#stargate fic
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ekaterin1701 · 27 days ago
After eighteen months delving back into SG1 fandom and reading a lot of fanfic, I started thinking about writing a post about what types of fanfic that I like, and what I won’t read.
However, when I started drafting the post, it turns out there’s a lot of fic that I don’t like, and my reasons range from straightforward (I only read S/J, nothing too dark or angsty, but nothing too comedic either), to more personal tastes (nothing with Daniel/ Teal’c/ Janet being overly involved with S/J’s relationship; almost no pregnancy fics; nothing when S/J’s children have ‘powers’ of any kind) to the very petty (fics that are too long, unless the first few chapters are good and draw me in, or it’s by one of my fave authors; fics that are over 20k words but published as one chapter)… 🙈
It’s a wonder I find anything to read at all 😆
Edit: The issue with long fics is that I have limited time to read fanfic, what with having a job, a family, a volunteer position, and all the commitments that go along with that. So I don’t want to commit myself to a longer fic unless I know I’m going to enjoy it. I’d be more likely to try a shorter fic that doesn’t fit into my very specific requirements simply because it won’t take up much of my time. It’s not that I hate longer fics in general!
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finalgirlkateausten · 9 months ago
Concussion Protocol
set after 9x09. established relationship carolyn/cam. cameron is grumpy about base concussion protocols, but not even dating the base CMO gets him out of it.
"Cameron. Cam."
His head hurts. His back hurts. He needs to get up and answer whoever's saying his name, but then again, moving seems like it'll likely also hurt.
Cold fingers stroke over his jaw. "Cam, I need you awake," a familiar voice wheedles. "Every two hours, remember? Need to make sure you don't have a brain bleed."
He grunts and shifts as he tries to remember why he would have a brain bleed, or put a name to the voice worrying over him. He catches a brief glimpse of Carolyn's face, soft brown eyes and dark hair falling over her face, before he's blinded by a flash of light.
Right. Evil superhuman. Getting thrown around by telekinesis all day. Being trapped on base for Carolyn's concussion protocol monitoring. Which means the brief light that's totally blinded him-- not to mention worsened his headache-- is her penlight.
"Pupils equal, round, and reactive?" he asks, his throat scratchy. He grins tiredly up at Carolyn at his show of field medicine he hasn't totally forgotten.
"You're a model patient," she confirms with a nod.
He rolls over to lay his head in her lap; she's sitting up against a pile of pillows that don't seem base-issue. "Thanks for letting me crash in your quarters, I wouldn't have gotten any sleep in the infirmary."
She hums. "And this way you're less likely to shoot whoever's waking you up for the two hour checks."
"You're too pretty to shoot," Cam agrees.
Her fingers are stroking down the back of his neck and over his shoulder, making him wish he wasn't wearing his t-shirt, so he could feel her hands on his skin. Then again, he's kind of cold.
"Why aren't we under the blankets?"
Carolyn giggles. "What, you don't remember sprawling out on top of all my blankets and then clinging to me like an octopus and declaring we just needed to-- what did you say? 'Pass the heck out already'?"
Cameron is glad it's too dark for her to see his blush. "Huh. Well, memory loss is a symptom of head injury."
"As long as it resolves within twelve hours, I'm not worried," she agrees. He hears her stifle a yawn and lifts his head.
"Blankets and then back to sleep?"
"For another two hours," she sighs. She has to get off the bed to pull back the duvet, and he misses the physical contact for the twenty seconds she's gone.
"Can I use you as a pillow?" he asks when she climbs back in and pulls the blankets over them.
He can see her smile as she kisses his forehead. Nobody's done that for him in a long, long time. "Of course," she answers easily.
Cam wraps his arms around her as he rests his head on her stomach. "You're amazing," he mumbles. "I might be in love with you."
"Oh, babe," Carolyn sighs, "come back to me when you're not concussed." And he guesses that's pretty fair.
"Mkay," he agrees. "G'night."
"Night, Cam."
At least when he wakes up in another two hours, he'll get to see her smile again.
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acrowbyanyothername · 1 year ago
lads i have a fic for u
pls enjoy
Summary: “You actually married Nancy?” John said, mouth agape. “Why would you put yourself through that?”
Rodney’s own Sheppard looked constipated. Maybe the two weren’t as alike as he had originally thought.
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Fic Title Ask
We Know Not What We May Be
A re-Ascended Daniel comes across Replicator Carter while she is still with Fifth, trying to prevent her from becoming what Fifth has made her. Since she cannot do anything to harm him, she listens to him. Daniel urges her to become someone other than what Sam and Fifth would have made her. She is frightened by the possibility, because from the first moment of her existence, she has been told what she is, not what she could be.
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cobalt-knave · 1 year ago
Have you all considered that i love her (Kira Meyers, Daniel's barista in dietcokechic's Barista Series)?????
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ekaterin1701 · 1 month ago
Just over 1k, which is more than I expected for my two little fics 😊
authors! go to your ao3 dashboard, click on statistics, look at your totals and tell me how many hits you have?
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sgwhattt · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Kate Heightmeyer, Radek Zelenka Additional Tags: Humor, Comedy Summary:
“Wait,” Rodney says, snapping his fingers and blinking. “You were looking at porn, right? I totally caught you looking at porn!”
Currently reading this fic, only about 1/3 of the way through. It says the rating is explicit, sooo when I hit that part I’ll more than likely be skipping. Can’t speak for the rest of the story yet, but this is the kind of shenanigans I like. Slight spoilers, there is a sort of online Atlantis newspaper where anyone can place ads. You can imagine what kinds of ads might appear.
Will reblog or edit with an update!
EDIT: great fic! avoided the explicit section. silly shenanigans/pretense!
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ekaterin1701 · 5 months ago
I’ve posted before about my taste in fanfic having changed over the past years, and as I’ve got older and life has got tougher, I’m less and less likely to want to read angst-filled stories. I expect I’m not the only one who feels this way.
But… this evening I’ve been going through the fic recommendations from the Gateworld thread of S/J fic recs, as I’d got into the habit of opening new tabs but never getting round to reading them. One recommended author was Surrealis, who seems to have been around from the early years of the SG1 fandom, and is only on LJ, not FFN or AO3. Their fics are mostly angst-y, and I keep reading one, being annoyed with myself for reading something that is clearly labelled as angst (including a depressing post-Threads story where Jack doesn’t break up with Kerry), then reading another one. Why do I do this?
They are a really good writer, but I’m just not helping myself, am I?!?
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dragox23 · 1 year ago
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ekaterin1701 · 9 months ago
This post prompted me to go back and leave comments on fics that I’d bookmarked and meant to leave a comment, but never got round to it. Some of the fics were published years ago, (I’ve been working my way back through the S/J fics) but I hope the authors will still see the comments!
someone I follow on the bird app just announced they're starting a very exclusive private fic server because they and a bunch of other people want to talk about how much they love the fics they're reading, and as an author can I just say that a really great place to talk about a fic you love is in the comments for that fic
I understand that people are trying to create safe spaces, but as the number of comments that I get on my fics dwindles with each passing year, knowing these spaces exist where my fics are being discussed, places that I am excluded from, makes me want to write fic LESS
I mean I guess who cares, right, because if I stop writing, there's 10,000 other people that will continue...but if you participate in a fic "book club" server and you say nice things there about a fic you loved, maybe copy and paste that into a comment on AO3?
the only thing fanfic writers are asking for in return for hours of hard work is attention. please don't rob us of the one thing that we hope for when we hit "post"
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hxans · 1 year ago
So, sometimes I look at my facebook memories, and today included one I originally posted in 2012
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Got me all nostalgic for the Pegasus Tinies, and to my surprise when I clicked through that the photobucket hosted images were all still up and showing, especially since...
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...the original post is 16 years old now.
And I still think about it every now and then.
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silerismyblorbo · 2 years ago
Its been up a wee while now but go read my first (posted) sg1 fic :)
Words: 269
Relationships: Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill, Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill/Teal'c
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Polyamory, Sunsets, Fluff
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peapeapeapa · 1 month ago
I’m surprised there aren’t more Farscape+Stargate crossover fics/fanart considering they pretty much combined in the later seasons of SG1.
Here’s some art while I’m working on a ‘Daniel ends up in the Farscape universe’ AU fic
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ekaterin1701 · 1 year ago
This made me laugh because I’ve been working my way through a long thread of Jack/ Sam fic recs on the Gateworld forum (the thread started in 2009), and have been quite entertained by the differences between the stories being recced (mostly on FF.net with some on LiveJournal or individual archives) and the S/J fics I’ve been reading on AO3.
In general, the FF.net fics are more likely to have long and chatty author’s notes (plus disclaimers/ no copyright infringement intended statements), while this isn’t really a thing on the AO3 fics. I don’t think it’s to do with the age of the fics, as early AO3 fics don’t have these things while FF.net fics from the same time do.
Thinking about it, I’m up to late 2010 in the thread and I haven’t seen any recommendations for fics posted on AO3.
I find it all gently fascinating. Does it show a difference in the quality of the fic posted on the different sites? I do think the quality of the FF.net stories is lower that the AO3 fics I’ve read, though there are some good ones. Or does it show that I’m reading a particular type of story on AO3? When I started reading S/J fics on AO3 last year, I’ve found stories by looking at the bookmarks that authors have on their profiles. So if I liked a story, I read the author’s other stories, then try stories they’ve bookmarked, and so on. It’s occurred to me that this could lead me to only read a particular type/ style of story, on the assumption that authors will like stories similar to their own work.
Anyway. It’s late and I’m tired, so I should give up on the fanfic musings and go to bed!
imagine if every chapter in a real book ended with an author's note
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ekaterin1701 · 6 months ago
I’d taken a break from going through the Gateworld thread of Sam/ Jack fic recs, but went back to it this evening. There were a couple of pages of discussion about realism in pregnancy fics, which was interesting, but I really regretted reading one of the recommended stories as it just made me cringe.
It was set post Season 8, and Sam had just found out she was pregnant when Jack went missing on a diplomatic mission, in the format of a diary that she wrote while she was pregnant. The writing style was… out of character, to say the least. I knew I shouldn’t have tried it!
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runawaymarbles · 1 year ago
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Sheppard's Law, by @cesperanza
Version 3 of the fic I bound for the Renegade Bindery gift exchange! (you can see speranza and @gempothospress's versions here)
I had a lot of fun typesetting this--I took the epitaph motif from the section titles and ran with it. I have never seen any form of Stargate, so thanks to cesperanza and @annerbhp for consulting. Other things I hadn't done before making these three books: cover cutouts, or foil.
"I don't know much about Stargate," said I, "so I'll just put a Stargate on the cover. Should be pretty straightforward." I then proceeded to learn that foil quills were not my friend, that the cricut foil head was finicky as hell (it works beautifully on bookcloth-- but not on leather or buckram,) and in the case of this particular edition, remember too late that unlike leather and buckram, you cannot wipe glue off bookcloth with water. I think I might start taping wax paper over my covers when I'm casing in so that I stop having this problem.
That being said, both the foil and the cutouts were kind of addicting. So I might end up sneaking them into more books where they may or may not belong.
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