broodingheroine · 2 months
Heya! I grew up on Stargate and Stargate:Atlantis so I love that you’re currently into it. Favorite character? Also, who are your favorite batfam members? I have a special place in my heart for Cass and Duke
RODNEY!!!! I'm not done with sga yet but I only have like a season and a half i believe
for batfam, 100% dick. I love him so much.
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wilsons-limped-husband · 11 months
As I saw others do
And so preper for the doom
✨Facts about me (a lifeless writer)✨
Name Gregory James but I also go by William and Tyler (or for fun jimmeh)
Nationality: Romanian
I'm a transmasc, queer (I'm just confused), grey-aromantic
Pronouns: he/him
Sports I practice: figure skating
Fandoms: Sherlock, HouseMD and Star Trek, Hamilton (both the historical and the musical), Stargate:Atlantis, Dead poets Society
The ships I ship: Too many to count
Fave colors: grey, white, black
Bored most of the time so I'll either reblog, post hella random thoughts or just exist and piss of everyone
I have a House ask blog (go check it out) : @ask-dr-lawsuit-magnet
And a Moran (from Sherlock) ask blog:
And a writing side blog:
And a side blog for nothing on my tablet
I also have a vent blog (plz don't look at it):
My moots (tell me if you want to be removed):
Random shit 'bout me
My Spotify
⭐️ alone only child, please talk to me i love chatting
⭐ I'm a sad theater kid 😭😭
⭐️professional idiot, certified yapper
⭐pulled so many suicide moves I'm starting to think I need therapy, but I won't tell anyone about them
⭐I realized I was trans when I was 2 or 3 years old (how the hell, don't ask)
⭐Actual writer (writing my second book but, shhh)
⭐I'm bored like always and I have a lot of free time in my hands
⭐I'm 170cm (I think this means 5'8")
⭐I'm constantly wearing headphones so please don't take offense if I'm wearing a pair when I'm talking to you. I just want to cancel some of the noise that's around, not you ml
⭐ my tag for my stuff: #greg j. rambles , #greg j. answers #silly 🥝 , #pinga
⭐ if I don't answer your ask, it means I like it a lot and want to keep it as a memory but I usually do
If you got here you should know that I sign my anon messages with:
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pennyplainknits · 4 months
20 questions for writers
@steddie-island tagged me
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
171, split between fic, podfic, and vids. If all my podfic was up there it would be a lot more, I think I'm in the 200s for podfic but a lot of it is just at the audiofic archive
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Today I learned AO3 has a stats panel (I'm generally pretty anti tracking anything like that, I don't look at subscribers or kudos or whatever). Anyway it's 690,677
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm incredibly multifannish. It would take too long to list them all but they include Stranger Things, Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate:Atlantis, Bandom, Hockey RPF, Merlin. psych, Leverage, White Collar, Schitts Creek, Kim's Convenience, Torchwood, and probably many more I've forgotton.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Again, had no idea this was a thing you could tell!
Lord Drake's Bequest (a Merlin fic)
Sweet, Sweet Love (which is a collaborative hockey rpf podfic)
All New Kinds of Weather (Hockey rpf)
Everyone Sings Hallelujah (Hockey rpf)
Je Te Veux (collaborative art, fic and podfic for Inception)
I assume the kudos for the two podfics is actually for the written fic.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! It sometimes takes a while but I cherish each one and do try and respond. Comments are so valuable to me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Conflagration a very short Cody/Obi-Wan fic that is kind of an Au of a Au (the main au is Soft Wars by @thefoundationproject) It has a bittersweet open ending and I'm still very pleased with it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't generally write sad fics I don't think? One that i'm pleased with because i think it did exactly what I wanted is Sourwood Mountain, a Stranger Things fic focussing on Wayne Munson. I think saving your nephew with the power of Appalachian folk music counts as a happy ending!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I know of! I did get a few disappointed comments on one of my fics as it ran counter to a very popular slash pairing but I don't think that counts as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I'm not sure how you'd characterise it- I guess I'm interested in sex scene that tell you something about the person, and in different kinds of queer- I'm so pleased with How Sweet the Taste for example, because I wanted to write a very queer sex scene between a man and a woman, one of whom is a lesbian.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes! Love a cracky crossover. I've written Inception- Batman crossovers, Stargate:Atlantis- Torchwood crossovers, I'm pretty sure I've written a psych-Leverage one....
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A very long time ago someone turned one of my Merlin fics into .... I think a soccer rpf? But they took it down when I asked.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep, both formally (two of those fics in the kudos list were co-written) and informally in that I often bat ideas around with friends as I write and I find that vital for the writing process.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
There's no way I can pick one!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I'd really like to finish this Anakin vid I'm working on, but it's a very long song and one without a lot of motion in, which is proving a challenge
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm funny. I also think I'm good at making the physical environment clear in fic- like my fics have a strong sense of place.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel I'm often arguing with a bad-faith reader in my head, which can mean it's hard to sometimes leave things unsaid.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i can't honestly say I have any! Star Wars fic often has Mando'a in it, so I'm used to seeing it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published? Stargate:Atlantis. Drawerfic....you'll have to guess.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I've written so many it's hard to pick! I like Liked it, Put a Ring on it which is a Schitts Creek fic, as I think I nailed the (very distinctive) voices of the characters. I also like Just Like Kisses on the Necks of Best Friends, the Mike Wheeler character study because I love that little guy.
Gosh that was a lot of words!
Tagging anyone who wants to do it!
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horridporrid · 2 years
A (not-so) brief introduction...
I thought it might be interesting (for me, anyway), as I take tentative steps out into the Tumblr world, to share a little of my fandom history. (This got a bit long; I've been fandoming for longer than I'd realized!)
I started off in the long, long ago when the internet was young and gentle and everyone was on list serves and... whatever those circle things were? That linked a bunch of different webpages together and you were never quite sure what you'd get when you'd click in on one? I was a fresh-faced graduate stepping out into the world so this was all tied up to a bunch of firsts. First apartment. First "real" job. First water bill, etc.
I'd begun reading The Wheel of Time books and was hungry for more content (I think "A Crown of Swords" was just releasing in hardback?) and the online fandom delivered. But Tor and Jordan were both death to fanfic and I could only pour over the various in-book mysteries for so long. So I ended up in X-Files fandom with its more timely content and deeper well of fan-works. (Interestingly, I participated in WoT but lurked in XF. The creativity of the fic-writers and analysis of the essayists in XF fandom impressed and intimidated. Very, who I want to be when I grow up, energy.)
Then came Harry Potter and fandom fully took me by the throat. I joined the highly organized Yahoo group, Harry Potter for Grownups, and that led me to the freewheeling world of LiveJournal. This was the halcyon days of actively queering and interrogating the text, of hurt/comfort bingo and the Pornish Pixies. It was a wild mix of the intellectual and the erotic and that led, of course, to Strikethrough.
So LiveJournal began its slow death (Ao3 bursting from its still smoldering ashes like a phoenix) and somewhere in there a weird fandom Venn diagram led me to Stargate:Atlantis. I bounced back and forth between HP and SG:A for a long while as LiveJournal users slowly trickled out to freer fields. I think part of me was waiting to see what field would win (I recall Dreamwidth and Tumblr as the biggest contenders). But also, life stuff was happening and I was pulling back from active fandom involvement.
Anyway, HP concluded. SG:A got cancelled. I got into k-dramas and went to Wordpress for a bit. Then life stuff happened even harder and I stopped fandoming entirely.
Voltron: Legendary Defender pulled me back in. Sort of. I was still leery of too much fandom commitment so I ended up on Reddit. I did lurk on Tumblr (mainly for the delicious fan-art) but V:LD fandom brought the drama, unfortunately, so I wasn't tempted to join.
Then WoT arrived on Prime and everything changed. I got excited about fandom again. I'm still leery of going too hard on fannish things but frankly, Reddit WoT on Prime fandom hasn't been enough. (Also, between the racism and the misogyny, it's the Reddit side of fandom bringing the drama this time. So even when it's active it can be exhausting.)
My feelings about The Wheel of Time book series is... complicated. (A post for another day?) But I'm adoring the direction the show seems to be taking things and I've had thoughts and shared thoughts (on Reddit) and expect I'll probably have more thoughts I'll want to spill out into the world (for better or worse) when new info drops. Tumblr seems like a cool place to do it.
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Ok, I have a huge fracking problem.
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Any of you heard of Stargate: Atlantis? Yeah, my Mom LOVES the Stargates from the original movie all the way to Atlantis. They’re pretty cool and relaxing. Atlantis is the coolest though. When I was little I watched every episode (Having a thing for Joe Flanigan at the time.).
We’ve got a thing now though: every evening we watch something together, usually an episode of Lost, y’know, Reba, relaxing things like that. A couple of weeks ago we started up Stargate: Atlantis again.
Usually during Stargate it’s background noise for me while I write on my PC blaring dubstep or Danheim music from my headphones. I know most of the earlier Atlantis episodes by heart anyway. But then, I look up one fateful evening and see
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And I just
Like really when did he get hot (Teyla too damn)
And just overnight like BAM he’s suddenly up there with Bloom and Tom as if by magic.
And then I just
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But when the time came for fan fiction, yes fan fiction, I found myself utterly shocked when Tumblr (And most of the internet for that matter) yielded NOTHING.
So great.
I am now the Chosen One to write all the Michael/Trip Tucker fanfiction on the internet.
@hauntedsiriel @tesserphantom @shitis-getting-real
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bomberqueen17 · 6 years
I just watched Stargate Atlantis for the first time with my sister and I just wanted to let you know just how much your fic made the the whole experience a million times better. It colored the whole experience, and whether you write more or not, you've made this fandom so much more enjoyable for me and my sister, so thank you!
Awwww thanks!!!!
I recently got a jerky comment on one of those old stories along the lines of how dare i leave it incomplete, but at almost the same time, I got a little mini-thread of nice comments too, from a person who was delighted to take them as they were, even unfinished, and another person who saw the first comment and agreed. And it made a ton of difference. 
I’m sorry I drifted out of the fandom before I could tie everything up, but I’m glad I made what I did, took what spoke to me and turned it back outward to speak to others. And I’m glad it found you and spoke to you too! That’s the curious thing about fanworks-- how they’re about what meanings people bring to those stories, and tease out of them, and not really at all about what the stories’ commercial creators may or may not have intended, or thought through, or had time to explore. 
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qsdblogging · 3 years
Another 10 TV Shows You Should Give A Shot If You Haven’t Already
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This is the third installment of my recommendations of shows for you to add to your own lists. I watch a lot of television and I’ve got, what I consider to be at least, a wide variety of shows under my favorites.
If you haven’t seen the first or second list, you don’t need to unless you want to see another list of ten shows you may want to check out if you’re looking for anything new to watch.
Warning, though, some of these don’t end the best way and may end up more as a disappointment. I’ll leave that up to you to decide.
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I. The Librarians.
Does this have to do with the movie franchise The Librarian? Yes. 
The Library has chosen a new group to help safeguard magical cursed artifacts throughout time and around the world. An art historian, a thief, a mathematician, and a warrior are tasked with finding and saving all the mysterious, ancient artifacts. (IMDB). 
This show covers action, adventure, comedy, horror, fairy tales, and much more. It’s a good choice of a new show if you’re a fan of Doctor Who and Warehouse 13, which then makes this feel like a strange mixture of the two shows. 
You might find some familiar faces in Rebecca Romijn who has played the older version of Mystique in the X-Men movies, Christian Kane who’s acted in Angel, Leverage, Supernatural, and is quite the Country singer, and Noah Wyle who is the original Librarian from the movie series reprising his role, Fallen Skies, ER, and Donnie Darko.
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II. My Babysitter’s A Vampire.
Technically, this did air on Disney. However, it was a Canadian production if I’m remembering correctly. The show follows after the events of the movie by the same title, so I suggest giving the movie a watch first for some background before diving into the show. 
Now, because of the fact that it aired on Disney, it is a little more child friendly but it’s still quite a good show if you’re looking for a laugh. It holds more than just vampires and while things happen a little quickly (in the movie, at least) everything makes sense.
Unfortunately, it only has two seasons, but it’s worth a watch if you’re looking for something a little more light-hearted than most of this list.
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III. Killjoys.
In the Quad, a planetary system on the brink of a bloody interplanetary class war, a fun loving trio of bounty hunters attempt to remain impartial as they chase deadly warrants. (Taken from IMDB).
Set in space with loads of action and adventure with all the added scifi bonuses. And while I haven’t gotten around to watching the show in full myself, I do quite enjoy what I’ve already seen of it. 
I highly recommend giving it a shot.
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IV. Dark Matter.
Set in the 27th century, Dark Matter focuses on six people who wake up on a deserted spaceship with no memory of who they are or what exactly they’re doing there. The six of them reluctantly team up and set off to find answers regarding their presence on the ship together with the help of a female android.
If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m quite the fan of scifi and futuristic shows. Dark Matter was unfortunately cancelled, but not until it already produced three kickass seasons. 
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V. Stargate SG-1.
If you’re a scifi fan, chances are you’ve seen this or heard of it. Maybe you’re like me, who grew up watching it over and over again because rewatching shows seems to run in the family. 
However, if you want to give this a go, be aware that there is a movie you need to watch first, Stargate (1994), that gives a bit of background before jumping into the show. Warning, actors were changed from the movie to the show but once the show started, those actors stay in those roles. 
Stargate SG-1 follows a secret military team formed to explore other planets through the discovered form of space travel, the stargate. It spans over 10 full seasons and a couple of movies too. Plus, two spin-offs.
I highly recommend watching this show if you’re a fan of scifi, ancient mythology, and just wacky goodness in general.
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VI. Stargate: Atlantis.
Stargate: Atlantis is the first of two spin-offs to Stargate SG-1. This team is sent to a whole other galaxy in order to expand interplanetary communications and trade and end up coming across a whole new powerful enemy. You might see a familiar face or two pop up and I don’t just mean characters from SG-1. 
It’s a great spin-off and while the third spin-off (Stargate Universe) is not on the list, if you like the first two shows, you should give the third a shot. I, personally, have not seen or gotten around to seeing the third installment of the Stargate shows just yet, so I won’t recommend it until I do.
(Plus, Jason Momoa is in this one!)
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VII. Sleepy Hollow.
When Ichabod Crane is resurrected and pulled two and a half centuries through time to unravel a mystery that dates all the way back to his founding fathers, things get a little crazy in the town of Sleepy Hollow.
While I’m a huge fan of sci-fi, I’m also quite the fan of fantasy. Sleepy Hollow was a wonderful show while it lasted and while it’s been a while since I’ve watch it on any screen, I know I’m still going to love it as much as I did when I first saw it. 
(Keep in mind, there are some issues that happened BTS with the lead Nicole Beharie [played Abbie, who is pictured above] and how they treated her alongside her character, so I completely understand not wanting to give this a go if that bothers you!)
And you might recognize a few faces amongst the cast. Orlando Jones who’s known for his role in American Gods, John Noble who’s known for roles in Elementary, Salvation, Legends of Tomorrow, and Fringe, Nikki Reed who known for the Twilight Saga, and Janina Gavankar who is known for her roles in The Morning Show, The Vampire Diaries, and The Mysteries of Laura.
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VIII. Firefly.
Now, if you know underrated shows, there’s a high chance you know Firefly. Firefly is one of Joss Whedon’s works that unfortunately got cut way too short in its life span. 
Even with only 14 episodes to its single season and a movie that wraps up the story on the big screen (but don’t worry, there’s extra content available online to find to know more about the lovable Browncoats), Firefly is highly respected.
Set in the future, the show follows a ragtag team of renegades aboard a small ship named Serenity (Class: Firefly), they find themselves wrapped up in a bigger mess than intended and work their way out of it the best they can while still evading the authorities trying to hunt them down.
Now, Firefly had been aired out of order so I highly recommend searching up the correct order before giving the show a shot just so you understand everything going on. 
The cast is full of familiar faces that include Nathan Fillion who is best known for his roles on Castle, The Rookie, Big Mouth, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and Con Man, plus his upcoming role in the second Suicide Squad film, Gina Torres who is known for her roles in Angel, Westworld, Pearson, and Suits, Morena Baccarin who’s known for her roles in the Deadpool movies, The Flash, Gotham, and V, and a young Zac Efron even appears in an episode. 
I will always highly recommend this show to people looking for something quick to binge while also being highly entertaining and catching. 
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IX. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
If you’re a Whedon fan or was alive at any point in the 90s, or have a father like mine, you’ve probably seen this show. Hopefully, you’ve at least heard of it if you haven’t seen it. The title kind of explains it, but you get seven full seasons (plus a bunch of comics that continue the story afterward) plus a spin-off. 
The show follows Buffy Summers, the chosen Slayer at the time, and her adventures after moving to a new town (after burning down the gym at her old school to kill a bunch of vampires, but she can’t really explain that one to the authorities) that happens to be sitting above a Hellmouth.
Between the action and slightly disturbing relationships, Buffy the Vampire Slayer handles a lot of teen angst and comedy. 
I always laugh throughout the one scene from the episode Hush and if you know what scene I’m talking about, you know why. 
It’s truly a great show and had a great ending. Highly recommend starting to watch ASAP.
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X. Angel.
Lastly on this list, Angel. If you don’t know, Angel is the spin-off to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It follows Angel, the vampire, after he leaves at the end of season three of Buffy and moves to the lovely city of Los Angeles. Along the way a few familiar faces show up and new ones get added to the mix.
Some soul-reading karaoke happens, and a few people get killed along the way. Maybe even get turned into a puppet once in a while. 
Overall, it’s one of the best spin-offs to exist and holds it’s own through action, comedy, and pure spite. 
I highly recommend giving it a shot. It’s up to you however if you try watching it at the same time it lines up with Buffy. My dad does it due to crossover episodes, but I know it can be quite the difficulty figuring out. 
It’s up to you when to watch it. 
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elyccscorner · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan Series: Part 1 of Clubhouse Summary:
Right, yes, because traveling through the eleven miles of forest between here and the 'gate will be a piece of cake when we're roughly the size of dwarves, with all the strength of a bundle of sticks!"
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masqueradeassane · 7 years
Stargate:Atlantis headcanon
Carson Beckett shorthand's his medical notes in a manner similar to how the people on the "Scottish Twitter" posts do.
90% of the people in Atlantis don't actually know how to read it.
The one's who do include Doctor Weir, Evan Lorne, Doctor Heightmeyer and, strangely enough Radek Zelenka and Ronon Dex.
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whumpygifs · 7 years
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the-whumpy-fangirl · 7 years
There is nothing more annoying than having your favorite whumpee in a fandom being the caretaker (and thus, never whumped) to everyone else's favorite whumpee.
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whumperwriter · 8 years
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When someone tells you something that you know is wrong but you gotta be polite about it because you know that you're a nice person
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sini-sterility · 8 years
Xena Princess Warrior? Bitch please, Teyla is 20 times the awesome that Xena is. I will FIGHT on this. 
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gatefleet · 2 years
Stargate:Atlantis: Evan Lorne, Jack O'Neil,
WordCount: 976
T(W): None (Let me know if I missed)
Request: No
A/N: GIF Credit : unknown (please let me know if you know the owner)
Taglist: @make-me-imagine, Anyone who wants to be added message or sign up here
Being the younger sister of the Major was never easy but knowing that you would have to work with the insufferable Dr. Rodney McKay, that was a deal-breaker.  You and McKay had never gotten on.  You thought he was an arrogant, self-righteous, know-it-all who believed that a woman could never be as intelligent as he was, and he believed that you were, essentially, a child and not worth giving the respect you had earned and expected.  It was the main reason that you had refused to go to Atlantis expedition and join your brothers team. You had known about and had been a part of the Stargate programme a few years longer than your brother and had worked with O’Neil’s team a few times within your time at the Stargate programme, mostly because your field (out with the air force) was linguistics and ancient Greek/Roman, Norse and Egyptian civilisations and history (yes you were aware than O’Neil and even McKay believed you to be a female Jackson).
You were excited about the prospect of actually going to the lost city of Atlantis. It had been a dream of yours since you had learned about it at school. A whole city and civilisation believed to have been lost to the sea, with no sign of its ever being there. The mystery had haunted you since your lesson on it. The idea that the Ancients literally moved an entire city off Earth, made more sense that the sea swallowing the city whole with zero traces. When you had learned they were putting together a team, you immediately volunteered. Then you discovered your brother had been approached to be a team leader on the expedition (after he accidentally set of a piece of machinery the Ancients had left on Earth) and you were a bit more excited, it would be nice to spend time with your brother and not have to be deceptive about your role in the Stargate programme, he finally had the clearance for you to talk openly about it. Then you heard that McKay had confirmed he was going to join the expedition and your excitement faded almost instantly. Your brother, O’Neil and the current expedition leader (Weir you believed her name was), all tried to convince you to join as they would need a translator and someone who would have a better idea on how to communicate with anyone who was currently residing in Atlantis or the surrounding area. You were adamant that you could not work with McKay and opted to stay behind. Even Daniel tried to convince you to go.
Roughly one year after your brother had gone to Atlantis you were in your office doing some research for an assignment which was coming up. You were lost in your books and didn’t hear the knock on your door. You almost jumped 10 feet in the air when someone cleared their throat, rather obnoxiously loudly, in your office. After you had recovered you saw O’Neil standing there, smug look on his face like he enjoyed the momentary fear in your eyes. You looked at him, one hand still over your beating heart and the other planted firmly on the edge of your desk. “Geez Jack, you nearly gave me a heart attack, Is everything okay sir?” He smirked at you and gestured to the seat on the other side of your desk, you nodded for him to take it, he almost flopped down on it, still smirking at you. “Sir, I have to say, the staring and smirking is starting to make me uncomfortable.” You said nervously, trying desperately to look at something else, anything else that would break the eye contact. His smile grew wider and goofier at that response. Eventually he stopped torturing you, “Well missy, I have some news for you,” he leaned forward in his chair a bit, “and keep in mind, that this time it’s an order, not a request.” You looked at him and leaned forward yourself, “Sir?”, O’Neil, sat back a bit and rested one elbow on an arm of the chair and sat his chin in it, “You’re going to Atlantis.” You looked at him in stunned silence. He smirked at you again and left your office, thoroughly pleased with himself and the fact that he managed to tell you something that you were too busy computing to argue with.
The next scheduled departure for the Atlantis expedition was a month after the colonel had given you the news you were being shipped off to Atlantis, you packed the essentials and mentally prepared yourself, all your appeals for the mission had been denied, very quickly, and you could just feel the dread of being stuck on a limited building with McKay. You left with Major Lorne’s team for Atlantis, you were nervous about relocating to Atlantis permanently, and the thought of working alongside McKay was killing you, Lorne saw your unease and tried to comfort you, “First time going through the gate huh? It’s easy, a little cold, but breathe out as your exiting and it’ll be okay, I’m here for support if your need it.” You smiled a little at the sentiment before responding, “As much as that’s appreciated, this is far from my first time going through the gate, I’m more dreading the other side if I’m honest.” You gave a small laugh at the end, trying to show you weren’t annoyed or offended by his sentiment and words. You looked ahead at the sound of the Stargate starting up and took a deep breath. Lorne put his hand on your shoulder, “If you need someone to help you escape, just shout.” You smiled and thanked him, you knew he intentionally spoke a bit quieter than his initial attempt to speak with you and you appreciated that more than either of you realised.
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Imagine Trip dropping into our world suddenly; you two meet and you try to help him, but you don’t know anything about Star Trek, and he doesn’t know anything about what, to him, is “history.” Like, less than zero.
“You’re telling me you can’t traverse the galaxy?”
“You’re telling me you’ve never seen Harry Potter?”
“So you’ve never met someone not from Earth?”
“No, no I haven’t, but thank you for that little tidbit of information...”
“Okay, tell me something about 2020.”
“...*slowly hands him phone with news on the screen* Scroll, my space friend.”
“....*scrolling*......... Well shit.”
I really DON’T know anything about Star Trek, except that I tried to watch the one with the guy who plays Xavier from X-Men, and was quickly scarred by Space Shakespeare.
Tag List:
@hauntedsiriel @tesserphantom @shitis-getting-real
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skyerie · 3 years
WIP List of Shame
So I have been challenged by @fiadhaisteach and @oxygenforthewicked to write out every single fic title in my documents list... Which, I’m not going to do for one reason:
I have way too many freaking fics that are just... sitting there. And yeah, this would totally be an ideal time to actually get back into them all, but... I actually want to sleep tonight.
So, what I’m going to do is choose like ten or eleven of them, I’ll put where they’re posted if I have posted them. Not all of them are Dragon Age - I actually only got into DA a couple years ago!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I promise I will do my best for this...
1. Lance and Naruto 2: a sequel to In a Blank, White Space (which I have actually just remembered hasn’t been posted on ao3, but will do that before I go to bed tonight...) A Naruto/Voltron Xover.
2. Something of the Wolf (WIP, FF.Net): Doctor Who/Percy Jackson Xover (blink and you’ll miss it kind...ish? way...)
3. Naruto would live: Naruto fic. I got like two pages into this thing? I think it was a Naruto and Good!Akatsuki fic but I’ve got no clue... Probably never going to finish this one. Maybe.
4.Recalling: Naruto/LOTR... Maybe a Hobbit xover. I didn’t really get that far into it. Probably not going to finish???? hmmm...
5. Minaeve stared at her father through the glamour: A DAI/Marvel xover. It’s not actually... not canon for my first Inquisitor, Adhlea, but it really hasn’t been elaborated on. Not yet, anyway.
6. Cloud had to admit: a time-travel FFVII story. -actually going to look into this one more...
7. Mo Xuanyu: A time-travel story with The Untamed.
8.Shruiken had never been set free: an Inheritance Cycle/DAI xover with my Inquisitor Adhlea as Shruiken’s actual Rider. It... In my defense, I feel REALLY bad for that poor dragon.
9.John Sheppard had seen quite a lot of crazy shit in his life: Stargate:Atlantis fic featuring Atlantis as a sentient, independent city with John having Hive mind powers and Atlantis becomes a hive mind? Idfk. It’s still a wip. That’s why it’s on the list.
10: queenlavellan: current doc name for ‘The Future Is Not Yet Set In Stone’, posted on AO3, and before you who read it get in a tizzy I am sometimes thematic, I’m not even close to being done with it. Besides, I named the sequel to ‘Never Again’ -
11.leilanigirl2: the sequel to ‘Never Again’. Not yet posted on AO3. :D
12.nextnoct2: sequel to ‘No Need (To Say Goodbye)’, the sequel being ‘It’s On Us (It’s Not Your Fault)’. FFXV fanfic dealing with many, many OCs and Nyx Ulric in need of rescuing lol. I don’t know...
13. Chocobo Retainer: A challenge from... @elements1999. In which Prompto’s spot as Noctis’ retainer is taken by a chocobo. 
14. Being a healer: FFXV fic in which Ardyn kidnaps Prince Noctis, Lunafreya, Prompto, and Ravus and takes them to live in Galahd and is their weird-as-fuck uncle. It’s... I know. Okay? It’s less weird than it sounds, personally. Also characters from ffvii show up.
And lastly...
15. witcherandleilei: Like it sounds. A Witcher xover with my Inquisitor Leilani because I can’t really see my Inquisitor Adhlea within that world where she’s not... kind of tragic. 
So there’s my current wips that I suppose I’m most invested in. Little bit more than eleven, but... you wanna know more about ‘em? Ask~ I’d love to answer questions about them!
Now I do have to say that, er, this wasn’t a ‘graveyard’ list. Again. If I did that I would probably lose a lot of sleep. I enjoy sleep even if I don’t enjoy the acts of getting ready for said activity...
tagging @thejabberwokk, @lolieg and whoever else wants to do it! no pressure tho!
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