sadiqssolitude · 29 days
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#LucyBrown #JennyLewis #ClaudiaBrown #Primeval #writer #director #actress #portrait #pencildrawing
Full vid: https://youtu.be/AGJUJT06Mvc Shorts: https://youtu.be/YzXDObz3kUM
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The original team and smiling
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sanstarklings · 10 years
Questions Tag!
I was tagged by the ever-so-lovely Imogen! Thanks, love ♥
1. What’s the best present you’ve ever received? 
I had to think a fair bit about this one, and it's a tie between a pair of small, heart diamond earrings I got from my Mum on my first birthday after my parents split up, my Doctor Who disappearing Tardis mug from Emma, and a pair of plastic spoons labelled "Curry spoons", also from Emma (it's a personal joke that never fails to make me smile).
2. Why did you join Tumblr?
I can't quite remember why. I joined a month after I turned thirteen- I found out about Tumblr through my Glee obssession after stumbling across some Glee blogs. I thought since I joined Facebook and was obviously super mature that I should get a Tumblr too. 
3. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
Well, I like to read and write (as most of you know). I also dance and play the piano, but I'm not super good at either so don't build up some amazingly talented image of me in your head haha! Ummm... I don't really have any other hobbies. Wow, I'm so uninteresting.
4. Favourite day of the week?
Ohh... probably Saturday, with it being the first day of the weekend and all :D
5. If you could meet any historical figure who would it be?
To be honest, I'm not the well versed person in history, but as an Aussie I'm familiar with Ronald Ryan and his crimes and would want to meet him so that I could know what really happened!
6. If you could go back and experience another time for a day, when would it be?
Mmmm... this is a really good question! I'd have to say the 1920's- just thinking about the jazz music, parties, and just that general sort of atmosphere makes my heart swell.
7. Favourite item of clothing?
My red biker coat orrr my new brown heeled boots.
8. If you could have one power what would it be?
To have the powers of metamorphosis. Not to change the things about myself that I hate (though that would be good), but to be able to fit into any environment like I belong there and learn about it and the people. (The writer is strong in this question).
9. Favourite fictional character when you were growing up?
Amy Cahill from the 39 Clues series (I didn't really get into Harry Potter until a few years ago, but if I had it would be a character from there)! I found her so smart and resourceful, and her protectiveness over Dan was something I could imagine myself having over my sister if we had adventures like they did!
10. Show that you want to watch / book you want to read but haven’t yet?
Game of Thrones, Book #1 of A Song of Ice and Fire (I BOUGHT IT LAST WEEKEND YEAH YEAHYEHA)! Andd The Musketeers, though I need to catch up on a lot of my shows before watching that!
11. Favourite animal? 
It's a tie between dogs or horses. I just love them both a lot vghfsjkDgbfkz,
I'm tagging Eliise, Laura, and Marisa! Your questions, girlies, are...
1. When were you last put under a large amount of pressure, and what was it involving?
2. What is your most vivid memory?
3. What is your silliest fear?
4. Do you have any objects, smells, etc. that you associate with bad things?
5. Are there any issues you are extremely passionate about?
6. What makes your blood boil with anger?
7. If you could be talented at anything, what would it be?
8. What is the funniest thing that happened to you today (or that you witnessed)?
9. Where do you wish you could be right now?
10. Are you okay? x
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cilly-murphy · 11 years
Hello! Just letting you know I recently included you in my Christmas follow forever (there's a link in my updates tab). xx
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abaddonsboys · 11 years
#33 for cryingcas. (Love your blog, by the way!) Could I have a blograte/advice, please? xx
Yeah, here we go :)And thank you, dear
URL: 4/10 (i don’t get it, sorry)Posts: 7.5/10Overall: 6.5/10Following: No, but Ilu | Now | Yeah | Forever
Advice: Your theme looks a little boring because everything is b/w on your sidebar. Maybe find something colourful for the sidebar pic?
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buckybzrnes · 11 years
Hello! Just wanted to say I adore your blog. :) x
Hi! Thank you so much, my dear! It makes me very happy especially since I love yours too! Thank you ♥
And hope you have a good day ! 
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Incorrect Primeval 3
Stephen: Where is my fucking gun?
Claudia: Language!
Stephen: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my fucking gun?
(Because you know if they’d been allowed to swear, Stephen would have been first in line. And Danny)
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Primeval x Hogwarts
Finally made that edit I was talking about, @nowhere-dawn-death-phan
The Gryffindor one’s kinda bad. Oops.
You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart
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You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil
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Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind
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Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.
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Primeval Headcanon
Headcanon that Jenny has twins. A boy and a girl.  Michael lets her choose the first names, on condition that he picks the middle names.
He picks Claudia for the girl.
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Jenny: I am speechless! Nick, narrating: Despite being speechless, Jenny yelled at us for the next twenty minutes.
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Thirty Days Of Primeval
Day Thirteen - Claudia Brown Or Jenny Lewis?
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I loved Claudia. Loved.
At first, I didn’t like Jenny. I think a big reason for that was that she didn’t seem to understand what being part of the ARC team was.
I liked Jenny a lot more in Series Three.
So, loved Claudia in Series One.
Swayed between eugh and eh and okay for Jenny in Series Two.
Really liked her in Series Three.
Loved her in 4x06. That was my favourite Jenny/Claudia appearance ever
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(Also, just a little note. I always shipped Jenny with Nick, but I never really shipped him with Claudia that much. Dunno why)
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Autumn 17 s4&5 team please. :)
Autumn Prompts!
17. Bonfire Night(Hope you like it! And I hope you don’t mind that I added Jenny in)
It’s dark in the middle of the Forest of Dean. Dark except for the mountain of wood, ablaze with light. With fire. With the ARC’s bonfire.
“Why the Forest of Dean?” Matt asks.
“To quote Connor, ‘It’s symbolic, innit?’” Becker says, nodding at the bonfire, where Connor, Abby and Emily are jumping around, chanting something and sounding vaguely demonic. “This is where the first anomaly was. What is it now, nine years?”
“Eight years and nine months.” Jess tell him, moving a baby bundled up to nonsense from one hip to the other. It’s Abby and Connor’s baby, but seeing as they’re busy trying to summon a demon from the bonfire, Jess is looking after her.
“Close enough.” Becker says before turning and going to the car.
“Glad you’ve still got on organised person on the team.” Jenny says, trying not to roll her eyes.
“Mummy, can I go?” her small son asks, tugging at her hand.
“No, George-“
“Oh, let them go, Jenny. Abby’ll make sure they don’t fall into the fire.” Lester tells her, patting Jenny’s daughter on the head. “Off you go, Gracie.” he tells her, and Jenny’s twins run off towards the flames. Emily catches the little boy and swings him up in the air, while Connor does the same to the little girl.
“Honestly, Lester…”
“Jenny, I’ve been through three of my own kids and at least twenty bonfire nights between them all. Trust me, they’re fine.”
“Marshmallows!” Becker announces as he comes back to the group. He looks at the baby Jess is holding quizzically. “Can Nikki-“
“For God’s sake, Becker, she’s five months old.” Jess tells him.
“I don’t know how babies work!” he says defensively before turning to Jenny. “Jen, can George and Grace have some?”
“One each.” Jenny tells him.
“Three at least.” Lester says.
“Come on, Jenny, it’s bonfire night. Bonfire night’s like Halloween, kids have as many sweets as they like.”
“Or as many as they can handle before they’re sick.”
“Exactly.” Lester says, plucking an over-sized marshmallow from the bag in Becker’s hand and popping it in his mouth before folding his arms. Becker takes off towards the bonfire, holding the bag in the air.
“Hey! Give me one!” Matt yells, running after him. Jess sighs and passes baby Nikki Temple to Lester.
“Better go after them and make sure they don’t get too hyper.” she says before following them. Jenny and Lester stand in silence, Lester holding onto the now-asleep baby.
“We didn’t do too badly, did we?” Jenny asks quietly.
“What on earth do you mean? We did perfectly well with them.” Lester says.
Abby has one of Jenny’s children on each arm. Becker and Matt have started throwing marshmallows at Connor while Emily does a strange dance with Jess. Several minutes later, the marshmallow fight has dissolved into a swordfight with branches with Becker, Matt and Jess on one side, Connor, Abby and Emily on the other while Jenny’s children sit on the ground, eating the remainder of the marshmallows. They may or may not have also found a bag of Haribo in Becker’s pocket and might be arguing over who gets the last fried egg.
“Dinosaurs!” Connor’s side of the sword fight shouts.
“No!” shouts Matt’s side.
“A tank!” Lester yells.
“Really?” Becker asks, momentarily distracted.
“No, you plonker!” Lester shouts back, just as the first fireworks from Cutter’s university’s bonfire night explode far off in the distance.
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Primeval As Marvel Quotes
Stephen: You get hurt, hurt ‘em back. You get killed, walk it off.
Abby: It’s not about saving our world. It’s about saving theirs.
Becker: I may be as pretty as an angel, but I sure as hell ain’t one.
Matt: Part of the journey is the end.
Jenny: I’m always picking up after you boys.
Nick: A thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts.
Lester: That’s my secret, Christine. I’m always angry.
Phillip: Just because something works does not mean it cannot be improved.
Danny: I can do this all day.
Helen: Whatever it takes.
Emily: I have nothing to prove to you.
Jess: You lied to me. I’m impressed.
Sarah: I’m kind of done with you telling me what to do.
Claudia: Language!
Connor: I have part of a plan.
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Cutter: Hey, do you know anyone who can teach me how to play the trumpet? Claudia: Why? Cutter: I want to annoy Lester. Claudia: Technically, you don’t have to know how to play the trumpet to do that. Cutter: Cutter: You have opened my eyes. *walks away* Claudia: What have I done?
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More Headcanons Mostly About Children And Families
Primeval and Kids
(I think @nowhere-dawn-death-phan did this. I’m pretty sure. Some of mine might be different)
Looks like they’d be good with kids and are: Sarah, Abby, Claudia, Jess
Looks like they’d be good with kids but aren’t: Connor, Becker, Emily
Doesn’t look like they’d be good with kids but are: Cutter, Stephen, Helen, Danny
Doesn’t look like they’d be good with kids and aren’t: Lester, Jenny, Phillip, Matt
When confronted with a child under the age of three, Becker will hide in the kitchen.
Jess has always wanted to have children. Always. She’s part of a big family, she’s excellent with babies.
Jenny will hold babies at arm’s length and grimace.
Claudia, on the other hand, is itching to cuddle a baby the second she sees it.
Connor and Matt try their best, but they don’t quite understand what is appropriate for what ages.  “Why are you giving my three month old LEGO!!!!”
Danny would be that parent/sibling who will go against every rule that has been set for you.  “Sure you can have ice-cream for breakfast. Of course you can watch TV until three hours past your bedtime. No, your mum won’t mind you painting on the walls.”
Lester has three kids, but he has no idea what to do with them. He regularly enlists team members to babysit.
When Stephen’s looking after a little kid, he’ll take it to the park or the woods and they’ll go ‘tracking.’ It’s really a treasure hunt he made for them. 
Nick and Helen never had children, but they are excellent with wee kids in primary school because they will help them get ahead in class and teach them things not strictly in the curriculum.
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Thirty Days Of Primeval
Day Twenty Six - Happiest Moment For The Team Or An Individual
Jenny’s wedding
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I think, before she realised there must be an anomaly, she was thrilled the team were there. And even once she found out there was an anomaly, she was really happy to have them there.
But at the same time, it’s kind of bitter-sweet because she had left the team behind. Jenny had managed to move on and forget about the ARC. And you know that sometimes, just sometimes, the others wish they could do the same.
Wow, I turned the happy day sad. Sorry about that.
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