#starla harrison
kayleigh-83 · 6 days
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Miscellany from the Harrison-Legault round.
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thyfrankie · 3 years
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meat the weatles
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rootbeergoddess · 6 years
Happy Birthday Sugarplum
A very late commission for @beenerdish . Grant wants to celebrate your birthday but you���re fine with just a simple day at home. 
“What do you want for your birthday, Sugarplum?” Grant asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“That’s the fifth time you have asked me today,” you replied. “I told you, I don’t want much.”
Grant was persistent. He wanted his wife to have a fantastic birthday. She worked so hard, she deserved something nice. Grant was always looking for an excuse to spoil her. It was one of his most favorite things to do. He squeezed her, nuzzling against her neck.
“And I told you that I want to get you something,” Grant turned her around. “Like maybe some new earrings?”
“That would be fine,” she replied.
Grant frowned.
“Do you want a new pair of earrings?” Grant asked. “Didn’t you see a pair you liked when we were walking down Main Street?”
“Oh, yes there was a nice pair,” Y/N remembered. “Those would make a lovely gift.”
“Anything else?”
“No. We can have dinner at home, just the two of us,” Y/N wrapped her arms around Grant’s neck. “Just me and my handsome hubby. That’s really all I need.”
Y/N was the sweetest thing on the face of the Earth. Or at least Grant thought so. He adored his wife. When Starla had left him at the altar, he thought he would never fall in love again. Everyone told him that wasn’t true but Grant had a hard time believing he’d find someone. Then, he had met Y/N. It was during a fundraiser event for the fire department. Grant had been bored out of his mind and was ready to leave. He was on the verge of exiting the party when a woman in a sparkling, lavender grown bumped into him. She spilled champagne on  him and began to apologize profusely. Grant had said it was no big deal, but Y/N insisted she make it up to him.
So she took him out to dinner.
Grant hadn’t thought of starting a relationship with Y/N at first. Their first date wasn’t even technically a date. Once they had finished dinner, Grant asked Y/N if she was interested in accompanying him to the opening of the Main Street Art Gallery. Y/N said yes.
One thing led to another and before they knew it, they were married. Grant couldn’t be happier.
“Come on, baby,” Grant kissed her forehead. “Please let me spoil you? It’s your birthday after all. Just a little bit?”
Grant was using his big, baby blues. It was a surefire way to your heart.
“Well, okay. But just a bit.” You replied.
It was obvious that you and Grant had different definitions of what ‘a bit’ meant.
You thought Grant would just make a fantastic dinner, get you a few gifts and then that would be it. A horse-drawn carriage? When you said you want something simple, that wasn’t what you meant. You couldn’t be too mad, of course. The horse was adorable and she ate sugar cubes right out of your hands.
“Where did you get her?” you asked Grant, as you petted the horse.
“From Wally. His parents own a farm,” Grant said. “Her name is Buttercup. Come on, sugar.”
Of course, you followed him. While it was over the top, you felt extremely flattered. One of the reasons you loved Grant was because he made you feel like a princess. Never had a man taken such wonderful care of you, nor had a man treated you like you were a goddess. Grant refused to be friends with men who disliked the fact that he loved his wife or even complained about their wives. Grant was resolute in his thinking: every single woman was a queen and deserved to be treated as such. Honestly, how did you get so lucky?
The carriage headed down Main Street. People waved to you and a few took pictures. You felt yourself blushing, but Grant just beamed. When you reached the restaurant, Grant helped you out of the carriage and then opened the door for you. It was a lovely French restaurant. Once you stepped inside, you inhaled. It smelled wonderful!
“I am rather hungry,” you admitted. “I’ve never been here. What do you recommend?”
“I’d recommend the croque monsieur, darling,” Grant said, as you went to your table. “Get whatever you want,baby.”
You were really hungry so you decided to ignore the prices. Some nice wine, two delicious croque monsieurs, and some macarons to take home made for a lovely dinner. Once you were done, the two of you went back to the carriage. It wasn’t too cold so, thankfully, Buttercup and the driver were still in good spirits. Grant helped you back into the carriage, his smile never leaving his face. All this attention was a bit much, but you were enjoying it.
“Enjoying yourself so far, baby?” Grant asked as he wrapped an arm around you.
“Yes, dinner was delicious,” you said. “So what is next?”
“It’s a surprise, sugarplum.”
The surprise was Cirque du Soleil. This was the first time they had come to Wheesly. This was something you had been excited about, and you remembered you had mentioned the show to Grant. This wasn’t really Grant’s scene but you knew he’d go to any show with you. Once you arrived, you took everything in. This was extremely exciting for you. Once you were out of the carriage, you gave Grant a big hug.
“Oh baby, you remembered!” you said, kissing his cheek.
“Yep,” Grant grinned. “I even got us the VIP treatment.”
“Really? Oh this is going to be so much fun!”
And it was. Before the show, you got drinks, little snacks, and a goody bag. Your seats were perfect as well. During the show, you held Grant’s hand as you watched the fantastic acrobats do flips, completely engaged. Your eyes were wide and there was a huge smile on your face. Grant had a smile too. While he was enjoying the show, he would sneak glances at you. You were the most beautiful woman in the world. He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was. A loser like him was married to the most perfect women in the universe.
When the show ended, you were still on a high. The entire ride home, you just couldn’t stop babbling about the show. Grant listened, but said nothing. When you reached home, he opened the door for you and then led you to the kitchen. You were shocked to find the table was covered with gifts.
“Grant, how many gifts did you buy me?” You asked.
“Just a few, sugarplum.”
This certainly didn’t look like a few but you couldn’t argue with him now. All you could do was sit down and start opening up your gifts. New dresses, two pair of Louboutin heels, a Gucci purse and even a brand new iPhone; Grant was certainly spoiling you. After opening another box (which contained a bottle of rosé) Grant had gone into the living room. He came backwith a rather large box. He placed it on the table, and you took the top off and gasped in surprise.
Sitting in the box was the most adorable pug puppy you have ever seen. Around its neck was a huge bow and it wagged its tail, looking up at you with its big, brown eyes. Carefully you picked it up and it licked your face.
“She’s cute, isn’t she?” Grant asked with a smile.
“Oh Grant, she’s utterly adorable!” You held the dog up. “I love her! Where did you get her?”
“You know the Harrisons?  Their dog had puppies recently so I bought one,” Grant answered. “Now we just have to think of what to name her.”
“I know!” You said. “I want to name her Sugarplum.”
“Aw, that’s cute,” Grant smiled at you. “So, now what would you like to do, babygirl?”
“Oh, that’s easy,” You walked over to him. “I would like to sit on the couch and watch a movie with my hubby and new puppy.”
“Your wish is my command.”
Changing out of your dress and heels felt amazing. Dressing up was always fun, but there was nothing better than wearing sweat pants along with a nice, big sweater. Sugarplum had found one of your slippers and had decided that it was dangerous so she went to fight it. How could you be angry at your sweet, darling puppy? Smiling, you picked up the pug, the slipper still in her mouth. You laughed as you took the slipper out of Sugarplum’s mouth.
“You are so cute!” You cooed. “I could eat you up!”
You headed back downstairs. Grant wore no shirt and only had some pajama pants on. You were not going to complain. Grant was built like a god. So many people didn’t realize how hot your husband was. He had been the starring quarterback during high school and after being with the Marines for a while, Grant had been left with muscles to spare. You were somewhat happy that women didn’t realize how sexy he was. That meant you didn’t have to fight for him.
Grant had popped some popcorn and the blankets were already on the couch. When you got there, Grant came in with the popcorn and sat down next to you.
“This birthday has been perfect,” you said, leaning against Grant. “Not just because of all the fun things we did, but because I got to spend it with you.”
“Well, I’m glad I was able to make your birthday more enjoyable, darling,” Grant said.
You started the movie, happy and content to finish off your birthday simply.
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jewelridersarchive · 6 years
Earlier this year, we asked the writers of the Jewel Riders fan community to gather around and create a pitch for the third season of the show, but with a twist! They had to create this pitch based on the toy concepts for the third season from Greg Autore, art director for the show.
We got several submissions, all of them very unique and interesting takes on what the third season could have been!
Our very first submission came from friend of the site Lisa Dawn, author and owner of The Princess Blog.
1. Lisa Dawn – Jewel Riders Third Season Concept
The Jewel Riders are celebrating the one year anniversary of rescuing Merlin from the wild magic and banishing Morgana and the other evil wizards. They are decked out in their finest ballgowns in the Crystal Palace’s banquet hall. Drake incessantly asks Gwenevere to spill all the details about her relationship with Ian. Gwen gets angry and refuses to dance with him. Moondance and Fallon try their best to enjoy their time together before Moondance must attend regular training sessions with her mother, Queen Sierra, to become the future queen of the unicorns. Tamara and the babies perform a special song for the celebration, but the performance is cut short when Tamara gets a call from her Heart Stone.
Our next brief entry came from follower of the site Harrison Stoller
2. Harrison Stoller – Jewel Riders Third Season Concept
Season 3:
Morgana Returns – Morgana is back for revenge with her new powers!
This entry came from Tumblr user Hubbabubbagump.
3. Hubbabubbagump – Jewel Riders Third Season Concept
1 year has passed since the jewel riders defeating Morgana. Things have been peaceful and the girls have been occupied with planning their futures; Tamara has finished studying to become a veterinarian, Fallon and Moondancer are teaching a new generation of potential jewel riders and Gwenevere been busy with her coming coronation as queen. To make things better her little sister Tara comes back to visit after being away at dance-academy.
Things sure are looking up until random portals opens up all over Avalon causing magical havoc. Merlin tells the girls that something is wrong with the wild-magic and they have to travel into it to find the problem, but navigating through the wild magic too long is dangerous so he helps the girls to upgrade their armor to level 3 with include special powers for each one; Tamara has a shield for protection, Fallon gain wings on her boots for super-speed and Gwenevere gets enhanced super-strength.
Friend of the site Kathleen sent us this great concept!
4. Kathleen – Jewel Riders Third Season Concept
Merlin has come back to Avalon and the one jewel has brought peace to the land. Starla is struggling with her identity now that she gave up the sun stone to form the one jewel and she is no longer a jewel rider and without the sun stone to pass down she will be the last queen of Avalon if the people of Avalon will let her be queen since she lost the sun stone. These questions have taken Starla into the hall of portraits several times as she sought advice from the first Queen of Avalon and the one that found the sunstone since she is just getting reassurances from her friends and not actions to resolve her problem. Finding the diary of the first sunstone jewel rider, Starla finds accounts of how the first sunstone came to exist and she decides to follow in the path of the first jewel rider and restore her destiny.
Starla heads out on her own to follow the first jewel rider but it doesn’t take long for her friends to find her and join in on the adventure. Along the way they will encounter new friends, new magic, new stones and new enemies! Will the Jewel Riders ever be a trio again? Will the magic of friendship stand this newest trial? Only time will tell, so join us on this adventure in Season three of Princess Starla and the Jewel Riders.
Co-founder of the Archive, Ronnie Delmar, put his creativity to good use in coming up with his concept!
5. Ronnie Delmar – Jewel Riders Third Season Concept
Our story begins with a fairytale wedding – Princess Gwenevere and Ian are finally tying the knot! Tamara and Fallon are Gwen‘s best gal friends so of course there are to be the maids of honor. But the ceremony is cut short when Arienda, the fairy wraith, appears with urgent news of a cry from help from a distant land. It seems a nomadic child fell into the wild magic, and landed in the forest of Arden. She is a wryly little thing! Tara is her name.
At this news, Merlin becomes very concerned. He and Archie retreat to his secluded house where they begin a scholarly search. Not wanting to disturb the newlyweds, Tamara, Fallon, and the Pack head out on an adventure to locate and rescue the foundling. When the team arrives they notice something quite peculiar, a large blanket of snow has covered the landscape of the forest of Arden. Try as they might, they cannot control the snowfall. But haven’t they encountered something like this before? Remember when the eighth land of Avalon was changed due to the wild magic outbreak, not to mention the rest of Avalon itself when the Crown Jewels went missing? But we know of one jewel that can control the icy weather! The snowflake jewel from Glimmer Glenn helps Tamra to control the snowy outbreak, in addition giving her a new wardrobe. But there is still no sign of Tara…
Drake, Josh, and Max try to communicate with the trees, but all of the inhabitants seem to be in a state of confusion! No one can quite agree on where they last saw the child. Fallon uses a newly acquired magic trick, from the twister jewel, that gives her superhuman speed. She zooms around the forest looking for Tara, but to no avail.
And finally, co-founder of the Archive Chris Kanther dug into Arthurian mythology for his entry.
6. Chris Kanther – Jewel Riders Third Season Concept
Over a thousand years before Gwenevere held the Sun Stone, it was entrusted by Merlin and the Lady of the Lake to Queen Guinevere, wife of King Arthur. She used it alongside her husband to protect the land of Albion, and the shining city of Camelot.
While Merlin and the Lady of the Lake used their magic to help the King and Queen, there were other Wizards in Albion as well. Morgana felt that her son, Mordred, should have sat on the throne of Camelot, and waged bitter war against the people of Albion.
In a climactic final battle, Camelot was destroyed, and Arthur and Guinevere used the magic of Excalibur to send the people of Camelot and their daughter Gyneth away with Merlin and the Sun Stone to the hidden land of Avalon.
Arthur’s noblest knights stayed with them, and in a final act of heroism they gave their lives to create the Border Mists that keep Avalon hidden from the rest of the world. Mordred’s armies tried to sail through and capture the mystical land, but were lost in the Border Mists, never to be seen again.
Read the complete blog at The Jewel Riders Archive! http://www.jewelridersarchive.com/posts/writing-challenge-entries-voting/
We can’t thank all the authors enough who contributed to this challenge. It was truly a pleasure reading your ideas and seeing your creativity on display! We would love to see any of these produced!
Now it is time to choose your favorite concept! SELECT ONLY ONE. Vote for your favorite:
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subterraneanhq · 6 years
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Alex Turner
Louis Tomlinson
Madison Beer
Rumina Hoàng
Victoria Monet
Anthony Russell
Charlotte Mia Lainez
Dominic Harrison
Hailey Baldwin
Hayley Williams
Felicite Tomlinson
Lily James
Lindsey Stirling
Louis Tomlinson
Lottie Tomlinson
Lucia Pineda
Miley Cyrus
Nazmina Salem
Noah Centineo
Ruby Renault
Starla Dixon
Tessa Virtue
Travis Lawrence
Tyler Seguin
Zoe Kravitz
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kayleigh-83 · 5 months
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A few miscellaneous shots from Travis and Starla's round.
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kayleigh-83 · 6 days
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Starla's mom Angelie comes over to visit and help them out around the house a bit.
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kayleigh-83 · 5 months
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Starla has all her witch paraphernalia set up and dives into it with enthusiasm!
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kayleigh-83 · 6 days
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Nooboo time is already here for Travis! His daughter Celeste Legault joins the neighbourhood, and I've finally got an alien with actual alien eyes!
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kayleigh-83 · 6 days
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It becomes very clear what the consequences of Travis' alien abduction are! And very soon after, Starla is dealing with some consequences of her own...
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kayleigh-83 · 7 days
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Starla is brushing up on her witchy skills!
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kayleigh-83 · 3 months
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A gathering formed at Gabriel and Paloma's unit in the retirement home tonight. There were a couple drop by guests - Paloma's brother Isaac, and Angelie and Joanna's daughter Starla.
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kayleigh-83 · 5 months
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Running The Orange Zone is a breeze for Travis and Starla, since all they have to do all day is hang out and goof off with their customers!
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kayleigh-83 · 4 months
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Meiko and Darius got married in the park! Their last names (and all the kids) are now Amiri.
The festivities got Starla and Travis feeling frisky!
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kayleigh-83 · 4 months
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Miscellany from the Georgison round!
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kayleigh-83 · 5 months
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Starla wants to be a witch, and I want her to be a witch too.
At this point my gameplay rules are that their niceness points determine their alignment (3 and under is evil and Starla falls squarely in that category) and that they should become friends with the head witch matching their alignment (for neutrals that's either one - I might actually make a neutral townie witch just for this purpose). Then I can just turn them into a witch them myself.
SO, Starla has been hanging around community lots hoping to bump into her - and with a crack of thunder and a downpour of rain, the time had come!
Starla hustled over to flatter, brag and prank, and it worked like a charm. Starla has officially earned her evil witch card!
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