#star palace westley
anxiety-problem · 2 months
Star palace tweets bc I find them funny (plus one with my oc phantasma bc I love her)
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(Star Palace by @starrabbitmedia)
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thegreatarlecchina · 11 months
Fairy Floss: When you think about it, broth is just tea made from bones!
Westly: I-
Fairy Floss: 😏
Westley:……your not wrong.
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
Follow up to the previous question the anon asked how old is the rest of the main cast of humans except Wesley since you already said his age.
Oh, I can just give you a list. It'll be easier.
Doc: 38 Shura: 24 Dimitri: 21 Westley: 19 Cricket: 23
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frownatic · 9 months
A collection of incorrect Star Palace quotes cuz I can:
Westley: Alright Mirage, Zavy. Let's go over this one more time.
Westley: If something breaks?
Mirage: We try to fix it before Doc gets home.
Westley: If it doesn't work?
Zavy: We blame Taki.
Taki: Seriously guys, what the hell?!
Shura: Do you feel any better?
Zavy: I feel much better now that you're here with me.
*Mirage walks in*
Zavy: ... I feel half better.
Cricket: What do you three have to say for yourself?
Fairy: . . .
Mirage: . . .
Zavy: Oops?
Shura: Is this what friendship feels like?
Zavy: Nope, this is what being married feels like.
Shura: *laughs* Is that what just happened?
Zavy: We skipped a step, yeah *laughs*
Taki: everyone's always like "Taki how'd you bag a baddie? How'd you bag that baddie, bro?"
Taki: I didn't bag shit! Fairy picked me up by my neck and threw me over her shoulder, and I've been on it ever since.
Taki: And I ain't got no plans of getting off anytime soon
Mirage: Look I know we don't always see eye to eye-
Zavy: That is because you're too short to do so.
Mirage: ... listen here, you little--
Zavy, to a heckler: That's right I do have blue hair! What an observant young man!
Zavy: And you know what I do to make it blue?
Zavy: That's right! Your mom!
Shura: Zavy, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Zavy: I don't know, love you, talk to you later
Shura: Ok, I love you too, I'll just ask Cricket.
Fairy: In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity?
Mirage: *turning to Zavy* How tall are you?
Westley: Are you an ‘arr’ pirate or a ‘yo ho ho’ pirate?
Shura: I’m a ‘I’m not paying $600 for photoshop’ pirate.
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shadow--writer · 4 years
Hey there! I saw that your requests were open so I was wondering if I could request headcanons for the main six and what it would be to cuddle/play fight with them? And make it extra fluffy! You’re writing is really awesome btw!!!
Dawwwww you’re making me blush. I’m so glad you like my writing :DDD
Hot dang my last post blew up way more than I thought it would more than my story too no im not bitter at all
So thanks so much! Hope ya like this, I’m glad you’re liking my writing ^^! Requests do be open my dudes, check out my pinned post bc Tumblr has a thing against links
Main six x MC play fight (cuddles would make it super long, if ya want cuddle headcanons send in another ask and I will be happy to get on it ^^)
Play fighting with this man gets pretty intense and dramatic 
Ya know that one scene in Princess Bride with Indigo and Westley? 
Yeah that’s you and Julian, sword fighting with anything you can find around the house (if this is a modern au he would be quoting that movie no I don’t take criticism) 
Up and down the stairs swinging your fake swords, quipping back and forth
“You’ve bested me this time MC my sweet, but I’ll get my revenge!”
He’ll swish his coat back and forth like a villain’s cape
Things get intense as things go on, and he starts to take things seriously 
He’ll tackle and pin you down, declaring his win
“I win” you whisper
A bit of confusion “Why? I have you pinned!”
That never fails to turn him bright red and sputtering 
During his sputterings, you flip things over on its head, holding your fake weapon to his throat
Dramatic swooning “Ah MC you wound me, using my momentary lapse against me!”
Dramatic death scene, this is Julian we’re talking about if he wasn’t dramatic he’s been replaced
“Ah and I’m dead.”
So much laughter coming from the two of you it’s unbelievable
“Ah, and what about my reward for besting you again?” ;)
Play fights with harmless magic
Tickle magic (think animated feathers), fake swords and so on (modern au he’d be a big fan of Star Wars lightsaber fights, imagine fighting with fake sabers with him)
You bop him on the head with a paper rolled up and he attacks
Magic and sparkles go everywhere, shooting out of his fingers
He does not play when it comes to play magic fights
And he will tackle you 
Like straight up launch through the air to take you down
Leaving you both laughing so hard you can’t get up 
“I do believe that’s my win MC. Care to reward me~?”
Smack him with a pillow and things turn into a pillow fight
Literally do anything and he will retaliate 
In a loving way of course, he enjoys hearing you laugh and goof around 
He would make light swords with magic 
Imagine how cool that would be though, like hear me out here
Turn off all the lights and fight in the dark, bouncing off the bed and couches, light swords illuminating your faces
If this was a modern au he’d be quoting Star Wars
In the end it’d be a draw
*swooning* “Oh MC you’re...too powerful!” *falls on you*
Lots of yelling and trying to (unsuccessfully) get him off of you 
You give in eventually, calling an end to the fight
What do you mean by play fighting? She’s a countess she doesn’t play fight anymore-
Did...did you just bonk her on the head with a scroll?
You’d better run fast because she’s the youngest of six and she will kick your butt
She’ll chase you around the palace, throwing pillows at you 
Ducking behind surfaces, think a snowball fight but with pillows and blankets
“MC get back here!”
It’s the first time you see her like this, the weight lifted off her shoulders and laughing so much 
You will hit Valerius in the face at one point 
Knocking him and his wine over
Nadia goes to apologize, but then you nail her with a large pillow, also knocking her to the ground
Laughing so hard you fall over, you and Nadia laughing together
Valerius is embarrassed but won’t mention it if you won’t
Don’t tell anyone about this incident
She’ll kiss the top of your head, making you squeal breathlessly 
“I love you darling. We’ll call it a draw.”
“Well I clearly won!”
“A draw.”
He’s so big he doesn’t wanna hurt you 
But when you smack him lightly with a small (magical) gust of wind it’s on
Honestly he’ll just pin you down and you have no hope of getting back up 
It’s very funny to him but less so to you
“I have you pinned, you have nowhere to go.”
He’s very ticklish on his sides so if you prod him there he’ll fall off of you with a squeak
Play fights with Muriel usually end up as tickle fights anyways
He’s too easy to beat at those, and you’re thankful for that
Otherwise you’d never win your play fights
He pouts and says you’re cheating 
All’s fair in love and war though ;)
If you straddle him he’s never getting up. Straight up will die on that floor with you on top of him 
Inanna joins in on the fighting, barking and jumping up and down
She’ll lick your faces when you both fall to the ground 
He’ll bundle you up in his arms, and roll over onto you, pinning you down with his palms
Both of you are out of breath and smiling like idiots
Gosh he’s so cute 
10/10 mountain man will play fight with again
She’ll make the ‘bzzst’ and swoosh sounds as she swings her fake sword
Don’t play with me she totally would
“I’ll win this fight don’t you worry!”
Pretending to be pirates, sword fighting across her house
You both have tripped on Pepi more than you’d like to say
Modern au (along with Julian from time to time) she’ll quote Pirates of the Caribbean at you 
Even dress up 
You’ll fall into pillows and blankets a lot her house is covered in them 
Bouncing off the couch, falling with muffled ‘oofs’ into pillow piles
Laughing at one another’s frizzled hair and how unimpressed Pepi is with the two of you
She’ll wrap her whole body around you to take you down
“Ha! I got you this time MC! You can’t escape me!”
Try as you will it will never happen
Fall back on her with a squeak onto the pillow pile
“No fairrrrr!”
You win this time just by falling over
She pouts about it for days, you teasing her about it
“I will beat you one of these days!”
Love fights she will always win
Kiss your face all over until you call for mercy she will
But she’ll cuddle with you after every play fight, both of you out of breath and giggling
Ah she’s so cute
He has no idea the difference between play and real
Prepare yourself for an ass whooping because he was raised by Morga 
Also make sure to play with fake swords I cannot stress this enough-
He knows how to do a takedown, wrapping his arms around your waist and slamming you down on the bed 
Leaving you out of breath and kind of hurting 
Man was he always this strong?
“Ha! I bested you MC yet again!”
He wouldn’t mind if you used magic during a play fight, ever more challenging 
He would ask for kisses (and maybe more ;3) as a reward for taking you down
He always wins, but you will beat him eventually 
How you do beat him his sitting on his chest, holding his hands above his head with yours
He’d make suggestive jokes I swear
“oho....things are heating up aren’t they?~”
Smack him
Do it
Make him wheeze before laughing 
“Fine, I guess you win just this time. Next time I won’t go as easy on you.”
Easy huh? 
Curse him to trip on himself for a whole day and we’ll see who’s going ‘easy’
He loves you though, and is always open to play fight anytime
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lumiereswig · 7 years
Movie night at the castle!
“Sit down, shut up, move over, wait no I need to get up, Mrs. Potts can you see? Chip you’re not going to believe this, come help me set up the screen—”
Lumiere isn’t flustered, exactly, but he is in the highest key of preparation Belle has ever seen. If “Be Our Guest” was Lumiere climbing to the highest mountain peak of his ability, then preparing for this movie night is approximately the equivalent of launching him into space.
Belle sat back and snuggled into Adam. All around them was hustle and bustle: Chapeau quietly putting the projector screen together, Chip and Lumiere arguing over which way to put the long rolls of film into the projecting device, Mrs. Potts fussing and fetching blankets, sweaters, cups of tea, glasses of lemonade, and anything else that felt appropriate for this “movie” night. Belle still couldn’t quite believe movies existed—this was 1700s France, after all, yet the fact remained that just this afternoon a box from America had arrived at the palace, straight from some place called “Hollywood, California,” and while everyone else was puzzled, Lumiere had gasped for joy and rifled through its contents with an obvious recognition.
“What a collection!” he had cried. “The Wizard of Oz—The Fellowship of the Ring, and Singin’ in the Rain—Star Wars, eh, I wonder what that is—oh! Oh, mes amis, this is it, this is the one we will watch.”
So now they sat, under the strictest orders from Lumiere to get comfortable and prepare to be wowed, while the maître d’ got everyone into chairs and yelled back at the kitchen to see if Cogsworth was ready. The major domo was ready; right on time, to be exact, as the ten bowls of popcorn he had spent the evening preparing were all still hot, and now came out in their buttery, salty goodness. With a last wave of his hand, Lumiere seated the last few members of staff, and set the film to rolling.
“The Princess Bride?!” cried Adam. “Lumiere, is this a romance?!”
“Shhhh,” whispered Plumette. “He’s ok if you talk during it, but don’t criticize. And anyway, this is a good one.”
“Wait, you’ve seen this too—”
But then it was too late, and they were all watching a little boy (“about my age!” “yes, Chip” “can I have whatever he’s playing with?” “no, Chip”), and then watching his grandfather (“about your age!” “I am certainly not that old,” huffs Cogsworth) come in and sit down and pull out a book.
Ooh, thinks Belle, I think I’ll like this. It’s about books.
The castle is quiet as they watch Westley and Buttercup roam around their farm, “as you wishing,” and they are quiet when Westley goes off to be a pirate, and they are quiet when Buttercup decides to marry Humperdink. Plumette wonders, briefly, if they don’t understand this movie, if they’re not enjoying it, but then—
“I like this giant,” says Adam, out of nowhere. “I hope the giant stays around.”
“The giant?” says Belle. “Clearly the Spaniard is better.”
“He hasn’t done anything yet! The giant got them up those cliffs.”
“Ha,” says Belle, as seconds later the Spaniard draws his sword. “Told you so.”
“Giant,” mutters Adam, but he’s grinning, and pokes Belle in the side.
After that, no one stops to be quiet, and the constant commentary makes Lumiere smile and hold Plumette closer to him, remembering the first time they themselves watched this movie and yelled at the screen during all the good parts. Mrs. Potts has strong opinions on Vizzini, and nods affirmatively as he meets the poison; Chip gasps at the Six-Fingered Man, and wants to know if Westley is ok. Cogsworth has to get up and leave during the Fire Swamp because it stresses him out too much. Belle starts yelling at the screen, really yelling, when no one is clever enough to solve things the way she would; and no one can get enough of Mad Max and Valerie, or the Albino’s dry replies, or the Priest who goes on and on and reminds Adam of all his old teachers.
Inigo chases the Six-Fingered man, and everyone shuts up just to see how it goes. Belle grips Adam’s arm tighter than is necessary, and Plumette can barely keep from giggling because these are movies, this is what watching a movie is like, this is cinema: clenched hands and staring eyes and no one breathing all because one actor can hold the screen like that. Lumiere nudges her and she shuts her hand over her giggles.
The movie ends and Mrs. Potts wipes her eyes.
“The giant stuck around,” says Adam, trying to be casual even though there are still tears in his eyes, and beside him Belle gasps for breath and groans. There is the sound of people trying to breathe again after all the excitement. No one gets up from the couch. The popcorn bowls are empty, and it’s far past bedtime, yet they continue to sit in front of the now-black screen.
“I’ll go make some more popcorn,” says Cogsworth, casually, and all at once there is an explosion from the palace people.
“Can we watch it again?!”
“Can we watch another one?! You’ve a whole box there—”
��Lumiere, don’t be selfish, put in another one—”
“I mean we’ve got the whole night ahead of us, we might as well watch a couple more—”
“Come on, Lumiere, don’t make us stop now—”
Lumiere grins and reaches for his treasured box of movie magic.
“Which one next?” he says. “Which one next?”
[if you have a suggestion for “which one next,” totally send it to my ask-box.]
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ao3feed-merlin · 7 years
A Dream is a Wish
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mkD6oW
by MegMarch1880
A sequel to A Whole New World. Adam has searched to find Belle. Now he just has to help an army fight to get them out of the hands of some of the most maniacal minds of our time, writers! But with writers on their side as well, can they manage to still receive happily ever after?
Words: 883, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Twisted Fairytale-Princess Palace
Fandoms: Beauty and the Beast (1991), Disney - All Media Types, Disney Princesses, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Sherlock (TV), Merlin (TV), Princess Bride (1987), Star Trek
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adam (Disney), Belle (Disney), Aladdin, Jasmine (Disney), Ariel (Disney), Eric (Disney), Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Buttercup (Princess Bride), Westley (Princess Bride), Hercules (Disney), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider, Sherlock Holmes, Tony Stark, Gwen (Merlin), Spock (Star Trek), Katniss Everdeen, Primrose Everdeen
Relationships: Adam/Belle (Disney), Aladdin/Jasmine (Disney), Mickey Mouse/Minnie Mouse, Buttercup/Westley (Princess Bride), Ariel/Eric (Disney)
Additional Tags: All the fandoms!, princess power, As you wish, Holodeck, Writers, All for fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mkD6oW
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
Wesley! What’s your relationship like with your father?
Westley stopped, legitimately forgetting what he was doing as he was asked the question. A nervous smile found its way onto his lips.
"Oh, uh, it's great," he answered, all too awkwardly. "Really... great."
It was not great.
Westley had no interest in his father's original business, which caused quite a bit of contention between the two of them. His dad wanted him to be successful. Westley just wanted to be happy.
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
How old is Wesley?
"Who me?" Westley asked, glancing up at the new person before him. "I'm 19. About to turn 20, actually."
The question didn't surprise him. Most people said he looked younger than he was.
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
Wesley, are you an only child? (No shade but you give that impression)
“Yeah, I am,” he answered with a chuckle. “I guess if I really think about it, I’m your generic, sheltered, only child.”
Though he laughed about it, the moment was bittersweet. While he was for sure privileged when it came to money and housing, he had t gotten the usual “doting” that only children usually got. His father left him alone quite a lot of the time growing up.
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starrabbitmedia · 11 months
I don't know why but I had this sudden random thought of a black cat getting into the Star Palace building. Everyone tries to catch it or lure it out, but it always runs and hides before anyone manages to grab it.
Everyone's become vigilant and always keeping an eye out and updating each other about where the cat was last seen. This causes some confusion as the cat seems to get from one end of the building to the other extremely fast.
It isn't until Fairy manages to grab the cat while it's asleep and Mirage bursts in saying that the cat was in their room and Wesley at the same time radios them that the cat is in a storage room that they realise they were actually dealing with multiple identical black cats
That sounds like the absolute best kind of infestation to have. Honestly I can see them flea-treating the cats just in case, and keeping them around to eat and of the rats and mice that are (absolutely) running around Star Palace.
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anxiety-problem · 1 year
"Tag what you're majoring in/intend on majoring in"
Mirage: respecting women
Cricket: bat man
Westley: youtube
Ery: in the tags guys
Dimitri: fuckin weed
Taki: W
Shura: criminal justice and psychology
Doc: i'm terrified that i'll lock myself into an interest that i'll no longer be passionate about in a few years like all the other areas of study i've pursued over my life
Fairy: minecraft
Zavy: minecraft as well
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
Does anyone at Star Palace have a fursona?
(Not "what would their hypothetically fursona be", but "does anyone in canon have one")
"I don't... think so?" Zavy mused, glancing up as though he was deep in thought. "None of us do, anyway."
He looked over to the humans hard at work.
"Aye! Are any of you Furries?" He called out, perhaps a little too loudly.
"What?" Westley asked, a little confused as to where the question came from.
"Actually, my little sis is," Cricket answered with a grin. "She's for a little Cheetah sona. Even made herself a partial suit. Sells them, too. That's how she's saving up money for her trip. Makes ears and tails too, I think. Even made some for our little sibs to run about the house in."
"And there ya go," Zavy said with a smile.
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
Westley, my man, I say this with all the love in my heart, but you strike me as someone who purposely turns the AC down really low just so you can get comfy under all your blankets.
"I'm... confused," Westley said, looking up from his work. "Why did that have to be prefaced with 'I love you BUT'? That's usually what you'd say before an insult."
Was he missing some sort of joke here?
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
You seem to be okay with ocs and fanart/fan fiction
What's your stance on other fan works? (Cosplay, fan music, physical items like plush toys and figurines, etc)
Admittedly, I view it all as the same thing. A fan work is a fan work. I'm not going to police what people can and can't do if they're enjoying my content.
Literally the only thing I ask is overall leaving minors out of things they shouldn't be included in. Meaning like, I've outright told people that if they wanted to draw/write NSFW stuff that it's okay. This media is meant for a more adult audience. None of the characters are minors for that exact reason. Westley is the youngest at 19, but he's still an adult.
Meaning, don't include minor characters in things they shouldn't be included in.
I do actually have a fan who made a group of kids that are fans of the bots, but they don't do anything skeevy with them, so I'm okay with that. That's very different. Star Palace as a business in the canon is meant to be a "family friendly" form of entertainment. But the instant someone crosses that line and tries to get gross with it, that's when I have problem.
Maintain healthy and safe boundaries. Don't be gross. That is my only rule.
Everything else? Sky's the limit! I'd love to see any and every fan work. It delights me to know that someone loves what I've created enough to want to incorporate it into their lives like that. I outright want people to share things they've created because I know they probably spent hours working on them. If they share it, that means I get the chance to see it.
Don't hide your creativity.
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starrabbitmedia · 1 year
Question.(somewhat relationship to my previous question when in relation to wonderland.), if the star palace crew had a wonderland role of sorts, who's gonna be witch role? :° (I see most of the roles but I wanna see your opinion, I see shura as alice for damn sure tho-, for mirage I believe the hatter, and eerie the door mouse, literally her as that lil cute mouse is one of the most adorable thoughts I had.^^)
We've mentioned in the past that Mirage would be the Cheshire cat, though I can see Zavy fulfilling that role as well. It's a hard choice.
For sure I can see Fairy as the March Hare. The Mad hatter could either be Zavy or Mirage.
Doc would absolutely be the Queen of Hearts, with Cricket and Westley as some of the card guards. Or Westley could be the White Rabbit.
Shura could be Alice, OR if we're talking about the book or Tim Burton version, it would be interesting to see them as the White Queen.
Admittedly, a lot of roles could be flip flopped.
If we're rolling with Mirage being the Mad Hatter, then Ery might be the door mouse, yes. The tiniest wife, to ever wife. But she would ALSO make a lovely flower for Alice to interact with in the singing flower sequence.
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