#starring canon fcdder as shiro
peachpitocs · 3 years
@canon-fcdder said:
He's not staring... Okay. He's staring. BUT, in his defense, the other teen is putting up quite the statement with that outfit and the whole- vibe he gives off. One can hardly blame Shiro for skidding to a halt. Nor for continuing to look, eyes focused with a shameless-curiosity mirrored in the slight tilt of his head, sucking on his iced coffee maybe a bit too loudly than someone in his position should be. But Shiro has never been one for smart social decisions.... nor social decisions at all, until coming to UA. Hence... the open studying of what he can only describe as— as his teacher and honorary dad might be pleased to hear him put it —'hella Edgy to the Max'. - ( Have.... a bab dfjkgnjkdgng )
God damn it. Anesh's first day at a new school in a new country and he can already feel people's eyes on him. Probably just in a "who's the new kid" way, or maybe in a "huh, he doesn't look like he's from around here" way, and not the ways he's used to, but still.
Should he have dressed up for his first day? He didn't really have the option, considering that this is the only pair of pants he's got, and he doesn't feel like himself without the hoodie-under-band-tee combo. He does feel different, though. Everyone else is in uniform. Was Anesh supposed to order one of those, or did they just forget him?
It doesn't help that he's tall and dark and curly and just very not Japanese. Maybe he should have stayed in India. Maybe he should calm the fuck down and just talk to people before assuming they hate him for being different.
He glances around, trying to balance himself somewhere that's neither intimidating nor obviously nervous, and catches the eye of the kid who's staring. Shit. He can't be older than a first year, and he's all dressed up in pretty little pastels with pink cheeks and soft blonde hair and eyes that are too wide and too blue. He looks like he's either the sweetest little baby boy alive or a total brat who's never had to work a day in his life. Maybe both. Anesh feels something in his chest when he looks at this boy, but he has no idea what it is. Just... a reaction.
Well. No point in just staring at each other. Anesh walks over to the boy and holds his hand out. Do they shake hands in Japan? Shit, he should have done more research. Too late to back out now, though.
"Anesh Malhotra. First year. Foreign exchange. I am still working on my Japanese." He stumbles through the introduction, hoping he said it right. Those are all phrases he's practiced, but never with a native speaker.
"I am pleased to meet you. Perhaps we will be classmates or friends."
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honeydewmuses-a · 3 years
@canon-fcdder said: ❝ Check it out, Da— Mr. Mic! ❞ Close one, but he recovered easily enough. Probably. Last thing he needs is to accidentally call his teacher 'dad'. Unless the Hero was okay with it but that's not a question he's willing to ask. Brushing aside the 'near' slip, Shiro holds up a pair of sunglasses that he may have special ordered specifically because they resembled a certain hero's.... Slipping them on, mismatched eyes are covered by the shades, Shiro looking far too proud as he puffs out his chest and rests a hand on his hip. Aiming a finger gun at Present Mic, he grins and says, ❝ Now we match! ❞ — ( Have... a Son™ )
If Shiro wasn't Mic's favourite before, this did it for him. Not that Mic plays favourites. He does. He absolutely does play favourites.
He stifles a laugh as the kid holds up what's obviously knockoff merch, and feels his smile grow a little too wide.
In all honesty, Mic still isn't used to his kids- sorry, his students- looking up to him. Usually they latch onto Aizawa, which makes sense, because Aizawa spends more time with them and is all serious and intense and cool and instinctively fatherly and caring, even if he doesn't always want to admit it. And Mic's not jealous. A little envious, maybe, but never jealous. After all, he latched onto Aizawa, too, just before all these students were born.
But right now the point isn't how great Shota Aizawa is. The point is that little blond Shiro, beaming like the sun and posing all proud and cheesy in his orange shades, looks just like a young Yamada. His hair's too short, and his clothes are all pastel, but those are the biggest differences. It's touching. The phrase that Mic comes up with is holy fuck, that's son shaped.
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"Lookin' fly, kiddo!" He reaches down and affectionately messes up Shiro's hair. "Now all you need is the leather. But, I dunno, the pastels kinda slap for you. Very Shiro's personal brand, y'know? Very cute and clean."
He pauses, not sure that he should say what he's about to say. And then he says it anyway.
"And, hey, you can call me Dad if you want. Just gotta be ready for me to father the shit outta you." Wink. The charming kind, not the creepy kind. Hopefully that tracks.
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