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no1248 · 1 year ago
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The steps--Sarah
Oct. 31, 1997
Joe Stuart
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habituallychic · 3 years ago
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Sometimes less is more when it comes to Halloween decorations. This townhouse also has a illustrious history. Illustrator Charles Dana Gibson who popularized Gibson Girls commissioned Stanford White to design his new home in 1902. It was completed for $50,000 and last sold for $32,500,000. I should probably take this one off my dream house list unless i start working harder. In addition, @foxnahem alerted me that they undertook the latest decoration which can be seen in their book. Happy Saturday! #uppereastside #stanfordwhite #nyc #uptowndoesitbetter #october https://www.instagram.com/p/CVGBgOsLqlV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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loveinthed · 3 years ago
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The landmark State Savings Bank at 151 West Fort Street is the only large-scale building in Michigan designed by the legendary (but ill-fated) Stanford White (1853-1906), principal of the internationally-renowned architectural firm, McKim, Mead & White. MM&W is better known for their numerous works on the East Coast, particularly in New York City, where the firm was headquartered. The State Savings Bank is a neo-classical masterpiece of white marble, featuring many details associated with bank buildings of the period, such as the Ionic columns that flank the Fort Street entrance. Above the entrance is a cartouche bearing the Great Seal of Michigan and two female allegorical figures, representing Industry & Commerce. In 1914, the company, now known as People's State Bank after a merger in 1907, hired Donaldson & Meier to design an addition to the building that double its size and extended it to Congress Street. The addition is virtually identical to the original building. Andreas Apostolopoulos, a developer from Toronto, purchased the building in 2012, with the intent to demolish to make way for surface parking for tenants of the Penobscot Building, which he also owned. Thankfully, the proposal for demolition was denied. Apostolopoulos sold the property to Dan Gilbert in 2014. The interior is currently being used as event space, including weddings. #Detroit #DowntownDetroit #FinancialDistrict #BeauxArts #Neoclassical #StanfordWhite #McKimMeadandWhite #DonaldsonandMeier #FortStreet #archi_ologie #BrickStory #RawDetroit #PureMichigan #PureMittigan #MotorCityShooters #PureDetroit313 #DepictTheD #VisitDetroit #Michiganders #ThisPlaceMatters #ThisPlaceMattersDetroit #MichiganPlacesMatter (at State Savings Bank) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUbZIXij58l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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met-american-paintings · 3 years ago
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Sketch of Saint Gaudens's Statue of Deacon Samuel Chapin, Springfield, Massachusetts, Stanford White, ca. 1887, American Paintings and Sculpture
Morris K. Jesup Fund, 1999 Size: 12 x 18 1/8 in. (30.5 x 46 cm) Medium: Pastel, charcoal, and pencil on paper
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Sketch of Church of St. Nicholas, Caen, France, Stanford White, 1878, Smithsonian: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Medium: Graphite, pen and ink, brush and watercolor on paper mounted on board; verso: graphite
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gardencourtsf · 5 years ago
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“O steadfast, deep, inexorable eyes Set look inscrutable, nor smile nor frown! O tranquil eyes that look so calmly down Upon a world of passion and of lies!…” . First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, often sought solace & contemplation in this bronze statue commonly known as "Grief". She kept a copy of this poem Cecil Spring-Rice had written about it and the poem was among her bedside papers at her death. . The Adams Memorial is a grave marker located in Section E of Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington, D.C., featuring a cast bronze allegorical sculpture by Augustus Saint-Gaudens. The shrouded figure is seated against a granite block which forms one side of a hexagonal plot, designed by architect Stanford White. Erected in 1891, the monument was commissioned by author/historian Henry Adams (a member of the Adams political family) as a memorial to his wife, Clover Hooper Adams. . Adams advised Saint-Gaudens to contemplate iconic images from Buddhist devotional art. One such subject, Kwannon (also known as Guan Yin, the Bodhisattva of compassion), is frequently depicted as a seated figure draped in cloth. Saint-Gaudens may also have been influenced by Parisian funerary art from his stay in France. . Saint-Gaudens's name for the bronze figure is The Mystery of the Hereafter and The Peace of God that Passeth Understanding, but the public commonly called it Grief. On March 16, 1972, the Adams Memorial was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. . Today, Memorial Day, 2020 we honor all who've made the ultimate sacrfice for our Country. . . . . . . . #grief #decorationday #remembrance #memorialday #memorialday2020 #weremember #monuments #memorials #architecture #artandarchitecture #eleanorroosevelt #cecilspringsrice #augustussaintgaudens #stanfordwhite #design #theartofmourning #sculpture #mastersculptor sources: https://www.flickr.com/people/bootbearwdc/ , Blanche Wiesen Cook. “Eleanor Roosevelt, Volume 1.” , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adams_Memorial_(Saint-Gaudens) (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAnrj8vJoqK/?igshid=echj5imwgenh
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nicks-lunchbox-service · 6 years ago
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5.17.19 Lunchtime #drawing: That time of year when the sun hits the north side of the Washington Square Arch.
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zoranphoto · 3 years ago
Bio je inspiracija za stvaranje legendi: Pročitajte najneobičnije priče o Nikoli Tesli koje uključuju i - izvanzemaljce
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Život legendarnog izumitelja i znanstvenika bio je pun nesvakidašnjih epizoda i neočekivanih prijateljstava. Izdvojili smo nekoliko zanimljivih pojedinosti     Nikola Tesla i slavni pisac Mark Twain sprijateljili su se tijekom 1890-ih, djelomično zbog toga što je Twain bio fasciniran tehnologijom i novim izumima. Kad je posjetio Teslu u njegovu laboratoriju kasno jedne noći, Twain je pozirao za jednu od prvih fotografija snimljenih osvjetljenjem koje koristi žarnu nit. Tesla i fotograf Edward Ringwood Hewett pozvali su Twaina 1895. godine na poziranje za još jednu fotografiju, ovog puta uz rasvjetu Crookesove cijevi, električnog uređaja koji je bio preteča rendgena. Dok je pregledavao negative, Tesla je ustanovio da su umrljani i puni točkica pa je pomislio kako su uništeni. Tek nekoliko tjedana kasnije, kada je njemački znanstvenik Wilhelm Röntgen objavio otkriće X-zraka, Tesla je shvatio da su fotografiju Twaina uništile sjene metalnih dijelova kamere.
Poruke iz svemira
Tijekom 1899. godine Tesla je postavio poljski laboratorij u Colorado Springsu u američkoj saveznoj državi Colorado kako bi istražio mogućnosti prijenosa informacija i električne energije na velike udaljenosti putem visoko postavljenih postaja. Jednog srpanjskog dana, dok je pratila olujno nevrijeme s grmljavinom, Teslina oprema uhvatila je niz signala. Nakon što su isključeni mogući izvori na Zemlji zaključio je da su stigli s drugog planeta. Za Božić te godine je, upitan što će biti najveće znanstveno otkriće u idućem stoljeću, naveo da je primio poruku iz drugog svijeta, a glasila je: 'Jedan... dva... tri...' Znanstvenici su ponovili Teslin eksperiment 1996. godine i otkrili da je signal vjerojatno stigao od mjeseca Io dok je prolazio Jupiterovim magnetskim poljem.
Buran odnos s Morganom
    Tesla je 1901. godine nagovorio financijaša J.P. Morgana na ulaganje 150 tisuća američkih dolara u laboratorij u Wardenclyffeu, na sjevernoj obali Long Islanda. Izumitelj je namjeravao raditi na prijenosu signala i električne energije na velikim udaljenostima. Stanford White, tada vodeći američki arhitekt i Teslin prijatelj, dizajnirao je laboratorij i toranj nešto viši od 56 metara, a bilo ga je moguće vidjeti iz New Havena u američkoj saveznoj državi Connecticutu. Okno duboko gotovo koliko je toranj bio visok povezivalo je odašiljač s nizom 16 podzemnih, vodoravno položenih čeličnih cijevi, od kojih je svaka bila duga gotovo 91,5 metara. Prije no što je toranj Wardenclyffe mogao biti dovršen, ponestalo je novca za gradnju. Tesla je molio Morgana za dodatna sredstva, no bio je odbijen. Nagađa se da je Morgan uskratio daljnje financiranje jer je smatrao kako Teslina ideja bežičnog prijenosa energije vjerojatno neće biti profitabilna. Moguće je i da je htio izbjeći povezivanje s rastućim burzovnim špekuliranjem oko projekata koji su se bavili radijem. U srpnju 1903., nakon naročito neugodnog razgovora s Morganom tijekom kojeg je ponovno bio odbijen, Tesla je upogonio toranj i odašiljao iz njega munje sve do poslije ponoći. Godinu kasnije u sličnoj situaciji episkopalca Morgana proglasio je muslimanskim fanatikom.
Dug plaćen zrakom smrti
Iako je desetljećima bio dijelom njujorškog visokog društva, Tesla je stare dane proveo u siromaštvu i izolaciji, potucajući se od jednog jeftinog hotela do drugog. Često se radije družio s golubovima nego s ljudima. Ipak, svake godine održavao je konferencije za novinstvo na svoj rođendan. Kad je napunio 79 godina, objavio je da njegov džepni oscilator može srušiti zgradu Empire State. Godinu kasnije otkrio je tajnu svoje dugovječnosti: istezanje nožnih prstiju. Laboratorij u Wardenclyffeu s vremenom je predan vlasnicima hotela Waldorf-Astoria za djelomično pokrivanje Teslinih dugova. U zamjenu za pokrivanje duga, direktori hotela Governor Clinton dobili su drvenu kutiju u kojoj je, prema Teslinim riječima, bio funkcionalan model oružja koje odašilje zraku smrti. Tesla je upozorio osoblje hotela da nikad ne smiju otvoriti kutiju. Osoblje se toga i pridržavalo, skrivajući kutiju u skladištu. Tek nakon njegove smrti 1943. kutija je bila otvorena. U njoj je bilo tek nekoliko bezopasnih starih elektroničkih komponenti. Tportal.hr Foto : NIKOLA TESLA MUSEUM  Read the full article
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bm-american-art · 4 years ago
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Church in Central France, Stanford White, n.d., Brooklyn Museum: American Art
Size: Sheet: 11 5/8 x 12 15/16 in. (29.5 x 32.9 cm) Sheet (drawing mounted to): 12 13/16 x 15 11/16 in. (32.5 x 39.8 cm) Medium: Charcoal on paper mounted to paper
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paulistfathers · 7 years ago
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#Paulist Fr. James Lloyd, age 97, stands in front of the high altar, or #baldachin, designed by #StanfordWhite, at our mother church, the Church of #StPaultheApostle, in #NewYorkCity. Seventy years ago today, on May 1, 1948, Fr. Lloyd was #ordained a #priest in front of the baldachin. He is the first of the #PaulistFathers to reach this milestone. Photos by @mcdermottphotos. (at Church of Saint Paul The Apostle, NYC)
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artistny · 7 years ago
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Nice #roof #photograh on a #roof in #NewYork. • • • @empirestatebldg #paulgunther @bibhumohapatra @joelsandersarchitect @bobbybeard #century #stanfordwhite @chryslerbuildingtoday @architecture_hunter @archidatum @archdigest (at Century Association)
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marcointroini · 5 years ago
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working on the archive for a new interview, stay tuned! Center St with Stanford White and Frank Gehry_New York © Marco Introini_2012.10 #marcointroini #newyork #newinterview #stanfordwhite #frankgery #alpacameras #alpa12max https://www.instagram.com/p/CCsj8i4iAqu/?igshid=rd6zjhwf1n7l
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met-american-paintings · 4 years ago
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View of the Hudson River from the Catskills, Stanford White, 1870s, American Paintings and Sculpture
Morris K. Jesup Fund, 1999 Size: 7 1/2 x 13 15/16 in. (19.1 x 35.4 cm) Medium: Oil on paper
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Sketch of Church of St. Nicholas, Caen, France, Stanford White, 1878, Smithsonian: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Medium: Graphite, pen and ink, brush and watercolor on paper mounted on board; verso: graphite
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shulmansays · 5 years ago
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A fond #ThrowbackThursday memory that finds two of my favorite peeps, @DorindaMedley and @JeffreyTousey, demonstrating some exercise dos and don'ts—during a lazy late-summer weekend in 2017, when Medley had invited us (along with @GregCalejo, @BillyGilbane, and @SamGDumas) to be her guests—at #BlueStoneManor; her stately (but absurdly comfortable and inviting) #BelleEpoch-era #StanfordWhite-designed Tudor-style manse that sits on an idyllic 18-acres in #TheBerkshires. . . #GetIntoIt #TBT #DorindaMedley #JeffreyTousey #GreatBarringtonMA #HappyTimes #IMissMyFriends (at The Berkshires) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_oYDm6FZkM/?igshid=1rtdtrdzy9dty
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nicks-lunchbox-service · 2 years ago
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1.24.23 Lunchtime drawing: Continuing with Prospect Park, having noted this columned structure on my bike rides, the Grecian Shelter was designed by Stanford White as a shelter and viewing stand for the adjacent Parade Ground in 1905.
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