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norayogini · 6 years ago
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👉🏻 have you gone out and played, today? . I haven't, and this bugs me. A lot! Explanation: play isn't about just playing football or cards, it's about doing something for the sake of doing it. It brings you joy, and possibly laughter, and it's soooo fulfilling! . . . . . . . . . . Photo taken by @thejackp8 on a bright and hot day ♥️ Outfit entirely by @moonchildyogawear 🌟 #dreamwild #moonchild #getoutandplay #loveandalliscoming #pulmonaryhypertension #phawareness #lovelyfit #ig_mantova #standingpigeon #ekapadarajakapotasana #yogawarriorwoman #moonchildyogawear (at Parco delle Bertone) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0z-kbTD6mT/?igshid=65lrmxvzeepg
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hiroco510 · 3 years ago
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🔁 @ateliertoietmoi 10/23, 11/13, 11/27(土)は 13:30〜 エッセンシャルヨガ @hiroco_yoga ⁡ ▶︎𓆉 毎月第2&4土曜日 𓆉  13:30〜14:45  " essential yoga " 講師: @hiroco_yoga ⁡ 「エッセンシャルヨガ」 カラダの歪みを調整し、全身の血流、気の流れを良くして、しなやかでありながら強いカラダと心作りをしていきます。《冷え性&むくみ改善に》 ❤️ ご予約は メール: [email protected] LINE: @anm1943r でお受けしてます。 皆様のご参加をお待ちしてます HP: https://www.ateliertoietmoi.com/ ⁡ #あなたと私 #あなたの欲しいものはここにあります #大切な人を大切に #あなた自身も大切に ⁡ #すべての夢がかなう場所 #アトリエトワエモア ⁡ #オンラインレッスン #オンラインパーソナルレッスン も受付しています 詳しくは、メールor DMでお問い合わせ下さい ⁡ アトリエトワエモアでは、引き続き感染症対策に真摯に取り組み、お客様、従業員の安心安全のために精一杯対応してまいります。 ⁡ 皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております❤️🌈😊 #yogapose #standingpigeon #dance #pilates #yoga #pilates #contemporary #大人バレエ #ダンス #ヨガ #ヨガポーズ #ピラティス #池田市 #川西市 #ダイエット #ストレッチ #美しい #美容 #健康 #パーソナルレッスン #photography #photooftheday (池田市) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVJ28bdBs-u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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flowtofitoga · 7 years ago
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Standing Figure Four Pose: Opens hips, spine and hamstrings. Strengthens wrist, shoulders and ankles.. . . Class is ON tomorrow @9:30am! @flow_to_fit_yoga 📷 credit @shmigital . . #yoga #yogapilatesfusion #standingpigeon #bodymindspirit #peace #figurefour #yogalove #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogisofinstagram #meditation #mindfulness #yogaeverywhere #strength #stretch #runningyogi #southburyct #flowtofityoga #goodvibes #namaste #fitness #yogachick #yogagirl #fitnessmotivation #yogateachertraining #fitchick #practiceandalliscomong #yogaeverydamnday
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jennzone · 5 years ago
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How yoginis enjoy a cup of joe!☕️ * * * #goodmorning❤️ #coffee☕ #morningcupofjoe #coffeeislife☕ #coffeedrinker #coffeedrinkersunite #ilovecoffee☕️ #coffeeloversofinstagram #yogaandcoffee #lovemycoffee #coffeeloversunite #yogisandcoffee #standingbalancingpose #standingpigeon #hipopenerpose #myyogapractice #funwithyoga #alwaystimeforyoga #dailyyogapractice #moveeverydamnday #myfavouritethings #Mikko #myfurbaby #thankfuleveryday #yogainbarbados #yoga246 #jenzenyoga #jenzenwellness #befreebetruebeyou (at Bridgetown, Barbados) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Kih7eAO2V/?igshid=a51lubztdg9f
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annakathalina · 7 years ago
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Next up in the #shredprepyoga #instayogachallenge you get to work on ❄Strength & Balance ❄ 1. Bring your feet close together, bend your knees and pretend to sit back in #ChairPose. Don't let your knees come too far forward but try to keep them over your ankles as much as you can. Engage your core, lengthen your lower back and press your hands together in front of your heart. Keep your inner knees and thighs pressing towards each other and carefully start shifting weight onto your toes to lift your heels. Come as high onto tip toes as you can, continue to breath and keep your balance. Look down in front of you for more stability or gaze overhead for more challenge. Laugh if you fall over, shake your legs out and try this balancing version of #Utkatasana again. 2. Come back to standing, ground down through your left leg, bend your right knee and place tbe ankle onto your left knee, making an number 4 shape with your legs. Keep your spine long and the left knee aligned over your ankle as you exhale to sit back like you did before. Press through the ball of the right foot over to the left to keep your ankle strong. You don't want to feel any pain or pinching in your knees but a yummy stretch in your right outer hip. If you don't feel anything, lean your chest forward without rounding your back. Focus on a point in front of you and breath into the sensations. Stay as long as you feel comfortable, maybe moving deeper into this #StandingPigeon variation of #FiercePose, then repeat on the second side. Extra Tip: since the "powder leg" (right for regulars, left for goofys) is probably stronger, stay an extra breath or two on the other side to strengthen the non-dominant side as well. In order to win an #eivyclothing #baselayer combo, upload your own version of the poses, tag them with #shredprepyoga and follow @eivy @nitrogermany & @annakathalina #yoga #yogachallenge #yogaforsnowboarders #annakathalinayoga #instayoga #instayogafam #eivy #unboredonboard #nitrogermany #runtothehills #getready #winterisnear #winterishere #beprepared @igyogachallenges #yogainspiration #yogagermany #yogaaustria #yogaeurope #yogagirl #yogini #asana
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pretysmylchic · 10 years ago
Day 14 #HipSummerHip #StandingPigeon @cyogalab @lululemon (at Casa Umel)
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