lemon sorbae
4K posts
*it's lemon sorbae, people* Monroe James: changing the world, one gay at a time. Currently Reading: Captive Prince Trilogy Currently Writing: Fake Dating M/M romance
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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Luc x Oliver
“And I was pretty sure this was how love felt: fuzzy and scary and confusing and light enough to whisk you away like a Tesco’s bag on the wind.”
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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woke up feeling the spooky spirit this morning 
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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A commission I did for the newest installment in the Hazard and Somerset series, “Police Brutality,” by Gregory Ashe.
People who are already subscribed to his mailing list were lucky to get a sneak at this when the book first came out. Make sure to get on it as he posts updates there most of the time and also sends out short stories of his books all the time!!
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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“I thought you were just being a good friend.” - Matt. So I finally got around to reading “so this is ever after” in one day and I just- xD sjkdfhl I love the dumb gays I really do.
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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Even the most badass hunter needs a nap sometimes 😴
I just wanted to draw soft summer vibes, since it's rainy and depressing in my area lmao.
Prints available here!
[my social media links]
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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alex & henry + tropes
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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Have a dreamy Destiel piece! :D Dean wants to get his hands on his favourite Angel, but Castiel is a little shit and always flies just out of reach eheheh.
(A Patreon supporter said it looks like Dean is throwing Castiel into the air like a little child which is ABSOLUTELY adorable, and I just wanted to mention this idea here xD)
Prints available here!
[my social media links]
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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My print for DazzlingBookishShop’s The Charm Offensive special edition.
Public sale of it opens tomorrow.
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
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"if you could occasionally talk middle class at people, that’d be helpful too.”
“so, eaten any good quinoa recently — that kind of thing?”
“perfect. just slightly less sarcastic sounding.”
— BOYFRIEND MATERIAL by alexis hall
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lemonsorbae · 8 months ago
hey, it's me. i'm the problem. (always true.)
i'm going to be turning this into where i share my "original fic", and "irl reading", as well as whatever else suits my fancy at the time.
if you want my deancas stuff, download it now because it's all being moved to KU in the coming weeks/months/years.
feel free to unfollow if any of that doesn't suit your fancy.
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lemonsorbae · 2 years ago
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ALEX & HENRY | Red, white & royal blue (2023)
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lemonsorbae · 3 years ago
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Happy pride month! #LoveIsLove  ❤️‍  🌈
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lemonsorbae · 3 years ago
Destiel: Not all those who wander are lost
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This fic rec list is a little bit different from our usual fare. We took inspiration from the wonderful art by euclase/ @eliciadonze / @eliciaforever and this J.R.R.Tolkien poem, and collected fics with a more subdued, mature vibe. Fics about Dean and Cas being at life’s crossroads of sorts, doing the best they can with the hand they’ve been dealt. Fics with an introspective and self discovery mood. Enjoy! (link to destielfanfic courtship tag, link to other rec lists)
Thanks to euclase/ @eliciadonze, who provided us with permission to use her beautiful art!  (link to #euclase fanart tag at destielfanworks) All links go to our tagged reviews or sub recs.
All Things New Again by sullymygoodname [M, 50,000 word count]
Reconnecting, as Sam has insisted on calling it, with the brother you haven’t seen or spoken to in almost four years is somewhat of a… It’s awkward as fuck, is what it is. 
All The Substance Of His House by aerlalaith [NC-17, 18,200 word count]
When Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is repealed, U.S. army veterans Dean and Castiel must each come to terms with it. 
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets [T, 57,000 word count]
Only a very few people in the world know that the celebrated and reclusive poet Jack Allen is just Kansas mechanic Dean Winchester, a high school dropout with a few bucks to his name. Not that it matters anymore; life has left him so wrung out he never wants to pick up another pen.Until, that is, a string of coincidences leads Dean to auditing a poetry course with one Dr. Castiel Novak. The professor is wildly intelligent, devastatingly handsome…and just so happens to be academia’s foremost expert on the poetry of Jack Allen.
Dancer in the Dark by sandares [NC-17, 28,000 word count]
From an early age, Castiel remembers thinking that his mother was sad. Now, Castiel is struggling to empty out her house while trying to come to terms with his mother having Alzheimer’s. When Castiel comes back home from a one-night stand with Dean and finds a body in the driveway, their lives become tangled up in the things they’ve both lost. They wash away the blood in the morning, but Castiel can’t let go of the past, trying to remember everything that his mother is forgetting. Bad things always linger just out of sight, and in the end, some things are better left forgotten. 
Falling Through the Ice by althaclena (sub rec) [NC-17, 22,600 word count]
Dean’s finally retired from the Dallas Stars, and he’s back at his original home ice-rink for a publicity stunt for his autobiography. Problem is, he has to do something that terrifies him. Second problem is, he has to do it in front of the man he was best friends with as a kid, until the ice cracked under him and he was left on the wrong side of an increasingly large chasm. A story about smashing expectations (and some pumpkins), what it means to be brave, and how to follow your heart. Also, smut.
Freebies and Oak Trees by violue [NC-17, 32,300 word count]
It’s just a joke. Dean adding Castiel Novak to his “Celebrity Freebie” list is just a joke. Dean has a girlfriend, and besides, it’s not like he’s ever going to meet Castiel, let alone sleep with him. Right? 
Nine Times We Met (And One Christmas We Parted) by almaasi [NC-17, 58,000 word count]
On the last day of school before Christmas vacation, Mr. Castiel Quinn discovers that one of his young students has smuggled male pornography into the classroom. Upon being told that the photos belong to the boy’s uncle, Castiel vows to himself that he will keep the other man’s preferences a secret. It’s 1947; a man experiencing attraction to another man or fantasising about his sexual touch are transgressive faults, which could potentially result in imprisonment - or worse. But then the uncle walks in. The photos are of him: Dean Winchester, a rogue with an empty pocket and a child to feed. Castiel doesn’t know it yet, but his life is never going to be the same again. Years pass between chance meetings, but even though they live their lives apart, Dean and Castiel’s story is proof that absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. 
Rough Seas by palominopup [NC-17, 71,600 word count]
Lieutenant Commander Dean Winchester was coming home after fourteen years with his two year old baby in tow.  He’d left the town of Winchester Bay after his father caught him and his best friend/lover together.  He ran from his father, from the town and from Cas. Now, he’s back. The Novak brothers warned Dean to stay away from Cas, but in a town the size of Winchester Bay, how could he do that… no matter how hard he wanted to.  A rescue at sea starts a series of events that brings the men together again, but the years took their toll on any love they once shared. 
Scars by lemonsorbae [NC-17, 148,000 word count]
Dean Winchester doesn’t answer to anybody about anything. Not about his ever changing hair color or tattoos, not his music, and definitely not about all the fucks he definitely doesn’t give. Of course, then he meets pretentious, skinny jean wearing, ugly sweater buying Castiel Edlund who’s hardest lot in life is probably alphabetizing inventory at his uncle’s record store, and suddenly Dean has to answer for everything. Castiel, on the other hand, had long since accepted his fate as an anti-social, directionless, and misunderstood soul, with his cat, Meg, and a bottle of whiskey being the only company he needed. But then fate threw him Dean, the abrasive, infuriating punk who wears guyliner, and walks around like the chip on his shoulder is something to be proud of, and Castiel’s carefully constructed life was turned ass over teakettle.
Should’ve Just Asked by scaramouche [NC-17, 77,900 word count]
Despite their age gap and differing social circles, Castiel has struck up a warm friendship with Mary Winchester, a wealthy widowed socialite. When Castiel needs a place to stay, Mary invites him into her house, where there’s loads of spare room. Castiel’s aware that they make an odd pair, but he doesn’t fully realize how things look to outsiders, especially to Mary’s eldest son. All Dean Winchester sees is that his mom has apparently hooked up with a hot young guy (who is totally Dean’s type) and that makes things… weird. 
Somewhere Back of the Sun and the Sun Verse by enigmaticblue [NC-17, 72,000 word count (211,000 for the full Sun Verse)]
By the time Dean stops Lucifer, it’s already too late. A post-apocalyptic tale.
Somewhere I have never traveled by museaway [M, 53,300 word count]
Driving home from work at his family’s shop, Dean is hit by a man driving a Prius. Though Castiel is initially rude, he offers dinner as part of his apology, and Dean is drawn to him the more they talk. Since Castiel is raw from a divorce with a teenage daughter, Dean doesn’t expect the relationship to go anywhere and is surprised when Castiel quickly becomes a fixture in his life. But while Castiel seems eager to build a life with him, Dean is hung up on his past and family obligations.
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts. 
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lemonsorbae · 3 years ago
Destiel Fic Starter Pack
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Never watched Supernatural but wondering what all the hype is about? Then this is the post for you. If you have been on tumblr for some time or just from November 5, 2020, you may have seen a gif set or two or a hundred with destiel aka Dean and Castiel from Supernatural. @fandom​ even made a Destiel Is Canon post with short overview of basic facts! Are you interested but have no idea where to start? We know, we know. Life is hectic, 2020 is taxing and Supernatural has too many episodes to watch. 15 seasons and 327 episodes to be precise but who’s counting? Say no more, we got your back, fam!  You don’t need to have ever watched SPN to enjoy the fics on this rec post.
For fans who have never watched SPN, some basic facts - 1x01 starts with Dean Winchester (26 yo) professional monster hunter, picking up his brother Sam (22 yo), student at Stanford, and going on a one off monster hunt. For the next 3 seasons they travel around the country in their black Impala 67 hunting monsters, saving people. Castiel, Angel of the Lord and the multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent, arrives in 4x01.The rest is shipping history. Check this 36 min YT video, The Story of Dean and Castiel  by deansbansee with all the best destiel scenes from S4-15. And now, fics!
All title links go to our fully tagged reviews.
1. If you want to read fics that are set in Supernatural universe but are not canon specific, your best bet is pre season 4 (our tag) and solo hunter Dean (our tag) fics where young Dean meets Castiel differently from the show, and fics that are very loosely tied to a specific season. And, if you’ll decide to watch the show later, you still won’t be spoiled!
A Distant Mirror by zatnikatel [NC-17, 14,700 word count, time travel, humor, smut, posted 2013]
Ad Astra - latin; “to the stars” by nhixxie [T, 17,400 word count, Castiel is a Star, posted 2013]
Broadway Musical by Griftings [M, 12,400 word count, humor, Heavenly Host, posted 2014]
Carnival Oasis series by violue [NC-17, 47,000 word count, 10 works, creature!cas, posted 2016-20]
Convenient Husbands by Annie D (scaramouche) [NC-17, 39,000 word count, garuda!cas, hurt comfort, posted 2012]
Do What Feels Good by catchclaw & cymbalism [NC-17, 12,500 word count, smut smut smut, posted 2014]
Everyone Is Trying to Get to the Bar by balder12 [NC-17, 8,400 word count, true form!cas, posted 2012]
Good One’s Gonna Be by remmyme [NC-17, 37,000 word count, professor Cas, posted 2017]
Kiss You When It’s Dangerous by zoemathemata [NC-17, 58,000 word count, FBI agent Cas, posted 2012]
Professional Couple Only by saltyfeathers [M, 37,000 word count, pretend boyfriends on a case, posted 2015]
The Request by cloudyjenn [T, 36,000 word count, wing!fic, posted 2012]
Some Assembly Required by narrow_staircase [M, 47,000 word count, student Cas, posted 2016]
Unknown Quantities by xylodemon [NC-17, 8,600 word count, fluff, posted 2014]
2. If you don’t want to bother with Supernatural canon at all, then you are still in for a treat. With 92,500 fics (December 12, 2020) and counting, destiel is currently the biggest ship on AO3. Destiel fics cover a lot of popular tropes and kinks but some are more popular than others among destiel fans. Angst, miscommunication, exploration of Dean’s low self esteem, Cas’s rusty people skills and general otherness are a staple of AU fics. But also exploration of one’s sexuality - internalized homophobia, coming out, bisexuality and asexuality are common themes.
All the Way by cadignan [NC-17, 81,000 word count, college AU, posted 2013]
Cinderwings by bendingsignpost [M, 182,000 word count, wing!fic, masquerade ball, posted 2017]
Kiss the Baker by ltleflrt [NC-17, 111,000 word count, rom com, posted 2015]
Not Part of the Plan by Annie D (scaramouche) [NC-17, 338,000 word count, 8 works, arranged marriage, posted 2013-18]
Oh What A Beautiful City by moosefeels [M, 27,200, a/b/o, omega Cas, arranged marriage, posted  2014]
Passing Ships by quiettewandering [M, 78,000 word count, not traditional soulmate AU, posted 2017]
Peace and Good Luck To All Men by kismetjeska [T, 32,400 word count, humor, Xmas fic, posted 2013]
The Return Policy by castielrisingabove [M, 32,500 word count, incubus!dean, ace witch!cas, posted 2018]
The Sawdust Men by linoresearch [NC-17, 123,000 word count, dystopian angst, posted 2014]
Scars by lemonsorbae [NC-17, 148,000 word count, young adults - punk!dean, nerd!cas, posted 2018]
Three Funerals and a Wedding by engaldnwouldfall [M, 25,300 word count, friends to lovers, LARPing, posted 2016]
True as It Can Be by whelvenwings [NC-17, 72,000 word count, modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, posted 2016]
Unsolicited verse by dangerousnotbroken [NC-17, 68,700 word count, 5 works, posted 2016-18, smut smut smut]
Unwritten by porcupinegirl [NC-17, 75,800 word count, a/b/o, alpha/alpha pairing, posted 2015]
3. Lastly, for all fans who watched SPN finale and were left with a raging wtf was that? feeling, here’s 4 fics where Dean and Cas did a better job at restoring Heaven and 2 fics where living with disability was not the end of the world.
The Dance of Inanna by peppermintwind [NC-17, 106,000 word count, humor and adventures, posted 2012]
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by amarillogrande [M, 22,200 word count, Dean arrives in Heaven and meets his loved ones, posted  2014]
Holy!Dean Verse by bunnycaccool [NC-17, 120,300 word count, 5 works, very Dean centric, posted 2011-15]
These Are Not Real Problems by Annie D (scaramouche) [NC-17, 30,500 word count, post godstiel Cas arrives in Heaven, posted 2011]
The Breath Of All Things by kismetjeska [T, 65,400 word count, Dean in a wheelchair, posted 2013]
Kingdom Come by cheesewithmy [M/NC-17, 97,700 word count, Dean has a prosthetic arm, posted 2014]
4. Other fun things to check out. Destielfanfic has been a part of destiel community since 2012, and while we used to be much more active (see this post), we are still kicking around. Please visit our Tags Page and explore all the goodies there. We even have separate tags for every season so you can avoid spoilers when necessary. Some useful links:
Tags Page 
ask about iconic destiel fics for folks who just joined fandom
thematic fic rec lists with art (college, creatures, a/b/o, Hogwarts, Christmas - you name it, we have it)
check out our Pride posts for more fics that explore sexuality  - Pride 2017, Pride 2018, Pride 2019 and Pride 2020.
Still can’t decide which destiel fic to read? Try this brand new random fic generator created by @deanwinchestergender​  (not affiliated with DFF) or try Random button on our blog - top right corner and the sidebar (see this post )
also, check out the latest destiel fanart at our sister blog  @destielfanworks​ - Cas with rainbow wings can be found on #cas with wings tag and fanart that was created after 15x18 can be found on #destiel 2020 and #theysilencedyou tags, we also have a general #season 15 tag.
and here’s another destiel fic rec list for new fans by a destiel fic writer and a long time contributor to our blog, our friend  @no-gorms​ aka Annie D (scaramouche)
And last but not least. Thank you, Elena, @purgatory-jar​, for letting us to use your beautiful art! Link to the original art post. 
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos!  Please support artists by Liking and Reblogging their art posts! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts!
To our new followers - our anon is switched off for good but we are happy to answer your fic related asks privately. Don’t be shy and tell us which destiel fic made you into a shipper. We may even make a rec post if we get enough fic suggestions!
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lemonsorbae · 3 years ago
(Also hi, I’m still alive. And still shipping beautiful idiots. 🤷🏽‍♀️ HBU)
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lemonsorbae · 3 years ago
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I just felt like I needed some cute snowbaz in my life at the moment
it also reminded me that I really really need to get to the bookstore so I can finally read any way the wind blows (@rainbowrowell )
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