* Txen: *you know helm bumps are kissing where he comes from right whirl* Whirl: I'm going to have nightmares. Whirl: *helm bumps are kissing, for whirl, period* Whirl: *it wa s apeck* ItsyBitsySpyers: *The one Shockwave suggested, anyway.* Windchill: *Nods.* Whirl: And I'm gonna fight-cheat on you extra-hard now Windchill: I look forward to it. Txen: ((little kid OOOOOOOOOOOOH)) Whirl: All right, later losers! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] Windchill: Bye, sucker. Whirl: I'll get back to you, mech. *salutes Predaking* Windchill: *Shoos him away, begone.* Smokescreen: Night! Txen: Predaking: Mmmh. Smokescreen: .... /Gonna go over to offer Predaking his servo- an opportunity for friendship would be awesome!/ Smokescreen: Wait come on sounds we don't need to listen to it here Smokescreen: it's 44 songs ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He merely wants to test i--]] Windchill: *Too late now dude.* Whirl: ((Danny Trejo wants u to stop paying too much for TV)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *LEANS FORWARD* Windchill: (( Thank u Danny. )) Windchill: *Whispers.* Smokescreen. Txen: Predaking: *raises eyebrows at this forward greeting* ...Have I battled you before? FakeProwl: *... that sounds painful* FakeProwl: *very clever, yes, but also painful* Whirl: ((MAN THIS IS GORGEOUS)) Txen: ((its ok prowl. theyre floppy drives, they're already as good as dead)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *They're detached drives. Whoever they belonged to probably can't feel pain anymore.* Whirl: ((music player is 1000% into but character wouldn't like, sob) Smokescreen: Haha-- probably a version of me- I don't think we've fought specifically, though. The name Smokescreen ring any bells? Smokescreen: ... /Hey he figures Soundwave probably would like kinda morbid stuff/ Primus: *A mental slap backside the helm for Smokescreen. Don't get killed* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave plays with head puppets. Smokescreen figures right.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave shakes his helm slightly. Okay. He's back to himself. That was fascinating.* Windchill: *Doesn't seem bothered either way about what he just saw.* Txen: Predaking: Ah, yes. *vague hand gesture* The 'versions' I have heard so much about. *still new at this* Smokescreen: /Also giving Primus a sad sad look. Awww come on/ Primus: *Primus is upstaaairs on the second floor. He just KNOWS OYU* Smokescreen: Yeah! I'm like-- Smokescreen, but probably a different one? ... Anyway- you seem pretty cool! Primus: *Don't make him come down there* Txen: *don't worry primus, predakings -mostly- mad at starscreams these days* Windchill: *Stretches. Time to head out, he'll try bothering Smokescreen again later.* Txen: Predaking: *decides this is an acceptable compliment* Thank you. Windchill: All right, I've got some animal husbandry to attend to. Smokescreen: Animal husbandry? Windchill: Thanks for the emotionally scarring videos, guys. *He gets to his feet with a grunt. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You're welcome.]] Smokescreen: ... Have fun? Yeah! Have fun! Bruin: *Specter has reached maximum snackage capacity and will just slink back over to Bruin* Windchill: ...I'm not telling you what that means. Smokescreen: You marry the animals? Smokescreen: /He knows what it means but he's not about to mention that/ Windchill: You're not wrong. Windchill: Anyway. Windchill: Bye, losers. *He waves, and lumbers out.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Goodbye.]] Txen: Darksteel: *accidentally knocks over an empty dish while sniffing for spicy snacks... it rattles loudly on the ground* ...Wasn't me. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fourth bowl, second tier.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *He knows what you're after, sir.* Smokescreen: Also, Preds, You're welcome! So- what's your world like? Things have been pretty okay for you, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Stay away from the chairs.]] Txen: Darksteel: *gleefully locates the correct bowl and tucks it into his claws* No promises, hehe~ FakeProwl: *notices--belatedly--that the person through whom he was bouncing his holomatter program has left. he's been hologram for a bit now* FakeProwl: *well. that explains why he stopped feeling soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Did not fail to notice; chose to carefully keep contact with the hologram anyway. Good thing he has fine balance.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'll keep this going for another 15 so y'all can wrap up conversations and stuff but then i gotta stop, my computer's slowing down)) Txen: Predaking: The rains render our current circumstances somewhat... -claustrophobic-. *the chance to stretch his wings on a dryer cybertron is an appealing one* Txen: ((i noticed some... oddly slow music at points lol)) boomtank: ((g'night! Smokescreen: Ohhh- it's the rainy season over there? That sucks- you guys have been staying dry okay? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((night boom!)) Bruin: *time to head out, bird on one shoulder and one octopedal bot on the other* Thanks for the show ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Quite welcome. Be safe.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *He sends Laserbeak to follow Bruin out... just in case.* Smokescreen: Thank you for the music- I hope I can come sooner next time! And also- thank you for those math videos. I've been working through 'em- they're actually really helpful. FakeProwl: ((i still associate this song with that tfa jazz)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((same)) Bruin: *concern noticed and appreciated but unessisary tonight, he only trips ove one thing on his way to a groundbridge portal* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods at Smokescreen. Anything to help keep you from pestering either ally with silly math questions.* Txen: Predaking: *nods* Our den is secure and comfortable. It is simply difficult to stay inert when so much remains to be accomplished. Smokescreen: /Hey, that's fair. But he still might but you with math questions./ ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): If Starscream schedule forbids attendance, times: next two weeks, ensure videos: transferred. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Will do. What do they contain that he needs to see?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *... A belated thought.* [[If you require an arena for your battle, or a place to stretch your wings, he can arrange something.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There -is- a deep canyon outside, and he believes the old Slaughter City pits are not taken by your brethren.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Megatron's death, resurrection, enslavement beneath Unicron, result. FakeProwl: *prowl hates everything after the first two words of that sentence* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Right. Noted. He'll probably enjoy it so much he won't even realize he's watching something educational.» Smokescreen: sounds noooo do we have to see this ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's his queue. He can entertain himself if he wishes.]] Smokescreen: Fair enough... But feelers ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lifts both of them.* [[Yes?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Good. That, best Starscream instruction method. Smokescreen: /Iiinching away some/ Smokescreen: Look-- I can get you some of those dancing videos if you want- come on. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps next time. It is time you were going.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[His deployers do have work shifts to resume soon.]] Txen: Predaking: *turns to Soundwave and offers a shallow, but gracious bow* Your continued assistance in these matters is appreciated. The belligerent one may also benefit from knowledge of this offer. *means Whirl; i dont think he bothered to introduce himself before challenging him to a throwdown* Smokescreen: ... Fair enough- I've got to check on Megatron anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Disgusted huff at Smokescreen.* [[Very well.]] Smokescreen: ... What? I'm working with what I've got here. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Predaking: [[It is his honor. He will tell ... Whirl.]] For a moment he was tempted to call him The Belligerent One. Just for a moment. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is aware.]] Txen: Predaking: *nods. it is good to know a mech's name before besting them in combat* Darksteel! Skylynx! *bark snaps them both to attention, and they drop what they're doing to clumsily assemble in something resembling readiness to leave* Smokescreen: ... WAIT WAIT isn't this the part where you beat up Airachnid ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy giggles.* Smokescreen: hold on can I stay for this ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fine. Depart when it is complete.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'm just amusing myself at this point lmfao)) Smokescreen: Okay, okay, I will- This is probably the best video I've seen of you! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Acknowledging nod.* Smokescreen: can. can you do that again sometime. Could I pay you to do that maybe Txen: ((dramatic boob zoom)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps. A discussion for another time.]] Smokescreen: Okay, night Sounds, night Preds! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] Txen: *shockwave stands and takes a few steps away from his bench, preparing to leave with the predacons. first, however, he pauses and half-turns back to Soundwave* Farewell. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave rises and gives Shockwave a deep bow.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Thank you for coming. He appreciates your attendance.]] And your assistance. With some things. Txen: Of course. *after a moment, he turns to walk out with the preds-- but a small message is sent to Soundwave's channel before the door slides closed* ItsyBitsySpyers: *???* Txen: *its simply a screenshot of the scene where his feelers are crackling and he's advancing on Ratchet. Soundwave isn't the only one who appreciates their viewing material, every now and again* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh! Well then! He'll simply send back a small text smile. So noted.* Txen: ((thanks for streaming lol, ill get outta your poor computers hair)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lol XD no problem, it's fun <3 see ya elsewhere)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave also nods to Prowl, if he's still around. Will place a "Prowl rests?" in text on his screen.* FakeProwl: *shakes head* Just switched to night shift. I'm heading to work. FakeProwl: I'm nocturnal for the forseeable future. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods helm. He thought it was getting around time Prowl usually departs.* ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): Suggestion: block balcony windows during sleep time. ItsyBitsySpyers: *It'll cut down some noise.* FakeProwl: *nods* We've started keeping the blinds drawn during the day. ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): Good. Exercise caution. Frenzy notes construction more dangerous when recharge schedule changing. FakeProwl: ... Hm. Noted. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A small nod and a bow nearly as deep as Shockwave's.* (txt): Rest now. Soundwave will encounter next opportunity. FakeProwl: *nods back* Next time. FakeProwl: *flickers and disappears*
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Don't know if you're still taking those requests, but if you have time can I request a Jetfire and Starscream fic please? If you're still doing them that is.
"I can't believe you Starscream."
"This slag again?"
"YES this slag again."
Optimus had been out for the day on patrol, leaving Jetfire in charge in his stead. Did this matter to Starscream? No. As per usual, he up and flies out the second someone even SAYS 'Megatron'. And now he was here, covered in muck and grime. He thought it was so smart, not only flying in a storm, but rampaging through an area teeming with mud. Now here he was, in medbay, getting a rub down. He would've let him handle it himself, but Starscream was struggling to get to his back, and the last thing this team needed was a dysfunctional flyer. Red Alert offered to do it, but for some reason, Starscream didn't really want him to touch him. He chose not to question it at the time, but rather, offer to help. One fly alt mode to another, he understood how delicate ones frame could be. Though, seekers were apparently finicky, given how he kept squirming. Starscream grumbled, and folded his wing, not liking how harsh that particular brush stroke was.
"Okay, so I THOUGHT Megatron was there. Not my fault your autobot technology is so damn faulty."
"It was residual energy signatures. But it doesn't matter. I ORDERED you to stay put. Now look at where we're at."
"I know. Megatron is still alive, and you're manhandling my frame. I'm gonna have to buff myself once you're done. You stroke too hard."
"For primus sake."
He groaned, lightly smacking Starscream on the shoulder with the brush.
"I'm tired of your constant whining. 'Megatron this' and 'Megatron that'. How are you supposed to live your life if someone else is ruling it? It's disappointing."
"Yeah. You're an incredible warrior. But you running around like some turbo fox over someone you essentially left, kinda marks you down."
"Marks me down?!"
Starscream didn't need anyone's approval but his own, but that didn't mean he was going to take all that slag. He snatched the brush from Jetfire, returning the previous smack from earlier.
"I'm a warrior! I don't need some overgrown BLIMP telling me what I'm doing! I know EXACTLY what I'm doing, and the fact that you keep giving your unwanted opinion is INFURIATING. Leave. Me. Alone."
They glared at each other for a moment, daring each other to make a move. Jetfire was the first to move, standing right in front of Starscream, face lowered to his level.
"Look. I don't know what it IS about Megatron that gets you off on your legendary angry fits. But you are a part of this team. Ergo, you work with us. You don't just tag along and run off the second you see something of interest. We put our trust in you. You need to return it."
Starscream's brow furrowed further, not liking the gal on this bot. If it wouldn't completely screw him over, he'd punch this fragger in the face. Starscream leaned in closer, refusing to be intimidated. 
"You want to know why I want Megatron dead?"
"Sure. Maybe there's some method to your madness."
"I want him dead, because he humiliates me. I've had bots do so before, but Megatron...does it in a way I can't tolerate. He tries to break me. And with the amount of devotion I've given him, I can't tolerate it."
"So...its pride."
"In a way. I can't stand a mech who's under the impression he can humiliate me and get away with it."
"So...if another mech intentionally humiliated you, you start obsessing over revenge?"
"It's not an obsession. It's honor. But, yes."
Jetfire thought about it for a minute. Alright. That's how he wanted to play this, fine. Jetfire parted his face mask, immediately catching Starscream's optics. Like Optimus, Jetfire almost always kept his face mask up. Though it was puzzling to many, as to why. Jetfire wasn't hideous, so one would assume it was for battling purposes. He was about to ask why he had taken it down now, before Jetfire made it very clear. By pressing his lips right onto Starscream's. His wings jerked straight up, and his optics widened. He was KISSING him. And it wasn't as bad as one would assume from someone so stupid. In fact, it was actually rather nice. Smooth. He was going to pull away, a bit confused as to WHY this was happening, but Jetfire forced his face to stay, holding his cheek firmly. Starscream wasn't stupid, he felt the tension coming from a mile away, but the suddenness was perplexing. He should've thought on it a little more, but as he felt the other part his legs, and place himself right in between them, he sort of just let it slip his mind. Jetfire pulled away, only to bury his face right into Starscream's neck, lightly grinding their crotch plates together. It really had been awhile since someone fondled him like this, and Starscream's body yearned for more. Not his fault seekers were naturally more sexually active than most. 
"I think I know how to solve both of our problems."
"Hmm...pray tell, how?"
"Well, it's a multi step process. Step one."
Jetfire clicked Starscream's spike panel open, and Starscream's wings folded back submissively upon feeling him start to be stroked, slowly, firmly. 
"Hmmm...I can get behind step one. Step two?"
"Huh. First time I ever heard you want me to keep talking. But step two…"
He pulled away, and before Starscream could mourn too much, Jetfire was on his knees, slowly pressing Starscream's spike past his lips. Starscream tried not to shudder, but found it impossible. Jetfire's lips were plush, cushiony. Picture the feeling comparison to fragging a pillow. Starscream held onto his helm, pushing him in further. Oh and he was even using his glossa, like a perfect little buymech. This was an ACTUAL good use for his mouth. He could sit here all day, listening to nothing but the melody of his cooling fans, and the eager, practically slutty sucking from those plump, gold lips. His breath hitched as he felt himself getting so close, and when he was about to let it rip, he suddenly jumped up in pain. Jetfire's face mask didn't slide down, but rather, two sides met in the middle. How did he know this? Because Jetfire suddenly slammed the steel plates right onto his spike, clamping down onto him, and NOT letting go. Starscream struggled, unsure of how to handle this without tearing his damn spike off.
"H-hey!!! Stop it! Ow ow ow, you little fragger!!!"
Jetfire obeyed a moment later, finally letting go. He smirked, before getting up, and putting his face mask back up. Then, this bot, up and had the BALLBEARINGS, to start to walk away. Starscream sat there for a moment, a flurry of emotions keeping him glued to his seat. Anger, lust, confusion. All of which only made him want more. He was going to find this little twerp, and force his overload past those whore lips. As per usual, Starscream didn't think before he pursued, running down the hall.
Starscream halted upon finally finding him. In the main room. Where EVERYONE else was. There was a long moment of very awkward, very confused silence. Optimus blinked, then looked down. Starscream followed his gaze, seeing what was wrong. He not only dashed here, yelling like a mad mech, but ran in here, panel opened, spike covered in fluids and at full attention. Hot Shot was the one who kept staring, and Starscream wanted to just deck him in the face. Optimus however, was the first to do any real action. He walked up to Starscream, and rather firmly, shut his covering, making him wince.
"I don't know WHAT is going on. But regardless, I do not want this happening again. Understand?"
Optimus grabbed his chin firmly, but not roughly, merely wanting his attention. Starscream nodded, hating the stabbing pain in his panel. Optimus let him go, choosing to walk out of the room. Starscream met Jetfire's optics. He spoke before Starscream did.
"You're humiliated now?"
"Oh no, I feel complete pride, running in here like a deranged buy mech."
Jetfire walked on passed him, smacking his cheek.
"Yeah. That way you can obsess over someone else for a change. Be seeing you, Screamer."
Starscream couldn't do anything but blink, and watch him walk away. Oh. This bot was going to taste his fury. Him and his stupid lips. It was unique from his usual vengeance, but Starscream was no less excited.
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years ago
Feb 1 Blurr’s Horror Stream - A Series of Unfortunate Events 4-6
Prowl is still enjoying this show a lot and wishes everybody talked like this.
(After the stream he went home with Soundwave to play with dominos.)
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. Malika: ((Omg, I forgot this website exist XD)) Roadbuster: (( OH IVE NEVER SEEN THIS WEBSITE BEFORE!)) B l u r r: [[ HIIII ]] Malika: ((THE WHOLE FAMILY IS HERE-))+ Roadbuster: (( Mali u can sit in Roadie's lap or on his shoulder)) Malika: *sitting on Road's shoulder* Malika: ((decided the shoulder because yesss)) Whirl: (9WHIRL GONNA BE MAKING THIS FACE AT U BLURR ALL NIGHT: Whirl: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/257/968/786.jpg )) B l u r r: [[ sTAHP ]] B l u r r: IS THAT THE PRATT GIF ]] Whirl: ((never)) Whirl: ((different one this time)) B l u r r: [[ JFC ]] Malika: (( HAHAHAHAHHAH OMG THAT FACE)) Roadbuster: (( This is roadies first movie night. dont weird him out)) B l u r r: [[ OH WELCOME TO THE EMPEROR ]] Whirl: ((BACILLY)) Whirl: ((if i could spell... it'd be a good day... ok lemme go get my dinner made and I'll brb)) Malika: ((Also for Mali- *rofl*)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ohoho i see there's a someone here)) Malika: *moving her head as she was dancing* ((Hellow!)) Whirl: *gonna trot right in--OHO WHO IS THIS* Whirl: *his capacity for expression is limited but his optic is curved into the gleeful expression that would otherwise translate into a huge grin as he makes he way to the Whirl Hammock* Evening, Teach. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trudges in and parks himself on his usual couch. Rumble rushes over to his brother and is about to give him a huge hug when he remembers he's in public. He punches Frenzy hi instead.* B l u r r: / Here he comes. Skidding in at speeds not usual for him. Slides and smoke comes off his pedes. He looks AWFUL but he's hERE / Malika: Don't mind me and Roadbuster, if you want to hug each other just do it *and what was that fooooor* Malika: Welcome back Blurr~ Whirl: *whoop, if blurr wasn't here then whirl will not have said that BUT NOW HE WILL* B l u r r: / vENTS / B l u r r: Hello, cretin... Malika: *She smiled like the lil *** she is* Whirl: ((ok... we haven't written these threads yet but whirl WAS on earth with Blurr. Should we assume he's met RB, aside from that one ask?)) Whirl: ((What about Malika? :|a or would they have kept her away from this hot mess?)) B l u r r: [[ im sure RB remembers Whirl ]] B l u r r: [[ Malika is a recent meet for Blurr, so u probably didn't meet her! ]] Whirl: ((although whirl does look A Lot Different now that he's not in earth disguise)) B l u r r: [[ true ]] Malika: ((Do as you wish guys~ there is always time for meet each other 8D )) FakeProwl: *appears. surveys room; sits with Soundwave* Whirl: ((o7 i just wanted to know where we should be re: who knows who)) B l u r r: [[ yeh yeh ]] B l u r r: [[ lemme know when yall are ready ! ]] Whirl: ((i am!)) Roadbuster: The wrecker sat at the side with a cutious glare at all the others who had arrived. Cautiously holding a servo uo to keep the girl on his shoulder. " This'll be fun right?" ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings Prowl. Is it safe to get comfortable or should he not today?* Whirl: *get settled in his hammock and is outwardly calm except for his ever-present "smile"* @Blurr: Hot DAMN Teach, way to go! Roadbuster: ((ready!)) B l u r r: @Whirl: :: DO NOT :: ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i am ready i think)) B l u r r: / making a face. He looks like he's been dragged through energon and dirt / B l u r r: / dusts armor off / Whirl: @Blurr: Do not what? Eh? Ehh? Afraid I'll embarrass you in front of your new beau? B l u r r: @Whirl: :: I'm not afraid . :: B l u r r: / aHEM. Waves claw at Roadie and Malika / Malika: ((ready!)) Whirl: @Blurr: Anyway, the only thing I said was way to go. *his optic immediately rounds into an innocent expression* @B: I'll behave. You know ME... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy stretches tiredly and blinks at Roadbuster and... a fleshling? Yeah, all right. Must be an Autobot pet.* B l u r r: / stares at whirl for a moment B l u r r: /* Malika: *She just stay quiet, looking at the guys presents there, waving a hand to everyone, specially to Blurr* Oooh this will be very fun for sure brobuster~ FakeProwl: ((ready!)) Whirl: *THE MOST INNOCENT OF LOOKS* B l u r r: Well, before we start... /ahem. Rolls a shoulder, cracking it in place / Roadbuster: * nodding at Blurr* Hey lad. B l u r r: Frenzy and I had a great time. FakeProwl: *it takes longer than usual to decide. but then he pings an affirmative and leans lightly on Soundwave.* Whirl: *stops silently tormenting Blurr long enough to zoop his neck out of the hammock and look a Frenzy* Oh, yeah. You've been away. How's it, mech? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Carefully nudges the back of Prowl's helm with one of his collar plates. Little less public than a full on helm bump.* B l u r r: In any case... I found what I was looking for. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\'S A GOOD TIME.\\ B l u r r: / slow vent / Airachnid: [peeks sneaks in quietly] Whirl: Yeah, Blurr always knows how to have a good time. FakeProwl: *a fleeting moment of almost-tension that he quickly surpresses. sorry. bit close to the neck.* B l u r r: / shifts and flops down onto the couch / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ah. He didn't mean to set that off. Next time he'll find a different way.* Roadbuster: That's a great beard i'll admit it! Malika: "What a niiiice guy" she frowned while looking at the guy with the beard Starscream: So how did he get the snake to bite the other human ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy waves up at Blurr.* Starscream: Snakes don B l u r r: / waves at Frenzy / Whirl: *he's gonna shoot one last "grin" Blurr's way--he's fuccin DELIGHTED you guys--and flops back to get comfortable* Starscream: 't seem very co-operative ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YOU SHOULD SHOW 'EM THE THING.\\ B l u r r: ... Oh, yes! /hops up and moves the chainsaw off his back / Hey mechs. B l u r r: Check this out. Malika: "Oh look, he is clumsy like me!" B l u r r: / rests the chainsaw by his pede and motions to his lower back. It looks like a glowing disk / B l u r r: / It is absolutely, 100% embedded into his back/ Whirl: *cranes his neck up again* Fashion statement? B l u r r: / there are sCARS ON SCARS back here / FakeProwl: *in return, nudges soundwave's arm. no hard feelings.* Whirl: What's it for? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny nod.* B l u r r: It increases my speed. Roadbuster: This is whatcha do with the bloody chainsaw? B l u r r: ... No, I kill people with my chainsaw. B l u r r: Thank you very much. Malika: *stares with a questioning look to Blurr* Whirl: *snickers* So what, now, you can go the speed of light? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YOU SHOULD SEE IT.\\ B l u r r: I can go much faster than before, plus still absorb speed. Starscream: ((blurr solves his problems with a chainsaw~)) B l u r r: K-Kyehehehheheh... It work-wo-works. /swats his helm/ WORKS. Malika: ((Definitely XDDD)) B l u r r: Pits... Whirl: *tilts his head* ...You all right? B l u r r: I'm fine. Roadbuster: Ya see there? The younglin is smarter than the average adult male? Sad Malika: I agree Whirl: The baby? The baby's the best character. Starscream: How can the adults be this stupid Malika: They can, trust me B l u r r: Most humans are stupid. Roadbuster: Because they're human. No offence Mali Malika: .... unfortunately Blurr is right B l u r r: K-Kyehheheh. Whirl: *now turns his attention to Malika* I've seen the big guy before, but you're new, twerp. What's your story? Starscream: Yes but the adults shouldn't be stupider than the children ItsyBitsySpyers: =They should smell him.= Airachnid: I think that is the common theme in this program. Malika: Age is not always important *replied to Starscream before looking at Whirl+ I'm a... uhm, the human sister of Roadbuster. He lives inside my house and we help each other against our common enemies. Ki Malika: kinda the long story tho Roadbuster: Well with a bloody name like that fer a reptile. I can see why it's  bein framed Shockbox: ((mmmmmhello people I took a nap for too long.)) Whirl: *small snort of amusement* And does the human sister of Roadbuster have a name...? Or should I just call you "twerp?" Roadbuster: /glares at Whirl/ ONLY I CAN CALL HER A TWERP LAD! KEEP IN YER LANE! B l u r r: HEY! ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Poor human investigation ability must aggravate Prowl. Malika: HEEEEYYY!!! *She frowned much more at Roadbuster*.... Anyway I'm Malika *forgot to rant against roady* Whirl: *glances briefly at Roadbuster, somewhat annoyed... but doesn't rise to it, even if he wants to; he's not here to rile up Blurr's beau* Whirl: *so, he just ignores him. Please appreciate this monumental expression of restraint, Blurr* Malika, then. I... Whirl: *draws himself up and drapes a claw over his chest* Am Ultra Magnus. B l u r r: ... Oh for pit sake. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble giggles* Roadbuster: Yah got ALOT of nerve! B l u r r: / sticks a claw in Roadie's face / ShhhHHHHH. Starscream: It's like watching a room full of Megatrons trying to solve a problem FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Very much so.» Whirl: *puts on an Innocent Expression* Who, me? The Big M himself? Professional killjoy, Duly Appointed Enforcr of the Tyrest Accord? Whirl: I'm made of nerves, mech. Shockbox: *Quietly slips in.* Malika: Okay "Magnus", don't made my brother mad, please-- Malika: *and she was ironic by calling out that name* Whirl: We'll see, Little M. But no promises. Whirl: *he blinks. That was a wink but he only has one eye* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why would carnivores follow fruits.]] Roadbuster: / swatting the claw out of his face. averts back to the show/ So done with this! FakeProwl: Are all snakes carnivores? Shockbox: @Soundwave: Should I ask for a summary after the showing? B l u r r: / vents and flops next to Roadbuster / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He has never seen human media with snakes that aren't.]] Starscream: I would assume so ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[A good idea.]] Whirl: *settles again, peeping over the top of his hammock and watching Blurr and RB* Whirl: (( whirl rn: http://www.awesomeinventions.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/loki-hammock.jpg )) Roadbuster: /leans close to Blurr's helm and whispers/ I'm gonna fight a *** soon lad.../plops helm ontop of Blurr's B l u r r: / flickers optic. Reaches up. Pat pat helm with claw / Whirl isn't harmless, but he's just poking fun. He's a good friend of mine. Malika: *Funny fact is that she is listening both of them, since she is on Road's shoulder, but she is concentrated with the show* Shockbox: *Pings acknowledgement, trusting he'll get caught up eventually.* Whirl: Best. Character. Malika: What the- I want that baby. Roadbuster: You are that baby, whatcha on about? Malika: I don't fix thing with only my single mouth... uh. B l u r r: Teeth are perfect weapons. B l u r r: / taps his own / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage yawns and shows off his* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And Soundwave just silently agrees* Malika: This man is such a failure Whirl: ((NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE)) Malika: Oh! It's Blurr and me B l u r r: [[ LMFAO ]] B l u r r: ... That was not how I reacted to you. Starscream: Teeth are awful weapons, only for use when you are unlucky enough to have nothing else Malika: ((Sorry but I had to LMAO) FakeProwl: *covers his mouth* Whirl: I prefer claws to teeth, personally. Roadbuster: He's a terrible actor right now! Roadbuster: or Roadbuster: he's suppose ta be over reactin? FakeProwl: ((... did the stream die or did my internet die)) Airachnid: When you have nothing else, you take what you can get. B l u r r: He's a terrible murderr-rrrr-r. /rubs helm / ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i think your net died)) B l u r r: [[ nooo ;A; ]] Starscream: ((you i think)) Whirl: ((it's running for me)) Malika: ((It's running to me o,o)) B l u r r: [[ shall i pause? ]] Roadbuster: (( IT MESSED FOR ME!)) Malika: ((Pause pause)) ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Bird is nice and Bird knowing picking locks.}} FakeProwl: ((it was my internet)) B l u r r: [[ is it back for you guys? ]] Whirl: Also, Little M, here's a tip to hekp you with your every day life: Don't listen to a single thing he *points at Starscream* Says. Whirl: ((I'm still runnin! )) Starscream: Shut up! Whirl: As you can see, I am doing that right now, by ignoring what he tells me. Airachnid: Very sound advice. Malika: Ow... why so? *she is curious anyway, in fact is looking now toward Starscream* What have you done to him for having such a teatment? Starscream: Shut up, both of you! Whirl: See? Another ringing endorsement. Airachnid: He exists. That's what he's done. Whirl: That's about the long and short of it, yep. Starscream: I hate you Whirl: You can join the club, mech. Malika: .. Don't know if feeling bad for him or not.. *here an indecisive human girl* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[These human younglings have promising futures. If they can evade this Count.]] Shockbox: *thinking reptile-related thoughts.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THEY SHOULDA PUNCHED 'EM.\\ Malika: Of course the young ones follows the bad guy Malika: SEE BRO? I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE THEN! B l u r r: YOU shouldn't be following bad guys, either. FakeProwl: ... He's larger than them and he has a knife, why are they going after him. B l u r r: That's why you ended up in MY ship. Starscream: Because no one in this show is smart Whirl: Hey, you shouldn't back down just because someone is bigger than you are, and is better-armed. Fight em anyway! Malika: Ehy, first of all, you picked me up, second.... well, it ended well for Roadbuster- Whirl: *SNICKERS* B l u r r: ... Shut up. Whirl: I'LL say it did. Whirl: I'll say it ended well for BOTH of em. B l u r r: / flickers optic / IT ENDED Airachnid: You can always outsmart them if you have nothing else. B l u r r: IN GENERAL Malika: *Smiling again and again~* Whirl: *he'd high five you, Malika, if he could reach you. ...and if he had fingers* B l u r r: [[ is it working again? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is fascinated by this background spy business* FakeProwl: ((fine here)) B l u r r: [[ mkay ]] Malika: *She'd do the same, if she wasn't such a smol potato* Airachnid: [it reminds of the war. good times] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Where are they keeping these?]] Malika: eh... who has it much more longer? Airachnid: [alright, that was amusing] B l u r r: / scratches finial B l u r r: I have more weapons on me than that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes, but you are not a human.]] Malika: hopefully not hided in weird places... because it looked like they did ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They do not have subspace pockets.]] B l u r r: Hnnh. B l u r r: [[ do you guys want a break? ]] B l u r r: [[ before the next ep? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((yes please)) Shockbox: (( a good time for shockbox to get caught up?)) Shockbox: (( and by extension, me? )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((let me brb and yes i can catch you up)) Shockbox: (( much appreciated. )) FakeProwl: ((brb, laundry)) Malika: I should watch series more often with you Blurr, they're kinda amusing B l u r r: ... Hnh? Whirl: *hops up, streeetches, and then trots out into the hallway to pace* B l u r r: / stretches out legs and arms. / Malika: I don't spend my time too much over tv-series... too many books to read and passing my free time by playing games B l u r r: I spend a lot of time, more recently. B l u r r: I won't have time anymore, though... Malika: Why so? A lot of works to do? B l u r r: ... I just got a lot of work B l u r r: Killing that mech came with a lot of reward. B l u r r: But the reward is more than I thought... Malika: Uh? which mech? Reward? Whirl: *tots back in and goes to lea on Blurr's couch* So, who DID you kill, anyway? B l u r r: ... Thundertron. Whirl: Hmm. Never heard of him. B l u r r: Never going to. B l u r r: He's dead. Whirl: *LAUGHS* B l u r r: Hanging on my wall in my trophy room. Whirl: Nice, mech. NICE. *swivels his helm to regard Frenzy* Did you knock off a good chunk, too? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\NAW. THUNDERTRON WAS BLURR.\\ B l u r r: Tore his spine right out... took a heavy beating, though. Malika: Oh YES! This soundtrack! ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Where were you last?]] B l u r r: /vents and rubs helm. Makes a buzzing sound. Swats helm / ItsyBitsySpyers: ((and whirl HAS heard of him heh Soundwave mentioned him before)) Malika: .... *Hiding under Roadbuster's arm while listening how he killed the mech* FakeProwl: ((back)) B l u r r: [[ wb! ]] Whirl: ((whirl..................... probably forgot)) B l u r r: [[ is everyone back? ]] Whirl: (( 8);; )) Malika: ((wb!)) Shockbox: @Soundwave: I arrived just as the "authorities" arrived to assist with the snake infestation. Whirl: ((wb!)) B l u r r: [[ Roadie's net went pfft so he went to fight it ]] Whirl: *he "smiles" at Fenzy but Blurr's swatting has his attention again* ...you haven't seen a medic yet, have you. B l u r r: Yes, yes I did. Whirl: And I mean a REAL one, not PISTON. Malika: ((Nuuuuu unluckyyy)) B l u r r: Axis installed the upgrade in me. B l u r r: He said it might cause some problems. B l u r r: [[ OKIE is everyone ready? ]] Whirl: Well, be careful with your head, you might knock something loose. Malika: ((I am!)) Whirl: ((I am!)) Airachnid: ye)) Shockbox: (( soundwave is writing a summary of everything shockbox missed)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[And before that?]] Malika: ((Airachnid, a question, you're the same that roleplayed with me? o3o)) Airachnid: different one)) FakeProwl: ((ye)) B l u r r: [[ Spider friends ]] Malika: ((Aye oke, just wondering XD nice to meet ya anyway)) Shockbox: @Soundwave: ..I believe I may have missed an entire episode before this last one. Whirl: *that will be the extent of his fretting; instead he nods and makes his way back to his hammock* Oi, Frenzy--you gotta tell me about it sometime. The juicy bits! Airachnid: -fingerguns- hmu anytime url is rapaxregina for ever more spider goodness)) B l u r r: / vents/ In any case, I told him to just install it. B l u r r: I didn't want it to wait. B l u r r: Besides... I have an entire fleet. /scrubs faceplate/ I have to look... impressive. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THERE WAS LOADSA JUICE. I'LL TELL YA EVERYTHIN'.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave vents softly in amusement at the news station slogan* Whirl: *nods gleefully; if he had fingers, he'd make finger-guns. Instead, he clambers back into his hammock* Whirl: Yeah well. Be careful. FakeProwl: *also amused at slogan. snorts.* B l u r r: I'm careful.. Whirl: *LAUGHS* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[DAMACLES.]] B l u r r: / he is nEVER CAREFUL / Whirl: *TOSSES IS HEAD BACK AND FLOPS BONELESSLY INTO HIS HAMMOCK, GUFFAWING* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Like the satellite weapon. For Primus' sake.]] B l u r r: ... Whirl: *WHEEZING NOISES* B l u r r: ... /vents / FakeProwl: ... Nice shot. Whirl: *flops completely, offlining his optic. Feigning death* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[The human children escaped the Count human's marriage plot and were sent to a new human who cared for them very much and treated them well. Count Olaf appeared in-- Whirl: *Blurr has made him laugh himself to death* ItsyBitsySpyers: disguise, convinced the man to let him stay around, and murdered him.]] B l u r r: ... /crosses his arms and leans back in his seat / Malika: Why when I call for a taxy i have to wait 2 hours and they have it... right away? Movies.. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage pins his audials back. Running over a cat? How dare.* B l u r r: What I MEANT was... I can be. /rubbing his helm / Whirl: *miraculously is revived, raising his head* I'll believe it when I see it. B l u r r: / makes a face/ The installation of the upgrade was careless on my part. Shockbox: (( /WHEEZE )) B l u r r: [[ LMAO ] ItsyBitsySpyers: //That's rough, buddy.// FakeProwl: ((LOL)) Starscream: ((back)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((wb)) Shockbox: (( yeah wb. )) Malika: ((welcome back)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //Holy scrap.// Whirl: Yeah, well, if you keep having issues, just. Do us all a favor and make sure to get it looked at? Yeah? B l u r r: ... Yeah. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He needs a sign like that.]] Shockbox: *He pings a thanks to Soundwave.* Shockbox: (( screaming when you catch yourself in the mirror? honestly, me too. )) Whirl: Well... you've got a master plaque-maker in your ranks, Soundwave. Malika: ((XDDD when I wake up in the morning and I'm ill, lmao)) Malika: What a beautiful view... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Buzzsaw. When you have a free moment not working on that throne, please.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks at Prowl and tilts his helm.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: Prowl wants similar plaque also? Whirl: Throne? *looks to Buzzsaw* Who're you making a throne for? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Thinks it might be useful with the Constructicons* ItsyBitsySpyers: }}Not Thundertron.{{ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEH HEH.\\ Whirl: HAH. B l u r r: KYAHAHAHHA!!! B l u r r: Part of him has become part of mine! Whirl: ...Blurr, do you have a THRONE? Malika: part of him.. and his throne B l u r r: Yes, I do. Whirl: Ugh. FakeProwl: Mm... No, thank you. I think my face does the job well enough. Whirl: You're lucky I like you. Malika: Yes he do, and it's kinda cool B l u r r: I made it... for Optimus. B l u r r: But, I brought it with me when... I left. Malika: that woman has problems oh my god. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Uncertain waver. Is he allowed to be amused by that?* Whirl: Well. Extenuating circumstances aside--UGH. B l u r r: /shrugs / FakeProwl: *tiny twitch at the corner of his mouth. he was joking. so yes.* B l u r r: I don't sit in it. Whirl: Good. Whirl: Then I've lost no respect for you. B l u r r: I'm a pirate Captain, I've no time to command from a chair. Whirl: Oh, my god. Airachnid: Is this Ultra Magnus? Whirl: Th--YES. HA/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Then as soon as he spots the twitch he will nod and huff softly* Whirl: *points at Airachnid* Either she's Ultra Magnus or his perfect mate. Malika: I agree she is Ultra Magnus in disguise Airachnid: Indeed. B l u r r: ...Ew, what is that? B l u r r: [[ THE BABY ]] B l u r r: [[ THAT FACE ]] Malika: ((PRICELESS)) FakeProwl: ... What's the Wesleyan semicolon? Whirl: (9SO GOOD)) Malika: That baby's face is my face when Ultra Magnus explain me things. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He... he does not know. Perhaps it is related to the Oxford comma.]] Airachnid: "Joy" and "grammar" do not belong together. Malika: Well.. it depends from people to people... I guess ItsyBitsySpyers: ((oop it ded)) Malika: ((Omg is black for me D: )) FakeProwl: ((ye)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it has joined the baudelaires' parents)) FakeProwl: ((it's in peru)) Whirl: ((ye sorry it die)) Whirl: ((i'm being distracted by my vinegaroon)) FakeProwl: ((what's it doing)) Malika: ((guess internet died for Blurr perhaps? :c )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it ain't watchin' ASoUE)) FakeProwl: ((yeah they said comcast is being shiitty)) Malika: //Dow!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Well, while that goes on.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): What progress, Iacon? Rebuilding, learning, social - negative, public views? Malika: *she snorts* now I get why I hate streaming stuff, can happen everything. Like now. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Rebuilding is going... as well as can be expected.» B l u r r: [[ HOLA ]] Shockbox: (( hello. )) B l u r r: [[ now LS is screwing up 8') ]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I have informed the crew that was assigned to me that I don't have any idea what I'm doing, and since then they've been very helpful and instructive.» B l u r r: [[ SIGHS LOUDLY ]] B l u r r: [[ LISTEN HERE COMCAST. LS. ]] B l u r r: [[ BLURRS LAST NIGHT IS NOW. STAHP ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sits up slightly straighter in surprise.* B l u r r: [[ okay are we back ? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((back here)) FakeProwl: ((looks like it)) Malika: (( I'm here!)) FakeProwl: ((we cut off somewhere during mr snicket's speech)) B l u r r: [[ back more? ]] FakeProwl: ((close enough)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): This, unexpected. Prowl's stress levels lowered? Public notices improvement? FakeProwl: *wan smile* @Soundwave «I wasn't making much progress pretending I was an expert.» ItsyBitsySpyers: [[So the narrator *is* a character.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Going to record that smile even if it's not the kind he most likes.* FakeProwl: ... Momento Morris' Souvenirs. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ha.]] Malika: HOLI ***! Even this woman like Magnus loves weird stuff! Whirl: Our Magnus isn't quite this... eccentric. Starscream: At least she tried Whirl: *they have only one junkhound on the LL* Malika: Well neither mine is eccentric, fortunately Airachnid: At least she has more of a personality than Ultra Magnus. Malika: .....poor Magnus *she makes a sad face* Whirl: Eh, he deserves it Whirl: Ours does, at least. Airachnid: Don't bother pitying him. Starscream: She reminds me of my Demolisher Starscream: Insane B l u r r: My Magnus has no face... Whirl: And...? Whirl: *tilts his helm* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: Soundwave, pleased construction crew helps. Perhaps appropriate response: appreciative gesture? B l u r r: I wonder how he's doing these days... FakeProwl: @Soundwave «It's improved the work. I don't think the public's noticed that the pace has increased, but they're complaining less about me.» B l u r r: He's stopped looking for me FakeProwl: *glances at Soundwave «What sort of appreciative gesture?» Whirl: *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Safe cr--!]] Whirl: *Sunny is such the best character* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Good. The fewer complaints, the better.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //How d'ya know he stopped lookin' for ya if ya ain't seen him?// B l u r r: I don't think he's interested in me anymore. /scrubs faceplate/ B l u r r: But, I also don't think he could stand up against the fleet I stole. Whirl: Trust me, Teach. That's a good thing. Whirl: We could all benefir with a little less Ultra Magnus in our lives. B l u r r: Kyeheh FakeProwl: She's going to die. Whirl: Yep. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...What quality fuel construction crew given? Another question: This, first project together? ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's poking over a few small ideas* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It does seem to be a running theme.]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I don't know. But better than I have access to, I have little doubt.» Whirl: That's what happens when you get youself twitterpated. Whirl: Well. Siome of the time. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Captain Sham! Oh, he loves the language humor so much.* B l u r r: ... eugh. Malika: this guy... is worst than the Team Rocket Whirl: Oh lord. They're terrible. Whirl: They're the WORST. Airachnid: This is getting absurd. B l u r r: [[ im that seller ]] Malika: *she facepalmed for at least three times* Whirl: ((FISH HEADS FISH HEADS EAT THEM UP YUM)) B l u r r: [[ at work ]] Whirl: ((I SEE WHAT U DID THERE SHOW)) B l u r r: [[ I have limes. I sell limes ]] Whirl: ((MAN THEY COULD NOT HAVE CAST cOUNT oLAF BETTER)) Whirl: ((NPH is  a damned gift)) B l u r r: [[ I KNOW RIGHT ]] FakeProwl: ((he is)) Malika: ....*her brain totally ran off because of the show* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Perhaps celebration required when initial project completed. Malika: OMG- the grammaaaaaaar Whirl: Someone put me out of my misery. Whirl: Who wants to kill me. Malika: after me thanks Whirl: How about you kill me, and then we get someone else to kill you. Malika: and this is how "a ship is sailed", HA-HA FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I doubt it'll be within my authority to offer it.» Malika: ..how am I supposed to kill you if I'm such an insect compared to your size? B l u r r: You'd be surprised. Whirl: Yeah. A single scraplet could kill me. Whirl: If I sit really still you can probably stuff a bomb in my vestigial fuel intake or something... Malika: Those cute things called scraplet~ Malika: eww.. no thanks, not into killing people randomly for real B l u r r: ... /makes a face/ What an awful name. Whirl: The ones from his dimension--*nods to Soundwave* Are ADORABLE. With the teeth? Whirl: Ours ae microscopic. B l u r r: How are they all so stupid? Malika: good question Blurr Whirl: This obviously isn't meant to be a hyper-realistic television series, Teach. B l u r r: [[ i love that that kid is literally the guy from Jurassic World ]] Whirl: It's, y'know, kinda darkly whimsical. Whirl: The incredible contrivances, themselves, are part of the humor FakeProwl: *has prowl mentioned lately that he's really enjoying the dialogue? because he's really enjoying the dialogue* B l u r r: ... He's obnoxious. Airachnid: Extremely. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl's position: foreman. If held on work site, small celebration: motivational move. Prowl useless if construction crew mutinies. Good leadership knows encouragement value. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Perhaps Starscream knows this too. Starscream: even Megatron knows that much, he doesn't use it, but he knows it Whirl: *is genuinely enjoying the multi-layered and very clever presentation of this show* Malika: ((Sorry guys, but I'm in need of lay on bed @.@ Mali will fall asleep or just be silent while watching the show. Have a nice time!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((byeeee)) B l u r r: [[ okie dokie! Bye Mali!! ]] Starscream: ((bye)) Whirl: ((Nice meeting ya! Have a good night!)_) Airachnid: bye!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Bird knowing this trick! Alternate did! Is fake suicide.}} FakeProwl: ((gnight)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'm a foreman under house arrest. I don't have the authority to choose to stay after work, much less to arrange a party.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Patiently* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): That, reason Starscream contact suggested. B l u r r: [[ okay i shall end it here unless you guys want one more ]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «The workers under me know I'm under arrest too. They understand I can't give them anything outside of work.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Suggest photo opportunity. Share across planet. Whirl: 9(i'm fine either way!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'll go with majority opinion)) Airachnid: fine with me)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «And if I did receive permission from Starscream to stay late, that would expose to all of Iacon that I have more freedom to move than they thought.» B l u r r: [[ u guys r not great w/ decisions ]] B l u r r: [[ neither am i ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Vent.* FakeProwl: ((gimme a second to move my laundry forward and then i'm ready)) B l u r r: mmkay. ]] B l u r r: lemme know ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *If he could just - but no. No tampering with the population.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Understood. Soundwave will continue thinking. B l u r r: Ahh... /gets up and zooms across the room for energon / B l u r r: / zoom zoom / ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEH HEH.\\ FakeProwl: ((back. the dryer was still being used.)) B l u r r: [[ hallo! ]] B l u r r: [[ want to wait?? oo; ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YOU LOVE THAT FRAGGIN' THING.\\ B l u r r: [[ or are yall good to start? ]] B l u r r: ... /looks at Frenzy/ Guilty. FakeProwl: ((no need to wait, i have no clue when it'll be available)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... You needn't be overly concerned. Thus far, everything is progressing smoothly. It isn't fast, but I never predicted it would be.» Whirl: ((i'm fine for one more if everyone else is)) B l u r r: I do rather love it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks at him from one side of his visor and then the other* B l u r r: It's made me much faster than I thought. B l u r r: /zooms back over and flops down / B l u r r: I wonder what its limits are... ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): As Prowl wishes. *slow helm bob* Inform if decision changes. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'll let you know.» ItsyBitsySpyers: \\PROBABLY YA DON'T WANNA DO THAT IN HERE. GONNA SMASH INTO A WALL.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\TEST IT, LIKE... ON A TRACK.\\ B l u r r: ... True. Starscream: That is a very distinct outline in the window Whirl: Listen to Frenzy. Frenzy is wise. B l u r r: I don't know. I'm not a racer. Whirl: *flops back completely, relaxing into the hammock* ItsyBitsySpyers: //I ain't never heard nobody say that before.// ItsyBitsySpyers: //I can die havin' heard everythin' now.// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble glances to Soundwave* //Beat ya to it, Boss.// Whirl: *snickers* Whirl: I dunno, there's plenty of things I'VE never said before, Rumble. Airachnid: It's obviously forged come on. Whirl: *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah? Whatcha ain't said yet?// Whirl: I dunno. Various... colors. Whirl: I've never gotten twitterpated and said outrageously mushys tuff. *sly glance to Blurr* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pffftheheheh.// ItsyBitsySpyers: //Like what?// B l u r r: ... I don't say mushy stuff. ItsyBitsySpyers: *She wrote it with errors on purpose?* Whirl: *innocent look* We're talking about me, not you, Blurr. Whirl: Why would you think we're talking about you? B l u r r: ... you looked at me. Whirl: I was looking forward. i's hard to tell where exactly I'm staring. Whirl: And... hmm. Whirl: *tries to think of something mushy* B l u r r: ... /frowns / B l u r r: I've no reason to say mushy things anyway ItsyBitsySpyers: //Have ya ever said, uh, uh... "Oh, my truest love, I'da thrown myself on a knife for ya, but there wasn't none so I threw myself on the berth instead?// Whirl: SNICKERS. Whirl: * add those Whirl: No, no... let's see. If I was trying to woo someone... FakeProwl: ((and now we've all heard whirl shout "snickers")) FakeProwl: ((we truly have heard everything tonight)) B l u r r: yes ]] Whirl: ((it is Done. the pact is sealed)) Airachnid: byotiful)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He knows of that plant.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...He likes that plant.]] FakeProwl: Yes, we saw a musical about it. Whirl: *SQUINTS* I'd... say.. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No, no. That was an alien plant.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[These are Earthen.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...But he likes that one too.]] Whirl: ... Whirl: I don't know what I'd say. Starscream: It seems like every day for him ItsyBitsySpyers: //Aw, c'mon. Ya gotta know somethin'. What's - what's somethin' you'd wanna get told?// Whirl: *thinks again* ItsyBitsySpyers: //'N you too, Blurr. I wanna hear this.// Whirl: I guess... 'You fight good?'" Whirl: ((line picked from Mulan on purpose)) Whirl: Or wait, no. No. 'You kick some SERIOUS aft.' ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SOUNDS GOOD T' ME.\\ B l u r r: ... What? Whirl: Okay, wait, o. I've got it. If someone was trying to woo me, this is what they'd need to say--you ready? You ready for this? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Mush, Blurr. I wanna hear it. 'N yeah, I'm ready.// B l u r r: ... /makes a face/ I don't... I don't know. Whirl: *deep breath* Whirl: Killer moves. Whirl: That's my signal. Whirl: And, pfft, how do you not know, Blurr? *I* have an excuse. You don't Airachnid: Do you mean in actual fighting... or by dance? Because I am not too bad at either. Whirl: We-ell... I don't DANCE... *A LIE* But mostly fighting. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble throws his hands up in the air. How is HE the mushiest bot in this room?* Whirl: *WHIRL HAS NEVE BEEN IN A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP U GOTTA GIVE HIM A DAMN BREAK* Airachnid: [trust me you do not want to flirt with Airachnid] Whirl: *you underestmate whirl* Whirl: *he MIGHT, Airachnid... he might* B l u r r: ... I don't know what tosay. Airachnid: [and she will not mind that] B l u r r: / crosses arms over his chassis / Whirl: *it would end in blood. But that might not be a bad thing* Airachnid: [that's a good thing, for her] B l u r r: /vents/ B l u r r: / thinking/ ... B l u r r: /waves claw/ I don't know what to say. I have nothing to say. FakeProwl: ((i appreciate u, moby dick fanboy)) Whirl: *ah, he's back. and still so bad with his claws. MEMORIES~* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Airachnid? Prowl? Nobody?// ItsyBitsySpyers: *He shakes his helm* B l u r r: Well, I mean... FakeProwl: What? *wasn't paying attention* Whirl: Hey, I told you mine. Whirl: *blinks at* B l u r r: It depends on what you'd want me to say. B l u r r: Mushy isn't... descriptive. Whirl: Was that not GOOD enough? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Naw, you're excused. Ya got somethin'.// Whirl: *nods; GOOD* Whirl: *He happens to think "killer moves" is VERY romantic* Airachnid: [likewise] B l u r r: / vents. / ItsyBitsySpyers: //I was testin' how good you big fraggers is at mushin' at some mech.// Whirl: I'm sure that when I do it I'll be okay. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LMAO THE BABY)) Whirl: I've not tried yet. Whirl: ((THE BABY)) B l u r r: [[ the baby jfc ]] FakeProwl: Oh. ... I'm awful. B l u r r: ... I can be poetic at the best of times. Whirl: So you SAY, and yet I know you've landed at least TWO. Pfft. Whirl: *gestures to Soundwave* Airachnid: Mainly, mecha flirt with ME first and try to impress me. B l u r r: ... what? Whirl: Clearly--*dryly* ou're doing SOMETHING right, prowl./ Whirl: ((wow my typing is horrible. forgive me. i got into the rum)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((thiiiis backfired on me)) Whirl: ((as per usual)) Whirl: ((HAHAHA)) Whirl: ((you thought whirl would just gloat over Blurr's relationship... PLOT TWIST EVERYBODY'S ON BLAST TONIGHT)) FakeProwl: I can assure you, it's not mush. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Poetic? Yeah? Ya remember any?// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy gives Airachnid a thumb up. THat's the way to do it.* B l u r r: ... I remember plenty. Whirl: Mushy ENOUGH Airachnid: [she appreciates the gesture Frenzy] Whirl: All you mecha are mushy in SOME way. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage snorts.* Whirl: Even you, Airachnid. I seen the way you look at those videos of ratchet* Airachnid: [she wants to be mad, but he has a point] Whirl: *sly look* Airachnid: What can I say? He's charming. At least the one I'm courting. B l u r r: Like when I told JT that his optics burned into me like the smelting pit, eating my polymer through and melting my wiring. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ha! Ya *do* got somethin'.// Airachnid: Well, he wooed me first. Whirl: *clicks his claws in the closest approximation of a fingr gun* Mech, allow me to wish you the best of luck. Whirl: *to Airachnid, of course* Whirl: And yeah, teach, that ain't bad. B l u r r: ... /pulls leg up. Props chin on his knee/ B l u r r: My best comes out with Optimus Prime, I suppose. B l u r r: / dims optic/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble pings the Boss an apology for getting them dragged in. Soundwave forwards it to the appropriate party.* Whirl: Optimus... was. Whirl: Interesting. *optic contracts* FakeProwl: *small nod* B l u r r: They all were interesting at some point... Whirl: *pauses; has he playfully tormented everyone in the room over their romanic relations yet? Every one he knows of, at least* Whirl: *settles in, satisfied; his work is done* B l u r r: [[ A JET SKI ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble wisely does not mention his own.* Whirl: *he knows about Frenzy's... I don't think he kniws about Rumble's. YET* FakeProwl: ... she could hsave saved the children a load of trouble by ripping off the bottom of the letter before faking her death. Whirl: *fo the record. everyone here has permission to turn the tables, if the opportunity arises* Whirl: *if whirl gets twitter[ated he'll take his medicine gracefully* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yet another incompetent elder human.]] Starscream: As in sword of damoclese Starscream: hmmm Whirl: *perks up* Whirl: *do we get to see leeches devour someone* FakeProwl: ... Why didn't she tell them she ate a banana?! They could have spared an hour. Whirl: ... Whirl: Aww!~ Whirl: They're precious! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What lovely maws.]] Whirl: I know, right? Airachnid: How adorable. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They remind him of the drillers.]] Whirl: Also precious. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...If drillers were wiggling flesh creatures.]] Whirl: *a very insightful little line there* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i fell into a coughing fit what did i miss)) B l u r r: ... what a romantic pair. / vents/ FakeProwl: ((they caught the attention of a ferry)) Whirl: ((r u ok dude?:<)) FakeProwl: ((their parents are overhead in a plane but missed them)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((allergies/cold)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((omg so their parents aren't dead?)) Whirl: ((*pats u*)) B l u r r: [[ their parents are alive! ]] FakeProwl: ((that was in like episode 2. the people who escaped jail, ended up coming out of a door next to a waterfall, and got in a brawl in a peruvian bar were their parents)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i missed hearing that was who they were aaaaah)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\PUNCH HIS LIGHTS OUT\\ Whirl: Do it!\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\STUFF A MUFFIN IN HIS MOUTH 'N SHOVE HIM IN THE WATER\\ FakeProwl: Stop ranting at him and do something before he shoves you off the boat. B l u r r: Kill him, you slagger. Whirl: Strangle him! Whirl: Bust his teeth out! Whirl: Take that match and shove it in his eye! B l u r r: ... /makes a face / Whirl: Wasted opportunity. Whirl: So... Whirl: Magnus Schmagnus. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\RULES SCHMULES.\\ Whirl: Hell yeah! ItsyBitsySpyers: \\...I LIKE IT.\\ Whirl: Frenzy. Mech. I missed you. B l u r r: Oh for pit sake. B l u r r: I had to deal with this the whole time Whirl: *snickers* FakeProwl: ... Look at that. They're absorbing educational TV. B l u r r: / doesn't sound too disappointed / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy looks horrified by Prowl's comment* Whirl: *we learned good* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\EDUCATIONAL TV, SCHMEDUCATIONAL TV.\\ Whirl: HAHA! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy giggles and holds his hands out to Blurr and Whirl for slapping* B l u r r: / slaps his hand all the same / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave just gives his helm a little shake* Airachnid: It's impossible. Whirl: *aps his claw into Frenzy's palm* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Wait. Is that true?// B l u r r: He's useless... B l u r r: [[ okay and next stream will be last 2 eps ]] Whirl: *stretches* Whirl: Thanks, Blurr. I missed some of this series, but it's pretty all right. Whirl: @Blurr: And once again... congrats, mech. Whirl: *outwardly he looks like he's nonchalantly clambering out of his hammock* @BLurr: I'm happy for ya. I mean it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave stretches his legs and gives the avatar a quick squeeze with his free arm in case Prowl's about to flicker out.* B l u r r: / makes a face / ItsyBitsySpyers: *The minis slowly rouse themselves too - Frenzy slower than most, as worn out as he is - and slowly make their way toward his couch* B l u r r: @Whirl: :: ... It's complicated. :: FakeProwl: *takes hand and squeezes back* Whirl: @Blurr: Complicated is still SOMETHING, mech. I'm sureyou'll work it out. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Appreciative ping* Whirl: *pauses; he was forced to think about... certain things, this evening, even in jest. It put some stuff into perspective* B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: It isn't... it's different. :: Whirl: @Blurr: Hey. It's SOMETHING. Not all of us are that lucky, mech. At least you've go SOMEONE. Whirl: @Blurr: Fight for him. *affectionately* idiot. B l u r r: / just makes a face. Scrubs faceplate / B l u r r: / looks a lt more tired than before / B l u r r: *lot B l u r r: @Whirl: :: Fight who... there's no one to fight. :: Whirl: @Blurr: Not who. What. B l u r r: / confused noise. Buries helm in claws / Whirl: @Blurr: Look--I've sene you two. Out there on Earth. Lord, I can't believe I gotta be mushy on YOUR behalf--just. Don't let it go, all right? Whirl: @Blurr: some of us never had a chance. Don't waste yours. B l u r r: / more noises / B l u r r: @Whirl: :: We weren't friends on Earth... we just became friends. :: Whirl: @Blurr: And? B l u r r: @ Whirl: : That's all it was supposed to be. :: B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: I drew the line right there, in the dirt. I drew the line and said it was friends. We were friends. :: Whirl: @Blurr: Pfft. Whirl: @Blurr: Look, even I can see that's all wishful thinking. B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: It's complicated ... :: B l u r r: / drags claws down face / Whirl: @Blurr: So make it simple, stupid! God, I don;'t understand you people at all. Whirl: @Blurr: You get something, and then you have to make OBSTACLES for yourselves. So stupid.' Airachnid: [is going to sneak off now, she does wave at Whirl though before departing] Whirl: *bobs his head cordially* B l u r r: @Whirl: :: I didn't make the obstacle... it's just- nevermind. :: B l u r r: / looks worn out / Whirl: @Blurr: No. You're just being stubborn. B l u r r: / and a little spaced out / B l u r r: @Whirl: ::... Nevermind. :: B l u r r: / twitches claws/ @Whirl: :: It's nothing. We're fine. :: Whirl: *even if Blurr seems worn out, Whirl doesn't relent* @Blurr: You can nevermind me all you want, but here's the bottom line: I see what's going on. And if you wanna walk away, fine. Do it. Whirl: @Blurr: But don't you dare blame anyone but yourself, idiot. Not everyone has the chance you do; some of us never will. B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: What if the chance I take is based on something else? :: Whirl: @Blurr: Makes no god damn difference, if you ask me. B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: I know who he is. I know who Roads was. What if my faulty processor can't tell the difference? What if I don't know what I want from THIS one.:: Whirl: @Blurr: Who CARES? B l u r r: / rubbing his temples  /@Whirl: :: /I/ CARe. Whirl: @Blurr: if he's happy anf you're happy, who CARES? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Rest needed or projection at Soundwave's possible? B l u r r: / mumbling to himself. / @ Whirl: :: I don't replace people. I won't replace Roads... I can't. :: Whirl: *Whirl cycles a sigh, but that;s the only visible sign of exasperation* ... @Blurr: Okay. Full disclosure: I understand that bit. A little. Whirl: @Blurr: Getting... close to someone. And then being faced with their alternate. I get that. it's... weird. B l u r r: / scrubbing faceplate/ Whirl: @Blurr: But what's happened isn't gonna UN-happen anytime soon. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I could come over for a little bit.» B l u r r: @Whirl: :: ... I know it won't. :: Whirl: @Blurr: So just roll with what you've GOT. If things were as good as you say they were, then he'd want you to be happy, right? That's usually the way things work. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lights glow just a tad brighter. He's pleased as pit.* Whirl: @Blurr:Nobody's asking you to replace anything. Everything' s AL;READY different. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Come. Dominoes received. Plan needed for future project. B l u r r: @ Whirl: I don't know. Whirl: @Blurr: Well, if you let it go, it's your fault, and nobody else's, Teach. B l u r r: @ Whirl: I never said that I was letting go... /drags claws down his face. VENTS loudly / Whirl: @Blurr: But regardless of whether or not HE'S here necxt week, you're gonna see MY sorry face. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Carefully extricates himself and lets the minis dock. He'll ping when it's all right to patch in.* Whirl: *he's not good at this; he's tyring but he's very very bad at this* B l u r r: ... /just gets up. twitches finials/ ...I'm tired. Whirl: get some shuteye, Teach. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Is that so. Then by all means, I ought to assist.» Whirl: @Blurr: Look. Maybe comm me in the morning? B l u r r: / waves claw a little/ ... B l u r r: @Whirl: ::... Yeah. Sounds good. :: Whirl: @Blurr: All right. I'm obviously... ot good at this but still. Whirl: *bobs his head* Seeya, losers! B l u r r: @ Whirl: No... it's okay. Thanks. FakeProwl: *sits up straighter* @Soundwave «I'll let the Constructicons know I'll be up late.» *a farewell ping, and flickers out.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sharp nod and a ping of gratitude. Then one of farewell for Whirl and Blurr before he makes his escape* B l u r r: / lifts claw. Waves . Zoom zooms the fack out of the room / Whirl: *bobs his helm to Siundwave's retreating form* Whirl: ... Whirl: *HE'S THE LAST ONE HERE* Whirl: ...................*briefly contemplates leavin graffiti* ItsyBitsySpyers: *DO IT* B l u r r: / yes do it/ Whirl: *he COULD write "praise heqet"... but no. Whirl will just leave, alone* Whirl: *maybe next time* FakeProwl: ((follow rumble's example)) FakeProwl: ((write "ultra magnus was here")) Whirl: ((excuse u whirl has a fine tradition of writing "whirl wuz here")) Whirl: ((but................... maybe next time))
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