cautiouslybold · 10 years
I was tagged by lespetitesmortsde.
"You can tell a lot about the person from the music they listen to. Put your music device on shuffle and write the first 20 songs that play without skipping. Tag 10 people afterwards."
When the Fog Rolls In-Train
Outlines-All Time Low
Binary Mind-Ra Ra Riot
The Bittersweet July-Callahan
Giving It Up to Me-Jackie Valentine
Imagine (Bonus Track)-Train
Les Chemins de Verre-Karkwa
Tennis Elbow-Sky Sailing
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)-Mika
Out On the Town-Fun.
Just the Way You Like-Goldhouse
Hands Against the Sky-Racing Kites
A Love Like War-All Time Low
Your Bones-Of Monsters and Men
Berceuse-Coeur de Pirate
Lights and Music-Cut Copy
Feeling Sorry-Paramore
I thus tag: choixdevivre dragonhearted-she-woolf stanamylove aprilskitten dylanolightsmeup tooawesomeforyoutohaveit simplytumblingallalone lifesanemotionalrollercoaster ifmyheartwasacompassyoudbenorth pinfus
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gal-pal-mckinnon · 10 years
Thank you Brittany for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge nomination. I nominate Eliise, Lyndsey and Rosa. You have 24 hours, good luck! And don't forget to donate!!
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sanstarklings · 10 years
Questions Tag!
I was tagged by the ever-so-lovely Imogen! Thanks, love ♥
1. What’s the best present you’ve ever received? 
I had to think a fair bit about this one, and it's a tie between a pair of small, heart diamond earrings I got from my Mum on my first birthday after my parents split up, my Doctor Who disappearing Tardis mug from Emma, and a pair of plastic spoons labelled "Curry spoons", also from Emma (it's a personal joke that never fails to make me smile).
2. Why did you join Tumblr?
I can't quite remember why. I joined a month after I turned thirteen- I found out about Tumblr through my Glee obssession after stumbling across some Glee blogs. I thought since I joined Facebook and was obviously super mature that I should get a Tumblr too. 
3. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
Well, I like to read and write (as most of you know). I also dance and play the piano, but I'm not super good at either so don't build up some amazingly talented image of me in your head haha! Ummm... I don't really have any other hobbies. Wow, I'm so uninteresting.
4. Favourite day of the week?
Ohh... probably Saturday, with it being the first day of the weekend and all :D
5. If you could meet any historical figure who would it be?
To be honest, I'm not the well versed person in history, but as an Aussie I'm familiar with Ronald Ryan and his crimes and would want to meet him so that I could know what really happened!
6. If you could go back and experience another time for a day, when would it be?
Mmmm... this is a really good question! I'd have to say the 1920's- just thinking about the jazz music, parties, and just that general sort of atmosphere makes my heart swell.
7. Favourite item of clothing?
My red biker coat orrr my new brown heeled boots.
8. If you could have one power what would it be?
To have the powers of metamorphosis. Not to change the things about myself that I hate (though that would be good), but to be able to fit into any environment like I belong there and learn about it and the people. (The writer is strong in this question).
9. Favourite fictional character when you were growing up?
Amy Cahill from the 39 Clues series (I didn't really get into Harry Potter until a few years ago, but if I had it would be a character from there)! I found her so smart and resourceful, and her protectiveness over Dan was something I could imagine myself having over my sister if we had adventures like they did!
10. Show that you want to watch / book you want to read but haven’t yet?
Game of Thrones, Book #1 of A Song of Ice and Fire (I BOUGHT IT LAST WEEKEND YEAH YEAHYEHA)! Andd The Musketeers, though I need to catch up on a lot of my shows before watching that!
11. Favourite animal? 
It's a tie between dogs or horses. I just love them both a lot vghfsjkDgbfkz,
I'm tagging Eliise, Laura, and Marisa! Your questions, girlies, are...
1. When were you last put under a large amount of pressure, and what was it involving?
2. What is your most vivid memory?
3. What is your silliest fear?
4. Do you have any objects, smells, etc. that you associate with bad things?
5. Are there any issues you are extremely passionate about?
6. What makes your blood boil with anger?
7. If you could be talented at anything, what would it be?
8. What is the funniest thing that happened to you today (or that you witnessed)?
9. Where do you wish you could be right now?
10. Are you okay? x
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lyndsey0334 · 10 years
Hey I tagged for a Q&A!
Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer questions the tagged set for you in their post then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
If you had any pet, (real or fantasy) what would it be? Real: a teacup shih tzu puppy; Fantasy: a St. Bernard that didn't shed or drool all the time
What is your favorite book? This is far too difficult. Harry Potter (All), Pride & Prejudice, The Nikki Heat Series, Fangirl 
Are you an artist? I really really wish that I was, but sadly I have no art skills. I write, and that's about it.
Are you in a pickle? Not at the moment
When was the last time you gave someone a gift? About a month ago I bought my mom a purple elephant plush. I can't remember if there've been any since then.
When was the last time you received a gift? Yesterday the teacher I've been observing this semester gave me a card and a gift card for my last day.
Have you ever been attacked by a goat? No, thank the Lord.
If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? I would've realized I was a burden to my sister my freshman year of high school, instead of my junior year of college.
Which would you want to be real (or see); Unicorn or Pegasus? Pegasus? I think I might be a little afraid of unicorns.
Fuck, marry, kill: Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sebastian Stan? Fuck: Sebastian Stan, Marry: Tom Hiddelston, Kill: Benedict Cumberbatch (I'm so sorry; I don't want to do this.)
What was your best day ever? My 13th birthday. 
Questions for those tagged: 
1. Favorite movie?
2. One thing you're incredibly proud of?
3. Favorite candy?
4. If you could own one thing, no expenses or reality issues, what would it be?
5. One thing you wished your parents knew about you?
6. Favorite quote?
7. Celebrity that everyone likes but you don't?
8. Favorite item in your room?
9. If you had to change your name, what would you make it?
10. If you could only do one for the rest of your life, would you read or watch tv?
11. One thing you were really excited for, but then were disappointed by.
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vanya-s · 11 years
Congratulations...You won!!!
The winners of the t-shirts are: 
- stanatic-nypd 
- stanamylove
- nottrampis
Send me a private message for extra information
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stanaloveballs · 11 years
10 Questions
Rules: Always post the rules Answer the questions set by the person who tagged you and add 11 new ones  Tag 11 new people and link them to the post Let them know they were tagged  I was tagged by cutewhenyougetangry.tumblr.com Thank you girl <3!
1.First thing you do when you wake up in the morning Put on some music ;-)!
2. Last thing you do when you go to bed at night Haha check tumblr, instagram and twitter after that I put on some music and go to sleep ;-)!
3. Have you ever been in love? Yeah.....with Castle lol ;-) 
4. What do you want to do when you grow up? Happy!
5. Do you like to write/read fanfiction? A few of your favorites:) I just started reading fanfics and they are amazing!! I reading this one https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9936145/1/In-Some-Corner :)
6. What do you like the most about tumblr? All the sweet people in the Castle fandom and all the amazing edits, gifs and videos!
7. Favourite Disney movie  The Lion King will forever be my fave!
8. Would you consider yourself a happy person? Sometimes...
9. What is your favourite episode of Castle? That's not fair! I can't pick one episode because I love all episodes but some of my faves are Cops and Robbers, Still, The Blue Butterfly, Always and omg Smells Like Teen Spirit!
10. What is your favourite thing to do? Watching Castle haha freak!
My questions
1. Best Caskett kiss? 2. Favorite quote from Castle? 3. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? 4. Which episode was the first Castle episode you saw? 5. Do you like to write/read fanfiction? If so,a few of your favourites :) 6. Top 3 tumblr? 7. Favourite Disney movie  8. Name five of your favorite Castle episodes? 9. What is the story behind your url? 10. Describe your mood with a gif or a photo!
I am tagging: 
Stanamylove Iheartstana Katiehoughton Castleismyoneanddone Alwaysacastillion Stanaworshiper Writingonthecastlewalls Allons-y-stana I-love-castle Buttonupkitten Castle-all-day-erryday Pausethetragicending
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beckettsdrawer · 11 years
Castle New Year Blog Award Winners!!!
We had a lot of trouble picking (which is why it took so long) but here are the results!!!
Best overall Castle blog: gloriouskatic
Best Castle theme: stanaloveballs
Best Castle URL: castleseasonsex
Best Castle sidebar: nikki-rook
Best Castle icon: badasskatebeckett
Best Castle title: msobsessive
Best overall multifandom blog: married-with-my-fandom
Eliise's favorite: stanaloveballs
Lyndsey's favorite: castleskatie
Sonja's favorite: all-hail-katic
But seriously, we had such a hard time picking!!! We really loved everyones'! Congrats again! :D Promos and sidebars will start tomorrow :)
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aryastarnk · 11 years
i was tagged by: benedictcumberbtcha
Rule 1: Post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer all of the questions the tagger has asked, and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Favorite movie? THE WIZARD OF OZ <33
A song that you could listen for years? The Wizard and I from the musical wicked!!
Best holiday memories? Visiting Warner Bros. and Paramount in LA <3
Favourite quote? Do or do not. There is no "try" - star wars
A character that you hate? mmmm... Death from #the book thief"
Favourite disney? VANELLOPE VON SCHWEETZ!!! as for princess: Belle :D
A thing that you know you could never have? 100 books in one month
A country where you want to live in? USA or ENGLAND
Favourite harry potter’s book/movie? the goblet of fire!!
Sun or rain? Sun when it's cold, Rain when it's hot :P
Kind of people you can’t handle? Stuck up ones or just those that start obsessing over the same things as you over night :/
My questions to you now:
best place you've ever been to
favorite fandom
favorite character
the best thing you could expect from someone
favorite horror movie
least favorite school subject
boys or girls?
favorite pixar character
mac or windows?
summer or winter?
do you like to hear the rain drop on your window?
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gal-pal-mckinnon · 10 years
I was tagged by the lovely: coffee-means-kiss
Once you get this, list 5 things you like about yourself and then send it to 10 amazing people of your favorite followers. THERE IS NO WAY OUT AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SAY “NOTHING” so spread the self-esteem.
I'm pretty good at graphic drawing
I can edit pretty good as well
I can quote every single line of ob (or at least I'd like to think so)
I like the colour of my (dyed) hair
I like the way my body is build 
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sanstarklings · 11 years
Tagging Game
Tagged by drawn-to-darkness (Thanks Alexa <3)
Rule one: always post the rules
Rule two: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 5 new ones
Rule three: tag 5 people and link them to the post
Rule four: actually tell them you tagged them
My Answers:
1) Where have you never been but always wanted to visit? Venice, Italy. For as long as I can remember I've daydreamed about it :) 2) If you could sit down and have lunch with anyone in the whole world, dead or alive, famous or not, who would it be? Oh wow, this is an tricky question! All I can think of is Oscar Wilde at the moment, it would be amazing to be able to talk to him about anything, really. But you know, I'd also love to meet some of my lovely online friends <3 3) Have you ever joined a fandom because of Tumblr and, if so, which one? Sooo many! The Primeval, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Arrow, and Orphan Black fandoms come immediately to my mind, and boy am I glad I'm in them (most of the time). I've met some of my closest online friends through them x 4) If you could have a crossover between any two of your fandoms, which would you choose? Primeval and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D!!!!!! *drools* Can you imagine how amazing that would be oh my goodness gvsjkhwafeghldfkszgdsyli!! 5) Who is your ultimate OTP you’d choose above all others? Man... I'll have to say Jess x Becker. I don't think I'll ever be able to shake those two.
My questions for all you tagged sweethearts! (Don't feel pressured to answer them x)
1) If I gave you a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, departure time the duration it would take from you leaving the house now to the airport, where would you go?
2) You have to remove something or someone you love from your mind forever- what would it be, and why?
3) What's something you desperately want to do sometime soon?
4) What is your biggest passion- tell us a bit about it?
5) Who are you closest to?
I'm tagging: leohenstridge, claudiabrowne, alwayshisconsuminglove, stanamylove, kutekoolkat
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I was tagged by fallingblackleaf
1. Lieblingsmusikrichtung? Favorite style of music?  Alternative, but I will listen to anything. 2. Machst du Sport, wenn ja, welche Sportart? Do you do sports and if you do what kind? Yep. Volleyball, basketball and softball. Basketball not so much anymore. 3. Lieblingscharakter im Fernsehen? Favorite TV character? I don’t know if I can pick. Either Kate Beckett or Addison Montgomery. 4. Hast du Haustiere? Do you have pets? I do. I have an Australian Shepherd 5. Tee oder Kaffee? Tea or coffee? I like both but I drink more coffee. 6. Was ist deine Lieblingssprache (auch wenn du sie nicht sprechen kannst)? What’s your favorite language (even if you can’t speak it)? Russian, even though I can’t speak it. Hopefully one day I will learn. 7. In welches Land willst du auf jeden Fall mal reisen? Which country would you like to visit? All of them! 8. Meer oder Berge? Ocean or mountains? Oceans even though I suck at swimming 9. Wenn du die Chance hättest, berühmt zu werden, würdest du es tun? If you’d have the chance to become famous, would you do it? Sure, but could I only do it for a week just to try it out. 10. Spielst du ein Instrument und wenn ja welches? Do you play an instrument and if you do which one? Yes, the violin and I use to be able to play the flute.
 My Questions:
1. If you could crossover a tv show and a movie, which ones would you pick? 2. What is your favorite episode of your favorite tv show? 3. Which actor would you want to guest star on your favorite tv show? 4. What are you most afraid of? 5. Do you have a favorite Disney character, if so who is it? 6. Favorite movie genre? 7. If you had a superpower, what would you want it to be? 8. What’s the best gift you have ever received? 9. Least favorite movie and why? 10. If you could change anything in the world, what would it be? 
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yourstoadore · 11 years
I was tagged by http://onceuponacastleofrizzles.tumblr.com
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Actually tell people you’ve tagged them!
Onceuponacastleofrizzles's questions:
1) Do you like the rain?
Yes, I love the rain. It seems to bring out the best of me. Until it gets all sloshy and muddy and generally disgusting. Then, it brings out the worst in me  - Mr. Crankypants >.<
2) How are you today?
Good, actually. Have a lot of work to do, but instead watched baby Calzona and bonded with family :3
3) How old are you?
Turned sixteen recently. 
4) What did you get for Christmas (Or whatever holiday you celebrate)?
Christmas, actually, is of no significance to me whatsoever, because we're not Catholic nor Jewish nor any of the typical others. So a normal day, with no gifts :\ BUT but but, I did go to my favourite restaurant for lunch, so YAY!
5) Are you going to make a new years resolution?
Hmm, I don't really know. I do make one every year, and never keep one, but old habits die hard. Hey, who knows? Maybe I'll actually keep mine this year.
6) Last movie you saw at the cinema?
Technically, Dhoom 3, which is a Hindi movie that I'm sure not a lot of you know about.  Last English movie was, I think, Gravity? :O Wow. It's been some time. I guess I'm just used to watching it all on the internet. 
7) Did you have a nice Christmas (Or whatever holiday you celebrate)?
Yes, I had a nice day :)
8) Do you miss anybody?
Right now, in this very moment, I miss my doggie, Goldie. She was a speckled cockerspaniel. I had her since I was like a year old and she passed away when I was 7. I do have another dog now, but I'm really missing her today :\ </3
9) What would be your super power of choice?
I don't know. I'm going to be the lame kid that says the superpower that allows me to change my superpower whenever I want. 
(don't pelt me) *takes cover*
10) Top 5 favourite TV shows at the moment in any order. GO:
In no particular order: 1. Sherlock 2. Castle 3. Once Upon a Time 4. Freaks and Geeks 5. The Fosters
11) If we have not spoken yet: My name is not Buddy the elf, but anyway, what’s your favourite colour?
I love lots of colours. A part of the green spectrum, purple, sea-greens, lime green and black is my life.
My questions:
What is your favourite pass time?
How would you rate yourself, on a scale of 1 to 10, on your ability to edit?
What's your stand on LGBT rights, and legalizing gay marriage?
If you could eat anything from anywhere right now, what would you have?
If you could have one wish granted to you right now, what would you use it for? (and no asking for more wishes - Sorry, genie rules.)
Dream pet?
Top 5 favourite books?
New Year's plans?
Your top 3 ships as of right now- GO:
Your last dream?
Are you feeling okay? if you aren't, come to me- I give biiiiig huggie kay? 
I tag:
Have some fun :D
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miss-bythebook · 11 years
Dear Santa, I don't want much for Christmas. I just want the person reading this to remain in my life forever. Send this to the people you don't wanna lose :) love you forever xx:) whoever stops this will be unhappy for the first 3 months of 2014. Tell 9 people you love them, I hope I am one :)
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emeraldarcherqueen · 11 years
Happy Birthday! :)
Thank you! :) 
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softestdahyun · 11 years
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
ICON: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
THEME: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
SIDEBAR: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless |SEX
POSTS: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
OVERALL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | SEX
RATE: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | SEX
FOLLOWING: No | Yes | I Am Now| Forever
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