solovetrate · 6 months
Star glass makes lasting impression to your commercial environment
As a top Star glass manufacturer in Italy its our duty to give excellence in our product and services. Whether you want to showcasing your products like jewellery shop, pawn shop or just want to welcoming environment for guests like hotel, restaurant or cafe, Our star glass fulfill your all need in commercial installation in various industries. Installing our star glass in in the office or in the store or in any commercial places, It enhance your brand's identity and ambience of your space.
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akysi · 4 months
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Hey! The personal art train has been incredibly slow lately due to me being absolutely swamped by commission work this past month (thank you so much everyone!), but I’ve been chipping away at some design tweaks for Austri here and finally finished them today :D I told myself that I wasn’t going to do a full sheet, and then promptly changed my mind once it started going well xD I swear these sheets only get longer, haha!
I think the first version of her design was perfectly serviceable as it was so I didn’t change a ton here, but I felt I could give her better overall shapes and commit more fully to the jellyfish inspiration, particularly with her hat. Her first ref sheet was from 2019, so she was due for an update anyway. She’s somehow even more adorable than before :’D Enjoy! ---------- The constellation symbol for Piscis Austinus was originally designed by Denis Moskowitz and released to the public domain.
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starglasszodiac · 3 months
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Hey everybody, I am thrilled to tell you that Starglass Zodiac is now launched! And on the project’s 9th anniversary too :D
I'll put more of my ramblings under the cut below, but here's the gist of what you need to know:
The first two pages are now live HERE
The next page is scheduled for July 22nd, 2024
The dates for future page uploads will be announced on this blog and on the site's homepage as each new page is released
The upload schedule itself will be determined at a later date, as I’m going at my own pace for the time being
The comic site is self-made with only my basic knowledge of website coding, so I will be improving it gradually over time
A cover for Chapter 1 is in the works, so stay tuned for that!
As for this blog specifically, I have the following planned in the coming days:
Updating the pinned post with this new info
General cleanup and updates to old posts, the tag system/list, links, pages, etc.
Checking for posts I forgot to reblog here and tagging them
I will be tagging the majority of prior posts/art with the tag #SGZ spoilers so you can blacklist it if you want to go into the comic completely blind. Note that some posts with this tag may not actually be spoilers anymore depending on how the project/story lore has changed since making them, but better to cover all the bases anyway
I'll decide soon how I will reblog the update posts, as I can do so on either my art blog @akysi or my personal blog @sweet-star-cookie, but I doubt I'll do all three to avoid it getting excessive for those who follow all three (thank you for that! <3)
As I said above, I’m going at my own pace with this comic to ensure that I’m satisfied with every page at my current skill level. That will likely mean a slow pace for uploads, and I am sorry for that ^^’ But, I’ve had this as a passion project for a long time and I want to give it the time and attention it deserves.
I’ve also realized recently that I’ve been subconsciously holding myself to arbitrary rules about how and when I distribute my work when it comes to comics, especially with prior attempts to launch this one. Knowing I don’t actually have to do that has been quite freeing, and I’m excited to go at my own pace like I do with my other work. I do hope to increase the frequency of uploads later on of course, with the ultimate goal being multiple times a week, but trying to do that right away just isn’t feasible right now. Regardless, I am SUPER excited to finally be doing this again, no matter how long it takes!
With having this project for nearly a decade, working on it has gotten me through many, many tough times. The amount of support and enthusiasm that I’ve received from all you lovely people over the years has been nothing short of heartwarming, so thank you all so much <3 I hope you like what you see, and look forward to more. :D Thanks for reading, friends!
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sweet-star-sketches · 3 months
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Coloured Sketch from July 3rd, 2024 Behold... the most important character in Starglass Zodiac ✨Mr. Biscuits✨
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sweet-star-cookie · 8 months
heyooo tell me about the chamaeleon three!
Gladly! Luckily I've updated their designs already too ^_^
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The Chamaeleon Three are a group of “teenage hoodlum” types to challenge Cassie’s quest to restore order between Earth and the Astral Plane. As the story progresses, the imbalance of the spirit world gets stronger as Cassie’s powers do, so the spirits that appear on Earth become more tangible, meaning that more people other than Cassie can see and interact with them over time. The trade-off is they then pose a larger threat to regular people, and that’s where these three come in!
It occurred to me that some of the more troublesome spirits would relish the opportunity to mess with the living world, even withstanding corruption by Void magic, especially after hearing that the Starglass is Cassie, not some kind of iron-clad warrior or another type of powerful figure like they expected. They quickly start wreaking havoc on the town and frame her for it whenever they can. Circumstances aren't exactly great on the Astral Plane as it is, so many also see it as a manner of escape from it, no matter how temporary.
Though they didn't initially choose to be corrupted by Void magic (it happened accidentally for them), they quickly made the most of their situation with anarchy and mischief once they did arrive on Earth. These three learn pretty quickly not to underestimate our little star hero, but still pose a threat that Cassie can’t face on her own, at least not initially.
So in order to catch these three and return them home, Cassie and her friends/family have to get creative to outsmart them or otherwise confront them in different ways, and I think this’ll be a good way to showcase the Earth squad’s differences in personality and resourcefulness, as well as spice up the spirit encounters in general. Here are descriptions for each of them :)
Lynx The tough guy of the three, with an equally brash personality to match. Despite the group's name, he thinks of himself as the leader and is imposing like one. He is never the one actually calling the shots though, as he lacks the brains for strategy. He greatly prefers brute forcing a problem or charging head-first into anything that's in his way.
Lynx is frequently a bully to Lepus for a predator-prey sort of dynamic, though he is easily shut down by Chamaeleon whenever he goes too far or loses focus. He’s usually the one to get caught the most when plans go awry, as he lacks Lepus’s agility and Chamaeleon's camouflage when escaping, but he’s the most capable fighter of the three simply by virtue of being a massive wild cat. You don’t want to mess with those teeth and claws!
He’s a cocky spitfire, known for constantly picking fights and riling things up, often to an extreme degree and at the detriment of himself and/or his group members. He's the type who would mock you for refusing to fight, and then call you a hypocrite for getting angry at him for mocking you. But, his overconfidence speaks to an underlying insecurity, which makes him prone to emotional vulnerability. He will aggressively defend himself should he ever be questioned, which usually leads him to picking fights that he can't win, and he switches between his confident and cowardly sides quite frequently.
While he’s already got a pretty stocky build and his stature isn't just for show, his cape and jacket are meant to make him look even bigger and more important, so you know he’s compensating for something, even if he’d never admit it. Being the (almost) leader of the group gives him a sense of power over others, whether it is warranted or not.
Lepus Probably best described as the cowardly lackey of the group, though not by his own choice. He hates being viewed with a bunny’s inherent cuteness, seeing it as a sign of weakness instead. This can sometimes give him an impulsive need to prove himself, and it typically ends poorly. He has, however, adapted to use it to his advantage.
He’s the type of character who will play to your sympathy and beg you to help him when he’s cornered, only to turn on you as soon as he’s in the clear. That said, he'd be the least likely of the three to become a villain under normal circumstances, if he felt he had a choice in the matter. But alas, history has taught him that he has to be this way to survive at all. He sees this group as all he has, believing that no one would befriend him otherwise, even if they don’t really act much like friends outside of their shared love for mischief and chaos. Though it angers and upsets him, he's used to staying quiet about things that truly bother him to keep the peace or avoid getting yelled at.
As you might expect from a rabbit, he’s got big jumps and swift kicks, and makes up for his lack of physical strength with agility. He’s based on a black-tailed jackrabbit specifically for the long, spindly legs and large ear-to-head ratio. His big ears make him the recon/lookout of the group most of the time, and is the quickest to flee when a plan goes pear-shaped, making it difficult to catch all three of them at once.
If given the choice, Lepus would much rather be an explorer or spelunker, using his quick feet and keen hearing for something more productive. His love of chaos is actually more of a love for adventure and spontaneity, but he found the wrong outlet for it.
Chamaeleon The true leader of the group, hence the name. She goes by Mae for short, but only to those she allows to call her that. Despite her aloof and quiet nature overall, Chamaeleon is the sharpest of the three, and can shut down Lynx’s boisterous attitude or Lepus's shaking cowardice with only a stern look or a blunt word. She’s the brains of the operation, keeps a cool head, and is difficult to outsmart.
She’s even harder to catch with her camouflage, though you’ll know where she’s been with her tags. Being a graffiti artist, she has her spray gun and cans to quickly paint anything she desires, or spray someone else if she's really desperate. Similar to the paint itself, I'd imagine her markings could glow in the dark when she’s not hiding, though she can negate this glow to hide completely when necessary.
Though she’d never show it, Chamaeleon is actually the one who relies on the group dynamic the most. She doesn’t like being apart from them, even if she bullies them when they’re together, and usually favours plans that don’t involve splitting up. In better circumstances she’d probably be the “older sister” type to the other two, looking out for them and making sure they don’t get hurt, but her short fuse and lack of patience doesn't currently lend itself to that kind of dynamic. She is actively mean to them most of the time, though that is often eclipsed by Lynx's louder and more outward type of aggression.
------ So you may be wondering, why did I choose these three to form a group when their constellations normally have nothing to do with each other? Well, that's sort of the point! As you may have noticed, these three don't really get along with each other very well and are dysfunctional as a group, and this is what ultimately leads to their downfall. Their dynamic is meant to be an opposite to the one Cassie has with Demitri, Ellie, and Leena, who are able to work together well despite their individual differences.
After the Chamaeleon Three are returned to the Astral Plane, I plan to explore what happens to them afterwards in a side story that shows the core problems with their group and what they each do about it, but the first part of their arc will be shown in the main story at least.
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starfoam · 2 years
V: The Starglass City Princess!
AKA Marioverse. Lo is the sole “human” of the oceanic Planet Seaglass, and defender of its heart, Starglass City, earning her the unofficial status of being its princess. She keeps the residents - familiarly star-like, yet ocean-bound creatures collectively known as “Bluma” - safe from outside threats. The Bluma all give off a gentle, comforting light, which is powered by the city’s heart - the Seaglass Star, which swirls in glittering, gleaming purples and blues.
Lo’s own origin is a bit ambiguous. She landed on one of the planet’s few surface islands on what was either a rock or a rocket ship, and remembers little from her life beforehand. What she does know is she can breathe indefinitely underwater, double-jump, and create healing items by cooking ingredients she gathers from different plants.
Planet Seaglass is part of the Starry Sea Galaxy, and can be reached only when the launch point is lined up just right with the galaxy’s main sun. While Lo defends Starglass City, her favorite place to visit is the Starburst Belt, a collection of water-covered asteroids which house juicy and unique fruits and vegetables. 
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kassiedoodles-xo · 9 months
Yuki Dragonfly: Wands
season 1-5
As she's the youngest Queen of Ninjago, she is also the youngest Wand weilder.
The first wand is made out of glass. Symbolic of how fragile she was when she received it.
notice how the crystal isn't really secured very well?
The wand is quite small {15cm}
Despite being young, the wand contains 2 of the most powerful crystals known
Pink sapphire and amberdized Starglass
morro was after one thing when he possessed Lloyd. The Crystal's from the cursed realm.
Although he already had one, the only way he'd return Lloyd's body was if he got the other crystal.
In order to save lloyd, Yuki destroyed her wand with the Hushed Spell
The moment the wand was destroyed, he let Lloyd go.
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Season 6 onwards
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After training with the ninja for years, she became stronger, more confident. Her personality growth is reflected in her wand.
This time the wand is solid and strongly secured
The wand is also bigger {30cm}
Not every queen would be lucky enough to get another wand after destroying it.
Especially since Yuki knew only basic wandless magic at this point.
Once destroyed the Ninja had to do one thing
Get the fuck out
They watched as the rocks fell behind them as the caves got destroyed. It was only surprising Morro didn't get destroyed aswell.
So how did she get her new wand?
It fell from the sky
I might add to this later :3
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odd-g0ul · 1 year
Ok so I got excited and I was working on how I would design Bonnie now that his canon design was out.
This is my first sketch, so it could change idk
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Without his starglasses bc starglasses are a nightmare to draw
(This is his animatronic form, I'm getting a new stylist later and will draw more of my anthro fnaf art for him!)
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silversims · 10 months
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Ribbon: ....okay yeah I did that but he didn’t bite me!
Mystic: Ribbon....
Astral: *laughter* Should see Royal face! X sounds! bah!
Starglass: Hey, be nice! We’d be as bad with Sixamese, I promise you that.
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tanoraqui · 2 years
“The hobbits sat in shadow by the wayside. Before long the Elves came down the lane towards the valley. They passed slowly, and the hobbits could see the starlight glimmering on their hair and in their eyes. They bore no lights, yet as they walked a shimmer, like the light of the moon above the rim of the hills before it rises, seemed to fall about their feet.”
– “High Elves” in The Fellowship of the Ring Ch. 1.3 (LotR Daily 9/24) clearly ancient Calaquendi from Valinor. All the glowiness, “House of Finrod”, reference to “Western Seas” as something they might’ve seen themselves…and Elvish eyes retain Treelight, I’m not digging up a description from The Silmarillion to confirm but this is known. But Frodo’s only frame of reference for that is the morning/evening star which holds the last light of the Trees seen in Middle Earth, so he describes it as “starlight.”
The face of Elrond was ageless, neither old nor young, though in it was written the memory of many things both glad and sorrowful. His hair was dark as the shadows of twilight, and upon it was set a circlet of silver; his eyes were grey as a clear evening, and in them was a light like the light of stars. Venerable he seemed as a king crowned with many winters, and yet hale as a tried warrior in the fulness of his strength.
– Elrond in The Fellowship of the Ring Ch. 2.1 (LotR Daily 10/24), less overall glowy but still with starlight in his eyes—how, when he never witnessed the Trees in all their glory? Presumably due to early life exposure to the Silmaril on Elwing’s necklace! (Also note the Lúthienesque allusions to evening and twilight.)
Young she was and yet not so. The braids of her dark hair were touched by no frost; her white arms and clear face were flawless and smooth, and the light of stars was in her bright eyes, grey as a cloudless night; yet queenly she looked, and thought and knowledge were in her glance, as of one who has known many things that the years bring.
– Arwen in The Fellowship of the Ring Ch. 2.1 (LotR Daily 10/24), also with starlight in her eyes. But how, with close exposure to neither Silmarils nor Trees? (Because lbr, Galadriel’s starglass isn’t that bright.) Conclusion: yes Silmaril exposure, via SECRET HALF-ELF GRANDPARENT VISITS
It’s not violating the ban on “walking again on mortal shores” if you just hover your starship a couple (dozen) feet off the ground and drop a rope ladder for the grandkids to climb up to join you :)
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thatsohkai · 1 year
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howdy all! kip here, am i re-introducing myself to you, not really. but kai's my main blog so hi, i'm them. hehe, anyways here is a post tour, organized and updated intro for infinite's bad, baby boy! you can find his profile, kprofile, and pinterest linked and all the updated information is bellow!
 —— welcome to infinite entertainment! it's MALACHI 'KAISO' SOH, who is a SOLOIST. i’ve heard whispers that the 23 year old is pretty CHARMING but lowkey DISQUETED. also, doesn’t he remind you of CHOI YEONJUN?
malachi was born to single mother soh jimin (jaime soh) in daegu. she moved to a suburb of chicago before he was even able to talk so he was raised there. 
he grew up in a south suburb of the city that wasn’t the greatest place, malachi knew night sirens and metal detectors at the doors of his school the next morning. 
his mother struggled with addiction most of his life, and kai often found himself surviving and gathering his basic needs on his own.
he has a love/hate relationship with his mom she was very much not a great woman but she tried.
they didn’t have a lot of cash and kai had to start working at a young age he excelled in school and this allowed him to go to a nice “private” school on scholarship later in his school career, with the extra resources he was able to really excel in the things he loved (art, poetry, music, etc).
with the help of the school and the community around him they budded his love for music and comics and things of that nature, helping get him the things he needed.
while at his new school he met his new gang of friends, and a shared love of music pushed them to form a small little band that took off by being just really really talented kids with a lot of spunk. (side note: fell in love with a girl in said band and well…he’s self destructive.)
but his time there was short lived as the moment he was scouted at a talent competition, (along with another band mate), as their front man he took the first flight they offered to korea and joined a pretty big, though relatively new company. never looking back and getting as far away from jaime as possible.
he came to korea subsequently alone as he does/did his best to cut all contact with the only family he had.
he never got to finish high school in a normal high school and despite being incredibly smart he finished at his performance school with subpar grades, mans was extremely depressed during his trainee days.
at debut
unlike a lot of idols malachi had the opportunity to technically debut 3 times. 
his first debut was in 2013, he debuted as the producer, leader, main rapper and center of epik at starglass entertainment. 
his time in epik was terrible to say the least, his social anxiety began to manifest in its full form. and of course like most companies back then they hadn’t really care and made little efforts to keep it at bay. instead they pushed him to be the face of the band as the only english speaker and member with performance experience and malachi, fighting his own demons was forced to take care of 6 other boys.
epik was the type of group with a boyish sound (i cannoned their disco to being nct dream and seventeen), they were known for their bright colors and fresh concepts and hard hitting, synchronized choreography. 
they were known as a ‘clean group’ absent of scandals and korea’s pride but even in that malachi was not happy.
he did give his all and was granted the third gen ‘it’ boy, title shortly into his debut
even writing and producing most of the groups disco there were seldom any moments he was deliberately proud of the sound and style of the group, on top of his failing mental health and worsening depression. this pushed him to fall from his quiet but entertaining and personable idol to a more reserved, background character of his group even as the leader. while he was a popular member, the decline in his interacting directly led to the slight decline in his popularity.
to add to his work load he was asked to write and produce for his companies girl group at the time (canoned ex-iz*one) later in his career and helped produce a few of their hits
personally he felt as though because of this the company started to ‘neglect him’ a bit more. almost as a punishment for causing fan backlash from his change in ambiance as well as popularity, and eventually decided to prematurely terminate his contract with starglass in 2017.
during his time in epik he’d ground close with their manager, who essentially followed him into the purgatory that was being without a company. he stayed with that manager from the moment he left the epik dorm all the way through his trainee days in the new company.
it was also during his darkest times in epik that he became close with fellow soloist fleur, who resparked the fleeting flame of the job he use to love. she pushed his production career further by allowing him to write a few songs for her, resulting in his very first industry collab as a soloist later dien
during career 
in  the same year malachi found himself slightly homeless but at a new company (PSYCH Ent.)  who was also pretty new themselves. they had two groups under their belt a girl group and a boy group who were popular but not as much (i guess the vibes of like??? g-idle before recently and maybe like stray kids in the very beginning?) but with his faith in them he re-debuted with a new concept, a new sound and something that was unapologetically him.
by 2018 he released a single, under a new name ‘kaiso’ and beneath the new company and it went viral as the ‘ace of epik’ was finally coming back to the industry
it took him a while to get fully back to it and for awhile he simply released one ep and a few singles and collabs before disappearing for a little. and he would continue to do that for awhile. 
though he was hardly in the spot light between releases he gained popularity for a lot of things, and one of them was his ‘big change.’ the dopey leader had become stone cold, he showed his tattoos and faked smiles, he kept his fans close and very few other idols in the industry closer. leaving him with the reputation of being a ‘bad boy.’ backs would straighten and gazes would lower as kaiso entered the green rooms at music shows.
it was a rumor he didn’t care to clear up and honestly enjoyed how people would often not talk to him, leaving him in his little bubble with his fans and company. (think namjoon of bts or eric nam when it comes to fans).
after awhile, with malachi being psych’s biggest money pit, and sent him only on the first infinite tour. it was during this time that malachi met his current girlfriend, officially, and began to open up a bit more to the industry even as they used his past as the ‘biggest reason’ to his success.
but ultimately after the original infinite tour, kai’s company decided to participate in the acquisition for kai’s benefit,. he was their top earning artist and felt like a bigger company would do him good. they decided not to take the two former, veteran groups and while the boy group disbanded, the girls were taken on by a bigger company.
he still likes to refer to himself as a part of PSYC Ent. as the idea of being a part of a bigger company puts a foul taste in his mouth.
as he got bigger he began sending jaime money every month to make sure she was situated and also as an incentive to literally never talk to him again.
infinite tour
during the infinite tour as stated above kai had grown a lot. he acquired space in his friends lives and began to let them take up space in his.
at his current manager’s request he began therapy during the original tour and it had been helping.
he came out with tons of music both years, the constant moving keeping him in the writers room even if it meant he was over worked and overwhelmed.
during the first tour he began to struggle with his idol identity, wondering if he was doing himself a disservice to abandon his years of idol training to become this pariah of low eyes and low energy.
he essentially began retraining and trying to become the idol he was in epik, while staying true to himself unlike he was able to back then.
this led to a lot of uneasiness and malachi scrapping albums after albums over again and putting out more dance oriented tracks, attempting to fall in love with stage again like he’d had in high school.
with the help of some push from friends and a great choreographer (thanks mei) kai released tracks like ‘birthday’., ‘eye on you’ and even was recruited for an all soloist co-ed group by the company (called re:gn) as well as a subsidiary of said group (K!NG)
he quickly became infinite’s only in house producers who was also an idol and has written, produced and composed at least once for every group except tidal. he works the most with braveheart and indigo as their sound(s) are the closest to his style. he’s also the only producer for FLEUR (Kim Seonhwa) and has worked on/produced a lot of the solo releases for a lot of the idols in the company.
with the infinite tour gaining popularity and more idols were beginning to interact with him, he is now known pretty much to be a bit dark and mysterious and unapproachable, but he’s deadass just a ball of shy anxiousness.
during this time he also had come to the conclusion that he loves making music, but detests being an idol but takes the fame anyway because he likes what he does
notable moments include, an incident at a 'kick back' in his home town that would have brought his entire world crashing down. him breaking down into uncontrollable sobs on stage in chicago, and his mother showing up randomly at his seoul town home during a break in the first tour, forcing them to 'revive' their tumultuous relationship. and pre-maturely introduced her to his now current girlfriend.
canons/personality tidbits & quirks
you can call him malachi or kai, though mostly close friends (which he barely has) call him kai
his korean name is soh duri
he’s a scorpio (sun), aquarius (moon) and a taurus (rising)
If you ever work with kai on a song, it’s going to be a masterpiece. not saying it’s bc of his talent as a writer and producer but he’s super particular about music and how it makes people feel
some general aesthetics about him - think of him as, “the feeling of neo soul, marijuana smoke wafting around the studio, the neon lights of the city, the bad boy with a sweet smile, 90s-00s r&b”
he’s the type to be in the studio all night and run off of red bull and cigarettes for the next day
is a pot head and no i’m not sorry about it
if you manage to get close to him he WILL take care of you, always at all times. You well be fed, clothed, and loved through and through
can talk about music all day every day
loves fashion
loves tattoos has drawn all the ones he’s gotten
bi-sexual king, loves him some men and some ladies. 
loves loves art so much
has so much respect for idols before him
quiet boy
give him sweets he’ll become your personal puppy
he’s a brand ambassador for dior but is wanting to possibly change that
he loves anime, manga and comics, fave superhero is spiderman, fave anime is one piece, fave manga is chainsaw man
overall kai is the resident bad boy with a heart of gold. his upbringing makes dealing with his anxiety and anger hard, and his shyness is just something he's working to over come. he's had a hard life in general but the addition of his hard time as an idol has really thrown in him in a hole he's struggling to dig out of. he finds tranquility in the smoke of marijuana or in the arms of the chair in his studio whether he be working on music or art and uses his life experiences to navigate his life in the future. he'll hang on to your every word even if it seems like he's not listening, take in all the little details about you and every gift you receive will always be special...you just gotta...yah know be let in first. so fingers crossed he talks to you!
updates post tour
not much has changed post tour, kai is still pursuing the merging of all the different versions of him, his chicago boy, his global superstar, and who he’s become now.
since coming back to seoul he’s brought on his girlfriend to live with him.
he plans on releasing more music for himself and with various artists by the end of the year
he’s strongly considering changing up his sound and experimenting a bit more out of his r&b wave.
he’s wanting to branch out a bit more, get in with some idols he hasn’t really talked with as well as mend some relationships he’s broken a bit.
also loathes the reality tv idea but is happy they’ll be stationary for awhile.
will add more as post tour goes!
connections/wanted plots
 motive - kai notices that you’re  getting close to him. he can feel the lingering eyes and notice the soft touches but you’ve always been some sort of loose canon. he can’t tell if this bad boy/girl/person demeanor is real and if it is what are you motives with a shy and quiet being like him? (open to anyone)
first love - kai’s relationship with music is something that can be admired, he gets accolades from interviewers and other artists and thats the thing you bond over. you often find yourselves sharing earphones or in some studio. whether you’re dancing, creating or singing its easy for night to turn into day just in each other’s presence. now your friendship goes beyond music. you’re each others confidants in your most stressful moments. (danbi)
pretty little fears - he’d grown a crush on you from afar, but after a chance encounter he seems to be infatuated. his shy and bashful demeanor battles with his want to play cool. and he finds himself lost in watching you speak and aching to hold your hand, wanting to sweep you off your feet but...his anxiety just wont allow it just yet. (dae)
midnight sky - malachi and your relationship was one full of electricity. but one thing he couldn’t handle was feeling small. you’re older than him and in the midst of the rendezvous he felt as if he was a baby toddling after you at all times. maybe it was the way you treated him or maybe it was his own insecurities, but sometimes he finds him self missing the security of your arms. breaking up was some form of rebellion in his eyes and he pretends to feel liberated but he’s not sure if his pride got in the way of something good, or if he dodged a controlling bullet.
nonchalant - to say you have a feud in the industry is maybe an overstatement but the boiling blood is still aroused. you’ve been an artist of your caliber for awhile and you think malachi is gimicky. his transfer from being in such a big idol group to kr&b was a large leap and the inkling that he’s riding on old fame with a fake image is a prickle in your mind. kai respects you too much as an artist and often finds himself trying to prove to you that he’s where he should be. even if that means muddling disses into his music. 
best friend/patonic soulmates (can be plotted) (seungho)
industry friends ( 0/3 would be kind of like a clique of friends that are known in the industry similar to the third gens ‘97 liners )
produced for you/your group
smoke buddies (hanuel a friend he often takes care of/babies (ren)
older sibling figure (seonhwa)
old bandmate that he got scouted with (angel)
manager (ilsu)
mother figure (islu)
and literally anything else pls just love him
muse overviews and analysis & extra links
✘ character study #1 - 'a good boy's bad habits' ✘ character study #2 - 'the stage' ✘ the muse as zodiac signs ✘ favorite stage outfits - 2021 / 2022 / 2023 ✘ general task #1 ✘ character study #3 - 'the idol': photoset 1 / 2 / 3 / analysis & viral moments ✘ playlist #1 - 976 E. 132nd Pl. Chicago, IL (subject to be replaced/updated) ✘ komca credits ✘ through the eras - malachi ‘kaiso’ soh ✘ muse tag
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solovetrate · 7 months
Star Glass Ensures Unparalleled ease of use with transition
Solo Vetrate, A Leading Star glass manufacturer, provides you with creative solutions to turn your surroundings into an artful heaven. Our Star Glass will unlock the full potential of your space, whether you're a art developer looking to redefine architecture or a homeowner looking for installation in your home or space. We use premium materials and test them to make sure they are long-lasting and durable. Each and every part that goes into making our star glass is expertly made in Italy. Our Star Glass is the ideal choice for your particular requirement in a business or residential project, guaranteeing unmatched satisfaction at every stage.
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akysi · 8 months
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Finally, some more art! This time it’s a complete redesign for Aranea; a new concept, personality, story role, colour scheme, the works! She was originally a minor character, and while that’s still somewhat true here, I’ve specifically tied her role to the main plot via her new concept, and the reason she’s nicknamed “The Star Weaver”. Using her magic needle, she’s able to “weave” remnants of dead constellations and create glass portraits of them, which are then placed in the astral mausoleum to preserve their memory. Conceptually speaking, I wanted to combine the idea of lines connecting stars in a constellation, the connecting lines in a spider’s web, and the lines between pieces of stained glass to create Aranea’s core idea here.
The constellation for Aranea is based on the yellow sac spider, labelled as the “long-legged spider” by its original mapper, though I’ve incorporated a bit of orb weavers to match the theming too. I did leave a few hints at her previous peacock spider inspiration, primarily in her glasses and head stripes. Her glasses are meant to be like large, dark voids that conceal her expression, you never quite know what she’s thinking. This matches with her overall aloof and quiet personality, usually only speaking when absolutely necessary.
The first two months of the year are always odd ones for me, usually a lot of aimless sketching and WIPs until something gets finished (outside of commission work, of course), but I really like how this came out! It took the usual amount of workshopping and I’ve had it as a WIP for a while, but luckily it didn’t fight me as much as I thought it might.
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starglasszodiac · 2 months
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Alright, Page 5 is now LIVE! (hey, that rhymes!)
I want to get better with rendering bubbles and water effects in general (I will definitely have a lot of opportunities with this comic in particular!) but I still really like how this one came out :D
The next update will be on August 5th, 2024. Thanks for reading! <3 ————— ARCHIVE
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sweet-star-sketches · 7 months
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Rough WIP from March 17th, 2024
whoops guess you're getting a rough design for Apus tonight too lol
The name Apus means "without feet", as apparently these birds were once thought to not have any, and I thought that would fit perfectly into a double peg-leg to match the pirate theme she's got. A bird-of-paradise could be any number of species under that name though, so I've incorporated attributes from several here, particularly the sicklebills and the various species that have those distinct tail feathers, of both the long and curly varieties. I may give her an actual sickle as a secondary weapon too, we'll see!
Even after I decided to add her to Columba's crew, I'd been stumped for a LONG while on what direction to take with the design in general and FINALLY I have one that I really like, especially after giving her the more harpy-ish treatment like Grus's current sketch. Pretty proud of the symbol integration on this one so far too, some are easier than others!
Symbol Design for Apus by Denis Moskowitz
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sweet-star-cookie · 23 days
🌹 for Aries! What do you fear goat boy 🔫
Ooooh! From this ask post: 🌹- What's this OC's biggest fear?
After ranting loudly about being a sheep not a goat, Aries replies with a vehement "NOTHING!" (a lie) Overhearing this, Capricorn looks knowingly at the audience.
Aries's biggest fear stems from the expectations of his constellation's lineage, most of whom were large and powerful paladins. Some (but not all) of these expectations are self-imposed, however, based on his own perception of himself. His stature, his temperament, many things about himself do not align with the traditionally heroic and chivalrous image that previous incarnations of Aries possessed, and this has created a lot of insecurity for him.
He of course masks this insecurity with anger, cantankerous arguing and extreme stubbornness, but underneath all of that he often feels deeply inadequate for the responsibilities set before him, especially as the danger escalates on the Astral Plane. While he's certainly not the only warrior-type person among the zodiac, having enough constellations in general to combat the rise in Void magic corruption and protect those who cannot protect themselves is a tall order to begin with.
In other words, his biggest fear is that he truly is as inadequate as he feels, both emotionally and physically. That he's truly the loud, angry jerk that many see him as and nothing more. A lot of his character arc involves confronting this feeling and controlling his anger without losing his sense of self, and getting a rather rude awakening about what and who is most important in his life. He may be kicking and screaming the whole time, but his growth is not from a lack of effort. He gets in his own way a lot, but he is always, always trying.
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