#staph ear infection
lesbianbassline · 7 months
i found out i have the url "staphylococcusaureus" saved. i have no memory of doing this.
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appetite4savage · 2 years
there is no valid reason why my prescription ear drops cost four hundred dollars and insurance doesn’t cover them
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st5lker · 2 months
funniest possible timeline is if this WAS staged but the grazing of his ear he was willing to take to secure the election results in a staph infection and he dies anyway
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xxcocothekillerxx · 11 months
Behind Locked Doors
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x FemReader
Summary: Y/N recently moved into a somewhat small town, Newt, In Texas with her father. Y/N's father thought this would be a good opportunity for them, since things got rough back in California. Little do they know the trouble that awaited them..
Warning: This series will contain 18+ content & material! NSFW situations and possibly TRIGGERING topics such as- Depression, stalking, blood & gore, manipulation, mention of kidnapping and small amounts of self-harm, such as scars/cuts.
{{ Please proceed with care if you're sensitive to ANY of these topics }}
Author's Note: This is my first time really writing NSFW stories / stories in general. Tips and tricks on how to improve my writing and overall layout are welcome, though keep it respectful please. Other than that please enjoy! 💋
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💋Chapter 1: A new town💋
It's been over a week now since you and your father have moved to this small town. The feeling of warm, hot and heavy, air and slight stench of garbage filled your nose as you were cleaning and fixing up your room.
The house you and your father picked was interesting, to say the least. Its dull, gray and moldy wallpaper lined most of the walls around the house. Holes and cracks littered the corners of the old building, the windows barely holding up against the breeze that hit them from the outside. The rusty door knobs, simply waiting to give a poor unexpecting victim a staph infection, and the doors themselves are ready to fall off their hinges.
Although your father had fixed up the downstairs area pretty well, painting the walls in a faded out, pastel yellow. Re-painting the door to their original bright white, and fixing up the hinges so they wouldn't fall off. He also bought new kitchenWare, the stove and fridge were nearly brand new and he insisted they were 'fresh out of the factory'. A beautiful dark brown wood table, with matching chairs, sat in between the kitchen and the living room. A pot of lavender and pink poppies in a little white vase, with a sage green cloth underneath it, laid in the middle of the table. Family pictures hanging on parts of the walls, leading over to the living room where a shag carpet and old leather couch sat with those old style TVs.
Your room had (color) wallpaper, with old CDs and photos hung on the walls. You had a nice window and strung a spider plant about it, pinning some of its vines to the side with some books and some toys sitting on the window sill. Your bed was a decent size, enough to hold two people comfortably, and had soft and cozy (color) sheets. The wooden floor was covered with a shag rug, and large plants sat by your doorway and against your bookshelf. You were just finishing up cleaning up and lighting a candle when your father knocked on your door, slightly catching you off guard because you had music playing on your old radio, you quickly turned your music off and opened the bedroom door.
Your father stood there, he slightly adjusted his almost cartoonishly large glasses and then gave a gentle smile. "Hey sweetie.. sorry I don't mean to bother ya' , I just wanted to know if you wanted to come shopping with me real quick?" He joyfully explained, his goofy smile nearly going ear to ear as he looked at you.
"Uh…sure why not" a small smile appears on your face and you gently put down your headphones onto your desk, brushing your (color), hair back behind your ears. You really haven't been out much this week, and it could do you some good to get out for awhile. Your father gives an almost triumphant look as he quickly turns to walk down the hallway, his footsteps getting quieter as he gets further away.
You walked over to your dresser picking out a simple outfit, a teal color tie dye T-shirt, tied at the waist to give a crop top feel and bell-bottom jeans with little colorful flowers near the bottom of the legs and on the back pockets. You then put your white shoes on and headed downstairs to meet up with your father, grabbing some hair ties on the way out and putting them on your wrist before shutting the door behind you. Your father was waiting at the table while looking at a newspaper, his large glasses slightly tilted downwards as he read. His gaze lifted as he heard your footsteps, a gentle and warm smile appearing on his face as he got up from the table.
"Ready?" He says, keys in hand as he tilts his head slightly towards the door. You nod in response, walking towards the door as your father opened it for you. Walking down the steps of the porch, a warm and comforting breeze hits your face. The fresh air quickly running up your nose, a sense of relief from being so cooped up all week makes you feel good and refreshed. The bright blue sky and the sun, only covered lightly with scattered puffy clouds and chirping birds. You take in your surroundings for a brief moment. The sounds of the wind and birds filling your ears as your father walks past you towards the car, his bright striped shirt regaining your attention as you walk to catch up to him, making your way to the passenger side door and opening it. Your father started up the old, Cherry red, 1973 Pontiac Astre. The engine rumbles to life as your father rolls his window down to place his arm on the door, he adjusts the radio to his favorite channel and some new station comes on.
A man starts to speak through the light static “The search continues in Muerto County for a missing University of Texas student. The Sheriff’s department says that Maria Flores, a native of Uvalde, was last seen near the town of Newt more than two months ago. Her vehicle was recently discovered abandoned along Country Road 172, with officials reporting no signs of foul play. Authorities are hopeful that the expanded search into the nearby communities of Harlow and Chinatown will unearth new leads. Family and friends are urging anyone with information regarding her disappearance to please come forward.” The man then proceeded to introduce the forecast of the week and then quickly cut to a popular music station playing 'Can't get enough - Bad company'. You and your father give a concerned glance towards each other before your father starts to drive out onto the road. The wind blowing through your hair, the comforting breeze making you close your eyes and enjoy the ride. Aside from a few random roadkill on the road, the music played loudly in your ears as you slightly danced to yourself as your father jammed to the song and you enjoyed the car ride into town.
Soon you and your father enter the town. Your eyes couldn't help but look around, an old gas station and mechanic shop sat on the right side with some small buildings and stores littered behind them, a few apartment buildings and roller rink sat on the left side with a large school and church sat behind them. You took in the view, not many people were walking around except for a group of teenagers and some adults, some with their little ones, you then noticed the missing person posters scattered on the telephone poles. 'Must be that poor girl from the news station they mentioned' you thought, a sense of sadness slightly washed over you as you felt bad for her family and friends. Your eyes soon wandered over to an older gentleman, he was smiling as a few older lady's. He wore a yellow button up with a blue and red plaid coat, a yellow hat covered his brown hair that clearly was receding and was graying. He had a cane in his hand that he was slightly leaning against as he was, somewhat in a creepy way, talking to the two old ladies. His smile reminds you of a beaver as he talks, however you notice his gaze quickly rising to your car as you drive by, his smile quickly disappears as his locked eyes with you. You quickly felt yourself look away and down at your lap, you felt embarrassed for staring and quickly looked over to your father who was simply paying attention to the road while trying to find a parking spot.
As your father parked the car, he looked over and noticed your uneasiness. "Y/N? You alright?.." he opened the card or on his side, yet waited for your response and sat there. "Y-yea.. sorry" you chuckled, trying to push off the fact you stared at a random old man and got creeped out. Your father nodded and got out of the car, quickly meeting you on the other side as you got out yourself. "Well, I need to grab a few things from the general store and then the post office. Why don'tcha you go take a good look around town… I might be while so." Your father explained, and a big smile on his face and he gently patted your shoulder. You simply nodded as your father walked away to the general store, your eyes quickly wandered over to a clothing store and its bright luring colors. You started to walk down the sidewalk, humming to yourself when you take notice of the same old man you saw before, now sitting on a bench reading a newspaper, except you can't help but notice him side eyeing you from behind the newspaper. You felt a knot in your throat as you started to get close to him, he was sitting next to the store you wanted to go in. You have no clue why he was giving you the creeps, however you swallow your fear and give a warm smile towards the old man.
This seemed to slightly catch him off guard however and nearly made him shove his face into the newspaper, starting to grumble things underneath his breath.
"H-hello sir!" You slightly felt your heart race as the man raised an eyebrow and slowly looked towards you, his dark eyes giving a questionable look as if he was wondering why you're trying to talk to him. However he quickly snaps a smile at you and puts his newspaper down on the bench as he reaches his hand out for a shake. "Nice to meetcha lil' lady.. new around here?" His voice semi cracked as he spoke, you could hear a slight lisp too. "Yes I am.. My name is Y/N!, my father is also here with me.. he's just grabbing a few things" you nervously stated, you quickly shake his hand before politely cupping them together in front of you. The old man nodded as if he understood and or cared before standing up and giving that creepy beaver smile towards you. "Names Drayton, Drayton Sawyer.. My family lives in this town. Though most em ain't the social type…except that boy Johnny." He gave an annoyed look as he rambled, quickly stopping before giving an almost serious look towards you. "Welcome to the town.." he said, his eyes almost dark as he spoke. He then tipped his hat before walking away, you watched as he almost waddled away and then disappeared behind some buildings.
You calmed yourself down slightly before walking into the clothing store, a nice old lady behind the counter gave you a warm and welcoming smile. "Hello dear! Welcome.." she said, her gray hair in a bun behind her head, her sun kissed skin covered with wrinkles. She wore a pretty blue blouse with a blue floral skirt that hit her ankles and her dark blue flats, she adjusted her glasses to better see you as you walked in. You nodded as you looked around the shop at all the cute and somewhat old fashioned clothes, soon you hear three girls walk into the store. A red head wearing a pink plaid button that was tied up slightly above the waist and jean shorts, a dark Brunette with tanner skin wearing and baby blue blouse with a white floral pattern on the chest and tan bell-bottoms, and a dark Brunette wearing a red tank-top with a deep v-neck and yellow sunflower on it and blue jean bell-bottoms. The girls were talking and somewhat giggling to themselves as they walked around the store, although they looked like they were also seriously discussing something as well. They kept quietly chatting to each other before they took notice of you, giving small waves and warm smiles as they began to walk over towards you. The ginger girl quickly speaks up and puts out her hand "hello! My name's Connie! Are you new here??" Her smile warmly grew as you took and shook her hand, you gave her a warm smile back. "Yea.. me and my father live slightly out of town but we're practically on the edge." You said nervously, not knowing if they knew what you were talking about. Quickly the girl in the red v-neck tank top spoke up and said, "oh that old house!? I remember when a lil' old couple used to live there! Gosh! They were so sweet..my name's Julie by the way!" She giggled, and she gave a girly wave at you. You couldn't help but look at the middle girl, your brows slightly furrowed in worry at her quietness before Connie spoke up, "oh.. that's Ana, her sister went missing.. I'm sure you've already seen the posters around town by now." Her smile quickly faded while she spoke, Ana gave a quick half smile before turning around to look at the clothes on the wall. Julie gave a slightly worried look back at Ana before looking at Connie then back at you, "yea.. she's been in rough shape ever since. But she's been determined to find her…" Julie explained, before giving a big smile, "you should meet up with us at the roller rink tonight! It's always Nice to have new friends!" She yelled excitedly, jumping excitedly. Connie also seemed to get excited by this and nodded in agreement, her smile nearly blinding you with excitement. You smiled joyfully at the idea and soon nodded and agreed to join them later at the roller rink. You wanted to explore a little bit more before meeting up with your father again to tell him the news.
A few minutes pass and the three girls soon leave the building with you before they split off into a different direction than you, leaving you alone. You look around and decide to walk down towards the post office to meet up with your father, however as you were walking you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Your eyes darted around and yet you couldn't see anything, you looked behind you and still nothing. You started to walk slightly faster down the street, pushing the feeling off as just being in a new town. Soon enough you make it to the post office as your father is walking out the doors, mail and other papers in his name. He walks slowly as he's ready the envelopes and other pieces of paper, his glasses at the end of his nose and his eyebrows slightly raised as he reads and mumbles to himself. He quickly takes notice of you and fixes his glasses as he opens the car door and puts the mail in the glove compartment, a large smile on his face as you walk over towards the car. "Soooo?!... Anything exciting happens sweetie?" He smiled, his hand on the top of the car door as he leaned against it slightly. You nod and smile, opening your door on the passenger side and getting in. Your father soon follows and sits in the car, closing the door behind him. "Made some new friends!.. they want me to meet up with them later tonight at the roller rink.." you smiled, your father giving you a big hug before laughing triumphantly. "OH! I knew you could do it! Making me so proud.." he smiled before starting up the car and started to drive, you leaned up against the car door and let the wind start to blow through your hair, the feeling of being watched still stayed as you were starting to leave town. Your eyes widened and noticed a figure watching you pass by, an almost sinking feeling as you drove by filled your stomach. Soon the feeling leaves as you drive out of town, the radio blaring music and your father embarrassingly dancing to you. You chuckled to yourself bringing your attention to the sun as it slowly went down, the sky starting to turn pink and shades of purple, A smile slowly appearing on your face as you drove home.
Today was a good day, yet you couldn't shake a weird feeling about that town.
If you got his far, I sincerely hope you enjoyed chapter 1! I know nothing "exciting" happened in this one, however I promise it'll get more interesting as we continue! 💋💋💋
Special Thanks and inspiration - @lil-spider 💋❤️
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meditating-dog-lover · 4 months
Skin - emergency (graphic)
My hands were pretty dry all of today. At night after washing them I got pretty itchy and almost developed a flareup. Thankfully I was able to calm it down and relieve it by washing my hands under hot water (bad habit but it was an emergency). I applied Cerave healing ointment on my problem areas (hands, wrist, neck, mouth, and ears) and went to bed at around 11:30.
Then I woke up at around 12:30 with some itchiness on my mouth and ears, mostly my mouth as I felt some oozing on the corners.
I applied zinc oxide cream to relieve the discomfort, but I felt like I needed something stronger. I did end up itching my ears and they started to bleed and ooze.
It felt like ants crawling on my skin. Anytime there's a sensation of that, along with oozing upon itching, is a sign of staph. So I applied the tacrolimus and antibiotic on it. I know I'm treating the staph internally, but I'll probably benefit from doing so externally.
I did feel very uncomfortable, and the oozing causes even more itchiness. I applied this mix on my right thumb which has a lot of cuts. But I know I'll feel better after this. Thankfully it's not a case where I felt a sudden need to slather the tacrolimus on my hands. In fact I didn't, just a bit with the antibiotic mixed in right on my thumb that has cuts.
I have a red patch on my wrist and neck. These are no longer itchy and there is no open skin or oozing/bleeding. So I'll just let those heal on their own, and I did apply the Cerave healing ointment onto it. As long as those don't ooze then I'm happy.
I know healing is not linear and will flare up here and there. As long as there is a net positive - I will get a flareup here and there, but after applying some topicals it will recover quickly and won't be as inflamed as it was in the winter.
I've looked at pictures of my skin from last year. I remember having inflammation, but it wasn't this bad. I really don't know what triggered it to be this bad. I really do not want to live the rest of my life like this either. This is no way to live.
People who have healed themselves said it took 6-12 weeks, so really 2-3 months. So I'm not going to expect everything to heal by week 4 (next week) even though some of the supplements are a 4 week (~30 day) supply.
So yeah I had some flaring, it's okay. It's been worse in the past. With topical application it should recover by tomorrow. The fact that there is inflammation and infection externally means that I can benefit from sort of anti-inflammatory (not steroids) and anti-bacterial topical. I might even consider applying more antibotic to my ears because it looks and feels like impetigo. Kind of like when I had a (sorry tmi) skin fungal infection and kept on applying ketoconazole. So I'll see how the topical antibiotic can help here and there, even if the anti-inflammatory isn't extremely necessary. Afterall my condition is due to bacterial imbalances/overgrowth, which is what's driving the inflammation. I'm just a bit worried about longterm antibiotic use because it can cause resistance and kill good bacteria. But in my case it can be helpful.
So like I said I'm on week 3, almost a month. I'm really going to need more like 6-12 weeks on this, but I'll see with my doctor 2 weeks from now. Overall there is a net positive where my skin is clearing up, and the inflammation and flaring is occasional. It's not perfect but it's much better than January-March.
Update: my ears stopped itching, my mouth is still itchy but I'm not sure what ultimately caused it as my mouth is usually not this inflamed. I'll even consider applying more tacrolimus and antibiotic to these spots when I wake up tomorrow.
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literalbirdperson · 13 days
So I'm going to tell the story of my yesterday, which started with an appointment with an ENT and ended with me in the ER. I'm doing this in bullet points, because I am very tired. (Also incredibly angry, but that might be adding to the tiredness.)
1:00 PM. Check in at the new doctor's. The facility is clean and bright, and all the staff are really friendly! That's always nice.
Meet the ENT I was referred to. I like him immediately. He's got a really relaxed, informal manner, but also very clearly knows his stuff.
Talk about surgical history, since I've had several nose and sinus procedures.
Since one of the reasons I am there for ear pain and recurring sinus issues, he starts the exam. Ears look great, he says! The pain is probably referred pain from my mouth. Do I grind my teeth? Yeah, I used to, but I might be again due to The Maladies.
He checks the back of my throat. "Oh, you have tonsil stones?"
"I... I do?"
Then he pulls out the horrible snake camera, and I resign myself to discomfort while he tours my nose and sinuses. I watch the screen and make very attractive "man was not meant to feel something pressing against a sinus wall" noises while he digs around.
Investigation over, he gives me a tour! Everything is about what I expected, he shows me old surgery sites, and then scrubs the footage forward a bit and goes "but here's where your problem is."
See, the other problem is, I keep spitting out these awful discs of dried mucus. And they stink!
Well. It turns out that I have a chronic infection in my adenoids. And what I keep spitting out is from there. I'll spare you the details.
Gross! But treatment should be pretty simple if it's staph, which it usually is. A couple of rounds of antibiotics usually knocks it out. If not, we'll culture it and go from there.
"So my throat has been infected for over two years?"
"Maybe even a lot longer than that!"
So we have a game plan. His assistant checks me out, hands me some papers and says "here's your record and a paper copy of your prescription, but we faxed it to your pharmacy as well."
2:00PM. The pharmacy app isn't showing them working on the RX.
3:00PM. I call them to see what's going on, get into a verbal fight with the phone tree, am finally allowed to leave a message. I am polite!
3:15PM. Pharmacist calls back. "We don't have an RX for that medication for you." Cool. I'll check with the Dr and have him re-fax. Oh! I have a paper copy of the-- there is no RX in my discharge papers, either. Fine. Calling.
3:30PM. There's nothing to re-fax, either, as the prescription was never even entered into my medical records! They are so sorry about the oversight, this is being flagged as high priority and his assistant will call you to let you know when it's been faxed to the pharmacy.
5:00PM. Why did I think something was going to go right for me medically? Why? Why me? Exhausted chronically ill/disabled breakdown incoming.
5:13PM. Text from pharmacy. They're working on the RX. It will be ready by noon tomorrow. Do you need it sooner? [YES]
5:15PM. Your prescription is ready.
5:30PM. Emotional collapse staved off for another day. Go to get RXs, with plans to stop to get ramen with spouse across the street from the pharmacy and enjoy the week being over.
5:45PM. Pharmacy tech tells me to go to the consult window if I want to talk about the antibiotic. Since it's completely new, I head over.
5:55PM. Pharmacist storms over, very clearly annoyed, and at me, not in general. Makes direct eye contact with me and starts reading me, word for word, the information on the bottle like I am a small child who can't read. I just wanted to know if there were any worrisome side effects.
Tell her to "have a good night!" She scoffs, literally holds up her hand in a "shut the fuck up" gesture and storms off.
Me and my spouse: "Huh. That was weird."
6:00PM. Take first dose of antibiotics with dinner to help keep stomach upset to a minimum.
7:00PM. Hives break out on my forehead. Then my thigh. Then my arms. Then suddenly my skin is bright red, bumpy, and burning literally everywhere.
That's not good. So I start looking up Bactrim side effects, since the pharmacist didn't deign to tell me. Discover I am having an allergic reaction, but only need to go the ER if my lips and face begin to swell, my vision gets blurry, or I have heart palpitations.
8:00PM. Lips are tingly. Look in mirror. I am lobster red and my face is swollen, as are my lips! I take two benedryl and both my inhalers, and we start looking for which ER to go to.
While we're looking, throat starts to swell. Swallowing is becoming impossible. Closest ER it is, even though I fucking hate it there. But it's a mile away and I want to be where the adrenaline and intubation kits are in case this keeps getting worse.
I am going to regret that decision.
Am forced to go through security and submit to a bag check before I can enter the ER itself. While actively struggling to breathe, which is distressing to both me and the guard.
Receptionist asks what I am there for. "I'm having an allergic response to an antibiotic. I can't breathe well."
She hands me a ten-page thick clipboard and tells me to fill it out, and then she'll get me in the queue.
What queue? There are TWO OTHER PEOPLE HERE. (See, everyone hates this hospital.)
So I start struggling to fill out the paperwork, but I am now to the blurred vision, mental confusion state. I keep having to pause to gasp for breath, and my penmanship is fucked because my hands are shaky from either albuterol or fear.
Spouse walks the paperwork back over to the receptionist.
We spend another 15 minutes sitting there while I am gasping for breath and grabbing at my throat every time I try to swallow because it feels like I'm being STRANGLED.
Nurse comes out to bring me back. We get intercepted by an angry man who has been watching me slowly dying but is still pissed because he got there first.
Nurse takes the time to explain to him what triage is while spouse literally holds me up.
I get a bed. Nurse tells me I'm having a classic allergic reaction and I'll probably be right as rain after some steroids. Hooks me up to all the monitors, tells me the doctor will be right in.
Doctor comes in. Listens to my lungs. Tells me my throat is not swollen even though she tried to grab to hold me upright when trying to swallow made me look like a gagging cat. But, my lungs are clear! Tells me they're going to monitor me to make sure I don't get worse, but she doesn't see anything to worry about.
She leaves. another nurse with the bedside manner of someone who enjoys kicking puppies walks in and starts taking my blood pressure.
The alarms go off.
"He put the cuff on wrong," he mutters, then wraps it so hard it hurts and runs it again.
The alarms go off.
"Do you have high blood pressure?" Mildly. NOT LIKE THIS.
"I'm going to go get the doctor." He leaves. He does not turn off the shrieking blood pressure machine.
10 minutes later: it's still screaming. Nobody has come by.
20 minutes later: see above.
30 minutes later: see above, except this time I start my stopwatch.
1 minute later: I get up and turn the fucking thing off, then unhook myself from everything.
40 minutes later: I am now itching so badly that I am scratching my arms bloody.
45 minutes after that, Puppykicker comes back in. "You ready to go home?"
Me, unnaturally red with hives so intricate that there are probably braille words on me, no longer struggling for breath, but 100% more bloody than I was when he walked out of the room an hour and 40 minutes ago: "Actually I'd like to speak with the doctor. I'd like to discuss steroids, since I am itchy."
"I'll go get her." Sure, Jan.
5 minutes later: Puppykicker comes in with a glass of water and a tiny cup of MASSIVE prednisone pills. "Here's 50mg prednisone. She says you're ready to be discharged."
The doctor. Is giving me. 50mg prednisone. Without speaking to me to see if I am allergic to it. When I came in with a severe allergic medication reaction. And is going to discharge me rather than wait around to see if I'll be ok.
Nurse watches me choke and struggle to take the pills. Because we're also giving an oral steroid to the bitch who can't swallow. Puppykicker does NOT care.
At that point, risking it and calling an ambulance if my throat closed up again was more worth it than staying there. Went home, stayed up long enough to confirm I am not going to start gasping for breath again. Passed out for two hours, got woken up by all 3 cats fighting over who gets to be in my lap. I have been taking two benedryl every 4h for the itching/hives and while my skin is its normal color again, everything itches so bad.
So my ENT is going to get a fun surprise on Monday when I inform him that the meds I had to fight to actually obtain have now left me with a hospital bill.
I also made an appt with my PCP, because this is the second medication since May that has done this to me. And they are not even remotely related to one another.
I guess what's 3 more days of living with a throat infection I've had for months, at a minimum?
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punisheddonjuan · 8 months
My IEMs gave out the other week. No great loss, I liked them quite a bit but they were $30. I mostly bought them as an experiment to see if I could tolerate wearing them, I have a bad history with earphones. A pair of Apple iPod earbuds netted me a four day stint in the hospital back in 2007 with a staph infection in both ear canals that got so bad they were nearly swollen shut (and even after I was discharged I was on IV antibiotics for a week at home). So I've been understandably squeamish about earphones since. That said, wearing heavy closed back headphones with a ten foot long cord to the grocery store is not super convenient, and I just need that sound isolation if I've got a migraine. So I bought a pair of cheap, well reviewed IEMs to dip my toes in, the 7hz Zero. I really liked them, my partner even bought a pair.
So when they died the other week I decided to upgrade a tier and bought a pair of 7hz Sonus IEMs with the small amount of Christmas money I received this year. These things are fantastic, it's honestly insane that a dual driver IEM is available under $100 (those are Canadian dollars I think they're around $60 USD). They're very good on the technical merits, and they're tuned so well that it's the first time I haven't been tempted to fiddle with the EQ right out of the box to compensate for a lacking in the sound characteristics. They've got very good bass, smooth mids, articulate treble, almost no sibilance at the frequencies you'd expect to find it (4khz to 6khz), and nice sound stage too. You don't feel "inside your head" so much with them.
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They even come with a nice carrying case.
I've got them paired with a $10 USB-C headphone amp/DAC with my phone (RIP headphone jacks, I will never buy fucking wireless headphones, fuck that bullshit) and I'm streaming my music collection from my home server through PlexAmp, and it's all fantastic.
I used to carry around an expensive and heavy stand alone DAP (iBasso DX150) with all my music loaded on microSD cards and this new set-up is such an upgrade in convenience (and battery life) and is on par vis-a-vis audio quality despite being half the cost. I miss some of the features from Neutron Music Player which I was using with my DX150 (parametric EQ, stereo-to-binaural DSP) but on the other hand I'm not switching out between three or four microSD cards, my entire 5600 album collection is just available on the fly, and it's one less thing to carry.
So yeah, a strong recommendation for the 7hz Sonus for anyone looking for a very affordable, excellent sounding pair of IEMs. I guarantee that these will net you a better experience than a pair of Airpods at a third the cost.
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sickviking-fr · 1 year
To the tune of "He's got the whole world in his hands"
I've gotta Staph infection
In my ear
I've gotta Staph infection
In my ear
"Just tell how did it
Get in there?"
Well I have no fucking idea~~
So anyway. That explains why three rounds of antibiotics didn't do shit.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 2 years
What is it about my ears that make them so prone to infection. I had so many ear infections as a baby it left me with hearing and speech issues, I had tubes twice as a little kid, as a teenager I had ear infections including 2 double ear infections, in high school my ear drum burst. I would frequently get swimmers ear. I had to drive across state lines in college to see audiologists. Last year I had a staph infection on my outer ear. Now I have a middle ear infection that I have to monitor to make sure it will actually go away and won’t spread to the mastoid bone. @ Allah(SWT) why are my ears like this?????
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avalonslight · 1 year
Sorry guys I'm probably going to have to go back to the doctor (probs my primary care). My ear is still basically useless, I'm still coughing up stuff and congested. Also my body hates me so whenever I take antibiotics I get a different sort of infection. I also have a staph infection under my nose...so fun. The past two Sundays (including today) have basically just been me sleeping, though I did go to church this morning.
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harryforguccy · 15 days
if I wasnt so afraid of getting cauliflower ears or a staph infections/ringworm I would take muay thai or jiu jitsu as a hobby
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deadlinecom · 1 month
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Colin Jost's run covering Olympic surfing in Tahiti comes to screeching halt after foot injury, infections
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/colin-josts-run-covering-olympic-surfing-in-tahiti-comes-to-screeching-halt-after-foot-injury-infections/
Colin Jost's run covering Olympic surfing in Tahiti comes to screeching halt after foot injury, infections
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Comedian Colin Jost landed what appeared to be a dream assignment for the summer. In July, he traveled to Tahiti to cover surfing for the 2024 Summer Olympics.But the “Saturday Night Live” staff writer and cast member recently revealed that he suffered a gruesome foot injury during his time on the French Polynesian island. “This might ruin my WikiFeet score but I just arrived in Tahiti for the surfing Olympics and the reef was excited to greet me,” Jost captioned an Instagram photo showing his injured foot. Jost eventually developed a staph infection. He also dealt with an ear infection.Shortly after the injury and infections were revealed, NBC said that Jost’s time covering the Olympics had come to an end after the comedian “stayed longer than originally planned.”CLICK HERE FOR MORE SPORTS COVERAGE ON FOXNEWS.COM”Colin stayed longer than originally planned,” NBC said in a statement obtained by USA Today. “The competition ran long due to weather. He had a great time, and everyone was thrilled with his coverage from Tahiti.”Jost later said he spent time working with the onsite medical personnel after the infection began.WHO IS CAROLINE MARKS? FLORIDA NATIVE OLYMPIAN WHO JUST WON GOLD FOR THE US IN SURFING”I’ve been visiting the medical tent regularly. It’s a weird feeling when you’re in the medical tent way more than any of the athletes,” Jost told NBC Sports on July 30.”The medical staff at this point, they know my name, they’re very familiar with my badge ID number, they know I’m allergic to penicillin,” he continued. “They started saying, ‘We need to see you every day.’ At first, I was like, ‘Oh, my God, guys, I like you, too.’ And they were like, ‘No, it’s because the infection hasn’t improved.”Surf conditions delayed the start of the semifinals and finals, but Jost was on hand for the events and posted an Instagram video in which he jokingly dispelled rumors of his demise.”Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated,” he wrote. “Semis and finals of Olympic surfing happening right now in Tahiti. At the Wall of Skulls.”Australian meteorologist Luke Bradnam has been featured on NBC’s Olympic surfing coverage on the days following Jost’s sudden exit.Bradnam admitted he was not familiar with Jost when he first met the “Weekend Update” co-host in Tahiti.”I said to one of the officials ‘Who’s that?,’ and she goes, ‘You know who he is,’” Bradnam recalled when he spoke to Reuters. “And I go, ‘I don’t know.’ She goes, ‘He’s married to Scarlett Johansson. He’s from ‘Saturday Night Live.’”Fox News Digital contacted Jost’s representatives and NBC for comment.Follow Fox News Digital’s sports coverage on X, and subscribe to the Fox News Sports Huddle newsletter.
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fyodors--ushanka · 2 months
Hey guys! I will probably be returning soon, but I currently have a Staph infection and I am extremely dehydrated. I still can't take my iron supplements because of penicillin (Iron supplements hinder medication absorption). But please don't worry, I am taking care of myself. I am resting up and hydrating myself. I just got over an ear infection and got thorn in my finger, which had unfortunately got infected. Ironically, was a fuck you from mother nature on my fuck you finger. I will try to get my health back on check. Thank you for reading this.
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ofmymanymuses · 3 months
There's some virus going around my work right now that has given multiple people sinus/ear infections, a staph infection, and I had strep. All because they won't hire a REAL cleaning crew.
Literally cannot wait to quit my job when I move in a few months this is fucking ridiculous. I'm fucking sick and tired of being sick and tired all of the time
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ranger-kellyn · 9 months
Of fucking COURSE!!!!!! Minutes before i have to go to my massage appointment i discover a gross little bump on my arm that looks like the bump I got when i had a staph infection as a kid AND the bump behind my ear from the piercing is black and gross and!!!!!!!! I’m so sick of this piece of shit body!!!!!!!!! I’m so sick of NEVER catching a break!!!!! Kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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