#starry mountain of tenma
touhoutunes · 8 months
Title: 星空を地に堕として (As the Starry Sky Falls to the Ground)
Arrangement: 神奈森ユウ & 魔王
Vocals: 神月紅璃夢, 十色奏音, & 凪ユイナ
Album: 星空を地に堕として
Circle: 少女フラクタル
Original: Starry Mountain of Tenma
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afterlifetango · 1 year
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | 5th Anniversary: The Way Back Home | Chapter 3 - Summer Planet Story
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Izumi: Have you decided on where you’re going to go for the Summer Troupe training camp yet?
Tenma: Nope, not yet. I was just going to go discuss that right now.
Izumi: Gotcha. Don’t forget to find somewhere that has a good place for you to practice.
Tenma: Yep, got it.
Izumi: By the way, I’m glad you’re able to go to the training camp, Tenma-kun.
Tenma: It’s all thanks to Igawa’s hard work in adjusting my schedule.
Izumi: When I thanked Igawa-san the other day, he said he was able to make the adjustments to your schedule all thanks to your great work ethic.
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Tenma: Is that so?
Tenma: Well, I might’ve pushed myself a little harder because I wanted to go to the training camp with those guys…
Izumi: (Fufu, that’s really honest of him. I guess Tenma-kun’s also looking forward to the Summer Troupe training camp.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Tenma: Everyone’s gathered in here, huh?
Yuki: You’re late. Everyone else was already here except for you, stupid.
Kumon: Good work today, Tenma-san! What were you doing?
Tenma: My bad, I was talking with the Director. Alright, let’s start our training camp meeting right away.
Tenma: First off, do you guys have anywhere you wanna go?
Muku: How about our usual training camp? The one with the sunflower fields.
Yuki: Well, when I think of a Summer Troupe training camp, that is the first place that comes to mind.
Kazunari: We all have supes good memories of that place, I love, love, looooove it there! 
Tenma: But the purpose of this training camp is to get a change of scenery and see new things so we can work out what we want our part of the spin-off to be about.
Kumon: Now that you say that, maybe some other place would be better!
Muku: It’d also be pretty exciting to go somewhere other than our usual training camp.
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Misumi: Yeah, yeah! I wanna go somewhere where we can look at the stars! 
Kumon: Yeah, the sky has been pretty cloudy here lately, so it’s been super hard to see the stars.
Muku: With the clear winter air, I’m sure the stars would look really beautiful! 
Kazunari: I’m def loving the idea of having our training camp somewhere where we can see the stars! Getting absolutely immaculate vibes from it! 
Yuki: Sounds like it could be just the thing we need to figure out what to do with the spin-off.
Tenma: It does take place in space after all. 
Kumon: Then how about we go to the best place in Japan to see the prettiest stars!?
Kazunari: You’re a genius, Kumopi! That’s a ten outta ten, absolute banger idea! 
Misumi: I agree! Let’s all go and see the pretty, sparkly stars together~!
Yuki: Okay, so where is this place where we can see the prettiest stars?
Kumon: Eh, I dunno.
Yuki: Figures.
Kazunari: I’ll look it up! Hm~m… ah, here! 
Kazunari: This place offers tours to see the best starry skies in all of Japan in the village that’s said to be the best place to go! 
Kazunari: Here, this is the tour site!
Muku: Waah, what a romantic gondola ride atop the mountains! 
Misumi: The pictures of the starry sky are super pretty~.
Kumon: That’s soooo cool! Now that’s a star-filled sky! 
Yuki: Seems like there’s a lot to do there AND it’d make a good training camp.
Tenma: Alright, then let’s have the Summer Troupe training camp in this village here.
Kumon: Hey, I know it’s supposed to be a training camp, but can we go sightseeing and stuff when we’re not rehearsing?
Tenma: Sure. I’d say that having fun counts as another purpose of this trip. 
Kazunari: ‘Kay then, let’s decide on what else we wanna do there next!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tenma: Looks like that’s about everything.
Kazunari: Oui, oui! So first, we need a car, so we can rent one when we’re on our way over~.
Kumon: Then we’re gonna stay at a ryokan that’s got a hot spring that’s famous for making your skin all nice! 
Yuki: Then we reserve a room at the ryokan for rehearsals and practice there.
Muku: And then when we’ve got free time, we can go to that café that has drinks themed after the starry sky and space…
Tenma: And if we’ve got time, we can visit some temples and that natural art museum too.
Tenma: And then once it’s night, we take that starry sky tour.
Misumi: And then we stop at the gift shop on the way back! 
Kumon: This is gonna be so much fun! 
Kazunari: Totes! I’ll get to making all the reservations ‘n stuff! 
Misumi: Do you need help with anything, Kazu? I wanna help~.
Kazunari: For realsies? Thanksies, Sumi~! Could you go and reserve the rental car then?
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Misumi: Mhm, got it!
Muku: Kazu-kun, Misumi-san, thank you so much!
Kumon: Thanks!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Did anyone forget anything?
Yuki: I’m all good.
Kazunari: All good over here!
Tenma: Alright, let’s go.
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Muku: We’ll bring you back some souvenirs!
Izumi: Mhm, have a good trip!
Izumi: Ah, make sure to send me a LIME when you get there so I’m not here worrying about you all.
Misumi: Ka~ay!
Kumon: Yup, gotcha! We’re off!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: This is the room we’re staying in~.
Muku: It’s so nice coming into a warm and toasty room like this after being outside in the cold.
Yuki: Ooh, the view is really pretty.
Muku: Waah, it is! 
Kumon: Whoa, there’s snacks out over here! And a whole bunch of teas and different kinds of coffee too! 
Tenma: Seems like it’s all decked out for relaxing.
Kazunari: Alrighty, first things first is to send Director-chan a LIME.
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Kumon: Ah, yeah! Umm… Director, we’re in our room right now…
Misumi: We’re here, Director-san~... there.
Yuki: Hah? You’re seriously all sending your own LIMEs? We just needed to send one.
Kazunari: C’mon, you don’t wanna send Director-chan a LIME too? Don’t you know it’s like, supes fun to give live updates via LIME when you’re out traveling! 
Muku: Fufu, I definitely get wanting to do that.
Tenma: Alright, how about once we get settled a bit, we talk about the spin-off?
Kumon: Yeah, yeah, discussing that is all important and stuff, but we DID come to a village that’s famous for its hot springs, so that can all wait until after we got to the hot springs! 
Tenma: Right now!?
Yuki: Is it really that weird for people to go to the hot springs right after they arrive?
Misumi: I wanna go to the hot springs with Kumon! 
Kazunari: Hell yeah~! I’m right there with ya! 
Muku: If you guys are all going, I want to go too.
Tenma: So you’re not just getting settled a bit, you’re getting entirely settled, huh?
Kumon: We got all cold ‘cause it was so snowy outside, so we’ve gotta warm up first! Don’t wanna catch a cold! 
Tenma: Okay, sure, but…
Kazunari: Maybe we’ll all have better ideas once we warm up and chill out for a lil’ bit! C’mon, let’s go! 
Tenma: Ugh, guess I can’t argue. Alright, let’s all go to the hot springs first.
Misumi: Yaaay! Hot springs, hot springs~!
Tenma: However, we’re still discussing the spin-off later. Don’t go throwing on your yukatas and start kicking back just yet.
Misumi: Kaaay!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Muku: Ahh, the water was so warm~.
Yuki: Yeah, I liked it too. My skin is already feeling softer from it.
Kazunari: Good thing there were no younger people at the hot springs~!
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Tenma: Huh? Why? 
Kazunari: ‘Cause you didn’t have your sunglasses on, and if there were younger people there, they could’ve recognized you?
Tenma: Oh, I guess you’re… hey, who in their right mind would wear sunglasses to the hot springs!?
Kazunari: Ahaha, JK!  
Tenma: …Anyway, let’s start discussing our spin-off performance.
Kumon: I’m super hyped for it, but it’s kinda hard to think up stuff to discuss for it.
Yuki: Yeah, I get that. Misumi: All we gotta do is think about what we wanna do for it~!
Kazunari: Hmm, what we wanna do as part of STARS…
Muku: Umm… actually, I’ve always kind of wondered about something…
Misumi: What is it~?
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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dekapm0048 · 1 year
Starry Mountain of Tenma
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vgbossthemes · 1 year
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sora227 · 1 year
Starry Borealis; Prologue: Escape to the Day/Light
Running. That’s all Hoshino Ichika’s ever known. 
Whether slipping away on the cracks of her cottage’s floor to hopefully not get caught watching whatever constellation is displayed on the night sky, or running to hope her cousins don’t cause trouble and burn something again, she’s used to it. She was the fastest in her family, she could sprint away, like a shooting star soaring across the sky. So she wasn’t expecting this to be hard. But it was. Not like she can look back though.
She ran and ran away from her old house. She never considered it home anyways. She was sick of staying inside, secluded and only able to see the sky and the river and the snow from the window or when she sneaks out. She knows her family won’t miss her, they never paid attention to her and kept her stuck inside in her room. 
But the problem was, it was hard for her. Not only did her legs burn and burn, but she’s running the risk of getting caught. The Aoyagi kingdom is strict with everything. And Ichika wants to run away. There’ll probably be knights near the border to the enemy kingdom, the Tenmas, so that no one can trespass.
But she’s faster.
She stops for a split second, her throat burning. Panting, she looks up at the stars. Head more east. She starts walking, the snow crunching under her boots. Crack. Crack. She looks at her compass. Correct. She’s going the right way.
Ichika tries her best to make as little noise as possible. But it’s impossible in these conditions. Her heart is pounding in her ears. Ow. Ouch. Her hands are frozen ice cubes, and she can barely feel her feet. Cold. Her head spins around and around. A pretty carousel. It’s so tiring, she should take a na-
“You! Trespasser!” Ichika’s head swivels. A knight dressed in dark grey is running towards her. It’s one of her kingdom’s little minions. Shit. Her eyes widened, before turning around and bolting. Her thoughts start racing around like it’s the end of the world. She took a sharp turn to the right. The guard followed, behind her tail. Some animals trick their prey by running in random directions, right? Ichika did exactly that.
“Traitor!” The guard ran after. But Ichika’s not giving up. She keeps going and going. She has no choice. The ice cold wind slapped her face. The only thing keeping her going was her want. Her selfishness to just leave everything she hated behind. Goodbye, cruel world! She slips and leaves and runs and runs till she can’t see anything anymore. And by then the knight was gone.
Sighing, she rubs her eyes. It is strangely warm, like a stove heating up. It stained her back and it was… comforting. Oddly enough. She stopped to catch her breath. In. Out. In. Out. Many people would find this method of relaxation consoling; she never did. Until now. She wiped some sweat off of her forehead, before turning around by instinct. Her eyes widened seeing the sight as she gasped.
A beautiful kingdom seemed to rise from the ground, with beaches and forests. The main castle, the windmills that soar through the sky, the small villages and shops scattered in a pattern. All underneath the orange sun that is setting and falling down, down. It was large, one might say larger than the Aoyagi’s kingdom. Although, the truth was that the latter was actually bigger in size- but it was high in the mountains. And yet it’s never been as beautiful as this. 
Ichika took all this in. The view was immaculate, stunning, nothing the black-haired girl had ever seen. The stars were slightly visible at the very top of the sky. Beautiful… Ichika knows she’ll never experience this again. But she sighs, and continues walking, much more calm now.
A wonderous start for the beginning of an unforgettable adventure.
Author's Notes: so.. uh... someone very specific said I should totally write about this au, so why not..? yeah. it's the beginning of something. ichika main character vibes. yeah! didn't do above extra tags cause it's not necessary for this. anyways, enjoy !!
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there is a secret madness about starry mountain of tenma
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corvidmagicae · 1 year
Birds. Bottom Text.
birds. bottom text.
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touhou-memories · 3 years
Starry Mountain of Tenma
Touhou 18: Unconnected Marketeers
Megumu Iizunamaru’s theme.
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touhoutunes · 1 year
Title: Rag Time Rainbow
Arrangement: Jerico
Album: Artificial Revelation
Circle: ジェリコの法則
Original: Starry Mountain of Tenma
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touhoutunes · 2 years
Title: 明暗境界線ノ龍 (Light and Dark Dragon Boundary)
Arrangement: Pizuya’s Cell
Vocals: めいど
Album: オムニコーディアル
Circle: Pizuya’s Cell
Original: Starry Mountain of Tenma
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touhoutunes · 2 years
Title: こ~んさるたん! (Cooooonsultant!)
Arrangement: Stack Bros.
Vocals: Stack
Album: こ~んさるたん!
Circle: 暁Records
Original: The Long-Awaited Oumagatoki, Starry Mountain of Tenma
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touhoutunes · 3 years
Title: スターリー・マウンテン (Starry Mountain)
Arrangement: HASEKO
Vocals: すばる
Circle: ちょこふぁん
Original: Starry Mountain of Tenma
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