eaglesnick · 2 months
“I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute.” -William Cowper.
At the beginning of the year, Andrew Marr, experienced political commentator, writing in the New Statesman said: 
“What Keir says, goes. What Keir wants Keir gets. There is no meaningful leftist opposition inside the Labour Party." (New Statesman: 21/01/24)
Marr went on to quote one shadow cabinet member as saying “Starmer 'is lord of all he surveys.'"
Six months on and Starmer is not only “lord of all he surveys" within the Labour Party but also within Parliament. He has a stonking 174-seat majority and is very unlikely to loose a single vote within the Commons. Yet he still fears the left-wing of his own party, or what’s left of them.
Starmer has been systematically purging the Labour Party of anyone with leftwing leanings for the last two years,  his ruthless actions giving birth to headlines like this: 
“What the brutal purge of the Labour left reveals about Sir Keir and his Starmtrooper."  (Independent:30/05/24)
What it tells us, says John Rental, the author of this article, is that for  Starmer “no risk of future insubordination is too small.”
This is the paranoid fear of all authoritarian leaders.
 In reality Starmer has nothing to fear from the left of his party as he has ensured very few were selected to stand as Labour candidates.
“Starmer faces backlash after ‘purge' of leftwing  Labour candidates” (Financial Times:30/05/24)
Despite this, his vendetta against the socialists still left in the Labour Party is what preoccupies his thoughts. When seven Labour MP’s voted for an amendment asking for the two-child benefit cap to be lifted, they were accused of disloyalty and have been given a 6 month suspension form the Labour Party. This is the politics of dictatorship!
Keir Starmer cannot abide ANYONE voicing opposition to what HE thinks is right. Despite his position of absolute Parliamentary power, Starmer is still so insecure within himself he lashes out at anyone who dares question him. The ruthless suppression of critics, even friendly ones, does not bode well for good government.
We all know the danger of leaders surrounding themselves with sycophants. John Rental referred to the loyal Starmer inner circle ridding the Labour Party of the left-wing, as “Starmtroopers”. In the film Star Wars, the stormtroopers were the elite shock troops fanatically loyal to the Empire and were a force for evil, conditioned to follow orders of the Emperor without question. 
Is this really how we want Britain to be governed for the next 4 years?
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omgeddon · 11 months
Anticipating Starmtrooper designating BDS a terrorist organisation
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everytime i see keith starmtrooper promising to promote localised regional growth focused enterprise grant review schemes i start hootering and hollering like an islington centrist dad whos found a parking spot by his favourite micro-brew axe throwing bar big enough for his 4x4
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rikaswork · 4 years
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"These aren't the droid you're looking for." _ Sir Alec Guinness Apr 02, 1914 - Aug 05, 2000 England, UK An Oscar winner and with 5 dozen films, is best known for Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi. In which he felt Star Wars was a joke. ‎_ #disney #starwars #starwarssaga #droids #alecguiness #starmtroopers #starwarsmovies #starwarsfan #obiwan #scifi #twiki #vincent #benkenobi #benobiwonkenobi #theblackhole #20thcenteryfox #buckrogers #jedi #toys #toyphotos #toyphotography #toycommunity #toycrewbuddies #actionfigures #actionfigurephotography #geekphotos #geekphotography #geeklife #geeky #geek https://www.instagram.com/p/B-gEHCUBtFR/?igshid=4gwwldswcqsw
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🌑Amanhã é dia de Cookie Sandwich de Star Wars por aqui! Biscoito amanteigado e crocante com nosso Sorvete Artesanal à sua escolha! Que a força esteja com você! Vem pegar o seu!🖐🏽🖖 ⠀⠀ #OriginalCheesecake #Cheesecake #Campinas #Cambui #Cambuí #Café #Cafés #Cafeteria #Doceria #Sobremesa #Dessert #StarWars #MayTheForceBeWithYou #C3po #DarthVader #Yoda #Starmtrooper (em Original Cheesecake) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8UxEu7nnf5/?igshid=jzfek03gyem8
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spideypal · 7 years
like a stormtrooper
“I’m not saying no cause it’s a fun idea and Finn, the main character of the new movies who is also super amazing and cool and deserves all the love because holy sh—mokes was once a Starmtrooper andthat elevates their status as a costume like…10 points in the amazingscale but…..I don’t want to wear a hot helmet all night long.”
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eaglesnick · 10 days
“Beware of over concern for money, or position, or glory. Someday you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will know how poor you are." - Rudyard Kipling
Keir Starmer, the man who would be king, has been flexing his authoritarian muscle again.
A few weeks ago he suspended 7 left-wing Labour MP’s who voted for an amendment to the King’s Speech supporting the abolition of the two-child benefit cap.
Yesterday Diane Abbott accused Starmer of failing to support her after a Tory donor made racist comments including the statement that she “should be shot".
Diane Abbott claims Keir Starmer "treated her as a non-person."  (Metro: 17/09/24)
Given the UK has witnessed two political assassinations in recent years you would expect something better from the leader of the Labour Party, but no. Why is this? Why was Sir Kier Starmer so unmoved by a call to assassinate one of the most prominent and instantly recognisable members of his own party?
I have a theory. It is only a theory but worryingly Starmer seems to display many of the symptoms of what psychologists term the authoritarian personally.
One of the signs of this personality disorder is the need to dominate. These individuals have a strong need for order and control and often display an aggression and hostility towards those that oppose them. The authoritarian personality has zero tolerance for differences in opinion or dissent.
This may well explain why Starmer was so reluctant to support Diane Abbott. She is on the left of the Labour Party and by definition an “enemy” of  Blairite Starmer. This would also explain why Starmer has been waging war against the left ever since he was elected leader
“What the brutal purge of the Labour left reveals about Sir Keir and his Starmtroopers. The Labour leader has been even more ruthless in imposing his favoured candidates on local parties than Tony Blair or Gordon Brown” (Independent: 30/05/24)
The article concludes that Starmer “shows a seriousness about power and how to wield it” but gives no explanation as to why he is so ruthless and undemocratic in his use of power. I suggest that it is because he is authoritarian.
The authoritarian personality type genuinely sees themselves as superior to others. An example of this is Starmer’s condemnation of cronyism and sleaze in the Tory party while indulging in the same immoral practices himself.
Since 2019 Starmer has received £76,000 worth of personal free gifts from cronies, including concert and football tickets, designer clothes for his wife, and  "£18,685 worth of work clothes and several pairs of glasses". By failing to declare all of these “gifts” Starmer was in breach of the MP’s code of conduct. Despite the rules being breached No 10 issued a statement saying the Parliamentary Standards watchdog would not be investigating whether Starmer broke the rules or not.
The superior Starmer can break the rules but woe betides anyone else who does so.
Many psychologists believe that all of the negative traits displayed by the authoritarian personality stem from hate and the need to punish.
“A  research headline is that authoritarians are fueled by hatred and by a powerful need to punish. Much else that we have come to associate with authoritarianism flows from this basic hate-and-punish agenda."  (Psychology Today:  08/11/17)
So far Starmer has displayed little out-and-out hatred towards people but his  need to punish, which if the psychologists are to be believed stems from hatred, is more obvious.
Not  only have we seen 7 left-wing Labour Party MP’s suspended because they supported an amendment to one of Starmer’s King's Speech policies, but more recently, he has threatened the career prospects of his fellow Labour MP’s if they don’t vote the way he tells them to.
“Sir Keir Starmer has been condemned by a Labour MP after it emerged his whips have warned last week’s winter fuel payment rebels that their careers will be held back as a result of their actions.”  Express: 17/09/24)
The world is full of authoritarian dictators at the moment. We must not let Starmer become one of them.
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