#stardew flor
gamingtrashbasin · 4 months
Convincing my wlw homies to install SDVE and RSV mods by sending them things like this:
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caelwynn · 3 months
Heart Event Extravaganza #5
Honestly, it's kind of a miracle that Callie travels to Ridgeside Village as often as she does, considering just how much drama she constantly stumbles upon.
This time around, she met another cute kid:
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And another Junimo:
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She got caught snooping:
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And helped Shiro do a bit of cooking:
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And then, to top it all off, she thoroughly embarrassed poor Flor:
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Why does she keep coming up here again?
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Oh, yeah. Him.
All my 1.6 playthrough posts can be found here, and my mod loadout here. If you're curious about Callie and my attempt to interweave SVE, Ridgeside, and East Scarp, look here for an ongoing series about her first year.
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moetrash · 2 months
rsv marriage candidates and whether they can drive
why? bc i'm bored... feel free to send me any other prompts if you have them!
alissa: no, but she occasionally drives her dad's truck around the orchard for chores.
anton: yes, but his car has been broken down for months now, and instead of getting it fixed, he's just been mooching rides off his siblings.
blair: nope! she just gets her mom or sean to drive her places instead~
bryle: absolutely - he's certified to drive cars, trucks, motorcycles, and armored vehicles.
corine: yep! feel free to call her if you ever need a ride, okay? :) (seriously, you can call her at like 3 am and she'll be there, no questions asked.)
daia: no, but luckily she's a master at guilting people into offering her rides - the world is her uber.
faye: got her license only recently after having hired drivers most of her life... she's the type to obliviously cut across three lanes of highway traffic to her exit with a bumper sticker that says "silly goose on board".
flor: yes, when she has to... but if anyone honks at her she *will* pull onto the shoulder to cry
ian: no - he can't pass the written test...
irene: yes, and she's also an avid collector of cute bumper stickers! this one is a strawberry with a smiley face!
jeric: well, he has his motorcycle license... why, you want a ride? ;)
jio: jio doesn't know what cars are.
june: um, no? what do you take him for, a str*ight???
kenneth: yes, but he's more interested in building motor vehicles than driving them...
kiarra: yup. she drives an old subaru outback with a zillion bumper stickers that say stuff like "support your local pollinators" and "no human being is illegal". oh, and her car's name is sally ride.
maddie: yes... but she road-rages like overworked ex-military trucker. do not ride with her unless you've made your peace with god.
paula: not only does she have her license, she's one of the best drivers you'll ever meet. (years of driving MEVs across gotoro battlefields will give you that.)
philip: yes - his dream car is the incredicar, as seen in the first movie adaptation of incrediman, "incrediman vs. the royal serpent" - but right now he drives a handicap-accessible minivan, yknow, for work...
sean: yeah, he has a truck he can use for work stuff - but don't look in the backseat. it's littered with empty gatorade bottles and fruit gummy bags.
shiro: no... but he used to...
ysabelle: nope. hashtag corine's passenger princess 4 lyfe ^^
zayne: a license? like the chauffeurs have? why would he need that??
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Mousey, I'm sure you've done the reaction of the vanilla and expanded spouses to the farmer's curse from Mr. Qi, but how about the rsv spouses? I'd be curious to see what they'd do about it ~~especially you know who *wink wink nudge nudge*~~ Also ngl I've been trying to come up with more silly ships with the vanilla and mod characters and having a blast in my mind. I've been throwing in Isaac, Jadu, Camilla, and Alesia there too for good measure because I think Isaac especially would suffer with certain characters 😂 istg it's like I'm a dog and he's my chewing toy
Hehee, I wouldn't mind hearing what other funny ships you have in mind 👀👀👀
Sorry for a long reply, it turned out WAY more than I had planned. Anyway, enjoy some headcanon, Lotus! And have a great day! 💕
RSV spouses react to the Qi fruit:
Ian had been standing still for about two minutes now, keeping his eyes on the strange blue fruit that was ripening in the Farmer's seedbed. Because he could have sworn that the fruit winked at him.... with 'glasses'! And the handyman thought he'd seen it again. But at the third minute, Ian gave up and reckoned he was just wasting time. "I really don't understand anything about farming," Ian told Farmer, kissed them, and went to work.
Daia isn't the type to be surprised by strange magical fruits, flowers and berries. The Ridge Forest alone is filled with interesting plants with unusual properties. But this 'Qi' fruit... Hmph, even she hadn't seen anything like it. Being around this smirking blue fruit makes the ninja feel a tingling sensation on her skin - a sure sign that magic is involved. Oh, she can't wait to ask her dear Farmer to give her the fruit to examine, because she's so curious about it! She wondered if it would interest her Lady too...
"Wow... I knew you are a true professional at farming, hon, but to do something like this..." Honestly, Jeric was delighted at what his partner had grown and horrified at what his partner had grown. Because on the one hand - fruit with a face and sunglasses, that's awesome! And on the other hand.... why? He certainly wouldn't have imagined something like this on his own little farm in Ridgeside Village. And it's unlikely he had the knowledge to grow something like this. "....So, what does it taste like?"
Bryle was ashamed to admit it, but the first thing he did when he stepped onto the farmhouse porch was reflexively draw his service weapon and prepare to defend himself. Because the Governor's slightly sleepy bodyguard mistook the blue-faced crops in sunglasses for invaders or even dark spirits. Having already recovered from his shock and seeing the calm Farmer watering this very crop, Bryle felt that by asking what it was, he would get more questions than answers. So he was like: "Nope, not today" and went back to the farmhouse.
When some time ago Irene had only seen the sprouts with the not yet formed blue fruit, she was even intrigued to see what kind of 'unusual fruit' Farmer had planted and what the crop would taste like. Sweet, or maybe with sour notes? Only when she got the ripe fruit on the kitchen table, the Amethyne's personal chef was no longer so enthusiastic. This... fruits looks like a head and was looking at her. Irene's afraid to even touch the 'Qi' fruit, much less taste it. Her Madame would definitely not want such an.... exotic crop for dinner.
Sean decided it would be a hilarious to wreak havoc in the local social media groups with this fruit. So, with Farmer's permission, he took a picture of the ripened 'Qi fruit', posted the picture to social media without any description, and waited. An hour and a half in and Sean and Farmer were dying of laughter reading people's reactions, all sorts of conspiracy about the harvest and even memes (lol). He was also hoping someone would leave a comment about what the fruit was, because Farmer's explanation of "blue fruit from blue seeds from a blue man" wasn't a very clear answer.
"Alissa, my dear. What is this?" Alissa can't give a clear answer to her mother when she shows her the unusual fruit. It seems to Alissa that her dear spouse Farmer themself does not know the answer to this question. The girl was utterly perplexed, and neither her own knowledge of farming, nor a single book from the library about crops, helped her to find the answer. She hoped that Farmer had not used something harmful to grow this fruit...
"What's this abomination growing in your garden? Why is there foreign magic coming from that thing?" Jio is in full earnest preparing for a defensive pose with his katana, because that 'Qi' fruit looks like it's about to pounce on him and Farmer. Elf doesn't trust this crop, whatever it is in the first place. And when asked how Farmer grew this stuff in the first place, the answer struck Jio like lightning. "You... took strange seeds from a suspicious man and thought it would be a great idea to plant them?" Yeah, It's going to be a long conversation...
Not even strength and persuasion from Farmer will be enough to keep their spouse Maddie from her determination to get into the Water Research Facility & Laboratory with this strange fruit. Because the ginger girl has to find out what it is in the first place! After all, the lab assistant was also watching the process of the Qi fruit's growth, for she was curious about what Farmer was growing. And when the already ripe fruit showed its face with sunglasses, Maddie wants to show it to Aguar to see how to even classify it. Sigh, not Aguar, if he found out there was magic involved...
"Whoa... So creepy... It's like some kind of comic book villain." Phillip kept twisting and twisting the "Qi" fruit in his hands, looking at the "face" of the crop, and even tried to take off the "glasses". It didn't work, however, because it was like they were super glued on. Oh, well. And although the physical therapist is eager to find out what this miracle fruit tastes like, he still wants to take precautions and find some information about the Qi fruit, because maybe it's poisonous???
Blair nearly died laughing when she saw the face of the ripe blue fruit. "Yoba, what a bogeyman!" And how on earth did her partner Farmer manage to grow a fruit with a face like that? Oh, she wants to take a few if Farmer agrees. To taste it? No, the young fisherwoman had thought of a more fun use for this crop.... Such an ugly fruit would definitely be a good way to prank Keahi for the last prank, hee hee hee... Just a harmless joke, Blair promises!
...Anton thought at first that he hadn't fully woken up in the morning, and that he had just imagined a blue face on the kitchen table. Except that when the architect came back from the bathroom already fresh and invigorated from a cold shower, the face had not disappeared from the kitchen table. ...Ok, and then what? How should he even react? And should he even be reacting to this? Because Farmer is not perplexed by the strange fruit in any way, they treat it like a normal apple or banana. ...Alright, then. Anton silently hopes he doesn't get "sunglasses" from this fruit in his portion of salad.
Well done, Farmer, just great! Making Flor nearly faint because they decided to put some ripe Qi fruit on the dinner table before going to bed, without warning the red-haired spouse for doing so. The poor, sleepy girl wanted to drink a glass of water at midnight, but she ended up throwing it all on the floor and screaming, mistaking the fruit for human heads. Now Farmer is ashamed now... And rightly so - they shouldn't scare Flor like that!
Kiarra's face twisted at what she saw. "Honey, you didn't use any fertiliser or seeds from Joja, right? You didn't take anything from them?" Her first guess as to the origin of this strange fruit was immediately the much disliked greedy company with the blue logo. Joja always like to spoil pump vegetables and fruits with all sorts of harmful substances of unknown origin to make them bigger, and as a consequence - to sell them for more money. Even when Farmer explained to her that it wasn't Joja, the girl still remained sceptical. Because it's... not natural. Something is wrong.
Zayne thought that it would be at least tactless and rude of him to voice his first thought out loud when Farmer presented them with the 'fruit of their labours'. Especially since he loved his spouse and knew what a wonderful farmer they are, unrivalled in the entire Republic. But... What is it? The Amethyne family heir has seen some rather unusual and sometimes even strange delicacies on his own dinner table and on the tables of other noble families. But a fruit with a face... Someone, who apparently ordered Farmer to grow the fruit just so, has... a very specific flavour.
"Ew," was Ysabelle's only reaction, and to be honest - many would have agreed with her conclusion about the blue fruit with the snickering face and sunglasses. Even Farmer didn't argue with their partner's opinion about it. Really, ew (no offence, Mr. Qi). The girl simultaneously wants to ask what this fruit is and doesn't want to know anything about it, figuring it will be further questions than answers. People in the hotel have demanded stranger foods and delicacies, so the blue face fruit isn't too much of a shock to her. But still - ew.
"Hmm, why the face?" How does Farmer know, Paula? When they took the assignment from a, ahem, familiar person, they had no idea that the 'Qi fruit' would turn out to be exactly like this - a bit creepy, with a human face (but cool glasses!). The military medic wasn't too surprised by this weird crop (she'd seen much stranger food), and if the fruit wasn't poisonous and wasn't an allergy sufferer's worst nightmare, why not give it a try. "Heh, I wonder if anyone would dare to try this food on a dare"
"No, thank you, my soul. I'm good with an apple," June politely declined as Farmer, having harvested a ripe crop from the greenhouse, brought June a whole basket of different fruits and berries from all seasons to the farmhouse. His favourite apples, strawberries, oranges, pomegranate, a blue fruit with a face- Wait, what? Did he see that right? Yeah, the pianist's eyesight was not deceiving him. Later, he'll be asking Farmer questions about the blue weird fruit. In the meantime, he just wants to enjoy the apple.
When Faye thought of fresh fruit salad, she imagined cutting up a juicy and sweet mango, a ripe, with the sour notes pineapple, a delicious banana, and fill it up it with fresh orange juice. And at the sight of the Qi fruit, the waitress honestly lost her appetite. Is it... really a fruit? Why does it look so scary? It's also smiling... Oh, yuck! Farmer, that fruit winked at her! Brrr! No weird blue fruits on the dinning table, they're scary!
Shiro jumped up sharply, almost scalding hot, when he saw a field of a hundred blue smiling heads from the porch. Everywhere he turned his head, there they were: smiling, the light bouncing off their... Glasses? What the hell is that, anyway? "People want to buy fruit like that? With a scary face?" No, he's not going to try it, and the Farmer isn't advised to either. It doesn't look good, and it probably doesn't taste good anyway- No, Farmer, making this 'Qi' fruit into a smoothie isn't a good idea either... Just don't, please.
Corine never thought people could come up with something like this with crop. Well, she'd seen square watermelons, heart-shaped pears, and even star-shaped peaches on TV. But a melon-sized blue fruit that also had a human face..... Even she didn't expect that. Really, she doesn't understand why the Farmer glued it on. "Oh, I didn't glue the glasses on, dear, they grew with the fruit!" Sorry, the glasses did what?
"No offence, dear, but I'll probably pass." Oh, Farmer didn't grow this fruit for food, but for someone personally? Whew, what a relief... Um, Kenneth didn't mean to be rude or offend Farmer in any way, but the mere thought of that Qi fruit that very much resembled a head being cut with a knife made him cringe and disgusted. The inventor doesn't understand who needs fruit grown in this way, but he's not good at farming, so Kenneth will leave the matter to his spouse.
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darcydoescosplay · 10 months
My name is Darcy, I am a genderqueer ace lesbian (he/they/fae/flor) and I'm just a silly little guy!
I'm a theatre kid (I love Sweeney Todd and Falsettos and Team Starkid especially), I'm also a cosplayer!
My current hyperfixation is The Magnus Archives (Tim Stoker my beloved <3) and RQG (Sasha, Grizzop, and Zolf my absolute beloveds <333)!!
I like animals, Stardew Valley, Minecraft (yes including mcyts), Undertale, The Owl House, Thomas Sanders, and probably more I'm forgetting.
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oldsamarie · 1 year
what if you wanted to marry flor from ridgeside village but stardew took 5 minutes to load with the mod
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butchiful · 1 year
I got (through no money means) stardew valley because my friend Flor wanted to watch me play. Its pretty fun, I think Ill play it more tomorrow but I forget about games very easily..
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marojaca · 7 months
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E a saga da pixelart retorna...tentei fazer as flor do stardew pq são mais fáceis :D não tenho senso nenhum p luz e sombra ainda sos
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gamingtrashbasin · 9 months
Current Stardew Valley ships
I'm including characters from Ridgeside Village and Expanded mods bc they are canon in my heart 💕
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Maru x Sam
Girl boss and her himbo, need I say more? They have to have interacted since Sam is Seb's friend! Classic crush on older brother's friend. Also I think Sam would be super creative and everytime he was like "what if-" Maru would try to invent the thing. Complete chaos. Demetrius tries to threaten Sam like he does the farmer but it completely goes over Sam's head. This pairing lives in my head rent free.
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Hailey x Leah
I can definitely see the two of them having multiple forest meet cutes and bonding over their passion for art! Just picture Hailey teaching Leah how to photograph and Leah teaching Hailey to paint and scuplt, both leaning new crafts together. They totally end up running a joint etsy and presenting their works at the fair! They make such a cute cottagecore couple fr if you think about it. I think they'd adopt a bunny don't ask me why. 🐰
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Jeric (RSV) x Alex
Yessss himbo rivals to lovers! Ever since I saw there was a mod for them to get together I've been sold. It's canon to me.
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Philip (RSV) x Sophia (SDVE)
Sophia enjoys anime, manga, and cosplay. Phillip has a secret geeky side and loves comics. I can totally see these two making awkward small talk at the Stardrop Saloon that turns into Gus politely asking them to leave because they got so enthralled discussing their favorites that they lost track of time and everything else going on around them and now the Saloon is empty and about to close lol. They end up having a slow burn geeky friends to lovers featuring them sharing copies of manga/comics and discussing the latest episodes of their favorite shows. Gus definitely ships it and gives them a nudge here and there.
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Flor (RSV) x Gunther
The slowest slow burn. They are both autism creatures. I can completely see them bonding over their special interests bc if you think about it, archeologists and psychologists both study people. Just imagine them infordumping to each other on coffee dates in the Log Cabin Café or discussing the implications of newly discovered artifacts in the museum after hours. They are basically married before either one works up the nerve to ask the other on a date. The whole valley quietly ships it.
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Shiro (RSV) x Harvey
Hear me out: Former paratrooper in recovery being treated by a doctor who wanted to be a pilot? There is no way they didn't talk about planes and Shiro's experiences. Shiro probably enjoyed that someone was talking to him about his interests instead of his injuries, it likely made him feel *normal again for awhile. I can just picture the moment when Harvey shows Shiro his radio equipment when he's well enough to go up the stairs, it's a big moment for them both for many reasons 🥺 Also, the added drama of having a crush on your doctor/patient...
*I'm not saying Shiro isn't normal, he has in game dialogue expressing he doesn't feel normal bc of his injuries. As a person with mobility issues myself I understand that mindset and how hard it is not to feel that way.
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caelwynn · 7 months
I'm still physically wiped out and my head's too fuzzy to do 'real' writing/revisions on my story, but I'm just coherent enough that I want to chitter-chatter about my fic.
So in the course of working on Choices, one of the things I've spent an inordinate amount of time on is figuring out the 'cohorts' for the valleyfolk. What I mean by 'cohorts' are the groups of people who are in a similar age-range to one another and then further subdivided into 'natives' (aka 'people who grew up together in the valley') and 'transplants.' After all, one of the things I'm trying to accomplish is interweaving three large expansion mods with the base game and coming up with a cohesive whole, and that means knowing who from the various mods have known each other basically forever.
Under the cut, I break down who's in what cohort. I may or may not later flesh out my thinking about why I plopped certain people into certain groups, mostly because when I started to do so with this list, the post grew disgustingly (more) bloated. If I do, I'll probably do a separate post for each cohort. After all, this is the site for rambling about this sort of random stuff, right? 😅 (Edit: that's exactly how I spent my afternoon. You can find my thoughts on each cohort here: Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5.)
If you squint just right, these could be considered spoilers for SVE/Ridgeside/East Scarp.
I divided the population of the valley into five different cohorts/generations. Ages are based on how old they are/would be during the course of Choices. They are also in order of eldest down to youngest. I have actual ages recorded for most of the characters, but it cluttered up this list waaay too much.
(OG) - Base Game, (SVE) - Stardew Valley Expanded, (R) - Ridgeside, (ES) - East Scarp
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Natives
Maive (R)
Richard (R)
Gil (OG)
Evelyn (OG)
Linus (OG)
Willy (OG)
Lenny (R)
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Transplants
George (OG)
Mr. Aguar (R)
Sonny (R)
Mrs. Olsen (Emily and Haley's mother) (OG-ish)
Lola (R)
Freddie (R)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Natives
Lewis (OG)
Vivienne (ES)
Jessie (ES)
Mr. Olsen (Emily and Haley's father) (OG-ish)
Lily-Anne (ES)
Ezekiel (R)
Clement (ES)
Helen (R)
Marlon (OG)
Daisy (Adventurer's Guild Expanded)
Mark (ES) (Sterling's father, unnamed in mod)
Jess (ES) (Henry's father, unnamed in mod)
Pierre (OG)
Alecto (Stand Alone)
Robin (OG)
Marnie (OG)
Gunther (OG)
Susan (SVE)
Kimpoi (R)
Kent (OG)
Bert (R)
Olga (R)
Lorenzo (R)
Caroline (OG)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Transplants
Rasmodius (OG)
Carmen (R)
Pam (OG)
Andy (SVE)
Jodi (OG)
Demetrius (OG)
Olivia (SVE)
Pika (R)
Malaya (R)
Naomi (R)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Natives
Tristan (ES)
Clint (OG)
Shane (OG)
Henry (ES)
Sterling (ES)
Mona (OG/ES?)
Jacob [He turns 31 during the fic] (ES)
Mateo (ES)
Jasper (ES)
Kenneth (R)
Emily (OG)
Sandy (OG)
Anton (R)
Maria (R)
Paula (R)
Gloria (ES)
Zayne (R)
Kiarra (R)
Sophia (SVE)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Transplants
Harvey (OG)
Shanice (R)
Mia (ES)
Elliott (OG)
Leah (OG)
Bryle (R)
Philip (R)
June (R)
Kataryna (ES)
Jeric (R)
Aideen (ES)
Rosa (ES)
Flor (R)
Irene (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Natives
Penny (OG)
Sebastian (OG)
Alissa (R)
Abigail (OG)
Shiro (R)
Corine (R)
Sam (OG)
Ysabelle (R)
Alex (OG)
Haley (OG)
Lexi (ES)
Blair (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Transplants
Victor (SVE)
Maddie (R)
Faye (R)
Juliet (ES)
Sean (R)
Gen 5 (Ages 5-17)
Maru (OG)
Oliver (ES)
Ariah (R)
Trinnie (R)
Keahi (R)
Eloise (ES)
Louie (R)
Vincent (OG)
Jas (OG)
Yuuma (R)
Lavril (ES)
Gen 5 (Haven't decided ages yet)
Leo (OG)
Morgan (SVE)
Bliss (R)
Pipo (R)
Undreya (R)
Yeah, I know there are characters missing (especially from East Scarp, as I have difficulty keeping track of all the individual NPC mods, and SVE), but there it is. I wonder if this is actually interesting to anyone other than me. Oh well. 😅
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sweetstardewvalley · 2 years
📑 Perguntas comuns sobre o jogo
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Dúvidas que muita gente se pergunta ao conhecer Stardew Valley!
❓Existe um tempo limite para terminar o jogo?
🙋 Não. Tem uma avaliação no começo do terceiro ano, mas não muda nada o seu jogo e tu pode repetir a avaliação a qualquer momento colocando um diamante no santuário do vovô. Não existe tempo limite para obter a avaliação perfeita.
❓Eu posso perder algo no jogo permanentemente?
🙋 Sim, mas pouquíssimas coisas são "perdíveis"
Essas coisas não dá pra perder:
A maioria dos eventos de coração dos aldeões vão acontecer quando tu estiver no lugar e tempo certo. Não existe um tempo limite e tu pode ver eles fora de ordem.
As receitas da TV vão reprisar;
Festivais se repetem todos os anos;
Não existe tempo limite para romance.
Essas coisas podem ser perdidas permanentemente:
Tu pode reparar ou o centro comunitário OU comprar um cartão de membro da Joja. Não pode fazer ambos num save.
Tu pode decidir não adotar um pet, não vai ter outra oportunidade.
O evento de 4 corações da Penny não vai acontecer depois que tu comprar a melhoria da comunidade da Robin.
O evento de 3 corações do Sam só acontece antes do primeiro inverno por questões de roteiro.
O evento de 6 corações do Clint não vai acontecer depois que tu casou com a Emily ou viu o evento de 8 ou 10 corações dela.
No evento de 2 corações da Leah, escolher a resposta creepy vai permanentemente desabilitar o evento de oito corações dela, já que tu perdeu a chance de sugerir um caminho de carreira.
❓Como eu cuido da lavoura?
🙋 Molhe as plantas todos os dias (exceto dias de chuva) e as proteja com espantalhos e para-raios. Nada ruim vai acontecer se tu esquecer demolhar elas num dia (elas só não vão crescer naquele dia), e caminhar por cima delas mesmo com o cavalo não vai causar danos. Para plantas que continuam a dar frutos, é preciso continuar molhando-as mesmo depois de amadurecidas para que continuem dando frutos.
❓ Como eu cuido de árvores de frutas?
🙋 Plante elas com 8 espaços vazios ao redor e dois espaços entre cada árvore. Quando elas crescerem totalmente tu pode colocar piso ao seu redor. A qualidade da fruta vai melhorar uma vez por ano.
🙋 Árvores frutíferas não precisam ser molhadas ou protegidas com espantalhos, mas para-raios vão protegê-las de raios. Caso elas sejam atingidas vão derrubar carvão ao invés da fruta por uns dias antes de voltarem ao normal.
❓ Como eu cuido de árvores não frutíferas?
🙋 Plante-as com oito quadrados vazios ao redor e dois separando-as. Elas têm 20% de chance de crescer todos os dias. Quando elas atingirem o último estágio de crescimento, tu pode colocar piso ao seu redor.
🙋Elas não precisam ser molhadas ou protegidas com espantalhos e para-raios.
❓ O que são lavouras gigantes?
🙋 Uma lavoura gigante pode aparecer em qualquer quadrado 3x3 de melões, couve-flor ou abóboras. Bata com um machado para derrubar 9+ produções dela.
❓ Onde eu pego argila?
🙋 Cave na terra com sua enxada. Pontos no mapa onde minhocas saem pra fora e se movem frequentemente dão argila e tu pode acabar encontrando argila nas minas e em geodos também.
❓ Onde eu consigo mais madeira de lei?
🙋 Tem uma fonte renovável de madeira de lei no bosque secreto, ao norte da torre do mago. Uma das profissões de cola do nível 10 dão a chance de árvores normais droparem madeira de lei as vezes, desde que tu tenha escolhido Silvicultor no nível 5 e Lenhador no nível 10.
❓ Onde eu pego Inhame de neve?
🙋 Cave com a sua inchada em qualquer lugar na sua fazenda. Os pontos de artefatos (com as minhocas) tem maior chance de dropar o inhame de neve.
Ferramentas e Itens
❓ Porque minhas cercas quebram?
🙋 As cercas decaem com o tempo e precisam ser substituídas, mas cercas feitas de material mais resistência dura mais tempo. Mais tarde no jogo é possível adquirir o relógio de ouro, que não vai deixar elas decaírem mais.
❓ Como eu melhoro meu regador sem perder um dia de molhar as plantas?
🙋 Confira a previsão do tempo na TV. Quando chuva for anunciada para o próximo dia, molhe suas plantas e deixe o regador com o Clint para a melhoria no mesmo dia. No próximo dia irá chover e no terceiro dia tu poderá pegar o regador melhorado de volta. Alternativamente tu pode fazer a melhoria dele no inverno.
❓ O que as estrelas douradas/prateadas/roxas do lado de alguns itens significam?
🙋 As estrelas representam a qualidade dos itens (sem estrela -> prateada -> dourada -> irídio (a roxa). Qualidade melhor vale mais, e os aldeões gostam mais deles como presentes. A qualidade do item não afeta o resultado do craft, então é melhor vender ou presentar itens de qualidade alta.
❓ Vender itens em lojas dá uma quantidade diferente de ouro do que na caixa da fazenda?
🙋 Não. O preço de venda é o mesmo não importa onde tu venda. No entanto, itens vendidos em lojas não vão contar para a tua coleção ou conquistas.
❓ Como eu movo um baú/móvel pela minha fazenda?
🙋 Para mover um baú é necessário esvaziá-lo e bater nele com a picareta para poder mover. Móveis tu precisa clicar como se fosse pegar o móvel e aí mover.
❓ Como consigo aspersores de irídio cedo?
🙋 O NPC Krobus vai vender aspersores de irídio toda sexta por 10k gold, o carrinho viajante raramente tem um para vender e tu pode fazer eles tu mesmo coletando irídio quando alcançar o nível 9 de cultivo.
❓ Como eu cuido dos animais?
🙋 Pegue o feno do distribuir de feno e coloque nos alimentadores. No inverno compre um aquecedor para cada construção e mantenha as portas fechadas. Faça uma cerca ao redor do local dos animais.
❓ Como eu consigo produto animal?
🙋 Animais da fazenda irão produzir itens depois que amadureceram.
❓ Como eu consigo um ovo nulo?
🙋 Existe uma chance de que uma bruxa sobrevoe seu galinheiro e transforme um ovo normal em ovo nulo. Tu coloca o ovo nulo na incubadora e nasce uma galinha nula que vai produzir mais ovos nulos. Tu também pode comprar do NPC Krobus quando o conhecer.
❓ O silo precisa ficar perto do celeiro/galinheiro?
🙋 Não. Ele pode ficar em qualquer lugar da fazenda.
❓ O que acontece se eu deixar meu cavalo em algum lugar da cidade?
🙋 O cavalo vai retornar para o estábulo quando tu dormir.
❓ Meus animais podem morrer?
🙋 Não, os animais vivem para sempre. Eles vão viver mesmo que tu pare de alimentar. No entanto, vão parar de produzir itens e perder corações.
[Existe um evento onde se tu não tem cercas e deixa a portinha do local fechada, na outra manhã os animais estarão perturbados e um vai estar faltando.]
❓ Eu preciso dar comida ou água para o meu pet?
🙋 Não, mas abastecer a água aumenta seus corações com ele, assim como dar carinho.
❓ Ah não! Meu pet ta bloqueando meu caminho pra ir pra cama/sair de casa!
🙋 Force seu personagem na direção do obstáculo que ele vai passar. Também funciona com NPCs.
❓ Os animais vão destruir a plantação se eu os deixar soltos?
🙋 Não.
❓ Como eu consigo uma galinha de determinada cor ou vaca?
🙋 A cor é randomizada quando tu compra da Marnie e um ovo de uma cor vai resultar sempre em uma galinha da mesma cor, exceto pela chance de 25% de nascer uma galinha azul caso tu tenha visto o evento de 8 corações do Shane. Tu pode no entanto ver a cor do animal ao comprar, cancelar a compra e refazê-la até conseguir a cor desejada. Isso também vale para vacas.
❓ Como eu coloco isca?
🙋 Dê um clique com o botão esquerdo no seu inventário para selecionar a isca e clique com o direito na vara de pescar. Apenas a vara nível 2 e 3 podem receber isca e apenas a 3 pode receber anzol. Tu pode também clicar com o direito na vara para remover a isca e anzol.
❓ Onde é o lago?
🙋 O lago é o lago da montanha, perto da casa da Robin e das minas.
❓ Pescar é difícil demais! Como eu faço?!
🙋 Pescar fica mais fácil conforme o nível da habilidade subir e tu utilizar varas melhores, com iscas e anzóis. No começo o peixe mais fácil de pegar é a carpa no lago da montanha. Usando a vara de treinamento, os peixes que tu pode pegar são limitados para os mais fáceis.
❓Onde eu acho bronze/ferro/ouro/irídio?
🙋 Bronze se encontra desde o início da mina até o nível 39 em abundância. Ferro é encontrado depois do nível 40 das minas. Ouro a partir do 80. Irídio é comumente encontrado na mina da caveira no deserto, mas pequenas quantias podem ser encontradas em geodos e várias outras fontes.
Cobre: 30-39 Ferro: 70-79 Ouro: 80+
❓ Qual é o melhor jeito de pegar carvão?
🙋 Nas minas a partir do nível 60, os monstrinhos pequenos que viajam em grupo tem uma chance alta de dropar carvão. Tu também vai encontrar bolsas e carrinhos de mineração cheios de carvão. Tem uma habilidade que aumenta o ganho de carvão e finalmente com 10 pedaços de madeira tu pode fazer carvão na carvoaria.
❓ Eu devo doar os minerais para o museu?
🙋 Sim, tu será recompensado pelas doações ao museu. Tu pode coletar todos os artefatos - eles são raros, não únicos. Se tu achar um ovo de dinossauro, tu deve primeiro colocar na incubadora ao invés de doar. Antes de doar um fragmento prismático use-o no deserto para pegar a espada galáctica.
❓ Eu cancelei uma quest/não li a correspondência, como eu pego de volta?
🙋 Vá no seu diário e veja se a quest foi aceita automaticamente e tu pode ler qualquer carta recebida na aba de cartas do menu. Tu também pode recomeçar o dia.
❓ Onde está a cueca os shorts do prefeito?
🙋 No quarto da Marnie (nossa pq será?). Precisa de dois corações com ela para entrar no quarto.
❓ Onde está a cesta do Linus?
🙋 A esquerda do ônibus.
❓ Onde está o machado da Robin?
🙋 Ao Sul da floresta Cinzaseiva. Atravesse o rio para a área mais abaixo na direita e tu vai encontrar o machado perto do cano de saída do esgoto.
❓ As relações com os aldeões caem se eu não falar com eles?
🙋 Sim, exceto se tu atingiu o máximo de amizade com o aldeão.
❓ Como eu caso com um aldeão?
🙋 Para iniciar um relacionamento, tu primeiro precisa comprar o buquê no Pierre e dar ao aldeão solteiro. Vai estar disponível na loja o item assim que tu alcançar 8 corações com algum aldeão solteiro. Para noivar, tu tem que dar o Pingente de Sereia que só pode ser adquirido do velho marinheiro na praia depois que a ponte é reparada e tu fez melhoria na casa pelo menos uma vez. Ele só aparece em chuvas ou tempestades. O casamento vai acontecer 3 dias depois do pedido.
❓ Existem benefícios em se casar?
🙋 Existe pequenos benefícios. O seu conjugue irá ocasionalmente realizar pequenas tarefas para ti: molhar todas as plantas, alimentar todos os animais, botar água para os pets e reparar cercas. Ás vezes ele fazem café da manhã ou jantar e te entregam o prato.
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Hi hi hi! I saw your other posts and I luv them sm. Can I request Jio and Flor with a farmer who has a nice singing voice and sings often to fill the air (like laufeys voice just for reference. really cool and relaxing) THANK YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Thanks for the ask and kind words, dear anon! And have a great day to you too! 😊🫰
Doesn't Farmer realise that when the most beautiful voice in the whole world comes out of their mouths, even the aggressive spirits of Ridge Forest bow to the melody and settle down, slowly staggering, lulled by the beauty and majesty of the song? Did it not occur to them that the elves who lived long ago, famed for their love of the beautiful and the fine art, had the most talented singers and bards, but even their skill cannot compare to Farmer's? Jio, on the other hand, sees it all and notices it all.
It's rather atypical for him - to miss days, when he should be resting from his patrol in the forest and meditating in the ninja house. It's even more unusual to head out into the village in broad daylight. But it is there that the grumpy elf has a chance to catch Farmer fishing, where they sit in their favourite spot and quietly hum a tune to themselves while Jio hid on the roof of the nearest house. Farmer had been a friend to him for a long time, but Jio caught himself thinking that it would be ridiculous to ask them to sing for him so directly like that. So he took a semi-reclining position on the roof, listening to the beautiful song and the sounds of nature that reminded him so much of home...
Even high up in the mountains, the heat in Ridgeside Village was unbearable, and the sun was so hot you could fry eggs without a stove. So instead of the usual bench in the main square, Flor chose the soft grass and the cool shade from the leaves of a tree. The girl's emerald eyes were fully focused on the psychology book she wanted to read in the fresh air and away from the noisy tourists in the Log Cabin hotel.
Flor didn't immediately realise how the rustling of the green leaves was now intertwined with a beautiful melody she had never heard before. The red-haired girl had been unable to read the sentence for a minute, and her eyes began to search for the source of the song. And that source turned out to be a jumping with joy Farmer, who were running back and forth with a whole basket of fresh fruit straight from the Community Greenhouse. She felt such joy and peace that she laid the book in her lap, closed her eyes, and listened to the song and sounds around. Until the singing became very loud, and, opening her eyes, Flor was startled by Farmer's tall figure, who smiled and handed Flor a couple of fresh apples.
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big-blue-balloon · 7 years
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oh yeah I also did this in the last few days and forgot to post it!! I’ve been meaning to do it since my last set of flor sprites in september, because
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anyway they went over quite well:
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anyway lots of people liked them a lot and they’re now available as a sticker pack in my RedBubble shop!! two packs actually, bc a friend and I both loved the idea of getting them in really tiny sizes as well as the regular range. so here’s the tiny ones (23x36mm) and here’s all the other sizes (from 67x102mm to 234x356mm)!
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karibusas · 3 years
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by your side || a playlist for noé archiviste/vanitas
“i’m glad you’re the person you are now. i know it’s really arbitrary...but i wanted to make sure i told you.” 
1. east (vallis alps) | 2. who are you really? (mikky ekko) | 3. undercover agents (enter shikari) | 4. can’t look away (seafret) | 5. white noise (flor) | 6. atlas (shannon saunders) | 7. first love/late spring (mitski) | 8. hardest of hearts (florence + the machine) | 9. unfold (porter robinson, totally enormous extinct dinosaurs) | 10. otherside (elephante, nevve) | 11. stardew (purity ring) | 12. four (sleeping at last)
listen on spotify
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 4 years
Rules: list ten songs you’ve been liking lately, then tag ten people. tagged by @noonvvraith, ty ambie! ✨✨ 7 years - charli xcx  chimera - hana ecco - public memory wrong opinion - chairlift time travel - blouse no more time - flor dream sweet in sea major - ミラクルミュージカル rain on me - lady gaga, ariana grande  do not wait - wallows  stardew - purity ring 
tagging: @jennyofvengerberg, @galerion, @bloodofelves, @yverocher, @fillianore, @bleden-mark, & @raccoonsrookie (as always no pressure/feel free to ignore). 
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