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drandymancini · 1 year ago
🇺🇦 "Krasa" means beauty in Ukrainian! Let's not forget the ongoing war caused by Russia. Though it may not affect us directly, its impact on global food, oil prices, and even taxes reminds us that freedom is at stake. Let's not get desensitized and continue to stand together and support the beautiful people of Ukraine in their struggle for peace and justice! 🕊️ @ukraine.ua @zelenskiy_official #SupportUkraine #NeverForget #GlobalImpact #StandForFreedom #westandwithukraine #freedom #ukraine #letsconnect #follow #dental #dentistry #pediatricdentistry
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americanmuslimt · 2 years ago
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We shed light on Jamal's quest for a better future for his country. Hear the heartfelt words of the slain journalist's wife as she speaks about a merger deal between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. Read more: https://americanmuslimtoday.com/details/b4420042-3263-475a-ae5d-eb8c727c5bd7 #JamalKhashoggi #SaudiArabia #PGAandLIVGolf #GolfDiplomacy #BetterFuture #GlobalUnity #PursuitOfTruth #ForgivenessMatters #SportsForChange #JamalKhashoggiLegacy #SaudiUSMerger #BuildingBridges #UnitedInSports #EmpoweringVoices #PeacefulFuture #HumanRightsMatter #WorldSports #InspiringPerspectives #PositiveChange #StandForFreedom #TogetherWeRise #AdvocacyMatters #GlobalSolidarity #UnifyingTheWorld #UnitedThroughSports #VoicesOfHope #StrengthInUnity #SportsDiplomats #PositiveInfluence #EmbracingDiversity
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bestmelon · 3 years ago
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Help a brave nation defending their freedom..
They are taking arms and stand in line to take fight back. It's also in our power to help them with what we have
Donate and save a life, donate and help them defend their country
Share and contribute...
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realstephengray · 4 years ago
We The People of Elkhart County held a Stand For Freedom rally that I attended today. Great people & made a lot of connections. #standforfreedom #elkhartcounty #wethepeople (at Elkhart County Government) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPdjYx8Fbw6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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linandara · 4 years ago
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I value my life and I want everyone to value theirs. I want to be free and creative, and never need someone's permission to be myself. I like to be alone a lot, but I also miss good company so much now 😢. I do not want to harm any person but I have seen so often how tyrannical and fanatical people twist the reality to shame others for what they do or say. They will tell us that driving, joking, flying, hugging, showing faces or hair, saying truth, having children, not having children, thinking for yourself and being independent, eating meat, sunbathing or, really, whatever, anything - harms someone and is evil and should be banned. Do not believe those liars. Live happily. #linandara #wonderlust #isitreal #aweandwonderquest #otherness #escape #curiosities #iamdreamer #freedom #standforfreedom #freedomofmovement #dreamscape #fantasticworld #adventurethatislife #multiverse #wales #nolockdown #nomorelockdowns #nomask #portal #fantastique #wanderlust #visualwanderlust #innerwork #mood #feeltheforce #artisticphotography #wanderfolk #Dolfor #iamtraveler (at Dolfor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHUW7hnxIR/?igshid=1wuivbgxq7mlv
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physiqueenlightenment · 4 years ago
America Home Of The Free & The Brave 
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bwellbhappy · 4 years ago
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Repost @greenmedinfo Happy Friday. #standforhealthfreedom #standforfreedom #standup #wakeup https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4riAmH3l5xpbt8M3ckI9V2O2NWo64BJnzA1k0/?igshid=16fvh3di266h7
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“If you are neutral on situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” - Desmond Tutu . #Quote #DesmondTutu #SocialJustice #StandForFreedom #StandAgainstPrejudice #StandAgainstOppression #StandAgainstInjustice https://www.instagram.com/p/B0EunbyAqIU/?igshid=1im077jg1gsps
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eatmoregreenss-blog · 6 years ago
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If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams #gethealthywithjoel #eatmoregreenstofitinurjeans #healthiswealth #organicliving #childrenareourfuture #nutritionmatters #optimalhealth #babysteps #cleanliving #educatekids #millionmommovement #eatclean #kidsbeingadults #usa #standforfreedom #statueofliberty #abrahamlincoln https://www.instagram.com/p/BuDjnEVFASN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kjbowwru8ak8
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jerry-montoya · 8 years ago
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This song is so relevant to me about our political situation right now. I cannot say that I like Trump for our President. I do not think he has our best interests at heart. I hope and pray that he does a good job of uniting America, I really do. I think for so long we have been at war with each other and it is tearing our country apart. I think we spend so much time arguing about things that are irrelevant and we really need to see the bigger picture. For starters, we need to stop trying to tell people what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. I think if two adults love each other and feel the need to get a piece of paper and blessing to say they are committed to each other then let them. I think no one knows better what is best for a person than themselves. That is why I will always #standwithPP support #gayrights #supportwomen #standforfreedom #supportchoice #love We are all one and the same. We might look, see, love, speak, learn, feel, pray, and live differently but in the end, we are all one.
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designingfacez · 7 years ago
#freetheenslaved #abolishslavery #standforfreedom
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hellospaceship-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Happy Flag Day fellow Americans! 🇺🇸 . . . . #flagday #usa #flag #standforfreedom #freedom #tshirt #american #carrytheflag #igers #flag #usflag #hellospaceship #🇺🇸
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chloflo7 · 8 years ago
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I #standforfreedom
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linandara · 4 years ago
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It's ironic when a shy quiet artist comes out of a dark closet and says something against an almost all-powerful government, and gets a "pile on" in support of a poor little government and its poor little propaganda machine. Don't you dare to offend them! Guess what? I am out of the closet and I can block. I won't waste all my time on demagogues. But, really, in those "pile on"s we fight against sheep, mostly. Well, they pretending to be the sheep from that "Black Sheep" 2006 movie... Had my first Facebook pile on today. Happy Birthday to myself 💪👍🎂 #linandara #linandaras_art #aweandwonderquest #art #artwork #digitalart #freedom #feeltheforce #nolockdown #nomorelockdowns #standforfreedom #mood #experiment #befree #innerwork #adventurethatislife #design #coverart #joyofoutdoors #graphicdesign #iamdreamer #dreamscape #fantasticworld #arte #artcollection #forahappymoment #portal #fantastique #mixedmedia #wanderfolk (at Newtown, Powys) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJCLppQHZ1y/?igshid=gddv3fme4dg
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isshinotasuke · 2 years ago
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nato-ua-alen · 3 years ago
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@japanforceofukraine Russian invasion of Ukraine is not a land dispute between two nations. It's a war of an empire against its former colony. Right now, Ukrainians fight for the right to exist independently from their centuries-long oppressor.To understand the deep anti-colonial meaning of this war, we have to step back and talk about the elephant in the room. Russian imperialism is a real thing. It has been understudied, ignored, and denied for decades, but now it's revealing its true face in the most horrifying way.Let's look at the history of Russian imperialism, see how it's different from the imperialism of the West, and discuss how it manifested itself in the USSR and modern Russia.💙💛Written by Stars OlenchenkoEnglish cards at @boochelnikova “A MINI GUIDE TO RUSSIAN IMPERIALISM” Translation[翻訳]: @pittrice_jessica #russianimperialism #russia #ukraine #standwithukraine #standforfreedom #history #japanforceofukraine #ウクライナ #ロシア #歴史 #ウクライナに平和を #ロシア帝国主義 #💙💛 #russianinvasion Вторгнення Росії в Україну не є земельною суперечкою між двома народами. Це війна імперії проти її колишньої колонії. Саме зараз українці борються за право існувати незалежно від свого багатовікового гнобителя.Щоб зрозуміти глибокий антиколоніальний сенс цієї війни, ми повинні відступити і поговорити про слона в кімнаті. Російський імперіалізм – це справжня річ. Його недостатньо вивчали, ігнорували та заперечували протягом десятиліть, але тепер воно розкриває своє справжнє обличчя найжахливішим чином.Давайте подивимося на історію російського імперіалізму, подивимося, чим він відрізняється від імперіалізму Заходу, і обговоримо, як він проявився в СРСР і сучасні�� Росії.💙💛 Rusijos įsiveržimas į Ukrainą nėra dviejų tautų ginčas dėl žemės. Tai imperijos karas prieš jos buvusią koloniją. Šiuo metu ukrainiečiai kovoja už teisę egzistuoti nepriklausomai nuo savo šimtmečius trukusio engėjo.Norėdami suprasti gilią antikolonijinę šio karo prasmę, turime atsitraukti ir pakalbėti apie dramblį kambaryje. Rusijos imperializmas yra tikras dalykas. Jis buvo nepakankamai ištirtas, ignoruojamas ir neigiamas dešimtmečius, bet dabar jis atskleidžia tikrąjį savo veidą pačiu baisiausiu būdu.Pažvelkime į Rusijos imperializmo istoriją, pažiūrėkime, kuo ji skiriasi nuo Vakarų imperializmo, ir aptarkime, kaip jis pasireiškė SSRS ir šiuolaikinėje Rusijoje.💙💛#fightforua #зсу🔰 #war_blog_nato_ua_alen#ukrainewillresist #ukraina #ukrainewar #nato_ua_alen🇺🇦🇱🇹🇺🇸 #українапонадусе #українапрацюємо🇺🇦 #украіна #українапереможе#ukrainewar2014_2022 #яАзов
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