don't fence me in
11 posts
"the kids cried out, please STOP, you're scaring me. I can't help this awful energy GOD DAMN right you should be scared of me WHO IS IN CONTROL?
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
“Good plan. I mean, everyone knows I give the best advice. Boy problems, school problems, life problems? I got it all.” Never, ever go to Callie for life advice. Her advice is probably more likely to get someone killed than actually lead them down a good path, whether maliciously or not. “I can split other people into a bunch of little pieces, but that’s not as fun. If you’re into arson or something, I can unspoil your fun. You said I liked you, huh? Might be fun to watch you get split in half,” she says with a teasing laugh.
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“ YEAH, you’re a real  advice guru. someone should give you a column in the local paper. you could work wonders!” her sarcasm was painfully evident in her tone. the only time she’d ever trust callie’s advice was if she was looking for a bad influence.  the girl was a disaster waiting to happen.  not even sonia’s guidance was going to prevent that, “ oh HONEY, you really wanna talk to me about splitting people in to little pieces.”  an eyebrow raised she lifted her left arm, forming a piece of her signature barbed wire that wrapped around her wrist like a snake. twisting in & out of her fingertips. before she allowed it to seep back in to her skin.  “ you’re aware that i would totally win that contest right?”
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
“Yeah, some of them, but you don’t get to pick and choose. Don’t bother with that shit. You can get drugs and sex without having some old douche lecturing about why you should care about what a bunch of old guys did hundreds of years ago.” She can’t imagine anyone ever wanting to go to high school, even if they’d never been. “I doubt that would happen. More likely I’d just get tired and turn back into a person. Which would suck in the middle of nowhere. But yeah, we can go for a couple states if you want. Of course, I’ve never done it with another person before.”
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“ RATHER THAN sounding like a boring lunatic,  i  think i’m just gonna agree with your stellar advice there callie.”  plus she didn’t want to alienate to girl by going in to her deep desire to have a real education. they may have understood each other to some extent but in terms of educational value, they clearly had VERY different stances. “ way to spoil my fun.  i was rather amused by the image of you split in half. no offence  --- yeah, i don’t know how i feel about being your guinea pig. maybe test it with someone you don’t like or SOMETHING.”
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
“God, I’m so fucking jealous. High school is just a bunch of shitheads telling you what to do and the students are just fucking in the bathrooms and doing drugs in the locker rooms and no one actually learns anything.” Or many that was just her friend group; it’s not like she hung out with the straight A students or anything like that. “Never tried it before, but I could probably do it. The farthest I’ve gone is a few states, but I dunno, we can bring a granola bar or something.”
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“ TO BE HONEST,  i’m not totally opposed to all of those options.  some actually sound a little fun.  you think it’s too late for me to enroll?”  yes.  last time she checked american high schools didn’t tend to take in twenty-three year old indian mutates with no formal education experience.  how disappointing.  “ i would settle for a few states if you don’t wanna push yourself too much.  we wouldn’t some horrible accident that results in HALF of young in one continent & HALF of you in another --- as entertaining as that would be.”
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
“High school is shit. I dropped out for a reason and I sure as hell don’t wanna do that shit again.” Maybe in another life she might have received the support and stability needed for a proper education, but in this life, the only way to get her to pay attention is to tie her down to a desk. “Pretty far. Never tried to go too far before, but I’ve never gotten too tired doing it yet, so I think I can manage a good distance.”
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“ DITTO! ---  kidding.  i never did the whole high school  thing so i literally have no context to support or dispute your statement.”   she punctuated her sentence with a nonchalant shrug. of course, it wasn’t the first time she’d heard someone talk so negatively about the education system. truthfully she wanted to pull out her tiny violin every time she heard someone complain about it. “ interesting. how about international travel?  you think you could pull that off? ”
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
The gym. Where Holden comes to release all his energy into when not dealing with stupid or careless people. All his frustration on his lack of powers working,  failing his studies and more importantly, the irritating trainers up on his ass 24/7, came splurging to mind and suddenly, he pressured his hands  into the tight fist and punched the boxing bag, causing heavy vibrations. God damn it, Holden. Immediately, he looked up at the multiple mirrors and saw a dark shadow figure. “Look, if you’re here to berate me to get out of the gym, I won’t do it.” 
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“ I’M NOT here to berate anybody.”  voice expressing the tension sonia was clearly feeling, she rejected the accusation. whilst she couldn’t say that she hadn’t come to the gym in hopes of some solitude, she wasn’t looking for confrontation. the female had only come to the gym in hopes of practicing her power without an audience. that plan clearly needed to be rethought. “last time i checked this was a RELATIVELY  free country. i have no authority to demand you leave.” maybe the old her would’ve tried though. “ although you seem kinda  stressed  &  it’s a real mood killer --- so if you could put on a fake smile so i don’t feel guilty about not asking what’s wrong, that’d be great thanks.”
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
He was sitting at the sore of the lake, it was a quite place to think and not being disturbed. Entretaining himself (but also practicing his power) by throwing a rock, and pulling it back to his hand with his mind, he heard some steps getting close. “I’m not a mind reader, but I’m pretty sure whatever you gotta say, I don’t wanna hear it.” Xander didn’t even mind to turn around and see who the other person was, nor if they actually were there looking for him or not.
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“ PRETTY SURE isn’t certain though is it? ”  sonia stepped forward even more, looking out at the  lake rather than down at the male. arms folded in front of her, she took in a sharp breath. “besides,  i could be here to tell you that the worlds ending OR that all of your family have just been killed in a  tragic accident  ---  i guess you’ll never know now though.  such a shame.”
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
“So, how hard do you think it’d be to break out of here?” Callie is eyeing the walls around them as she speaks, tone casual but lips curled up into an easy smirk. “I can teleport, so I’m sure I could get a few out. Think we could gather up the cool kids and make an army or something? Go kick some human ass, right? Better than a billion more years of high school.”
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“ I DON’T KNOW. high school sounds like it could be kinda  fun.” spoken exactly like someone who had never even stepped foot in a high school.  folding her arms in front of her, she mirrored the females gaze, “but  if you’re looking for a little ADVENTURE to the outside world, i could be easily persuaded. how far can you teleport exactly? ”
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
Being outside with nature had always been one of Charlie’s favorite pastimes, but ever since she had gotten to STEMA and was settling in it had been nothing but stuffy walls and cramped spacing in her opinion. She could already tell she wasn’t going to enjoy actually having to train with her powers, she was a huger not a fighter when it came to them and just the thought of physical activity made her muscles ache. For now the redhead had managed to get her way outside after the many warnings about not straying off too far, which she only rolled her eyes at of course. What? Where they afraid that the grass was going to strangle her or a couple of trees might give her splinters? She laughed at the idea as her feet led her to a nice place to lay down and kick her shoes off. “I could stay out here all day, it’s so peaceful and open. I don’t understand why people can’t just stop and appreciate moments like this anymore, it’s all about rushing around now.”
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ONE THING WAS CERTAIN,  sonia definitely wasn’t used to so much...green.  her life had been a relatively dull color palette. browns, greys, reds.  even with the new addition of a few bolder colors to her outfits, those tones seemed to follow her. but now, as she just stood on the soft ground it was different.  “it’s certainly quiet.”  or it would be if not for the conversation they were having.  not that it was bothering her. the girl had a point.  whilst the word PEACEFUL wasn’t a word sonia had ever had reason to use, she felt like it fit with how she was feeling. as for the space being open --- well, sonia considered anything that wasn’t packed fill to bursting with people as open. “surely you’d get bored eventually though?  i mean once you’ve seen one blade of grass you’ve practically seen them all.” she shook her head, pulling herself from her previous, deeper thoughts.  “plus sitting out here accomplishes nothing. remind me what the point of this is? ”
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
howdy!  i’m jo and i’m super stoked to start interacting with you wonderful specimens. under the cut is a longer than necessary, but not as long as my first draft, intro post for my lil baby. she’s adorable & dangerous. isn’t that the best combination?
ANYWAY feel free to read or not read & hmu to plot of for a casual chat. i need attention like twenty four hours a day or i die  ( essentially a tamagotchi )  
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— &. welcome ( SONIA GHANI ) to the mutates protection program. the ( TWENTY THREE ) year old mutate is (  CHARMING & DISLOYAL ), possessing the ability of ( BARBED WIRE CONJURING/MANIPULATION ). they look strikingly similar to ( SUMMER BISHIL ). are they going to self-express or self-destruct? ( ooc: jo / nineteen / gmt / she/her  )
okay so starting with the short version of the long drawn out backstory ioriginally wrote:  sonia was born sonali gangadharan  ( bless google for helping me find indian names ) in bangalore, india.  she was raised by her mother ameera in a very depraved slum. 
sonia was born a mutate. at the age of eight sonali began to feel pain like she’d never felt before. like something was inside of her scratching at her skin.  weird things started happening. the metal fences that surrounded their homes would bend out of shape as she stood in front of them. she’d have viscous nightmares about being restrained to her bed with barbed wire. 
the word mutate was never brought up though, believing her daughter to be possessed by some kind of evil spirit, ameera took her to a local man who claimed he could help. he didn’t. instead he tried to exorcise the ‘demon’ that was inside her. throwing an acidic mix dubbed as holy water on her face which scarred the left side of her face permenently and causing her great pain. it was that pain that finally made her power reveal itself in full. strings of barbed wire conjured up around her, entrapping the man and her mother --- killing them instantly. 
she practically raised herself after that, hiding away in the shadows with the rest of the parentless kids of the slum. ashamed of the burden she carried and the scar that made everyone look at her like she was hideous. during this time she managed to get a hold on her ‘gift’, controlling it enough to stop it from killing other people. 
as she got older she began to adapt herself to survive.  she changed her name from sonali to sonia, gangadharan to ghani in order to escape her history. she ended up growing tired of people looking at her like she was hideous so instead she made them look at her with fear, becoming one of the faces of a local gang that practically took command of the area she lived in.
during this time she had her fair share of being used bc she was beautiful enough to fuck but too scarred to marry.  few people knew about her mutation because she never hesitated to use it to threaten people.  stema picked up on this when the group of people she hang around with tried to abduct an american college researcher. her power was exposed to the journalist when she helped him escape by using it. the rest is history...
her power is incredibly dark and twistd. it’s not a pretyt mutation at all. she can literally decapitate people by conjuring up strings of barbed wire and wrapping them around peoples necks. (i’m graphic & delightful) think silent hill style. if she pushed herself to her limits she can create like an entire barbed wire shield typ thing that piles up behind her and snaps at people. she’s also desensitized to the pain of it and can literally just grab hold of it bc honeslty...it’d be fucking painful if she couldn’t.
personality wise, she’s very disloyal. will work for anyone that appreciates her in any way. if she thinks you’re in the wrong she will go against you no matter how close you are. but she’s also very witty and charming. surprisingly she’s fairly intellectual for someone who never really had a proper education. like she knows big words and is very street smart. she might not be able to work out maths or tell you what the capitol of australia is but she’s got a lot of common sense.
she still has the scars on the left side of her face & although she makes an attempt to make it more appealing with make up it’s very obviously still there.  she’s not overly insecure about it but still wishes it wasn’t there, as much as she might protest otherwise. tells people it’s just a side effect of her mutation bc the truth is too painful.
( click here  OR  here  for two different mock ups of what i mean by scarring.)
speaks in an american accent bc she’s had enough of not fitting in in her life.
an actual cutie when you get to know her, comes out with the most random little remarks which are just brilliant. call her barbie & she will laugh, call her burned barbie she will threaten to decapitate you.
might seem intimidating at first bc of the scar and bc she’s so guarded. plus her power is a little...intese so.
hasn’t decided whether she really wants to do good ith her power yet bc she struggled to believe anyone will ever see her power and do anything but run away.
my actual babe. i had her in a group before that died within like a week and i was super sad BUT it’s good for you guys bc now you get to experience her. yaaaaay.
i’m currently like half-assing my way through a connections page but feel free to hmu and brainstorm w/ me bc i’m a plot ho/needy af
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
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