touhoutunes · 1 month
Title: アサルトオブチキン (Assault of Chicken)
Arrangement: Pizuya’s Cell
Vocals: めいど
Album: 惻隠の情とシェイム
Circle: Pizuya's Cell
Original: Seraphic Chicken
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
i agree with your take on nedbert but i would also like to put forth a world where nedbert inhabit that space that exists where you’re talking to a frat bro and they go like. “yeah my bro and i watch porn and jerk off together and give each other handjobs when drunk. no we’re not gay why are YOU being weird abt this??” and you just have to move on bc a darty is not the place for this conversation and two years later his sorority girl gf posts pics of their wedding on instagram and there’s one of him fully making out with his best man on the dance floor and all their comments are telling the sorority girl and frat bro how beautiful of a couple they are with no mention of it and you feel like you’re going insane but move on again bc what can you do. honestly you kind of respect it.
alsdkjf anon i respect the hell out of this one lmao
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slagclaren · 1 year
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dont know if ive ever posted my actual drawing(s) of cacklehounds here but HOO BOY am i having a blast writing the first appearance of these funky hyena lion jackals
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Troublemaker | Daemon x reader
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Summary: the three times Daemon is harassed by a tiny toddler. 
Warning: Age gap of around 10 years between reader and Daemon. Furthermore, Daemon did not marry Lady Rhea Royce. 
93 AC
At two and ten Daemon Targaryen had escaped his teacher. instead he preferred to spend his day underneath the Weirwood tree. The young prince was laying at the root of the tree with arms underneath his head while sleepily looking up at the sky. Somewhere he can hear one of his teachers call out to him. Without doubt wanting to enrich him with an ancient batter or the doom of old Valyria. Something he had learned about a thousand times. This morning has already been filled with sword fighting and while he rather would have ridden his dragon Caraxes he knew sneaking out the Dragon pit would be almost impossible. God knows what his brother Viserys was doing, and he was not really planning on finding out as his brother was probably going to snitch him to his teacher anyway. 
Something was tugging on his hair and annoyed he hoped his eyes looking around for the culprit that had interrupted his nap. With a frown on his forehead, he looks at the tiny toddler sitting content at his side. Their little plump fingers going through his hair and occasionally give a sharp tug. Other than the two of you the Godwoods is empty. No nursemaid or servant to be found. The little one was babbling content noises. Judging by the snit of her dress the little toddler was not a servant’s babe but a child of one of the noble ladies residing in the keep.  
He tried to ignore the toddler and closed his eyes again. It is not his responsibly to take care of a little girl that what the servants are for. A screech interrupted his rest once again and his eyes quicky found the little one once again. This time you were crawling away from him towards the table underneath the roofed area. The table was covered with a long cloth, hanging of the edge of table almost to the ground, the table was decked with silverware and set for a quick lunch. He knew the curiosity of toddlers and while you had crawled your way there, judging you age he knew you were old enough to be learning how to stand so he made his way towards you quickly. For such a little thing you were quick and had almost reached the table. He carefully scooped you up, but your little fist had managed to grip on to the tablecloth and with Daemons motion of scooping you up you had managed enough force to pull the silverware from the table. 
The silverware was clattering to the ground around Daemons feet, wine, and food clinging to his clothing. He groaned but to your amusement the sound of the silverware and his frustration made you giggle. A soft and innocent sound which Daemon had to admit made his heart melt. “Oh, you are enjoying this, little troublemaker.” His voice made an adorable smile spread on your face and he softly tickled you to make you laugh again. He swung you around back to the tree to sit down and keep you out of harm’s way. 
The sound of the silverware clattering to the ground had attracted maids and other public to see what was happening. As the maids were quickly and quietly cleaning up the mess you had made. A woman came running in. She let out a sign of relief when noticing you. Her color of her hair and eyes matched yours and Daemon was positively that it was your mother. “Oh, my baby.” The woman exclaimed while quickly gathering you into her arms. The little toddler did not seem to like being ripped out of Daemons embrace, who you had considered to be your friend as the toddler started frowning and making grabbing hands towards him. “I am sorry for the trouble she has caused my prince.” The woman apologized quietly while soothing her daughter. Who’s lip was starting to wobble. “Next time do not let her out of someone’s sight as she might not be so lucky.” He scolded the woman, which he recognized as one of the ladies of a noble house who had just arrived at court for the festivities. 
“Of course, my prince, thank you for watching over her.” The lady made a courtesy towards him. Daemon only nodded and walked past the woman with all intention to make haste and find new place to relax but your baby talk made him halt. He turned around towards you and with his index finger lightly fluttered over your little face. “She is a troublemaker that one.” And with that he took his leave. 
A few weeks later he was walking towards the courtyard to practice some sword fighting when he noticed a presence behind him. He looked over his shoulder and abruptly stopped when he saw you waddling behind him. “Ah the little troublemaker has mastered walking.” He said to the little toddler. Unbeknownst to him the door of the room you and your family was occupying was left open and when seeing him walking past you had seen your chance and followed him. You made grabby hands at him, and he saw that as a sign to pick you up. Content of being in his arms your hand grabbed at his long hair.  
“Och, little one let’s not do that.” He untangled his hair from your little hands but as soon as he freed his hair out of your grip your hands were back into his hair. He simply gave up and continued his way towards the courtyard where the training sessions were held. Along the way ignoring the glances of the people around him. 
His sword fight teacher raised an eyebrow when he saw the young prince come his way with the small toddler in his arms but said nothing. Only looked on in amusement when Daemon carefully sat the toddler down on a bench gave you a wooden dagger to play with, to keep you occupied and distracted. “She is a troublemaker that one.” Was the only thing the prince acknowledged about the toddler before focusing on the training. Somewhere in the middle of the training a maid who had been sent to look for you had taken you away. Which had resulted in your cries echoing across the courtyard displeased with being taken away while you had been playing with the wooden dagger and had been watching Daemon train with wide eyes of amazement. Daemon almost had snatched you out of the hands of the maid when your disagreement with the situation had made itself known. But decided against it as you were not family of him. His eyes followed the form of the maid who quickly carried you away.
Two months later he was properly introduced to the little toddler it was the name day of your older brother. His father, Viserys and he had made his way towards the garden where the party was held. His father properly introduced his brother and him to the family, and your mother stumbled over her words as she properly met the prince still aware of the time, he had scolded her for not watching her child.
The royal family had sat down on the provided chairs which were placed around the garden for the parents to be able to socialize and the children to run around and play. As soon as your little eyes had found him you had made your way towards him. Daemon had not noticed you sneaking up on him until you were tugging at his clothes. Your mother tried to distract you but to no avail. “Y/N, baby come here” You had only looked briefly towards your mother before again tugging these times more urgently at his clothes. Daemon looked down at you, the same smile on your little face as when he had first met you and again his heart melted. He picked you up and sat you in his lap. 
From there you had a great view and was watching other kids play around you while also sheepishly eyeing up the cakes standing on the table. Daemon quickly took notice of the cakes when he saw you attempting to crawl on the table. “Ah see your little trouble side is coming out again.” He spoke quietly to you making sure his brother could not jest him about talking to a toddler. You let out an adorable giggle at the sound of his voice and again tried to move closer to the cakes. “You just can not help it, can you?” Daemon kept an arm around your stomach to make sure you did not fall or lose balance before plating one of the cakes onto a plate and putting it in front of you. A little scream came from your mouth as the little cake you had been eyeing was now in front of you. 
Without much hesitation your hands grabbed the cake and brought it to your mouth. You leaned against Daemon with the cake in your hands clearly content with your position. Daemon let out a soft groan because of the crumbs that were falling onto his clothes. Your mother had given up on trying to coax you away from the prince. With a full belly and a comfortable position, you had quickly fallen asleep in Daemons arms. However, every time when your mother would try to lift you out of Daemons arms and give you to one of the maids. You would stir and start whining which ended up with Daemon being annoyed with your mother and telling her you were fine in his arms. He ignored his brother who was trying to stifle his laugh across from him at the table clearly finding it amusing how much his brother was wrapped around the toddler little finger.
In the end Daemon was the one who had carried you back to the castle. Nobody allowed to get you out of his arms. He loved the feeling of that responsibility, caring for you was slowly but surely one of his favorite things. While his brother was jesting that you had imprinted on him like a little baby rabbit. Daemon could only relinquish in the feeling that you had chosen him to do so.
Slowly he placed you in your bed. He brushed your baby hairs before leaving the room without another glance. Missing the little smile that graced your lips even in your sleep.
111 AC
Daemon was nervously tugging at the collar of his jacket while looking around the great hall trying to not meet the eye of a single spectator. The great hall was transformed into a magical place where the wedding ceremony was going to take place. Sun light was lighting up the room making the golden and white wand decorations handing from the walls shine. Flowers were wrapped around the columns and the tacitly pleased around the room. You had planned it out to the last detail even the broach on which tied the cape and his jacket together. 
You had gifted it to him last night. It was a golden dragon midflight with its wings stretched out. It was unlike the Targaryen crest, and he had never been gifted something this thoughtful. For its eye was a single ruby. “For the color of Caraxes scales.” You had proudly stated while pinning it to his wedding attire so that it would all be ready for tomorrow. Like he said you had planned everything. Before he could properly thank you, you had all but ran out the room. Screaming back at him that he would have to wait one more night. 
Once again, he roams the space, and his eyes briefly meet your parents. While he practically had to beg your dad for your hand your mother was already wiping her tears away. Your father was a little less pleased as he glared at Daemon with a stoic face. Your father was not a fan of the 10 years age gap, as well reputation of rogue prince. However very much like Daemon you had both of them wrapped around your finger from a verry young age. Every marriage proposal you had rejected in favor of this one. After all you had dreamed about this wedding for ages and what you want you would get even if your dad was not totally aboard with it. As a father he had his concerns and Daemons reputation did not paint him in a favorable light. 
The music starts playing and Daemon shifts his attention to the big heavy doors. The doors are opened by two knights and within seconds you are making you way down the rows of people. You were wearing a heavily decorate golden gown with flowers and little stars on it. The trail of wedding dress is in a long trail behind you, shifting the flowers that mark the path towards the altar on the ground slightly. In your hair is a grand diadem set with rubies and diamonds. Around your neck is a necklace set with stones where part of it drops downs and settles between the valley of your breast. The necklace together with the drop earrings was his engagement gift for you. You had only worn them once before showing them off at their engagement feast before locking them up and saving them for your wedding day. 
 You had almost reached the altar and Daemon reached out his hands to help you up it. You looked like a goddess with the sunlight warming your face and making your dress sparkle. You take his hands in yours and squeeze it to reassure yourself that this is all happening, and it is not just a dream. The maids in charge of the trail delicately place it around you when you stand in front of your soon to be husband before they take a step back. The septon comes forwards and hushes the crowd. You smile nervously at him, as if you had only just noticed the crowd. 
 “Who is giving away the bride?” the septon asks. “I am!” your father voices bellows through the sept. He climbs the stairs of the altar and slowly takes of the beautiful made cloak in your house colors. The cloak is heavily decorated and reaches all the way to the floor. “You sure about this honey, we can still make a run for it.” Your father tries to joke but you see the emotion in his eyes. “Yes father, he is the man I want to marry.” You sneak a glance at Daemon who is tense, clearly having heard the conversation and you father offering you a way out. Your father only nods a response before kissing your forehead and returning to stand next to your mother. 
 “Now who is to claim her?” Daemon reaches out to the servant who is holding his cloak. As he unfurls the cloak the crowd gasps at the sight of the cloak. The cloak was of a black fabric and looked velvety of texture. The dragon was made from red thread but in the light of the sun it seemed to reflect and glimmer. Just as your house cloak this one reached the ground as well. the chain that would hold the cloak around your shoulders was made of gold and the clasp was another dragon quite similar to the broach Daemon was wearing. He now understood why you were persistent on that dragon. 
He stepped closer to you and your usually scent invaded his senses. He smiled at you and carefully wrapped the cloak around you before fasting it. His finger ghosted over the rounding of your breast before he dutifully stepped a step back. keeping the appropriate distance between the two of you. “With the exchange of cloaks, the bride has passed from the protection of her father into her husband’s protection.” The septon declares before moving to take up the wine cup. 
He leads the prayer and blesses the cup before giving it to Daemon. Without breaking eye contact Daemon takes a sip out of the cup. tasting the bitter taste of the wine before swallowing it. He takes the cup to your lips and tentatively tilts it so you can take a sip out of it. “Let this wine be the first of many things they will share between them,” The septon once again declares before taking the cup away. 
 The septon then gestures for the bride and groom to take each other’s hands. “Repeat after me.” Daemon for the first time during the ceremony looks at the septon and from the corner of his eye he sees you doing the same. “With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lady and wife.” Daemons eyes are back on yours while he repeats the septon. “With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lady and wife.” You feel your cheeks warm at his words and can’t help but look at the way his lips move while speaking his vows. The septon now turns to you. “With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lord and husband.” Without hesitation you repeat the words and intuitive take a step forwards. Daemon places his hand up your waist. 
“Then in the power invested in me by the faith of the seven I declare you man and wife as they are one flesh, one heart, one soul now and forever and may they live a long and fruitful live.” Before the septon has even finished his speech Daemon pulls you into his chest. Your hand bracing for the impact lays on his chest. With his free hand he tilts your chin upwards and presses his lips against you. The world around you goes silent, no longer are you hearing the clapping of the invited lords and ladies. Your whole attention and senses are dedicated to the prince in your arms. A prince you can now proudly call yours. You feel his free hand roam its way down to your butt. The Septon clears his throat obviously uncomfortable at the sight of that and reluctant Daemon ends the kiss. “You are stuck with me, little troublemaker.” You smile up at him blissfully still in his warm embrace. “I would not have it any other way.”  
Part 2
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There is something truly sad in the miscommunication between Catelyn and Arya. The latter doubts that her mother will want her back, while the former failed to communicate to her daughter that her love for her is unconditional.
Make no mistake, Catelyn's love for Arya - as well as for the rest of her children- is without restrictions. But she failed to convey that to her younger daughter, since she often reprimanded her and negatively compared her to her older daughter, Sansa.
When Arya is captured by the Brotherhood without Banners, she even doubts that her mother would want to ransom her
"What if my brother doesn't want to ransom me?"
"Why would you think that?" asked Lord Beric.
"Well," Arya said, "my hair's messy and my nails are dirty and my feet are all hard." Robb wouldn't care about that, probably, but her mother would. Lady Catelyn always wanted her to be like Sansa, to sing and dance and sew and mind her courtesies.
I can only imagine how much rejected by her mother Arya feels in order to think like that.
What makes it even sadder is that Catelyn was also once a kid who enjoyed outdoor activities that could be considered "unladylike" by westerosi narrow minded society.
Here is a description of Catelyn's childhood:
She remembered the godwood, dropping branches heavy with moisture, and the sound of her brother's laughter as he chased her through the piles of damp leaves. She remembered making mud pies with Lysa, the weight of them, the mud slick and brown between her fingers.
What happened to that kid who enjoyed messy play? Because grown up Catelyn is proper Lady to the bone. Did she eventually outgrown her childish games and decided to be more ladylike? Did some adult made her to stop these games because they found them inproper? We can only speculate.
It is sad though that while Catelyn reminisces with fondness her childhood memories, she doesn't approve of her daughter making similar kind of memories.
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hllywdwhre · 7 months
Dreamer, Queen, Prince - Chapter 4
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Pairing: Daemyra x fem!OC
Warnings: Please check masterlist for warnings. This work is 18+, MDNI
The hurt Rhaenyra felt over Viserys, and mainly Alicent’s, betrayal festered into an anger that Viserea watched unfold over the next three years. Both girls spoke only when necessary when the King or Queen were in their presence. Viserea and Rhaenyra now both held their tongues in council meetings and spent all of their free time on dragonback.
The two’s relationship had grown stronger and stronger over the years, both of them healing from the hurt of feeling as though they were constantly betrayed. They knew their truest allies were each other.
The first ‘I love you’ to be spoken in a romantic sense had fallen from Viserea’s lips the night of Viserys and Alicent’s wedding, along with a symphony of moans as the two spent the night exploring every inch of each other.
Amarda and Ser Ryden both knew of their relationship now, though neither seemed to mind it and helped keep it hidden. Amarda was moved to Dragonstone due to her old age. Viserea insisted the maesters there would be able to help her and the work would be easier. Ser Ryden remained beside Viserea.
Viserea’s trips to the city had become less frequent, although Blood and Cheese seemed to have been spoken to by Daemon as they never threatened Viserea again and had begun being even more protective over her. The one time Rhaenyra joined her, they wouldn’t let the two of them travel more than a couple paces ahead of them.
The dreams hadn’t come in a long time. Nothing of Aegon’s birth. Nothing about the Stepstones. Nothing about anything.
The two Princesses sat under the Godwood, both of them in riding gear from that morning and seeming to pour over the studies that they needed to revise. Neither of them could focus on the words in front of them, between the nameday celebrations they knew were taking place and the singing of the lute player.
His singing suddenly stopped and Viserea looked up when he greeted Alicent.
“Did I tell you to stop?” Rhaenyra questioned and Viserea forced back a smirk at the look on the player’s face, “From the top.” He had just begun singing when Alicent called for them,
“Rhaenyra? Viserea?”
Viserea rolled her eyes, knowing it could not be seen from her position next to Rhaenyra. Alicent had always been one for formalities and proper addressings, yet you could tell when she was trying to be especially nice because she would drop them and address them only by name.
“Yes, my Queen?” Rhaenyra answered.
“Your presence is wanted in the outer courtyard. The royal hunt readies to depart.” Alicent told the two.
“We have decided to remain here and read instead.” Rhaenyra spoke for both of them, never looking up from her book.
“You may go, Samwell.” Alicent’s dismissal caused the lute to immediately cease.
“You are to stay by order of the Princess.” Rhaenyra said quickly.
“The Queen commands you to leave the Godswod at once.” Alicent said.
Temper would be Viserea’s downfall. She knew it and she could not stop herself as she stood from beside Rhaenyra and looked to Samwell,
“Your Queen consort commands you to leave, but your two Princesses and future ruling Queen command you to stay.” Viserea said, calming only when Rhaenyra stood up beside her and whispered,
“Ñuha prūmia. (My heart).” Rhaenyra looked to Samwell, who looked as though he was making the most difficult decision of his life, “You may leave.”
“The King wishes for you two to join us.” Alicent said, her voice as polite as ever, as if Viserea had not just said what she had.
“The King has much to celebrate. He does not need me.” Rhaenyra’s voice held no emotion as she looked to Alicent.
“He wants for us all to be together. Perhaps… the hunt could be… fun.” Alicent’s words held no confidence, though she tried.
“Is it the King’s command?” Rhaenyra asked, neither of the girls’ faces changing as Alicent’s hopeful expression changed.
“Yes, but it-“
“Then at once, Your Grace.” Rhaenyra said, gathering the book from the ground where she had set it.
“But it needn’t be.” Alicent tried again, “None of it needs to be this way in truth.”
“No, it used not to.” Viserea said, following behind Rhaenyra.
They were changed into something more presentable than riding gear and shuffled into a carriage along with Viserys, Alicent, Aegon, and a couple handmaidens of Alicent’s that Viserea hadn’t bothered to learn the name of.
“Well, isn’t this splendid? The whole of our family off to celebration and adventure in the Kingswood.” Viserys said excitedly, trying to crack the tension that was ever present around the four adults.
After a particularly rough bump in the roads on the outer edge of King’s Landing, Rhaenyra looked to Alicent,
“Should you be traveling in such condition?” There wasn’t any malicious undertone or sarcasm in her voice. Rhaenyra had lost her mother to childbirth and still grew concerned any time a woman with child was around. This didn’t change for Alicent.
“The maester said that being out in nature would do me well.” Alicent replied.
“Well, you will be with your own child sooner than late, and make me a proud grandsire… both of you.” Viserys said, a genuine smile on his face as he looked between Viserea and Rhaenyra who exchanged uncomfortable glances.
Neither were stupid. They both knew that they would be expected to marry, but both were beyond stubborn. They would only marry if it meant that they could continue being together… and that meant their options for potential suitors was limited greatly. They also knew they would be required to produce heirs. That only added to the complicated nature.
“It’s not so bad. The days are long, but Aegon came quickly and without fuss.” Alicent said, soothingly.
You could tell by the look on Alicent’s face that she hadn’t meant her comment the way it had come across, but that didn’t change the effect it had immediately on everyone in the carriage.
Viserea reached for Rhaenyra’s hand, comfortingly taking it in her own and running her thumb along the back of it.
“You should both ride out with me today, join in the chase.” Viserys said, trying to cut through the tension again.
“I’d rather not.” Rhaenyra said immediately.
“I don’t feel up for riding today, feeling rather nauseous.” Viserea said at the same time.
“The boars squeal like children when they’re being slaughtered. I find it discomforting.” Rhaenyra added on, smiling as Aegon began babbling in the handmaiden’s lap.
“It’s a hunt, girls. How would you two like to participate?”
“I’m not sure why I must.” Viserea said this time, the underlying meaning in her words clear. ‘You don’t truly view me as a daughter. I don’t have to do anything here.’
“You are both my daughters, the Princesses, and you two have duties.” Viserys’ smile looked more forced this time as he replied.
“As we’re ceaselessly reminded.” Rhaenyra replied in a low volume.
“I’m sorry?” Viserys questioned.
“As we are ceaselessly reminded.” Rhaenyra repeated louder.
“You wouldn’t need to be reminded if you two ever attentended to them.”
“No one’s here for us.” Rhaenyra finally said, her voice still calm but the frustration clear.
The rest of the carriage ride was spent in silence, Viserys having no reply, and the silence was only broken by the applause from the gathered crowd at the hunting grounds.
As if proving their point, neither Princess stepped out of the carriage and it was only Aegon who was announced and praised. No one questioned where their future Queen was, further proving they still viewed Aegon to be their future King.
Viserea took Rhaenyra’s hand in hers, using the slight privacy of the carriage to kiss the back of it before they stood and exited.
When they entered the tent meant for their family, they both wandered aimlessly until they found a group of women sitting around the Queen, gossiping about the war in the Stepstones. Viserea nodded at the glance Rhaenyra gave her and they stepped closer, both of them taking glasses of wine.
News of the war was frequent, but they still absorbed every word whispered of it. No matter how he had hurt them, they still feared for Daemon’s safety, and Corlys was a man they both respected and neither wanted to lose. They watched as Alicent introduced Lyonel Strong and someone started rambling about how the Stepstones were suited only for savages.
“Perhaps the Princesses… can give us some insight.” Lady Ceira called to them.
“Neither of us really could, as we have never been to the Stepstones.” Viserea said, smiling politely at Lady Ceira and chuckling nervously.
“Your dear uncle is the great mind behind this war. Is he not?” She questioned.
“We wouldn’t know. We haven’t spoken to Daemon in years.” Rhaenyra answered this time while both of their polite smiles faltered.
“Since you supplanted him as heir.” Lady Ceira pointed out, taking both of the Princesses by surprise at her accusatory tone.
“Daemon made his choices, Lady Ceira.” Alicent defended, “Princess Rhaenyra was more suited to the role.”
The defense brought slight smiles to both Viserea and Rhaenyra’s faces, some small amount of anxiety about Aegon being named heir being calmed by Alicent defending Rhaenyra’s claim.
“He’s made a mess and the King must put an end to it. Send fleets and men and clear out the Triarchy for good.” Lady Redwyne suddenly spoke, stroking the dog she held in her lap.
“But the crown is not at war.” Viserea said, her and Rhaenyra exchanging confused glances.
“The crown… is at war, Princess. Though the King refuses to admit it, we’ve been dragged into it by your uncle and the Sea Snake.”
Strike one, speaking to Viserea as though she was stupid. Strike two, insulting Daemon. Strike three, insulting Corlys. Even though Rhaenyra wasn’t usually the first to snap between the two Princesses, she would snap if you thought to insult three people she cared about in one sentence right in front of her.
“And how have you served the realm of late, Lady Redwyne, by eating cake?” Rhaenyra questioned. The atmosphere immediately tensed and the only sound that could be heard from the group was the dog eating the cake from the woman’s plate.
Viserea left first, though Rhaenyra followed close behind her and they made their way outside.
“I wonder Princess, was your own second name day as grand as this?” The golden hair and lion across his chest gave away that the man was a Lannister, his attention to Rhaenyra gave away that the question was in no way meant for Viserea.
Viserea stepped away as he approached the two, dismissing herself and trailing away to find a familiar face that she could stand to be around. She approached a table where she saw Harwin Strong standing and silently stood next to him, pretending to be interested in his work at skinning the rabbit he was working on.
“Is Prince Aegon’s nameday not enough to entertain you, Princess?” Harwin asked, a half smile on his face to show his words were purely a joke.
“Not so far, it’s the same political talk that I can hear in the keep, but this time I am nowhere near my dragon in order to escape it.” Viserea answered honestly, finding herself chuckling when Harwin laughed at her response.
Viserea kept her gaze locked on the Lannister lad and Rhaenyra as they spoke, chuckling again at Rhaenyra’s clear distaste for the wine he had offered her.
“I suspect a dragon would make a pretty great escape.” Harwin said, looking between Viserea and the two people that truly held her attention.
“It does, especially one of Tessarion’s size.” Viserea replied, her volume dropping and turning to a warning. The warning wasn’t meant to Harwin, but the Lannister who had now stepped entirely too close to Viserea’s Rhaenyra for her comfort.
“I’ve heard she’s outgrown the dragonpit.” Harwin offered, his voice weary as he continued to watch the scene play out.
“She has. She can now only be kept outside of it. She’s outgrown Caraxes, Meleys, Dreamfyre, and Silverwing. They suspect she is the same size as Vermithor, though we have not seen him since my grandsire’s death so it is hard to say if he has grown more.”
“A mighty dragon for a mighty Hand and Princess.”
Harwin’s sentence caught Viserea off guard and she looked back at him with shock in her face at his open praise of her, and of his acceptance of her future place as Hand of the Queen and therefore Rhaenyra’s claim. It was a refreshing contrast from the distaste people usually held when speaking of their future.
“Thank you. It is a great compliment coming from someone with your accomplishments.” Viserea said genuinely, looking up as she noticed Rhaenyra disappear back into the tent where their family was at.
“Go ahead.” Harwin said, motioning with his head to the tent, “I will not monopolize your time when your future Queen looks as though she may need her Hand.”
“Thank you,” Viserea said, quickly following after her.
She walked into the tent a moment too late, seeing heads turned towards Rhaenyra and Viserys as Rhaenyra argued that she did not wish to get married and Viserys shouted about how he does not even exist above tradition.
Otto seemingly interrupted them and Viserea made her way next to Rhaenyra as he told Viserys of a sighting of a white hart. Viserea nor Viserys noticed as Rhaenyra disappeared from the tent and Viserea was all too late as she stepped outside of the tent and saw Criston Cole following behind her on horseback.
Viserea did not follow, knowing that Rhaenyra would have dragged her along if she had wanted her to come with her. She needed time alone and Viserea could understand that.
As the hunting party gathered, Viserea mounted her horse and found herself beside Harwin again as they made their way through the Kingswood.
“I suppose it was a problem beyond the Hand?” Harwin questioned with his voice low so that only the two of them could be heard.
“There are some problems only a Princess and King are able to handle.” She replied.
“Are these problems perhaps… ones that both of you will face as Princesses?” Harwin asked and Viserea looked over to him.
He didn’t show a thirst for the information that usually came along with gossips. He looked as though he simply wanted to speak to Viserea. She nodded,
“Yes. Neither of us wish to marry, and yet we must. Although, finding someone we could even tolerate marrying is a bit difficult when you’re having to fight through figuring out who wants to marry you and who wants to marry the heir to the Iron Throne and the Hand of the Queen.”
“I suppose that would make marriage a chore rather than a celebration.” He conceded, both of them watching as Viserys spoke to a couple men about the sighting.
“I think I’d like to join you in the hunt, Lord Strong.” Viserea suddenly said, watching as Viserys returned to his horse to leave.
“Are you sure, Princess? It will be night soon.”
“Yes, Lord Strong, I am. It is the King’s wish that we join in on a hunt, he did not say which one or how long the hunt could take me.” Viserea looked over to Harwin, a smirk on her face and Harwin’s laugh soon joining the air of chatter around them.
Viserea rode alone with Harwin through the forest. She paid attention to the tips and tricks he gave her about hunting, finding herself surprisingly interested in it. He, in turn, paid attention to every answer she gave him as he questioned her about her life.
What was growing up in the castle like? Did she and Rhaenyra really mount Syrax and Tessarion at just 7? Did she really have a dream about mounting Tessarion? Does she really sneak out to the city? What was the scariest moment of her life?
“When a blade was held to my neck and I thought I was going to leave Rhaenyra alone.” Viserea answered without a hesitation or second thought… including the second thought that would’ve told her that Harwin didn’t know about any of the details surrounding that story.
“Pardon me, Princess, but what?” Harwin asked, a look of shock and amusement on his face, clearly entertained by her answer.
“One of my trips into the city, I had a blade held to my neck.” Viserea answered, unable to stop herself from trusting Harwin.
“Did they know you were the Princess?” Harwin asked incredulously.
“That was their reasoning.” Viserea said simply, “Although reminding them of what would happen to them once word got back to the person who had hired them seemed to do some good..”
Harwin had a number of questions written on his face, but Viserea answered none of them unless they were voiced.
“How long ago was this?”
“Right before the war of the Stepstones.”
“And you were scared of leaving Rhaenyra?”
“Her claim will already be challenged enough as a woman, her hand being dumb enough to get herself killed by sneaking out of the castle doesn’t help Rhaenyra solidify her claim. I’ve also promised to protect her and give her my honest word about any trials she may face, I can’t do that if I’m dead.” Viserea’s excuse came easily to her. She had repeated it to herself numerous times over in case anyone ever questioned why she was so devoted to Rhaenyra.
Viserea could tell by the look on his face that Harwin did not believe Viserea’s answer was the full truth and that his next words were chosen very carefully,
“The Princess is lucky to have a Hand that shows such loyalty to her before she is even instated as the Queen.” There was a question in his tone, and Viserea knew it was a dangerous game to play, but she chose her reply just as carefully as he had his.
“Yes, she is. It’s a loyalty that’s been noted to possibly cause trouble in my future marriage.”
A look of contemplation crossed Harwin’s face, but Viserea showed no sign of insecurity in her words. She had not openly admitted to being with Rhaenyra, and on the surface, her words revealed only that she was loyal to the Princess above all, which was to be expected of the future Hand. Whatever internal battle he was facing, he must have resolved as he spoke again,
“If your future husband has an issue with your loyalty to the future Queen, then he does not understand what is needed to marry a Princess.”
“And you do?”
“A Princess and Hand to the Queen’s loyalty is not something that should be used against her.”
“You’re correct, but why would you be okay with your wife showing such loyalty when she is supposed to show it to you?” Viserea questioned, no longer paying attention to where in the woods they were walking as her attention was solely on Harwin.
“Because loyalty to the Realm comes above all.”
The sun had set and the moon was high in the sky by the time Viserea and Harwin returned to the clearing. There was no sign of Rhaenyra and Criston’s return and Viserea felt a tug of anxiety in her stomach.
“Ser Criston is perfectly capable of keeping the Princess safe, Princess.” Harwin said, offering a hand to Viserea to help her dismount her horse.
Viserea stepped down, thanking Harwin and her eyes landed on Viserys and Alicent beside the fire, Viserys’ hand on Alicent’s round stomach.
Viserea slept restlessly that night. She hadn’t realized how used to Rhaenyra’s company she had grown until there was a sharp absence of it. They were unable to share a bed every night, but even on the nights when they were in their own chambers, Viserea knew that Rhaenyra was safe. She knew nothing that night.
The unknown mixed with Harwin Strong’s proposal along with his promise to allow Viserea to remain “loyal” to Rhaenyra without question kept Viserea wide awake most of the night. She did not believe Harwin to be one to lie. She knew his father all of her life, knew how he had been raised and what he had been raised to believe. Still, she had trouble trusting such a seemingly perfect proposal.
She wasn’t sure when she was finally able to find sleep, but Viserea awakened suddenly and with a start.
Rhaenyra was safe, covered in blood, but safe and unharmed. Viserea replayed the dream in her mind over and over and finally noticed another detail. Rhaenyra would be visited by the White Hart.
A smile settled on Viserea’s face and was still present when a handmaiden came to wake her, alerting her that the hunting party would be leaving soon, as they had found a hart.
She departed with the hunting party, figuring when she couldn’t find Harwin that he had gone back out the previous night to continue the hunt. She was proven right when they all approached and Harwin was holding a rope used to restrain the hart and giving commands of how to hold it steady.
Viserea couldn’t help the small bubble of laughter that left her lips at Otto’s disappointment of it not being the White Hart spotted the previous day. Her smile was quickly erased at hearing the sounds of the hart in pain when Viserys was unable to kill the animal with one blow.
She found Harwin’s eyes and held contact with them, not being able to bring herself to look as Viserys landed the final blow to put the animal out of its misery.
After the hart had been loaded up to be brought back to the clearing, Harwin made his way on horseback to ride beside Viserea.
“You seem to be in a better mood, Princess.” Harwin noted, “Has the Princess returned?”
Viserea shook her head, her voice quiet to avoid being overheard by the other hunters,
“She will, and she will return with a new fire in her.”
“What has brought on this new fire?” Harwin asked, her voice now as quiet as Viserea’s.
She simply shook her head, fighting back a proud smile. Rhaenyra’s spotting of the White Hart would be her news to tell, if she so chose to.
“Did you sleep well?” Harwin asked, not bothering to prod at Viserea’s lack of an answer.
“I did not, and yet I feel as though I have. It must be the fresh air and celebrations.”
Both of them smiled at each other, knowing the reasoning for why she felt so well despite the lack of sleep was a sarcastic lie. It was, however, a Princess’ answer.
He didn’t question her on if she wished to accept his proposal and Viserea was grateful. It was not just her decision to make.
They entered the clearing and parted ways again. Viserea stood obediently beside the royal table, and when neither Viserys or Otto offered Alicent a seat while she held Aegon, Viserea took the child from Alicent’s grasp and listened to his babbling.
After a while of playing with Aegon and entertaining his happy babbling, silence settled over the camp that even the toddler was able to sense. Viserea lifted her head to see many members of the celebration watching as someone entered the camp. Viserea smirked as Rhaenyra walked past the table, covered in blood with a boar being carried by the horse she had used yesterday. Rhaenyra’s face showed no sign of emotion, but her head was held higher and Viserea could sense the newfound confidence Rhaenyra carried.
The return to Kindslanding was uneventful. Rhaenyra batted away any maesters, insisting she was fine, and once she was clean and they could clearly tell the blood wasn’t hers, they believed her. The two Princesses had no time alone together until late into the evening.
Viserea had, once again, snuck into Rhaenyra’s chamber as soon as Ser Ryden had told Viserea the hallways were clear. She threw herself onto the bed next to Rhaenyra and the two cuddled closer to each other without thought.
“I take it you now feel much less insecure about your claim to the throne?” Viserea questioned.
A smile broke onto Rhaenyra’s face after a look of confusion faded away.
“And I can assume that you had another dream?” Rhaenyra returned.
“I did. I saw you on the top of that cliff when it approached.”
“A sign from the gods that I am the rightful heir.”
“Two signs if you include my dream of it.”
Rhaenyra leaned forward, pressing their lips together in an innocent yet emotional kiss.
“Thank you, my future hand. You always held faith and confidence in me, even when I couldn’t do it myself.” Rhaenyra told Viserea with a voice full of sincerity and emotion.
Viserea felt a flush rise the her cheeks at the look Rhaenyra gave her. It would have been obvious to anyone who spared a glance to the two in that moment the love the two felt for each other.
“You are my cousin, my future Queen, and my heart. You have given me no reason to lack either faith or confidence in you. My loyalty and love is something you will always have,” Viserea told Rhaenyra with the same amount of emotion in her voice, “I also believe there is a third sign the gods have given us that we are on the right path.”
“What is it?” Rhaenyra questioned, her eyebrows furrowing together.
“A proposal from Harwin Strong along with a promise that he understands how strong my loyalty to you is and does not wish to interfere with it.”
Viserea explained everything that had happened after she had left while Rhaenyra listened intently. This proposal was the very thing they needed in order to keep their relationship. All that would be left would be Rhaenyra’s marriage.
The next morning, they were summoned again by the King to the Small Council chambers. When they entered, the room was tense and Ser Addam was accepting a roll of parchment from Viserys who had told him to make sure he delivered it to Daemon himself in Dwarfstone.
Rhaenyra and Viserea looked to each other, though neither of them let the confusion they felt show on their faces. Only once the room had emptied did Rhaenyra voice her confusion,
“I’m sending word to Daemon. Aid is sailing to the Stepstones.” Viserys answered, looking at Rhaenyra and Viserea as they approached the chairs next to his own.
“Did he make call for help?” Rhaenyra questioned.
“He would sooner die. But his king does not mean to allow that.”
Viserea sat beside Rhaenyra, both of them quiet now. It was a habit built over the last couple years. Neither of them voiced their opinions much anymore, except to each other after the meetings. Not after the dismissal they faced last time they tried voicing their opinions, ones that, ironically enough, were about the current topic of affairs.
“Do you not think my decision correct?” Viserys asked, his hands resting on the table as he looked between the two women.
“It is no consequence to what we think… as we are often reminded.” Rhaenyra replied, causing Viserys to give an exasperated look to Rhaenyra that he soon gave to Viserea when she, too, remained silent.
“Daemon is thorn enough in my flesh. Will you two insist on taking after him? Must everything be a battle?” Viserys asked, still looking between the two.
Rhaenyra had an ironic smirk on her face as she and Viserea exchanged glances. Viserea kept her face blank.
“If you refer to your attempt to marry me off to Casterly Rock.” Rhaenyra replied bitterly.
The briefest flash of anger crossed Viserea’s features at the mention of the Lannister’s failed marriage proposal, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.
Viserys sighed, “I am sorry, Rhaenyra. I was trying to help you. Will you not be helped? Why must every effort on your behalf be resisted, as if to the death?” His voice grew frustrated as he looked down at his daughter.
“Because you mean to replace me, with Alicent Hightower’s son, the boy you always wanted.” Rhaenyra said with a voice full of her own frustration mixed with desperation, “You have him in hands now. Y-You have no further use for me. You might as well peddle me for what you can. A mountain stronghold or a fleet of ships.”
Viserea could hear the way her words shook and the pain that laced through them. The confidence she held after seeing the White Hart could not replace what she so desperately craved, a craving that Viserea knew as well. A father’s love and approval.
Viserys looked confused at Rhaenyra’s words, as if none of this had ever crossed his mind. He looked to Viserea,
“Do you feel the same? Do you feel as though your position as Hand of the Queen is no longer, and that I will peddle you away for political gain, also?”
The sudden attention on her with such a vulnerable question took Viserea by surprise and it took a moment for her to respond,
“Yes, I do.” Viserea said, in a rare moment of vulnerability that she usually kept between her and Rhaenyra.
A part of her wanted to elaborate and say more. To tell Viserys about how having a Lannister propose to Rhaenyra, while she knew that Harwin’s proposal had not been brought to the King first, and that meant he had set no one up for her, had felt like a slap in the face. The moment it had happened, her anger had been due to her possessiveness over Rhaenyra. She knew that Harwin’s proposal was not one Viserys had arranged, and later that night, she had felt as if she wasn’t as important as Rhaenyra. She knew she wasn’t in some ways; she wasn’t the heir, she wasn’t his true daughter, and she was now third in line to inherit the throne and would be fourth once Alicent’s second child was delivered. Still, to arrange a proposal between Rhaenyra and nothing for Viserea only firmly reinstated the belief she held that Viserys never viewed her as his daughter like he said, and that she became an orphan the day Aemma died.
She said none of this as Viserys continued to stare at her, his confusion changing to a look of apology.
“The two of you have misjudged me.” He said, his focus now flitting between the two.
“All know it. Jason Lannister knows it. You said it yourself, the lords of the realm gather like vultures to a carcass, hoping to feast on my bones,” Rhaenyra argued with him.
Her maturity she had gained over the years shown through, as she would have turned this into a screaming match three years prior. Now, she kept her voice calm and spoke firmly.
Viserys sighed again,
“It is true that as royalty we must marry for advantage, to forge alliances and bolster our strength. You have always understood this. I myself was promised to your mother when I was-“
“Ten-and-seven years of age.” Viserea and Rhaenyra said as one.
“We’ve heard that story since we’ve had ears to.” Viserea said, both her and Rhaenyra looking up at Viserys with challenge in their eyes.
“I loved her. She made a man of me. I do not seek to replace you, or you, children. You’ve been much alone these last few years. Alone and angry with only each other’s loneliness and anger to company each other. I will not live forever. I wish to see the both of you contented, happy even.” Viserys’ voice grew in anger and frustration as he spoke to them, but it never rose to a yell, a true sign of the effort he was putting into keeping the conversation from becoming an argument.
“And you think a man will do it?” Rhaenyra challenged.
“A family.”
“I had a family.”
“What would you have me do?!” Viserys asked, his voice continuing to grow in volume and desperation.
“If it was for advantage you would’ve wed Laena Velaryon and Aegon would have never married Adlyn Stark!” Rhaenyra pointed out, knowing that her father could not refute either point.
Viserys’ marriage to Aemma started as a political gain. The North had an army and the Vale was the only army large enough to rival it if the North ever decided to rise against the Crown and become an independent kingdom again. Aegon’s marriage to Adlyn Stark was seen as a slight to the Vale that took months to resolve. They questioned if the Crown didn’t truly see their army as strong enough to stand against the North and if that was why Aegon had married Viserea’s mother, to provide an even better alliance. It took months of fighting, though no bloodshed, for the Vale to believe that Aegon’s marriage to Adlyn hadn’t been a slight. It wasn’t until Adlyn’s body was returned to the North and the Vale saw Aegon honoring Adlyn’s wishes that they believed the marriage had been of love.
Viserys nodded, conceding and admitting Rhaenyra was right,
“That is true enough. You two must marry, strengthen your own claim, shore up your succession, multiply.”
Viserys stepped around the corner of the table as Rhaenyra’s head hung in dread.
“As to your matches, make them yourself. Search him out. Find ones that please the two of you, as I did.”
Both of the girls looked to Viserys with shock written clearly on their faces and then exchanged glances with each other. If they were allowed to choose their own suitors, Viserea would be allowed to marry Harwin. Finding someone to feel the same way Harwin felt would be a challenge for Rhaenyra, but it could be done.
The two agreed that they should tell Viserys of Harwin’s proposal in a couple days. Viserea and Harwin would be seen together throughout the castle multiple times and then they would tell him of Harwin’s proposal. They feared Viserys would become suspicious if Viserea, who had just expressed her distaste and disinterest in marriage, was suddenly agreeing to one with a man that she held no romantic interest in. However, given that Viserys had just stated they could make their own matches, Viserea spoke quickly and abandoned the previous plan,
“I wish to marry Ser Harwin Strong.” Viserea said, looking back to Viserys, “He offered during Aegon’s nameday celebrations, and I wish to accept his proposal.”
Viserys’ face was overcome with shock now at the news. Before he could speak, Viserea continued on, trying to plead her case before it could be rejected,
“He is the heir to Harrenhal, a place that could withstand thousands of men trying to attack it and has the most fertile lands in the Seven Kingdoms, and his father has always been a loyal Master of Laws that the Crown has trusted for years. To unite the Targaryen and Strong houses would make it impossible for us to ever be conquered. Dragons to rule the sky, a castle that a thousand men could never pass, and farmlands to ensure hunger would never be known.”
The silence that stretched after Viserea’s speech seemed to last a lifetime as Viserys took in Viserea’s words.
“I shall think about it. I wish to speak with Lyonel Strong about this before accepting.” Viserys finally answered.
Viserea nodded, just grateful at the moment that she had not been denied.
Rhaenyra and Viserea both stood, beginning to leave the room when Viserys called for them again,
“I did waver, at one time. But I swear to you now, on both of your mothers’ and your father’s memory, neither of you will be supplanted.”
Rhaenyra and Viserea gave him a small nod, looked to each other, and then exited the room.
Waiting on Viserys’ answer over the next few days had both the Princesses on edge.
Harwin had begun treating Viserea as though he was truly courting her and that he had not already proposed to her. Viserea had told him everything on one of their afternoon walks in the gardens. He seemed to believe that Viserys would accept the proposal, while every passing hour without an answer left Viserea believing the opposite.
Rhaenyra was unsure what to think. She wanted to believe that her father had meant his words about allowing them to choose their own suitor, but the lack of response made her just as uneasy as Viserea.
Three days after Viserea had told Viserys she wished to marry Harwin, she and Rhaenyra were just returning from their morning flight when they were greeted by not only Harwin, but a member of the Kingsgaurd who said that Viserys had summoned Viserea and wished for her to be the only one present. Anxiety washed away the good feelings that flying had brought her and she parted ways with Rhaenyra and Harwin.
When she stepped into the council room, she already knew his answer by the look he gave her.
“I will not allow the marriage,” Viserys said.
Viserea was as shocked as she was not. She didn’t get the chance to ask why before Viserys was explaining,
“The loyalty of Harenhaal to the Crown is already guaranteed by our own Master of Laws. Other houses would see it as a slight if father was the Master of Laws and son was betrothed to a Princess and future Hand. We must expand our allies.”
Viserea stayed silent for a couple minutes, allowing the silence to become unsettling and Viserys to grow impatient at her lack of an answer. Shock was replaced by anger and betrayal as she tried thinking of a response that wouldn’t sound childish.
When she did finally speak, the volume of her voice was calm, but her tone was venomous,
“The only true allies I have in this court are Rhaenyra and Tessarion. You claim to see me as a daughter the same as Rhaenyra, yet you plan a proposal for her and reject the proposal I bring forward after claiming the suitor would be my choice. I may hold the title of Princess, but I will always be cast aside and used as a pawn, the same as my uncle. I will be forced into a loveless marriage with someone whom I do not wish to marry and my only hope will be that, once Rhaenyra is Queen, she annuls the marriage as I will never consummate it.”
Viserys opened his mouth to speak, but Viserea continued one, unable to hold back the hurt and anger she had kept bottled up any longer,
“I will not be married off to a man who does not wish to be married to Viserea Targaryen and only wishes to be married to the future Hand of the Queen. I will not become a broodmare whose fate is to wind up slaughtered the way Queen Aemma was because my husband values an heir over his wife,” Viserys’ face turned to one of shock as Viserea revealed she knew the truth of how Aemma passed, but Viserea did not pause to allow him to respond, “I will marry and produce heirs with Harwin Strong or Daemon Targaryen, or I will have my hand forced into marriage and do everything I can to ensure that I never produce an heir so that Rhaenyra will annul my marriage the moment she is crowned Queen.”
As soon as she was done speaking, Viserea turned her back to Viserys and, ignoring his calls for her to stop, left the council room. The look on her face must have been enough to scare people away, because none of the Kingsgaurd or handmaidens around the castle said anything more than a greeting of “Princess” as she made her way to her chambers.
She was not surprised to see Rhaenyra, now out of her riding gear and in one of her dresses, sitting on her bed, and Rhaenyra didn’t seem to be surprised by the news of Viserys’ rejection of the proposal.
Viserea angrily told her everything that had been said, not even realizing that she was now speaking in High Valyrian, a true testament to her anger.
“What do you wish to do, my love?” Rhaenyra asked her after she had finished reciting her conversation.
“I am unsure. I am unsure about what I wish to do or how I feel about everything happening around me. I was not even aware I still viewed Daemon as an option for marriage until I said his name. You are the only thing I am sure of and I refuse to be married off to someone who will not allow us to be together,” Viserea answered, still pacing in front of Rhaenyra.
“I know it is you who is supposed to offer me advice, but might I suggest something?” Rhaenyra asked.
Viserea stopped her pacing and nodded, “Of course, my heart. I always value your advice.”
Rhaenyra stood up and closed the small gap between them, taking both of Viserea’s hands in hers and leaning her forehead against Viserea’s,
“Leave King’s Landing, not forever, but for a while. Show him that you mean your words. You said you would take our uncle’s hand in marriage, perhaps you should pay him a visit. I doubt he will take the aid offered by the King in the war, and I believe my father has underestimated the two of you both. Fly to the Stepstones and show father that you are not a young girl that can be walked all over.”
“That would mean leaving you,” Viserea said, shaking her head to dismiss the idea and Rhaenyra smiled at the small argument.
“I can handle myself for a few weeks. I’ll tell father I wish to tour Westeros to look for a husband and you can stay with Daemon or on Dragonstone or even visit our cousins in Driftmark. We can write to each other and, whenever we are ready, we can return. Perhaps leaving King’s Landing will bring us new opportunities… perhaps it will bring us a way to have the marriage we dream of.”
Viserea’s eyes snapped to Rhaenyra’s, studying her closely to see if she meant her words.
“You believe now to be the time?”
Viserea studied Rhaenyra’s face and, once seeing that Rhaenyra truly believed now was the time, she nodded.
They both knew they didn’t have much time and that it would only be a matter of minutes before someone came looking for one of them, so they worked quickly. Rhaenyra quickly placed multiple changes of riding gear into a bag while Viserea put on her armor. Armor was made for both of the Princesses in case someone ever managed to attack the castle or they ever had to quickly leave, and Viserea never thought she would be wearing it out of her own free will.
Before Rhaenyra exited Viserea’s chambers to distract anyone in the halls, Viserea pulled her in for an emotional kiss. She removed the earrings from her ears that Daemon had gifted her years ago, leaving the ring still on her hand, and gently placed them in Rhaenyra’s hand. She didn’t know how to explain it, but it felt like giving her the earrings was a way to symbolize the three of them together.
Rhaenyra looked down at the earrings in her hand, then back to Viserea and nodded. She knew what Viserea meant by them and she kissed Viserea once more before turning and slipping out of her chamber doors.
Viserea heard Rhaenyra’s false frightened scream and then the running of people past her door and made a break for it. She left her room with her bag over her shoulder and her helmet tucked under her arm and quickly began wandering through the hidden passages in the castle.
She was helped into a carriage and gave the word to bring her to the dragonpit. Once there, she ignored the questions of any of the guards about why she was in armor and mounted Tessarion. Viserys wouldn’t be surprised that Viserea left on Tessarion, but it would only be minutes before someone alerted him that she was wearing armor.
Tessarion took to the skies the moment she was given the command and Viserea began making her way towards the Stepstones.
Tessarion listened to every command and pull of the harness that Viserea gave as they flew. Being away from King’s Landing brought Viserea a sense of clarity and a new sense of determination. She would do anything she needed to in order to make it so that she and Rhaenyra could be together and prevent either of them from ending up married to someone who would oppose their relationship.
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asherbakugou · 9 months
Twenty and five years ago, Princess Rhaenyra was removed from the line of succession after King Viserys Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower learned of her marriage, or marriages. Under the guiding flame of the Fourteen and the Branches of the Godwood, Rhaenyra had taken three husbands: Lord Rickon Stark of the North, Ser Laenor Velaryon, Heir to Driftmark, and Prince Daemon Targaryen, her Uncle.
It was Ser Otto, Lord Hand, who encouraged the King to remove her because of her unlawful wedding.
Having learned of her impending removal as Heiress, Rhaenyra created a contract with the help of Lyonel Strong, the Master of Law.
The First Clause.
Dragonstone, her ancestral home, and the Stepstones, Prince Daemons second gift for winning the war, were hers and her husbands alone and would be passed down through her line alone.
The Second Clause.
Anything belonging to the late Queen Aemma would be given to Princess Rhaenyra to be passed down through her line alone. This included all of her possessions, jewelry, dresses, and her crowns.
The Third Clause.
Anything of Valyrian Ancestry, whether living or not, belonged to Rhaenyra to pass down as she pleased.
The Fourth Clause.
The Dragons woud be removed from the Dragonpit and guided to the Dragonmont. If any Targaryen henceforth wished to claim a dragon they would have to gain permission from Princess Rhaenyra and her husbands.
As a gift for Aegons second nameday Rhaenyra left him and her younger sister, Halaena eggs.
The Fifth Clause.
Daemons Gold Cloaks would be allowed to follow to protect Dragonstone as they had Kings Landing.
The contract was shown to King Viserys privately, so none of his counsel was able to refute it. He agreed, signing the contract in blood before copies were sent out to each kingdom and member of the Counsel.
The morning after King Viserys signed the contract his entire family left. The Velaryons returned to Driftmark, and Rhaenyra and her husbands to Dragonstone where no word was heard for twenty and five years.
Within the first year of living on Dragonstone, the Volcano erupted and gave them nearly double the land they had before. The Island became renowed for its Rock Salt, Fine Salt, Dragonglass, Glass, and Pearls all of which were abundant.
Created on the Northeastern side of the island, after a second smaller eruption added several miles, was a smaller keep built specifically for Rhaenyras line to inherit. The Keep, known as the Narrows Watchtower, had docks below for the Fleet of the Fourteen which would eventually be given to Prince Rhaenor Velaryon and his betrothed Princess Aemma Targaryen.
As Rhaenyra and Daemon knew what it felt like to be pushed aside they made sure their children knew that family was the most important thing, that nothing could break the bond of blood. They also made sure each child would inherit something so anger and jealosy would not fester.
Each child was given an egg within the cradle, and eventually taught the same lessons so they were given the same opportunities. Princess Rhaenyra was also going to make sure none of her children felt pressured to marry and let them have a say in their betrothals.
Prince Baelon Targaryen ll, Heir to Dragonstone.
Prince Aemon Targaryen ll, Heir to the Stepstones.
Prince Cregan Stark, Heir to the North.
Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, Heir to Crackclaw point.
Prince Lucerys Velaryon, Heir to Driftmark.
Princess Khalysi Targaryen, Heiress to Dragonstone.
Prince Jon Stark, Heir to Moat Cailin.
Princess Arya Stark, Heiress to Moat Cailin.
Prince Corryn Velaryon, Heir to the Sea Serpents Fleet.
Prince Rhaenor Velaryon, Heir to the Fleet of the Fourteen Flames.
Prince Benjen Stark, Heir to Greywater Watch.
Princess Saerys Targaryen, Heiress to Greywater Watch.
Princess Alyssa Targaryen, Heiress to Rainwood Isles.
Princess Aemma Targaryen, Heiress to the Narrows Watchtower.
Princess Visenya Targaryen ll, Heiress to the Vale.
Princess Rhaena Targaryen lll, Heiress to the Isles of Skagos and Skane.
Prince Baelon was betrothed to Princess Khalysi and Prince Lucerys at a young age due to their closeness. They were wedded after Khalysi's tenth and sixth Nameday, marking her as a grown woman.
Prince Aemon was betrothed to Princess Nehemia of Martell after it became obvious they liked each other during peace talks in Dorne. They were married after Princess Nehemias tenth and sixth Nameday, marking her as a grown woman.
Prince Cregan Stark was betrothed to Alyssane Blackwood after he saw her using a bow against the Wildlings. They married soon after the battle as Alyssane was already ten and seven.
Prince Jacaerys was married to Alinor Celtigar, which gave him Crackclaw Point.
Prince Jon and Princess Arya were married on their tenth and sixth nameday.
Prince Corryn was betrothed to Princess Alyssa because of their similar behaviors and wild hearts.
Prince Rhaenor and Princess Aemma were betrothed due to their own similarities and their friendship.
Prince Benjen and Princess Saerys were betrothed because they near begged to be, having fallen for each other at a young age.
Princess Visenya and Princess Rhaena were left unbetrothed, because Lady Jeyne was given permission to find their matches because their territories were gifts from the Vale.
With no information being given to Kings Landing, King Viserys, Queen Alicent, and Ser Otto had no idea of the 'army' of children Rhaenyra had. Nor of the amount of hatched dragons, and claimed dragons.
13 cradle hatched dragons, 3 claimed, with a dragonseed claiming Sheepstealer and becoming Princess Visenya's Sworn Maiden.
With three adult dragons, if not four or five when Rhaenys and Laena visited with Rhaenys and Vhagar.
Dragonstone was a fortress, with an army to protect her.
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newmechane · 3 months
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (17)
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17. Claimed not given
Summary: Another three years passed 
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, minors getting married and talks about “bedding” and “having sex”. Targaryen incest!. Mentions about Skin trade. Minor drinking, talk about a girl's virtue, Misogynistic thinking and doings, talk about injury
Wordcount: 3.3 k
Notes:  I wrote the last chapter that Laenor was still alive, I'm SORRY, very sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking, I will repair this error immediately. Sometimes I’m so excited to release the chapter. Some things like those get over my head! 
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Year 134 AC, 3 years after
“I look beautiful”, Rhaegar admired in a hand mirror, his long straight dark brown hair was decorated and trapped in many different braids all over his head, some shorter than others, all of them different in size and direction
“Pretty brother”, cheered Saera. Rhaegar with a cheeky smile kissed her little sister’s cheek
“You look devastatingly handsome brother”, giggled Aemma, who was cuddling in the base of the three with a very pregnant Helaena. The sweet princess was sewing, raising her eyes to look at Rhaegar and his new hair-do, and giggling
“Indeed you do nephew” 
“Thank you dear aunt, it takes a beauty to recognize another…”
“Nephew”, the four of them looked at Aemond, who just got to the Godwood in search of the male. “We got training”, his eye was posted on Aemma, the silver haired beauty, and his sister, and the way they cuddled each other. As both were sewing. He shook his head to focus his attention on Rhaegar, who was being grabbed by his dark locks by his younger sister Saera. 
“Right!”, Rhaegar released himself and jumped from the ground, getting Aemond’s attention, “what do you think of my hairstyle?”, he asked, twirling so Aemond could see the magnitude and the huge amounts of different sized braids. The one-eyed prince chuckled. 
“Ridiculous”, he whispered
“I believe all the ladies in the capitol will want to have their hair tied like this”
“Where is Maekar?”, the one-eye prince asked him
“It’s his first day in the city watch, with my father”, Aemma told him with a knowing smile
“WIth the lord commander of the city watch”, Rhaegar corrected
“With papa”, Aemma mocked. She showed both men her sewing, it was a sigil, a brand new at that, The Targaryen dragon but in white, and behind it, three lines of the colors of house Strong, “Do you like it brother?” she asked
“I adored it sister, I wanted it sowed into my clothes.” Aemma smiled contended.
“Bring me your jacket and Cape and I will”, Rhaegar smiled 
 “Thank you, My ladies, for a lovely afternoon”, he bowed to his sisters and aunt, and started walking alongside Aemond. The one-eyed prince also greeted them goodbye
“Are you going to undo the braids before training?”, Aemond asked, genuinely curious
“No”, he chuckled
“You look ridiculous”
“You are jealous, because Saera no longer asks you to braid your hair”
“Because I always told her no”
“And you made her cry because of your rejection”
“I didn’t mean to, I just don’t like people touching my hair”
“And I understand why, it’s beautiful!” he laughed, “would you share with me your hair care routine?”, he asked, the funny part that he was completely sincere
“What can I tell you nephew, I just have it brushed neatly”, they both arrived just in time to the courtyard.
“Are you facing Ser Arryk’s death star today?”, he asked his uncle 
“You know perfectly fine it’s called a morning star”, chuckled Aemond, “and yes”
“Alright then, I’ll take Steffon”
“Or try to”
“Or try to”, he admitted, sharing smiles 
“There they are”, greeted Steffon, already with his swords in his hands. ‘We were beginning to think you weren’t going to show up”. Arryk was there, looking at both princes with a smile on his face, he was lucky that he didn’t have to trail Aegon like his brother. Both princes being nicer and more interesting…. and not depraved 
“It’s challenge day!”, cheered Rhaegar. “Of course we were going to be here”
“Take positions”, commanded Ser Arryk, and both boys grabbed their weapons, and placed themselves back to back, facing their opponents
“Remember to mind your left arm, don’t go crazy or you are going to cut my right one”, Aemond whispered
“Right, I’ll keep it in mind” 
“Is your hair a way of distracting me?, well done Rhaegar”, congratulated Steffon, seriously impressed by the young man’s tactics, not knowing it wasn’t a tactic at all. Aemond laughed, surprising everyone in the courtyard
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“You had made your mother and me very proud”, Harwin said, as he helped his son fix his golden cape. Harwin looked at his oldest son with teary eyes, as he ruffled his hairs like he had done when he was a little boy
“Papa!”, he whined, “I’m an adult now”. Harwin just chuckled, leaning in and kissing his forehead
“You will always be my boy”, he said, fixing the leather that kept his cape in place. The twins had grown almost as much as him, but he was still six and ten, he had a couple of years left to outgrown his already tall father. “Are you ready?”, he asked
“Ready as I ever be”, he muttered, nervous out of his mind
“You are a born leader, you are made for this”, said Harwin
“Thank you father”
“Now let’s do it”. He grabbed his shoulder and started walking down the streets of the city, surrounding the Red Keep and going for the barracks. The men all stopped and made way for the pair, for their Lord Commander. And they gathered in the small courtyard
“Today is a very special day!” Harwin cheered, taking his son’s shoulder, “today my oldest son, my heir, is joining the city watch!”, all the man cheered and started clapping, “treat him well but fairly, he is a rookie after all, who as we all did, won his place amongst us”. Everyone cheered again for the young boy.
“I will have you patrolling the East side of the city”, his father gone, and in his place the Commander of the City Watch, a Captain showed up by his side.
“This is Captain Dantis Trand, you will be under his command today”. Maekar shook his hand
“You father tells me you are very skilled with the war hammer, I want you covering my back”, he said with a pleased smile
“I’ll keep you covered Ser”, Maekar answered firmly, making the older men smile
“Don’t go so hard on him Trand”, warned Harwin, “I will see you right here, when the shift ends”, his voice was firm, but his father’s big green eyes shone with concern
“Yes father!”, and then the boy’s face reddened with embarrassment, “I mean, Yes Lord Commander!”, and before he could embarrass himself any further he walked away with the rest of his troop
The Captain laughed
“Are you sure he is ready?”, he asked Harwin
“Of course he is, he is my son”, he answered
“How about Rhaegar? Where is he?”
“He wants to be a knight”, he said, with a warning tone. “And he is not cut out for responsibilities quite yet”
“I’m sure he will find his path”
“Maekar is a leader, he will find his way here”, Harwin placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder
“I’ll bring him back for his initiation tonight”
“Let’s skip that”
“Oh no, you know the rules!”, he laughed.
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After a successful training, Aemond found himself wanting to rest, on his way to his chambers, he passed by the God’s Wood, and he found Aemma was still there, this time, alone, she was resting under the Heart Tree, her platinum hair could be seen by miles. So he walked towards her, wanting to bask in her soothing company
“Mind if I join you, niece?”, Aemma lifted her head and smiled at him
“hen rhinka, Kepus”, [Of course, uncle]
“Oh, speaking Valyrian are we?”, he mocked gently, and she blushed scandalously
“How did your training go?”. Aemma asked 
“Me and Rhaegar both manage to beat Ser Arryk and Ser Steffon”, she smiled brightly at him
“So you are finishing your training?”, she asked
“You can never finish training sweet niece”
“I guess you are right Uncle, you can never stop learning either”
“That is correct”, he smiled, “What are you reading?”, he found in her hands a book he himself had read to her, Helaena, Jeahearys, Jahaera and Vaegor. The history of dragons. 
“I heard you the other day so I thought it will be easier to practice my vocabulary”, she explained
“Smart girl”. He sat in between the roots of the Heart tree, with his back to his thick log, right by her side. He encouraged Aemma to lean into him, resting her silver head in his chest, and she did. 
“Read to me”, he demanded. As she accommodated herself to his side. The warmth he felt at having her so near was intoxicating. From here he had a sight of the top of her head, her pretty nose, the curve of her lips, the supple skin of her chest.
 She was only a girl, a girl that one day he was going to marry 
She was the same age he had when Aegon took him to that wicked pleasure house and told him that “it’s time to get it wet” and he encouraged him to… copulate, with an older woman, experienced in the skin trade. And picturing his sweet Aemma engaging in those kinds of activities made his skin crawl. She was still so young and innocent. He leaned in and kissed the top of her head. Making her giggle. She smelt like wild flowers and rain. But also, she smelled like a bonfire, hearth, fire. 
He was not going to put her through what Aegon put him through…He was going to protect her, and wait for her until she was ready, however long it took, 3 more years, 5, 7, he didn’t care. 
“...zaldrīzoti issi syt pōja wild vyguēsin, pōnta ȳdra daor gūrogon order? hen daorys yn pōja kipagīros…”, [dragons are known for their wild nature, they don't take order from no one but their rider], She read slowly and with difficulty 
“Udrãzma”, he corrected, and Aemma grunted in 
“Udrãzma”, he repeated, “means command, the word you were looking for”
“Hey”, he chuckled, amused by her wild vocabulary 
“I don’t why you insist I read to you if my Valyrian is dragon crap”
“Say it Valyrian”, he mocked
“Nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon skoro syt ao vaoresagon, jorrāelagon Kēpus, syt nyke naejot ȳdragon Valyrio Eglie, lo issa sīr mijegindita”, [I don't know why you prefer, dear uncle, for me to speak high valyrian, if it is so poor]
“Ao naejot gūrēñagon, jorrāelagon mantala, iksā iā dārilaros hen Valyrio Uēpo ānogār iksan, se ñuha aderī naejot sagon ābrazȳrys”, [You need to learn, dear niece, you are a princess of the blood of old valyria, and my soon to be wife] 
“Aemond”, she called, embarrassed, her cheeks reddened 
“What happened with “Kēpus”?, he mocked
“Princess Aemma!”, her sweet niece jumped in his arms when she heard those gray-wearing Septas call for her, making a fuzz, “What in the God’s name are you doing?”
“Sorry Septa Alyssa… I…”
“That behavior is unseemly for a princess, separate from your uncle this instant!”. Aemma wanted to obey the Septa, trying to stand up, but he grabbed her tightly, preventing from going away from him
“Kēpus”, she whined
“Mind your tongue you unsavory gray pigeon”, he bit, “this is my betrothed you are speaking to”
“I shall report you to your mother the Queen for your poor behavior Prince Aemond”, she snapped
“You are going to get me in trouble Kēpus”, Aemma whined, so he finally released her, and when she stood up, the Septa grabbed her tightly by the arm making her whimper, and dragged her away from the Godswood. She shared a sad look with him before they dragged her to another embroidery lesson 
He was angry, the Septas taking Aemma, his Aemma, away like if he was some creep, like he was taking advantage of her. She was just laying her head on his chest… And even if they both were lying naked… She was his, his betrothed, she was a princess, he was a prince… they shared the blood of the dragon… he couldn’t steal what was already his. 
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You looked down from the small council window, at the streets of King’s Landing 
“The streets are safer than they were ten years ago, right?”, you asked
“Maekar is going to be great today”, said Alicent, “You don’t have to worry”
“I have this weird feeling in my chest, my oldest child just, fleeing the nest”, you whispered 
What concerned you the most could be the celebrations that may have prepared for the end of the day, it was customary for the men of the city watch to indulge in the night’s pleasures after their shift was done. And Harwin was his father… it was also customary for a father to take his sons to… discover… said pleasures. 
You were both interrupted by Ser Harrold, who introduced a enraged Septa
“Your graces”, she greeted, “I’m glad to find you both here, I want to report a very uncomfortable issue, an issue of misconduct, from both Prince Aemond and Princess Aemma”, Alicent looked at you with big worried eyes. 
“I advise you to word your concerns carefully”. You warned, and the old woman looked at you with a severity, but also fear 
“I found the Princess laying over her uncle, his grace Prince Aemond”, she started
“Laying?”, you asked, fearing the worst
“They were outside… By the Heart Tree”, the old woman was completely outraged 
“And what were they doing?”, asked Alicent. shy tried to mouth a few words, her anger being traded by uncomfort
“Reading…”, she mumbled, “but the princess had her head in prince Aemond’s chest, and he was holding her…”
“They were only reading?”, you bit, for a second you were truly scared for the safety of your daughter 
“Yes, but the way they were seated…”
“You claimed she was lying with her uncle”, you said, “do you have any idea how dangerous and awful that claim is?”, you saw red, “how bad it sounds?”
“So the Princess was lying over the Prince, only the Gods know if they haven’t laid together in the secrecy of their chambers…”, she said then.
“I will have your tongue for this!”. you screamed, angered beyond belief. But Alicent grabbed your arm, preventing you from physically hurting her
“Putting in question the virtue of a princess of the crown is the highest of treasons”, Alicent warned the Septa
“I’m putting a problem in front of you as mothers, concerning the safety of their children…”
“I will talk to them”, said Alicent, and you were more calm
“Aemond is not the one with his virtue in question!”. you said looking at Alicent. 
“Septa Alyssa you are here dismissed from service to the crown, effective immediately, repeat whatever you saw today and we will remove your tongue”, said Alicent, and the septa could do nothing but leave the chamber in a rage
“Thank you Alicent”, you whispered
“She is but a child, we have no room for such slanders of this calamity”, she answered 
“I will speak to her today”, you assured her 
You were interrupted by the rest of the small council, ready to start today’s session.
“We have important news”, said Otto Hightower, please take your seats. 
“What has happened?”, you asked
“Corlys Velaryon was mortally wounded in his incessant fighting in the Steptones”. said Otto. You gasped
“Is he dead?”
“Not yet, but he might as well be”
“So you want to discuss his succession”, you guessed, and the uncomfortable silence in the room told you that was a yes
“Obviously we would take into account Lord Corlys’ desires, which he has made clear, but… his brother Lord Vaemond is also making a claim and has come to us, the small council, he has ground to, since Lucerys is a boy, he cannot be in command of the biggest navy”, explained Otto
“He has Princess Rhaenys by his side, I’m sure she will guide him in the right direction”. You fought, “and Daemon and Rhaenyra”
“Still, as a Velaryon, Vaemond has a right to contest the line of succession, and we are hear to listen to his claim over the Driftwood throne”, said Tyland with a petulant smile
This was a dark plot, so as you menacingly gazed upon everyone present, you found satisfied smirks in the face of Otto Hightower and Tyland Lannister. 
Lord Corlys was severely injured, he could have died… Therefore his succession was being put in question.
“Has Rhaenyra been informed on this?”, you asked then
“She is traveling as we speak”, said Tyland, “as Lord Vaemond”
“So tomorrow we will have a hearing”, sentenced Alicent
“For who is going to take the Driftwood Throne, and the leadership of the Velaryon Family”
“Lord Corlys could still make it”, whispered Alicent
“But we cannot know for sure”, responded Otto, “he has been cut in the neck, it is a miracle the Stranger hasn't take him yet”
“Very well”
“I want preparations to be made for Rhaenyra’s welcoming”, you said
“She will be received as her station dictates”, said Otto with a mocking smirk. So you frown
“I will personally make the arrangements”, you said then. You will not give them more opportunities to mock your sister. 
Rhaenyra was coming to court…  for the very first time in 6 years. Despite your best efforts to bring her back, she never returned. And you understood why, even though you still think she should be here, ruling in father’s behalf, you understood that while you were here, her line remained intact and true.
It was already night when you managed to free yourself from your responsibilities and preparations for the arrival of Rhaenyra.
You went first to see your daughter. Aemma was getting her hair brushed by her maid, so you dismiss her to brush it yourself
“Hey beautiful”, you whispered, “how was your day?”
“It was calm, actually, I sewed with Helaena, I read in the Godswood”
“What happened in the Godswood?”, you asked, and through the mirror you saw your daughter blush 
“Don’t lie, the Septa came to see me”
“I don’t know why she started screaming”, she explained, “I was reading with Aemond, I had my head in his chest, but we were just reading”
“She was a bitter old women, Alicent dismissed her”, you said and she smiled
“She grabbed me so hard by my arm it bruised”, she admitted
“You will never see her again”
“And Aemond?”
“He was a perfect gentlemen”
“Good”, you said, leaning in and kissing her head. 
“Yes love?”
“How do you know when you love someone?”
“Do you have someone in mind when you ask me that question?” you asked
“No just, i want to know when I finally do, I guess”
“You’ll know my sweet thing”
It was past the hour of the Owl when you heard Harwin come inside the room. You know his shift ended hours ago, so he had probably been drinking in some bar, you hoped that was it.
“There is my wife!”, he purred, already naked entering the bed. He surrounded you with his big arms, his breath of beer almost numbed you
“Youa re drunk”, you grumbled
“A little bit, the captain got carried away celebrating”
“Where is my son?”, you asked, a little angry
“Sleeping in the barracks”, he laughed
“He is a man of the city watch who got so drunk he threw up in his captain’s boots!”, he responded
“That is all you did?”, you asked, “got drunk?”
“Why?” he mocked, his hand got greedy, grabbing your flesh but you slapped them away
“I don’t know where you’ve been”, you answered, disgusted
“We didn’t even passed the street of silk, I promise”, he said firmly, “Didn’t have the heart to take him, we got drunk in Bald Ned’s establishment, our son is a lightweight, a little embarrassment, really”, he managed to pull a giggle out of you
“Alright then, so cuddle men husband, it’s a cold night”, and he did, hugged you against his chest
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More notes: Just some family drama for you all! 😂 more coming next
Silly as it seems, there is no word for Niece in High Valyrian yet, so I made one…. “Mantala” is a mix of both words “Sister”, “mandia”, and daughter, “Tala”, like “my sister’s daughter” or something like that
I wanted to show a different Aemond, one with two other “brothers” and his extended family, and he is happy in it. He is laughing for the God’s sake. Next chapter we will have his vision of things. 
Taglist! ❤️ @tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006 @stargaryenx @grippleback-galaxy
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lullaebies · 7 months
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red leaves (1k words, jaehaegon au, no warnings)
summary: jaehaera watches her daughters play in the godswood, and laments over concerns of a lack of son. aegon iii is quick to dispell them.
notes: based on a requested prompt i misread. will do the actual prompt later on, but for now, bringing forth this piece. context - req also asked for alicent being alive and jaehaera and aegon iii's children to be playing in the godswood <3
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Jaehaera sits the godwood’s stone bench, watching. 
All three of her daughters are playing with the fallen red leaves of the weirdwood. Her eldest, Rhaella, shows her twin sisters how the red leaves crumple, and showers the girls with the red specks remaining of it. Rhaenyra and Helaena are ever excited, despite the broken off pieces catching in their hair.
Her grandmother would chastise her for letting her girls gather twigs and dirt on their hair and dresses later, but Jaehaera can’t bring herself to tell them to stop. Such peaceful pastimes can be so fleeting. Red, swivelling leaves in the air can become the red trickles of blood in moments few.
Jaehaera chases that thought away. This is why all of court calls me morbid. Her fingers fidget with her dress. Grand is the Queen’s wardrobe and material luxuries, but there is no sum in the world that could buy her peace at this state. Grandmother had known royal concerns, and advised her on as much, but while Queen Alicent had three sons ignored, Jaehaera had not even one.
The pit in her stomach grows larger each day. Her daughters are the very world, but after all the realm had been through in wars’ past, would they ever be considered enough?
“Papa!” The rustle of leaves and exclamations of girls mark the arrival of another figure. 
Aegon takes long steps into the godswood. His tall frame cannot be ignored, for he keeps himself as poised as one may assume his mouth remains lined. Still, he bends for his daughters, lowering himself to his knees and twisting his lips into an upturn as he greets them. 
The twins run to him first, clinging with giggles. He brushes a hand through their hair, taking out some of the leaf crumples that decorated their hair. “Have my daughters spent a day rolling in the woods, or just decided nature is to be worn?” Aegon asks them softly. Both twins point to Rhaella.
“Big sister put it on me!” They say in nearby eerie unison. Jaehaera can’t recall if she and Jaehaerys ever had such synchronized speech. She breathes in some, keeping away tears from welling. Thinking of Jaehaerys hurts more, with her own twins coming about the age of his passing. 
“Is that so?” Aegon asks Rhaella. Their eldest licks her lips before nodding slowly. She’s been put on the spot, but she tries to maintain dignity. Aegon hums at her, opening his arms when the twins leave their grip on him. Rhaella runs forward to him for an embrace. The ten-year-old calms easily as he does, and Aegon pats her head. “Do continue, but keep it at leaves, yes? The maids would struggle to brush any dirt out.”
Rhaella nods against his chest gladly. “Okay, papa.”
Aegon gives her a peck on the head, and lifts himself from the grass. Only then his eyes fall on her. When their gazes lock, it often feels as if they are lone in the world, sharing knowledge only they are aware of. Knowledge both of them would rather cast to the sea and the fire, but one that brings them together in kinship. “Keep on playing, then. I will sit here watching with your mother.”
The girls run back to the heart tree, and he comes by her side, and she stands to greet him, if only for courtesy’s sake. Aegon has never required of her much formalities, but the servants running about would gossip until the next moon turn if she isn’t to appear proper. They’ll call her smile mousy either way, but it is genuine, at the very least.
Aegon takes her palm in his. “Your hand is cold,” he says, his own warm ones kind on her skin. “You must ask the maids for gloves at times.”
“When I can have your Grace’s hand? I shouldn’t like to settle for less,” she answers. It comes out half-hearted, but it is not for lack of sincerity, only a product of a foul mood. At twenty and six she should mind her feelings better, and she attempts. “Sit by me.”
Aegon does, thumb still pressing against her thin knuckles. Helaena and Rhaenyra toss leaves at their older sister, running about as they giggle. “Our daughters are quite joyous today.”
Why are you not? That is what her husband is asking, in truth. He’s so very gentle with his words, if only because he knows how painful can some be. Jaehaera squeezes his hand. Why is she a shivering leaf in this warm wind? Her concerns never let up, despite the times being so sunny.
Aegon is not unlike her, in that sense. But he had braved it better. 
“Yes,” she answers softly, and lowers her voice. “But should they have a brother, such days would be forever assured.”
Aegon rubs circles on the back of her palm. Perhaps her anxiety trickles to where it is unneeded; Viserys and Aegon love each other dearly, to the point Viserys’s eldest son is named her husband’s name. But the court has preferences, and Viserys’s family is beautiful for all to see. She knows not what the future holds, but her grandmother’s sad mumbles often seep into her soul. 
“These are our days, in this castle of red brick,” Aegon answers then, voice serious. “And our daughters will live better lives than our mothers have. Should a brother come in their midst, or not.”
Jaehaera lays her head on his shoulder, sighing softly. “The realm wouldn’t like a sonless Queen.”
“The realm likes and cares for nobody,” he answers. “I am content with my wife and daughters.”
Jaehaera lifts her head to kiss her husband’s cheek. If nowhere else, she feels safe here, between her dear ones. “Another daughter then, that’s what you want?” she asks with a small grin.
“We will see to it. No matter what sex, all will be well.” 
He says as much with a fuller grin, gloating at his wordplay. Jaehaera shakes her head, feeling the smile on her face spread. She looks at her daughters. 
“Girls,” she calls them all, all their daughters having their hands full with leaves they picked up. “I think your father would like to join you.”
Rhaella, Rhaenyra and Helaena rush forward with a handful of leaves to toss at their father. Aegon doesn’t let her get away alone, and their family whole is decorated with specks of red leaves, the rustling wind triumphed by laughter. 
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touhoutunes · 10 months
Title: 不思議と空虚に喰べられて (Devouring Wonder and Emptiness)
Arrangement: Pizuya’s Cell
Vocals: 普透明度
Album: ガラクタヒロイズム
Circle: Pizuya’s Cell
Original: The Childlike Duo's Naturalis Historia
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
5 - The Wedding I Didn’t Choose
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Part 6
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons
Holding the claps of my fur cloak tightly, Chezney and I were making our way to the horse stables before dawn had even struck the castle. The stars could still almost be visible if you looked in the right spot in the sky. I pushed open one of the horse stables doors brushing my fingers over the black mane of the light brown horse. "Are you sure that you should be riding out this late?" Chezney asked me standing behind me.
"It'll be fine, Chez. If anyone asks, just say I am asleep in my chambers." I told her, reaching for the horse reins about to lead him outside until a male voice called behind us.
"It's a little late to be going riding don't you think, my ladies."
Whipping my head around I slumped my shoulders not expecting anyone else to be out here. "Robb...what are you doing out here?"
"I couldn't sleep and decided a walk would help me clear my head. Would you two care to share what you are doing out here so late?" He questioned me while I let my eyes scan over his face. The auburn curls were brightened by the burning torches flames.
I clasped my hands together with the wind catching the fur cloak that I wore. I was wearing a simple blue gown and some brown boots. "I wanted to ride some horses before we leave in a few hours and I have to become Lady Lannister."
"Well you shouldn't be out here on your own, my ladies. I'll accompany you if you'd accept the offer." Robb offers with a shrugging of his shoulders.
Chezney raised a hand stepping up to the two of us. "I am actually not interested in riding. So you two can go together. I'll keep your whereabouts unknown."
"I'll watch out for her." Robb nodded, moving forward and unlocking the two stall doors leading out two horses one for each of us.
Chezney tugged me back by the arm whispering in my ear. "If you get the chance you should kiss him."
"I doubt that is going to happen, Chez." I told her back before she stepped away watching me climb up on my horse with Robb's assistance. He climbed on his horse afterwards and we rode off away from the castle and its lights. The darkness consumed us where I lifted my gaze up to the sky finding the only light was the stars at least until the sunset rose over the land.
Robb tugged on the reins of his horse and I pulled mine to a stop alongside his. He dismounted his horse coming over to me, holding his hands to help me down. "I figured we could spend some time out here before we rode the grounds more."
"That sounds fine with me." Jumping off my horse my boots crunched in the snow while I stared up at the red Godwood tree that he had shown me a few weeks ago. "The more and more I see this tree the more I fall in love with it. It will be a good spot to be married underneath one day."
Robb clicked his tongue standing beside me. "It will be if I can fall in love with the woman who I wed underneath it."
"Maybe you'll get lucky enough to have that chance. The males in this world get more power than women do. So don't take advantage of it if you find someone you truly love." I smiled up at him.
The young Stark boy turned to face me. He gently raised a hand to my face and for some reason I leaned into his palm like it was second nature and a comfort to me. "I'd marry you if I could, Haelesa."
"Oh really and what would we do if we were wed under this tree?" I questioned him with a curious look in my eyes.
Robb moved his freehand downward looping it with one of mine. "I would treat you as my equal. You would be able to roam the castle and grounds as much as you wish. We would be a team you and I."
"You sound like quite the charmer. Any girl that gets to be with you will be pretty lucky." I smiled up at the young wolf.
Robb closely watched me with such awe in his blue eyes. He hadn't been interested in many women especially since he was only surrounded by high born women who seemed almost all the same. That was what he thought until he was introduced to the lady before him now. The wind blew my hair into my face and I could hear the sound of a horse trotting over to us. "Robb, what the seven hells are you and the fair lady doing out here?"
"Forgive me father, I found Lady Haelesa eyeing the horses and offered to take her on a ride." Robb answered, stepping closer to me seeing his father's concern on his face.
Lord Stark nodded at his eldest son. "Well you should be heading back. The king and his family will be leaving today and Lady Velaryon probably needs to begin packing her things."
"I suppose you are right, Lord Stark. Please don't be angry that Robb and I went off with the horses so early." I apologized slightly, concerned that he would be upset yet he didn't appear to be feeling that way. Robb and I climbed on our horses eyeing the Lord of the North.
The Lord of Winterfell sent me a smile gesturing his head toward the castle in the distance. "It is no hassle to worry about. I hope you enjoyed your time here, my lady. Now we must go and get some sleep and you must prepare to leave in a few hours." The three of us rode back to the building and I felt disappointment at not being betrothed to someone like Robb rather than Jaime.
Months later - Kings Landing
I was sure how long we had been in this city but I had already grown bored and wished to leave it. I didn't remember much of what happened by the time the ceremony came around. Chezney followed behind me holding up the train of my dress. The gown that I was wearing was short sleeved and was covered with fancy lace that was paired with some short wedge shoes. Jaime was dressed in a leather red jacket and some dark red pants with his long golden locks neatly combed which was odd to me since he normally left it slightly messy.
Shifting my eyes up to Jaime, he was glancing behind me so I slowly turned my head seeing a much older man with white hair. He sternly watched us with almost no expression on his face. "It's my father. He came here to watch this. The day I become his heir again...."
"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." The sept spoke softly. Jaime squeezed my hand before unlinking our hands so he could take off the red cloak with a golden lion banner on the back of it. Closing my eyes briefly, his hands placing it over the sigal of my house where I didn't open my eyes until the septon spoke up. Wrapping a white ribbon around our intertwined hands. "In the sight of the seven. I hereby seal these two souls. Binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words."
Turning to directly face Jaime I caught sight of his green eyes pouring into mine. Biting my lip there was something about the way he looked at me now. The other day he was teasing me and we were sword fighting one another being so serious and closed off. Yet now his eyes held a more soft and almost comforting presence about them, it was a relief to see it even for a moment. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crown, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days."
The septon untied the ribbon allowing Jaime to cup my face in his hands and I felt myself lean into him a little. He leans down gently pressing his lips onto mine. My whole body stiffened at first until I let my shoulders drop rather enjoying it. Moving my hands up onto his shoulders he broke the kiss before it got too deep whispering as he rested his forehead against mine. "How did that feel, Haelesa?"
"Good." Was the best reply I could give him, still consumed in the kiss. The desire to keep kissing him again but at the same time I could feel some glaring their eyes into the back of my head which most likely was the queen.
The ceremony was short given that all the focus was on Sansa Stark and Jofferey Baratheon that was being planned in the months to come. Stabbing some pieces of meat with my fork I attempted to eat some knowing that in a few minutes I most likely wouldn't have time. For I would be bedding my husband with multiple people watching me or so that is what my father had briefly explained to me. The castle handmaidens helped when I had bled for the first time since he was uncomfortable with the whole matter. "You need to not act so nervous, Lady Velaryon."
"Don't you mean Lannister?" I turned my head at Jaime who was seated beside me. He was leaning back in his chair acting like he had a care in the world. "And you've been able to sleep with a bunch of girls before me. You didn't have to keep your virginity for your whole life until this night."
The elder lion son glanced in my direction. "You are a Lannister now, yes. But don't you worry about the next ceremony. I already have Tyrion taking care of it."
"Taking care of it, how exactly?" I raised a brow at him.
"Don't say a word if you don't want the bedding to take place." Jaime didn't waste time and gently tugged me up by the forearm while everyone in the room was focused on other things. He whispered the sentence in my ear before we rounded the corner and made it to the end of the hallway seeing a dwarf standing outside our door.
Keeping my arm in Jaime's grasp I tilted my head to the side eyeing the shorter man in front of me. "And Tyrion is who to you exactly?"
"I'm his younger brother, my lady. May I ask how you have not heard of me. Surely your house made you learn the family history." Tyrion made a confused face at me with the torch light brightening his blonde curls.
Drawing my arm out from his brother's grasp I shake my head hoping to not offend the shorter man. "Tyrion, my father was always busy so I was forced to teach myself. But if you're worried about me judging you like the others around you I shall do nothing of the sort. I make my own decisions about someone I assure you."
"I feel I will like you as my sister, Lady Haelesa. Now you two need to get out of here before they notice you are gone and use this for the morning chatter." The dwarf smiled, drawing a small knife from inside his tunic shirt handing it to his older brother.
Wrapping my arms around myself I wished that I had my sword attached to my hip now instead of being in a ridiculous dress. Yet Tywin needed an heir so neither would be stupid enough to kill me. That much was certain. "Do you plan to stab someone with that knife if they come looking for us?"
"Seven hells no. I will prick you in the foot to bleed." Jaime answered my question immediately.
Tyrion clasped his hands together in front of his chest quickly walking away from us before our presence was noted as missing. "They will think that you have consummated the marriage for a time. It gives you time to learn about my brother before he puts a baby in your belly to keep our father happy. Goodnight Haelesa, I hope to get to know you more now that we are family." Jaime held open the door and I ducked underneath his arm before we quickly disappeared on the other side going through with the younger lion's plan to trick the maids in the morning to come.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 years
I keep seeing people in the Sara Snow tag freaking out about her and Jace. I'm sorry to Team Black stans but Jace potentially fucking a hot Stark girl in the Winterfell godwood is the only interesting thing I've heard about his character. Not to mention, his relationship with Sara could actually give him a personality! But no! She's not his cousin so they hate her. Total BS
I really hope the writers do Sara justice and make it a compelling storyline that adds depth to Jace’s character and Rhaenyra’s relationship with her presumed heir.
Firstly, I am a Stark stan through and through, and I want the Starks in this show to be adequately represented.
Secondly, Jace is a very dull character and has nothing to him. I don’t understand how black stans can look at Jace and think he’s a compelling character when half the fandom can’t even tell him apart from his younger brother. Having us care even the tiniest bit about him through a relationship will make his death actually matter. As opposed to Luc who got like five mins of forced character development so people would care.
Thirdly, and most importantly of all, the situation with Jace and Sara will challenge Rhaenyra in new and interesting ways. With Viserys gone, Rhaenyra is directly responsible for anything that goes wrong now. She no longer has her father to defend her or make sure any mistakes she or her family makes are fixed. Now, Rhaenyra will have to deal with the political implications of her son breaking his betrothal with their greatest allies. She will have to look in the mirror and see she never disciplined her children or prepared them for the responsibility they would have to bare. Rhaenyra will be met with the same insolence and trouble she used to bring as a teen.
I think Sara could be the best thing that could happen to Jace’s storyline and the team black storyline. She could add romance, drama, a strong female character, and interesting and complex conflicts between many characters. I guess that’s just what happens when Starks are included in a plot, everything gets much more interesting. The power they hold is unmatched.
And yeah. Let people ship a Jace and Sara. She could actually give him some sort of character. Because clearly incest didn’t give him anything noteworthy lol.
(And this is just an aside, but showrunners please let Jace’s actor use his real curly hair. It looks so much better than that awful wig, and his curls make him look more like his father Harwin. Please. I can’t take anymore “Criston is Jace’s father” takes. Just let him have his natural brown curls. I beg.)
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wishful-seeker · 5 months
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The Godwood
My build, built in creative but im finishing the rest in survival to have more fun.
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moireia · 2 years
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another fic i may never write  ↳ alyssa snow, lost and only led by stars ⭐️
There are few places in Winterfell for bastards— even fewer for Alyssa Snow. While Jon spends his days with Robb, training and learning alongside him, Alyssa hides. The Godwood has become a refuge, the stare of the weirwood far preferable to the stoney glares of Catelyn Stark. 
She spends her days practicing archery and losing herself in history beneath the shelter of blood red leaves. Through endless books and scrolls, she searches for a name. For an answer to a question that has haunted her since she learned what she was.
Who is my mother? 
She traces every mention of the Rebellion but so little is covered of the days her father spent in Dorne. She asks the Old Gods when she dare not ask her father, but her only answer is an echo
She learns the only name she does have carries a legend all its own. In the Vale, the waterfall known as Alyssa’s Tears never reaches the earth–named for tears Lady Arryn refused to shed as she witnessed the deaths of her family. Alyssa thinks she was better off without learning that story at all, and prays her name is the only thing she shares with it.
Then King Robert arrives at Winterfell. He sees Alyssa and whispers Lyanna, and she's faced with another echo that won't dissipate. 
A King’s command has Alyssa abandon her beloved Godswood and go south with her father into the lions den. While she despises the sinister stares and machinations of court, the library of the Red Keep holds something that makes it worthwhile.
Ashara Dayne.
Even when her prayers go unanswered and war tears across the kingdoms, Alyssa keeps the name close to her heart and begins to dream of sunwarmed sand and falling stars.
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