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thehallstara · 2 months ago
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The A.D.A.P.T. Entries is an episodic game in 12 parts from @staradavid. Equal parts interactive fiction and narrative adventure, what will ensue is a space thriller about Judiasm, the building and falling of communities, the necessity of resisting dehumanization, and how even the best of intentions can be twisted in the face of systemic corruption and unaddressed prejudices. The first entry will release January 30th, with the consecutive entries releasing on the last Thursday of each month in 2025.
The A.D.A.P.T. Entries follow Rivkah Kadish, a Jewish woman born in what was once west Montreal but raised on The Ostera, the final flagship on the AQA Inaugural Expansion fleet making a forty year journey to the TRAPPIST-1 system. As the ship’s path nears it’s end, join her as she explores her upbringing, falling in love, the less-than-savoury choices she’s had to make as a member of AQA’s adaptation team, and the secrets she’s uncovered over the years. It will be found at staradavid.itch.io, and updates can also be found at staradavid.bsky.social and adapt-aqa.bsky.social.
The past year of my life has been spent planning, researching, and beginning to develop this project, and I'm so excited to start sharing these stories with the world, in whatever forms that may take.
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nikola-waa · 7 months ago
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whimsyprinx · 2 years ago
gonna use some of my tax money this year to finally send out some of the gifts I’d been collecting for people
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idislikefrenchclass · 1 year ago
thought i might make an intro post since i don’t have one
hello im juno and i keep this blog
- my favourite emojis: ‼️😔✋💖🐁
- what do i post about? oh if only i knew.. shit happening to me or stuff from my head, mostly car seat headrest (the band) or radiohead (also the band), but also books (submarine, looking for alaska, the secret history etc), my teachers and dog
- languages i speak: 🇵🇱🇩🇪🇬🇧🇫🇷 oh you want proof? here you go. twoja stara jest koniem. ich liebe schwule furries. parfois, j’écoute de la musique de edm et techno, je suis embarrassé de ça mais cest la vie. duh now translate that.
- my interests: books (see above), music (see above, except i didn’t mention 1 trait danger, cavetown, weezer, the cardigans and more), sometimes comics (crow cillers!!!), photography, drawing, painting, making collages, writing, brushing my teeth for way too long, drinking tea, i lowkey enjoy physics, french, german, english, music (i play flute) and sometimes ethics in school, cassettes, cds
now go touch grass you’ve been on tumblr too long everyone
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solar-halos · 3 months ago
annie week. day #5 - into the unknown
annie is a wilderness explorer. after her most recent venture into the unknown, she learns some crucial information on how, exactly, to save the wilderness that she and her friends so adamantly want to protect
Annie Cresta: wilderness explorer. There wasn’t anyone else in her fifth grade class better—or braver!—than her.
Lots of people will tell you that there’s no wilderness in District 4, but they’re wrong. In her opinion, abandoned beaches are way more wild than all those pictures in their history books depicting tangled underbrush and knotted tree trunks. Something something the primitive lifestyle of the Dark Days, or whatever Mr. Mar was rambling about today.
Lucky for Annie, school was out. And, even more lucky for her, it was a Friday. Perfect for wilderness exploring. Her bedtime was miles away—just like the beach she wanted to comb through. 
Annie loves making jewelry with stuff she finds at the beach. Her dad taught her, and he calls it a side hustle, but Annie wants to make it into a regular hustle. The type that makes her lots and lots of money.
If Annie had lots and lots of money, she’d wilderness explore every square inch of Panem and everywhere else in the world. Every adult she’s talked to has told her some variation of why other land is uninhabitable—noxious air quality, snakes the size of whales, countries that are almost completely under water —but that’s no match for Annie’s wilderness explorer skills.
She links her arm through her best friend’s, and then does the same with her other best friend, who does the same with their other best friend. They’re all very passionate about their work—and exploring abandoned beaches.
Well—fine. Abandoned beaches don’t really exist in Four. They’re just underpopulated. 
This particular beach they’re gonna be scouring from sand to sea foam is underpopulated because of all the rocks surrounding the areas. Not very family-friendly. Good thing none of them brought their parents. They’d totally freak out. 
Annie and her friends don’t freak out at all. Even if they haven’t climbed this exact path before, they’ve climbed others, and they’ve done it a million times. They take it slower than usual—partly because they want to play it safe, partly because there’s soda cans and cigarette butts to pick up everywhere, and partly because they keep stopping to look at all the sea anemones and hermit crabs residing in the pockets of shallow water. 
“Ooh!” Annie examines her findings, reminding herself not to touch anything. She’s an explorer—not a biohazard. “These anemones are huge!”
As their professional scriber, Maz flips open to an empty page in their journal to make a note of that. The anemones at Dolphin Cove were merely babies, so Stara throws around theories about what might have happened here.
“Maybe they got busy faster,” she giggles, promptly lowering her voice. “Like, sex.”
Annie and all her friends giggle back. They don’t really know how that stuff works, especially for sea anemones, but they all crowd around Maz as she jots that down. They burst into giggles again. Sex. 
“Maybe the moms had twins,” Annie suggests, getting back to the task at hand. Any good explorer had to create several hypotheses. “And they just look bigger.”
“Yeah,” Eirene agrees. “Or maybe they’re eating better, so they’re just healthier than the ones in Dolphin Cove. Like how the Careers in year seven look completely different than the non-Career ones.”
“Oh, true,” Maz says, her pink feather-tipped pen flying across the page. “We’ll have to look at how much food is in their area next time.”
Everyone murmurs their assent. They witness two angry crabs fighting each other for a teeny tiny flopping fish, trying their very best to not get involved (Annie learned the hard way that intervening hurts the ecosystem and her fragile fleshy fingers), and then they watch in horror as the victorious crab abandons the fish entirely.
 Cannibalism can be brutal in the animal kingdom, so they move on and try not to dwell on it. Personally, that stuff drives Annie crazy—the fish was right there—so she distracts herself with how the rocks feel under her fingertips and how Maz’s black-rimmed glasses reflect the sunlight. Right as they’re about to jump off the rocks and land onto the pillowy sand, Stara shouts for them to come to a stop. 
“Look!” she says, pointing to the rocky formation down below. “There’s like—there’s a seal or something down there!”
As soon as they find what she’s talking about, they gasp in horror. Since they forgot their binoculars at home, they take turns using Maz’s glasses, but all that does is give Eirene a headache. It’s okay—they have eyes. And, right now, their eyes are watching some poor little seal dry into a crisp on the rocks.
Dolphins and whales aren’t the only things that can be beached, apparently, so Annie makes a mental note of that for another journal entry. They try to take it slow, but that seal looked like it was rotting by now. If they couldn’t carry Ms. Sea Seal back into the water, they could at least have a proper burial for her.
It’s nasty work. In their haste to get to Ms. Sea Seal, Maz splits her skin open on a shard of glass embedded into the crooks of the rock and Stara skins her knee jumping from one formation to another. Annie swings her backpack off her shoulders, bandaging up Stara while Eirene tackles Maz’s more severe injury. Out of everyone in their friend group, she’s the most vocal about wanting to become a Career. Annie is the most vocal about becoming an explorer.
That doesn’t matter right now. After giving Maz and Stara some snacks to get some of their energy back, they resume their journey and make sure they’re less sloppy this time. They couldn’t help Ms. Sea Seal if they were bleeding out themselves.
The closer they get, the more Ms. Sea Seal looks less blubbery and more brown. Annie blames that on the sweat blurring up her vision. They all saw what they saw.
Ms. Sea Seal is super smelly. Like a dumpster. Like—like—
Like trash.
Annie and the girls crowd around the pile of junk splayed out on the rocks. At the brown paper bags sprinkled in cigarette ashes. At the glass bottles hidden trapped beneath chunks of cardboard.
Where’s Ms. Sea Seal?
“What—” Annie can’t even find the words. It just keeps getting worse and worse. “What is this?”
“Trash,” Maz says glumly, putting what they’re seeing into words. “All the trash must have gotten blown down here. Man—I had a feeling it wasn’t even a seal. They don’t even swim out this far.”
Yeah. Admittedly, it was pretty fishy, but what else were they supposed to do? Leave a living creature to potentially die without triple checking that it was actually just a pile of trash? And, besides, now they can pick everything up. Think of how awful paper bags and glass are for the wilderness.
That puts a damper on the rest of their trip. They throw around so many theories—maybe all those paper bags were lunch pails, maybe a strong gust of wind blew all those beer bottles from the trash bins to the beach, maybe they were exploring  a landfill-turned-beached—but none of them make sense. This is District 4—why is anyone even thinking about littering? That seems like more of an outer district thing.
None of them can crack the code. It seems like the more they explore, the more they realize that this beach is more trash than animal. Annie’s seen plenty of disturbing things throughout this unsavory hobby—like the cannibalism from today—but this is an entirely different story. What is going on?
It bothers her so much she asks her parents about it. They’re not angry with her—probably because she leaves out the part where Maz got hurt and Stara skinned her knee. Her mom even laughs.
“Annie, you went to a party beach.”
“What?” That makes no sense. Every beach was a party, ‘cause parties are fun, and so is swimming and having chicken fights. “No one was even there.”
“No. That’s where—” She stops smiling. “That’s where the bad kids go. To have fun. I know you’d never go there—”
“Absolutely not!” Annie says, and she means it. What was fun about littering? “What is wrong with them? If Ms. Sea Seal did exist, she’d choke on all the ashes! And all those bottles would slit her throat, probably!”
Annie can feel her body get hot. She starts pacing around, trying to sweat out some of the steam boiling at her ears.
“Is there anything we can do?” There has to be. Annie’s mom complains so much—granted, most of it is about Annie’s schemes—so there must be a purpose to it. “Why don’t the Peacekeepers do anything about it?”
Annie knows the answer to that. Contrary to popular belief, Peacekeepers don’t do anything. 
“They do, honey,” her mom assures her. “They just show up too late sometimes. It’s all right—I think it’s sweet you and your friends are picking up trash on the beach.”
“Noble,” Annie corrects. They were doing serious work.
“Noble,” her mom says. “Look—against all odds, those sea anemones were thriving. So I think it’s good that you guys are helping them out even more by picking up all that trash.”
“Yeah. How come? Don’t bad kids do bad things to sea creatures?” Annie shivers at the thought. One time, this kid in her class squeezed at one during a field trip, and he promptly got yelled at. It was the only time she was on Mr. Mar’s side.
“They probably can’t reach—” Her mom narrows her eyes, putting two and two together. “Annie. Were you and your friends climbing on the rocks?”
“That’s not even important!” Annie protests. It’s not. “Ms. Sea Seal smelled like trash. Because she was trash! Beaches aren’t supposed to smell like that at all!”
Thankfully, her mom agrees to lecture her about the dangers of unsupervised rock climbing later. Then she pulls out a sheet of paper and a boring black pen. She insists that’s how they’re gonna change things for the better. 
“The mayor is in charge of approving all those clean up days at the beach,” her mom says. Annie didn’t know that. “A big part of saving the wilderness—and being a wilderness explorer—is talking to people that can do things for you.”
Huh. You learn something new every day.
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ask-the-determined-trio · 11 months ago
Howdy there!
S:Welcome to our lil' blog for us three! My name is Starfish. R:We will hopefully try to be active here. I am Stara, by the way! C:My name is Chara. Let's hope we can have some fun together!
//Hello to you all! The name's Jago (he/him). I'm just a guy who likes to roleplay and play games.
//I don't really have planned storylines. I just go with whatever happens. (I'm bad at making arcs as of writing this.)
How I show my characters speaking:
Starfish: S: Stara: R: Chara: C: (Chara may use textboxes if I feel like it)
Whispers: text
Thoughts: (text)
Normal Narration: (Text)
Stara and Chara's narrating: *Text
Phone texting and stuff: [Text]
Chara possessing Starfish or Stara: "text"
No NSFW. I may be 18, but I DESPISE it! Also, don't be a shitty person.
OOC asks should start with //
Hackmail is open (If you're from rotomblr, it's the same as Pelliper Mail), though some stuff may be denied.
The trio has ties to several IPs, such as Fortnite, Undertale, Deltarune, Persona, and more. The list is decent.
Magic Anons are fine, but design changes will be text only, mainly due to Fortnite restrictions... (and I'm not too great on art stuff yet)
If you want to send asks, please specify for which character is from the list below: (Please check out the documents for each chararcter to get to know what they can do!)
Starfish (She/Her):
Queen of the ocean in Reality 783.
This girl is very kind, and likes to hang out with others, though she prefers to avoid combat if possible.
Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XhmIOTyN9nW5-rSEMCpilludHx5pTyAmi-9FyEDTRPI/edit
Stara (She/Her):
A mischevious Chara who likes to prank others, though she generally restrains that part of hers.
Stara's very kind, but she acts (mostly) formal, due to past trauma.
Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RKyI88mZu4bNcqKpRKZB_CYJmG6rmDCbzk3BP2lupwM/edit
Chara (They/Them):
A former ghost, having been revived, who is able to switch between being a ghost, or being alive.
They are pretty kind, and like to narrate every once in a while.
Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JkGqjgnKDXe23XjymtJIQ0W9ZoQgm2i8Gu7zTn8P-Cg/edit
Links (not including docs):
Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10zaz-QDva-zXYeFzJM2FrTZiFTt63hUf?usp=drive_link
Main blog: @jago-blog
Twitter (Parody Twitter): https://x.com/Starfish8212 (Not really an advertisement, but I'm more active there tbf.)
//And that's about it! I hope we can have some fun!
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lesbiansurge · 2 years ago
June 2023 Brawl Talk
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more below the cut!
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the new brawler this season is Cordelius, a, um..... mushroom, guy...? they say he was a gardener in starr park, but the toxicity of the place drove him mad; now he's stuck there. oh shit thats LORE!!!!!! nothing we didnt already know but wow!!!!
most of his kit isnt a whole lot; his main attack seems a little on the weaker end, but he is very fast to make up for that. on top of that, his super transports himself and whomever he hits to another dimension where they fight... TO THE DEATH!!! however, the odds are most definitely in his favor, as he gains a speed(!) and reload speed boost while his opponent can't use any gadgets or supers.
there's also spore mind cordelius, the tier 70 brawl pass skin, but frankly i dont care about it. blah blah blah another evil tier 70 brawl pass skin. this is like the third one we've gotten so far, right?
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this skin (haunted house 8-bit) sucks dookey im not talking about it.
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STONE TROLL LOU IS AWESOME THOUGH!!!! but its the power league skin *among us sound effect*
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i actually quite like wood spirit chester. the face reminds me of el muneco from guacamelee 2 :) might not go out of my way to get it however.
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ughhhh i could talk about my gripes with this skin now, but i'll save that for another post. tldr its a fun design but its also a big day for annoying people
there are more skins coming in The Summer of Pirates (keeping to the theme of summer of x) but i dont really care for any of them enough to cover here. which is funny considering griff and surge both got skins for this event.
its time for the best fucking part of this brawl talk though DOUG!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hes actually so awesome and looks so fun to play mechanically. plus i looooove hot dogs WAIT THATS WHY HES NAMED DOUG BECAUSE. BECAUSE THE THE THE HOT DOG!!!!!!!!!
mechanically he has a range similar to (maybe a little smaller than?) jacky, but with attacks like byron. that is, they both heal and hurt. there's also a bit of a point-blank mechanic in play where the closer everyone is to doug, the more health they gain/lose. i also noticed that the healing and damage arent 1:1, which actually makes me a little peeved since they refuse to do something similar for byron. but its whatever though (-:
moving on, he is the first brawler in the game that is able to revive others and himself! wait what about 8bit with extra life?? ...anyway, his super functions very similarly to gus, but replace the shield with a revive effect. of course, this revive effect doesnt last forever! i noticed that brawlers dont drop their gems if they get revived though, which sounds like he will be really good in gem grab. maybe. idk.
theres also the obligatory recolor skin draco doug. not much to talk about with that though <3
not to mention skin remodels! dark tide carl, iris tara (now stara), smuggler penny, and phoenix crow!!! wow!!! bonnie is also getting some 29 gem skins, unicorn bonnie and footbonnie (LIKE FOOTBALL. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!)
finally, the moment some of you have been waiting for...! ARE! BOXES! RETURNING!!!
i audibly cheered when they said that. however the mechanics are coming back in their own unique way. its in a way that i feel is a lot less predatory, so im overall happy with this, er... rework...?
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introducing starr drops! you earn drops through winning matches (any kind of match counts) that can range from rare to legendary, much like the brawlers. you also get four chances to upgrade these drops, but the chances seem very small. drops can give resources, brawlers, pins, sprays, icons, and even skins! small caveat, only skins purchasable with bling that are not limited can be rewarded.
they also go into some stuff about how this is an overall buff to resource gain. i'll take their word for it :)
some extra stuff! payload is back, but the payloads themselves have no collision (basically meaning you can walk/shoot through them now. like hotzone but the zones move). takedown my beloved and wipeout my despised are back in rotation. quests can now be completed with more than one (but not every) brawler. speaking of quests, premium quests can now be progressed, even if you havent purchased the premium brawl pass. this makes it all the more sweet when you purchase the brawl pass after the beginning of the season :D
finally, paula is going to be leaving the brawl stars team. i wish her all the best <3
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totally-not-my-drama · 1 year ago
Welcome to my total drama blog
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Again welcome to my Total drama art blog. This blog is mainly meant for my Total drama content I am doing be it art, stoys, AUs, etc. Everything related to TD is placed here! You can also ask me about certain things be it headcanons, questions to AUs or other things TD or me related!
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My AUs:
Total Drama Omori (TW: suicide, sh, blood, horror)
This AU, as the title says, is an Omori AU with total drama characters and me and my friend @ragefulbutsweet OCs! It's alot like the original Omori story, but has certain changes in general since everyone still pretty much acts like their original selfs, plus some relationships "changed" and there is a bit more content/ context in this version. There would also come sometimes in which I think more gameplay wise and explain it like it was a real videogame! The specific tags for this AU are 'Total Drama Omori AU' 'TDO' 'TDOAU'.
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Ever After High AU (title and tags in progress):
This AU is still in it's concept phase and I dunno when I get to work on it more but I won't give up on it! This AU is basically total drama characters in the Ever after high roles. And I warn anyone already for those who do not like the ship: Yes this is a Noco focused AU with Noah in the main role. The story is more slice of life with the main Focus of Noah, at the beginning Noelle, figuring out he is actually trans. I am still working on the story's but stay tuned for more! The tags for this AU are Ever after high AU and Eahau
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Pokemon AU:
This Au actually happened out of the blue ngl, while thinking how a game like this would look like! Anyway This AU takes basically almost, if not all TD Characters and turns them into Pokemon. The Region is named after the camp so it's the Wawanakwa Region (This feels werid to write XD). While still in planning this might become a Y/N Story, with the goal to become the next Pokemon master! This AU has the specific Tag Pokemon AU.
A story I am currently writing on (And hopefully finish like I want to) Is called 'Curiosity kills cats' and is based around @eavee-ry 's Island of the slaughtered AU and is about my OC Edith going to the island to figure out if these ghosts are real or not. I won't say more it's a surprise and will be released when The chapters are all done!
Original Characters:
The first (and currently only fleshed out character) of mine is Edith. She was first made out of the IOTS AU and just after getting into TD more did I put her into more Canon TD stuff (which makes it more AU stuff in a way) Anyway Edith has a specific passion for finding and proofing if the ghost storys on the internet she sees, are truly real or not! She has a more closed of personality but is very polite and humble but easily gullible and naiv.
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Tag lists:
Omori AU: total drama omori au, TDO, TDOAU
Ever after high AU: Ever after high AU, EAHAU
Pokemon AU: Pokemon AU
Storys I am write: storys, fanfictions, fanfic, writing
All my art together: my art, fanart
OC's: (OCs name), Original characters, OCs
any questions asked and answered: Stara Answers, asks
Headcanons: Headcanons
That is all so far. I will update this whenever something changes. Hope to see you soon again
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fourteenfifteen · 2 years ago
specialties: comedy and horror and the mix of the two. this might be an obvious answer but you do it better than like. anyone else i follow and i always go into your fics knowing they're going to make me feel something and i love that
🥺 thank you stara!! i’m glad u enjoy it bc it’s fun for me lol. the spooky stuff is a new muscle that’s fun to work and the funny stuff is an old muscle. the oldest muscle i have the muscle all the others were built off of. that’s how muscles work right i’m not a bio person
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tigerquoii · 2 years ago
the zine jam is done! i had so much fun and it was such a welcome jolt of creativity, as well as amazing to see everyone else’s creations - i’m still working my way through all the submissions but everything i have seen has been so incredible here’s a list of zines i contributed to! body-snatchers - my solo zine about josé haley and about pyrophilous fungi. this was such a departure from my normal art and was so fulfilling to make and research!
letters from the rumour mill - this is the collaborative zine i put together of completely fresh takes on players. my piece is a new version of kennedy alstott (and accidentally vela alstott as well), but everyone’s lore in this is so compelling and cool square roots - this is a zine i made with @thehallstara about our favourite messy lesbians, exploring their relationships at the end of the world. it is always such a pleasure to work with stara, and im really proud of what we made here. even if the malaysian independence day page had to be removed
one minute to midnight - i was so excited to be a part of this zine with some of my favourite blaseball writers! it was an exquisite corpse 12x100 where we each only saw the section before, about the dale and the black hole. together, they make a really fun and surprisingly cohesive piece.
other collaborative zines i contributed to are below the readmore!
the end - this was an incredible zine about s24 with a creative process that mimicked the chaos of s24 - a 24 hour speedrun to create every piece. massive shoutout to waveridden and blink for their work putting this behemoth together, there is so much amazing stuff in there.
to the hall and back - a zine about marriage, divorce, relationships, and everything in between. there is a lot of beautiful and heartwarming work in here, and i wrote a piece about our favourite wives, hahn and priya fox
reality flickers - this was a zine where everyone did different pieces on the prompt ‘feedback’. i really enjoyed playing with an aspect of feedback i think is really cool, and the other pieces in here are amazing takes on the topic
the open road - a really cute zine put together by crab! it is such a fun concept, and i really enjoyed making a nagomi and passenger piece for this
dads vs dads - wrestling promos for dads* as drawn by their kids! this was such a cute and fun zine, and a great opportunity as someone who cant draw haha
the good old days - a zine about season one, which is something i have 10000 feelings about. such a fun thing to explore, and i loved writing up something for olives really cute drawing of the season one beams roster the yourplace ourfolks - fanteams! a really good way to see just how creative the blaseball fandom is, and i had a lot of fun returning to an old fanteam of mine
and an honourary mention to fractured realities and timelines that cannot be by @pysics. theres a mini feature of some writing from a fic of mine, but it is an absolutely stunning and emotionally impactful piece of art and everyone should read it immediately, because it will be spinning in my head for a really long time
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echo-tries-writing · 3 years ago
okay, so i posted about the story i’m writing and asked if anyone wanted to hear about it, and a couple of people responded that they did which makes me so excited because i love talking about this!!!
i’ll just start talking about my characters because they are literally like my children
my very traumatized children
the picrew i used^
The main characters:
Prince Morgan Fox Chamari (I made the picrews a while ago, so they might not be up to date, but it’ll do for now) (also they didn’t have that many option for make up and stuff, so i just drew on a lot of it)
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He sounds like a snob but he’s really not
He’s 5’8, uses he/him, caucasian, pansexual, a leo (yes astrology is swag), he is way too nice for his own good, and trusts people way too easily (which might turn out to be a problem)
He has light brown, curly hair, green eyes, and he’s a prince, so probably like expensive clothing
Morgan does have magic, but I’m not really sure how it works yet, I only know that he kinda sucks at it at first, and he needs to find some kind of scepter to help him with it
Willow Ivy Stara
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5’1, she/her, black, aromantic asexual, a virgo, also a nice person in general, but she’s not an idiot about it, you know? She is probably the one that keeps the single braincell of the team in place
Dark, coily hair, dark skin, brown eyes, the prettiest smile you’ll ever see, and she likes wearing dresses and flowers in her hair! She’s also a very gifted healer (maybe i’ll talk more about powers in my world later)(because she doesn’t just have healing, she can do damage too (basically the opposite of healing) which is really rare in my world, but it also strengthens her healing powers)
She joined the team because she ran away from her parents, because they were forcing her to marry another healer (cus she’s aroace right) (and the other healer is a gay man who she later finds out also ran away, and joined the villain!)
Raine Dayla-Jules
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Probably the character I’ve put the most effort into, which also means she’s one of the characters who gets the most traumatized (love you Raine)
5’8, she/her, caucasian, lesbian, a leo, on the good side, but leaning towards morally grey, extreme trust issues, she is broke and homeless and a thief, says she is an orphan, but really just doesn’t want to get into her tragic backstory
Lots of blonde, curly hair, blue eyes, freckles, various scars all over her body (which she mostly gets through the story)
She had a normal childhood until she was six years old, when she was kidnapped (because of her powers, hydrokinesis and cryokinesis (is that what it is in english? idk, ice and water like a waterbender), she hasn’t seen her family after that (but she will at the end, I’m not that evil)
I mentioned enemies to lovers on the last post, and Raine is part of that<3
Ember Aurora Ilani
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The villain with redemtion arc, because every story needs that, but believe it or not she’s actually a pretty good person, and she does what she thinks would be the best for everyone
5’6, she/her, asian, demisexual lesbian, a scorpio, she has pyrokinesis (again, hope that’s the right word), and that’s where the arson i talked about comes from, occasionally borrows that one braincell from Willow
Like, yes, she technically is a good person, but that will not stop her from setting a house on fire on purpose
Dark brown, long and straight/slightly wavy hair, hazel eyes, tan skin, terrible childhood of course
Like, ‘older brother dying in a fire that she accidently caused, parents hating her and abusing her because of it, running away at age 10, becoming best friends with the villain’ kind of terrible childhood
The other part of the enemies to lovers! (Don’t worry, it’s gonna be a slow-burn)(the burning part might be literal)(but it’s gonna be fine, we have lots of character development and no power imbalance, they both hurt and help each other)
Hawke Edavine
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Typical badboy, poor but wholesome family, I might kill his dad though, because all of the main characters has all their parents intact
6’1 (I like that it’s a foot height difference between him and Willow), he/him, latino, straight (I guess they needed some rep too), a capricorn, probably nicer than he looks
Dark messy hair (like, think Percy Jackson), brown eyes, tan skin, bushy eyebrows, think about what a straight woman would find attractive in a man (what do straight women like? Flynn Rider? Think that, just younger)
Used to be best friends with Raine when they were like 11-14 years old maybe, but drama happened, they fell out, they will spend the first few chapter hating each other (also we all know and hate queerbating, so obviously I’m gonna straight-bait these two at first<3)
i think that’s all i had for now, but there’s so much more
if you read all the way down here, congrats (and also thank you?? i care so much about this, i love when other people listen)
like, if you wanna hear about the villain (aka Morgans twin sister, princess Sienna Aurelia Chamari), or about these characters, or other characters, their families, pinterest board of their aesthetics (yes i made that too) and also im currently trying to make playlists too, just please lmk because i will serve
i didn’t even talk about their body types or disabilties or mental health issues or other quirks or favorite animals or pets either, but just know i have it all
i just love this, hope you do too!
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thehallstara · 1 month ago
Entry 0.1 - Introductions
In which we begin to investigate the writings of Rivkah Kadish, PhD.
The A.D.A.P.T. Entries is a monthly episodic game in 12 parts from @staradavid.bsky.social .  Consecutive entries will release on the last Thursday of each month in 2025.
Equal parts interactive fiction and narrative adventure, it is a space thriller about Judiasm, the building and falling of communities, the necessity of resisting dehumanization, and how even the best of intentions can be twisted in the face of systemic corruption and unaddressed prejudices.
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witchinghouracademy · 4 years ago
【Stara🍓Berry Hunt】 Pt. 2
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―【 Strawberry Fields -  Right Side 】―
Amatheia: Okay everyone is in position. We’ll definitely win!
Amatheia:  “What’s important is having fun!” “Let’s all enjoy this!” Even if you say stuff like that, there’s no way I’m losing.
Amatheia: Mh? Oh, it’s you. AH! The swan is wearing the hat I made!! Omg she looks SO cute!!
Odile: There we go again...
Amatheia: You look SO adorbs, you’re so welcome for making that hat. I was on a sewing kick while changing my dress for today anyways. So, how is it? My dress! Totally cute right!?
> It suits you
Amatheia: RIGHT? It was already cute but I had to give it my own touch! Though I wasn’t allowed to dye any parts this time. Tch.
Amatheia: So, you two are playing too? Like, it’s kinda unfair since you’re only two. And she has no hands!
Odile: We are aware, yes.
Amatheia: That toooootally sucks for you. I’m sure Silvia will give you some of ours later, so I guess I can look away this once... We’ll have too many anyways! Ohohoho~
Odile: Ha... she tires me out.
Amatheia: The prize isn’t a big deal, but it’s about winning! And rubbing it on everyone’s faces! Okeanos number one!!!
> Right, what was the prize again?
Amatheia: Um, it was... Uh...
Odile: You don’t know.
Amatheia: I like, read the announcement and all but I had to plan our... plan, okay!? A girl’s busy. Madame Mim is giving a speech before it all starts anyways. Ugh I wish we could just get to it.
Odile: This side of the fields seems taken. There’s yet plenty more to choose from. Let’s move.
Amatheia: Good luck! You’re totally gonna lose but you can celebrate with us when we win~!
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whimsyprinx · 3 years ago
i need someone’s opinion on commission prices but I don’t want to ask any of the artist I know because I just Don’t Want To
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newwoodworkingplans · 4 years ago
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Stara dębowa decha idealna do serwowania #suchyprojekt #rekodzi… Are you expert in woodworking? you like to build custom popular woodwrikng projects easily? searching for woodworking pattern and american woodworking plans project ideas like these simple woodwork plans. Get around 16000 woodworking projects with step by step guide. Do you love to make useful and amazing stuff from wood? If yes, then this woodworking projects category is dedicated to you for making various creative ... Top woodworking plans
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hatari-translations · 5 years ago
CYBER ft. Emmsjé Gauti - Snákar (Snakes) - transcript/translation
This one was difficult to transcribe, full of very slurred lyrics, slang and references. My original transcript was total incoherent nonsense and I just kind of threw up my hands and went “maybe this is all a bunch of weird drug slang or something”. Later, though, I got my hands on the official lyrics for the song and retranscribed it, and it’s a lot easier to tell what it’s on about, though it’s still not entirely transparent.
Please do scroll down to the translation notes, I really want to tell you about this one amazing completely untranslateable pun in here. Content warning for drugs and sexuality (including a couple that are “a little bit related”, apparently).
Icelandic transcript
Strákarnir í fjörunni
sitja og grafa, sitja og grafa, sitja og grafa
Snákarnir í körfunni
sleikja og stara, sleikja og stara, sleikja og stara
  Liggjum og reykjum og sleikjum allt af
Tökum og neytum, þú hleypur af stað
Svíður ekki lengur, þú sleiktir allt af
Skríður undir sandi og þú stígur á það
  Blóð í sandi, blóð í sandi, blóð í sandi, á
Vatn í munni, rauður runni, blóð og landi, á
Sitja kyrr og bíða, hlusta, hlusta á sárið, á
Sleikja og stara, reykja aðra, blæða út í, á
  Stingum og gleypum, þú kremur allt af
Lemjum og drepum, við reynum á það
Aldrei fara aftur, ef þú ferð þá fer það
Finndu fyrir öllu, ég sker það allt af
  Skríður og bíður, þú stígur á það
Skríður og svíður, þú hleypur af stað
Bíður eftir merki, ég bíð og gef það
Skríður undan verki, verkið var mitt, brah
  Strákarnir í fjörunni
sitja og grafa, sitja og grafa, sitja og grafa
Snákarnir í körfunni
sleikja og stara, sleikja og stara, sleikja og stara
  Liggja og lama, liggja og lama, liggja og lamast, ah!
Reyna að fara, reyna að fara, reyna að farast, ah!
Og mig langar helst ekki að tala, mig langar helst ekki að tapa
Hugsanir hlaupa hratt í hringi og ég eltist við það að rata
 Þess vegna vildi ég helst það væri snara
Reyna að hlaða hratt en næ ekki alveg að klára
Snaran snýst í hringi, kirkjubjöllum hringi
Útlimunum slengur, últímatum kyngir
 Sæti mitt er laust (laust)
Gleymist úti og fraust (laust)
Snerti þig, þú naust (kaust)
að sýna mér traust (laugst)
Elskan, elskan, sérðu eftir því að ég faust?
Sálarlaust og selt þú kaust að svíkja mig virðingarlaust?
  Liggjum og reykjum, þú sveikst og tókst það
Störum og sleikjum, þú veist þú vilt það
Ég tek það allt aftur, skaða í þinn stað
Skara framar í öllu, því ég faust, maður
 Strákarnir í fjörunni
sitja og grafa, sitja og grafa, sitja og grafa
Snákarnir í körfunni
sleikja og stara, sleikja og stara, sleikja og stara
Ég finn það á mér, það er eitthvað sem þú vilt mér
Ég finn það á mér, þú ert eitthvað pínu villt hér
Samkvæmt bókinni þá ertu pínu skyld mér
Endum samt svo bæði úr að ofan eins og Big Ben
  Jónas í vasanum eins og heimsskáldin, fattarðu
Lífið lyginni líkast, ég er eins og námskeið í Haraldnum
Ta-talaðu, talaðu, fíla að vera hataður
en ég drep þig í letri og verð svo kallaður Arnaldur
  Moðerfokker, já, bakkaðu, ó!
Varstu á rananum, ó!
Varstu á skallanum, só!
Þú verður skallaður
 Ég tipla á tánum til að týnast ekki í tonnataki
Taktu til í tönnunum og tryggðu typpi í tonnatali
 Grafísk hönnun, alveg lógó
Tók í burtu - tók en fór þó
Forljót sál en flottir skór, þó
Seyðisfjörður, París, Tókýó
Ljótir strákar elska kókó
Ljótar stelpur hata fómó
Apalæti, klink í Bóbó
Poki af dicks sem fást í Costco
Strákarnir í fjörunni
sitja og grafa, sitja og grafa, sitja og grafa
Snákarnir í körfunni
sleikja og stara, sleikja og stara, sleikja og stara
 Strákarnir (nir nir nir nir)
sitja og grafa, skrafa, skrafa, sitja og grafa
Snákarnir (nir nir nir nir)
sleikja og stara stara stara stara stara
 English translation
The boys on the beach
sit and dig, sit and dig, sit and dig
The snakes in the basket
lick and stare, lick and stare, lick and stare
 Let's lie and smoke and lick everything off
Take and consume, you take off running
Doesn't sting anymore, you licked it all off
Crawling under the sand and you step on it
 Blood in the sand, blood in the sand, blood in the sand, ow
Watering mouth, red bush, blood and spirit, ow
Sit still and wait, listen, listen to the wound, ow
Lick and stare, smoke another, bleed into, ow
 Stab and devour, you crush everything off
Hit and kill, we'll give it a try
Never go again, if you go it'll go away
Feel everything, I'll cut it all off
 Crawling and waiting, you step on it
Crawling and stinging, you set off running
Wait for a signal, I wait and give it
Getting out of a job, the job was mine, brah
 The boys on the beach
sit and dig, sit and dig, sit and dig
The snakes in the basket
lick and stare, lick and stare, lick and stare
 Lying and paralyzing, lying and paralyzing, lying and getting paralyzed, ah!
Trying to go, trying to go, trying to die, ah!
And I'd rather not talk about, rather not lose
Thoughts run in quick circles and I chase them down to navigate
 That's why I'd rather there was a lasso
Try to charge quickly but can't quite finish
The lasso rotates in circles, rings churchbells
Slinging limbs, swallowing the ultimatum
 My seat’s free (free)
Left outside and froze (free)
I touched you, you enjoyed (chose)
putting your trust in me (lied)
 Darling, darling, do you regret how I left?
Soulless and sold, you chose to betray me with no respect?
 We sit and smoke, you cheated and took it
We stare and make out, you know you want it
I take it all back, all harm done to you
I excel at everything because I left, man
 The boys on the beach
sit and dig, sit and dig, sit and dig
The snakes in the basket
lick and stare, lick and stare, lick and stare
I can feel it, there's something you want with me
I can feel it, you're a little bit lost here
On the books you're a little bit related to me
But we still both end up with our shirts off like Big Ben
  Jónas in my pocket like the world’s great poets, get it
Life's stranger than fiction, I'm like a crash-course in the Haraldur
Ta-talk, talk, I love to be hated
but I'll kill you in writing and then they'll call me Arnaldur
  Motherfucker, yeah, back up, oh!
Were you high, oh!
Were you wasted, so?
You'll be headbutted
 I tiptoe often so I don't get lost in superglue
Clean your teeth and you’ll get a ton of dick
 Graphic design, totally logo
Took away - took but still left
A hideous soul but cool shoes, though
Seyðisfjörður, Paris, Tokyo
Ugly boys love cocoa
Ugly girls hate FOMO
Monkey business, coins for Bóbó
Bag of dicks that’s sold at Costco
The boys on the beach
sit and dig, sit and dig, sit and dig
The snakes in the basket
lick and stare, lick and stare, lick and stare
 The boys (boys boys boys boys)
sit and dig, chat, chat, sit and dig
The snakes (snakes snakes snakes snakes)
lick and stare stare stare stare stare
Translation notes
Many thanks to @rivers90hatari​ who got me the lyrics as written in a lyrics booklet, which cleared up a lot of stuff here and got this all to make a bit more sense. The written lyrics contain various off-kilter spelling etc., so I figured I’d let my transcript be more written to be more ‘correct’ for the sake of those of you who are studying Icelandic, but to be clear, the official lyrics look a little different.
The word “faust” is used twice in the written lyrics and... I have no idea what that’s supposed to be? It sounds like a middle-voice verb, but I’m drawing a blank as to what the verb is, even if I assume it’s a ‘slurred’ spelling of it. Maybe I’m just having a brainfart, but I’m not finding anything by Googling either. Just from the context it sounds like it refers to a breakup, so I translated it as “left”, but please be aware that this is a context-based guess.
“But we still both end up with our shirts off like Big Ben” sounds like the most cryptic nonsensical line ever written, but it’s actually an amazing Icelandic pun. The Icelandic line is “Endum samt svo bæði úr að ofan eins og Big Ben”. Úr að ofan, which I translated “with our shirts off”, literally means “out on top” - basically, you’re out [of your clothes] on the top half of your body. However, úr also means a watch, as in a wristwatch - so úr að ofan could also technically mean “a watch on top”. Like Big Ben, the tower with a clock on top of it. It took me a couple listens to even get it but once I did, oh my god. Obviously this is in no way translateable, so nonsense line with a translation note it is.
“Jónas” is presumably referring to early nineteenth-century poet Jónas Hallgrímsson, perhaps the most famous Icelandic poet, who played a part in the Icelandic independence movement.
Unfortunately I have no idea what the “crash-course in the Haraldur” is about; Haraldur is a common Icelandic name, and there’s no way to find out what Haraldur is being referenced here given I didn’t immediately know. If you do know, please tell me!
“but I'll kill you in writing and then they'll call me Arnaldur” is referencing beloved mystery writer Arnaldur Indriðason - presumably, by killing someone in writing, Emmsjé Gauti will be comparable to him.
Seyðisfjörður is a town in Iceland with a population of some 700ish people; putting it next to Paris and Tokyo sounds pretty absurd.
“Monkey business, coins for Bóbó” seems to be a reference to a coin-operated fortunetelling monkey named Bóbó that used to be in Eden, a flower shop slash café in Hveragerði (another Icelandic town of about 2700 inhabitants) that burned down in 2011. That’s incredibly obscure and I was not expecting to actually get a definitive result by googling ‘Bóbó’, but given the connection both to “monkey business” and coins, I can’t imagine it’s not a reference to that.
A Costco store opened in Iceland in May 2017; it would’ve been new when CYBER’s Horror album came out.
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