yogurt-bee · 5 months
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xyumichux · 23 days
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Happy bday to my lovely bestie @cometchasinglove 💖💕💗🩷
I love her self insert Juniper and her relationship with starscream!! 💕
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hii! I absolutely loved your requests and how the characters act and wished they were longer, but! I wanna request of the continuation of Buddy being Bee’s twin who was brainwashed to be a con!
The twins are going to be reunited! Or are they...
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy being Bumblebee's Twin who was brainwashed and reunited
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Starcsream was the one who left Pandora’s box open.
He was having one of those days again.
Being pinned down by Megatron, having the Autobot’s kick in new dents into his wings, and worst of all being laughed at by his underlings!
Starscream limping in the halls.
Buddy walking by.
“Hey, do you need help getting to the med bay?”--Buddy
Starscream swiping Buddy’s servo.
“Get away from me Autobot scum!”--Starscream
Starscream walking away.
This peaked Buddy’s curiosity.
Starscream was many things, but when he gets mad, he always lets some hidden truth out.
So why did he call them an Autobot?
For the last months on Earth Buddy had been facing off to the yellow mech in every encounter they had.
Nearly having the chance to offline him on multiple occasions, but they always hesitated at the last second.
They first thought that their trigger digit was seizing up and had Knockout look at it.
Buddy sitting on the med bay as Knockout examines their servo.
“Hmm… interesting.”--Knockout
“Nothing seems to be wrong with it.”--Knockout
“That’s… strange.”--Buddy
“Well, my work here is done.”--Knockout
“Do you recommend I do anything in case it happens again?”--Buddy
“…Try using your other servo.”--Knockout
This interaction only further deepened the curiosity.
They knew better than to ask anyone on board.
So, they would have to do some snooping on their own.
But they had to be careful about it.
Buddy chose the rare time Soundwave was out of the ship to gain access to the mainframe.
They could easily delete their footprint from everyone, but Soundwave always terrified them to an extent.
Better safe than sorry.
It took a matter of finding some hidden files under their name to finally piece together the story.
A rather horrifying realization.
Buddy was an Autobot.
They were related to the yellow mech.
They were his twin.
Buddy’s tanks never sunk so low as it did when they read the statement repeatedly.
They had nearly offlined their own twin and they didn’t even know it.
They saw pictures of them as an Autobot. The frame was different, but at the same time, it felt familiar.
It turned out that Starscream himself had managed to kidnap Buddy during a confrontation with Megatron. He brought them for interrogation, after they didn’t budge Megatron and Shockwave decided to make use of them, through shadow play and memory alteration Buddy was a blank slated and had been replaced with altered memories with an altered frame.
Buddy felt sick as they downloaded the information to the data slug.
Making sure that they left everything how it was they quickly left to their habsuite.
They knew they needed to make a decision with this new information.
They knew which one they were going to make.
It took a week of preparations, but they did it.
Now was to act.
“All right. I’ve destroyed the tracker and the remote groundbrigde should be online in a couple more nanoclick… This is actually going according—”--Buddy
“…I had to jinx it didn’t I?”—Buddy
“No matter… Just need to input the coordinates… and pull the—”--Buddy
“Bless you. Now –"--Buddy
Buddy stops and looks to where the sound was.
They look down to see a teeny human with glasses looking at them.
“…I hope you don’t take this the wrong way.”--Buddy
Buddy tossing him into their subspace and jumping into the groundbrigde.
Buddy came out the other way, skidding on the rocky ground as the groundbridge closed behind them.
They were finally free.
Now time to deal with the next steps…
Buddy opening their subspace and grabbing the human.
“Sorry about that.”--Buddy
“Who?! What!—”--Raf
“I know what this looks like, but this is not a kidnapping.”--Buddy
“I kinda does…”--Raf
“Yeah, it does but it was either that or have one of those Cons step on you. And quite frankly, your species has grown on me a bit.”--Buddy
“Yeah, anyways the names Buddy kid. What’s your name?”--Buddy
“Raf. What a minute. Bumblebee said he had a twin named Buddy…”--Raf
“Well, there’s something about that… you can read Cybertronian can you?”--Buddy
“Look at the screen.”--Buddy
Buddy did not expect the surprise hug that the teeny human gave them.
He began ramble all sorts of stories Bee had told him about them in hopes of recalling memory.
“As much as I appreciate you trying to help, I still don’t remember much.”--Buddy
“It’s all right, kid. Its not your fault. But I am hoping to find your Autobot friends to help me with this. I know my chances are slim to none—”--Buddy
“I’m sure they can help! Or at least look at it.”--Raf
Buddy smiling at Raf carefully patting his head.
“Servos where I can see them Con!”--Arcee
Buddy turns around slowly with Raf in their servos.
Arcee and Bumblebee have their blasters out.
“Beep bep boop! (Put him down now!)”--Bumblebee
“Bee wait! Its Buddy!”--Raf
“What kind of lies has that Con been telling you!”--Arcee
“No! Really, Buddy show them the data slug!”--Raf
Buddy handing the data slug and Raf to Bumblebee.
“… He only said the data slug, what’s your plan Con?”--Arcee
“I don’t have any plans. And quite frankly you’re my only hope right now.”--Buddy
“Beep? (Hope?)”--Bumblebee
“I… I recently found out that a good portion of my memories had been altered. My frame altered. And… Listen I’ll come with you cuffed and unarmed, I just need to know if what on that data slug is correct with your data base or not.”--Buddy
“Beep bop boop? (What’s on the data slug?)”--Bumblebee
“… I don’t want to give anyone false hope… just cuff me. If there isn’t anything useful, I’ll tell you everything I know about the Nemesis.”--Buddy
“… cuff’em Bee.”—Arcee
Raf wasn’t too happy seeing Buddy cuffed, but he supposed it was for safety reasons.
No one was happy seeing the Con that had gone after Bumblebee at the base in some cuffs.
While Arcee explained the whole situation, Bumblebee strapped them onto the med bay slab.
The two exchanged some looks before looking away.
“You’re telling us that there is a possibility that you could be Bumblebee’s twin?”--Ratchet
“Hmmm. Highly unlikely. I knew Buddy, they would never—”--Ratchet
“Listen, can you just verify the dates! Sorry if that sounds insensitive, but I really just want to know if someone has been messing with my processor!”--Buddy
“The data is almost done. But if I may ask, what made you want to look at this now?”—Optimus
“…Some things haven’t been adding up lately, and when Screamer said I was an Autobot… I just got curious. Either way I’m not going back to the Cons. I’m not going to risk my tailpipe for some leader who keeps putting unfamiliar substances into his chassis, and… yeah.”--Buddy
“Beep bop (you hesitated.)”--Bumblebee
“Beeepbep bop (Is there another reason?)”--Bumblebee
“…So, what if I don’t agree with the annihilation of an entire species that has nothing to do with the war.”--Buddy
Scan complete.
“Finally! Let’s see what it says!”--Bulkhead
“Yip, yip, Bulkhead stand away from the console.”--Ratchet
“Right, sorry.”--Bulkhead
“And the scan says—By the Allspark…”--Ratchet
“Beep (What?)”--Bumblebee
“Yeah, what’s going on? I can’t exactly see with you guys’ backsides in my line of vision.”--Buddy
“… Your presumptions are correct. Bumblebee, that is your twin.”--Ratchet
Both Bots freeze before fainting.
“At least one of them is on the med slab?”--Miko
“Miko not now.”--Raf
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arceespinkgun · 13 days
so i'm on ep 22 of earthspark and i really like it. i absolutely think your takes are dead on, and i have to add something: i think a lot of fans thought starscream would be redeemed/a good guy because he has blue eyes?
like, in transformers, blue eyes = good guy, red eyes = bad guy. not every autobot has blue and not every decepticon has red, but it's still the majority. and es starcsream has always had blue eyes, from the very first time we see him. even in the war flashback.
i can't help but wonder if that influenced a lot of the takes.
Yay! I'm so happy you're enjoying Earthspark! I love the show and think it has some of the best characters, writing, and animation in all of TF.
Somehow I never thought of this being a possibility, but I could totally see it being the case! I've never liked this eye color thing, I know it technically started with the Sunbow cartoon designs (I mean, there were some exceptions but not many) but I feel like it was around TFP that this idea became really ingrained in the minds of fans (probably because Megatron's eyes turned from blue to red in it). When I try to think back to when he was first revealed in Earthspark, I think there actually was speculation about Starscream's morality based on his eye color in the fandom, unfortunately....
I think reading through the Marvel comics kind of led me to forget that this blue = good red = evil thing even exists in TF. Almost everybody had yellow or white (which I think probably also represents yellow since the paper would be yellowed) eyes, and major Autobots like Optimus Prime, Fortress Maximus, all the Dinobots, and Jetfire all had red eyes! And there were even rare eye colors like Nightbeat's orange visor. One thing I appreciate about Earthspark is that it has rare eye colors again with the Terrans, with Jawbreaker's magenta eyes or Twitch's orange ones for example. I like Starscream with blue eyes, I thought it was weird initially but now I think it balances the colors of his body well.
Something I also think people might be forgetting with Earthspark is that it portrays the abuse of anybody as bad, regardless if they're a good guy or not (as it should). It should be believed that Starscream was abused and that's not acceptable, but that has nothing to do with Starscream's morality. Same with like, Mandroid being oppressed by Croft, or what happens to Shockwave. Or just any Decepticon who was in prison. And there are also heroic characters who were abused too, like Hashtag or Grimlock, so it's not only villains who have this happen to them (it's not portrayed as a consequence of their evil deeds coming back to bite them or anything).
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brandwhorestarscream · 10 months
Knockout is just why do i like these seekers? Their vibes are weirdly homey? What do you mean you can't read their frame language; it's easy to pick up on?
Starscream is looking at this grounder who is moving like a seeker. He's using seakerling wing cant with his door wings. Mech won a staring contest with Skywarp in the medbay and hissed at him untill Skywarp backed out the door. Breakdown brings Knockout a mangled Autobot prisoner for interrogation and KO dosent bother to hide how his engine reves at the sight. "Aw babe you shouldn't have." Starcsream himself sees the bedroom eyes and EM feild coming off Knockout during that incident. The whole airforce is confused because he's a grounder but he in no way acts like a grounder. Scientist Starscream's investigating becasuse this is highly sus. Of course he thinks KO is a seeker sparkling that was stolen from Vos, smuggled to velocitron
It's not untill a seeker's heat triggers KO's Heat and KO ends up laying a clutch of grounders that Starscream realizes exactly what's up. He not a stolen babe, he's somebot's wild oats.
Oooh that's so spicy, Starscream thinking Knockout's a kidnapped seekerling raised forcibly on Velocitron. It makes sense, too, and... methinks, he probably tries to get Knockout onboard with that cover story, or even tells him that's surely what happened.
After all, Knockout's got some pretty strong seeker blood in him. That means an aerie is necessary to his health, on some level. But seekers aren't exactly keen on just anybody waltzing into their space: guests are fine, but new permanent residents are another beast entirely. New additions to the family that aren't born into it usually have to undergo a lot of socially significant stuff: lots of meetings and visits and dinners to make acquaintances and determine if the newcomer is a good fit. This usually happens with prospective bondmates.
Thing is, Knockout looks like a grounder. Seekers generally aren't very welcoming to them. They tend to give them a wide berth and only interact when they have to. If the aerie thinks Knockout is some poor kidnapped seeker sparkling that was forcefully reformatted, they'll be infinitely nicer and 100% onboard with the idea right from the beginning. Sympathy for their own goes a long way, and just imagine all the horrors the poor thing underwent being raised by those barbarians! It's unthinkable!
On the other hand... if they find out he's a half-bred bastard child who's Vosian parent willingly slept with a grounder? Um, yeah. No. They'll want absolutely nothing to do with him and actively shun him. Groundpounder blood diluting their perfect purebred lines and mucking up their aerie? No thank you!
Starscream wants to avoid that drama as much as he can--having Knockout being a kidnapped child is infinitely better than being a willingly produced half breed. It's really sucky, and depending om whether or not Knockout actually knows the truth of his conception could be a big factor.
But, regardless. Starscream still invites him in, and Knockout fits in great as their guest. He can't speak the Vosian dialect yet, but he'll pick up on it quick, and the flyers are delighted
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ozzietherandom · 2 months
me after putting “I Fucked Yr mom” by sorry mom in my ES trine playlist(Name being: 💜Skywarp🖤, ❤️Starcsream💙, and 🖤nova storm💛) on Spotify.
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I feel like Nova-storm and Skywarp would totally tell a kid they fucked their mom just for shits and giggles(I also think they’d actually do it if they had the ability because it would be hella funny to see those two flirt with someone’s mom and then hook up with them-)
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+ SG! Decepticons encountered coastal area.
Audio record log by Dirge
Timestamp cycle 15
Subject : The Fuel
“ We have been walked -i mean STRANDED, preferably lost, for about 4 megacycle right now, no sign of The Nemesis. Every long ranged communcation are glitched.... and if the MISFORTUNE wasnt enough, we were attacked by a horde of Fleshed-Ugly-Spider! Well, Starcsream said the correct term was Carbonic-Crustacean since hes said they were aquatic. Huge nerd. .....So far, there is no flies, no comm, the inhabitants- atleast the one that we encounter so far- hate you stepping on their land... Have i already said that the sea could devour you alive? I havent... now you knew it. Oh well atleast we dont have to worry about fuel, Thanks to Ionstrom’s bravado, poor kid need to be praised a little. But, that is the thing i want to talk about... the fuel... its like energon alright, but red instead commonly green crystal-like on Cybertron mines, contained or farmed? I dont know wich is wich....  in what some kind civilized-made-chamber half submerged into sea. Megs want to call it Energon Nest though, but damn... im not yesterday freshling Megs, he know what it is, and i... i have been served Decepticon long since... long enough....... I know what it is..., ...., ...., back then before the Civil War, though it still in WAR because there is no time we are not-in-war, ive been assigned to be stationed on this Mechanical planet named Gloiend, rich with fuel but hot as hell, quite literally, with its native have this simmiliarity with Velocitronizen, not transform-like but very fast, well they NEED to be fast otherwise the temperature will claim them, even its planet surface is literally covered on lava. So you may wonder how this people recharge? Have they ever stop? Oh no no, they never stop, no matter what. So they build their city on this Super-Fast-Titanic-Train running on planet-wide track that made their city keep stay on the planet’s umbra zone, keep them cool. ....Cool people.... cool people huh? they are formidable enemies! and we have greedies to fueled back home. So where do the Gloiendinizen go when we bomb their trains tracks? They go NOWHERE, the train is their only safety place that keep them away from the harsh environment their planet live in .......the only safety place who also smelt them alive...,..., heh. Energon Nest, eh? Sooner or later those Autobots will be sniff it too right. Always wanted to keep it from themselves..... Greedies..... Well better get a good recharge right now“
(So.. since in TFOG the decepticons are mostly come from  “We are revolutionaries then turned fascism, frag the Autobots for trying to stop us!” origin i would like to think that in SG the decepticons would come from “ We are once fascist but now we trying to revolt, frag the Autobots for keeping to encourage (Old way) us! its horrible!” kind of niche)
(Have you ever try to move hot water container with your bare hand and the first thing your instict kick in was to swing your hand fast so the air could articulate the burn damage? Yeah that how the Gloiendinizen lives their life)
Hmmm okay okay that makes sense
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13urningstars · 1 year
I'm like a day late and we haven't really interreacted that much but... ✵
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  
Their first impression of your muse: Oh this guys gonna be fun [back when starcsream was a con]
Current impression:  He's trying his best, she can appreaciate that. he kind of reminds her of an anxious chiwawa-
Are they attracted to your muse?:  Aesthetically? yes, other wise she's not to sure
Something they find frightening about your muse: How willing he was to bring harm to humans, and that stays one of the few reasons why she's wary of him at first
Something they find adorable about your muse:  How animated he is
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  maybe????? She doesnt know but she'd also rather not
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  sure why not?
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  Entertaining
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: yeah probably
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: mmm, nah. they havent gotten that close yet
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termagax · 4 days
i honestly just fine d16 aggressively cute and charming and funny and its pissing me off. usually when i want to fuck megatron i get to pull out my list of good reasons to not to but this one im just like oh d. i get it man. ill be your right hand arm if you need one. get starcsream out of here its my turn.
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thatonebasicfan · 10 months
I wanna see how fic writers who have AUs where Starscream joins the autobots make Starscream and Smokescreen interact.
My theory is that Arcee and Starcsream finally start getting along by making fun of him.
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sparksliberated · 1 year
eventually imma make some icons,, and then tackle a rules / about. This starcsream is going to be a bit different than my star on my main blog. Certain bonds with certain characteristics will also be different. On top of this, Starscream will be a bit canon divergent from cyberverse and i have a few verses already in mind for this blog !
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yogurt-bee · 3 months
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if only Starscream would try to leave a codependent relationship...
(song: Dont call me up — Mabel)
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irljimmy · 6 years
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ghosty ghosty
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thefleshmustgrow · 5 years
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G1 hot rod that cat from hunger games and starsrcemé
G1 Hot Rod: Punk. Probably failed college. Overdramatic. (Approved)
That cat from the hunger games: I like cats. Never read the hunger games. (Approved)
Starsrcemé: Whiny ass bird who complains and screeches a lot (Literally me. Approved.)
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The star saber minis fighting swindle for starcsream's attention is hilarious to me because I can just imagine starscream just watching them and being like, "I love you tiny little glitches, but I'm literally 50x your size, I think you can share."
Swindle has, and ALWAYS will be a greedy fuck. He gets all of Starscream and Jetstorm keeps wanting to kick his ass. Starscream LOVES it. Sometimes he watches those two fight because Jetstorm got kisses but Swindle didn't. Starscream would be chilling in the hallway, eating snacks, and totally let them pummel each other for his amusement. Dont worry, it doesn't get too rough. He just likes the attention. Jetstorm usually starts said fights.
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