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For the past few days, the song "where is the justice" from death note the musical has been on my mind.
Show me what’s right about the wrongs that we allow
Yeah, why are wrongs allowed? And when you try to do something right, others tell you that you're wrong. Societal norms, cultural differences, and personal biases are all contributors to this.
Real people need to feel protected here and now
This rings true today now more than ever. One of the most vulnerable people among us is the uneducated and easily manipulated. That's why they're so easy to be recruited by cults. They want to feel protected and secure... To matter, to feel like they're a part of something bigger. And when confronted with evidence of their leader doing wrong, they don't care. They are so disillusioned by false promises that they turn a blind eye. They can't think for themselves and that's why cult leaders "love" them; their flock eat up the lies from the palm of their hand like a domesticated animal. Cult mentality is like sheep: when their "shepherd" herds them, they obey. It's a shame how much America has been dummied down.
We probably wouldn't have as many sheeple as we do today if America funded schools as much as they do the military; we would have better education and better pay for our teachers who work so hard to educate with what material they're given or allowed to teach.
This whole damn system’s broken way beyond repair
It’s just law
Not law and order
Not much good and seldom fair
Yep. That's our system today. Peaceful protesting? Fact checking? Gasp! The horror. The 🍊 man-baby scared shitless of peace and truth forbids it. This is why we can't have nice things: anything and everything will offend him and people like him for no reason.
We truly live in a society.
Till a lawyer’s tricks can fix the blame
What about the victims
Waiting for some justice?
How can we turn away
And say that's just the way things are?
We should never turn away from justice. This is a problem prominent in America. Some lawyers should not be lawyering. Some jurors should not have jury duty. And some judges should not be judging.
[Light's Teacher]
The world's not black and white
The choice not either, or
Perhaps it's time we drain the color from within
Till we're back to seeing black and white
And wrong and right again
Sure, the world isn't black and white. But how can we see wrong and right with so many shades of grey?
[Light's Teacher]
"Overwrought pronouncements won't improve the paradigm"
"Till lawyers cutting deals becomes a crime"
Honestly, it should be. Go off Light. Slay king. Uh, wait... Not literally.
Let the corporations make the regulations
And all go unaccountable when everything goes wrong
The corporations always blame someone or something else. When are they going to be held accountable? Better yet, when is the rotten 🍊 going to?
Let the rich and famous get away with murder
Every time a high-priced mouth piece starts to talk
His client gets to walk
Tell me where is the justice?
If there’s any justice
It's sickening that this happens. And not just with murder.
Where is the justice?
What good is law that can’t punish those who break it?
Yeah, what good is it when the "rich and famous" can just use their money and influence to get out of punishment?
Isn’t everybody sick to death of all this stuff
Can’t we all stand up and say enough?
Exactly. I know I have.
These lines hit so hard. I wish this musical was playing somewhere near me so I can watch and listen to it in person.
#light yagami#death note the musical#death note#where is the justice#seriously where is it#legal reform#justice system#social justice#justicematters#fairnessforall#equality#equalityinjustice#justice reform#standupforjustice#social awareness#change the system#educate not manipulate#stop the corruption#demand accountability#standupforfreedom#standupfortruth#corporate greed#social issues#system is broken#education matters#political commentary#cult mentality#injustice#wake up america
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Let's not be oblivious
As I sit here listening to my chakra music, I feel a profound sense of calm. The gentle vibrations align with my inner energy, helping me centre myself in a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming. While this music brings peace to my mind, it also sparks a deeper reflection on the world we live in. A world where, every day, people fight for freedom, justice, and equality.
This feeling of being trapped is eerily reminiscent of a line from The Matrix: "Billions of people living out their lives... oblivious." Oblivious? But to what? You might ask.
Well, for those of us who have been paying attention, it's clear that something fundamental has changed in our society, especially in the United Kingdom.
So, are we oblivious? Perhaps some of us are. Perhaps some of us are content to go through life without questioning the systems around us, without wondering why certain ideas are deemed acceptable while others are shunned.
But for those of us who are paying attention, it's hard to ignore the creeping sense of restriction that now governs our speech and our thoughts. Freedom of speech. We often hear about it, celebrate it, and even defend it.
But do we still truly have it? Increasingly, it seems that expressing an opinion—especially one that doesn't fit neatly within the boundaries of mainstream ideology has become a perilous act.
No, I'm not talking about hate speech or incitement to violence. I'm referring to honest, open dialogue something that should be the bedrock of any democratic society. Take offence, for example. It's a natural part of human interaction.
We say things, we hear things, and sometimes those things don't sit right with us. When did we become so fragile, so easily wounded by words? I firmly believe, and always will, that being offended is a choice.
We can choose to be hurt by what someone says, or we can choose to engage in conversation, to challenge ideas, and to grow from the exchange. It seems we've reached a point where the mere act of disagreeing with someone can be seen as an attack on their very identity.
Pronouns, for instance—something as simple as getting them wrong can lead to an uproar. I understand the importance of respecting others and acknowledging their experiences etc, but is this really where we are now?
Have we become so thin-skinned that a misstep in language warrants outrage? It wasn’t that long ago that good men and women fought in wars to protect us from the onslaught of Communism and Nazism. I can say will all sincerity none and I mean NONE of them ever bothered to care about if they “hurt” someone's feelings.
The problem, I believe, runs deeper than just pronouns or debates about identity. (I am purely using that as an example) It's about control. In the name of protecting feelings, we've created an environment where expressing an opinion can feel dangerous. Where being honest can get you cancelled/silenced.
I will NEVER be silenced for my opinions or my right to speak. This isn't freedom. It's the opposite. It's a form of social policing that stifles creativity, humour, and genuine human connection.
We're living in a world where people are terrified of saying the wrong thing, not because they're hateful, but because they don't want to be labelled as such. And this fear? It's a powerful tool in the hands of those who seek to control the narrative.
The question is, what do we do about it? Do we continue to live in fear of offending others, walking on eggshells to avoid conflict? Or do we take a stand for the freedom to speak our minds, even if it means ruffling a few feathers along the way? For me, the answer is clear. We need to embrace discomfort.
We need to welcome difficult conversations. We need to reclaim the right to speak freely, to be wrong, to learn, and to grow. Because without that, we're just living in oblivion—billions of us, trapped in a world where silence is safer than truth. As I continue to listen to my chakra music, I can't help but feel that balance is the key.
Not just in our personal lives, but in society as a whole. We need to find the middle ground where respect and free speech can coexist. Where we can honour each other's experiences without sacrificing the right to express our own. The fight for freedom, justice, and equality isn't over. But it's not just about legal battles or protests in the streets.
It's about the everyday choices we make to stand up for our right to speak, to listen, and to live authentically—even when it's uncomfortable.
Let's not be oblivious. I find hope in resistance. In pushing back against a world that wants to box me in. In refusing to apologise for my speech or anything else I do. I see strength in the people who have come before me, who fought to be seen and heard, who shattered barriers and defied expectations.
As Ferruccio Lamborghini once said, “We only lose when we give up.”
#FreedomOfSpeech#Authenticity#InnerPeace#ChakraHealing#SocialDynamics#PersonalFreedom#QuestionTheSystem#OpenDialogue#ChallengeTheNarrative#Resistance#CriticalThinking#EmbraceDiscomfort#CulturalChange#StandUpForTruth#BalanceInLife#SpeakFreely#SocialPolicing#ModernSociety#FreedomAndJustice#Ferruccio Lamborghini
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#mjinnocent#mjalive#mjrealhumanbeing#mjisamazing#loveMJ#standupfortruth#speak up#defend the children#never be silent#speak truth#truth always win#truth#please share#wwg1wga
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@thatgayguycandlecompany! Love 💕 your candles.
Shine your light 🕯. @AccurateBodyLanguage stands on the side of science, the #nationalinstituteofallergyandinfectiousdiseases (NIAID), and the @faucifanclub. . . . #getvaxxed #imvaxxed #vaxxedandrelaxed #meidastouch #covid19 #getvaccinated #DrFauci #DrFacucifan #gettothetruth #standupfortruth #thatgayguycandlecompany #niaid #faucifanclub #drfaucifanclub #ipreview via @preview.app https://www.instagram.com/p/CcbwY64r5y_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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This came across my Facebook Feed: Today we mourn the passing of Mark Zuckerberg FB FOUNDER AND CEO. No need to fact check it, it’s 100% true. I find it this fabrication funny since Instagram and Facebook are both his companies and fact checkers are all over these things. I guess except when it comes to The Bastard President. FACT: Mark “The Trump Sucker” Sucker i mean Zuckerberg is is alive and well! #factsdontmatter #twitter #standupfortruth #byezuck #markzuckerbergdied #factchecking #factsmatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwdVqxBncf/?igshid=179oeodr3o874
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(via A Time To Sew And A Time To Speak)
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WHAT'S COMING with Dr. Erwin Lutzer
The Great Reset
Discussion on the current Culture and the Great Reset, giving insight into what to expect now and in the future, including The Mark of the Beast
#standupfortruth #whatscoming #christianity #faith #standup #howcanwestandupfortruth #erwinlutzer
Visit us on Liftable TV, AIM Christian TV, CTF-TV
Visit us on Liftable TV, AIM Christian TV, CTF-TV and
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PLEASE SHARE: “For many are called, but few are chosen.”- Matt.22:14 #repost @michaelmiketochukwu When God has selected you, it doesn’t matter who else has rejected or neglected you. God’s favor outweighs all opposition. You are a winner! #opposition #neglect Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”- John15:16 #rejection #godsfavor LONG BEFORE YOU CHOSE GOD, HE PICKED YOU. #godpickedyou #godfavorsme Whenever God calls us to a task, He will equip us and enable us to complete that task. #godchoseme #selected “But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace. Then it pleased him.”- Gal.1:15 #chosen #called When God decides to use you, He will baffle the spectators. He doesn’t make normal moves. When God moves in your life, no one will be able to deny His presence. #godspresence #winner God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. #borntowin #god “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.”- 1Cor.1:27 #jesus #bible “Now the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”- Jer.1:4-5 #bibleverse #bedifferent Sometimes you don’t look the part, but God chooses you anyway. #beyourself #beyou If God called us to a task, He will then qualify us for the job. #standout #standoutforgod God chose me for this life and I choose to live this life well. #standupforgod #standupfortruth “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession.”- Deut.14:2 #chooseme #qualified DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU FEEL QUALIFIED TO DO WHAT GOD IS CALLING YOU TO DO. #unqualified #uncommon Often the very things that you think have disqualified you are the ones that qualify you to do what God has called you to do. #different The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. (at Scotts Chapel AME Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs3v8R4FMTP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ok3gc1tpe1kz
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Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because LOVE covers a multitude of SINS. (1Peter 4:8) Only the 'love of God' found in Christ Jesus can change lives. Dear Friends, the best way to win unbelievers for God is by loving them---not in a futile manner, but with a purpose. One of our goals as Christians should be to demonstrate love through godly encouragement and correction. No one can say that Christ did love us because HE not only laid down His life, but He also reprimanded sinfulness while sharing the Gospel. True love wants to see others succeed in their lives, spiritually and physically. #LoveAndPrayForAmerica #LoveAndCorrectUnbelievers #ThisIsLoveNotJudging #TheBibleIsTrue #StandUpForTruth
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I’m a MANIAC on a MISSION 🎯, . . . a BAD-A$$ Body Language BABE . . when it comes to DECODING body language, BUSTING liars; . . empowering TRUTH-SEEKERS and entrepreneurs; and jolting brand building C*P*R. . . . I’m BOLD and BRAVE enough to STAND UP for TRUTH and . . WICKED enough to Walk on the Wild Side. . . . Phenomenal @robingamblephotography unleashes my inner FELINE, my FIERCE endangered Arabian leopard on the prowl. . . . . ⇩ Who wants to learn how to decode body language and detect deception? ⇩ . . . ✅ Photography: @RobinGamble 📸 ✅ Hair: @David_HairDesign💈 ✅ Clothes: @JCrew 👗 ✅ Jewelry: @SilpadaDesigns ��� ✅ Skincare: @RodanandFields ✅ Makeup: @BobbiBrown Cosmetics 💄 ✅ Location: Detroit . . . #janetteghedotte #accuratebodylanguage #badass #bodylanguage #spotthelies #gettothetruth #detectdeception #truthseeker #bodytellsthetruth #imamaniac #entrepreneurialempowerment #brandbuilding #bustingliars #bebold #bebrave #standupfortruth #wicked #innerfeline #walkonthewildside #leopard #befierce #endangeredleopard #arabianleopard #robingamble #davidarena #jcrew #silpadadesigns #rodanandfields #bobbibrown #detroitdetroit via @preview.app (at Detroit, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4AXDHAQjo/?igshid=1591wm7phxzuy
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