#stargate sg1 as vines
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stargatesg-1obsessed · 9 months ago
Stargate as vines part 2!
As a couple of you asked for more and I’m willing to do more if only one person asks, here we are
Again if you want more I will gladly do more, just lmk
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @geneeste. :) i may have done this one before, but tumblr blog search was traditionally unhelpful and i have several very important things i should be doing, so here we are <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 219
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 655,471
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stargate atlantis is the runaway lead, then sg-1, 90s/00s treks, the x-files, and a grab bag of other things. only two fics so far for m*a*s*h but the forecast looks good!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
no sooner met (star trek voyager, j/c, eight years of friends-to-lovers in 5k or less)
career day (stargate sg-1, clone!sam/jack, damn that sure was a choice to go back to high school amirite)
next chapter (the good place, chidi/eleanor, the intimacy of reading)
first date (star trek voyager, j/c, falling in love again)
occupational hazards (the good place, chidi/eleanor, eleanor would rather not be the architect)
5. Do you respond to comments?
eventually!!!! i tend to keep nice ones on my home page for a while to cheer me up and then sometimes they get buried. i wake up nights like "damn the good place fandom really went all out with amazing comments on that random fic in like 2018 and i never replied," so maybe i need to go through my inbox and belatedly clear my cosmic debts.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
twilight (stargate atlantis, sheppard/weir, what if john didn't break the cycle). strong on style but real weak on comfort.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
weaving loose ends (stargate sg-1, sam/jack) ends with a wedding! in twenty years of writing romance fic, that has maybe only happened once?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not yet! but the year is young.
a fic of mine did cause a dramatic fandom schism once, in the dancing with the stars fandom no less. a splinter fan group created in exile! a mod claiming to be personal friends with the stars! everybody storming out and then blocking each other! so my fic did cause hate, but somehow i personally escaped unscathed. i didn't even get blocked. (lesson: in some spaces, rpf is encouraged until They Fuck. second lesson: if you start a fire and then stay very quiet, everyone forgets about you.)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do!! i guess!! but i'm struggling with it right now and it's giving me a complex. and "what kind" is like......... vanilla het fic for the most part tbh. gauzy curtain vibes, even. basically, i have to really sit and think about whether to rate something M or E, you know?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
yes, but not since the x-files days. rip geocities webrings we salute you for your years of service.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but i think i'd like to! passing chapters back and forth sleepover style like "haha write your way out of THIS" would be fun. (or collaborating in a more mundane way, i guess....)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
john sheppard/elizabeth weir (stargate atlantis). first fic in the tag and i'm still fuckin there. three years on tv and a lifetime in my goddamn brain.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
realistically, i'm feeling pretty down on the chances that i'll ever finish ANY wip that's longer than 20k, but the two long ones withering on the vine that i'd like to finish are a sam/jack sg1 episodic soulmate fic and "what if janeway went undercover with the maquis instead of tuvok: the novel."
16. What are your writing strengths?
stealing one of geneeste's answers because "character complexity" is a good one! i don't feel satisfied with any fic unless i feel like i have learned something new about a character, or highlighted it in a new way.
my more specific strength, according to @coraclavia, is missing-scene fics that weave through an entire series canon to make a thesis statement (they are In Love).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
😭 i can't write anything long 😭 i really wish i were different 😭 i envy those of you with staying power who can return to a story after going to work or writing something else and keep plugging away at it. i used to write sprawling things when i was a teen, but since becoming Adult With Job now many years ago, i've totally lost that skill!!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
haaaahahahaha. talk about a weakness. i literally couldn't bring myself to write a fic that required dialogue in Ancient from stargate, a language that -- i cannot stress this enough -- is not even real. i'm like "well maybe i'll study latin for three years and then analyze all the episodes where they speak it to reverse engineer the differences so i can write the bastardized space latin correctly" GIRL WHY. JUST FUCK IT UP.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
first completed story that i recall would have been star trek voyager in my early teens, and by the grace of rural internet and some kind of prescient sense of self-preservation, it does not live online. first internet-published fic was several years later, for the x-files. for better or worse, that one can still be found.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i think pieces (stargate atlantis, sheppard/weir, catharsis through sex pollen) might be the new best, and i had a lot of fun writing erasers on pencils (stargate sg-1, clone!sam/jack, catharsis through truancy).
i am sure many of my fic-writer-meme friends have done this already but @ussjellyfish if your answers have changed since whenever you did it last; i'd love to hear how @havocthecat, @anretc, and @coraclavia would answer this; and blowing dandelion meme seeds over the fence to the mash fandom: @remyfire!
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athanza · 3 years ago
Every time I hear this theme
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ladyleiluna · 5 years ago
Watch "Stargate SG1 As Vines (Seasons 1-6)" on YouTube
Yes guys, I really did it. Stargate-sg1 as vines is here
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stargatevp · 4 years ago
Stargate SG1 As Vines (Seasons 1-6)
here have some funnies
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distortquote · 7 years ago
Daniel:I'll see you guys later!
Jack:Bye, Daniel!
Daniel:[walks away]
Jack:He's the best...
Sam:He's awesome...
Jack:But sometimes—
Sam:Kind of a dick.
Jack:Total dick.
Daniel:[walking back] Do you have my keys?
Jack & Sam:Daniel! HEY!
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azhefa-moved · 6 years ago
name : lenee nickname / s: grandma, mama sabertooth  height : 5′2″ nationality : u.s. american favourite fruit : blackberries favourite season : winter favourite scents : cinnamon, honestly anything that smells like baked goods  favourite animals :  wolves, horses, owls, narwhals, jellyfish aND SLOW LORIS tea, coffee, hot cocoa :  tea average hours of sleep : 6 - 8?  when my blog was created : october 2016  # of followers :  uh 585 but they’re probably half inactives, i need to go through and block bots and stuff random fact : i’ve never broken a bone, but i’ve had to go to physical therapy like 3 times favourite food : sushi  favourite t.v. shows :  bones, sense8, stargate sg1, firefly, steven universe & doctor who favourite movie :  as if i could pick one a;lkdsfj probably ladyhawke favourite vine :  this one sexuality :  bi bi bi pronouns : she/her favourite book series :  the ender’s game universe is lit and i always adore narnia favourite video game / s :  skyrim cause i’m basic af favourite subject :  love me some science  guys or girls :  g i r l s last time I cried :  uhh last night bc i was rewatching doctor who don’t @ me what I should be doing : working on my book favourite fandoms :  i feel like i don’t super get into fandoms these days? so idk? t100 rpc is always gonna be a sort of home for me. even tho i’ve become a fandom grandma. it’s fine
tagged by:  @triedtobcgood <333 tagging: @brvgrl @softsurvivor @kongaeda @azplna @incrediblechange @bonfirehcart @terrahmater @praesaes @wolfqueennamedstark @respnsibility and whoever else wants to!
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wxyfxring · 6 years ago
name :   Valerie
nickname/s : Val
height : uh 5′7-8 ish
nationality : American
favourite fruit(s) :  apples, strawberries, blackberries
favourite season :  spring
favourite scents :  coffee, cinnamon, woodsmoke
favourite animals : cats (big and small!)
tea, coffee, hot cocoa :  tea! I like coffee smell but not coffee taste.
average hours of sleep :  6-9
when my blog was created :  july 2018 (revamped from former sideblog ventureseek, made circa june 2015)
random fact : my bachelor’s is in creative writing but my minor is in planetary science and my original major was physics. I can’t math those things very well but I can still conceptualize them. So catch me moving/squirming in my chair when writing an action reply because I am going to make sure it all looks/feels right dammit.
favourite food :  sushi!! favourite t.v. shows :  firefly, stargate sg1, critical role (”But Val that’s a D&D streaming show on Twitch” IT COUNTS)
favourite movie :  too many to count.
favourite vine : barely know any.
sexuality :  demi-het
pronouns :  she/her
favourite book series :  Stormlight Archive (Brandon Sanderson)
favourite video game(s) :  Red Dead Redemption 2, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, The Elder Scrolls, STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic/The Sith Lords/The Old Republic
favourite band(s) : too many favourite subject :  literature, film study
guys or girls :  both
last time I cried :  2 days ago
what I should be doing : job hunting
favourite fandom :  TOO MANY FANDOMS TOO LITTLE TIME (tho atm Critical Role and RDR2)
tagged by hijacked from: @alwaysagoddamntrain
tagging: You lot reading this!
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steverogerscpt · 6 years ago
Random Mun Facts! Repost not Reblog
Name: Shelley
Nicknames: Shell
Height: 5’7 1/2′’
Nationality: English
Favourite Fruits: Don’t really have a particular favourite
Favourite Season: Autumn.
Favourite Scents: Fresh cut grass, mango-scented things, Britney Spears’ original Curious perfume.
Favourite Colors: Metallic British Racing Green.
Favourite Animals: Rhynos.
Tea/Coffee/Hot Cocoa: Iced Coffees (like frappuccinos).
Average Hours of Sleep: Depends on when my daughter wants to wake up.
When My Blog Was Created:  Sept 2012.
Random Fact: I was in the webisode credits for the web series version of ‘Sanctuary’.
Favourite Food: Jammie Dodgers.
Favourite TV Shows: Stargate SG1 & Atlantis, Sanctuary, Doctor Who, Star Trek: Voyager, Tin Man (mini-series).
Favourite Movie: The Lord Of The Rings trilogy (extended editions).
Favourite Vine: no idea as I never really watched any.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite Book Series: LOTR
Favourite Video Games: Sims 3/4, the Civilization series.
Favourite Subject: Design For Interactive Media (I have a BTEC HND in it).
Guys or Girls: Guys.
Last Time I Cried: Earlier during one of my anxiety attacks.
What I Should Be Doing: Looking after myself.
Favourite Fandoms: Too many to list.
Stolen from: @battlesthatmatter Tagging: anybody that would like to.
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lucianprincess · 7 years ago
Get to know me
Tumblr media
Rules: answer 20 questions then tag 20 (give or take) followers you wanna get to know better! Tagged by: @dragoonxdive  thank you, my dear ♥
Name: Cynthia Nickname: Cyn, Arya (for Aryalaenkha), “Petit Chat” (”Little Cat” in French) Height:  156cm (5′1″) Nationality: French Favorite Fruit: Raspberries and blueberries Favorite Season: Spring and Winter Favorite Smell: Coffee, lily of the valley, violet. Favorite Color(s): Purple, peacock blue, black Favorite Animal: Owl and cat ♥ Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa: COFFEE ♥ ♥ ♥ Average Hours of Sleep: Hmm... 5-7   Dogs or Cats: Cats ♥ I’m a little afraid of dogs Dream Trip: London, Scotland, New York, Japan When my blog was created: On February 2018 # of Followers: 89 Random Fact: I hesitate to create an Overwatch RP Blog but... Aurora is already taking up a lot of my free time Favorite Food: Crèpes Favorite TV show: Stargate (SG1, SGA, SGU), Battlestar Galactica, Game of Thrones Favorite Movie: Matrix, The 5th Element Favorite Vine: I don’t watch vine so Sexuality: Demisexual heteroromantic Gender: Female Favorite Book Series:  The “Angels” cycle and the “Gods” cycle (that follow up the cycle of th “Angels”) written by Bernard Werber, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings Favorite Video Game(s): Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy VIII, Mass Effect series Favorite Subject: Arts Favorite Fandom(s): Good question ^^ Favorite Superhero: Star Lord Guys or Girls: I’m straight, so... guys? Celebrity crush: Benedict Cumberbatch  Last time I cried: I don’t remember... Maybe a few months, because of a little depression Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Hazelnut  What Should I Be Doing: Taking rest Tagging 20 people: @ignisetscientia @thexrightxhand @khresme @aegisregalis @lunafreya-ncx-fleuret @ahdynn @reiivusu @strengthhonorcompassion @rogueoracle @saviorofeosshield @totalxclarity @multimusexfive @cfastralmvses @nyx-ulric-of-galahd @patergladium @valkyrein @masiahs @princexcharmless @ciindyaurum @heartonmytrigger and anyone else who wants to do it ^^
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stargatesg-1obsessed · 5 months ago
Stargate SG-1 as vines part 5!!
I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to do this, but, please, enjoy! :D
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the-wandering-whumper · 7 years ago
Big Ass Tag Game
Rules: Tag whoever you want!
I find glasses attractive: True
I find beanies attractive: False
Last song you listened to: Hallelujah by Pentatonix
Last YouTube video you watched: The YEET vine
Favorite YouTubers: Jeremy Johns, he reviewes movies, Honest Trailers (Screen Junkies) and anyone who collects/posts whump!
Last thing you Googled: Reasons an ask box would stop working
Private Island or Private Jet? - Island
Pancakes or Waffles? - Pancakes
Coffee or Tea? - Coffee
Water or Bubbly Water? - Water, bubbly water is gross
Pineapple on pizza? - YES
Do you like foods from a country other than your own? - Yes
Any crushes right now? - Always
Name drop? - Chris Evans, Toby Stephens
Do you write? - Yes
If yes, what’s the title of the last thing you worked on? - Untitled Timeless Fic
If no, or even yes, what’s the last thing you’ve read? -  X-Ray + Penny - HISHE by @whumpadoodle​ (Ha! Me too Emrys!!)
Favorite meal food: mozzarella sticks
Favorite dessert food: ice cream and cake mashed up
Dream trip: River tour of Europe 
Favorite restaurant: A little mom & pop place called Golden Harvest in East Lansing, MI
Thing(s) you’re trying to master: gif making, photoshop, photography, writing, html, guitar
Thing(s) you want but don’t have the money for: a Cannon 5D Mark III camera
Favorite color: Blue mostly, but I like green and purple, too
Low/High-key kink(s): Can I do tropes?  Faves: collapse, getting shot, bleeding out, lap comfort, oxygen masks, intubation, I could go on :)
Favorite joke: Q: What did the fish say when he swam into the cement wall? A: Damn!
Word(s) you hate: moist, drool
Word(s) you love: love, yeet, fabulous, brilliant, hun
Sounds you hate: squelching, unless its from my faves blood, sounds of people retching, nails on a chalk board
Sounds you love: Infectious laughter, that sound a candle wick makes just as you blow out the flame
Favorite vine(s): Oh god, where do I even start? Basically all the famous ones: YEET, I coulda dropped my croissant, mind your business David, die for each other, chicken strips, you’ll never be anything duck, the one where they’re in a drive through and someone runs through screaming and grabs the food, Annie are you ok, you’re the one I need, essence of England, anything with that guy and his baby, roommates, chicken nuggets, and so many more!
 Favorite TV Shows: I finally made a list, tho I’m sure I’m missing some:
That was fun!  Thanks for the tag @egg-with-a-butt​!  I’m tagging @beautifullywhumped​ @beautifullights1​ @evilwriter37​ @mashmaiden​ @lurkingwhump​ @alchemist-rising​
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stargatesg-1obsessed · 8 months ago
Stargate SG-1 as vines part 4!
I had a few requests to do more so here it is!
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stargatesg-1obsessed · 9 months ago
Stargate sg1 as vines part three!
I know the last one isn’t all that accurate but I just love that vine and couldn’t think of anyone else to put there, sorry😭
Part 4 anyone? 😉
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daydreampending · 8 months ago
This is ✨iconic✨ I require more please.
I present to you;
Stargate sg1 as vines!
If you want part two let me know and I’ll gladly do it
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stargatesg-1obsessed · 9 months ago
I present to you;
Stargate sg1 as vines!
If you want part two let me know and I’ll gladly do it
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