travel-every-day · 5 years
The darkest nights produce the brightest stars ✨ 🚐💨 . L E N I - H I P P I E - B U S - #vanconversion #campervan #camper #westfalia #westfaliacamper #vwbus #vwbuslovers #vanlifers #vanlifedreams #vanlifetheory #vanlifeexplorers #vanlifesociety #ontheroad #outboundliving #theoutboundcollective #keepitsimple #vandwellinglife #vandwelling #stargazing #stargazingabc #timelapse #switzerland🇨🇭 (at Personico, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuraRyLHb5A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u4tmq598fti
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flirtation-device · 6 years
Things I’ve Done This Week Sun 27 May 18
By accident, ended up at an NDIS meeting to support a disabled friend in getting funding and support. Awesome meeting, she’s getting support she’s fought for, we all had coffee afterwards, I reminded her we have an extension on our essays
Had old mate service my car, 98 Excel, she cleaned up a beauty 
Did a volunteer shift at Heide and made sure no one poked the artwork, spent a lot of time with Urs Fischer and Diane Arbus works
Watched ABC Stargazing Live from my couch 3 days in a row, it was glorious, Australia set a new record for stargazing
Took a sample aptitude test for air traffic controlling and got 4/4, considering a career change if art doesn’t work out, and daydreaming about being wealthy and clever
Went to our fave bar with homedawg @stormwindjack for mulled wine and board games and cider and barrel of monkeys
Adopted a perfectly alive succulent in a good stone pot someone chucked out on their hard rubbish
Had my neck done by my wizard osteopath
Went to an awesome artist talk with my mate Katie, by artist Ronnie van Hout who talked about UFO sightings and alien movies while we drank green gin and tonics
Finished a little painting for inclusion in a group show by St Lukes Colourmen (paint makers in Melb) on show soon
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douggyi · 6 years
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09 Apr, 2018. A shining sea of stars 🚢 🌊 Way out to sea and just over the horizon a cargo ship moves down the coast, its lights seeming to answer the fluorescent spill from a street light near the photographer’s position. The endless thud of waves crashing over the rocks beats a slow rhythm to mark time for the stars of the Milky Way as they make their nightly crawl across the roof of the sky. 🌌 In my late childhood and early teen years, I spent lots of hours clambering over these rocks with my siblings, looking for shells, driftwood & unusual pebbles during holiday times. The location is Tuross Head, on the southeast coast of my state of New South Wales, Australia. My children, now in their twenties, have also enjoyed many holidays at this place of peace and relaxation. None of them nor my wife have ever joined me on an outing to see and photograph the wonders of the night sky, either here or anywhere else. They’re missing out on so much! 📷 This image is a single-frame photograph, captured with a Canon EOS 6D MkII camera, a Rokinon 24mm lens @ f/2.4, with a 13-second exposure @ ISO 6400. • • • • • @astro_photography_ @space @universe247 #astro_photography_ #astronomy #astrophotography #darkskyshots #elitelongexposures #fantastic_universe #globalpixels #ig_astrophotography #ig_shutterworld #night_shooterz #nightimages #nightphotography #nightscape #nightscapeoz #nightscaper #nightshooters #stargazing #startalkradio #timelessuniverse #universe #universetoday #WeOwnTheNight_IG #night_excl #StargazingABC #super_longexpo #milkyway #galaxy #WOTN_MilkyWay #MilkyWayChasers #MilkyWayGrams @eurobodalla (at Tuross Head, New South Wales)
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spacettf · 7 years
Emu over Cathedral Rocks by Carlos Orue Via Flickr: The Emu in the Sky ie. The Milky Way, rises high over the horizon above an old volcanic rock site weathered by strong Pacific Ocean waves called Cathedral Rocks found on the east coast of the Australia, near the town of Kiama. A last minute decision to head out and capture some stars lead me to the coast as far away from light pollution as possible. Luck was on my side when I decided to trek along the coastal rocks as the tide was at its highest and beginning to drop.
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#Star trails over the Indian Ocean at the Cocos (Keeling) Islands 🌴 #StargazingABC #discovernature #discover_australia #travel #traveling #twitter #tbt #seeaustralia #exploreaustralia #longexposure #love #nature #natgeotravel #natgeo #night #nightphotography #instagram #instagood #photooftheday #indianoceanexperiences (at West Island Cocos Is)
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balingupheights365 · 7 years
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075/365 Night sky romance. 😍 🌌 Terrific snap by guests Lucas and Angelique enjoying a moment under the spectacular night sky. Thanks for sharing. #balingup #balingupheights #balingupheights365 #blackwoodrivervalley #balingupexperiencethemagic #sliceofheaven #justanotherdayinbalingup #365project #nightsky #stargazing #stargazingABC (at Balingup Accommodation - Balingup Heights Hilltop Forest Cottages)
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boomerangfish · 6 years
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Such a big tripod for such a teeny telescope! Ready for #stargazingabc Star Party #worldrecordattempt (at The University of Sydney)
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carlosvonjackal · 6 years
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Trying to break a world record #stargazingliveabc #stargazingabc #Brisbane #moon #nikon #celestron #worldrecord (at Roma Street Parkland)
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nellnewey · 7 years
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🌜✨⭐One of my absolute favourite things about the Farm is zero light pollution, I think the light over the hill is light pollution from Bathurst, because I doubt Sofala give any light pollution.🌟🌠 #home #farm #ilford #stars #galaxy #sky #nightphotography #Winter #fire #nsw #unearthcentralnsw #mudgeeregion #farmlife #landscape #nature #gumtrees #australia #instagram #nofilter #beautiful #visitnsw #canon #longexposure #80d #abcopen #stargazingABC #ilovensw (at Ilford, New South Wales)
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willbullimore · 7 years
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Orion Nebula - 146 second exposure, Canon 5D Mk II attached to Meade LX200 Telescope (approx focal length of 2500 mm) at f10, 1600 ISO #StargazingABC #astronomy #astrophotography #orion #orionnebula #nebula #space #thefinalfrontier (at Warrumbungle National Park)
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startalkradio · 6 years
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#Repost @nightscapades ・・・ 25 Sep 2018. Bioluminescence on Mars 😱 This whole scene looks very eerie, to me. The time was around 3:00 am, and Mars was very low in the southwestern sky. Its reflection was so bright! The bioluminescence in the water was also brilliant, and I wanted to line the two up so that the light from Mars would be reflected in one of the small pools of bio on the sandbar. 👏 There have been several photos that I’ve posted where I’ve mentioned my amazement that the light from a celestial object, so far away from us, is still strong enough to penetrate our atmosphere and then be reflected off some wet surface. Being able to pair that amazement with my excitement at photographing bioluminescence for the first time was worth all of the failed shots that it took to get this one. Failing is one of the many great things about digital photography, though. Learning from a failed photo is way cheaper and requires so much less time in the digital realm that it ever did in the film days. 📷 This photograph is a single-frame image that I shot with my Canon EOS 6D Mk II camera, a Rokinon 24mm lens @ f/2.4, for a 15-second exposure @ ISO 6400. • • • • • @astro_photography_ @space @universe247 @photographerfocus #astro_photography_ #astronomy #astrophotography #darkskyshots #elitelongexposures #fantastic_universe #globalpixels #ig_astrophotography #ig_shutterworld #night_shooterz #nightimages #nightphotography #nightscape #nightscapeoz #nightscaper #nightshooters #stargazing #startalkradio #timelessuniverse #universe #universetoday #WeOwnTheNight_IG #night_excl #StargazingABC #super_longexpo #mars #bioluminescence @eurobodalla https://www.instagram.com/p/BoQMmMUB_5c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mijohf6oj1ey
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douggyi · 6 years
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26 Feb, 2018. Shhh! The antennas are sleeping 🤷🏼‍♂️ Yep, I’m stuck for something to post, once again. Too much cloud and too much moon means my diminishing archive of not-previously-posted photos are going to suffer some searching and scouring over the next couple of weeks. 🛰 🚀 Tonight’s image is from my visit to NASA’s Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex at Tidbinbilla, in the Australian Capital Territory. I was located about 3km (1.9mi) from the two antennas that I captured in the shot, using my 50-500mm zoom lens. The two dishes (DSS-45 & 35, I think) were in the “stowed” position for this photo. I guess even deep-space antennas need their beauty sleep! 📷 This photo was shot with a Canon EOS 6D Mk II camera, a Sigma 50-500mm lens @ 313mm focal length @ f/6.3, 10 sec @ ISO 400. @astro_photography_ @space @universe247 #astro_photography_ #astronomy #astrophotography #darkskyshots #elitelongexposures #fantastic_universe #globalpixels #ig_astrophotography #ig_shutterworld #night_shooterz #nightimages #nightphotography #nightscape #nightscapeoz #nightscaper #nightshooters #stargazing #startalkradio #timelessuniverse #universe #universetoday #WeOwnTheNight_IG #night_excl #StargazingABC #super_longexpo #nasa #canberra #tidbinbilla #satellite (at Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex)
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waltb31 · 5 years
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Milky Way over Ralph’s Bioluminescent Bay, South Arm Peninsula, Southeast Tasmania, Australia 🇦🇺 Who would you share this magnificent romantic view with? #MilkyWay #BioluminescentBay #Tasmania #Australia #StargazingForTwo #BeautyOfNature #Romantic #BucketList 📸Breathtakingly beautiful photo capture by @james.garlick #Repost @james.garlick ・・・ "Bioluminescent Bay" — Bioluminescent Phytoplankton or "Sea Sparkles" as seen along the neck of the South Arm Peninsula. I'm so stoked I had the opportunity to witness this stuff and it was great taking to kids down to see the glow as they walked through the water. As the tide began to rise the foreshore disappeared under soup of bioluminescent blue, agitated by waves splashing across the surface. South Arm Peninsula, Hobart, Tasmania. #milkyway #milkywaychasers #galaxy #night_excl #amazing_australia #tasmaniagram #longexposure #astrophotography #timeless_universe #earthpix #natgeo #wildlifeplanet #nakedplanet #instatassie #phytoplankton #stargazingabc https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1N81OgLAW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q9wzrf81gwf6
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West Island settlement under a starry night. #StargazingABC #discovernature #discover_australia #night #stars #longexposure #love #travel #traveling #twitter #instagram #instagood #indianoceanexperiences #cocos #cocoskeelingislands #seeaustralia #exploreaustralia #ig_australia #travelling #photooftheday #wbw #beautiful #nightphotography #natgeotravel (at West Island Cocos Is)
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accosia101 · 5 years
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Good night people😴😴😴 Milky Way Over Sea Sparkle Bay South Arm Peninsula, Tasmania. Photo by📸 @james.garlick - @Australia #milkyway #milkywaychasers #galaxy #galacticcenter #discovertasmania #nightsky #bioluminescence #amazing_australia_ #tasmaniagram #longexposure #astrophotography #timeless_universe #earthpix #natgeo #nightphotography #wildlifeplanet #nakedplanet #seeaustralia #fantastic_universe #ig_masterpiece #world_shotz #seeaustralia #longexposure_shots #universetoday #NatgeoSpace #photooftheday #fantastic_earth #ig_shotz #stargazingabc #night_excl #hubsunited https://www.instagram.com/p/Bva0pjDAFXf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nsy7olzpn7jr
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