tibuuki · 21 days
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Fluttershy with her first son Lux :3
This belongs to my NextGen StarAU where Fluttershy and Discord form a weird little family.
When Lux hatched from his egg at five months; ahead of schedule, Fluttershy and Discord put all their parenting knowledge to the test.
Lux from the very beginning was very unruly and full of energy, and another detail not less important, he was a creature born from the God of Chaos! Therefore, very dangerous. When Fluttershy realized that maybe, and only maybe, she had a baby capable of destroying worlds because of a tantrum, she almost died of nerves. But Discord, calm, soothed his wife's anxiety with hot chocolate and a few massages, and proceeded to tell her that, in fact, her mother, inherited millenary techniques for her future child to expend energy without destroying a city in between, such as, for example:
- Throwing the baby off a cliff and having him fall many meters by himself.
- Holding it by its tail so that it is upside down and spinning it around.
- Hitting yourself to make the child laugh his head off. For some reason, baby draconequus find violence funny.
Techniques that, to Lux's mother, were not very funny...
But despite all odds, it seemed that with a few kisses and cuddles, the unruly nature of the baby creature was appeased, so using such dangerous maneuvers was not necessary... in most cases.
First post here!
I always wanted to upload my drawings and stories on this site, but I never managed to have consistency! I'm taking advantage of the fact that my mental health is improving so I can upload more stuff and create new platforms, so I don't get overwhelmed with my main feed, Instagram.
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welcometohomeworld · 1 year
How tall are your characters?
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You can see it here
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my-faymelodyz · 5 years
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OMK this is Incredibly old but 
I miss my OCs man
They were my mine OCs man along with Starau and Alexander QvQ I’ll draw them soon—
Oh yeah goatasus’ belong to @/ mystic-quartelz
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pencil-prince · 5 years
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May I suggest to you, a Star Beej AU?
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wams-a · 7 years
chapter 2.
Alternatively, "In which Patrick beats up Pete, also there's that one song from the 90's".
If you haven't read chapter 1, you can do so here, and the official AU blog is up as well! Follow that over here.
Remember that likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated, and thank you so much for following my story!
Pete's expression on the entirety of the drive to his Chicago apartment resembled exactly that of an irritated mother driving her teenage son home from school after he had done something completely, utterly fucked up. This kid, this "Patrick" was Pete's teenage son in that metaphor.
Pete really couldn't help but wonder what was going on in this kid's head. It was all happening fast, too fast. It reminded Pete of the race he went to with his father when he was younger, all kinds of colors swirling in a sort of motion that didn't seem possible. It was still really goddamn early, that was one thing. And this kid just decides he can fuck around, pretend to be an angel, and waste Pete's sweet time? No, no, Patrick wasn't getting away with this, he was getting himself into a world of troubl--
"What kind of music is this?" Patrick's voice was surprisingly sweet, quiet, harmonic, beautiful. Like a symphony. Not what Pete expected.
Pete's train of thought completely derailed, and he simply sat for a minute trying to recall the question. When he found his voice, it came out in broken, fractured pieces. "Uh. I? I don't know, this is the pop station.. y'know.. *NSYNC? Your boy, JT?"
Patrick stared at Pete with a look of ultimate confusion, and Pete laughed, one of those quick chuckles where you just kind of smile slightly and shake for a few seconds with barely any sound coming out. He kept his eyes on the road and shook his head, still grinning. "Wait, I forgot. You're from the sky! Aren't you? You're an angel, of course you don't know what music is, of course." Pete was cracking up. He hadn't slept in days, this was hilarious. *NSYNC was hilarious. He was hilarious..
Patrick still looked hurt as they pulled up to the parking garage and stepped out of Pete's car, a 2000 Ford Taurus with chipped paint near the windows and broken windshield wipers. "I'm not an angel, I'm a star." Patrick's voice was shaky and pained, but Pete raised an eyebrow and kept going. "Really? Send me a postcard when you get back to Jupite---"
Patrick grabbed Pete by the left wrist, spun him around and pinned him against the driver's-side door of the car. His cheeks were rosy and tears stained his face. "Leave me alone! Just leave me alone. I don't have anywhere to go, you're all I have and the least you can do is help me. Please help me.."
Patrick loosened his grip and let go of Pete, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans and walking out towards the building, breath shaky and unsteady. Pete's expression softened.
"Listen.. kid.. I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I just don't understand.." Patrick ignored him and kept walking, eventually waiting for Pete when they got to the 3rd floor, like he had said. Pete turned the key and opened the door to the apartment.
There were lots of empty bottles, stained sheets, jars of peaches (this one confused Patrick to no end) and clothes spread haphazardly across the living area.
“Uh. You know. Here’s your, uh. Joe. And Andy.” Joe and Andy nodded as Pete said their names. “Joe, Andy. Patrick.” He looked like he wanted to leave immediately. “Have fun-” Pete started to open the door when Patrick took off his jacket and shirt to reveal the scarred remains of two wings running down his back with some kind of dark blue substance. Everyone in the room paused and stared at Patrick as he laughed grimly and walked off.
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softchaoticpunk · 7 years
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Star AU Patrick w/ his chicken nuggets
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jitteryjive · 3 years
fantasy au prof, cherub and ode 🤝 utgs cap 🤝 star sailor au shroomses w the “we all fucking died/are dead” club
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kidlnthedark · 3 years
Roope scored and I'm so drunk I cried
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With you all the beach photo demon!Star version.
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thomothysdoodles · 4 years
You could call it the Actorsstory au? Since he’s asserting he’s the one who is the star. Or Starau. I think with Illinois, it may be on his shoulder blade or bottom of one of his feet. Magnum it would probably be on his upper arm. He started this with Heist egos probably when he noticed Darks taking them in, and he might eventually do it to the others or want to redo the heist egos ones.
Oh I like actorsstory! Might use it.. I’d it’s fine with u👀
Also that so cool! Do the heist egos try to explain to themselves why they have this name on their bodies or..? Also, Yancy also has Dark written, is that of any relevance in your hc? Also how does it work? What power does the actor have on them if they have his brand?
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 years
Ik u say your writing is trash, but I like it. So I just wanted to ask how was Knov's List updates are going? Ik u said endings are hard for u, so that is why it is taking u awhile (& bc of work & stuff). That Mito YT StarAU sounds great; now I want a fic of it. Mito getting attention is great; love Gon being a detective. The Zoldycks being doctors is perfect. Like Killua working in the ER bc he is an adrenaline junkie (Luv Nanika working w/ him). Like Alluka, Canary, & Kalluto's roles/jobs too.
I call my writing trash because it’s never what i want it to be in my head, but i suspect that’s creator 101.
I’m halfway through writing the last chapter of Knov’s List. I used to write on public transport a lot, thinking about characters and stories is my commuting pastime. but covid cancelled commuting so i haven’t really spent that much time thinking of stories and characters, especially that covid has made my depression worse.
But I’m really trying to motivate myself to finish the two fics I have outstanding, Knov’s list being the easier one because it’s much closer to a conclusion.
The Mito YT Star AU unfortunately has no plot, just some scattered ideas. Like I imagine that she gives private cooking lessons to Milluki and his spouse because they want to be perfect parents, so they want to feed their baby the good stuff.
Or i think Gon is pretty disillusioned with detective work, because he thought he could help people, find missing people, help find stolen stuff and so on. And probably often he can do little for the victims. And corruption and other pathologies are probably rampant.
Yeah, maybe I’ll come up with an actual plot for this one.
Thank you for asking <3
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welcometohomeworld · 2 years
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More puns with Star White! I recommend clicking for better quality.
@lucyjung made the beautiful Human white!
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damy-mamy · 6 years
Анна Бутурлина: «Перед концертами стараюсь не есть»
New Post has been published on http://damy-mamy.ru/anna-bytyrlina-pered-koncertami-staraus-ne-est.phtm
Анна Бутурлина: «Перед концертами стараюсь не есть»
Анна Бутурлина: «Перед концертами стараюсь не есть»
Артистка поделилась с WomanHit.ru семейным рецептом, который не навредит фигуре
Певицу Анну Бутурлину знают все девочки и их мамы. Она озвучила принцессу Эльзу из мультфильма «Холодное сердце». А исполненная Анной песня «Отпусти и забудь» до сих пор остается любимым хитом во многих российских семьях. Для Womanhit.ru Анна приготовила семейное блюдо.
— Анна, наверное, как и любая женщина, вы периодически сидите на диетах?
— Постоянно не сижу, но ограничения есть. К выбору продуктов подхожу серьезно: смотрю на составу. Если говорить о моей профессиональной диете, то я не позволяю себе холодных напитков, особенно летом. Берегу голосовые связки. Ну и переедать нельзя.
— Какие продукты не ели очень давно?
— В моем рационе нет фастфуда и всяческого пищевого хлама. Дома я готовлю только легкую диетическую пищу.
— Говорят, вы обожаете грузинскую кухню?
— Я влюбилась в грузинскую кухню еще в детстве, когда папа однажды привел нас с мамой в грузинский ресторан на Арбате.
— Что-то умеете готовить из грузинских блюд?
— Не раз пекла хачапури разных видов. Хлеб с сыром — это сочетание бесподобно!
— У вас две дочери. Девочки вам помогают на кухне?
— Старшая дочка уже вовсю пробует себя на кухне. Она печет торты, пирожки, блины. А маленькая дочка пока только пробует наши шедевры. Ей нет и двух лет.
— Когда готовите, что-то напеваете себе под нос?
— А я всегда напеваю.
— Наверное, «Отпусти и забудь» — гимн вашей семьи?
— Примерно так. Хотя мы с моей старшей дочкой Евдокией много поем вместе и других песен.
Тушеные кабачки от Анны Бутурлиной
Тушеные кабачки Кабачки нарезать кружочками толщиной около сантиметра. Если кабачки молодые, некрупные, то чистить не нужно. Если большие, то чистим, разрезаем вдоль и вынимаем семена. Слегка обжариваем кружочки с двух сторон, чуть подсаливая, на растительном масле. Я предпочитаю масло из виноградных косточек, так как оно не коптит и выдерживает высокие температуры жарки. Каждую обжаренную партию складываем в большую кастрюлю и каждый раз накрываем крышкой, чтобы кабачки томились. Затем ставим кастрюлю на маленький огонь и тушим не перемешивая кабачки под крышкой минут пятнадцать. Когда кабачки дали сок, добавляем довольно щедро сметану, аккуратно распределяем ее в кастрюле, чтобы не повредить кружочки. Вся красота в том, чтобы кружочки сохранили форму, но были мягкими. Тушим еще минут пятнадцать, периодически распределяя сметану так, чтобы все кружочки были в соусе. В финале кабачки должны получиться очень нежными. Специй не кладем, потому что аромат кабачков со сметаной превосходен сам по себе.
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fridahere · 8 years
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eto ya staraus' poborot' vechnuyu noch
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wams-a · 7 years
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Star au
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welcometohomeworld · 1 year
Wait, Star is asexual, gosh you have a massive amount of diversion in your characters!!!
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Yeah!!! She is asexual. And yes, I do like having a diverse cast.!
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